The Sensitivity of Children to Electromagnetic Fields

Leeka Kheifets, PhD*; Michael Repacholi, PhD‡; Rick Saunders, PhD‡; and Emilie van Deventer, PhD‡

ABSTRACT. In today’s world, technologic develop- hildren in both industrialized and developing ments bring social and economic benefits to large sec- countries are exposed to a large variety of tions of society; however, the health consequences of environmental agents including indoor and these developments can be difficult to predict and man- C outdoor air pollution, water and food contaminants, age. With rapid advances in electromagnetic field (EMF) chemicals (eg, pesticides, lead, mercury), and physi- technologies and communications, children are increas- cal agents such as radiation and excessive ingly exposed to EMFs at earlier and earlier ages. Con- sistent epidemiologic evidence of an association between noise. Changes in exposure to these agents are being childhood leukemia and exposure to extremely low fre- linked to real or perceived increases in the incidence quency (ELF) magnetic fields has led to their classifica- of certain childhood diseases, such as asthma, leuke- tion by the International Agency for Research on Cancer mia, and brain cancer, and in some behavioral and as a “possible human .” Concerns about the learning disabilities. Environmental exposures can potential vulnerability of children to be particularly harmful to children because of their (RF) fields have been raised because of the potentially special vulnerability during periods of development greater susceptibility of their developing nervous sys- before and after birth. tems; in addition, their brain tissue is more conductive, Exposure to electric and magnetic fields from 0 to RF penetration is greater relative to head size, and they will have a longer lifetime of exposure than adults. To 300 GHz has been increasing greatly as countries evaluate information relevant to children’s sensitivity to increase their capacity to generate and distribute both ELF and RF EMFs and to identify research needs, electricity and take advantage of the many new tech- the World Health Organization held an expert workshop nologies, such as telecommunications, to improve in Istanbul, Turkey, in June 2004. This article is based on lifestyle and work efficiency (Fig 1). Evidence of an discussions from the workshop and provides back- association between childhood leukemia and expo- ground information on the development of the embryo, sure to (ELF) magnetic fetus, and child, with particular attention to the develop- fields has led to their classification by the Interna- ing brain; an outline of childhood susceptibility to envi- tional Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a ronmental toxicants and childhood diseases implicated “possible human carcinogen”1 based on consistent in EMF studies; and a review of childhood exposure to EMFs. It also includes an assessment of the potential epidemiologic data and lack of support by laboratory susceptibility of children to EMFs and concludes with a studies in animals and cells. The reason why the recommendation for additional research and the devel- results of the childhood leukemia studies are consis- opment of precautionary policies in the face of scientific tent is still being investigated, but one possibility is uncertainty. Pediatrics 2005;116:e303–e313. URL: www. that children may be more sensitive to radiation in pediatrics.org/cgi/doi/10.1542/peds.2004-2541; children, some or all parts of the . environmental risk, policies, sensitive periods, mobile Concerns about the potential vulnerability of chil- phones, electromagnetic fields, power lines. dren to radio frequency (RF) fields from mobile te- lephony were first raised by an expert group in the 2 ABBREVIATIONS. ELF, extremely low frequency; IARC, Interna- United Kingdom on the grounds that children have tional Agency for Research on Cancer; RF, radio frequency; EMF, a longer lifetime of exposure than adults, and from a electromagnetic field; WHO, World Health Organization; CNS, physiologic point of view, they have a developing central nervous system; ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; nervous system, their brain tissue is more conductive AML, acute myeloblastic leukemia; SAR, specific absorption rate. than that of adults because it has a higher water content and ion concentration, and they have greater absorption of RF energy in the tissues of the head at From the *Department of Epidemiology, University of California School of mobile telephone frequencies. This topic was dis- Public Health, Los Angeles, California; and ‡Radiation and Environmental Health, World Health Organization, , . cussed further at a European Cooperation in the Accepted for publication Feb 2, 2005. Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST) 281 doi:10.1542/peds.2004-2541 workshop,3 in a report of the Health Council of the The opinions in this paper are the sole responsibility of the authors and do Netherlands,4 and in a recent report from the United not represent the position of the World Health Organization. Kingdom’s National Radiological Protection Board.5 Conflict of interest: Dr Kheifets worked and consulted for Electric Power Research Institute and Utilities (Palo Alto, CA), and Dr Saunders worked To evaluate the available information relevant to for the National Radiation Protection Board (Oxfordshire, United King- children’s sensitivity to electromagnetic fields dom). (EMFs) and to identify research needs, the World Address correspondence to Leeka Kheifets, PhD, Department of Epidemi- Health Organization (WHO) held an expert work- ology, UCLA School of Public Health, 73-284 CHS, 50 Charles E. Young Dr S, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772. E-mail: [email protected] shop in Istanbul, Turkey, in June 2004. This article is PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2005 by the American Acad- based on discussions and recommendations from the emy of Pediatrics. workshop and provides background information on

www.pediatrics.org/cgi/doi/10.1542/peds.2004-2541Downloaded from www.aappublications.org/news by PEDIATRICSguest on September Vol. 24, 1162019 No. 2 August 2005 e303 Fig 1. Electromagnetic spectrum. VDUs indicates video display units. the development of the embryo, fetus, and child, ity can vary quite rapidly during the prenatal period, with particular attention to the developing brain; an whereas slower changes occur postnatally.6 outline of childhood susceptibility to environmental During the first 2 weeks of embryonic develop- toxicants, childhood diseases implicated in EMF ment (known as the “all-or-none period”), the em- studies, and exposure to ELF and RF fields, with a bryo is very sensitive to the lethal effects of toxic focus on children. After a brief presentation of the agents and much less sensitive to the induction of EMF science most pertinent to effects on children malformation. Many of the cells are still omnipoten- and a review of several proposed mechanisms, the tial stem cells, and if the embryo survives a toxic potential sensitivity of children to EMFs is discussed. exposure it can recuperate without an increased risk Finally, recommendations are outlined on the pro- of birth defects or growth retardation. During the tection of children through the development of pre- next 6 to 8 weeks of development, major organogenic cautionary approaches in the face of scientific uncer- events occur and toxic agents with teratogenic po- tainty. tential can cause major malformations of the visceral organs, the CNS, the face, and the limbs. From the FROM EMBRYO TO ADOLESCENCE 8th to the 15th week, neuron proliferation, differen- Embryo, Fetal, and Childhood Development tiation, and migration in the CNS are particularly Development proceeds from conception to adult- vulnerable.7 Genitourinary and other malformations, hood through a number of different stages in which gonad cell depletion, and neurodevelopmental prob- the developmental processes are markedly different, lems may occur if the thresholds for these effects are and their susceptibility to environmental teratogens exceeded. During the late fetal period, effects on varies. The prenatal period of development is di- growth of the fetus and susceptible organs such as vided roughly into 3 periods: the preimplantation the CNS diminish, but vulnerability to deleterious period, extending from fertilization to the settling of effects remains high compared with adults. the embryo into the uterine wall; a period of orga- Development continues after birth, but now this nogenesis, characterized by the formation of the process largely entails the maturation of existing or- main body structures; and the fetal period, during gan systems, although growth is still occurring. Neu- which growth of the structures already formed takes robiologists long believed that neurogenesis in the place. Additional developmental changes take place human ends during the first months of postnatal life, after birth. Postnatal changes are characterized by but recent rodent and primate studies demonstrate slower growth and maturation of existing organ sys- that there is lifelong neuron production in some tems, notably the central nervous system (CNS), the parts of the CNS.8 However, with some particular hemopoietic and immune systems, the endocrine exceptions, most adult neurons are already produced and reproductive systems, and the skeletal system. by birth. The number of connections (synapses) be- The completion of sexual development at the end of tween neurons in the human brain peaks at ϳ2 years the second or the beginning of the third decade of and decreases by 40% to the adult number during human life marks the completion of this period of adolescence8 as experience is acquired and “redun- growth and maturation. Essentially, however, the dant” connections lost. This reflects the balance be- nature of the toxicant and the timing and magnitude tween the formation of new synapses (synaptogen- of exposure determine the risk of any adverse effects esis) and synapse elimination, a “pruning” back of in terms of both severity and occurrence. Vulnerabil- excess synapses between neurons, which are key

e304 SENSITIVITY OF CHILDRENDownloaded from TO www.aappublications.org/news ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDSby guest on September 24, 2019 processes in the development of the postnatal “hard- males exposed in utero developed masculine behav- wiring” of the brain. Another important neurologic iors, and males showed exaggerated male mating event that occurs postnatally is myelination, which behaviors. These observations suggest that these facilitates the transmission of information within the chemicals masculinized by mimicking steroid hor- CNS and occurs most rapidly from birth to 24 mones or by changing hormone levels. months but may also continue into the second de- Of perhaps more specific interest are toxic expo- cade. Unfortunately, the susceptibility of these pro- sures that affect the nervous system of the fetus, cesses to environmental agents has not been studied infant, and child. Because development of the ner- extensively and thus is not well understood. How- vous system is very specific in pattern and timing, ever, because developmental processes are vulnera- exposure to various agents at critical periods of de- ble to disruption by agents that may not be toxic to velopment can cause long-lasting or permanent in- mature systems, it is reasonable to expect that the jury. For instance, exposure to ethanol or methylmer- later stages of brain development present special cury has been shown to affect neuronal proliferation risks.8 in rodents and in other experimental models. Some Other threshold effects that can result from post- agents such as ethanol, lead, methylmercury, and natal exposures include interference with fertility some pesticides seem to affect synaptogenesis. Each and endocrine function, alterations in sexual matu- of the multiple processes of neural development has ration, and interference with the development of the been shown to be affected by specific toxic agents, immune system. Endocrine disrupters, exogenous often at low doses but at critical periods of develop- substances that mimic the action of hormones (par- ment. ticularly steroids), may alter the function of the de- The timing of exposure might be critical as well: veloping endocrine system and have adverse effects for , excess risk for leukemias and on the reproductive organs, liver, kidney, adrenal brain and thyroid cancer is higher for exposures that glands, CNS, immune system, cardiovascular sys- occur in childhood; the risk of breast cancer was tem, and bones.9 highest for Japanese women exposed to ionizing ra- Exposure to toxic agents with mutagenic and car- diation from the atomic bomb during puberty, al- cinogenic potential, such as ionizing radiation, can- though the risk also increased in women who were cer chemotherapeutic drugs, and some chemicals, Ͻ10 years old (an age at which girls have little or no poses theoretical, stochastic risks for the induction or breast tissue) at the time of the explosion.11 Similarly, progression of cancer during embryonic and child- sunburns in childhood seem to be particularly potent hood development. However, although many agents in increasing the risk of later in life.12 have been alleged to be responsible for cancer and Exposure in childhood may also increase the risk of genetic disease, such effects will only result from disease later in life simply because the duration of agents that have either mutagenic properties or the exposure can be much longer if it starts early. There ability to produce more subtle effects on carcinogenic is evidence, for instance, that the younger a person is processes, such as the stimulation of excessive cell when starting smoking, the higher the risk of lung proliferation or an influence on cell-to-cell commu- cancer.13 nication, apoptosis, or DNA repair. Childhood Diseases Relevant to EMF Exposure Children’s Susceptibility to Environmental Exposures Some diseases are limited to the embryo, child, or Several aspects of exposure and susceptibility war- adolescent; other diseases that occur in children and rant a focus on children. In some exposure scenarios, adults manifest themselves differently in children. children may receive higher doses than adults, re- Of particular relevance to EMF exposure are child- sulting from higher intake and accumulation or dif- hood leukemia and brain cancer. There is consistent ferences in behavior. Greater susceptibility to some evidence from epidemiologic studies of a risk of toxicants and physical agents has been demonstrated childhood leukemia associated with exposure to en- in children. Because the period from embryonic life vironmentally high levels of ELF magnetic fields. to adolescence is characterized by growth and devel- There is no explanation for this effect from labora- opment, deleterious effects can occur at lower levels tory studies. An increased risk of brain cancer has and be more severe or lead to effects that do not been investigated in relation to ELF exposures and occur in adults; on the other hand, children can be has been raised particularly in the context of mobile- more resilient because of better recuperative capaci- phone use and the absorption of RF signals by the ties. brain, although there is no convincing evidence sug- Toxic exposures in utero have produced effects gesting an increased risk. To put potential EMF ef- that are quite surprising, given the period or level of fects in perspective and determine how EMFs might exposure. Cassidy et al10 reported that exposure to be involved in the development of these diseases, we the persistent organochlorine chlordane in utero at provide a brief overview of rates and risk factors for quite low levels causes significant long-term alter- them. ations in sexual behavior. These effects were evident at levels of exposure very similar to those experi- Childhood Leukemia enced in homes in the United States when chlordane Leukemias are the most common cancer to affect and heptachlor were universally applied as termiti- children, accounting for 25% to 35% of all childhood cides. Both of these chemicals produced marked malignancies. The biological heterogeneity of child- changes in sexually dimorphic functions in rats; fe- hood leukemia is well documented; the major mor-

Downloaded from www.aappublications.org/newswww.pediatrics.org/cgi/doi/10.1542/peds.2004-2541 by guest on September 24, 2019 e305 phologic types are acute lymphoblastic leukemia CNS tumors (0–14 years) vary between developed (ALL) and acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML). and developing nations, with the higher rates ob- The rate of leukemia for children Ͻ15 years old has served in most Westernized countries reaching 3 per been estimated to be ϳ4 per 100 000 per year in the 100 000 per year compared with 1 to 2 per 100 000 in developed world and 2.5 per 100 000 per year in the other parts of the world.19 Over recent decades, developing world.14 In developed countries, the in- steady rises in the incidence of childhood CNS tu- cidence of leukemia rises rapidly after birth, peaking mors have been observed in several populations of at ϳ3 years of age before declining and then rising the United Kingdom, the United States, , and steadily again throughout life. Thus, unlike many . The debate continues over whether these cancers, it has a short latency and a peak incidence increases are “real” or an artifact of improved diag- early in life15 that has resulted in many etiologic nostic practice and case finding by cancer registries. hypotheses, most notably those involving exposure The causes of CNS cancers are largely unknown, to infections.16 although up to 5% may be explained by genetic Subtypes of AML and ALL are frequently charac- predisposition, associated with disorders such as terized by genetic alterations, including changes in neurofibromatosis type I.20,21 Having a parent or sib- chromosome number (hyperdiploidy or hypodip- ling with a CNS tumor also increases the risk. The loidy) and chromosomal translocations that may in- identification of environmental risk factors for CNS volve chimeric or fusion genes.17,18 These genes in- tumors has generally been inconsistent.20,21 Again, clude MLL, TEL, and AML1, all of which can fuse ionizing radiation given in therapeutic doses is one with many other genes and, in the case of TEL and of the few known risk factors for CNS tumors. AML1, with each other. There is strong evidence that this rearrangement may originate in utero, sup- CHILDREN؅S EXPOSURE TO RF AND ELF FIELDS ported by data obtained from studies of identical In evaluating the potential role of environmental twins or children with concordant ALL. Screening of exposures in the development of childhood diseases, newborn blood samples suggests that ϳ1% have the it is important to consider not only the fact that TEL-AML1 gene fusion, 100 times the proportion of childhood exposures can be different from exposures children that will develop ALL with a TEL-AML1 during adulthood but also the fact that they can be gene fusion before the age of 15 years. This implies highly age dependent. Exposures of interest during that the conversion of the preleukemic clone to overt the preconception and gestation periods include res- disease is low and that development of childhood idential and parental exposures to ELF and RF fields, ALL is a multistep process requiring at least 1 pre- including mothers’ exposure from use of domestic natal event in combination with additional prenatal appliances and mobile phones. Infants and toddlers and/or postnatal events. Although the “first hit,” the are exposed mostly at home or at day care facilities. initiating in utero event, is believed to be common, Among preteens, exposure sources expand to in- the “second hit,” possibly occurring postnatally, is clude mobile-phone use and sources at school, with rare and therefore acts as the rate-determining step an increased use of mobile phones in adolescence. in development of the disease. Here we focus on 2 major exposure scenarios: resi- As with most other cancers, the mechanism by dential ELF and RF exposures and exposure from which leukemia arises is likely to involve gene-envi- mobile phones. ronment interactions, the environmental exposures being derived from both endogenous and exogenous Residential Exposure sources. Accordingly, it is important to identify ex- Everyone is exposed to ELF electric and magnetic posures that either cause DNA damage and induce fields at home.22 High-voltage power lines are a ma- chromosome breaks that are repaired inadequately jor source of exposure for children who live near or act as promoters and/or progressers, ultimately them; however, only ϳ 1% of children live in close leading to the overt expression of the disease. Expo- proximity to high-voltage lines. For most children, sures acting before birth and early in life have long exposure to low-level fields from primary and sec- been thought to be important determinants of leuke- ondary distribution wiring is continuous; short-du- mia; it is unfortunate that the evidence regarding the ration and intermittent exposure to higher fields re- majority of suggested exposures is limited and often sults from proximity to domestic appliances. ELF contradictory. Ionizing radiation given at large doses exposure also occurs at school, during transport, and is one of the few known risk factors for leukemia. even during mobile-phone use. Typical average magnetic fields in homes seem to be ϳ0.05 to 0.1 ␮T. Brain Cancer Generally, magnetic fields in homes vary from coun- CNS tumors account for ϳ20% of all malignancies try to country; geometric-mean fields are ϳ35 nT in in children Ͻ15 years old19 but account for Ͻ2% of the United Kingdom and 70 nT in the United States. cancers in adults. CNS cancers in children occur in This difference results from the supply voltage used tissues of mesodermal or embryonic origin, but in in the United States (110 V) being approximately half adults they occur in epithelial tissues. Another dif- that used in the United Kingdom (220 V), leading to ference between childhood and adult tumors is that approximately twice the electric current and mag- adult tumors tend to occur in the cerebral hemi- netic field exposure. The fraction of homes with av- spheres, whereas the majority of pediatric tumors are erage fields above certain thresholds likewise varies; brainstem gliomas. for example, 1% to 2% of homes in the United King- The international incidence rates of childhood dom and 10% in the United States have fields of Ͼ0.2

e306 SENSITIVITY OF CHILDRENDownloaded from TO www.aappublications.org/news ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDSby guest on September 24, 2019 ␮T. Exposure to appliances has been estimated to be a day, compared with 10% of older subjects).24,25 30% of total exposure. Maximum fields experienced Moreover, several recent trends (such as increased are typically in the tens of microtesla. There is evi- popularity, reduced price, and advertising to chil- dence that younger children use appliances less (and dren) have led to increased mobile-phone use among spend less time outside the home), so their personal children.26 A steep increase in mobile-phone owner- exposure is closer to and correlates better with the ship among children has been reported in several fields in the home. public-opinion surveys.27 For example, in Australia RF fields are produced by radio and television Ͼ90% of 6- to 9-year-olds reported sometimes using broadcasts, mobile phones and base stations, and their parents’ mobile phones, and in Germany ap- other communications infrastructure. Radio and tele- proximately one third of 9- to 10-year-olds reported vision signals are broadcast to a large area from owning a mobile phone. Clearly, mobile phones are comparatively few sites. Mobile-phone base stations the dominant source of RF exposure for teens and cover a smaller area and produce much lower emis- preteens. sions but are now much more common than radio and television stations (tens of thousands in many HEALTH-RISK ASSESSMENT countries). Because of the width and angle of the RF The workshop addressed the potential sensitivity signal beam and perturbation by the earth and build- of children at all stages of development from concep- ing materials, there is little correlation between field tion through to sexual maturity. The nature of any strength and distance to the source. Typical power adverse health effect that ensues from exposure to an densities outdoors would be 0.01 to 1 mW · mϪ2 but environmental toxicant depends not only on the tim- could be orders of magnitude higher (ie, Ն100 mW · ing and magnitude of the exposure but also on the mϪ2). Depending on where the measurements are mechanisms by which the toxicant interacts with the taken, base stations can be the largest individual developing tissue or organ. As a consequence, it is source of RF fields, but other sources such as radio or not possible to generalize about the possible health television transmitters can result in comparable or effects that might ensue from exposure to an agent greater exposures. Indoor levels are often lower by posing unknown risks to health by drawing parallels orders of magnitude, because buildings screen fields. with other toxic agents unless they have very similar A European median indoor power density of 0.005 mechanisms of interaction. Instead, it is necessary to mW·mϪ2 has been reported. examine the experimental and epidemiologic evi- Background environmental levels are the primary dence by formulating and testing hypotheses on the source of RF exposure for very young children. Po- basis of an examination of the known and possible tential sources of residential RF exposure to children interaction mechanisms. are wireless in-house communications (eg, wireless monitors used in children’s cribs, cordless phones, Health Risks to Children From ELF Fields Wi-Fi) and mobile-phone use by someone in close Exposure to ELF EMFs induces electric fields and proximity to a child, creating passive exposure. Be- currents within the body; guidance on exposure is cause children Ͻ5 years of age usually spend most of based on avoiding the risks to health that result from their time at home, residential exposure can be a the interaction of the induced fields and currents sufficient predictor of individual exposure.22,23 RF with electrically excitable nerve tissue, particular that exposure may be estimated more easily for children of the CNS (see, for example, refs 28 and 29). Present than for adults, because the variety of exposure guidance on occupational exposure is based on a sources is smaller. When they reach adulthood, to- basic restriction on induced current density in the day’s children will have a much higher cumulative CNSof10mA·mϪ2, which approximates an electric exposure to RF fields than today’s adults. field in CNS tissue of ϳ100 mV · mϪ1. Guidance on At present, population exposure to RF fields has public exposure incorporates an additional safety been much less characterized than ELF fields, partly factor, reducing the basic restriction to 2 mA · mϪ2 because of technical challenges (lack of adequate (20 mV · mϪ1). The basic restrictions are linked to measuring equipment), the rapid evolution of mo- external field strengths (reference levels) through do- bile-phone technology (frequency, coding schemes), simetric calculation, which is based on realistic ana- and new patterns of use (duration of calls, short- tomic human models and measurements of the di- message services). However, the main reason ELF electric properties of human tissue. For general fields are better understood than RF fields is that public exposure, the corresponding reference levels they have been studied more. for power-frequency electric and magnetic fields are of the order of 5 kV/m and 100 ␮T, respectively. Mobile-Phone Use Dosimetric calculations have not been conducted Modern children will experience a longer period of extensively for children and have not been under- exposure to RF fields from mobile-phone use than taken for pregnant women and their unborn chil- adults, because they started using mobile phones at dren. In general, adults exposed to ELF electric or an early age and are likely to continue using them. magnetic fields have higher internal electric-field Data from a multinational case-control study of po- strengths and current densities than children because tential causes of adult brain cancer show that both of size and shape differences. However, the distribu- the prevalence of regular mobile-phone users and tions are different, and in children some tissues have daily use are highest in the younger age groups (eg, higher field strengths and current densities for the 19% of younger subjects made calls for Ͼ30 minutes same external field. Furthermore, children have sig-

Downloaded from www.aappublications.org/newswww.pediatrics.org/cgi/doi/10.1542/peds.2004-2541 by guest on September 24, 2019 e307 nificantly higher internal field strengths and current the scientific literature. They include studies investi- densities from contact currents than do adults. Dose gating the use of video display terminals, electric computations using anatomically correct models of blankets, or heated waterbeds, as well as studies of children30 reveal that modest, imperceptible current parental occupational exposure. Most studies have into the hand (10 ␮A) produces ϳ50mV·mϪ1 aver- found no effects, but these studies have been limited aged across the lower-arm marrow of a small child in exposure assessment and lacked the power to and approximately Ն130 mV · mϪ1 in 5% of that examine high exposure levels. Two studies have in- tissue. During pregnancy, the magnitude and distri- cluded personal measurements of ELF exposure and bution of induced electric fields and currents in the reported effects on spontaneous abortion in relation mother will be different because of changes in body to maximum measured magnetic fields.33,34 The pos- shape and will not have been assessed in the embryo sibility of exposure assessment bias in these studies or fetus. These factors, along with differences in di- has been discussed, and results need to be confirmed electric properties, need to be taken into account in in additional studies before firm conclusions can be assessing health risks to children from ELF EMFs. drawn. The guidance cited above was based on a consid- The potential cancer risks to children of exposure eration of laboratory evidence, including evidence to ELF EMF, estimated from residential proximity to from volunteer studies of magnetic phosphenes, and power sources and from measured fields, have been more recently on evidence from voltage-gated ion investigated in relation to in utero and postnatal time channel and neural-network behavior.29 Neurobe- periods and to paternal exposure. No consistent as- havioral studies in volunteers and in animals, mostly sociations have been observed for childhood CNS in adults, have not reported robust responses to ELF tumors.35 One recent study36 found an increased risk exposure31; overall, any changes seen have been sub- of childhood leukemia with high maternal occupa- tle, transient, and reversible. Workshop participants tional exposure during pregnancy. thought that there is no reason to suppose a greater An increased risk of childhood leukemia has been sensitivity of CNS neural networks and ion channels found to be consistently associated with exposure to to induced electric fields in children or in the embryo environmental levels of power-frequency magnetic or fetus. Reduced myelination seen in childhood and fields at levels very much below present guidance. early adolescence was not thought likely to increase Initial studies used a surrogate for magnetic fields sensitivity either. It is not clear what the impact (known as wire codes) that was based on distance would be of an overabundance of synaptic connec- and thickness of power lines near the residence.37 As tions seen in infants and early childhood, but any instruments became available, the focus shifted to increased sensitivity was considered to be covered measured or calculated magnetic fields. Results of by the more restrictive guidance on public exposure. dozens of increasingly sophisticated studies and the The evidence that induced electric fields might 2 pooled analyses have reported a doubling of risk affect development of the nervous system and other for children exposed to magnetic fields Ͼ0.3 to 0.4 tissue was discussed at the workshop in some detail. ␮T compared with children exposed to fields Ͻ0.1 Evidence was presented that endogenous direct-cur- ␮T.38,39 Although a number of factors, including so- rent electric fields of 10 to 100V·mϪ1 played a role cioeconomic status, have been evaluated as con- in prenatal development. There is little evidence re- founders, substantial confounding has not been iden- garding susceptibility to ELF electric fields, although tified. However, because of limited knowledge of the it was thought that there is no reason to suppose etiology of childhood leukemia, it is difficult to ex- greater sensitivity. It was noted that the direct-cur- clude the possibility of some yet-to-be-identified con- rent electric fields were several orders of magnitude founder or of confounding by a combination of fac- above present guidance values. However, the possi- tors. Nevertheless, substantial confounding of the ble influence of such fields on synaptogenesis observed association, it seems to us, is unlikely. Al- and/or synapse elimination is not known. though these results are also not likely to be a result Results from several independent research groups of chance, bias cannot be ruled out.40 An epidemio- suggest that exposure to ELF magnetic fields at mi- logically detectable risk of leukemia for children, but crotesla levels may disturb early development of not for adults, might result from either better expo- bird embryos. However, replication attempts have sure assessment for children or from greater suscep- been unsuccessful in some laboratories. Results from tibility in children. experiments with other nonmammalian experimen- At present there is no experimental evidence that tal models (fish, sea urchins, and insects) have also supports the view that this relationship is causal; suggested subtle effects on developmental stability.32 however, few animal studies have been conducted In mammals, prenatal exposure to ELF magnetic or using animal models of the predominant form of electric fields does not result in strong adverse effects childhood leukemia, and most carcinogenesis bioas- on development. Some effects of magnetic (or com- says begin when animals are sexually mature. In bined electric and magnetic) fields on postnatal de- addition, there is no biophysical explanation for bi- velopment have been reported, but evaluation of the ologically significant interactions at these low field consistency of the findings is difficult because of the values, so if the association is causal, then there is varying methods and approaches used in different currently no scientific explanation. Two hypotheses studies. for such effects were discussed at the workshop. Numerous epidemiologic studies of various preg- One hypothesis discussed at the workshop pro- nancy outcomes in relation to EMFs are available in posed that the association of power-frequency mag-

e308 SENSITIVITY OF CHILDRENDownloaded from TO www.aappublications.org/news ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDSby guest on September 24, 2019 netic fields with childhood leukemia may result from the size, shape, and tissue distribution of heads, the the flow of electric current through the bone marrow SAR values and exposure variations for child models of children after contact with water fixtures or a are similar to those for adults, although somewhat water stream in which a small voltage difference higher. In addition, the relative depth of penetration exists as a result of the grounding of the residential is larger for children, a logical consequence of electrical system to the water pipe.41 Calculation smaller head diameter. Dielectric studies encompass- shows that potentially significant electric fields ing several tissue types, including brain, obtained (more than ϳ100 mV · mϪ1) may be induced in the from newborn to fully grown rats, mice, and rabbits bone marrow in these circumstances; this lends bio- exposed to RF EMF in the frequency ranges of 130 logical plausibility to the proposed mechanism. The MHz to 10 GHz and 300 kHz to 300 MHz report effect of such weak electric fields in inducing effects large, age-related variations in the permittivity and in hematopoietic tissue that might increase the risk of conductivity of brain tissue and even larger varia- ALL, possibly by affecting preleukemic clones (see tions for skin and skull tissue.44–46 Thus, there is a above), has not been investigated. need for dosimetric modeling of the distribution of A second hypothesis suggested that exposure to SAR and temperature in children and also a require- power-frequency magnetic fields increases the risk of ment for appropriate age-related values for the di- childhood leukemia through disruption of the noc- electric properties of tissue. turnal production of melatonin in the pineal gland.42 In addition, the distribution of SAR and tempera- Although the International Commission on Non-ion- ture should be addressed in pregnancy, taking into izing Radiation Protection43 concluded that there is account the fact that the circulation of blood in the no convincing evidence of an effect, subtle effects on fetus is separate from maternal blood flow. The heat melatonin physiology are not easily excluded, and produced by fetal metabolism is dissipated to the such studies have not been conducted specifically on mother mostly at the placenta, but this is less efficient children. than expected and the temperature of the fetus is Recommendations were made for additional re- usually ϳ0.5°C above that of the mother.47 search regarding the association between exposure The difference between the ability of children and to power-frequency magnetic fields and childhood that of adults to dissipate whole-body heat loads is leukemia; it is clear that this issue is unresolved. small. During exercise in thermally neutral or warm Although such scientific uncertainty remains, the environments, children thermoregulate as effectively WHO recommends the adoption of precautionary as adults. When ambient temperatures exceed body measures for the protection of children (see below). temperature, however, children are more liable to have a higher rate of heat absorption compared with Health Risks to Children From RF Fields adults. Also, although neither children nor adults Exposure to RF radiation induces heating in body replace fluid loss sufficiently during exercise in the tissues and imposes a heat load on the whole body; heat, dehydration may have a more detrimental ef- guidance on exposure is based on avoiding the risks fect on children because of their greater reliance on to health that result from localized rises in tissue elevated skin blood flow to dissipate heat. temperature and from the physiologic stress engen- Hyperthermia during pregnancy can cause embry- dered by excessive whole-body heat loads.28,29 onic death, abortion, growth retardation, and devel- Present guidance on occupational exposure is based opmental defects; animal studies indicate that the on restricting the RF-induced whole-body specific development of the CNS is especially susceptible.47 absorption rate (SAR) to Ͻ0.4W·kgϪ1, a heat load In humans, epidemiologic studies suggest that an sufficiently small that its contribution to other possi- elevation of maternal body temperature by 2°C for at ble heat loads, generated from hard physical work least 24 hours during fever can cause a range of and/or imposed by high ambient temperatures, can developmental defects, although a causal relation- be neglected. Basic restrictions on localized SARs, ship has not been established. In addition, young averaged over any 10 g of contiguous tissue, are 10 infants aged 2 to 3 months are even more vulnerable W·kgϪ1 in the head and trunk and 20W·kgϪ1 in the than neonates because of their higher metabolic rate, limbs.28 These are intended to restrict local tissue better tissue insulation, and slightly lower surface temperature rises to acceptable levels. Guidance on area/mass ratio. However, serious health effects are public exposure incorporates an additional safety associated only with greatly elevated body tempera- factor of 5, reducing the basic restrictions to 0.08 W · tures (Ͼ40°C), and such temperature rises are well kgϪ1 to the whole body and2W·kgϪ1 to the head. above the maximum allowable for public RF expo- Temperatures are derived from dosimetric calcula- sure. tion and thermal modeling; SARs are also related to Many different nonthermal mechanisms for RF in- external field values via dosimetric calculation. The teraction with tissue have been considered in recent corresponding reference levels, which for RF fields studies.48–50 These are not particular to children, but are power densities, are frequency dependent and if any were confirmed at levels below current guid- are of the order of 10W·mϪ2 at 1800 MHz for ance, then questions might also be raised about po- general public exposure. tential childhood susceptibility. Possible RF electric- Dosimetric calculation has for more than a decade field interactions51 include (1) changes in the allowed for differences in body size between chil- conformation of proteins, including ATPases associ- dren and adults, and these differences have been ated with ion channels, resulting in functional factored into guidance. Despite large differences in changes in the proteins, (2) changes in the binding of

Downloaded from www.aappublications.org/newswww.pediatrics.org/cgi/doi/10.1542/peds.2004-2541 by guest on September 24, 2019 e309 ligands such as Ca2ϩ to cell receptor proteins, also All the studies have reported negative results for resulting in changed receptor function, (3) absorp- carcinogenicity in normal animals at SARs compati- tion of RF energy by the vibrational states of biolog- ble with mobile telephony,55 although controversy ical components such as microtubules, (4) enhanced still exists about the carcinogenic effects of RF radi- attraction between cells (the pearl-chain effect), and ation in a transgenic mouse model.56 Two studies in (5) demodulation of a modulated RF signal, produc- particular reported the lack of an effect of perinatal ing ELF electric fields. Generally, it was considered RF exposure, continuing for 24 months, on sponta- that such interactions are unlikely to be biologically neous and chemically induced brain tumors in significant at RF levels below guidance values. rats.57,58 In addition, there is evidence concerning RF inter- Several ecological studies59–66 have examined can- actions with magnetite affecting nearby ion channel cer risk, including risk of childhood leukemia, function by exerting a torque. Possible RF magnetic among populations living in proximity to radio and field effects include (1) interaction with magnetite television broadcast towers. Often driven by a pre- particles in biological tissue and (2) radical pair viously identified cluster, these analyses are based interactions, potentially increasing free-radical con- simply on distance from the source and often include centrations, thereby leading to an increased risk of an extremely small number of cases. Such studies oxidative damage. Although these interaction mech- have been uninformative. More rigorous investiga- anisms are also considered unlikely to be of biolog- tions might be feasible with development of new ical significance at RF levels below guidance values, instruments capable of capturing personal RF expo- given the link between free radicals and disease, RF sure. effects on free-radical concentrations via radical-pair Few relevant epidemiologic or laboratory studies interactions are considered worth exploring. have addressed the possible effects of RF exposure For infant, childhood, and adolescent exposure, on children. Because of widespread use of mobile the maturation of the CNS has been raised as poten- phones among children and adolescents and rela- tially susceptible. In this context, the major changes tively high exposures to the brain, investigation of to the CNS during this period comprise a maturation the potential effects of RF fields on the development of the hard-wiring (namely, increased myelination), of childhood brain tumors is warranted. The impor- facilitating the transmission of information, which tance of longer lifetime exposure has been empha- occurs rapidly over the first 2 years but extends into sized by a recent study67 in which acoustic neuroma the second decade of life, and remodeling of the occurred only after 10-year use of mobile phones. synaptic connections between neurons8 after the first The type of mobile-phone use among children (eg, 2 years and into adolescence, mostly by synapse text messaging), their potential biological vulnerabil- elimination as redundant connections are lost. With ity, and longer lifetime exposure make extrapolation regard to synaptogenesis, spontaneous and stimu- from adult studies problematic. Such scientific un- lus-evoked electrical activity in the CNS is believed certainty can be addressed through both the applica- to play a crucial role in local competition between tion of precautionary policies and through additional growing nerve axons and the distribution of their research. synaptic boutons on target cells.52 Whether RF fields could affect these processes is not known. Neurobe- DEVELOPING POLICY FOR CHILDREN AND havioral studies in volunteers and in animals, mostly PREGNANT WOMEN adults, have not reported robust responses to RF In today’s world, technologic developments bring exposure, particularly that associated with mobile both social and economic benefits to large sections of phones.31 society; however, the health consequences of these Numerous studies have evaluated developmental developments can be difficult to predict and manage. effects of RF fields on mammals, birds, and other Nevertheless, even if the effects are small, a wide- nonmammalian species.53,54 These studies have spread exposure can have large public health conse- shown clearly that RF fields are teratogenic at expo- quences. When risks are complex, an established sure levels that are high enough to cause significant cause-effect relationship is absent, or the scientific increases in temperature. There is no consistent evi- findings are not robustly quantifiable, the need for dence of effects at nonthermal exposure levels, al- timely preventive action makes a precautionary ap- though only a few studies have evaluated possible proach an essential part of policy making. Many effects on postnatal development using sensitive end societies believe that this is particularly true regard- points such as behavioral effects. ing children (including the unborn child): they rep- Several studies of maternal occupational RF expo- resent the future of the society, have the potential for sure, primarily to physiotherapists, have reported an longer exposure than adults, and yet are less able to increased risk of congenital malformations. How- manage their own risk. ever, no specific type of malformation has been con- International guidance on occupational and public sistently reported, and there is a potential for recall exposure to EMFs, described above, is based on bias in these studies. Exposure to the fetus from a avoiding risks to health that are well understood and mobile phone kept in a pocket, handbag, or belt by for which there is good scientific evidence. However, the hip when a pregnant woman is using hands-free with regard to childhood exposure to EMFs (and equipment has been mentioned. Thus far, no studies exposure during pregnancy), several factors argue are available on pregnancy outcomes related to mo- for the adoption of precautionary measures, includ- bile telephony. ing the possibility that EMFs might affect children;

e310 SENSITIVITY OF CHILDRENDownloaded from TO www.aappublications.org/news ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDSby guest on September 24, 2019 the dread with which some of the diseases raised in or by using hands-free devices to keep mobile this context, such as leukemia and brain cancer, are phones away from the head and body. On the other perceived; the involuntary nature of some of the hand, exposure levels from mobile-phone base sta- exposure; its extensiveness; and its likely rapid tions are extremely low, and therefore precautionary growth in the future. measures do not need to be recommended. The WHO International EMF Project (www.who. int/emf) is finalizing a practical framework for guid- RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS ing policy options in areas of scientific uncertainty In addition to reviewing the available evidence that is based on the application of precaution.68 In summarized in this article, workshop participants general terms, the draft WHO precautionary frame- developed a research agenda that identifies high- work aims to develop a set of public health policy priority studies needed to fully assess the potential options that can be applied according to the degree vulnerability of children to ELF and RF fields and of scientific uncertainty and the anticipated severity outlines the rationale for these studies (see www. of the harm that might ensue from exposure, taking who.int/peh-emf/research/rf03/en for more de- into account the size of the affected population and tails). Additional laboratory and epidemiologic stud- the cost of exposure reduction. These measures ies relating to childhood leukemia and ELF magnetic should not be seen as undermining science-based field exposure were strongly recommended. In addi- guidance on exposure; rather, they represent addi- tion, because of widespread use of mobile phones tional steps with application that may vary from and relatively high exposures to the brain among country to country depending on social and eco- children and adolescents, investigation of the poten- nomic considerations. tial effects of RF fields on cognition and the devel- Precautionary measures may also be adopted at an opment of childhood brain tumors was considered individual level, depending on the degree of concern particularly urgent. Laboratory studies using chil- felt by the exposed person. In giving advice to their dren are, of course, subject to appropriate ethical patients, physicians should weigh the strength of design and approval. scientific evidence for the risk, if any, of an adverse outcome, the benefits of the technology, and the fea- APPENDIX: GLOSSARY sibility of reducing exposure, as well as the overall Absorption: dissipation of the energy of a radio wave health of the patient, which includes freedom from (ie, conversion of its energy into another form, such worry and anxiety. as heat) into the surrounding medium. For ELF (power-frequency) fields, there is some Basic restriction: restriction on exposure to time-vary- evidence that exposure to environmental magnetic ing electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields that fields that are relatively high but well below guid- are based directly on established health effects. De- ance levels is associated with an increase in the risk pending on the frequency of the field, the physical of childhood leukemia, a very rare disease (even if quantities used to specify these restrictions are cur- the risk is doubled, it remains small at ϳ5–8 per rent density (J), SAR, and power density (S). Only 100 000 children per year). Although the evidence is power density in air, outside the body, can be readily regarded as insufficient to justify more restrictive measured in exposed individuals. limits on exposure, the possibility that exposure to Contact current: current flowing through a person in ELF magnetic fields increases risk cannot be dis- contact with 2 surfaces that are at different potentials. counted. For the physician faced with questions Current density: a vector of which the integral over a from, for example, a couple planning a family and given surface is equal to the current flowing through concerned about this issue, or from someone preg- the surface; the mean density in a linear conductor is nant and occupationally exposed to relatively high equal to the current divided by the cross-sectional ELF magnetic fields, standardized advice is not pos- area of the conductor; expressed in ampere per sible. Instead, physicians could inform their patients square meter (A/m2). of possible risk and advise them to weigh all the Dosimetry: measurement or determination by calcu- advantages and disadvantages of the options avail- lation of the internal electric-field strength or in- able to them (of which EMF reduction is but one duced current density, or of the specific absorption consideration). Some simple options include reduc- (SA) or SAR distribution in humans or animals ex- ing exposure by minimizing the use of certain elec- posed to EMF. trical appliances or changing work practices to in- Electric field or electric-field strength (E): the force (E) crease distance from the source of exposure. People on a stationary unit positive charge at a point in an living near overhead power lines should be advised electric field; measured in volts per meter (V/m). that such proximity is just an indicator of exposure Electric and magnetic fields or electromagnetic fields and that homes far away from power lines can have (EMFs): the combination of time-varying electric and similar or higher fields. magnetic fields. Regarding the long-term health effects of mobile- Extremely low frequency (ELF) EMFs: EMFs at frequen- phone use, the paucity of data, particularly for chil- cies of Ͼ0HzandϽ300 Hz. dren, suggests that low-cost precautionary measures Field strength: the magnitude of the electric or mag- are appropriate, especially because some of the ex- netic field, normally the root-mean-square value. posures are close to guideline limits. Physicians Frequency: the number of sinusoidal cycles completed could advise parents that their children’s RF expo- by electromagnetic waves in 1 second; usually ex- sure can be reduced by restricting the length of calls pressed in units of hertz (Hz).

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Downloaded from www.aappublications.org/news by guest on September 24, 2019 The Sensitivity of Children to Electromagnetic Fields Leeka Kheifets, Michael Repacholi, Rick Saunders and Emilie van Deventer Pediatrics 2005;116;e303 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2004-2541

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