UNITED NATIONS Distr. General Assembly GENEFAL A/3',1/L56 2 April 1982


Thirty-sevenCh session It.en 34 of the preliminary 1i st*


the secr e !arv-General

I wish to dralt your urgenE attenlion to some of the latest outrages perpetrated by lhe lerrorist PLO against rsraelis and Jews both in rsrael and abroad.

Yesterday' 31 t4arch 1982, three PLo terrorists raked with nachine-gun fire fron a passing car in cenlraI Paris an Embassy building v'hich houses the Israel Trade Mission. when the attack took place lhe area was crot'ded with strollers but, providentiauy, no one was injured. on 30 March Lggz, a hand-grenade was hurled by PLO terrorists at the crowded inlersection of Ben Yehuda and King George streets in downlown Jerusalen' The explosion damaged shops and parked cars but, nercifullYr no one vtas injured by the blast. The PIo' according to the Lebanese News Agency, immediately boasted of ils responsibility for this atroc i cy. During the night of 28 March 1982, two high-poh'ered explosions were set off outside Jewish-owned stores in dorrntown Rone. No one nas injured. Another bonb placed next !o the Rone office of El At Israel Airlines vras dismantLed before it exp]-oded. At about 0800 hours (local time) , on 24 l4arch 1982, a band of PLo terrorists was intercepted and captured in the vicinity of Kibbutz Hanita in the western Galilee. The nilitary equipment in their possession included soviet-made IGlashnikov riftes, anmunition and explosives.

FJ37 /5O. 82-0855'1 0114r (E) A/37 /L66 English Page 2

These atrocities provide further evidence of the barbarity of the pl,o and of j.Ls true aims and objectives. On 30 March 1992. . according to a pl,o radio broadcast. spelled out these ains, He carled on alr the inhabitants of ',the Galilee' Haifa, and Ashkelon" to continue fighting in order "to restructure the map of the region". AIso on 30 l4arch, Farouk Kaddoumi. one of Arafat's leading henchnen, at a neeting of Arab Foreign Ministers i.n . called on all Arab countries to open their borders and allow their territory to be used as base6 for carrying out lerrorist acts against fsrael. Kaddouni also called on the Arab states to abandon the so-carled "political path" in favour of the "armed struggre', (Reuters, 30 March I982) .

The PI,o radio, broadcasting on the sane day fron tebanon, succinctly sunrned up these intenti.ons t

This day is a day of blood and vengeance in at1 the conqueted territories j.n Palestine - in the Negev and in the ',trianglen and in lhe ca1ilee. Our revolutionary brothers, this is a day of the liquidation of zion and che crushing of all zionists without distinction, The PI,o is bent not only on the indiscrininate murder of Israel civili.ans, but also on the wanton killings of Jews everywhere. Non-Jews who happen !o be in, near or passrng by the prenises of rsrael i.nstitutions and Jer.,ish conpanies are also favourite targets of the terrorists (for exanple, the plo attack on Jewish worshippers and non-Jews at a synagogue in Vienna on 29 August 19g1 (see fhe ]etters of the Pernanent Representative of rsrael dated 31 August rg8r (A/36/46g and 5/14670) i the PIO attack on the off j.ces of the Israel shipping conpanies Zj.m and Shohan in the port of Linassol, Cyprus (see lhe letter of the petnanent Representative of Israel to the Secretary-Ceneral dated 2 October IggI tA/36/s7 4-s/r4 714 ) ) ) ).

I have the honour to request that. this letter be circulated as an official document of the ceneral Assembly under iten 34 of the preliminary list,

(Signed) Aryeh LSVIN Ambassador Charg6 d'Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations