United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of Texas Houston Division
Case 20-34114 Document 1111 Filed in TXSB on 03/01/21 Page 1 of 79 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS HOUSTON DIVISION In re: Chapter 11 VALARIS PLC, et al.,1 Case No. 20-34114 (MI) Debtors. (Jointly Administered) THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION OF DMITRY KRIVIN IN SUPPORT OF THE DEBTORS’ APPLICATION FOR ENTRY OF AN ORDER (I) AUTHORIZING THE RETENTION AND EMPLOYMENT OF MCKINSEY RECOVERY & TRANSFORMATION SERVICES U.S., LLC AND CERTAIN OF ITS AFFILIATES TO PROVIDE CERTAIN ORDINARY COURSE CONSULTING SERVICES TO THE DEBTORS EFFECTIVE AS OF THE PETITION DATE AND (II) GRANTING RELATED RELIEF I, Dmitry Krivin, declare as follows: 1. I am employed as a partner at McKinsey & Company, Inc. United States (“McKinsey US”) with an office at 175 Greenwich Street, New York City, NY, 10007. McKinsey & Co.2 is the ultimate parent company of McKinsey RTS and its consulting affiliates (collectively with McKinsey RTS, “McKinsey”).3 I am duly authorized to make this supplemental declaration (this “Third Supplemental Declaration”), which is being submitted to supplement my Initial Declaration filed on September 18, 2020 [Docket No. 233-2], my 1 A complete list of each of the Debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases may be obtained on the website of the Debtors’ proposed claims and noticing agent at http://cases.stretto.com/Valaris. The location of Debtor Ensco Incorporated’s principal place of business and the Debtors’ service address in these Chapter 11 Cases is 5847 San Felipe Street, Suite 3300, Houston, Texas 77057. 2 All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Application and the Initial Declaration.
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