Safety Audit additions to the scheme Wider context and future plans ● Introduction of street lighting at Church Road This scheme has been developed in the context Ermine Street (South) junction. of a number of other wider developments: ● Overrun areas at new roundabout layouts ● The A14 upgrade will see a whole new to include blockwork rather than granite strategic route upgrade from Environmental setts to meet CCC requirements. through to Cambridge. ● Adjustments to alignment of carriageway ● The existing A14 will become a local road Enhancements to respond to works undertaken by BT in to , renamed the A1307. the area. ● The Southern Gateway entrance to ● The principles of the change in junction Alconbury Weald – directly linking to the alignment have been maintained, but the A141 – is progressing with plans due to be road narrowing will now be undertaken shared in 2018, with an expectation to start by bringing in the kerb line on both sides works during Winter 2018/9. of the carriageway. ● This access links to future plans for the transport hub at Alconbury Weald, which Delivery programme will include a Rail Station and prioritised We have been working with local contractor bus connection as part of Guided Busway Breheny Civil Engineering to work up delivery Route B. plans that minimise disruption for how this work will be carried out. We welcome feedback from The Ermine Street enhancements also have residents on these proposals. a second phase, with a further £1m looking to build on the enhancements set out above and ● The works will be delivered within a 21-week improve conditions further for pedestrians and period. cyclists. The proposals will: ● A start date is currently being agreed with the County Council Transport team – ● Widen some existing footways to 2.5 metres between 5 January and 2 February 2018 – to provide dedicated space for cyclists and which means works will be completed pedestrians. between 1 June to 29 June 2018. ● Fill in the gaps where there are currently no ● Works will start at north footway/cycleway to provide a continuous (Mill Road) and work one junction after the route through between other, finishing at south Huntingdon and Alconbury Weald. (Church Road south). ● Provide new controlled crossing points for ● Works will take place outside peak traffic cyclists and pedestrians. hours, although traffic management may These proposals have been developed need to extend through peak hours for alongside the proposals shown here, but will be operational and safety reasons. delivered in a second phase of work. This phasing There is potential to shorten the programme will also enable us to monitor the effectiveness by approximately five weeks by doing both of the initial work, review it with the upgraded ends of the street at the same time. A14 and new A1307 in place, and ensure a joined-up approach with further cycle and pedestrian routes being delivered on site and across the local area. We anticipate that this work will take place 2019/20. Additional enhancement of the Gateway Feature at the southern entrance to Great Stukeley are included in the plans. Drawings will be shown Find out more much larger at the events or We are holding two information events, which If you would like to discuss any aspects of this are available on request from will be attended by the design team, Breheny’s scheme or future plans for Alconbury Weald in Rebecca Britton by emailing delivery team and Urban&Civic to answer your more detail, please come along to the information [email protected] questions and take feedback on the proposed events or get in touch with Urban&Civic: or by calling 01480 413 141. operational approach to delivering the scheme. Rebecca Britton These will be held: T 01480 413 141 ● Great Stukeley Village Hall E [email protected] Thursday 7 December, 5pm—8pm ● Little Stukeley Village Hall Monday 11 December, 5pm—8pm Detail of works through Great Stukeley The story so far Initial proposals What has been accepted through What comments have we not been able As part of our commitment to minimising Measures previously proposed to achieve this consultation, Safety Audit and detailed to act on? the impact and maximising the benefits of included: design processes? Removal of ‘Chicane’ at north end of the Alconbury Weald development, we have ● Narrowing the width of the Ermine Street ● Narrowing the width of the Ermine Street Little Stukeley been working up a scheme of environmental carriageway. carriageway. The existing chicane discourages rat-running enhancements along Ermine Street. via Ermine Street through the villages. CCC ● Filling in the bus lay-bys to further narrow ● Changing the priority of key junctions Highways has been made aware of the negative The scheme, co-designed with the Parish Council the carriageway and reduce any delay to through the village. and local partners, was consulted on at three views towards it expressed by residents, but bus services. ● Reducing the existing 40mph speed limit at events in 2016, with a number of changes being its removal will not be undertaken as part of ● Changing the priority of key junctions the south end of Great Stukeley to 30mph. made to respond to feedback. Since then the these works. through the village to reduce the capacity scheme has been through a Road Safety Audit for through traffic, whilst improving access What has changed? Provide full width road humps assessment by County Council for residents. Removal of Bus Stop Lay-bys These are not suitable for bus routes where (CCC). Our legal development agreement Concerns were raised that removing lay-bys speed cushions are preferred, as currently commits us to delivering this investment by the ● Reducing the Ermine Street speed limit would create overtaking conflicts for cars installed. We consider that the narrowing of the time the 250th home is occupied at Alconbury between Alconbury Weald and Little Stukeley looking to pass stationary buses and dangers carriageway will increase the effectiveness of Weald. from 60 and 50mph to 40mph and 30mph. to pedestrians alighting from the bus. The bus the speed cushions, as vehicles straddling the ● Reducing the existing 40mph speed limit at This leaflet, and two forthcoming information lay-bys within the villages are therefore now cushions will be closer to oncoming traffic. the south end of Great Stukeley to 30mph, events, set out the principles, approach and proposed to be retained. to match the speed limit in the rest of the Reduce speed limit between the Stukeleys detail of the final approved scheme. Removal of lay-bys remains the general policy, village. to 30mph and once the A14 improvements are complete, The principles The section of road between the Stukeleys has Final proposals and the anticipated reduction in traffic realised, The aim of the proposed scheme is to reduce no frontage development and good visibility. Following three consultation events last year, CCC may wish to revisit this, but it will not be the number of vehicles on Ermine Street A speed limit reduction is not supported by comments provided by residents were drawn undertaken as part of these works. passing through the Stukeleys and to control CCC or Cambridgeshire Police, as it would not into the proposals, which were then finalised any increase along this route as a result of be enforceable. to detailed design with input from the County Removal of central crossing refuge at the new development. It does this by: Owl End junction Council Road Safety Team. Designs may make right turn into Church Way The central island was seen as vital to those ● Reducing the attraction of Ermine Street to more difficult Amendments undertaken in response to these members of the community who feel vulnerable motorised traffic, encouraging access to the Vehicle tracking simulations confirm that the comments are set out on the following pages→ crossing the road at this point. We have wider network via the existing connections to manoeuvre is possible for all vehicles likely to considered options, including the provision of the A14 and A1 to the north of the development use the junction. The removal of the right turn a zebra crossing in place of the island to give site; lane may cause temporary queueing behind a pedestrians priority over vehicles, but the site ● Reducing speeds within the Stukeleys and vehicle waiting to turn right, but this will have does not meet the highway authority’s criteria improving access for residents of the villages; a beneficial effect in discouraging rat-running. for a controlled crossing. Therefore, the design and retains the crossing island in its current form Provide average speed cameras at both ● Improving the look and feel of the route and amends the road narrowing scheme in this ends of the villages through, enhancing the village feel and area to reflect this. The approach being adopted is designed to making it more attractive for pedestrians deliver a more rural feel through the villages Identify an ‘Accountable Person’ and cyclists. – with environmental enhancements rather than Rebecca Britton acts as the ‘Accountable more urban equipment and approaches. CCC Person’ for the scheme as part of her wider do not support the installation of cameras other role undertaking community engagement than at known accident sites. We can continue for the project and will work with the site’s to monitor the impacts of this scheme and project management team to ensure it is discuss additional measures if they are needed. delivered ahead of the committed deadline. Reducing the Ermine Street speed limit between Alconbury Weald and Little Stukeley to 40mph This will not be supported by local or national policy at this stage of development, but discussions with the Parish Council and local authority will continue to investigate options.

Detail of works through Little Stukeley