Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting Held on Wednesday 9th April 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Present Councillors: E Pope (Chair), K Smedley (Vice-chair), I Dony, N Davis, S Jones, D Alexander, S Randall.

Also present: Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk, Cllr Howard Greenman, Renate Malton, Project Officer Council and 16 members of the public.


Apologies were received from Cllrs P Jones (work), G Woodville (personal) and H Parry-Jones.

Chair’s Introduction Cllr Pope welcomed everyone and explained the purpose of the Annual Parish Meeting. She introduced Renate Malton, a Project Officer from , who would be doing a presentation on Emergency Flood Planning.

Minutes of Previous Meetings The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 10th April 2013 was approved and signed.

Statement of Accounts Cllr Pope presented the Draft Accounts for 2013-14. Questions were raised from the public on whether there were any plans to spend monies remaining in the accounts; had the additional houses in the village contributed to the increase in the precept – Cllr Pope advised that they had; what the extra £1,000 was being spent on – Cllr Pope advised it was earmarked for benches and dog bins; and who empties/pays for the dog bins to be emptied – Cllr Pope advised that they are the responsibility of Wiltshire Council.

Review of the Year – the Parish Council Cllr Pope’s report included:

• Details of elections and that all 11 Councillor roles are currently filled.

• All Councillors had received basic training.

• A new Clerk had been appointed. Thanks were given to Cllrs S Jones and Randall for their involvement.

• Better communications via the Noticeboards and Website – thanks were given to Cllrs S Jones for the Parish News articles and K Smedley for the website admin.

• The Street Names on The Park were attributed to Cllr P Jones and Reuben Counzens and all the names had been approved.

• There was a new Noticeboard in – thanks to Cllr P Jones and H Parry-Jones. The noticeboard in Sutton Benger was to be re-sited following the closure and moving of the Post Office.

• The bringing together of a great team of Councillors achieving results in the following areas:

o Flooding and Emergency Planning;

o Section 106 - thanks to Cllr Woodville for liaising with Wilts Council;

o Highways – thanks to Cllrs P Jones and M Broomfield;

o Area Board – thanks to Cllr Alexander;

o Planning – thanks to Cllr Davis.

Emergency Flood Planning – Presentation by Renate Malton, Wiltshire Council Renate Malton, Project Officer from the Drainage Team at Wiltshire Council explained her role on the team. She stressed that the team of 2 full-time and 2 part-time officers were stretched as they covered a large area across Wiltshire.

Plans had been sent out to all villages to mark their flood areas – these will be put on GIS to map out and use for future planning applications. She would be visiting the village to ‘walk the flood areas’ and to help formulate a Flood Plan to identify type of flooding and properties affected.

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MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Held on Wednesday 9TH April 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

There is an Emergency Planning Team that can assist the Parish Council, together with the Environment Agency to gather information following a flood.

They are introducing an Emergency Kit – to include sandbags, gel packs, signs and tabards, available to Flood Wardens. There is also a Resistance and Resilience Grant available up to £5,000 for victims of flooding.

There was a questions and answers session and Renate advised that she had some leaflets available.

Cllr Pope thanked Renate for her presentation.

Parish Emergency Plan – Cllr Pope discussed the current plan and how it could be improved. The plan was available at the meeting for people to view and comment were encouraged. A request for Volunteers would be placed in the Parish News.

Community Fund Cllr S Randall gave a brief history of the Community fund and that it is available for recreational pursuits in the village. There was a ‘sticky board’ at the meeting and on the website for people to post their ideas.

Wiltshire Council County Cllr H Greenman gave an update on issues from Wiltshire Council. Sutton Benger is the largest parish that he represents and he applauded the Council for all its hard work. He discussed issues relating to flooding and concerns about the Hazlewood Farm development. During a question and answers session the following matters were raised: • High speed broadband – he will ask at who already have it;

• Gypsy and Traveller Site plans – would they have any impact on the village – he advised there was a consultation taking place in May 2014 to go to Central Government in October 2014, with plans coming out in 2015.

• Core Strategy – it has still not been agreed for Chippenham.

• Neighbourhood Plan – it would take a dedicated team at least 2 years to implement.

Cllr Pope thanked Cllr Greenman for his update.

Question Time There was an informal Question Time where the Parish Councillors mingled with the members of the public answering questions.

Meeting ended at 22.00 hrs

Next Meeting Date Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on Wednesday 13th May 2014 commencing 19:45.

Chairman……………………………………………………. Date……………......

Page 2 of 2 Sutton Benger Parish Council

Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting Held on Wednesday 30th April 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

PRESENT Chairman: E Pope. Councillors: D Alexander, N Davis, P Jones, S Jones (arrived at 20.10), H Parry-Jones, K Smedley, G Woodville Parish Clerk: Linda Bragg.

Mr Ted Nelthorpe, Design Manager, Redrow. Members of the public; J Gregory, B Groves, D Wynne-Davies, R Macklin, K and G Clifton.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Clerk advised that an audio recording was being taken of the meeting and asked if members of the public would clearly state their name and interest when addressing the meeting.

APOLOGIES Councillors: M Broomfield, I Dony, S Randall

DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS – 001(14-15) There were none to declare for the purposes of the meeting.

PUBLIC CONSULTATION All members of the public were given the opportunity to address the meeting with their concerns regarding the planning application for Land at Hazlewood Farm. These included; flooding, water drainage, sewerage, parking on-site and overflow, ponds/common land, building materials, protecting the rights of way, and the raised level of the site. The issues raised were commented on, where possible, by Ted Nelthorpe from Redrow Homes who promised to furnish the Council with further responses were necessary following the meeting.

PLANNING / DEVELOPMENT CONTROL – 002(14-15) Planning Application reviewed and the Council resolved that the application be:

Proposed redevelopment of Land at Hazlewood Farm, Objected – Cllr Davis 14/03544/FUL redundant farm buildings and Road, abstained. paddock to provide 21 dwellings

Action: Clerk to submit response.

Meeting closed at 21.30

NEXT MEETING DATE Annual Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 14th May 2014 commencing 19:45.

Chairman……………………………………………………. Date………......

Page 1 of 1 Sutton Benger Parish Council

Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 14th May 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

A Public Forum at which any topic may be raised by residents was held prior to the Council Meeting

1 member of the public present – Norman Hodnett, Tree Warden. Mr Hodnett raised the issue of a dying ornamental cherry tree in Cowley Way – Cllr Pope asked if he would be happy to liaise with Wilts Council on the matter, he was happy to do so.

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting Held on Wednesday 14th May 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Present Chair: E Pope. Councillors: K Smedley, S Jones, G Woodville, S Randall, N Davis, M Broomfield Parish Clerk: Linda Bragg.

Apologies Councillors: P Jone (working away), D Alexander (working away) and I Dony (family bereavement).

Election of Chair – 003(14-15) Cllr Pope agreed to stand as Chair. It was resolved to unanimously accept Cllr Pope as chair.

Declaration of Chair – 004(14-15) Cllr Pope’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office was accepted and signed by herself and L Bragg, Clerk.

Chair’s Announcments – 005(14-15) Cllr Pope gave an update on the meeting with Chris Marsh, Planning Officer at the proposed Hazlewood Farm site. It was agreed that the public open space did not meet village requirements and we should strongly argue our case for S106 monies for open/leisure space from this development. The councillors were reminded that they need to send agenda items to the Clerk in a more timely fashion – at least 1 week before the Agenda is published. The trees in the raised bed near Manor Farm Drive may need some tending – Mr Hodnett said that they are sprouting at the base.

Action: LB to remind Cllr Parry-Jones about brickwork repairs to raised bed.

Declarations of Interest – 006(14-15) There were none to declare for the purposes of the meeting.

Minutes of Previous Meetings – 007(14-15) The minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held on 12 March 2014 and the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 30 April 2014 were signed off as true records of the proceedings.

Correspondence – 008(14-15) The Clerk read out the main items of importance. This correspondence has been circulated and a full list is available from the Clerk.

Year End Accounts and Financial Statement – 009(14-15) The Precept of £8,699.57 plus Grant payment from the Authority of £268.50 has been received.

The accounts for the year ending March 2014 were circulated to all present and signed off by Cllr Pope and L Bragg, Clerk. It was agreed that the internal procedures were ready for the Internal Audit by J Collier-Marsh.

Financial Regulations and Standing Orders – 010(14-15) Cllr Randall queried VAT registration. Page 9 – Grant Making Policy was missing an amount £ and Page 4 of Standing Orders – Contract amount should be £60,000.

It was resolved to adopt the Financial Regulations and Standing Orders, subject to agreed amendments.

Page 1 of 3 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Held on Wednesday 14 May at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Action: LB to make amendments and circulate to all Cllrs.

Play Park Committee – 011(14-15) Cllr Pope had received no further communication from the Play Park Committee concerning their grant application to the Community Fund.

Action: LB to obtain a copy of the Charity Deeds for the Village Hall Trustees and the date for their AGM.

Salt Bag Scheme – 012(14-15) It was agreed to advertise for a team/co-ordinator to take responsibility for the salt bin and bags.

Action: LB to contact Village Groups. Cllr S Jones to include article in Parish News.

Extending 30mph Speed Limit on B4069 – 013(14-15) Cllr Davis expressed his concern at the safety of pedestrians, including school children, and cyclists travelling along the B4069 eastwards from Sutton Benger to Frampton Farm. It was agreed to explore the reducing of the speed limit from 50mph to 30mph.

Action: LB to investigate the process for reducing a speed limit.

Parking along B4069 on the Pavements – 014(14-15) Cllr Davis raised the issue of cars parking half on the pavement along the High Street causing an obstruction to pedestrians.

Action: LB to confirm if it is an offence to park on pavements. Cllr Pope will advise residents. Cllr S Jones to include in article in Parish News.

Overgrown Hedges – 015(14-15) LB advised that dealing with overgrown hedges along pavements and roads was not a power of the Parish Council and that residents should contact Wiltshire Council Highways.

Action: LB to create an Advisory Notice for noticeboards, website and Parish News (Cllr S Jones to include in his article).

Cloud Storage – 016(14-15) It was agreed to use cloud storage facilities for online file sharing.

Action: LB to set-up account with, i.e. Dropbox.

Planning and Development Control – 017(14-15)

Mr T Gardener, Land at 14/04100/TCA Fell 1 sycamore tree No Objections French Gardens, SN15 4RD Amendments to 12/04032/FUL Mr P Smith, 26 High Street, to subdivide into 2 dwellings and Supported subject to 14/04152/FUL SN15 4RF new access (resubmission of conditions 13/00835/FUL)

Action: Clerk to submit responses.

Approve Invoices – 018(14-15) Payments made since last meeting date of 12 March 2014 were approved:

Cheque No Payee Details Amount 784 Notice-It Ltd Noticeboard for Draycot Cerne £560.00 785 Village Hall Hire of meeting room (Jan & Feb 2014) £46.45 786 Linda Bragg Clerk’s Salary (Mar 2014) £320.26 Page 2 of 3 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Held on Wednesday 14 May at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

788 Sutton Benger Primary School Photocopying to 31 Mar 2014 £37.33 789 Linda Bragg Clerk’s expenses Mar 2014 £9.60 790 PCC Grant payment churchyard maintenance £500.00

The following new invoices were approved for payment:

Cheque No Payee Details Amount 791 Linda Bragg Expenses for APM in Apr 2014 £33.25 792 Linda Bragg Clerk’s salary (Apr 2014) £307.62 793 W.A.L.C. Annual subscriptions 2014-15 £367.50

Clerk’s Report – 019(14-15) Forms part of these minutes (available on request from the Clerk).

Noticeboards – 020(14-15) L Bragg (on behalf of Cllr P Jones) gave an update on the status of the Draycot Cerne noticeboard. A discussion was held on the removing of and options for re-siting the Sutton Benger noticeboard.

Action: Cllrs S Jones and M Broomfield and remove board from Mr P Smith’s garden. Cllr S Jones to include a thank you to Mr P Smith in the Parish News.

Meeting ended at 21.50.

Next Meeting Date Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 11th June 2014 commencing 19:45 with a Public Forum.

Chairman……………………………………………………. Date………......

Page 3 of 3 Sutton Benger Parish Council

Meeting held on Wednesday 11th June 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

A Public Forum at which any topic may be raised by residents was held prior to the Council Meeting

Howard Greenman and 2 members of the public attended the meeting. Howard Greenman gave an update on the Hazlewood Farm planning application and discussion took place regarding the allocation of S106 monies. The application is to be considered at the Wiltshire Council Planning Committee meeting on the 25th June 2014 – members of the public are welcome to attend.

Minutes of The Council Meeting Held on Wednesday 11th June 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Present Chairman: E Pope. Councillors: D Alexander, M Broomfield, N Davis, I Dony, P Jones, S Randall, G Woodville, H Parry-Jones (arrived at 8pm and left at 8.30pm). Parish Clerk: Linda Bragg.

Apologies Councillors: S Jones and K Smedley (both with work commitments).

Chair’s Announcements – 021(14-15) Cllr Pope gave an update on the status of the Cherry Tree in Cowley Way and advised that McLoughlin Planning had accepted the PC’s invitation to the Parish Council Meeting on 9th July 2014 to give a brief summary of the proposed development of land at Arms Farm to provide new housing.

Declarations of Interests – 022(14-15) Cllr Dony declared his interest in Agenda Item 13 – request for funds from the Playground Refurbishment Sub Committee as he is Chair of the Village Hall Committee. There were no other declarations of interest for the purposes of the meeting.

Minutes of Previous Meeting – 023(14-15) The minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held on 14th May 2014 were signed off as a true record of the proceedings.

Clerk’s Report – 024(14-15) Forms part of these minutes (available on request from the Clerk).

Action: LB to include Overgrown Hedges advisory leaflet in article for Parish News.

Correspondence – 025(14-15) The Clerk read out the main items of importance. This correspondence has been circulated and a full list is available from the Clerk.

Financial Statement – 026(14-15) The following invoices were approved for payment:

Payments since last meeting date: 14-May-2014 Cheque No Payee Details TOTAL COST 795 Aon UK Limited Insurance Policy 2014-15 £159.00 Total £159.00

Items for payment (Approval)

Cheque No Payee Details TOTAL COST 796 Marcus Anstie Ltd Bus shelter cleaning Jan 13 - May 14 £170.00 797 Community First Annual Membership 2014-15 £36.00

Page 1 of 3 DRAFT Minutes – subject to confirmation MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING Held on Wednesday 11th June 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

798 Linda Bragg Clerk's Salary for May 2014 286.55 799 Linda Bragg Stationery - Paper and Minute Book £8.52 780 Janette Collier-Marsh Internal Audit to 31st March 2014 £80.00 781 Longcrest Systems Ltd Website domain hosting and email £73.20 Total £813.27

Auditors’ Report – 027(14-15) It was resolved to agree, following amendment to Section 2.5 to read as No, and sign the Audit for the Annual Financial Return to year end 31st March 2014.

Action: Clerk to carry out amendment and send report to Grant Thornton.

Clerk Training – 028(14-15) It was resolved to agree expenditure of £95 (+ VAT) for the Clerk to attend a 1 day course on Managing Paper.

Action: Clerk to book course.

ICO Registration Fee – 029(14-15) It was agreed that further information was required before considering the expenditure for the annual registration fee of £35 to the Information Commissioner’s Office to comply with Data Protection requirements.

Action: Clerk to speak to Katie Fielding to check if this is necessary.

CPRE Membership Fee – 030(14-15) It was agreed that further information was required before considering the expenditure for the annual membership fee of £36 to the Campaign to Protect Rural .

Action: Clerk to pass information to Cllr Alexander to investigate further.

Playground Refurbishment Sub Committee (PRSC) – 031(14-15) It was resolved to approve funding from the Community Fund (all £5,343.95) for the PRSC following a comprehensive presentation by Richard Whipp. Cllr Davis did not agree.

Action: Clerk to transfer funds.

Noticeboards – 032(14-15) It was resolved to allow the Clerk expenditure of up to £850 for the cost of a new noticeboard to be shared with and installed at the Village Hall. It was agreed to temporarily loan the existing wooden noticeboard to the PRSC for display purposes.

Action: Clerk to liaise with Cllr Dony on the purchase of the new board.

Defibrillator – 033(14-15) Following an update from Cllr Pope it was agreed to actively support the provision of an AED (Defibrillator) within the village.

Request from Mr E Morris – 034(14-15) It was resolved not to agree to Mr Morris’s request on the grounds that the Parish Council had no powers to do so.

Action: Clerk to write to Mr Morris informing him of the Council’s decision.

Payment of Hire Charge for Meetings – 035(14-15) Cllr Randall raised the issue of the PC being charged by the Village Hall Committee (VHC) for the hire of the hall for PC meetings.

Page 2 of 3 DRAFT Minutes – subject to confirmation MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING Held on Wednesday 11th June 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Action: Clerk to arrange a meeting with the VHC to take place in September 2014.

S106 Monies – 036(14-15) This matter was discussed during the Public Forum section of the meeting.

Chippenham Area Board – 037(14-15) Cllr Alexander gave an update on the Chippenham Area Board meetings including notification that the 20mph speed limit along Chestnut Road had been agreed.

Meeting ended at 22.30hrs

Next Meeting Date Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 9th July 2014 commencing 19:45 with a Public Forum.

Chairman……………………………………………………. Date………......

Page 3 of 3 Sutton Benger Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Sutton Benger Parish Council that was held in the Village Hall, Sutton Benger on Wednesday 9th July 2014 commencing at 7.45pm when the following business was transacted.

Present: Councillors: E Pope (Chairman), D Alexander, M Broomfield, N Davis, I Dony, P Jones, S Jones, S Randall, K Smedley. Parish Clerk: Linda Bragg.

In addition there were 38 members of the public present together with the Mr N McLoughlin, from McLoughlin Planning and Mr D Lewis, from EDP UK Ltd. A member of the public asked if timescales could be provided for the Arms Farm consultation period and when an application might be expected – this was addressed by Mr McLoughlin following his presentation (041(14-15).

Apologies – 038(14-15) Councillors: G Woodville (unwell).

Chair’s Announcements – 039(14-15) Cllr Pope clarified the details of the McLoughlin Planning Public Consultation regarding the proposed Arms Farm development on Wednesday 16th July 2014.

Declarations of Interests – 040(14-15) Cllr Pope declared a personal interest in the Arms Farm development and handed over the Chair to Cllr Smedley for that item 041(14-15).

Proposed Arms Farm Development – 041(14-15) The invited parties, Mr N McLoughlin and Mr D Lewis, gave a brief presentation on the proposed development at the Arms Farm site. There were no points for clarification raised by the Council.

37 members of the public left the meeting.

Minutes of Previous Meeting – 042(14-15) The minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 11th June 2014 were signed off as a true record of the proceedings.

Clerk’s Report – 043(14-15) The Clerk’s Report, including the main items of correspondence, was delivered by the Clerk and forms part of these minutes (available on request from the Clerk).

Councillor Howard Greenman arrived.

Invoices Approved for payment – 044(14-15) It was resolved to approve all invoices for payment as follows:

Cheque Payee Details No 802 Sutton Benger Village Hall Hire of Hall - March - May 2014 £54.40 803 SLCC Managing Paper course for Clerk £114.00 804 Peter Neale Maintenance of Gossip Areas - to July 2014 165.00 805 Linda Bragg Clerk's Salary for June 2014 324.48 Total £333.40

Planning / Development Control – 045(14-15) 14-15 045a( ) It was resolved to approve the decisions as follows:

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MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING Held on Wednesday 9th July 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Land at Hazlewood Farm, Display of non-illuminated Supported subject to 14/05255/ADV Seagry Road signage conditions Gate Cottage, High Street, 14/05659/TCA Pollard a willow No objections SN15 4RE

14-15 045b( ) It was resolved to agree that Cllr Alexander would act as lead for the Council in regard to the Arms Farm development and the S106 contributions.

CPRE Membership – 046(14-15) It was resolved to agree the expenditure of £36 in respect of renewal of the Council’s membership of the CPRE due in September 2014.

Registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office – 047(14-15) It was resolved to agree the expenditure of £35 in respect of the annual registration with the ICO to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Neighbourhood / Parish Plan – 048(14-15) It was resolved to agree to update the Parish Plan and that Cllr Randall would act as lead for the Council in this matter.

S106 Update – 049(14-15) No report was given.

Chippenham Area Board – 050(14-15) An update was given by Cllr Alexander on the Chippenham Area Strategy and items from the Chippenham Area Board.

Date of Next Meeting – 051(14-15) Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 10th September 2014 commencing 19:45 with a Public Forum.

Chairman……………………………………………………. Date………......

Page 2 of 2 Sutton Benger Parish Council

Meeting held on Wednesday 10th September 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

A Public Forum at which any topic may be raised by residents was held prior to the Council Meeting

11 members of the public were present. A number of questions and points were raised with regard to the proposed Arms Farm development, the on-going sewage problem, a strategy for planning issues and road safety at the Cowley Way/Lee Crescent junction.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Wednesday 10th September 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Present Chairman: E Pope. Councillors: M Broomfield, N Davis, I Dony, K Smedley, G Woodville Parish Clerk: Linda Bragg.

Apologies – 052(14-15) Councillors: D Alexander (work), P Jones (holiday), H Parry-Jones (work) and S Randall (unwell).

Chair’s Announcements – 053(14-15) Cllr Pope informed the Council of Cllr Steve Jones’s resignation. Cllr Pope asked if any Cllr would take on the role of submitting the articles for the Parish News – Cllrs Davis and Smedley agreed to take it on. Cllr Pope explained the limitations with regard to the Council discussing planning applications at the Parish Council Meetings and clarified the Clerk’s recording of matters discussed during the public forum.

Declarations of Interests – 054(14-15) Cllr Pope declared a personal interest in the proposed Arms Farm development, not a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (Localism Act 2011 and Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012.

Minutes of Previous Meetings – 055(14-15) All Cllrs considered the change from the Draft Minutes circulated with the Agenda and then approved the minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th July 2014. They were duly signed off as a true record of the proceedings.

Planning / Development Control – 056(14-15) 056.1(14-15) Cllrs Smedley and Woodville gave an update on the proposed Arms Farm development and S106 contributions. It was agreed that Cllr Smedley would liaise with McLoughlin Planning to attend their upcoming public consultation to take a survey of parishioners in attendance. It was agreed to agenda an item for the Parish Council Meeting (PCM) in October 2014 to discuss forming an official PC Working Party for the proposed Arms Farm development.

056.2(14-15) It was resolved to approve the decisions on planning applications received as follows:

12 Chestnut Road 14/07005/TPO Crown reduction of 40% of 1 Chestnut Tree. No objections SN15 4RP 1 Willowbrook End, Extensions & alterations to provide 1st floor to 14/07260/FUL No objections SN15 4SW dwelling All Saints Church, 14/07583/LBC Repairs & restoration to war memorial No objections SN15 4RL 4 Gregory Close, Extend rear dormer & add pitched roof. Extend 14/07754/FUL No objections SN15 4SF living room & add flat roof 11 Manor Farm Fell 2 Cypress Trees (T1 & T2), 30% Crown 14/07860/TCA No objections Drive, SN15 4RW Reduction to Maple and Cherry Tree (T3 & T4).

056.3(14-15) It was not decided upon which Cllr would act as lead on the proposed planning application from Redrow for a change of use from employment land to residential within The Park development. The Clerk is to take advice on how best to proceed and agenda the item for the next Parish Council Meeting.

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Clerk’s Report including Correspondence – 057(14-15) Forms part of these minutes (available on request from the Clerk).

057.1(14-15) Item 2 – it was resolved not to complete the Wilts Council Gyspsy & Traveller Needs Assessment consultation.

057.2(14-15) Item 10 – it was resolved that Cllr Smedley would complete the Wilts Fire & Rescue Service Public Consultation 2014.

057.3(14-15) Item 12 – it was resolved that Cllr Woodville would complete the Wilts Council consultation on amending existing ‘settlement boundaries’.

(Cllr Dony left the meeting at 21.30).

Invoices Approved for payment – 058(14-15) The following invoices were approved for payment:

Cheque No Payee Details TOTAL COST 806 Marcus Anstie Ltd* Bus shelter cleaning Jun, Jul & Aug 2014 £30.00 807 CPRE Annual Membership 2014-15 £36.00 809 Linda Bragg Travel expenses to attend training course 14.85 810 Linda Bragg Mobile phone top-up 10.00 811 Information Commissioner Data Protection annual registration 35.00 812 Linda Bragg Clerk's Salary for July & August 2014 568.89 813 Sutton Benger Village Hall Part payment of Recreation Ground Grant 500.00

Community Funds – 059(14-15) 059.1(14-15) It was resolved to agree that the Council would retain control of the community funds in order that purchases can be made on behalf of the PRSC and then donated to them, enabling the PC to reclaim the VAT under Section 33 of the VAT Act 1994.

059.2(14-15) It was resolved to agree in principal that the Clerk would investigate the availability of a grant to fund-match in order that purchases can be made on behalf of the PRSC and then donated to them, enabling the PC to reclaim the VAT under Section 33 of the VAT Act 1994.

(Cllr Broomfield left the meeting at 21.45).

Agenda via Email – 060(14-15) It was resolved to agree that Councillors could receive the Agenda and supporting documents via email from the Clerk where requested.

Personnel Role – 061(14-15) It was resolved to agree that Cllr Randall would take on the role of matters relating to Personnel for the Council.

Highways & Transport update – 062(14-15) Cllr Pope gave an update in Cllr Jones’s absence.

062.1(14-15) It was not agreed who would act as lead on the Chippenham Community Area Transport Group. It was agreed to agenda the item for the PCM in October 2014.

Chippenham Area Board update – 063(14-15) Cllr Pope gave an update in Cllr Alexander’s absence including details of the Rural Parish Forum.

Next Meeting Date - Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 15th October 2014 commencing 19:45.

Chairman……………………………………………………. Date………......

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Minutes of the Council Meeting Held on Wednesday 15th October 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Present Chairman: E Pope. Councillors: D Alexander, N Davis, I Dony, H Parry-Jones, P Jones, S Randall, K Smedley, G Woodville Also present: Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk, 5 members of the public, Ms Rio Daniel and Ms Jessica Barnes from Redrow Homes Ltd.

Apologies – 064(14) There were no apologies received.

14 Chair’s Announcements – 067( ) (This item was moved up the agenda) Cllr Pope explained the due process with regard to planning applications and the fact that all villagers have the right to make a comment on them, via the Wiltshire Council Planning website. Cllr Pope clarified that the S106 discussions with regard to the Arms Farm development have been made without prejudice. Thanks were given to all the Councillors who have contributed to the Arms Farm planning application and to Cllr Davis for his article in the Parish News.

Declarations of Interests – 065(14) There were no declarations of Pecuniary Interests for the purposes of the meeting. Cllr Pope made a personal declaration in respect of the Arms Farm planning application. It was agreed by all the Councillors that Cllr Pope should remain as Chair for the meeting.

Public Forum – 066(14) The Chair welcomed those present. Issues raised included concerns about: • The Arms Farm development being a green site and drainage issues causing flooding; and • The site levels at the Redrow Hazlewood Farm site. Cllrs updated members with regard to the on-going discussions with Wiltshire Council Planning Enforcement Officers and Redrow.

Minutes of Previous Meetings – 068(14) The minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held on the 10 September 2014 were agreed and signed off as a true record of the proceedings.

Clerk’s Report – 069(14) Forms part of these minutes (available on request from the Clerk). It was agreed that the new notice board should be sited at The Bell Hotel.

14 Planning / Development Control – 070( ) a) The Council received a brief presentation from Rio Daniel and Jessica Barnes from Redrow Homes Ltd on the proposed change of use of land at The Park to residential. It was clarified that they had no dates for submission as yet nor that a different class of use was being considered with regard to mixed commercial/retail use. b) Cllr Pope advised that a Public Consultation session concerning the Land at Arms Farm planning application will be held by McLoughlin Planning in the School Hall on Friday 24 October 2014 from 13.30 – 19.30. Cllr Pope handed over to Cllr Smedley and took no part in the discussions or voting on the Arms Farm planning application. Councillor Howard Greenman arrived at 20.40. Councillor Greenman agreed to call in the Land at Arms Farm planning application to committee. Councillor Parry-Jones left the meeting at 21.52.

Land at Arms Farm, High Outline planning for up to 60 14/08888/OUT It was resolved to object. Steet, SN15 4RW dwellings Land adjacent 9 Church New dwelling and vehicular It was resolved to approve 14/09205/FUL View, SN15 4RS access with no objections.

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It was resolved to approve 14/09245/FUL 2 Box Cottage, SN15 4RE Single storey garage extension with no objections.

c) It was agreed that the current strategy for appointing planning working parties as and when necessary should remain in place. d) Cllr Pope agreed to act as lead in respect of proposed change of use of land at The Park by Redrow.

Financial Issues – 071(14) a) The financial statement and bank reconciliation for September 2014 forms part of these minutes (available on request from the Clerk). The following invoice was approved for payment and the cheque duly signed:

Cheque No Payee Details TOTAL COST 818 Linda Bragg Clerk’s Salary for Sept 2014 £284.45

b) It was resolved to agree to adopt the new Community Grant Policy (v1.0) and Application form (v1.0). c) It was resolved to agree to the Responsible Financial Officer having view only access to online banking and the application form was duly signed. It was resolved to agree to adopt the amended Financial Regulations (v2.0).

Standing Orders – 072(14) It was resolved to agree to adopt the amended Standing Orders (v2.0).

Councillor Contact Details on Website – 073(14) It was agreed to include photos of Councillor’s on the website but not telephone or email details. A contact form would be used to prevent potential phishing.

Highways and Transport report 074(14) Cllr Jones gave an update on Highways including the current pot hole situation.

Emergency Planning/Flooding report 075(14) Cllr Pope gave an update on the Emergency/Flood Plan. Cllr Dony agreed in principal to re-siting the salt bin onto Village Hall ground.

Police Liaison/Neighbourhood Watch report 076(14) Cllr Jones reported on the incident in Sutton Benger involving a break-in at a caravan. Cllr Smedley asked for details to be forwarded for inclusion on the website.

Chippenham Area Board report 077(14) Cllr Alexander reported that the first Parish Forum takes place next week.

a) It was agreed that the Clerk would forward details of the Chippenham Community Area Transport Group (CATG) meetings to determine Councillor’s availability to attend.

Meeting ended at 22.20 hrs

Next Meeting Date Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 12 November 2014 commencing 19:45.

Chairman……………………………………………………. Date………......

Page 2 of 2 Sutton Benger Parish Council

Minutes of the Council Meeting Held on Wednesday 12th November 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Present Chairman: E Pope. Councillors: D Alexander, N Davis, I Dony, G Woodville

Also present: Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk and 2 members of the public.

078(14) Apologies Apologies were received from Cllr Jones (work).

079(14) Declarations of Interests There were no declarations of Pecuniary Interests for the purposes of the meeting.

080(14) Chair’s Announcements Cllr Pope advised of the meeting with the Village Hall Committee and that L Bragg was to include a page on the website for details of the Village Hall.

(19.50 Cllr Smedley arrived.) Cllr Pope gave thanks to Cllr Smedley for all her work on the Arms Farm response. Cllr Pope informed the meeting that Cllr Randall had resigned from the Council due to personal reasons. Cllr Pope advised the Cllrs to remember the role of the Council and to keep it in perspective.

081(14) Public Forum The Chair welcomed those present. Issues raised included concerns about: • The neighbourhood watch signs – LB to action. • The level of communication between the Speed Watch Group and the Council. (Councillor Howard Greenman arrived at 20.00.) • The 50mph speed limit signs hidden by the hedge and missing on the Draycot straight – Cllr Jones to action. • The salt bin – Cllr Pope advised the Council were in talks with the Village Hall to re-site it. • Overgrown hedges – Cllr Pope advised that these matters were being referred to Wilts Council.

082(14) Minutes of Previous Meetings The minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held on the 15 October 2014 were agreed and signed off as a true record of the proceedings.

083(14) Clerk’s Report Forms part of these minutes (available on request from the Clerk).

084(14) Planning / Development Control

a) It was resolved to agree the following Planning Applications as follows:

Rockwell Cottage, 8 It was resolved to approve 14/09847/FUL Two storey side extension Sutton Lane, SN15 4RU with no objections. 9 Lee Crescent, SN15 Two storey rear and single storey It was resolved to approve 14/09978/FUL 4SE side extensions with no objections. Construction of Agricultural 14/10318/FUL Gate Farm, SN15 4RE It was resolved to object. Building

b) Cllr Pope invited Councillor Greenman to give an update on the Hazlewood Farm site levels. He confirmed that Redrow had agreed to revert back to original slab height and that the drainage works had been enhanced. It was agreed that the issue of having a Neighbourhood Plan should be the agenda for the next meeting. c) Cllr Greenman gave an update on the Chippenham Pitstop site. It was resolved not to object to the application but to raise concerns over traffic safety. LB to write regarding the use of a mirror on the B4122 to improve road safety.

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085(14) Financial Issues a) The financial statement and bank reconciliation for October 2014 forms part of these minutes (available on request from the Clerk). It was agreed to contact Community user groups to advise of availability of grants. It was resolved to agree the following invoices for payment and the cheques were duly signed:

Cheque Payee Details Amount £ 819 Linda Bragg Black toner cartridge 27.00 820 Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 1 x 'B' Poppy Wreath 17.00 821 Linda Bragg Clerk's Salary for October 2014 320.26 822 SLCC Annual Membership 2014-15 87.00 823 Peter Neale Maintenance of Gossip Areas - to Nov 2014 165.00 824 Linda Bragg Travel expenses - training course 05-Nov-14 13.05

b) It was resolved to agree to a S137 grant of £500.00 for the community defibrillator to be sited at the Village Hall. c) It was resolved to agree to re-agenda the budget and precept setting for the Council meeting on the 14th January 2015.

086(14) Co-option of Councillor It was resolved to agree to co-opt Mr Keith Pound on as Parish Councillor. LB to send a welcome pack.

087(14) Speed Indicator Devices It was agreed that Cllr Pope would follow-up the speed indicator devices and liaise with the local Speed Watch Group.

088(14) Highways and Transport report Clerk, L Bragg reported on behalf of Cllr Jones that the Draycot Cerne crossroads had been repainted. Cllr Greenman asked if LB could email him concerning the Parish Steward.

089(14) Chippenham Area Board report Cllr Alexander gave a brief update and advised that the next Parish Forum was on the 10th December to include Neighbourhood Planning.

(14) 090 Police Liaison/Neighbourhood Watch report No report was given in Cllr Jones’s absence.

Meeting ended at 22.15 hrs

Next Meeting Date Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 14 January 2015 commencing 19:45.

Chairman……………………………………………………. Date………......

Page 2 of 2 Sutton Benger Parish Council

Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting Held on Wednesday 3rd December 2014 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Present Chairman: E Pope. Councillors: N Davis, P Jones, K Pound, K Smedley, G Woodville

Also present: Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk.

091(14) Apologies Apologies were received from Cllr Alexander (work).

092(14) Declarations of Interests There were no declarations of Pecuniary Interests for the purposes of the meeting.

093(14) Public Forum There were no members of the public present.

094(14) Planning / Development Control It was resolved to agree the following Planning Applications as follows:

Replace existing wooden window It was resolved to approve 14/10608/LBC 24 High Street, SN15 4RF frames with no objections. Use of land for 8 no. gypsy / Frampton Farm, High 14/10651/FUL traveller pitches including erection It was resolved to object. Street, SN15 4RL of dayroom and associated works

095(14) Financial Issues It was resolved to agree the following invoices for payment and the cheques were duly signed:

Cheque Payee Details Amount £ 825 Sutton Benger Village Hall Hire of Hall – Jun-Oct 2014 73.80 826 Wilts Assoc of Local Councils CiLCA Training course 5-Nov-2014 102.00 827 Linda Bragg Envelopes & Postage Stamps 8.71 828 Linda Bragg Clerk's Salary for November 2014 390.22 829 Marcus Anstie Ltd Bus Shelter Cleaning Sep-Nov 2014 30.00 830 Linda Bragg Travel expenses to attend NP Conf 27-Nov-14 18.00 831 South Western Ambulance Service Defibrillator Grant 500.00

Meeting ended at 20.30 hrs

Next Meeting Date Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 14 January 2015 commencing 19:45.

Chairman……………………………………………………. Date………......

Page 1 of 1 Sutton Benger Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Wednesday 14th January 2015 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Present Councillors: P Jones, K Smedley (Vice-chair), N Davis, K Pound

Also present: Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk, County Cllr H Greenman and 3 members of the public.

The meeting started with Cllr Jones in the Chair.

(15) 001 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs: Pope, Woodville, Parry-Jones (personal), Dony (unwell), Alexander (work).

002(15) Declarations of Interests There were no declarations of Pecuniary Interests for the purposes of the meeting.

003(15) Public Forum Session Cllr Jones addressed a question from a member of the public regarding the outstanding purchase of 2 new Neighbourhood Watch signs, the Clerk was asked to put this item on the Agenda for the meeting on 11 February 2015. The matter of the salt bin being re-sited was also raised and Cllr Jones advised that Cllr Pope had the matter in hand.

Cllr Smedley took over the Chair.

004(15) Chair’s Announcements Cllr Smedley informed the meeting of the Wiltshire Council’s Parish Housing Survey and asked for volunteers to help distribute them to every house in the Parish. Cllrs Jones, Davis and Pound and Mr N Hodnett volunteered.

005(15) Minutes of Previous Meetings It was resolved to agree the minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held on 12 November 2014 and the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 3 December 2014 and they were signed off as a true record of the proceedings.

006(15) Financial Issues a) It was resolved to agree the invoices totalling £545.13 for signing and to agree the one-off non- consolidated payment to the Clerk for the sum of £50.00 in her December 2014 pay. b) It was resolved to agree the 20 extra hours requested by the Clerk to complete necessary tasks. c) It was resolved to agree the Budget for 2015-16 and increase the Precept by 1.2%. d) It was resolved to agree to reduce the size of the flower bed on the High Street at the junction with Manor Farm Drive. The Clerk was asked to ascertain ownership of the flower bed and to obtain quotes for the work. e) It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the Police to try and ascertain whether an insurance claim could be made to replace the bench damaged in a road traffic accident at the Draycot Cerne corner on the B4069.

007(15) Planning / Development Control a) It was resolved to agree the Planning Applications as follows:

Retain and extend existing Lower Compton Waste To object. Clerk was Materials Recycling Facility Management Facility, asked to contact local including transfer activities, 14/09744/WCM Lower Compton, Calne, Parish Councils to screening bund and Wiltshire ascertain their ancillary activities and SN11 8RB comments. development To object on the basis The Barn, Draycot Cerne, Erection of all-weather riding 14/11340/FUL of incorrect information SN15 5LD arena (retrospective) on the application. Cllr

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Greenman was asked

to call it to committee. Residential Development The Park High Street Comprising 13 Dwellings, with To approve subject to 14/12070/FUL Sutton Benger Wiltshire Associated Gardens, Parking, conditions. SN15 4RQ Drainage and Landscaping

b) It was resolved to agree expenditure for the Clerk to proceed with the investigation to register the site of the grass verge fronting 62-66 High Street, Sutton Benger to gain title of ownership for SBPC.

c) Cllr Greenman was asked and agreed to investigate the site formerly known as ‘Springbok’ on Seagry Road, Sutton Benger for any planning infringements.

d) It was resolved to agree to start the process to implement a Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk was asked to ascertain the procedure to start the application.

008(15) Highways and Transport a) Cllr Jones raised the issue of the advertising banners on the fence at the Draycot Cerne/B4069 junction causing a distraction for motorists. The Clerk was asked to write to the owner. b) It was resolved to agree to support the request from a parishioner for a 50mph speed limit on the B4122 from Junction 17 of the M4 to the Draycot Cerne junction with the B4069. c) The Clerk was asked to contact the CATG to investigate moving the bus stop at The Bell along the High Street to opposite Barrett Lane. d) It was agreed to wait to see if further funding would be available from 1 April 2015 to install dropped pavements on the High Street at ‘Starlings’.

009(15) Chippenham Area Board a) No report given in Cllr Alexander’s absence. b) It was resolved to agree to host a Parish Forum in the Sutton Benger Village Hall.

010(15) Clerk’s Report Forms part of these minutes (available on request from the Clerk).

Meeting ended at 21.55 hrs

Next Meeting Date Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 11 February 2015 commencing 19:45 with a Public Forum.

Chairman……………………………………………………. Date………......

Page 2 of 2

Sutton Benger Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Wednesday 11th February 2015 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Present Councillors: E Pope (Chair), K Pound, K Smedley (Vice-chair), D Alexander, G Woodville, N Davis.

Also present: Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk, 7 members of the public.

011(15) Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr P Jones (work).

012(15) Declarations of Interests There were no declarations of Pecuniary Interests for the purposes of the meeting. Cllr Pope stated that as she had a personal interest in item 017(15)a).i. she would pass the chair to Cllr. Smedley.

013(15) Public Forum Session Concerns were raised over: 1. Planning applications for Manor Farm, Draycot Cerne and the Arms Farm revised planning application. 2. The fence outside 66 High Street – the Clerk advised that the Council were seeking legal advise. 3. The re-siting of the salt bin – Cllr Pope advised that the matter was in hand. 4. The missing white gateway into the village – the Clerk to chase Wilts Council re ownership.

014(15) Chair’s Announcements Cllr Pope thanked Cllr Pound, Matt and Linda Bragg for installing the new Parish Notice Board at The Bell and all the Cllrs who helped post the Housing Survey forms around the village. She informed the meeting of the installation of the Defibs and the up-coming training event on 18 February 2015.

015(15) Minutes of Previous Meetings It was resolved to agree the minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held on 14 January 2015 and they were signed off as a true record of the proceedings.

016(15) Financial Issues a) It was resolved to agree the budget statement and invoices totalling £308.09 for signing. b) It was resolved to approve the contract for the Maintenance of the Gossip Areas for 2015-16 for £345.00. c) It was resolved to approve the Community Grant for the PCC for £500.00 for maintenance of the churchyard for 2015-16. d) It was resolved not to purchase any additional Neighbourhood Watch signs above the 2 previously agreed. e) It was resolved in principal to agree to the purchase of a litter bin for the bus shelter if the matter of emptying it could be resolved.

017(15) Planning / Development Control a) It was resolved to agree the Planning Applications as follows:

To further object. Cllr Smedley to collate Outline planning application for responses. Cllr Davis Land at Arms Farm, up to 28 dwellings with i 14/0888/OUT to represent PC at SN15 4RE associated access work and Planning Committee public open space (REVISED) meeting on 18-Feb- 15. To object. Cllr Pope Residential development to compile response. The Park, High Street, comprising 13 dwellings, with Ii 14/12070/FUL Cllr Davis asked that SN15 4RQ associated gardens, parking, his vote to not object drainage and landscaping. be noted.

Original ratified and signed by Chairman 13-May-2015 Page 1 of 2

MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING Held on Wednesday 11 February 2015 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

66 High Street, Temporary post and bar fence iii 15/00436/LBC Withdrawn. SN15 4RL (retrospective) Remove existing lilac hedge at front of property and improve the 66 High Street, iv 15/00437/LBC existing off road parking …. And Withdrawn. SN15 4RL placing low dry stone retaining wall at front of landscaped area Formative pruning to trees within v 15/00599/TCA Recreation Ground, SB No Objections. rec 30% crown reduction and crown lift to 3m to silver birch and 2m 48 High Street, vi 15/00617/TCA to beech. 30% crown reduction No Objections. SN15 4RF to 1 silver birch, 2 maple and 3 cherry trees To object. LB to liaise Manor Farm, Draycot Siting of a mobile home for a vii 15/00627/FUL with Cllr Jones to Cerne, SN15 5LD temporary period (retrospective) respond. To object. LB to liaise Manor Farm, Draycot Installation of solar panels viii 15/00628/FUL with Cllr Jones to Cerne, SN15 5LD (retrospective) respond. To object. LB to liaise Manor Farm, Draycot Certificate of Lawfulness for use ix 15/00634/CLE with Cllr Jones to Cerne, SN15 5LD of building for B8 storage respond. 3 Chestnut Road, To support subject x 15/00538/FUL Detached Single Garage SN15 4RP to conditions. 3 Chestnut Road, To support subject xi 15/00798/LBC Detached Single Garage SN15 4RP to conditions. 6 High Street, xii 15/00808/TCA Fell 2 leylandii & 1 Beech Tree No Objections. SN15 4RD Internal alterations, installation of 50 High Street, xiii 15/00822/LBC 2 roof windows to rear and No Objections. SN15 4RJ replacement external door.

b) Cllr Davis gave an update on the Neighbourhood Development Plan – it is recommended that there should be 1 member from the Parish Council together with a ‘lead’ local resident to work with others to formulate the Plan. It was agreed that the Council should initiate a Plan and that it could form the subject for the Annual Parish Meeting.

c) It was resolved not to enter the Best Kept Village Competition 2015.

018(15) Highways and Transport There was no report on Highways and Transport.

019(15) Chippenham Area Board There was no report on the Chippenham Area Board.

020(15) Clerk’s Report The Clerk’s report was received and outstanding actions were noted. (Forms part of these minutes and is available on request from the Clerk).

Meeting ended at 21.50 hrs

Next Meeting Date Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 11 March 2015 commencing 19:45 with a Public Forum.

Chairman……………………………………………………. Date…………......

Original ratified and signed by Chairman 13-May-2015 Page 2 of 2

Sutton Benger Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Wednesday 11th March 2015 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Present Councillors: E Pope (Chair), K Smedley (Vice-chair), G Woodville, N Davis.

Also present: Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk, Cllr Howard Greenman and 3 members of the public.

021(15) Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs P Jones (work), D Alexander (work) and K Pound (personal).

022(15) Public Forum Session (started early as meeting not yet quorate) Concerns were raised over: 1. Planning application at Seagry Hill for agricultural tied development. 2. Planning applications at Land Adjacent to and at 2 Box Cottages, Sutton Benger.

(Cllr Smedley arrived at 7.55pm – meeting now quorate).

023(15) Declarations of Interests There were no declarations of Pecuniary Interests for the purposes of the meeting.

024(15) Chair’s Announcements There were no Chair’s announcements.

025(15) Minutes of Previous Meetings Cllr Davis asked that the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11 February 2015 be amended to note that he did not object to item 017(15)ii and that item 017(15)i state that he will ‘represent’ the Parish Council at the Planning Committee meeting. It was resolved not to sign off the minutes pending the Clerk making the necessary changes.

026(15) Finance and Personnel a) It was resolved to agree to appoint a Councillor with responsibility for Finance and it was noted that there was already provision for Personnel in the Standing Orders). b) A decision on this item was postponed due to lack of members present at the meeting.

027(15) Financial Issues a) It was resolved to agree the budget statement and invoices totalling £650.77 for signing. b) It was resolved to approve the working from home allowance for the Clerk at £17.33 per month and £208.00 for financial year 2014-15.

028(15) Planning / Development Control a) It was resolved to agree the Planning Applications as follows:

To further object. Cllr Greenman agreed to Manor Farm, Draycot Installation of solar panels i 15/00628/FUL look into the matter Cerne, SN15 5LD (retrospective) (revised) further and advise the PC. To support subject Erection of Agricultural to conditions – ii 15/01401/FUL Seagry Hill, SN15 4RX Workers Dwelling property to have agricultural tie. Manor Farm Cottage, Single Storey Extension & iii 15/01409/LBC Manor Farm Drive, No Objections. Alterations to Existing Porch SN15 4RW Manor Farm Cottage, Single Storey Extension & iv 15/01726/FUL No Objections. SN15 4RW Alterations to Existing Porch

Original ratified and signed by Chairman 13-May-2015 Page 1 of 2

MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING Held on Wednesday 11 March 2015 at the Village Hall, Sutton Benger

Site adjacent to 2 Box Erection of New Dwelling & v 15/01417/FUL Cottages High Street, To Object. Garage SN15 4RD First Floor Extension over 2 Box Cottage, vi 15/01562/FUL Garage (Resubmission of No Comment. SN15 4RE 14/09245/FUL)

b) No discussion took place about the implementation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan.

c) Cllr Smedley updated the Council on the SHLAA meeting she attended at Wiltshire Council.

029(15) It was agreed to have Neighbourhood Development Planning (NDP) and Community Grants as topics on the Annual Parish Meeting Agenda. The Clerk was asked to contact local Parish Councils and Wilts Council for availability of someone to attend the APM and present on NDP.

030(15) Highways and Transport a) There was no report on Highways and Transport.

b) It was resolved to agree the funding contribution requested from Wiltshire Council for the 20mph restriction on Chestnut Road. It is understood that the maximum payable by the Parish Council would be £750.00.

c) It was resolved to re-investigate the need for requesting a change to the speed restriction on the B4069 to Frampton Farm in six months.

d) It was agreed not to replace the bench at the B4069/B4122 junction as it was deemed to be in a dangerous position and that an article would be placed in the Parish News for suggestions as to where, if anywhere, it could be re-sited.

031(15) Chippenham Area Board There was no report on the Chippenham Area Board.

032(15) Clerk’s Report The Clerk’s report was received and outstanding actions were noted. (Forms part of these minutes and is available on request from the Clerk).

Meeting ended at 22.00 hrs

Next Meeting Date Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 15 April 2015 commencing 19:45.

Chairman……………………………………………………. Date…………......

Original ratified and signed by Chairman 13-May-2015 Page 2 of 2