Southwestern Union Record for 1989
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R SOUTHWESTERN UNION Cheeko Cotta, conducting a workshop. Academy student leaders, attending the Leadership Conference. The annual Leadership Con- Southwest Region youth leader; ference for the eight senior Mission Team Training, Dan ANNUAL academies in the Southwestern Serns, Texas youth leader; LEADERSHIP Union was held September 13- Health and Temperance, Fred 17, 1989, at the Texas Confer- Murray, Southwestern Union CONFERENCE ence's Nameless Valley Ranch. health and temperance director; Participants included 160 Social Activities, Cheeko Cotta; academy student leaders, 25 Clown Ministries, Jack Fran- faculty members, five South- cisco, Parkview Adventist western Adventist College stu- Academy principal; School dents, and 14 guest speakers Paper, Sharon Leach and Mary and workshop leaders. Ann Hadley, Southwestern The purposes of the Leader- Adventist College advancement Academy ship Conference are to assist vice president and publications students in their personal spirit- editor, respectively; and School ual growth, and to provide train- Annual, Taylor Publishing ing for carrying out their lead- Company. ership responsibilities on their Victor Brown, SAC enrollment Student academy campus. Many student vice president, Sharon Leach, leaders feel that the Leadership and Mary Ann Hadley, and five Conference is one of the best SAC students conducted the experiences of their school year. entire Sabbath School program, The event is jointly sponsored and presented religious skits on Leaders by the Education and Church Sabbath afternoon. Sabbath Ministries departments. evening vespers, conducted by The featured speaker was Victor Brown, included a Cheeko Cotta, Pathfinder direc- candle-lighting ceremony by the tor for the Florida Conference. eight academy student associa- Meet His inspiring messages were tion presidents. greatly appreciated by students The social and recreational and adults. He also conducted a activities and the afterglow ser- two-session workshop on con- vices following the night meet- ducting social activities on cam- ings were directed by the con- pus. Mike Tucker, Burleson, ference youth directors, Dan Texas, pastor, spoke for the Serns, Joe Watts (Arkansas- morning and evening worship Louisiana), and Billy Wright. A services on Thursday. special recreational feature was Seven leadership workshops rope-climbing and rappelling. were held, among which stu- Jim and Barbara Rogers, NVR Cover photo by Charles R. Beeler dents could select two. The top- camp rangers, were hosts to the ics and their presenters were: group and provided excellent Leadership, Billy Wright, meals. • 2 RECORD / November 1989 After 43 years of business At 80 years of age, Ira can still Ingathering, Ira Gilliam, of Mus- remember the 19 pastors of the kogee, could hardly wait for this Muskogee church since he was Ira year's campaign to begin. Barely baptized on September 4, 1944. finished with last year's effort, He can also remember Ingather- he began making plans, updat- ing back then. In 1944, it was ing his picture book, meeting just three or four ladies doing Gilliam new business owners, and scout- business Ingathering. In 1945, ing out new territory. carolers stood on street corners "Ingathering doesn't just and sang hymns. "If you got a Goes happen between Thanksgiving dollar bill, you were a real and Christmas," Ira suggests. "It prince." In 1946, James Layland takes planning and cultivation played a horn and solicitors all year long." walked along the street. In 1947, Ingathering Ira is planning Ingathering carolers rode in the back of when he plants extra tomatoes Ira's pickup on bales of hay. In so he can give some of them to 1948, solicitors walked along Again the local businessmen. "It with a car that had a battery- works, too," he says, "These powered record player in the men learn to appreciate the back seat. "The driver had to be Seventh-day Adventists. careful about going around While the medical and dental corners. The needle on the van was in Ira's hometown, he record would just skid over the snapped a picture of a mass of top," he chuckled. people surrounding the van. He Ira says, "I like to do my part. brags that the picture with the I just wish more of our people Wal-Mart sign in the back- would do business Ingathering. I ground was certainly good don't think they realize how ammunition when he asked the important it is." manager a few months later for Just off the top of his head, a contribution. "He handed me Ira was able to name three five crisp $20 bills." Muskogee church members During his 50 years as a tra- who were baptized as a result of veling salesman, Ira met a lot of Ingathering. people. Many of them have Last year, with a church goal retired, but that doesn't stop the of $5,850, Ira solicited $3,275.50 Gilliams from asking them to of the total of $6,605.78 that support Ingathering. Ira and his was raised. • wife Beulah hand-write letters to the retired business owners they used to solicit. "Some of our old friends don't even wait for our yearly letter. Ira and Beulah Gilliam A couple of them bring the check by our home just because they know it is that time of year." By Keith Dobbs Keith Dobbs, now director of develop- ment at Hugulev Memorial Hospital in Forth Worth, Texas, was communication director of the Oklahoma Conference at the time of writing this story. November 1989 ' RECORD 3 Mimi the Gift of Living Music! ,SEVENITY Great new gifts from Chapel/Bridge Records! Serenity. A selection of Epic Brass. The outstanding Epic The Bible: The Amazing Book. Music City. An assort- peaceful guitar medita- Brass Quintet performs a richly New for kids! A fascinating ment of upbeat tunes fror tions by Steven Martin. varied repertoire of classic narrative of the Bible with songs the popular Reunion Cassette. chamber music. Cassette. and stories. Cassette/songbook. singers. Cassette/CD. 1. Spa.? Cassettes US$9.98/ great Hymns Cdn$13.98 unless Bring the holidays into your home! Of Bile Christian Faith Ohe Chrlstma, Album otherwise listed. VOLUME 2 Great Hymns of the Christian Faith,• mosersomrr umg• • moo the Christmas Album, vol. 2. Music City: US$14.98/ Orchestra. Cassette. Cdn$21.98 compact d It's Christmas Time! Wintley Phipps, What Child Is This: baritone/bass. Cassette. US$8.98/Cdn$12.98 What Child Is This. New Covenant, cassette. instrumental. Cassette/CD. 1==......• =W11'4 US$12.98/Cdn$18.98 Snowing Again. Dona Klein, organ, %.4:"'"a4Z4Z7'‘ .12— .." 74-, • compact disc. piano, and orchestra. Cassette. Ii7nd Child 1 / -his Now available at your loca Prices subject to change without notice. Adventist Book Center! ®1989 Pacific Press Publishing Association 2890 PRESIDENT'S BULLETIN BOARD Creation vs. Evolution Debate Affirms Adventist Education Sometimes good things message is, "worship Him that made completed a study session in Rock Springs, come from misunder- heaven, and earth." And the fourth com- Wyoming, where 23 technical papers on the Cyril Miller standings. Recently one of mandment tells us to worship God in a spe- subject of creationism and evolution were our pastors hesitated to cial way on the seventh day of the week as a presented. enroll his daughter in the local Adventist memorial to His creative power. It is gratifying to know that the church academy because he discovered that they It is our mission as Seventh-day Advent- has competent research scientists who are used a public high school textbook in ists to tell the world about the God who now pooling their findings on the Biblical science class. created the earth in six days and rested on record of creation and flood. Upon investigation, I discovered this was the seventh. Likewise, it is our privilege to Walter Veith, a very prominent evolution true! However, I also discovered that our follow God's instruction in the fourth com- scientist of Stellenbosch University of South academies excel in teaching creationism mandment to keep the Sabbath holy as a Africa, has recently converted to Christianity with this textbook plus other materials memorial of this great creative event. and the Seventh-day Adventist church. He is which keep the student clearly in the path- According to the General Conference now a firm believer in creationism and has way of truth. The pastor did not see the Geoscience Institute, presently there are 73 been lecturing to tens of thousands of peo- science teacher's course of study and sup- new creation science organizations, most of ple across the nation of South Africa. plemental materials which support creation which are outside of the United States. Also, All of this is developing a growing respect science. in the past few years there have been 1,852 and appreciation in scientific circles outside new books that have been written to oppose and inside the Seventh-day Adventist I am proud to say that our Adventist the theory of evolution. It is obvious that a church. schools properly instruct our children in the worldwide creation movement is developing. Recently a new book titled, The Earth, subject of creation science. They study the Today, it is popular to criticize Charles has been published by the General Confer- Genesis model of a six-day creation followed Darwin's model of evolution. As a result, the ence Department of Education to aid in by the seventh-day Sabbath rest. Darwinian concept of evolution is in serious teaching creation science in our academies. Today the modern creation science trouble. However, other models of evolution This new book is illustrated with numerous movement has developed as a result of a are taking its place. pictures on the subject of creation vs. evolu- long series of hearings in the legal courts of While creationism is losing in the courts, tion, and it presents the issues on the our nation.