3 bus time schedule & line map

3 - Mayeld or Dalkeith Campus View In Website Mode

The 3 bus line (Clovenstone - Mayeld or Dalkeith Campus) has 5 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Dalkeith: 5:40 AM - 6:10 PM (2) Longstone: 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM (3) Mayeld: 4:20 AM - 11:07 PM (4) Old Town: 11:35 PM (5) : 4:50 AM - 11:10 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 3 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 3 bus arriving.

Direction: Dalkeith 3 bus Time Schedule 74 stops Dalkeith Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:40 AM - 6:10 PM Clovenstone Drive, Wester Hailes Tuesday 5:40 AM - 6:10 PM Clovenstone Park, Wester Hailes Clovenstone Drive, Wednesday 5:40 AM - 6:10 PM

Clovenstone Gardens, Wester Hailes Thursday 5:40 AM - 6:10 PM Friday 5:40 AM - 6:10 PM Clovenstone Road, Wester Hailes Saturday 8:34 AM - 5:58 PM Wester Hailes Park, Wester Hailes

Hailesland Place, Wester Hailes

Murrayburn Park, Wester Hailes 3 bus Info Direction: Dalkeith Westside Plaza, Wester Hailes Stops: 74 Trip Duration: 91 min Murrayburn Road, Edinburgh Line Summary: Clovenstone Drive, Wester Hailes, Calder Drive, Calders Clovenstone Park, Wester Hailes, Clovenstone Gardens, Wester Hailes, Clovenstone Road, Wester Sighthill Road, Edinburgh Hailes, Wester Hailes Park, Wester Hailes, Hailesland Napier University (Sighthill), Sighthill Place, Wester Hailes, Murrayburn Park, Wester Hailes, Westside Plaza, Wester Hailes, Calder Drive, Calders, Napier University (Sighthill), Sighthill, Sighthill Green, Sighthill Sighthill Green, Sighthill, Broomhouse Road, Broomhouse, Sighthill Post Oce, Broomhouse, Broomhouse Road, Broomhouse Mains, Saughton, Saughton Mains 348 Calder Road, Edinburgh Avenue, Saughton, Hmp Edinburgh, Saughton, Stenhouse Mill Lane, Saughton, Avenue, Sighthill Post Oce, Broomhouse Stenhouse, Saughton Park, Stenhouse, Calder Road, Edinburgh Road, , Gorgie Park Road, Gorgie, Stewart Terrace, Gorgie, Tynecastle, Gorgie, Gorgie City Farm, Saughton Mains, Saughton Dalry, Murieston Crescent, Dalry, Dalry Primary School, Dalry, Caledonian Village, Dalry, Haymarket Saughton Mains Avenue, Saughton Station, Haymarket, West Maitland Street, Calder Road, Edinburgh Haymarket, Shandwick Place, West End, Princes Street (West), Edinburgh, Princes Street (Scott Mon.), Hmp Edinburgh, Saughton Edinburgh, South Bridge, Old Town, Surgeons' Hall, 64 Stenhouse Road, Edinburgh South Side, St Partick Square, South Side, Bernard Stenhouse Mill Lane, Saughton Terrace, South Side, Newington Road, Newington, 24 Stenhouse Road, Edinburgh Salisbury Place, Mayeld, Minto Street, Mayeld, Mayeld Gardens, Mayeld, East Savile Road, Chesser Avenue, Stenhouse Mayeld, Suffolk Road, Mayeld, Lady Road, Nether 5 Delhaig, Edinburgh Liberton, Nether Liberton Lane, Nether Liberton, Orrok Park, Nether Liberton, Glenallan Drive, the Inch, Saughton Park, Stenhouse Glenvarloch Crescent, the Inch, Claverhouse Drive, 451 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh the Inch, Liberton High School, Greenend, Moredunvale Road, Greenend, Park Road, Balgreen Road, Gorgie Moredun, Gaurdwell Glen, , Gilmerton 1 Saughton Avenue, Edinburgh Primary School, Gilmerton, Gilmerton Crossroads, Gilmerton, Drum Street, Gilmerton, Drum Cottages, Gorgie Park Road, Gorgie Gilmerton, Gilmerton Station Road, Gilmerton, 368-370 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Gilmerton Junction, Gilmerton, Dobbies Garden World, Melville Nursery, Melville Castle, Dalkeith, Stewart Terrace, Gorgie Elginhaugh Bridge, Melville Nursery, Eskbank Court, 2 Smitheld Street, Edinburgh Eskbank, Glenesk Crescent, Dalkeith, Croft Street, Dalkeith, Buccleuch Street, Dalkeith, James Lean Tynecastle, Gorgie Avenue, Dalkeith, Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith, Primrose 112A Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Terrace, Dalkeith, Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith, Dalkeith Heights, Dalkeith, Cowden Crescent, Dalkeith, Gorgie City Farm, Dalry Sainsbury'S, Dalkeith, Community Campus, Dalkeith, 60 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Schools Campus, Dalkeith

Murieston Crescent, Dalry 247 Dalry Road, Edinburgh

Dalry Primary School, Dalry 162 Dalry Road, Edinburgh

Caledonian Village, Dalry 107 Dalry Road, Edinburgh

Haymarket Station, Haymarket 15 Dalry Road, Edinburgh

West Maitland Street, Haymarket West Maitland Street, Edinburgh

Shandwick Place, West End 56 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh

Princes Street (West), Edinburgh 123 Princes Street, Edinburgh

Princes Street (Scott Mon.), Edinburgh 63 Princes Street, Edinburgh

South Bridge, Old Town 29-30 South Bridge, Edinburgh

Surgeons' Hall, South Side 44A Nicolson Street, Edinburgh

St Partick Square, South Side 14 St Patrick Square, Edinburgh

Bernard Terrace, South Side 13 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh

Newington Road, Newington 9 Newington Road, Edinburgh Salisbury Place, Mayeld 2 Minto Street, Edinburgh

Minto Street, Mayeld 20 Minto Street, Edinburgh

Mayeld Gardens, Mayeld 21 Mayeld Gardens, Edinburgh

East Savile Road, Mayeld 3 Park, Edinburgh

Suffolk Road, Mayeld Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh

Lady Road, Nether Liberton Liberton Road, Edinburgh

Nether Liberton Lane, Nether Liberton

Orrok Park, Nether Liberton 207 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Glenallan Drive, the Inch Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Glenvarloch Crescent, the Inch Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Claverhouse Drive, the Inch

Liberton High School, Greenend 393 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Moredunvale Road, Greenend 411 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Moredun Park Road, Moredun 449 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Gaurdwell Glen, Gilmerton 479 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Gilmerton Primary School, Gilmerton 513 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Gilmerton Crossroads, Gilmerton Drum Street, Edinburgh

Drum Street, Gilmerton 1 Ravenscroft Street, Edinburgh

Drum Cottages, Gilmerton

Gilmerton Station Road, Gilmerton

Gilmerton Junction, Gilmerton

Dobbies Garden World, Melville Nursery Melville Castle, Dalkeith Gilmerton Road,

Elginhaugh Bridge, Melville Nursery

Eskbank Court, Eskbank Eskbank Court, Dalkeith

Glenesk Crescent, Dalkeith

Croft Street, Dalkeith

Buccleuch Street, Dalkeith Buccleuch Street, Dalkeith

James Lean Avenue, Dalkeith

Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith

Primrose Terrace, Dalkeith

Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith Lauder Road, Dalkeith

Dalkeith Heights, Dalkeith Jean Armour Drive, Scotland

Cowden Crescent, Dalkeith

Sainsbury'S, Dalkeith

Community Campus, Dalkeith

Schools Campus, Dalkeith Direction: Longstone 3 bus Time Schedule 2 stops Longstone Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM

Monday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM Clovenstone Drive, Wester Hailes Tuesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM Parkhead Drive, Longstone Parkhead Drive, Edinburgh Wednesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM Thursday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM

Friday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM

Saturday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM

3 bus Info Direction: Longstone Stops: 2 Trip Duration: 6 min Line Summary: Clovenstone Drive, Wester Hailes, Parkhead Drive, Longstone Direction: Mayeld 3 bus Time Schedule 85 stops Mayeld Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 5:19 AM - 11:07 PM

Monday 4:20 AM - 11:07 PM Clovenstone Drive, Wester Hailes Tuesday 4:20 AM - 11:07 PM Clovenstone Park, Wester Hailes Clovenstone Drive, Edinburgh Wednesday 4:20 AM - 11:07 PM

Clovenstone Gardens, Wester Hailes Thursday 4:20 AM - 11:07 PM Friday 4:20 AM - 11:07 PM Clovenstone Road, Wester Hailes Saturday 4:59 AM - 11:07 PM Wester Hailes Park, Wester Hailes

Hailesland Place, Wester Hailes

Murrayburn Park, Wester Hailes 3 bus Info Direction: Mayeld Westside Plaza, Wester Hailes Stops: 85 Trip Duration: 98 min Murrayburn Road, Edinburgh Line Summary: Clovenstone Drive, Wester Hailes, Calder Drive, Calders Clovenstone Park, Wester Hailes, Clovenstone Gardens, Wester Hailes, Clovenstone Road, Wester Sighthill Road, Edinburgh Hailes, Wester Hailes Park, Wester Hailes, Hailesland Napier University (Sighthill), Sighthill Place, Wester Hailes, Murrayburn Park, Wester Hailes, Westside Plaza, Wester Hailes, Calder Drive, Calders, Napier University (Sighthill), Sighthill, Sighthill Green, Sighthill Sighthill Green, Sighthill, Broomhouse Road, Broomhouse, Sighthill Post Oce, Broomhouse, Broomhouse Road, Broomhouse Saughton Mains, Saughton, Saughton Mains 348 Calder Road, Edinburgh Avenue, Saughton, Hmp Edinburgh, Saughton, Stenhouse Mill Lane, Saughton, Chesser Avenue, Sighthill Post Oce, Broomhouse Stenhouse, Saughton Park, Stenhouse, Balgreen Calder Road, Edinburgh Road, Gorgie, Gorgie Park Road, Gorgie, Stewart Terrace, Gorgie, Tynecastle, Gorgie, Gorgie City Farm, Saughton Mains, Saughton Dalry, Murieston Crescent, Dalry, Dalry Primary School, Dalry, Caledonian Village, Dalry, Haymarket Saughton Mains Avenue, Saughton Station, Haymarket, West Maitland Street, Calder Road, Edinburgh Haymarket, Shandwick Place, West End, Princes Street (West), Edinburgh, Princes Street (Scott Mon.), Hmp Edinburgh, Saughton Edinburgh, South Bridge, Old Town, Surgeons' Hall, 64 Stenhouse Road, Edinburgh South Side, St Partick Square, South Side, Bernard Terrace, South Side, Newington Road, Newington, Stenhouse Mill Lane, Saughton Salisbury Place, Mayeld, Minto Street, Mayeld, 24 Stenhouse Road, Edinburgh Mayeld Gardens, Mayeld, East Savile Road, Mayeld, Suffolk Road, Mayeld, Lady Road, Nether Chesser Avenue, Stenhouse Liberton, Nether Liberton Lane, Nether Liberton, 5 Delhaig, Edinburgh Orrok Park, Nether Liberton, Glenallan Drive, the Inch, Glenvarloch Crescent, the Inch, Claverhouse Drive, Saughton Park, Stenhouse the Inch, Liberton High School, Greenend, 451 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Moredunvale Road, Greenend, Moredun Park Road, Moredun, Gaurdwell Glen, Gilmerton, Gilmerton Balgreen Road, Gorgie Primary School, Gilmerton, Gilmerton Crossroads, 1 Saughton Avenue, Edinburgh Gilmerton, Drum Street, Gilmerton, Drum Cottages, Gilmerton, Gilmerton Station Road, Gilmerton, Gorgie Park Road, Gorgie Gilmerton Junction, Gilmerton, Dobbies Garden 368-370 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh World, Melville Nursery, Melville Castle, Dalkeith, Stewart Terrace, Gorgie Elginhaugh Bridge, Melville Nursery, Eskbank Court, Eskbank, Glenesk Crescent, Dalkeith, Croft Street, 2 Smitheld Street, Edinburgh Dalkeith, Buccleuch Street, Dalkeith, James Lean Avenue, Dalkeith, Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith, Primrose Tynecastle, Gorgie Terrace, Dalkeith, Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith, 112A Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Easthouses Road, Kippielaw, Easthouses Way, Gorgie City Farm, Dalry Easthouses, Little Acre, Easthouses, Hawthorn Crescent, Mayeld, Hawthorn Centre, Mayeld, 60 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Mayeld Place, Mayeld, Elm Place, Mayeld, Buckie Road, Mayeld, Oak Crescent, Mayeld, Finlay Place, Murieston Crescent, Dalry Mayeld, Larch Crescent, Mayeld, Hughes Crescent, 247 Dalry Road, Edinburgh Mayeld, The Kilns, Mayeld, Westhouses Avenue, Dalry Primary School, Dalry Mayeld, Westhouses Drive, Mayeld, Cook Crescent, Mayeld 162 Dalry Road, Edinburgh

Caledonian Village, Dalry 107 Dalry Road, Edinburgh

Haymarket Station, Haymarket 15 Dalry Road, Edinburgh

West Maitland Street, Haymarket West Maitland Street, Edinburgh

Shandwick Place, West End 56 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh

Princes Street (West), Edinburgh 123 Princes Street, Edinburgh

Princes Street (Scott Mon.), Edinburgh 63 Princes Street, Edinburgh

South Bridge, Old Town 29-30 South Bridge, Edinburgh

Surgeons' Hall, South Side 44A Nicolson Street, Edinburgh

St Partick Square, South Side 14 St Patrick Square, Edinburgh

Bernard Terrace, South Side 13 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh

Newington Road, Newington 9 Newington Road, Edinburgh

Salisbury Place, Mayeld 2 Minto Street, Edinburgh

Minto Street, Mayeld 20 Minto Street, Edinburgh

Mayeld Gardens, Mayeld 21 Mayeld Gardens, Edinburgh

East Savile Road, Mayeld 3 Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh

Suffolk Road, Mayeld Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh

Lady Road, Nether Liberton Liberton Road, Edinburgh

Nether Liberton Lane, Nether Liberton

Orrok Park, Nether Liberton 207 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Glenallan Drive, the Inch Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Glenvarloch Crescent, the Inch Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Claverhouse Drive, the Inch

Liberton High School, Greenend 393 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Moredunvale Road, Greenend 411 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Moredun Park Road, Moredun 449 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Gaurdwell Glen, Gilmerton 479 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Gilmerton Primary School, Gilmerton 513 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Gilmerton Crossroads, Gilmerton Drum Street, Edinburgh

Drum Street, Gilmerton 1 Ravenscroft Street, Edinburgh

Drum Cottages, Gilmerton

Gilmerton Station Road, Gilmerton

Gilmerton Junction, Gilmerton

Dobbies Garden World, Melville Nursery

Melville Castle, Dalkeith Gilmerton Road, Scotland

Elginhaugh Bridge, Melville Nursery

Eskbank Court, Eskbank Eskbank Court, Dalkeith

Glenesk Crescent, Dalkeith

Croft Street, Dalkeith

Buccleuch Street, Dalkeith Buccleuch Street, Dalkeith James Lean Avenue, Dalkeith

Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith

Primrose Terrace, Dalkeith

Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith Lauder Road, Dalkeith

Easthouses Road, Kippielaw

Easthouses Way, Easthouses Barley Bree Lawn, Dalkeith

Little Acre, Easthouses B6482, Scotland

Hawthorn Crescent, Mayeld

Hawthorn Centre, Mayeld Langlaw Road, Scotland

Mayeld Place, Mayeld Andrew Dodd's Avenue, Scotland

Elm Place, Mayeld Buckie Road, Scotland

Buckie Road, Mayeld Buckie Road, Scotland

Oak Crescent, Mayeld

Finlay Place, Mayeld

Larch Crescent, Mayeld

Hughes Crescent, Mayeld Oak Place, Scotland

The Kilns, Mayeld

Westhouses Avenue, Mayeld

Westhouses Drive, Mayeld

Cook Crescent, Mayeld Dougal Road, Scotland Direction: Old Town 3 bus Time Schedule 54 stops Old Town Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 11:35 PM

Monday 11:35 PM Cook Crescent, Mayeld Dougal Road, Scotland Tuesday 11:35 PM

Hill Place, Mayeld Wednesday 11:35 PM

Thursday 11:35 PM The Kilns, Mayeld Friday 11:35 PM Hughes Crescent, Mayeld Oak Place, Scotland Saturday 11:35 PM

Finlay Place, Mayeld

Oak Crescent, Mayeld D'Arcy Road, Scotland 3 bus Info Direction: Old Town Roundabout, Mayeld Stops: 54 Eskview Road, Scotland Trip Duration: 44 min Line Summary: Cook Crescent, Mayeld, Hill Place, Elm Place, Mayeld Mayeld, The Kilns, Mayeld, Hughes Crescent, Mayeld, Finlay Place, Mayeld, Oak Crescent, Mayeld Place, Mayeld Mayeld, Roundabout, Mayeld, Elm Place, Mayeld, Bogwood Road, Scotland Mayeld Place, Mayeld, Hawthorn Centre, Mayeld, Hawthorn Crescent, Mayeld, Little Acre, Hawthorn Centre, Mayeld Easthouses, Easthouses Way, Easthouses, 2f Bogwood Road, Scotland Easthouses Road, Kippielaw, Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith, Primrose Terrace, Dalkeith, Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith, Hawthorn Crescent, Mayeld James Lean Avenue, Dalkeith, South Street, Dalkeith, Jarnac Court, Dalkeith, Kings Park, Dalkeith, Glenesk Little Acre, Easthouses Crescent, Dalkeith, Eskbank Toll, Dalkeith, Eskbank Court, Eskbank, Melville Castle, Dalkeith, Dobbies Easthouses Way, Easthouses Garden World, Melville Nursery, Gilmerton Junction, Gilmerton, Gilmerton Station Road, Gilmerton, Drum Easthouses Road, Kippielaw Cottages, Gilmerton, Drum Street, Gilmerton, Gilmerton Crossroads, Gilmerton, Gilmerton Primary School, Gilmerton, Gaurdwell Glen, Gilmerton, Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith Moredun Park Road, Moredun, Moredunvale Road, Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith Greenend, Liberton High School, Greenend, Claverhouse Drive, the Inch, Glenvarloch Crescent, Primrose Terrace, Dalkeith the Inch, Ivanhoe Crescent, the Inch, Glenallan Drive, the Inch, Orrok Park, Nether Liberton, Nether Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith Liberton Lane, Nether Liberton, Lady Road, Nether Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith Liberton, Suffolk Road, Mayeld, East Savile Road, Mayeld, Mayeld Gardens, Mayeld, Minto Street, James Lean Avenue, Dalkeith Mayeld, Salisbury Place, Mayeld, Newington Road, Newington, Bernard Terrace, South Side, St Patrick South Street, Dalkeith Square, South Side, Surgeons' Hall, South Side, South South Street, Dalkeith Bridge, Old Town, North Bridge, Old Town

Jarnac Court, Dalkeith Wilson's Close, Dalkeith

Kings Park, Dalkeith

Glenesk Crescent, Dalkeith Eskbank Toll, Dalkeith

Eskbank Court, Eskbank Lasswade Road, Dalkeith

Melville Castle, Dalkeith Gilmerton Road, Scotland

Dobbies Garden World, Melville Nursery

Gilmerton Junction, Gilmerton

Gilmerton Station Road, Gilmerton

Drum Cottages, Gilmerton Drum Cottages, Scotland

Drum Street, Gilmerton 36 Drum Street, Edinburgh

Gilmerton Crossroads, Gilmerton Drum Street, Edinburgh

Gilmerton Primary School, Gilmerton 513 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Gaurdwell Glen, Gilmerton 485 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Moredun Park Road, Moredun 435 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Moredunvale Road, Greenend 411 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Liberton High School, Greenend 393 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Claverhouse Drive, the Inch

Glenvarloch Crescent, the Inch Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Ivanhoe Crescent, the Inch 8 Ivanhoe Crescent, Edinburgh

Glenallan Drive, the Inch 13 East Clappereld, Edinburgh

Orrok Park, Nether Liberton 207 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Nether Liberton Lane, Nether Liberton 6 Mid Liberton, Edinburgh

Lady Road, Nether Liberton Liberton Road, Edinburgh

Suffolk Road, Mayeld 28 Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh East Savile Road, Mayeld 2 Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh

Mayeld Gardens, Mayeld 4A Mayeld Gardens, Edinburgh

Minto Street, Mayeld 34 Minto Street, Edinburgh

Salisbury Place, Mayeld 39A Minto Street, Edinburgh

Newington Road, Newington 85 Newington Road, Edinburgh

Bernard Terrace, South Side 20 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh

St Patrick Square, South Side St Patrick Square, Edinburgh

Surgeons' Hall, South Side 53 Nicolson Street, Edinburgh

South Bridge, Old Town 100 South Bridge, Edinburgh

North Bridge, Old Town Direction: Wester Hailes 3 bus Time Schedule 85 stops Wester Hailes Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 4:45 AM - 11:10 PM

Monday 4:50 AM - 11:10 PM Cook Crescent, Mayeld Dougal Road, Scotland Tuesday 4:50 AM - 11:10 PM

Hill Place, Mayeld Wednesday 4:50 AM - 11:10 PM

Thursday 4:50 AM - 11:10 PM The Kilns, Mayeld Friday 4:50 AM - 11:10 PM Hughes Crescent, Mayeld Oak Place, Scotland Saturday 4:50 AM - 11:10 PM

Finlay Place, Mayeld

Oak Crescent, Mayeld D'Arcy Road, Scotland 3 bus Info Direction: Wester Hailes Roundabout, Mayeld Stops: 85 Eskview Road, Scotland Trip Duration: 90 min Line Summary: Cook Crescent, Mayeld, Hill Place, Elm Place, Mayeld Mayeld, The Kilns, Mayeld, Hughes Crescent, Mayeld, Finlay Place, Mayeld, Oak Crescent, Mayeld Place, Mayeld Mayeld, Roundabout, Mayeld, Elm Place, Mayeld, Bogwood Road, Scotland Mayeld Place, Mayeld, Hawthorn Centre, Mayeld, Hawthorn Crescent, Mayeld, Little Acre, Hawthorn Centre, Mayeld Easthouses, Easthouses Way, Easthouses, 2f Bogwood Road, Scotland Easthouses Road, Kippielaw, Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith, Primrose Terrace, Dalkeith, Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith, Hawthorn Crescent, Mayeld James Lean Avenue, Dalkeith, South Street, Dalkeith, Jarnac Court, Dalkeith, Kings Park, Dalkeith, Glenesk Little Acre, Easthouses Crescent, Dalkeith, Eskbank Toll, Dalkeith, Eskbank Court, Eskbank, Melville Castle, Dalkeith, Dobbies Easthouses Way, Easthouses Garden World, Melville Nursery, Gilmerton Junction, Gilmerton, Gilmerton Station Road, Gilmerton, Drum Cottages, Gilmerton, Drum Street, Gilmerton, Easthouses Road, Kippielaw Gilmerton Crossroads, Gilmerton, Gilmerton Primary School, Gilmerton, Gaurdwell Glen, Gilmerton, Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith Moredun Park Road, Moredun, Moredunvale Road, Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith Greenend, Liberton High School, Greenend, Claverhouse Drive, the Inch, Glenvarloch Crescent, Primrose Terrace, Dalkeith the Inch, Ivanhoe Crescent, the Inch, Glenallan Drive, the Inch, Orrok Park, Nether Liberton, Nether Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith Liberton Lane, Nether Liberton, Lady Road, Nether Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith Liberton, Suffolk Road, Mayeld, East Savile Road, Mayeld, Mayeld Gardens, Mayeld, Minto Street, James Lean Avenue, Dalkeith Mayeld, Salisbury Place, Mayeld, Newington Road, Newington, Bernard Terrace, South Side, St Patrick South Street, Dalkeith Square, South Side, Surgeons' Hall, South Side, South South Street, Dalkeith Bridge, Old Town, North Bridge, Old Town, Princes Street (Scott Mon.), Edinburgh, Princes Street (West), Jarnac Court, Dalkeith Edinburgh, Shandwick Place, West End, Atholl Wilson's Close, Dalkeith Crescent, Haymarket, Haymarket Station, Haymarket, Caledonian Village, Dalry, Dalry Primary Kings Park, Dalkeith School, Dalry, Murieston Crescent, Dalry, Gorgie City Farm, Dalry, Tynecastle, Gorgie, Stewart Terrace, Glenesk Crescent, Dalkeith Gorgie, Gorgie Park Road, Gorgie, Balgreen Road, Gorgie, Saughton Park, Stenhouse, Chesser Eskbank Toll, Dalkeith Cottages, Stenhouse, Chesser Avenue, Stenhouse, Chesser Avenue, Stenhouse, Stenhouse Mill Lane, Eskbank Court, Eskbank Saughton, Hmp Edinburgh, Saughton, Saughton Lasswade Road, Dalkeith Mains Avenue, Saughton, Parkhead Terrace, Broomhouse, Sighthill Post Oce, Broomhouse, Melville Castle, Dalkeith Sighthill Gardens, Sighthill, Napier University Gilmerton Road, Scotland (Sighthill), Sighthill, Calder Drive, Calders, Westside Plaza, Wester Hailes, Murrayburn Park, Wester Dobbies Garden World, Melville Nursery Hailes, Hailesland Place, Wester Hailes, Wester Hailes Park, Wester Hailes, Clovenstone Road, Wester Gilmerton Junction, Gilmerton Hailes, Clovenstone Drive, Wester Hailes

Gilmerton Station Road, Gilmerton

Drum Cottages, Gilmerton Drum Cottages, Scotland

Drum Street, Gilmerton 36 Drum Street, Edinburgh

Gilmerton Crossroads, Gilmerton Drum Street, Edinburgh

Gilmerton Primary School, Gilmerton 513 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Gaurdwell Glen, Gilmerton 485 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Moredun Park Road, Moredun 435 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Moredunvale Road, Greenend 411 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Liberton High School, Greenend 393 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Claverhouse Drive, the Inch

Glenvarloch Crescent, the Inch Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Ivanhoe Crescent, the Inch 8 Ivanhoe Crescent, Edinburgh

Glenallan Drive, the Inch 13 East Clappereld, Edinburgh

Orrok Park, Nether Liberton 207 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh

Nether Liberton Lane, Nether Liberton 6 Mid Liberton, Edinburgh

Lady Road, Nether Liberton Liberton Road, Edinburgh

Suffolk Road, Mayeld 28 Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh East Savile Road, Mayeld 2 Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh

Mayeld Gardens, Mayeld 4A Mayeld Gardens, Edinburgh

Minto Street, Mayeld 34 Minto Street, Edinburgh

Salisbury Place, Mayeld 39A Minto Street, Edinburgh

Newington Road, Newington 85 Newington Road, Edinburgh

Bernard Terrace, South Side 20 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh

St Patrick Square, South Side St Patrick Square, Edinburgh

Surgeons' Hall, South Side 53 Nicolson Street, Edinburgh

South Bridge, Old Town 100 South Bridge, Edinburgh

North Bridge, Old Town

Princes Street (Scott Mon.), Edinburgh 60 Princes Street, Edinburgh

Princes Street (West), Edinburgh 120 Princes Street, Edinburgh

Shandwick Place, West End 83 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh

Atholl Crescent, Haymarket Shandwick Place, Edinburgh

Haymarket Station, Haymarket West Maitland Street, Edinburgh

Caledonian Village, Dalry 169 Dalry Road, Edinburgh

Dalry Primary School, Dalry 162 Dalry Road, Edinburgh

Murieston Crescent, Dalry 247 Dalry Road, Edinburgh

Gorgie City Farm, Dalry 66 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh

Tynecastle, Gorgie 168 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh

Stewart Terrace, Gorgie 223 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Gorgie Park Road, Gorgie 345 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh

Balgreen Road, Gorgie 431 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh

Saughton Park, Stenhouse 445 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh

Chesser Cottages, Stenhouse 8 Chesser Cottages, Edinburgh

Chesser Avenue, Stenhouse 501 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh

Chesser Avenue, Stenhouse 572 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh

Stenhouse Mill Lane, Saughton 9 Stenhouse Road, Edinburgh

Hmp Edinburgh, Saughton 39 Stenhouse Road, Edinburgh

Saughton Mains Avenue, Saughton Calder Road, Edinburgh

Parkhead Terrace, Broomhouse 2 Parkhead Terrace, Edinburgh

Sighthill Post Oce, Broomhouse

Sighthill Gardens, Sighthill

Napier University (Sighthill), Sighthill Calder Road, Edinburgh

Calder Drive, Calders

Westside Plaza, Wester Hailes Murrayburn Road, Edinburgh

Murrayburn Park, Wester Hailes Hailesland Gardens, Edinburgh

Hailesland Place, Wester Hailes Walkers Rigg, Edinburgh

Wester Hailes Park, Wester Hailes Wester Hailes Park, Edinburgh

Clovenstone Road, Wester Hailes

Clovenstone Drive, Wester Hailes 3 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved