Abdolbaset Ghorbani, Barbara Gravendeel, Shahin Zarre and Hugo de Boer

Illegal wild collection and international trade of CITES-listed terrestrial orchid tubers in

Abdolbaset Ghorbani, Barbara Gravendeel, Shahin Zarre and Hugo de Boer



rchid tubers known as salep are collected widely from the wild in Asia Minor, Iran and the north- eastern Mediterranean region where they are traded for use of the ground tuber in the production of ice cream and a drink, also known Oas salep. The harvest of salep orchid tubers in Iran has been boosted in recent years by international demand, mainly from , the main consumer in the region for salep drink, but also from Pakistan and India for a range of purposes. It is estimated that in 2013, 7–11 million individual orchids were harvested in Iran, mainly from the Golestan and Azarbaijan provinces. More than 19 species and sub–species are targeted indiscriminately, DOO RI ZKLFK DUH OLVWHG LQ WKH &,7(6 $SSHQGLFHV DQG Fig. 1. Principal salep orchid tuber distribution and most are threatened with local extinction. Given the collection areas in Iran, and the main tuber trade destructive nature of collection practices, the current destinations (arrows). harvest in Iran is unlikely to be sustainable. This study focuses on the current status of orchid tuber collection and trade in Iran, where collection and harvest of tubers, price of natural salep, the powder is not used in industrial and export without permits, is illegal, and highlights the ice cream production. Salep is also used to make a sexual need for active measures to protect orchids from being tonic and aphrodisiac in Indian Ayurveda medicine and overharvested, including examining the feasibility of in Unani medicine in India and Pakistan. establishing sustainable harvesting practices. Turkey is the main consumer of salep in the region. Some RIDOOWXEHURXVRUFKLGV WD[D DUHFROOHFWHGLQ7XUNH\ INTRODUCTION for the production of salep, with an estimated 30 t of salep produced annually, which equates to the destructive harvest Tuberous terrestrial orchids have long been used as RI±PLOOLRQRUFKLGV 6H]LN  a source of medicine for the treatment of a range of Due to its illegal status, published reports or updates health problems, as well as in dietary supplements of orchid collection and trade status from most salep- and as an aphrodisiac in different parts of the world producing countries are very limited. However, it is known $UGLWWL  %XOSLWW  +RVVDLQ  6XEHGL that in Iran the harvest of orchid tubers for salep has been et al.,   Dioscorides (1st FHQWXU\$'  FLWHG WZR boosted in recent years by international demand and the terrestrial orchids in his book De Materia Medica, and country has become one of the main suppliers for this trade. $YLFHQQD 3HUVLDQSK\VLFLDQ± UHIHUUHGWRWKH Many of the orchid species used for production of aphrodisiacal and other healing properties of orchids salep are protected in their range countries, and most %HUOLRFFKL   ,Q $IULFD GLIIHUHQW VSHFLHV RI are threatened with local extinction (Swarts and Dixon, (XORSKLD are used to treat diabetes or to prevent epilepsy  &ROOHFWLRQDQGKDUYHVWRIRUFKLGWXEHUVZLWKRXW (%XOSLWW  In Asia Minor, dried tubers of terrestrial permits in Iran is illegal. orchids are known as salep, a word which comes from the Arabic word Sahlab (Persian: Salab+LQGLSalab misri/ METHODS salab mishri/salam panja DQGUHIHUVWRWKHGULHGWXEHUV RIWHUUHVWULDORUFKLGVJURXQGWXEHUÀRXUDQGDKRWPLON\ This study focused on the current status of orchid EHYHUDJH PDGH IURP WKH ÀRXU  Salep drink was once tuber collection and trade in Iran. It also investigated the commonly consumed throughout the Ottoman Empire legislation and regulations regarding orchid conservation DQGDVIDUDV*HUPDQ\DQG(QJODQG %XOSLWW  In and trade in the country, and associated enforcement. the late 17th century, the drink was in vogue in England During March–July 2013 and May 2014, semi-structured under the name of salop or saloop 'DYLGVRQ   and open-ended interviews were conducted with local Although nowadays it has lost much of its importance in orchid collectors to record information regarding Western , it is still popular in Asia Minor, collection practices, collection sites and seasons, DQG&\SUXV %XOSLWW6WDULQ  Salep powder processing practices, the history and volume of the is also used in ice cream production as a stabilizer and harvest, and the current uses of the tubers. Whenever to increase the melting temperature (Bahramparvar and possible, harvest practice was directly observed in the 0D]DKHUL 7HKUDQL    ,Q 7XUNH\ WUDGLWLRQDO salep ¿HOG +HUEDULXP VDPSOHV RI KDUYHVWHG VSHFLHV ZHUH ice cream is called kahramanmaraú or maraú dondurma LGHQWL¿HGXVLQJWKHFlora Iranica9RO 5HQ]  and differs in taste and texture from industrial ice cream and Flora of Iran9RO 6KDKVDYDUL 6XUYH\V RZLQJWRWKHQDWXUDOÀDYRXURIWKHsalep powder and its were conducted in the provinces of Golestan (Kalaleh sticky consistency (Guven et al.,   Salep drink is DQG 0DUDYHK 7DSSH GLVWULFWV  DQG :HVWHUQ $]DUEDLMDQ not commonly consumed in Iran and because of the high 0DKDEDGDQG3LUDQVKDKUGLVWULFWV 

TRAFFIC Bulletin9RO1R   Abdolbaset Ghorbani, Barbara Gravendeel, Shahin Zarre and Hugo de Boer

To estimate the number of tubers equivalent to one kilogramme of fresh tubers, ¿YHVDPSOHVRIJRIIUHVKWXEHUV were purchased from Maraveh Tappe, the number of tubers in each sample was counted and the average was extrapolated to one kilogramme. To estimate the number of tubers in one kilogramme of dried tubers, samples of 50 g and 100 g of dried tubers were purchased from Mahabad, Urmieh, Kermanshah and Sanandaj, the number of tubers in each sample was counted and the averages were extrapolated to one kilogramme. These numbers were then used to estimate the total number of orchids harvested in a season, as calculated from the total weight of traded tubers obtained from the market survey. Tuber sampling was carried out mid-season. Most of the purchased dried tuber samples were from the previous \HDU¶VKDUYHVWWUDGHUVKROGRQWRWKHLUVWRFNVXQWLOWKHHQGRIWKH season when prices are at their highest. ABDOLBASET GHORBANI ABDOLBASET Fig. 2. Digging up orchid tubers.


Many of the orchid species being harvested for the production of salep ÀRXU DUH SURWHFWHG LQ WKHLU UDQJH FRXQWULHV DQG PRVW DUH WKUHDWHQHG ZLWK ORFDO H[WLQFWLRQ 6ZDUWV DQG 'L[RQ   However, in Iran protection is not effective owing to the lack of public awareness of their protected status and because most of the collection occurs in open access areas where controls are limited. Iran has been a signatory to CITES (Convention on International 7UDGH LQ (QGDQJHUHG 6SHFLHV RI :LOG )DXQD DQG )ORUD  VLQFH 1976. All orchid species are listed in CITES Appendix I or II, and international trade in specimens or products requires both export and import permits. As far as is known, in Iran these are only granted for hybrid species and those that are claimed to be

ABDOLBASET GHORBANI ABDOLBASET of cultivated origin. Protection of orchids growing in protected Fig. 3. simia. 2QFHWKHIUHVKsalepWXEHUVKDYH areas is the responsibility of the Department of Environment EHHQUHPRYHGWKHSODQWVDQGROGWXEHUVDUHGLVFDUGHG 'R( DQGFROOHFWLRQRIRUFKLGWXEHUVIURPWKHVHDUHDVUHTXLUHV


SHUPLVVLRQIURPWKH'R(QRFRPPHUFLDOFROOHFWLRQLVDOORZHG Those growing in other areas, including open access areas, fall under the jurisdiction of the Forests, Range and Watershed 0DQDJHPHQW2UJDQL]DWLRQ )5:2 7KHH[SRUWRISODQWPDWHULDO should also be accompanied by a permit issued by FRWO as well DV SK\WRVDQLWDU\ FHUWL¿FDWHV )XUWKHUPRUH D UHFHQW UHJXODWLRQ LVVXHGE\)5:2WRSURYLQFLDORI¿FHVRQ-XQH QXPEHU   UHLWHUDWHG WKDW LQ RUGHU WR SURWHFW WKH JHQHWLF resources of the country from depletion, all orchid collection is

ABDOLBASET GHORBANI ABDOLBASET LOOHJDODQGVKRXOGEHSUHYHQWHGDQGWKDW)5:2RI¿FHVVKRXOG not permit the collection, transport or export of orchid tubers )5:2 8QIRUWXQDWHO\HQIRUFHPHQWRIWKHVHUHJXODWLRQV is not effective enough to prevent destructive orchid collection, primarily because of limited tools and resources to monitor and control this trade. Currently traders and middlemen in bazaars are trading large amounts of dried tubers (up to four tonnes DQQXDOO\ ZLWKRXWDQ\LQWHUIHUHQFHIURPWKHDXWKRULWLHV -,H]DGL SHUVFRPPWR$*KRUEDQL0D\ 

BARBARA GRAVENDEEL BARBARA RESULTS Fig. 4. Fresh (top) and dried palmate salep tuber of Dactylorhiza sp., Mahabad  %DVHG RQ WKH ¿QGLQJV RI WKLV VWXG\  VSHFLHV DQG VXE market, West Azarbaijan province. species of salep orchids (41% of the total number of orchid SalepÁRXUIURPSDOPDWHWXEHUVLVFRQVLGHUHGWREH RIORZHUTXDOLW\WKDQWKDWGHULYHGIURPRYDOWXEHUV VSHFLHVLQ,UDQ DUHKDUYHVWHGIRUWKHLUWXEHUV 7DEOH $OODUH EHORZ  harvested indiscriminately and the tubers in the market are a mixture of different species. Each orchid plant generally has WZRWXEHUVRQHROGZULQNOHGWXEHUDQGRQHÀHVK\RYHUZLQWHULQJ WXEHU ZKLFK ZLOO QRXULVK WKH IRUPDWLRQ RI WKH QH[W ÀRZHULQJ shoot. During harvesting, plants are dug out, the fresh tubers are collected and the plants and old tubers are discarded (Figs.  ,WKDVEHHQREVHUYHGWKDWLQ:HVWHUQ$]DUEDLMDQSURYLQFH old orchid tubers are replanted after the fresh tubers have been KDUYHVWHGVXFFHVVUDWHVRIVXFKSUDFWLFHVDUHXQNQRZQ Harvested tubers are washed, boiled in water or milk for FD࣠࣠10–15

BARBARA GRAVENDEEL BARBARA minutes and sun dried and traded in a dried form. Morphologically, Traditional tool for digging up the tubers. two kinds of salep are recognized in the market: palmate (3DQƵHK ey salep from branched or palmate tubers of Dactylorhiza species )LJ DQGWKHURXQGRURYDO (Qolveh-ey salep from other orchid VSHFLHV )LJ 3DOPDWHsalep is considered to be of inferior quality and fetches lower prices in the market than the round/oval salep. The number of tubers in one kilogramme of fresh or dry salep depends highly on the composition of collected species and the life stage of the plants when harvested. The former varies geographically as distributions of species may differ. For example Dactylorhiza and Himantoglossum species produce bigger tubers which can weigh between four and six grammes, ABDOLBASET GHORBANI ABDOLBASET UHVSHFWLYHO\ZKHQGULHG$OVRWXEHUVFROOHFWHGDIWHUÀRZHULQJ and during the fruiting period are the heaviest, lose less weight after drying and are of better quality. In Golestan province, one kilogramme of fresh tubers consists of 304 “ 73 tubers, which is indicative of the number of orchid plants that must be harvested to produce one kilogramme of fresh salep tubers (each WXEHUUHSUHVHQWLQJRQHRUFKLGSODQW 'HSHQGLQJRQWKHDJHRI plants at harvest time and composition of species, between four to eight kilogrammes of fresh salep tubers normally yield one kilogramme of dried salep. On average, one kilogramme of BARBARA GRAVENDEEL BARBARA dried salep from Dactylorhiza species (palmate salep  FDQEH Fig. 5. Fresh (top) and dried oval salep tubers, Maraveh Tappe Market, Golestan produced by uprooting 605 “ 219 plants, while one kilogramme province. of dried ovoid salep IURPRWKHUVSHFLHV UHTXLUHVKDUYHVWLQJ “RUFKLGSODQWV VDPSOHVWDNHQIURPZHVWHUQSURYLQFHV 

TRAFFIC Bulletin9RO1R   Abdolbaset Ghorbani, Barbara Gravendeel, Shahin Zarre and Hugo de Boer

and the quantity available for sale. Fresh tubers are purchased by local representatives or local middlemen in the villages, directly from the collectors, who sell them

Golestan province to a second middleman. The tubers are dried by the second middleman and sold to wholesalers in cities like Tehran, Urmieh and , or directly to merchants from 7XUNH\ 3DNLVWDQ DQG ,QGLD )LJ   ZKLFK DUH WKH HQG markets. According to the traders in Tehran bazaar, since

Tuber USD price/kg/fresh Tuber West Azarbaijan province the export of salep is illegal, the foreign merchants either buy small volumes of salep tubers (ca.±NJ WREH exported in hand luggage, or mixed with almonds to avoid detection. Considering the average price of USD13/kg

Early April Early May Mid May Early June Mid June Early July Early August for fresh tubers, salep trade in Golestan province was worth nearly USD320 000 in the 2013 season. In Tehran Fig. 6. Price changes during harvest season for fresh bazaar, dried salep is purchased for USD110–130/kg and salep tubers in northern and north-western parts of Iran. sold for USD160/kg, with an estimated total sales value of nearly USD310 000 in 2013. In Golestan province, the orchid tuber harvest in April– These estimates of the number of harvested plants are June 2013 was estimated at 24.5 t of fresh tubers traded by not comprehensive and may not represent the number seven middlemen. This volume required the destructive of plants harvested nationally. However, this level of harvesting of 7.4 “  million individual orchids. In harvest will affect the population of orchids sooner or Tehran bazaar, six medicinal plant wholesalers traded later. In the western , which have a 1920 kg of dried tubers during May–July 2013. The longer history of orchid collection, people have reported estimated number of orchids harvested for that volume a decline in orchid populations, and as a result try to is 1.16 “ million individuals. These specimens were replant the old tubers after removing the new tubers. from other provinces, such as Mazandaran and some The effects of replanting old tubers on regeneration and ZHVWHUQ SURYLQFHV LW ZDV QRW SRVVLEOH WR REWDLQ H[DFW population restoration has not yet been studied. In the ¿JXUHVIRUHDFKSURYLQFHRUUHJLRQ northern provinces, however, where traders from outside Prices for fresh tubers vary from about USD5–6/kg the area introduced collection practices only six years DW WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI WKH VHDVRQ²ZKHQ WKH\ DUH XQULSH ago, villagers still consider orchids as a gift of nature, RI SRRUHU TXDOLW\ DQG ZLWK D KLJKHU ZDWHU FRQWHQW²WR provided to them as a resource to supplement their more than USD22/kg towards the end of the season income. They appear not to be aware that the orchid )LJ    3ULFHV DOVR GHSHQG RQ WKH VL]H RI WKH WXEHUV tuber harvest may cause a decline in orchid populations.



Species Provinces where collection occurs

Anacamptis collina Golestan coriophora :HVWHUQ$]DUEDLMDQ.XUGLVWDQ VXEVSpicta $UGDELO(DVWHUQ$]DUEDLMDQ Anacamptis palustris :HVWHUQ$]DUEDLMDQ.XUGLVWDQ  *ROHVWDQ*LODQ0D]DQGDUDQ  :HVWHUQ$]DUEDLMDQ.XUGLVWDQ Dactylorhiza romanaVXEVSgeorgica *ROHVWDQ(DVWHUQ$]DUEDLMDQ Dactylorhiza umbrosa  :HVWHUQ$]DUEDLMDQ.XUGLVWDQ.HUPDQVKDK +LPDQWRJORVVXPDIÀQH .HUPDQVKDK Himantoglossum comperianum :HVWHUQ$]DUEDLMDQ.XUGLVWDQ.HUPDQVKDK Ophrys scolopax Golestan Ophrys sphegodes Golestan Ophrys sphegodesVXEVSmammosa Golestan Orchis adenocheila *ROHVWDQ*LODQ:HVWHUQ$]DUEDLMDQ Orchis mascula *ROHVWDQ0D]DQGDUDQ*LODQ$UGDELO(DVWHUQ$]DUEDLMDQ Orchis simia *ROHVWDQ0D]DQGDUDQ*LODQ$UGDELO(DVWHUQ$]DUEDLMDQ:HVWHUQ$]DUEDLMDQ Orchis punctulata Golestan Platanthera chlorantha *LODQ(DVWHUQ$]DUEDLMDQ Steveniella satyrioides Golestan



As salep is not commonly consumed in Iran, the  7RDGGUHVVVRPHRIWKHSUREOHPVLGHQWL¿HGLQUHODWLRQ current orchid collection boom in that country is driven by to the protection of orchid resources in Iran, the authors international demand, particularly from Turkey, Pakistan recommend several actions: in the short-term and at the and India, and the resultant high prices. Collection areas national level, collection bans should be implemented in overlap with areas of high orchid species diversity and the heavily exploited areas and enforcement of regulations harvest is a threat to orchid diversity in these locations. strengthened. Forest rangers and environmental guides The eastern part of Golestan province, for example, is QHHG WUDLQLQJ LQ RUFKLG LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ DQG WKH SXEOLF one of the hotspots of orchid species diversity in Iran, yet made aware of the need for orchid conservation. To wild orchid collection is booming there. Current orchid control the international illegal trade of orchid tubers, harvesting practices destroy individual plants and may D '1$ EDUFRGLQJEDVHG LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ PHWKRG can be consequently be damaging populations. The high prices used to verify the identity of traded goods and also those of tubers have led to competition among collectors, and species that are most commonly in trade, especially many commence harvesting before the plants bloom when salepLVWUDGHGLQWKHIRUPRIÀRXU This, in turn, and develop seeds. Considering that the harvested can help in the effective protection of these species by parts are tubers that are needed to nourish the following focusing conservation action on highly exploited species \HDU¶V ÀRZHULQJ VWHP WKDW WKH SODQW LV GHVWUR\HG DIWHU DQG VSHFL¿F JHRJUDSKLFDO DUHDV  '1$ EDUFRGLQJ FDQ harvest, and that the harvest mostly happens before seed also help to identify adulterants in salep powder that production, current orchid collection practices are likely may present a health risk for consumers. Furthermore, to be unsustainable. However, orchid tuber collection is identifying salep in mislabelled export/import items LPSRUWDQWIRUWKHORFDOSHRSOHLQYROYHG²PRVWRIWKHP can assist Customs and other organizations in both the IDUPHUV²DVLWLVDVRXUFHRIDGGLWLRQDOLQFRPHDWDWLPH countries of origin and destination countries to control of the year when there is a shortage of cash. and seize illegal trade. Since the trade in salep must be accompanied by FRWO, as the responsible organization in Iran for CITES permits and considering that FRWO is not issuing conserving natural resources outside protected areas, any collection and export permits, the international trade should be provided with the necessary resources to enforce in harvested tubers is clearly illegal. Mixing tubers with regulations on the harvest of orchids, and to strengthen nuts such as almonds, or mislabelling the tubers and the enforcement of regulations through provincial exporting them with permits that have been issued for RI¿FHV0RQLWRULQJRUFKLGSRSXODWLRQVE\PDSSLQJDQG QXWVRURWKHUJRRGVPDNHVLWGLI¿FXOWIRUVXFKVKLSPHQWV recording orchid population distributions and densities, WREHYHUL¿HGE\&XVWRPVWKURXJKPRUSKRORJLFDOWHVWVLW DQGUHSRUWLQJQHZSRSXODWLRQVDQGVLJQL¿FDQW¿QGVWRD LVHVSHFLDOO\GLI¿FXOWZKHQsalep is exported/imported in central FRWO database should be carried out. Village WKHIRUPRIÀRXU(IIHFWLYHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQGYHUL¿FDWLRQ councils and villagers in densely harvested areas methods can help in controlling this illegal trade. should be informed about collection regulations and the

TRAFFIC Bulletin9RO1R   Abdolbaset Ghorbani, Barbara Gravendeel, Shahin Zarre and Hugo de Boer

conservation status of orchids through educational and REFERENCES participatory workshops, with the aim of involving them in efforts to implement legal sustainable harvesting and $UGLWWL-  Fundamentals of Orchid Biology. Wiley, New production. York. Over the longer term, the establishment of targeted %DKUDPSDUYDU 0 DQG 0D]DKHUL 7HKUDQL 0   Orchid Conservation Areas can mitigate the effects Application and Functions of Stabilizers in Ice Cream, of illegal collection on orchid populations in hotspot Food Reviews International  ± collection areas, but also attract tourism and associated %HUOLRFFKL /   ,Q *ULI¿WKV 0 (G  The Orchid EHQH¿WV  7KH WUDLQLQJ RI ORFDO YLOODJHUV LQ VXVWDLQDEOH in Lore and Legend. Portland OR, Timber Press. ISBN collection practices and cultivation can reduce pressure 0–88192–616–7. RQ ZLOG SRSXODWLRQV DQG FRXOG VXVWDLQ WKH ¿QDQFLDO %XOSLWW&-  7KHXVHVDQGPLVXVHVRIRUFKLGVLQPHGLFLQH EHQH¿WVYLOODJHUVGHULYHIURPWKHsalep trade. However, QJM 98:625–631. Doi: 10.1093/qjmed/hci094. VXVWDLQDEOH KDUYHVW SUDFWLFHV DUH GLI¿FXOW HVSHFLDOO\ 'DYLGVRQ$  The Oxford Companion to Food. Oxford in the study area, owing to the complicated life cycle University Press, Oxford, UK. of the harvested orchid species, their reproduction and FRWO (Forests, Range and Watershed Management regeneration systems, which requires the presence of 2UJDQL]DWLRQ     ([HFXWLYH SROLFLHV RQ SURWHFWLRQ P\FRUUKL]DOIXQJLDQGVSHFL¿FSROOLQDWRUVSHFLHV0RUH restoration, development and utilization of forests and research is therefore vital if sustainable harvesting rangelands byproducts and export of medicinal and measures are to be developed. The practice of replanting industrial plants in 2013 (http://www.edari.frw.org.ir/ old tubers, currently undertaken in Western Azarbaijan Portals/41/bakh92/b15123.pdf  province, should be explored and, if found to be *XYHQ0.DUDFD2%.DFDU$  7KHHIIHFWVRIWKH successful, could be used as a model in other areas for combined use of stabilizers containing locust bean gum best practice for harvesting. However, for cultivation DQG WKH VWRUDJHWLPHRQ NDKUDPDQPDUDúW\SHLFHFUHDPV practices to become realistic, support must be provided International Journal of Dairy Technology  ± WRWKHVFLHQWL¿FFRPPXQLW\WKHJRYHUQPHQWLQ,UDQDQG +RVVDLQ 00   7KHUDSHXWLF RUFKLGV WUDGLWLRQDO XVHV local NGOs. DQG UHFHQW DGYDQFHV²DQ RYHUYLHZ Fitoterapia 82:102– 'RLM¿WRWH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 5HQ] -   Flora Iranica. Part 126: Orchidaceae. Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, . Financial support from the Swedish Research Link 6H]LN(  'HVWUR\LQJRIOphrys species to obtain Salep programme of the Swedish Science Council is gratefully in Turkey. European congress on hardy orchids. Journal DFNQRZOHGJHG  &DUO 7U\JJHUV )RXQGDWLRQ IRU 6FLHQWL¿F (XURSlLVFKHU2UFKLGHHQ   Research provided a postdoctoral research stipend to 6KDKVDYDUL $   Flora of Iran. Part 57: Orchidaceae. $EGROEDVHW *KRUEDQL $*  WKURXJK +XJR GH %RHU Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran, IR Iran. +G%   )XUWKHU VXSSRUW IRU ¿HOGZRUN ZDV JUDWHIXOO\ 6WDULQ'  6DOHSL([WLQFWLRQ6DOHSL6XUYLYDO+RZD received from the Anne S. Chatham fellowship of the Change in Ingredients Could Help Safeguard Orchids. Am. *DUGHQ&OXERI$PHULFD $* 6YHQRFK'DJPDU6DOpQV Orch. Soc. Bull. 81:490–494. VWLIWHOVH +G%$* DQG/DUV+LHUWDV0LQQH +G% 'DYLG Subedi, A., Kunwar, B., Choi, Y., Dai, Y., van Andel, T., Chaudhary, L. Roberts, Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, R.P., de Boer, H.J. and Gravendeel, B.   &ROOHFWLRQ School of Anthropology and Conservation, University of and trade of wild-harvested orchids in Nepal. -(WKQRELRO Kent, UK, is acknowledged for his helpful comments on (WKQRPHGLFLQH 9:64. Doi: 10.1186/1746–4269–9–64. WKLVSDSHU%U\RQ\0RUJDQ75$)),&¶V0HGLFLQDO3ODQWV 6ZDUWV 1' DQG 'L[RQ .:   7HUUHVWULDO RUFKLG 3URJUDPPH 2I¿FHU DQG ([HFXWLYH 2I¿FHU )DLU:LOG conservation in the age of extinction. Annals of Botany Foundation Secretariat, and Anastasiya Timoshyna, 104:543–556. TRAFFIC’s Medicinal Plants Programme Leader, are also acknowledged for their comments on an early draft. Abdolbaset Ghorbani (corresponding author), 'HSDUWPHQW RI 2UJDQLVPDO %LRORJ\ (YROXWLRQDU\ %LRORJ\&HQWUH8SSVDOD8QLYHUVLW\6ZHGHQ (PDLODEGROEDVHWJKRUEDQL#HEFXXVH Barbara Gravendeel, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, /HLGHQ7KH1HWKHUODQGV8QLYHUVLW\RI$SSOLHG6FLHQFHV /HLGHQ7KH1HWKHUODQGV Shahin Zarre, Department of Plant Sciences, University RI7HKUDQ,UDQ Hugo de Boer, Department of Organismal Biology, (YROXWLRQDU\ %LRORJ\ &HQWUH 8SSVDOD 8QLYHUVLW\ 6ZHGHQ 1DWXUDOLV %LRGLYHUVLW\ &HQWHU /HLGHQ 7KH 1HWKHUODQGV 7KH 1DWXUDO +LVWRU\ 0XVHXP 8QLYHUVLW\


58 TRAFFIC Bulletin9RO1R