In 1804 C l'v ie r published a note on some fossil remains of hippopjotami from Montpellier and the Val d’Arno, among w hich he distinguished a large and a small form. Only C u v ie r ’s “grand Hippopotame fossile” will be dealt with here. At first C u v ie r could not separate it from the recent species (C u v ie Rj

In 1820 the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris received a recent adult skeleton, the first to arrive in Europe, fi'om an shot by D e l a l a n d e at the lower Berg ri\'er, 40 miles from Cape Town. In the second edition of his “Ossemens fossiles’' C u v ie r gave a careful description of this skeleton; a comparison with the fossil bones he had received in the meantime gave e\’idenee that these bones were too large to belong to the recent species (C u v ie r , 1821, p. 315). It was not until 1824 that C u v ie r proposed the scientific name Hippopotamus' major (C u v ie r , 1824, p. 527). Two year.s earlier, however, the specific name I-Iippopolamus antiquus was given by D esm arest (1822, p. 388) to the animal originally described by C u v ie r as “grand Hippopo­ tame fossile” . As D esm arest’s note includes a description and a reference to C u v ie r ’s publication. Desmarest is the valid name according to the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature. There is some confusion as to the author’s name; C u v ie r is cited as the author of Hippopotamus antiquus by L esson (1827, P- 342), F isc h e r (1829, p. 426), F a ix o n e r and C a u t l e y (1836, p. 51) and F a l c o n e r (1868, p. 140). This species, which is now known to have inhabited Europe in the period, S of the line about connecting Yorkshire, Antwerp, Mosbach, Aargau, Pressburg, is so closely related to Hippopo­ tamus amphibius L. that many authors do not regard it as a distinct species, e.g., Bl a in v il l e (1847, p. 61), L y d e k k e r (1885, p. 277), D a w k ins (vide M a jo r , 1885, p. 8), -Bo u l e (igio, p. 193) and R ey n olds (1922). The latter gives a review The major difi'ercnce between anliquus and amphibius, however, is that of the size of the teeth, especially the lower C and I,, which in the fossil species occasionally reach diameters, larger

There is some uncertainty about the priority of the name Hippopotamus anliquus Desm. B l a in v il l e (1B47, p. 55 footnote) remarks that F ischer has used the specific name maximus before C u v ie r had published the name major. In S h e r b o r n (1928, p. 3925) Hippopotamus maximus is mentioned, but the only reference given is B lvinvtlle (1847, p. 55)! According to. S h e r b o r n (I.e., p. 3765) F isc h e r is the author of Hippopotamus macrodon (F is c h e r , G., 1814. Zoognosia tabulis synopticis illus- trata, ed. 3, III, p. 331, non vidi), which jusi as Hippopotamus magnus Rafinesque (Specchio d. Sci. e Giorn. Enciclop. di Sicilia II (12), Dec. 1814, p. 183, non vidi) might apply to the

B r o n n (1848, p. 589) mentions the name Hippopotamus major and gives the following references: “N esti i Atti Moden. X V III,

available to me, but Prof G. D al P ia z , Turin, kindly informed me that N esti only used the name Ippopotamo Maggiore, and not Hippopotamus major. This is in accordancc with a reference to Ippopotamo maggiore by F isc h e r (1829, p. 426). Moreover T rouessart (1898) does not mention N esti as the author of a scientific name of a hippopotamus. The citations of C u v ie r in B r o n n do not refer to a scientific narne but to the fossil named

However this may be, the fact that D esm arest used the name Hippopotamus antiquus in 1822 makes the further use of this name invalid for species of the genus Hippopotamus described since 1822. The name Hippopotamus antiquus is mentioned by L esson (1827, p. 342), F is c h e r (1829, p. 426), F a l c o n e r and C a u t l e y (1836, p. 51), F a l c o n e r (1868, p. 140) and W o o d w a r d (1886, p. 115). It is regarded as a synonym of //. major by B l a in v il l e (1847, p. 55) and B r o n n (1848, p. 589); we find it in the synonymy of H. amphibius in L y d e k k e r (1885, p. 277) and in T rouessart

V on K o en ig sw a l d (1934, p. 192, pi. I V fig. 4) proposed the name Hippopotamus [Hexaprotodon) antiquus for a new species occurring with the lower pleistocene Djetis fauna of Java (afterwards also found in the upper pliocene Kali Glagah fauna). From flic foregoing it is evident that this specific name in reality is a homonym of Hippopotamus anliquus Desrnarcst, 1822,

As under the present circumstances it is irnpossihjle to com­ municate with Dr. G. H. R. von K o en ig sw a lu to inform him of the present ease, and as it is desirable witli regard to other researches that von K o e n ig s w a l d ’s species has a valid name, I jiropose the substitute name Hippopotamus koenigswaldi nom. nov. for Hippopotamus [Hexaprotodon) anliquus \'on Koenigswalcl, 1934. A complete bibliographical reference to this species is

Hippopotamus {Hexaprotodon) anliquus von Kocnigswald, Dc Ing. in

Hippopotamus anliquus von Kocnigswald, Proc. Kon. Ak. v. Wet.

Hippopotamus [Hexaprotodon) anliquus \’on ' Koenigswalcl, Proc. Kon. /Vk. Wet. Amst., vol. X X X V III, 1935, p. 193. (Djetis). Hippopotamus anliquus won Koenigswald, Id., p. 194 (Kali Glagah). Hippopotamus [Hexafjrolodon) anliquus von Koenigswald, De Ing.

H\ippopotamus'\ anliquus \on Koenigswald, Tijdschr. K.N.A.G.,

Hippopotamus anliquus von Koenigswald, Q^uartar, vol. 2, 1939,

Hippopotamus [Hexaprotodon) anliquus \’on Kucnigswald, Id., p. 35

Blainville, H. M. D. d e , 1847. Osteographie ou Description Iconographiqiie Comparee du .Squelettc el du Sysl^me Dcniaire des Marnmil'ercs Reoents ct Fossiles pour servir de base a la Zoologic et k la Geologie, tome IV, Quatcriiatcs-Maldenles, AA, Ongulogrades, Genus Hippopotamus. Paris,

B o u l e , M., 1910. Les Grottes dc Grimaldi (Baousse-Rousse), lome I, fasc. Ill, G«ologie et Palcontologie. Monaco, pp. 157-236, fig. 19-33, P'-

B r o n n , H . G., 184B. Index Palaeontologicus oder Obersicht der bis jetzt bekannten Fossilen Organismen, unter Milwirkung der H.H. Prof. H. R. r^jppERT und H e r m . V. M e y e r . Erste .-Xbtheilung, A. Nomenclator palae- uiitologicus in alphabetischer Ordnung. Erste Halite .'\-M. Stuttgart, C u v ie r, G., 1O04. Sur Ics ossem ens I'ossilcs cl’H ip p o p o ta n ie , A n n . M us. H ist. Nat., \’ol. pp. 99-122, pi IX-XI. ■------, 1821. Rerhcrches sur les Ossemens lossilcs ou Ton retablit ies caracteres de plusiturs aniniaux clont les revolutions du globe ont cl^truit les cspecps. Nouvelle Edition, tome I, contenant le discours preliminaire, et I’histoire des Elephants, des Mastodontes et des Hippopotames fossiles. Paris, 340 pp., 37 pis. —, 1824. Id., tome V', Deuxieme partie, contenant les ossemen.s de

D esm arest, a . G., 1822. Maninialogif ou description des especes de Mammi- ftres. Seconde partie, contenant le,s ordres des Rongeurs, des Edentes. des Pachydermes, des Ruminans et des Cetares. Paris, pp. 277-555. F a l c o n e r , H.. 1868. Palaeontological memoirs and notes of the late Hu^U Falconei'. With a biographical .sketch of the author, compiled and edited by C. Murchison, vol. I, Fauna antiqua sivalensis. London, L \'I 590

-----^----- — and C.MJTLEV, P. '1'., 1836. Note on the fossil Hippopotamus of the SivAlik Hills. Asiatic Researches, vol. X IX , pt. 1, III, pp. 39-53. F is c h e r , J . R., 1B29. Synopsis Mammalium. .Stuttgart, X LII + 527 pp.

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R e y n o ld s, S. H. 1922. A Monograph^on the British Pleistocene Mammalia; Hippopotamus. Pal. Soc. Monogr. Lond., vol. 3, pt. i, pp. 1-38, 17

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WOODW.A.RD, H-, 1886. Recent and Fossil Hippopotami. Geol. Mag., n.s.,