Did you notice that DB2 11 and Hadoop are now closer to each other than ever before? DB2 11 includes features that allow integration with Hadoop/IBM BigInsights, which simply means that DB2 can work with Big Data much easier. This presentation will make a brief overview of the technologies behind this relationship and will show a step-by-step guideline of how to start exploring DB2 11 and Hadoop/BigInsights integration.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Technologies from left to right, up to bottom: Apache Hbase – distributed database modeled after Google’s Big table, runs on top of HDFS; http://hbase.apache.org/ - a platform for analyzing large data sets, programs written in Pig Latin; http://pig.apache.org/ Apache Zookeeper – distributed configuration and synchronization service; http://zookeeper.apache.org/ Oozie – worklfow scheduler to manage Hadoop jobs; http://oozie.apache.org/ Apache Chukwa – data collection system for monitoring distributed systems, built on top of Hadoop; https://chukwa.apache.org/ – a data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop, provides SQL like language – HiveQL; https://hive.apache.org/ - Open source software framework for storage and large scale parallel processing; http://hadoop.apache.org/ IBM Infosphere BigInsights – Hadoop based big data platform; http://www- 01.ibm.com/software/data/infosphere/biginsights/ – distributed algorithms for filtering, clustering, classification; https://mahout.apache.org/ Jaql – data processing and query language for big data; http://www-

11 01.ibm.com/software/data/infosphere/hadoop/jaql/ Json - an open standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs; http://json.org/ – serialization framework for Hadoop; http://avro.apache.org/ – an interface for transferring the data between relational databases and Hadoop, Sqoop = SQL to Hadoop; http://sqoop.apache.org/ – a service for for collecting, aggregating, and moving large amount of data; http://flume.apache.org/

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