
Seroing The State rJnlverlffy of 10W4 and tl,e People of Iowa Citv ------, -,-''':- >~''':-:'''\'''::'OI~Jy-:------::------''''''''------~:'Il'::'en=l:t::be::r:-:'ot"A"::s..,c=!':I8T.ie::ar"llPi'e=s:::'s --'xnpll"'"l'ce-::::as;:;e::la-Wm::,re:::"":a;;;n::idiDp'h.ho::it;:;"o.se;:;;::rv::1i:::ce;;------....]o-wa city, la., wednesday, May 29, 1957 ;GOP Leaders Try Rescuing llke, Adenauer Urge Budget i Fail WASHINGTON (1\ - House Dem­ Dis armament Steps ocrats aided by some Republicans Tuesday beat down the first at­ ----~~---~~------tempt by GOP leaders to soften sharp cuts in President EiseDhow· I Two Leaders er's defense budcet. By a standinJ vote of 145-113 the House defeated an arqend­ Send Moscow ment to give the Army $10 million more for malnlenance and opera­ tion than the HolISe ApproprlaUons Twin Appeal Committee had recommended, WASUf 'GTON fA'! - President Abevt ~ R..,1caM ~ l Ei nhow I' and German Chancel· theI,. ~ .. " ...... tfM 1 lor Konrad Adenauer urged Soli· a~...... ~ iet leaders I'll sday to agrcc to a suppem4 ...... first,step disar~nt pion in or· House RepubUcan leaders an. d I' to cr ate "/I degree of con­ fidenc .. in Russia's word. nounced Monday they would try to restore about t332 mlliion. of They olso rearfinned lheir readi· n to give Mo cow "faN aching cuts recommen4ed by the Appro- a urane " against r villol of D.lly low•• Photo by Ben BI •• k,t.tk prlafions Committee, Eisenhower German militarism if lhe Rus- has called for restoration 0{ 11.2 t sia~ wouid consent to unite Ger· THREE MEMBERS OF THE SUI chapttr of Alph 1 Delt. Sigma, national IIdvertislnll fra'ernity, look _ • rough .dvertilill9 I• .,out .ft,r the chapter hid rtcti\led I $200 a)!lard lor three winning .d".rtise· blUion of committee cuts totaling I mony und r a Ingle drmocratic IIItIIfI in connection with Playboy Ma,lIi,.. The three a,.. ~I.ft to right) Jerry Goldstein, Al, Elgin, 21!. billions. I Eovernmrnt. III,; Robert Johnson, Al, Denver, Colo., .net D.ryl C art.r, G, Storm Lake. Even before ~y's ReP\lb- Ei~'" and ItIt 1I •.,ear. lican move was defeated, Eisen·, old GM'man 1.. 41.,. ... lorth ttll, hower was described as "not hap- twin Ippell .. Mescow In • fln.1 I py" about the eltent or the batue' cOtnmuniqu. ollftinlng .... ,..sulh SUI Advertising Er.aternity that GOP leaders were launching. of ltItir ttl,.. d41YI of confwence,. The RepuWIcM chloft ifill "an II was t . ued as Adenauer was t. offer _ ...... tfNIt _lei . a suring Congr 8S in II pee h that add .... rtlt If .... m ""1I1tM "on my word before God, nobody to 1M 11111. I in G rmllny plays with the id('a Receives Award for' Proiect Rep. Gerald R. Ford

Supports I A Failure' Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson, th man desig­ nated to wrestle with one of America's biggest . dilemmas, is 1. "Ollce I tcas cxtrcllIely happy . . :' 2. " ... (III(/ lilell 1 rcali a Qook." 3, " since it affected me clecp-4. ". .. I tried to explain it to 5. ". .. btlt tTleY only pretend to trying to tell the nation that the present price support program J. Thyrsoid Thyroid ly ..." olliers ..." 1lI11icrslClnd • , ." is not solving the surplus problem. He blames the "technological explosion" in agriculture for International Scene- at least part of this failure-no matter h,ow much land is re­ Letter To The Editor moved from tillage, it seems, the surplus grows and grows. Reader Comments On 'Subtle' Censorship , . He also blames the "escalator" price support system where­ Eisenhower I Adenauer and the Bull TO THE EDITOR: responsible, will depend on the by he is forced to raise support as the surplus declines- thus 1 think that the problem of cen­ censor's definition oC these words. 8y DIETRICH HARTMANN somp of the "AnJ('rican gcntlem(,Il" But linu's have changeu and di­ sides have a vilal interest in Ger­ Isn't this, also, subtle censorship? stimulating a new surge of production that leads in a circle sorship on The Daily Iowan was D_U, 'I)wan Sla" WrHtr from Ihe lime when thl' fiVl' slur plomacy is not quite as easy any many. Neither side is wllling to rather clarified for me by the In speaking of the new policy at back to ovcr-production, a surplus, reduced price supports, and gl'nl'ral commanded Ihe Allied more after the old·style Cold War give up any advantage they have two editorials, quoted from other The Dally Iowan , the editorial says It bas been quile a lime since was ubolished at the Summit in by including the potential of eilher Germany or the Chancellor of her NATO forces in Europe. newspapers, which appeared in Curther, "It requires that advisers riC: ~ned- ad infinitum. • Geneva. part of Germany ill their military The Daily Iowan on May 23. free part have made the front page II is furthl'r unlikely that Auen­ give students tbe greatest leewaY '4 III Rohrer, A2 , Benson says the trouble is not with the flexible price sup­ aller will makc unfri('ndly rcmarks The modern-style "cold coexist­ seL-up. There is, apparenlly, censor­ ! Krueger, A2, Iowa in our newspapers. When I ~larted in ma~ing decisions." It's unfor· ·~ reading Monday's paper over my because he drpt'llds on solid sup­ encc" is much more difricult to The Administralion wants to sec ship on The Daily Iowan , but it is ports, but with the law as written into the books-tllis law makes handle. President Ei nhower' Adenaucr win and Ceels obliged to tunate for The Daily Iow ~ n that ' ~ . morning coffee 1 wa~ simply sur­ Ilort from till' Wa~inAton Adminis­ referred to as guidance or "agree­ i rran Zahaflades, it impossible to curb surpluses. Flexible price supports, properly prised. tration for his rc-election in Scp­ conference Witll top aides on dis­ support him. This support can be m~nt and persuasion without using lhe words, leeway and freedom, ~, to LOUis Schnur, t('mll r. The Impression he made armament l(lst week was not only ollly effective if Adenauer comes the blue pencil." This quotc from Sigma Phi Epsilon. administered and released from the fetters of mandatory price This not so much because uf the arc not synonymous, but they with Germnn~ during his trium­ held to give specialist Harold "Stop back wilh sOllle visible progress in an editorial in The Des Moines Wary Lee Lyle, A3, fact the Konrad Adcnauer had that arms·race" Stassen new in· the question of reunification and aren't. J have often heard the I' support increases, are themselves not a final answer, but can be made the front pbant pre-election tour of the Unit­ Regisler further states, "It is hop· Gamma to Diclt cd SliMs in 195a helpcd him can· structions for his slruggle in the hopes lhat atomic armament for ed lhat the outcome of this campus word leeway used in reference to I )ilcil Bluffs, Della made to work reasonably well. page but what I UN disarmament lalks in London, Ihe German Armed Services could read in the story biderably to receive his nearly two discussion will be to apply the the degree of freedom that par· III Achenback, A2, third. majority in thc Bundcst:lg but also lo find out what to teU the prove unnecessary in the long . present policy so that there will ents allow children. )ti Fansher, A3, Des At best, they merely reduce, not eliminate the surplus prob­ abo u t him and old warrior from Ihe residence on Each one of these two issues arc !lower hOllse of UIC West <.ierman he less, rather than more, of ~ Xi. lem-altllOugh they would pa'rtially free agriculture from the President Eisen! the Rhine about fulure American likely to break Adenauer's eight either direct or subtle censorship." The other editorial contains somo hower's enjoyable fil'~C'lilh1lf) parliamcnl1 . IlOlicy in Europe. years of undisputed reign over the curious logic. Here is a charac· r think that "agreement and per­ terlstic sentence from it. "Actual· stagnating cHect of fixed price supports pegged to the output Sunday u n d era Bul it is also unlikely thut the This conference with top aides 50 million West Germans. seven col u m n Administration Influcnces the Ger­ suasion" are, indeed, methods of Iy a collegc publication is of and of our economy in tile 1920's. cnded with the announcement that Washington's haste to produce for the college community." So headline. m;1Il ('Ieclurate as markedly as "issues have b en resolved," and some visible results in the London "subUc censorship," so that 1 find The supports as tiley now work are arbitrary and unfair. A gay President it did in 1953. I.he news agencil'S reportt'd to talks which arc closely tied in wilh myself in a puzzlement. Apparent­ what? This is a truism. But the in a speckled gray ly, there is to be more subtle editorial «rom , the Mason City They discriminate against certain sections of tile agricultural Then Secret:l!'y of State John know that all of Admiral Radford's the reunification issue becomes un­ sports jacket, gray derstandable in Ihis light. censorship, less direct censorship. Globe-Gazette) goes on to stato Fost,,!, Dulles said a few days be· doubls as to whether one could that the editor is the "creature of community, while favoring others, Cereals and Com receive sup­ slacks and west. HARTMANN fore the t.'iection Ihal the open trust UI() Russians in :l disarma· Whcther the Adcnauer-Eisenhow­ Is sulJUe censorship preferable? ern slyle hat cxplained to conserva­ er conference brings some real re· And who is going to be the object a board." That he must be respon· portj animals do not. This means the beef grower must pay choice of til(' Americans was Aden· ment trealy or not had been over­ sible lo Ule college community. tively black dressed BI-year-old aut'r and his Christian Democrals come. Stilts in this respect remains to be of the "agreement and persuasion," pegged prices for his feed yet g t what the market will bear for Adenauer whal he was doing with and rplolions bClwt'('1I the two It seems to me, however, that seen. I dare ay, however, that the editor or the censor? But this I derive from this curiouser and \ caWe that are not up to standard. countries probably would be on nothing has been resolved . Wash· some results will be made public, matter seems to have been solved, curiouer ideas: the campus news­ his products. Mr. Eisenhower sends such callie favorable for Adenauer. Whether also. "Responsible" stUdents will paper must not publish any edit­ more difficult ll'rms if the terriblc 'nglon as well as Bonn, London, orials that might come into conflict But it is not only the animal farmer we consider here: w.ith to the butchcr, J read in the dis· Socialists, hcadl'd by bull-fared Paris and eVl'n Moscow do not they could be substantiated by ac­ be selected for the editor's job, patch by the New York Timl's' tual progr{!ss, is another maller. who will nol write "irresponsiblo wilh the views of any oC the mem· the present set-up, we encourage production of cereals and Erich Ollcnhauer would win. 'I'hc really know wlwt to do. bers of "the college community." W. H. Lawrence. Socialists, did not like that and This part of the conference, nev­ editorials." [ am inclined to think Doth East and West want Lo re· crUleless, will rcmain top secrel. that the words, responsible and ir- DOII't print articles allacking rac· other foods that require little acreage, while we in effect, dis­ Well, and then President Eiscn· Ollcnhaul'r in his r cenl visit 10 dUCt' their heavy load of (Irma· ism, chauvinism or censorship, be­ hower was delighted 10 bhow his courage production of land-consuming animal products. lncreas­ Washing-Ion maclc quitr clear that mellts. Both sides still distrust cause these articles may be disliked viSitor Ule "big fellow ," J,650 h(' would consider iJllulhe!' inter­ each other on how hOliest the other by some members of the "college e~ use of animal products would help reduce surpluses by, in pound prize bull Ankonian which is Il'n'nel' into inlpI'O' I German af­ would be after a disarmament General Notices community." Everyone must "independent," but not "viciou~," fairs "l'xtrenwly fl'grrllable." agreement would he found. Both Ilsave the Hooper Office hours arc 8:30 a.m. to 12 lion is being held in Ihe Main lad. .1\ nat, and pleats and cr much unnecessary, suffering and sorrow to an alrcady trying noon, and 1 to 4:30 p.m. on week­ Gallery of the Art Building. The In additio n tCl the lire member· . ~ premanenUy set whl world. days and 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Sat· Theme "Modulus II" deals with ship, Mr. Woodson, a construction II needed, True, it is only ,one little life, but it is the sacredness of that urday June 1, 1957. living p&tlerns in ourt time. - worker, was presented \Vith a 11le garment is wet will Gallery open: Weekdays: 8 a.m. check for $250 for himself and, ill 01 the resin and othe one little life that symbolizes tIle all that is profound and worth­ LIBRARY HOURS, MAY 30 to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sundays: another $250 for the Hooper fam. Ills. Then it's partially dl while ill religion. Goo must certainly have smiled last Thurs­ 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. 2 p.m, to 3 p.m. lIy. The presentation was made on ill step is setting the f day. Duk Servici Friday, Ma.y 31 . U1 C TV program by Marvin Gil. ~ent Creases with 8 a.m. - 11 :50 a.m. 4 p.m. - ,Baudelaire Cen~cn~tal man, on behalf of the Long Island IIQ. Once curing is comp 1 p.m. - 4:50 p.m. - SemIte Chamber, Old Capitol. Ilome Builders Institute of whiclt ~ pressings won 't set m Rei8rve Desk Service Wednnday, June S he is secrelary. Mr. Gilman has t remove old ones. 11l~ 1)oily Iowan 8 a.m. - 4:50 p.m. 7:30 p . ~. - Campus Band. Call- also made an initial payment on .\llhough the new proc( cert - East Step~, Old Capitol. an NAACP life membership for I ~ promising, further BABY SITTING - The Univer­ Thursd~y, June'. himself. I 'Deeded before it will I sity Cooperative Baby Sitting B p.m. - MedIcal ConvocatIOn - l commercial usc, BUI WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, J957 League will ' be handled by Mrs. Iowa Mell10rial Union. '"Wt, you may be able I ------~------8 p.m. - Dental Convocation - II\!oa dress to the dryclel Kalll.n Marjorie Decker from May 21 to University Theatre. 4. ~nt creases Dnd AUDIT Btla.AU 0Ia1.191 " you dG ".,. ....,..."" Juno Call Mrs. Decker at 7806 Frid.y, June 1 WSUI Schedule OP bO'" Dall,y Iowa" by ':311 a.m. 'Ib_ if a sitter or information about ~nce, just as you r macULATIONS Illy Jowln .lreul.Uon department, 9:30a.m. - University Com­ In Ibe COlllllluniulio1ll CftI\er 101 joining the League is desired. WEDNESDAY, MAY iro raincoal in Cor a --- open lrom ....n.. 10 • p,,, KOIICIa7 mencemcnt - Fieldhouse. finish. IIlrou.h rrtdl1. 6:30 p,m. - SUI Emeritus cr:;b 8:00 Mornl", Chapel Pubillhed doJly e ••ept Bundoy .nd STUDENT TEACHING, 1951-58-- Dinner.,- South Dining Room, Iowa B:15 News •....nd.1 and le,oJ hoUd.~ b,. Ilu- 8:30 Morning Soronade dInt Publleollonl. In... Communl.l- DAIU' 10"AH IUPIaViIOa. ,aOM AU students with majors in eco- Mcmorial Union, 9:15 Tho Bookshelf • 9 : 4~ Morning t'ealuro 'Aather To Hee liD,," Center, lowl City, Iowa. En- SCROOL or JOUaHAtl8111 'ACULTY nomics, geography, history, politi- 6:30 p.m. - All-Alumni Buffet lered II _nd ell. mailer .t the Publisher ...... Le.Ier O. Bu. 10 :00 Now. ....& office -' low. ~IIy, uncItr the cal sclence, psychology, sociolugy Supper - North Dining Room, Iowa 10:15 Kitchen Conc.rt Edllorlal .... Arthur M. .lander..,n 11 :15 01 Thoughl Community CI let G' Con_ 01 M.rell .. I"" . Advertlsln, • . .. I . John Itollo\lan and anthropology or social studies Memorial Union. Palt.Mls ClrcullUcm ...... Wilbur PolerlOn 11 :30 Let Thero Be Llghl - who plan to do student teaching S.turd.y, June' 11 :45 Rcll~ l ous News Prof. George B. Mathe Dial 41" '.film IIOIIn to mldnillol to 13:00 RI1yllllYl Rambles repoo1 new. Itoml, women'l pa,. MEMBJ:R ot the ASSOCIATED PRESS during the academic year 1957-58 12:30 p.m, - Silver Jubilee 12 :311 News ~,I~titute 01 Public AIl: tleml, or announoemenla to n.e The A""""laled Pl1!" Is • .,lltled ex- must register before the close of Lunchcon - Main Lounge, Iowa 12:4~ First bnprc!ujiona ""IeCI qbairman of the I, Dell,. 10.ln. Editorial GW...... to • Iu.lvely to the UM for repuhll ••tlon 1:00 M ulleol Chat• .... COnImllnl ••Uona Cenler. 01 oJl \he \Ddl newl prtnted In Iblll the current semester. No applica- Memorial Union 3:30-5:30 p.m. - 2:00 Sucee.. In the A rll ~unlty Chest at the 2:30 Adventures in MUlde n_per U .IU U l1li Al' De •• tions for student teaching in the All-Alumni Coffee Hour - Main ~!t1Ors meeting Monday IUboerlpUon Rteo - II, carrier In dlIpa&eb ... 3:30 News .... CII)', .. _II wtekl,y or S10 field of social studies will be ae- Lounge, Iowa Memorial Union. 3:45 Ou •• t Smr bile was appointed to the 4:00 T •• Time ~ Jar In Idv.nee: aIX IIIODthI, crptcd after June I, 1957. Register 6:30 p.m. - Golden Jubil ee Din­ ~ ~acancy in 1955 and , thHe mCID&ha, es.... 11 maU DAa,. lO"AIf IDlTOalAL ITA" 5:00 Children. Hour Editor ...... Tom Slattery with Prof. John Haefner, 352 Unl- ncr - South Dining Room, Iowa 5:30 News :"<1eII May 7. He succel lo.a. .. per y.. r: aIlt mon~ sa: 5:48 Sparlltlme til... _lilt P; iii other mall lUI). lllan~ ldltor •.•. W-C Ammon. versity Schools, Ext. 2637, Memorial Union. H. Ivie. alptjon.. ..0 per , ..r: alii _1M. C~ tor ...... MI"'''''1I 6:00 Dinner "our ....; \IINI p .• , A t CII)'lditon .. Jolin liii0.. 1, (Notief18 of ""'Ilersity-wlde interust will be published in 6:53 Newl William L. Mear, _III.. .1Id Bill MeO ..n, 7:00 Curlaln Oolna Up ' 7:15 Pallerno o [ Thou,hl vice·ehairman E-Idltor ...... , .AIL,. lOW •• AllYUftllIIO .TAn Wilker the General Notices column. Notices of CtJmptU club 8!OO MUlie Hour Ben E. Sumerwill II Ad~ Mfr...... lIeI MaI!oa IdIIDr ...... lAn7 Dennl. 9:00 Chamber Wealure .... -M..rtIIIria..." .... 1MtIlD • ...... ,..." .I ••• ~ ••• I •• •••• meetings will b. published 'n the SUreems colu~ eQ(;h At!lO "olrt-I.; of .Ad3 new treasurer. He JoIart7 RelcbatbU 9:45 Newl and Spartll CIMIIfte4 ~._ 11m BllbIIanl In another "cHOn 01 lowon.) Ivag L. Hedges, CImIlatICID • • Palll IIeal'I1 lIodetr Ultor ...... JIIlM roster Ikl, AdenaUlr, Int erpreter .nd 8ull tWy T~ Dally 10:00 SIGN on .. ana. lip. •• IIIaIIMI DIIIq Id1lorial iUlllIan' ., BIISIIIIII rOrM fH~ DA ll V IOWAN- lowl CIty, la.-Wednesday, May 2', 19S7-P ge' I ~!urs:ng Hcnorary ,I ~"'F· c.a ments Announ d Currier Renames Alpha Kappa Psi ENGLERT. LAST DAY Cooper-B9wen • hon. i'l w . Annouocement Is being made l ~~!~t~h~ta~!~~ti~!~ ~::!~ ~!e,~~~!:! , "THE WINGS OF EAGLES" l orary society of nursing, recently the recent winn I' of a conte I to. .. of the forthcoming marriage of l initiated 20 member.. rename the units in Currier dormi- ' Alpha Kappa P-I, prof .Ional SNEAK '"PRfVIEW Jan Cooper to Don Bowen, so n of Women initialed are: !\Iary lory. Icommerce fraternity. • rOSIGlI'I Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bowen of BrammC'rlo, '4 rrf! ton; LilIian The main theme o~ the winning Jock k\'le' Al. flock 151<1nd II East Sl. Luis, III., by the brid~· Byerly, 4, Iowa City; orma J('an entry wa U.S.S. CUrrier, pallernt'd I'~" Cochran, Walcrloo; ancy after a ship. (' ecll-u elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil ~4, ICog well, 3, Dewitt; • Ir·. Mar- 1i s White r('C{';\'('u Five dollars ' Cooper of West Dcs Moines. joril' Fuller, N4, De Moine 'j worth of records. Tb conte I Vi Miss Cooper is a freshman major· Charlene Himrod, '3, 10w8 City, sponsort'd by the Currier General I ing in Elementary Education. She IElizabeth Baug, ,4, St. An. gar, Council to promote more interest is affiliated with Alpha Xi Della Janet Klin ler .• 3. Donn('lJ.on; in the units and make them morp 'tary Lohr, Iowa City; • frs. meaningful. social sorority. Mariann Christianson, ','4, ~18ple- ...,j______... Monkey Mr. Bowen is a junior at SUT" ton; ~1ary Jane Meyer, N4, War­ - DOORS OPEN 1:15- Business majoring in Poliljcal Science. The I saw, Ill.; Sandra Mull, 3, Lake STARTS City, Dorothy Ocasek, N4, Chip­ couple plan to be morried Aug. 24. II pewa Falls. Wis, ; ~Irs. Mary Janc THURSDAY P('iterson, '4, Iowa City; Eta Ras­ mI£IMW I .. , mussen, G, Iowa City; .~arion YES .• , THAT SAUCY COMED'l Rodawig-Smoley tN BLUSHING COLOR! Reindlcy, M, Sl. Loui~; Jt'an NOW T ~~=~~AY" Dr. and Mrs. D. F, Rodawig of Rinker, ,4, Burlington, Jean Spirit yt\e, announce lhe ap- < Slock, N3, Odebolt; )arilyn Swan- - AND proaching marriage of their daugh. son, 4, Ea. t 10lin , Ill., and Mr . Ann Whidd~n, G, Iowa City. ~___ -----____ ------=----- ler, Sandra Ann , to Dr. Eugene - SUCH ' N, Smoley, son of Mr. and Mrs , Gary Kurdelmeier 1 ENOS TO,~ITE "SHACK OUT ON 101" dhaine J an J [,ng-alJe J N. G. Smoley of ForI Wayne, Jnd, Gary Kurdrlmnicr, A3, Cresco, STARS- ~ Miss Rodawig is a junior in lhe was recenUy dcct d president of "3 BAD SISTERS" College of Nursing at SUI. She is Della Upsilon social fraternity. THE BIG BOGART Delta Gamma to Dave Knotl, A3, Iaffilialed with Kappa Kappa Gam. Other officl'rs I'lectC'd were, "BIG HOUSE HITI" litned- Cornell College, Alpha Chi Epsilon . . I 'I Jack Kalchbrenner , A3, Chicago: Humphrey Pat lie Rohrer, A2, Rhodes, to Lar· Jean Harker A3 Denison Delta I rna socia sororl y. vict'-president; Bill Burton , A2 a!·]:l iij BOGART O'BRIEN 1Krueger, A2, Iowa City, Theta I)) Ann SHERIDAN Gamma 10 Je;ry Tussing, Ih, Des I ~r . S~nol ey, ~ ~radua.te of ~he Adel, recording ecrctary; Bob I ~ Moines, Delta Sigma Della. ~mv;rslty o~ MIchigan, IS. servmg Behrends, A2, Wiola , corrl'sponding Fran Zahariades, AJ, Mason hIS mternshlp at URlverslly Hos- secretary ; Jon Swam on, E2, Plain· THURS. SA~~~~AY ! "SAN QUENTIN" J1, to Louis Schnur, A1, Water­ Engaged _ pilals. He . is affilialed w.ilh Phi ville, III., senior delegate and Sigma Phi Epsilon. , . I Kappa PSI SOCial fratermty and I pledge trainer; Del Kloewl'r, A3, -ANO- »MY Lee Lyle, A3, Oskaloosa, D ~aye GMcLarna;- ~~ ' ~ I OU~ C~~, Phi Rho Sigma medical fralt'rnity. Manilla, junior dplegate, and \! Gamma to Dicit Hansen, P4, James Humph ... y SpeC ~~er a;g~a J YClS, , The wedding will take place Aug. James Wiese, C3, Schaller, house '=AGNEY BOGART )lllcil Blu ffs, Dclta Tau Delta. 'E Ib u. 10 in the Methodist church in manager; Tom Turk, A2, Clarion, J'IJ Achenback, A2, Lisbon to Karen nge ert, Marengo to Spirit Lake. scholarship. In the Feud af th. Welt )II Fansher, A3, Des Moines, Rolyn Boack, E3, Homestead, ______Oary \trrrm • Wan •• II rndrb )(a Xi, Theta Xi. "THE BLACK DAKOTAS" "Oklahoma Kid" . - T£CIISICOLOR - Bette Machael, A2 , Chnton .to thained- Brice Oakley, A3, Des Moines, Fraternity Sweethea'rts Jan Groteleuschen, A2, Manning, Della Chi. ;dta Delta Delta, to James Donna Rae Brown, ' At, Des ldles, A2, Sikeston, Miss" Sigma Moines,-Delta Delta Della , to Ray SPECIAL MID-NilE SHOW , Epsilon, IAsper , A4, Waterloo, Phi Gamma Judy Van Camp, A1, Waterloo, Delta. TONIGHT ------~------PRE -ME MORIAL DAY MID-WEST PREMIERE To:r~afsEY;~;y COMEI AVA GARDNER any Students Marry By Spcrial ArraJ)p,clIleJ)1 tdlll Ihe' Pror/ucers \VI' Are' Pridlrg('(/ to Prl' rllt the Vcry Firl~l Ai id'((Jl'st Slwwillp, SCB~S' G I • / II SfEWART GRANGER In Danforth Chapel of til(' Sensational Nrw I1ollyu:ooci lotion PictllTe Thai 1. Alrcady till' Talk of lfir Natinn anc/ Jud!l tTyl During a year at SUI, approxi­ ty includes pews which will seat fAGli: «t DAVID N1~' lIIely 35 couples recite wedding about 75 persons. in Danforth Chapel. The ma­ Gifts from the Danforth Founda­ NOT SINCE "THE MAN WITH A GOLDEN tion and Mr. and Mrs. William H. in The ~y of these weddings occur duro Danforth of Sl. Louis, Mo ., have ARM" HAS THE SCREEN TOLD SO DARING II June, July, and August. made the chapel possible, In June !be first wedding held in tbe of 1953, the chapel was dedicated A STORY !UtteHut was on February 15, 1953. to SUr. .1 from Ull in UU SCDU I ps using the chapel must be Danforth Chapel is operated in THE REAL .\ Bia!ed with the University. ~onjun~tion with. the Iowa Memor- LIFE STORY ...... ~ f th b 'ld lal URlon, and IS open to all stu- tI~ mam I"lrpose 0 e Ul - dents. OF ~ located on the east bank of Sharon Roberts Shirley Horack I Iowa river, and south of the MONKEY , a MeI?or.ial Union, is for stu- Couple Exchange Vows Sharon Roberts, A3, De~ Moines, Shirley Horak, AI, Berwyn, was BARNEY The"S K" ofS EAKSI lit medllatIon and prayer. I . 0 f h Ch I was recently ~hosen ~l Kappa recently 5('lected swe~tlwart of Phi Various student religious groups n an ort ape ~Ipha drcB.m girl at ~elr. annual , ,. ON l campus have beld regula s v' Dream GII'I Formal. MISS RO- Kappa Sigma at thclr spring for· ROSS . r er· Carol DIanne Rasmussen, daugh- b t' tt d' t N D. , lIS Irom lime to time during the er s a en an s were orma oss, mal, She IS a member of Alpha XI A Chaml' of C/wJlI1JS . Here Is A Dandy! tar, Danforth Chapel is non-de- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ras· A3, L~lI, and Sandra James, Ma- . 1 MY _ ,I. . t' I d I mussen of Burt and Donald C I son City Delta SOCial sororIty. A Marine IIero ... Who ...... l111li1 IOna , an nd .regu ar wor- , " -- - /lpservi,e may be held in it, In Hausrath of Silver Spring, Md" - F 'EI - Off' - -I , TUI'II('t/ illin a Drrrg Addict lIOfdance with the regulations of were married Sunday in a double. raterntty ects leers I . , . t\ SC/(,(Imillg A"lmal We Know! It committee in charge, I ring ceremony in Danforth Chapel. Joseph Gross, E4, Sioux City, ! Charles Robl'rts, £3, St~rm Lake, .. Who't! KII/ flJr (I "Fix." No BACK II' HOLLYWOOD SNEAK PREVIEW .~ chape~ is used ~x tensively The bride is completing her was recently elected prscidenl of recording secretary; Janws Young, I Ho/ds Bllrrl't!. .. Ul • ~nstallatJons, weddmgs, and sophomore year in the SUI School Pi Tau Sigma, honorary mechani- E3, Iowa City. trea 'urer Charl('~ Member , , IIJmlOg serVices, of Nursing. The bridegroom is I cal engineering fraternity, Other Fretwell, E3, Keokuk, corre pond· S-P-E-C-I-A-L-! C~~~YI 1be chapel, marked by simplici- serving in the U.S . Army with the Iofficers are : Robert' Workman, ing secretary; and Paul Rausch, ONE SHOWING ONLY MIDNITE TONITE 319 Military Intelligence Battalion E3, Sioux City, vice-president ; E2, Rock Island, Ill., hi torian. TICK,ETS NOW ON SALE AT THE 80XOFFICE ' 'h at Fort Hood, Tex. ------~ WC of ton FInls The Rev. W .Russel Hunter oC I Ule First Presbyterian Church read ) , ALL 7~~ATS ret J"Wi' t. j ~ ONLY S~~~ACITY Mil Not Wrink~e ~~~ve~cre~SonYbri~:;~~~d,S' D~~~~ TO-NIGHT !- TO·NIGHT Carey was best man, and Marlene CAS H A new finish for cottons that Krieger was organist. 'I Positively r Gary Cooptr~ In ~rn ..1 lIemlnr ... y·, "PRICES NO,T ADVANCED" ilins creases and sheds wrinkles Following the ceremony, a rc- I111U Ends Tonile "For Whom The Bell Tolls" liD the making. ceplion was held in UIC Iowa Mem- • • • I tngrid~gman orial Union. AI present, the resin-lreated fab- ,_. STARTS, .. ~ resist both undesirable wrink­ is and desirable pressed-in creas· 7:30 P.M. t These fabrics are well suited Fraternities Elect THURSDAYI .slmple garments but arim't too lliIlaclory for tailored ones. The Engineer Officers ~ are always applied to the EVERY 't/!ons as piece goods, before they "THE WINGS It made up into clothing, THEATER OF EAGLES" 1\e United States Department of W,'Yf. • SNEAKING" AnoHro­ flculture has arranged with the WOW! Cait TLU You A Thitlti ~nal Institute of Drycleaning '4evelop a creasc-retaining fin· AboICt It ... &Ct Ol.pf.lld On It, • that can be applied to cotton FOR ALL YOUR m nls with standard drycIean· 1Ve "CNfllt 0J4 ~ 1eJt! "equipment. The resin finish A ~'!S coltons both crease-holding ONE SHOWING OF "SNEAK PREVIEW" 7:30 P.M. ~ wrinkle-resistant properties. FOXHOLE! rrt fInish isn't applied until after ,-, " I - " ,arments have been completed, FIRsr IOWA ',:11 1" L 1 , , AT REGULAR ~ i1ams and pockets can be Iron· USED CITY :;HOWING L.-t; Ii" ,.J PRICES", '. nat, and pleat.s and creases can - premancntly set where they t! needed, TWO Starting Today. 11Ie garment is wet wilh a solu­ IOWA CITIANS WILL SEE HOLL YWOOD'S of the resin and other chemi­ HELL- Then it's partially drit'd, The NEWEST-YOUNG ACTING STAR, , . THE step is setling the fabric into HOUNDS creases with a hot flat SCREEN IN THE SAME EXPLOSIVE MANNER Once curing is complete, fur­ press ings won 't set new pleats WHO old ones. William Maquire THAT IS REMINISCENT OF JAMES DEAN . .. the new process looks FOUGHT '.r, of pronllslng, further research Theta Tau INTRODUCING before it will be rea~y W'II' M . E LIKE cOlllloorlcial usc. But in thc I lam agUlre, 4, Detroit, BOOKS James be able to lake a was recently e l ee~e d rege~t of . to the drycleaoers for , Theta T8u" profeSSional engineer· TWO creases and wrinkle- Jng fralerm.ty. MacArthur hedule just as you now take o~er officers elected are: ~oo THOU$AND! In for a water.re- ChrISlensen, E4, Davenport, vice MAY £9 finish regent; Peter Peropoulo, E3, Dav· A TEE, ·AGER . enporl, scribe ; Dick Walton, E3, COMI G TO GRIPS Iowa City, treasurer; Wilbur To Head Busch, E4, Gladbrook, marshal; WITH TlIE ADULT 'Aather Lee Ingwersen, E3, Davenport, WORLD! Community Chest corresponding secretary. ROBERT ALDO A FATHER TOO BUSY ~f. George B, Mather of the Tau Beta Pi TO KNOW HIS SON Institute of Public Affairs, wos I RY ANas RAY ,s OR UNDERSTAND HIM ~ qbairma n of the Iowa City Jo eph Gross, E3, Sioux City, i\ SERIOUS STORY' ~ un l ty Chest at the board of , WIlS recently electcd president of -;ltIOrS meeting Monday night. Tau Beta Pi engineering honor BUT IT lIAS ITS ,'" WIS appoInt d to the board '.0 SOCiety. MO;\fE 'TS OF ..! ~acancy in 1955 and was re- Other officers are : Lawrl'llce ~ May 7, He SUCt cds Atty. Focht, AtIMlic, vice-presid nt ; LIVELY HUMOR "lei' H, Ivie. James Young, Ea, Iowa City, .:!!:, \,VlUiam L. Meardon was treasurer; Francis Jeffries, E3, ~. .;:.~ vice·chairma n of the IOsage, recording secretary: Dewcy ~oUl1l1P ' • II:iVl 1 I. , ;t Ben E. Sumerwill was elect· Andersen, E3, Harlan, correspond· e 'Ita~ new treasurer, lie succeeds Ing secretary: Cecil Fretwell , Ea, ls , Ivaq L. Hedllcs. Keoku k, catalogucr.

... OJ Qfficially Deny SCOREBOARD AMERIOAN LtAGUII W. L. 1' . 1. G.II. t W. L. Pd. ".8. Possible Shift ' Clnclnn.U .... 25 IJ .6r.l1 - Ohlcn~o ...... 23 10 .6V7 ~ OrooklYn .... 21 13 .6 18 2 New York .. . . 22 13 .629 t Milwaukee ...... 21 14 .600 21,<, Cl~veJond •... .• . 21 14 .000 1 : Phll8delphlg .. 20 15 .571 3'. Boolon ...... 19 19 .Il00 Iii 51. [,0"1. .... 17 18 .486 6 \\0 Detroll ...... 18 19 .496 1 MILWAUKEE 1.tI- The Milwau· 't""''''' ''~M,.~..... -....", ..-, .... New York .. .. 15 21 .411 9 Kon .... CIty .. .. 11 20 . 4~9 • Of Cincinnati kee Bravcs broke a three-game 1Chicago .. ... 11 22 .333 II', 1Baltimore ...... 13'2 .371 If losing sLreak Tuesday night, beat­ , Pltlsburllh . .. .. 10 24 .294 13 Wa,hln. lon ..... 12 28 .300 Wi CHICAGO IA'I - The National ing league-leading Cincinnati 1-0 TUE DAY'S liE LTS T ESDAY'S BE ULTS Milwaukee I. OlnclnnaU 0 New York 8. Boslon 3 11.0 Inninpi League Tuesday flashed a green on a triple by Bobby Thomson PIUlburgh 3. Brooklyn 2 111 Innlngo! Chlcogo 3. Kansas Cit y I light to the Brooklyn Dodgers and and a single by Frank Torre in I St. Loul, ~. Chicago I Clovellnd 4. Detroit 3 I PhiladelphIa 16. Gianls 6 OnJ.y g8mes scheduled. the New York Giants for a pro- the eighth , the only hits off TODAV'S I'/TOIIERS TODA '''8 PITCIIERS Cleevland at Chlcn,o - Wynn posed shifl, in a "package deal," Don Gross of the Redlegs. Phllade',phla at New York - Had.. V$ Harshman 13-H . Idl. 13-3' vs MlIJe, '0-11 , New York nt Wa:!hln.ton - Slurdl- to Los Angeles and San Francls- The victory put the third-place Brooklyn at PiLl!bura:h - Poore! vant (3-21 VI Ramos (3-31. Braves 2'>2 ~41mes behind Clncln· '3 .. r l \'! Kline 10 .. 61. BalUmore at Boston - Loe, £4-3' or co, respectively. nati and I" game behind Brooklyn, : Chlc8,0 81 Milwaukee - Kaiser 0-11 Ceccarelli 10-11 va Suoce (3-01. Permission was granted in a which lost to Pittsburgh. 3-2. VI Buhl 12-1 1. Kan ... Cli yal Detroi - Duren (0-31 Only gimes oct>rd II Icd. v, Bunning 12-11. unanimous vote by league oHicials gave up eight hits piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiit in a four-hour meeting which ru- In posting his 38th sbutout of his UNPAINTED mored shift of the Cincinnati Red. i major league career. The victory NEW- was his fifth against two defeats For that legs to New York was o((icially this season and was his third FURNITURE denied. _ Lriumph over· the 1\elllegs in 1957. Beautiful Bride .. ' League President Warren Giles, AI' WI,.pholo The loss was the first of the I ~ FOR SALE who announced the action at a HAPPY BASEBALL OWNERS Horace Stoneham (left) of fhe New season against lour victories Cor . " Y jl Dnk $17,50 press conference, emphasized that York Gianh and Walter O'Mall.y of the Brooklyn Dodgers Tuesday Ule Cincinnati southpa\V, who had ':, . ~>.. Lo\\rtll PrittS In Iowa Cit,. 00: • Cheat or Drawers Q lamp from it now was up to the Dodgers ' ,lNfully discull National Lu,u, action which gave them permission a no-hitter until tbe eighth inning. • Lawn FarnJtare and Giants to arrange for a po- to move th.ir baseball clubs to San Francisco and Los Angeles r.- Gross faced only 22 Braves in /1 ChlJlr.n·. Dul<• , .. _ I ' • Spl.e Cablnell The Beacon tential shiIl to the two West Coast spectinly, R'portl that the Cincinnati Redlegs would b. shift.d to the first ~E}ven inlllnj:s. A walk • Bird •• uael cities. N,w York were oHiclally denied at the league meeting in Chicago. to Henry AarOn in the fourth was Warren Spahn Pee Wee Reese Phone 4218 or S.. Glies pointed out that the Dod- the o?ly interruptlon a~ h~ retired Electric Shop I Allows Reellega 8 Hits Costly Erl'or ill Loss J. D. Miller 210 So. Clinton gers and Giants, if they plan to 't 5 3 1 the SIde Inning a!ter lODlng. playas West Coast members in Wh , e OX Eel ge A' 5 'Thomson, tile first nian up for 220 So. Johnson We specialize in Gift Wrappin, 19S8 must make amends with the' , -, Milwaukee :in the eightb, spoiled Bues 3, Dodgers 2 I Phils 16, Giants 6 Paeinc Coast League - of which k 1 Gross' no-hllter when hl! drove a Los Angeles and San Francisco Yan s T,'p Boston ,,'n 10 Lriple against the fence. PITISBURGH f.D..;-Shortstop Peel NEW YORK IA'I- Rip RepuISki" are members _ between Oct. 1 ~n~~~:~ ": :. ":. :::: r:: m=r n ~ee Reese threw wild ~o the plate IWillie Jones, Stan Lopata and re- U h clOthe 11th Tuesday Dlght. allow- .. . IOWA'S FINESI and Oct. 31. CHICAGO IA">--Rookie Bill Fiseh- BOSTON IA'I _ New York reacted d'~~o " aod BI 0)1; Spa nand ran- iog the to score ~I e f Bob Miller each drove • • • Giles stressed that the league er 01 the Chicago White Sox hurled to Ted Williams' last ditch homer * * * the run they needed to give them '" three runs Tuesday mght as I • 20% More Protein . , acUon was predicated on. a two· a six-hitter to cheek Kansas City's wiLh a three-run 10th inning to de- Cards 5, Cubs 1 a 3-2 vic.tory over the second-place the went on ~ .... Phospho"" It · team move to the four game winning streak here [eat Boston 8·5 Tuesday and re- Brooklyn Dodgers. a 17-hit rampage that handed the • Vitamins and Minerals I West Coast. and I Tuesday 3-1. It gave the league. main two games behind the Amer- ST. LOUIS (A'I - Larry Jackson, Don Newcombe was charged with New York Giants a 16-6 wallop- · 11IW8 City will join t sOLrfestsehed tthwao IfNoen~ ,leading Comi~key's a split in the ican League leading Chicago White apl'tcfL~er-gcoarmteheWsitn.nLoerU,.aSScaardl~nealilesf, bsi fourth1 defeatbagainsl~ asdmha.ny ing. I • Taste, Better, Tool .~ ~~onThiunrsndlalS"N,'Valnt'P two game ser es Sox .'" losses. C em La ine re leve 1m Philadelphia .. , .. 413 030 500-16 17 0 .'$ • ...." York area teams I h' I . : . d turne~ starte 'l'ucsday night with lifter two singles and an inten- New Yo rk ...... 040 000 OO~ 6 8 2 ~ ~ve given their lives decides to move • T e stockily built righthander Hank Bauer slam me a two-run a fl'V"-hl't e ghl~trl· "'eout · vl'ctory . Ik f I I b B b I San(ord. MII!.er (2, and [,oplila; anl·~"f! ' nall'on's II·berty. d f IS' h' f th d bl I th 1 It " L t-., .. tlonal wa lIed tIe ases . 0 AMonelli. ConSuelrB (11. Rldrlk (31..I _ ..u", , e I s e where an· 1 was rappc or Ha mit s our ,'~', ou e 0 e e over the Chicago Cubs, 5-1, which Clemente hit a sharp grounder to ' MarKonerl IS.. C".. om 171. Me- U other league'meet- homer for the A's only run. It was field corner and gave the Redbirds a sweep of a Reese who threw wild to the plate Eor~le~nl~~e~r.eI Katl. W - Miller. Fum DI.. A' 'Tradi onal services would be re- ' ~ischer's thi~d ~ictory in four de- , Gil McDo.ugald two-game series. in a vain cffort to cut down the Home runs _ Phlladelphln. MUler.' will begin at 8:30 a.m. to sanction ~slons and hiS fIrst complete game added . an !nsur- Jackson, whose only deCeat came winning run. N~ ~s~~oe~n~dJ~e~n'~I ._~ __'~~~::~~~~~~~::=::::=::~~~~~~~ The first service will a changc. In tyo'o starts. ance slOgle 10 the al the Cubs' ex~Jlse in a bullpen ReUef pticher Roy Face was rate lhe naval dead Giles said that RIp Coleman started Cor the Ath· e xtr~ .frame. I role April 21 , hurled handsomely credited with the victory. Pirate BREM ER ~~ ~ ~~ ,ilL be spread on Ihe GILES after Tuesday's letics but hurle.d to only four bat- he as he extended winning streak slarter gave up 11 hits S '" River for Wllh~ms , ~ hls ~ ~~ lilta a~tion, it's up to the Dodgers and tcrs DS th.e WhIt~ Sox t~cd off for ,league s leadi n g to six, IObg~$t by . a National in S . 0. bIIied at sea. Giants to "tell me 'we want to re- two runs," the first .Inmn~. Cole- batsman. sen~ a League plteh2l' this ~ason. The Brooklyn ...... 001 000 01000-2 13 I ~ 1 ~s will be in charge locate our franchise.' " man. was charge. d With hiS . fourt.h . towering .d r I ve 25-year-old righthandDr did not PtLtsburlh ...... 090010 010 01-3 10 1 ~ .,. t ht I th t Ih to the ... Newcombe. Labine 1111 and Cam- r.;~ "I will then give Ulem my okay 8 ralg oss WI ou a WID IS rf~wIsd In '1' walk a batter. ~neU •. Walker 161: Friend. Purkey. ~ ' The Rev. A. C. I an4, then they must fmd. a place seasonB bb. Ph'lli d Ith . _ WILLIAMS C hi 'Ie 11thpavI II<> Ion F or sevcn JOn . ngs thOc on Iy Cb'1- W,ill ArroF yo Li91. FacLable (e91 and YoUes. ~ MAKE IT A GREAT DAY R DAD ~ "Zion Lutheran t I " u a I os opene w a SIR or s me cago player to reach base was H- aio. - B OOK ~; Clmoll ~ ~ ~r !he invocation o pay. gle and was forced by Nellie Fox . run as leadoff batter in the nlnth. Ernie Banks on -:a two-out triple nomieuunr-iers 1 H" r 't !III. Taps will be "If New York and Brooklyn re- Minnie Minoso singled to leU and The blow pulled Boston Into a 5-5 . th f th . I u ~ ~ quest co~senl bel?re ~cl. 1 to relo- when Gus Zernial fumblcd. Fox tie. ID Th: C~~~in'8Is, meanwhile, col- ~~ ~~~~~en~' will c~te thClr Cranchlses In San F~an- c~ntinucd to thir~. Sher~ Lollar Howevcr, Wiiiiams lost some I~ted nine hits off three Ilitchers, ~ ~ iIIca" at the 'service, CISCO and Los Ang~les, r~speclive- smgled for the first of hIS three ground to runnerup Mickey ManUe banding Moe Drabowsky hls fourth ~ ~~ Velerans of Foreign !y, the league.p~esldent IS author- hits to score Nellie. Minoso then in the race for batting honors. defeat in six declsioD1l. U 5 Stars in ~ ~ ~. will be in charge Ized to gra~t It. . headed a double stea1 and ~aced on Mantle, the Yankee's centerfield- 1Ch1

ENGLE FEATURED IN TIME­ Prof. Paul Engle, SUI English Classified Rooms for Rent Apartment Ren. DeparLment , is featured in the ed­ fOr ucation section oC the June 3 issue COOL ba mut r.... m for 2 meo. De- BUY AlERRY ~WI -"e- '_I FURNISHED ...... -.,t ~rtlnent. LEAGUE of Time Magazine. Engle is head AdvertisiiJg Rates humidifIer. 215 E. Chun:h. ...1 ~ ~",. D.. - . Cookln, privUe,e June Ith thru W. L. Pet 01. 23 10 .orr·· of sm's nationally known Writer's One Day ...... •.. Ie a Word DOUBLE .I ..pln, r';;'-"'-:Pri~th ... 15 St>pl Ilh. 1-0U3 artu • p.~_. ~ .22 13 .112!1 1; Workshop. In new hnmo ncor OO!l>Iu,L Graduat. Aulos for Sale FtJRNlSHlm ba~ent .l>'Irtment for .21 14 .600 1 Two Days ...... IOe a Word mtn. Phone mao S-I IUmMU. Phone 571L W 19 19 .500 .~ . 18 19 .486 1 FOREIGN TRADE GRADUATE Three Days ...... J2c a Word THREE rooms for anlduate moo , 192 Itt8 Ponllac Sedan Coupe - 1-022$. S-SI TWO .partln...... lor June 1ft. M~ . 17 20 .'~9 • N. Dod~e . 5-28 3'102. ... 13'2 .371 If - Burton Edgar Jones, son of Mr. Four Days ...... 14c a Word ______--..:. IIIU Oldsmobllo - ""ceUeot eond.llJon. . 12 28 .300 1(1\ and Mrs. Julius E. Jones, 2265 TWO SINGLE. on~ double room. for New bOltery. I-OZ& 8-.f THRD roo . fully {uml'lhec!. PM ...... Five Days ...... J5c a Word .ummer lon, men, ~8liOnable - - -- - ett.trance _nd bath. Bus by the door. Saint Joseph, Dubuque, will be rent. ono block {rom buo Une. Coli 40411 ,.OR SAU::: 1&52 2-<1oor Chevrolet. Ex- Call 4~. Aner 5 c.llil4lL ..T Ten Days ...... 20c a Word mornin& . «S6S .lternoons and e\"enln"... C'~Hent rondlUon. Owner in M'n,fC'e'. . graduated from the ~merlcan In· ODe Month ...... 39c a Word ____-- -.:,--...,-.-.:.---S--3O Di.1 42d or ~lbI. ~ TWO or Ihree IDOl. lIl'adWO\e ItLidenta , stitute (or Foreign 'l'rade at T/lun­ I to . b",. rumllbed 5 foom .IIOI\mftIL derbird Field, Phoenix, Ariz., Fri· R~:m8-~ . ",omeo tud.nt. - au~ Personal loans CIOIe In. ~1 altu 5:00 p.m. 1-11 day. DEADLINE FURNISHED APARntENT. 11. S. Du- mc!:- - doubl.--- room {Of Iwnmer stu- PERSONAL Joan en typewrtt.". buque. After 8 pm. ...,. Jones attended Dubuque Unlver· Deadline (or a~1 c1a!slned ad· den". Re ..on.bl. . Phon. tiIiF- b-I phanOlraph.. .porto oqulpmen' .nd sity, and received his 8achelor of vertislng is 2 P. M. Cor insertion , Jewelry. Hock-Eye Loan Co. 221 S mULLY loco~ , room .portment. TWO olncle roomJI [or men. Summer CapItDI. ..lin priv.tp booth. All new futnllun. IArLs degree in Political Scionee in following mornlnJ'J issue. The _Ion. SIS.DO each. 4702. _ I ______Reo..,n.bly prlC'ed ~ . 8-4 from SUI. where he wa a m m~r Daily Iowan reserves the right ------~ SINGLE. doubl~ room.. near campul. Typing 3 ROOM FURNISIJED b_ment apart- of the Iowa MOuntaineers and the: to reject any advertising COP1. Hneru: (urnl htd. reuonabJe. a...181" m I AvallArble around June Ulh Wesley Foundation. ______--' '--_S-_'' TYPING lM4T. ..t. Couple onty. 1T30 M....,.Une. ..., Specializing in Latin America, Display Ads CHOICE (lOOMS. Men. reduced IUmm .. ~TY=PI:-:-N:-:G:-:'I-O-U9...;...---~-- 2$ l1PSTAIR. ' .. ml hod .portmonl. • Jones has taken the school's inlen­ raltl. eook,", prl"l., W I . Ii-~ _ _ ___ .. n room.nd bath. Prlvale .ntrance ~nd that sive training course in preparation . One Insertion ...... ROOMfl lor Ir.~en . ci~7P;-k: TYPING ~ITt. 8-T ,.t. e. Coupl only. 1730 MulClltln •. (or a career in American business ...... •. .. . 9Ic a Column Inch In,. Phono 6780. 5-111 TYPING 4ftl 8-4 - "I and bath abroad. Five insertions a Month, each SINGLE and double room' lor bo~1 iVi>INO-MIMEOGRAPJIINC. NO~ry Bride .. for lummtr. Show..... Phone 25T3 Public. Mary V. Bum., SOL Iowa Insertion .. 88c a Column Inch "IT _tal' Bonk Bulldln,. Dill 28541 .., udllUe. VAN ALLEN GETS DEGREE - 11,. S-1O Ten Insertions a Month, each P-U:-AS- AN- T-roo-m-I-{O-r-m-en- Jl- Ud- .-n'-•. : TYPING 1-0(3'1 :>-. Prof. James A. Van Allen, SUI insertion .. 80c a Column Inch room apart· from ~. 1-11 n.ESIS typln, nos. ,-x:. WO URGENCY OF THE TRAFFIC PROBLEM is gltting special attention In a series of five-minute Physics Department head and spe­ (Minimum Charge SOC) cialist in upper air research will .... TYPING - All klndl. 1-3ttT. ..1 APARTMDnlI 8-41141 ••23 "spots" produced by WSU I. The len brief programs make use of shock .nd dr.me 10 alert Ihe receive an honorary doctor of sci· to Ir.Hic hazards. The seri85 has also been d85igned for ute on other Iowa radio stalions. DIAL Miscellaneous for Sole Wanl~ Help Wanled _ of these programs are announcer Frank Stedronskl, A3, Riverside III. and Larry WalcoH enee degree with sil( others at Grinnell College commencement PERSONNEL 10 do odv.rtl In, pro- FRATERNITY HOUSEMOTHER. C .11 Citv, standing at Ih. board. ' , , I whrel t'-lIOmI. at a National Workshop Con[erenee RiiiiR..;;;;t,;d to Connectieut. Leovln. H·&ds""~~~nronDI..'f 911,lIr •• for .. I . G•• he.t1.l'_utomaUc hoi w.ler b•• ter. PBX operlllor and record. cu IOdI.n M, emor ,a erv,ces A damage suit asking $3,075 was on Accrediting in Washington, D.C., noon June 3rd. Coij 8-oeaa. '-JD Phone ...... 5-)1 pennanent poslUonl Ide.l lor .bo,. • \ filed in Johnson County District June 25 and 26. W\iiN- G .1une 'th 1M Yo-emlte N.: I'1IRNiSliED J'i;;;7u;:;;-~;: .,·.ra,_ womptl 2S to 411 . Attr.-cU,. I Court Tuesday b Atr dB" II I t h I f h < ,. t.mb .. 15th Chlldr~n lecop\f(l D,"I .urroundlna· In downtown ~.lIon . Ill'IIa Cily will join the rest 01 the will be held at Memory Gardens. y rc runs ,nO(! er spas e a rman 0 I C 1I0nAi .Par)c. Ctill't \19. CQn"ct II"" 801611. " S-31 ~roup and frln, benefill. WrIte 80x in. observance of Memorial with Trott delivering the address. (or hiS son Alfred E. W. Bruns. ACE!: which has charge oC all ac- ~1~erlOn, 740 Kltk_ ood A•• . or C:!! - - - -_ _ _ . ..II Th~r sday, honoring those who TI.le Rev. John G. Craig of the The. Sll~t is filed. agai.nst Jesse ~redllln~ work at the colle~c level R-m-~R-s-TO-P-h--llI • I I I ____ _ I'UR~~~~ I~~" EChlllde':."~.:!~1 ~ sU(IMmMeE'~'mCmOeLLr ECemJ:pJo~mnIENTS'1 000 : f~~ given their lives in the cause FIrst Congregational Church will W. Hills In connection With a two· ~n the (wid of professional Journal· Ju";,e 8th. s~~e i.-;;~g.,:: ·:-~4~ usr;D AUTO PARTS. COOdy'.. 801 ?~ . ,·u. 11.500 PI~A lullJoD It.hot.l1hlp.' Couid nation's libcrty. give the invocalion and the bene. car collision on May 29, 1955. Ism. .ft.r $:DO p.m. ._ _ ---..!2 Mllden Lin •. DI.151/tn. 6-28 I'l1RNI5U!:J) hou .... DI.I 8212 0... ' ral't'y 4 atm •. ter houtl. Phone "1111 · t' TI' . th h' I - ':30 pm . to ' :30 p.m. only. $ •• services [or the city dIC Ion. liS IS ~ I Ird petition which -- l. LEAVE FOR Lo J'jllllfl ••. June 3rd or EU:CTRIC Iron. he.ter, lamp, choir ,,] begin at 8:30 a.m. Schuchert. of the national guard. has been filed in regard to the . RECEIV~S COMMISSIO"-Dan- 4th. CaU Ex. 438t1, ~k for Don '''::21 8-::.511. 0.., Rides Wanted Work Wor:led will sound taps to thc colors. John accident which occurred on High- lei J. Robinson, son. of Lt. Col. RIDERS WANTED otwlh thru M.mphlJ 25'" 011''' on .11 r"""ndiliontd j.",,1 ...... ;----~ The first service will commomo- Shaffer will raise the colors at lhe way 218 on tbe south edge of (RcU Adrian M. Robinson, 113 E. to Loulslsn.. leavCn, June 4th or w.u:h .. durlnll MlY· Wayner" Jtwel. or WHit. raIe the naval dead when flowers ceremony and the readings wlJl be Iowa City. Court st.• ha. s.rccc· IV ed a regu Ior ' --5th. CIII----- Ex. 4371. , fl-l ....- ' --- 604 ------:...... :-=....:.....:.::..:..:.:...... :- 11-1. riI be spread on the water oC the prcsentcd by Rogers and Denning Th t't' 1 t th I' t'ff army commission as £irst lieu ten· WANTED - O~uJl.r two rlden to B&L Monocular mlcroll<.-oPl!. currc"t IRDNlNa pickup and cI.Uvcry. Phone \4I*a River for Ulose who were . C pe I Ion sacs c p am It· th M dl I C F help drl, ••nd I~ ex pen"". to Loa model, call 59115. 8·1 t-oO:IT , '-11 '-'.J at sea. Women's Rcll'ef This program will be at the end was riding in on auto owned by asn iDH e COl orps at ort An,.le •. C,III. Tra~lIn. vi. Southern III";U 01 an avenue of {lag f t am ouston. Tex. Raul. HI,hw.y fill avln, June 10th. SODDING and j.rd ",orlc don' SaU.. ClrPs will be in charge oC the servo I h . . s? ve. era~s Mrs. Vesta Koch and operated by Robin~on a dental officer In Stu 0011 or ..., Art Ha, . 109 River Street. Instruction Trailer for Sale lacllon ,uoranleed. Phon lOll 11-14 m: w 10 ave gIven theIr lives ID thIS her son Wayne L Koch approxl- d 0 r ' . Pholl. 31801. • ~31 . country's service matel' ( thO '1' th f ent [Icer Dctachment at the , IA to Yellow. BALLROOM dlnee I,"' onl. SpecIal 1841 mAVELO Trull~r, tI It child Care The Rev. A. C. Proehl, pastor . y one· our ml C sou 0 Army Medical Service School en DRIVER to .h.re rlvln, 5.29 rate. MimI Youd. WUrlu . DI.I 84M plelel y modern. A . W. Road, tI Zion Lutheran Church will de. N' I f the Iowa City Airpo.rl. tered til Army in August. '1956: lion. 2183. dIll 5-SDR V,.w Trailer Cl. WANTED chIld on~ta~ Op. lOt" by TIRES FOR THE ~~... y 0 e epu IC Iowa probate law. Congress "is today the world's Beethoven. Varlatrons and Fugue LOO~la '19 "" foremost'health problem." And he o~ . a theme by Handel," a compo· • '; Mrs. Amelia Hildenbrandt will CAd asked for foreign aid funds to help Slllon by Johannes Brahms. will . lhe pledge 01 allegiance, and ourt war s Damages stamp it out. complete the program. PRICE OF 3- ERS inVocabtiollthandrben CEdidcliondwill On Condemned City Lot ' World health authorities say the EASTON ADDRESS-Dr. Georg" For y. e {ev. war P. M d Mr Ch I C KI President knows what hc's talking , ~Iyen assistant pastor of the r. an s. ar es . um· . S. Easton, professor and head of, ~1ethodist Church. f<;[thS' 1305 S. Linn St., were award· ~bout'r ~~e~ though maltna h.as the department of oral diagnosis I R"I ders National Guard will provide c b 2,500 dama~cs. Tuesday. by fC;. 1\:' In ~~n~'lf~~~ n~~. t IU' and director of the SUI Denial salute over the graves and Jo nson County Dlstnct Court Jury. c ~ll~ng. IS one, I ~ 1 ISO wo Clinic. appeared on the program will be sounded by Sehuchert The Klumrorths had appealed ml Ion persons eae year. Another of the Scott County Dental Society Iowa City High School band for $5,000 d~m~ges from a Hi?h- 2O!l m!llion or S? will ~e attac';.nd in Davcnport Tuesday evening. Dr. BRING IN YOUR OLD TIRES AND play "Plcyel's Hymn." wA.ay dcomnllsslOn CondemnatlOn w~tdh Its tredcllr~lng . chills, fevers Easton discussed "The Differential or a I J. Prybil's grave in the war . " a assor e mlserres. Diagnosis of Some Oral Lesions." GET THE DEAL OF A LIFE TIME 11II~"",.

Grumbacker Water Color Set • Alpha Color Set


Cillt!. IIlfO rlATVUI .Y!I1II(: ...... WOIJ,b 11I11I1'II _nil. Dial 4177 "You should get' out more." Page '-THE OAIL V IOWAN-I owa City, la.-Wednesday, May 29, 1~51 tudy.ing Fo r Final s· Pictu re Story by Connie Btutt

BIG FINAL TOMORROW finds Pat Eash, A3, Wellman, music major, ready to dig into those books. Filled with the determined spirit of the dedicated s udent, she begins •.

YOU JUST CAN'T STUDY on an empty stomach - and so Barbara Wilson, A3, Marti and Pat for food, chatter, and relid from the "Tedious stud/ing .•." , ......


J FUGS MARK THE 1IWi,I D.y cerlt"",,"i.l lilt lowl City ~ •the 1I1'OCWll1011 Alntrican liberties.

PAGE ONE, LINE ONE , "K NOCK , KNOCK." "Well. I guess I c,n afford a few minutes ..." Marti Stephens, 02, Westchester, has dropped in to discuss the very same test Pat is cramming for_ I- Iowa City observed I 1liiy with a parade urniture Auction Prof. Harry H. spoke , and m~IIIIUl'V 1:30 P. M. . as the principal Twenty·six Friday, May 31 part In the parade !he downtown area Bryanl's sa le across from old school building on old Brig. Gen . Will J. Highway No. 6 in town of Coralville, 2 miles west of tmlry orficer. The Iowa City. School band, tanks General Electric deep freeze, medium size, used about two blcles of the local yellrs ; like new large dinette set; apartment size gas stove lIJ1its were among nrariy new; good electric refrigerator; good white May tag iDg in the procession. washing machine; 2 rollaway tubs; 2 extra good 3 cushion dav­ Crosby, at Oakland enports; big chair and ottoman; high back rocker, other chairs; said we must "think card table and chairs ; new spreads; wonderful large 5 drawer a better way lo o~k chest of drawers; a night cabinet lind beautiful mirror; plano ; doubie bed; treadle sewing machine; exceptionally nice 110m' that those ~. There are 5. room divider; long ladder; tools; nice dishes; utensils and other and le~s UNTOUCHED NOTES and unread pages •• tand forgotten as the conversation prOVe5 so Interesting that items. Posted cash terms. tragic ways protect 'freedom, he no onlt seems to notice the time and suddenly it's pushing midnight. "Oh well, the test only counts one- William Holland and Lewis Vineyard, Clerks J.A. O'Leary and Ezra Troyer. Auctioneers price of war is great - fourth of the grade anyway." > ---- _.- , Crosby urged SUI CO----1 4. "IT'S JUST BEAUTIFUL," is Marti's commenl as Pal brings out the new gown she has bought to HEY .SPORT! wear to the spring formal . With the gown as a sta rter, the conversation just naturally turned from o c books and bother to baubles and boys. GOLF SHOES The Banks of Iowa City Hom For Men and Women MEN ...... $14.95 By TOM POWE I 95 0.11 , l .... n t.rt - $30 UP LADIES .... . $12.95 "LAWI STUDY AT H Will Not Be Open for Business IUIde you step·by·step all text material, inclul rolume Law Library. TENNIS EQUIPMENT Prepared by professors ~y members of the bal Thursday, May 30 I[ LL.B. low cost, e • RACKETS ...... $4.95 up Sends for valuable F r' 'Law Training for Leadc up DAY." • SHOES, ...... $4.25 . So read countless adve in ()bservance of ~ m newspape rs and , SHORTS ...... $3.50 IIiruughout lhe Unlle ~rse. arc offered in Iirllng. aviation, accoUIl . . $1.79 can ~ culture civil service, "'I. dIIJ((lng, faclory n12 Memorial Day Practical nursing, watch lIlany oUler "higher pay 1J...~8QY individuals are BADMINTON SETS I , " . , . Legal Holiday '""Ie untruthful ads. So 0 tlaing damakes the reput o Set of 2 .... $11.95 Set of 4 .. , .$17.95 Colleges ~nd unlversltie! Provide legitimate caul's Shuttle Cocks 50c tube of 3 ~ lUI Bllrtlu of C IIIowa State B~~~ . & Trust Co. C':'"t S!HIII directed lIhn L. Oe.'" dot. nol Ir.,...... claIm. !If hI! ~"' •• .. or .th.r n,tur ...Dtvlts said the aim c First National Bank :tndencc Studies "Is ~ rna study supplemcr Members F.D.I.C. Ine.n ,t lo , ~ ~18t stude Pat' I th~ir wbrk »+ay ~. t '.180 IiIlIPiI ~~~ lI\et~stfid ' ad'~, t ' ~Jf.. ~~ilW~4::n I~1Th "tJJ,e~1'f ~ , '~u!r u .I •