NiNeteeNth CeNtury VOLUME 35 NUMBER 2 Magazine of the Victorian Society in America Contents NiNETEENTh CENTuRy VoluME 35 • N uMBER 2 Fall 2015 Editor William Ayres Associate Editor Warren Ashworth From Hammer to Drafting Pen 3 Book Review Editor Edward Shaw of Boston Karen Zukowski James F. O’Gorman Advertising Manager / Graphic Designer Wendy Midgett A New Look at Victorian Furniture 11 Printed by Official Offset Corp. Triumph of the Picturesque Amityville, New York Oscar P. Fitzgerald Committee on Publications Chair William Ayres Marie Spartali Stillman 21 Warren Ashworth A Pre-Raphaelite in America Anne-Taylor Cahill Margaretta S. Frederick Christopher Forbes Sally Buchanan Kinsey Michael J. Lewis Restoration of the Gardens at Naumkeag Barbara J. Mitnick 31 James F. O’Gorman Jane Roy Brown Jaclyn Spainhour Karen Zukowski For information on The Victorian Society in America, contact the national office: 1636 Sansom Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 636-9872 Departments Fax (215) 636-9873
[email protected] 36 Sleuthing . 40 Collecting . Frank Furness Furniture “Blooks” David L. Barquist Mindell Dubansky 43 The Bibliophilist 47 Milestones 49 Contributors Jhennifer A. Amundson Munshi Mania Barbara J. Mitnick Anne-Taylor Cahill Ingrid Steffensen Cover: Marie Spartali Stillman, Love’s Messenger , 1885. Samuel and Mary R. Bancroft Memorial, Delaware Art Museum. From Hammer to Drafting Pen EDWARD ShAW oF BoSToN JAMES F. o’GoRMAN The name Edward Shaw does not often come up when the and their clients in Boston and beyond. Where did a early nineteenth-century architecture of Boston is the topic. provincial housewright acquire such learning? Not, probably, Walter Kilham’s Boston after Bulfinch , for example, fails to in New hampshire.