THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Thursday, February 16,1995 Vol XXX Number 18 Police report a lower crime rate on campus during fall semester by MELISSA GALIN fall, the security alerts dealt mainly studentsparticipated in Operation Daily Staff Writer with suspicious persons and thefts. Identification. Additionally, the Statistics from last semester One report of suspicious per- majority of the first-year students show a decrease in overall crimi- sons in Miller Hall referred to a participated in a program on resi- nal activity in the Tufts Commu- group that claimed to be collect- dential safety within their respec- nity. A comparison of the crime ing money for Muscular Dystro- tive dormitories. reports of spring ’94 and fall ’94 phy that was linked to a report of Sgt. Brevard said that they are shows that there has been a de- stolencashfromanunlockedroom looking to expand thecommunity creasein the frequency of reported in Miller Hall. Policing Program. On April 8, the larcenies and thefts of personal Another security alert was Tufts University Police Depart- property. posted in response to a report of a ment will be involved in the Gov- In addition, crimes reported last s u s pi c i 0 us person Seen the ernment Auto Theft Strike Forces semester are far less serious than women’s locker room in Cousens AutoGIass EichingProgram.This those reported last spring. Gym. This individual was later program was instituted by the This decrease in criminal ac- arrested. Commonwealth of Massachusetts tivity may be due to members of In this alert, Sgt. Brevard men- in conjunction with other law-en- the Tufts community participating tioned simple things that could be forcing agencies. in the Community Oriented Polic- done to prevent incidents, such as Originally, it was established ing bogram. The program divides locking doors at all times and iden- as an awareness program to pre- the campus into an uphill section tifying personal property by en- vent auto theft. Vehicle owners and a downhill section. graving items with a social secu- can have their car’s identification Dave Rooney is the downhill rity number. Engraving personal number chemically etched on to coordinator while Mike Leone is items was an integral part of Op- all the windows of the car. responsible for the program UP- eration Awareness, an asuect of The cost of such a service is hill. The coordinatorswork out of the community policing prbgram. $10. Participation in the program The State will try out new materid for its upcoming season during the Department of Public Safety The security alerts have SUC- will entitle vehicle owners to ob- its perfomance at Tufts in MacPhie Dining Hall next Wednesday. as well as out of the “satellite” ceeded in making members of the tain a 15 percent discount on their oftice in Carmichael Hall, address- Tufts Communitv aware of the insurance. Thesecars will be easier ing safety issues on campus. steps they can take to protect them- to locate in the event that they are V Up Sergeant Ron Brevard, the co- selves. Last semester, over 300 stolen. MT gr0 to appear ordinator of the program, states , d that those involved in implement- on campus next week ing the program are “striving to with The State.” make Tufts as safe as possible.” by GAYLE BERKOWITZ Sgt. Brevard feels that awareness Daily Editorial Board The booking of the group was a The State,a comedy group with chance occurrence, Reiter said. and education are beneficial in a daily 10 p.m. slot on MTV, will The Special Events Committee’s protecting people from becoming be performing in MacPhie on agent happened to mention that victims of crime. Wednesday, Feb. 22, at 9 p.m. The State was on tour in.New The campus police posted six “We expect the event to sell out England, trying out new material Security Alerts around campus at on the first day tickets go on sale,” before the start of the new season various times during the semester Russell Reiter of the Programming next week. to make people aware of criminal Board’s Special Events Commit- SpecialEvents was only sble to activity. Comparing the subject of tee, said. sign the group after obtaining a these six alerts with those of last “Off the wall” skits and im- cosponsor, Programming Board’s spring clearly shows the decrease promptu routines are characteris- Executive Committee. Reiter ex- inseverecriminalactivity atTufts. tic of the group, Reiter said. Al- plained that Special Events has a In previous years, there had though this past season has been line-item budget, with one of the been reports of assaults near off- its first on the MTV scene, it has items set aside for unexpected campus housing as well as a stab- been together for a number of events. bing near South Hall. During the years. Past comedy acts have included Reiter IikensTheState toTufts’ AccordingMiller to Reiter,and Steve the Commit- Wright. . improv group Cheap Sox, saying Two professors are honored with that most of the members have had tee typically does small-venue experience with impromptu com- concerts, hypnosis acts, and oth- grants from Mellon Foundation edy in similar groups in college. ers that do not fall under any par- U Having opened for last fall’s ticular category. by ANDREA GROSSMAN the Mellon Grant Research Se- grant proposal, a professor must comedy show featuring Larry Tickets for The State will go on Daily Editorial Board mester Fellowships. The two fac- be on the faculty for approximately Miller, Cheap Sox will open for sale at 9 a.m. this morning, and Juliet Fuhrman, an assistant ulty members will devote the en- two years. this event as well. cost $3 each. The maximum num- professor of biology, and Carole tire next semester working on their The press release stated that “We were very happy with their ber of tickets available is 450, and Martin, an assistant professor of respective projects. “the criteria for awarding these performance,” Reiter said. “They students may purchase as many as romance languages, have been Robert Guertin, dean of the fellowshipsis based on the quality jumped at the chance to perform thev wish. chosen as this year’s recipients of graduate school, said the grant is of the candidate’s performance as .. . endowed by the Andrew W. Mellon a scholar while engaged in teach- Foundation and is given every year ing, and the quality and feasibility Ambassador to speak in Cabot to two untenured faculty mem- of the proposed scholarly en- bers. According to a press re- deavor.” Pakastani Ambassador to the United States, Dr. London School of Economics, where she taught lease, “the Research-Semester “Thecompetition was very stiff Maleeha from 1980 to 1985. After leaving the London leave is designed to provide an. for these awards,” Guertin said. Lodhi, will be School, she returned to Pakistan, where she estab- untenured faculty member with a ‘‘These people should feel really Maleeha Lodhi delivering a lished herself as one of the premier femalejournal- free semester in order to complete see GRANTS, page 9 Pakastani ambassador to lecture on ists in Asia. Among her positions were editor of the research on a major project the United States “P ak ast an i - two of Pakistan’s major English daily newspapers, and to prepare it for publication.” A committee of faculty mem- When: American Re- including The News, which she helped to launch, bers known as the Faculty Re- Inside Fri. Feb. 17. at 9:30 lations in the and The Muslim. search Awards Committee [FRACI Viewpoints ...... P*3 Post Cold War The Ambassador is a Fellow of the Pakistan Readabout ROTC, look intothe epic a.m.-...... selectsthe recipients.Guertin said Era” on Fri- Institute of Development Economics. In addition that FRAC is comprised mostly of obsession of the Tubcampus, and the Where: usual Thursday: mucho Michael. day, Feb. 17, to numerous articlesin scholarly journals, the Am- tenured faculty members, but some Cabot 702 untenured faculty members do sit at 9:30 a.m. in bassador has published two books, entitled Sponsored by: on the committee. Although Mar- Weekender...... p.1-IV Cabot 702. Pakistan’s Encounter with Democracy and The tin is member of FRAC, she was Browse through an article on the best The Fletcher School In 1994, Dr. External Dimension. not present at the meeting when bookstores around Boston, and ‘Boys Lodhi was The lecture is being sponsored by The Fletcher the decision regarding the grants On the Side’ should stay there. iesignated by Time magazine as one of the 100 School’s Program in Southwest Asia and Islamic were made-. Guertin added that faculty lacesetters around the globe, expected to help Civilization.A reception will follow. sports...... P. 7 members are “not eligible for this Good news, bad news: a national iefine international society in the 21st century. the day they walk in as an assistant award for Onofiio, but hockey’s 11- Dr. Lodhi holds a Ph.D. in Politics from the -- Gayle Berkowitz professor.” In order to submit a Kame winning streak came to an end. BagC two THETUFISDAILY Thursday, February 16,1995 I THETUFTS DAILY Editorial

~~ Nadya J. Sbaiti Editor-in-Chief Why does the administration refirse to listen? Managing David Meyas It is thoroughly incomprehensible that a university chairman of the Board of Trustees refuse to speak on Associate Editors: JL McHemy, Jessica Rosenfhal Produdion Managers: Ryan Otto, Marc Sheinkin, ~ which prides itself on a vision of becoming more the subject? Why does our president refbse to take PratikShaThakkar “student-centered”can so blatantly disregard the con- control of this situation and do the right thing for the NEWS cerns of its student body. Tufts University, whose academic integrity of the University? Editors: Jdm O’Keefe, Andrea Grossman president and Board ofTrustees spent the better part of Certain select circles of power in Ballou are well Assistant Editam Chyle Berlcowitz, Karen Epstein this weekend discussing ways to make the University aware that the final decision has been made and that VTEWOINTS more student-oriented,flagrantly ignores the academic the design of a replacement program is already in the Editors: Darrah Feldman, Remy stan demands of its students. This past Sunday night, the works. Could it be that the administration is just not FEATURES Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate was unani- telling us the truth? Dare we say that they are lying to Editor: Dan Tobin mously compelled to pass yet another resolution call- us? Assistard Editors: Laura Bemheim, Annie Risbridger ing for the preservation of the Religion Department. It is just mindboggling that Ammons, along with The Senate is elected by the undergraduates to Vice President Bernstein, Provost Gittleman, (and the ARTS &ENTERT~EW represent ,their views to the administration. They have Editors: Jay Ruttenberg Joshua Davis, rest of the administration, can claim that student views Michael J. W. Stiw spoken unanimously on the subject of religious studies on this matter are being considered. It is simply im issue at Tufts. Their statement, which is supported by a of supply and demand the demand fiom the students “DER -- Editors:Lizacohen, RachelLevine committee of distinguished professors in the Lilly is there (it is evident both through enrollment in Reli- RcductionManager:Caroline S&&er Report and nearly every student on this campus, is gion courses and through the vocal student protest SPORTS clear and unquestionable: regarding the department’s elimination) -- now it is up Editors: Doug Katz, John Tomase, WE WANT THE RELIGION DEPARTMENT TO to the University to supply the faculty and sustain the Greg Youman AssiiEditors: Ben Margoles, Bill Copeland BE MAMTAINED AS AN ACADEMIC DEPART- department. MENT, AND WE WANT THE FACULTY AhlD If the administration hasn’t heard the protests of the PHOTOGRAPftY Editors: Judy Easterbrook, Shane Tilston COURSEOFFERTNGSINTHEDEPARTMENTTO student body, then what more is needed? What cnust we Assistant Editors:Joey Kotler BE EXPANDED. as Tufts students do in order for our views to be Now there is no conceivable way anyone can deny reflected in the actions of the administration? The time PRODUCTION Layout Editors: Mark Lerman, Raquel Aheida that it has been said. This can NOT be read as: “Well, for just talking is over. It has been a one-sided conver- Graphics Editor: Wenimo Poweigha we think that dissolving the department and replacing sation fiom day one. Our administrators must listen to Classifieds Editors:Kath&e Winder Copy Editor:Jennifer Belle it with an interdisciplinary program would be okay us on matters which affect the future of the University too.” Perhaps putting it into one capitalized sentence and the quality of our education. Does the student body will make & easier for our administrators to under- need to-rally together and storm Ballou Hall (.‘ Zi Dean J. Gendron stand. We don’t need any more reports, or studies, or Rutgers University)in order to have our opinions taken Executive Business Director pointless meetings the student body has spoken and with more than just a grain salt? These questions Business Manager: Melissa Tapply -- of Advertising Manger:Neil Feldman we are being ignored. The fact is, we know that our require answers. Office Manager: Lyle Mays voices are not being heard on this subject -- or they are On the subject of the Religion Department, it seems Subscriptions Manager: Ethan Goldman Receivables MangerFreya Woke being heard, but no one is listening. that the Arts and Sciences administrationhas taken the The administration will read this and say that our same view as Trustee Chairman Nelson Gifford has The Tufts Daily is a non-prolit newspaper, published ‘onday through Friday during the academic year and opinions have been taken into account, and they will taken on the elimination of Tufts hockey program. In &%utedfketotheTuftswmmunity. TheDailyisenljreb udtnt-nm;thmannopaideditorialpositions. TheD& tell us that they will carefully weigh the pros and cons a recent interview, he said, “It was decided thrt if we printedat Charles River publishing, CharlatOwq Mk before making their decision. They will deny that a couldn’t do it right, then we shouldn’t do it at all.” A The Daily is located at the back entrance of Curtis Hal TuAs University. Our phone number is (617) 627-3090, decision has been made yet &d promise to announce bizarrely unambitious stance for a University which is n fax numbcr is (617) 627-3910, and our e-mail ad- one soon. about to embark on a $400 million capital campaign - lDAILY@FM3ULD .TUFTS.EDU.Busimsrhourssre 00 am.- 600 p.m, Monday through Friday, and 1:OC Perhaps Dean Ammons should admit to the students - especially since we can “do it right” with regards to m. - 6:OO p.m. on Sunday. The policies of The Tufts Daily an established by the who pay her salary that the decision was made a long the Religion Department.(&with*the hockey team as litorial board. Editorials appear on this page, unsigned time ago -- when she was still in the English Depart- well). It seems that a more accurate statement would &dual editors are not necessarily reqonsible for, or m ventwith, the policies and editorials of The TuRr ment. The decision was made when the Lilly Report, be, “We just don’t want to go through the effort to do a@. The content of letters, advertimnents, signed columns, recommending the hiring of additional Religion fac- it, and who cares what the students think anyway.” mns and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opin- ulty, was ignored four years ago. Why are the deans, n of The TuAs Daily editorial board. Letters to the Editor Policy the vice presidents, and the provost pretending that .Welcome to your new “student-centered” 1Jniver- The Tufts Daily welcomes letters from the readers. The they have yet to make up their minds? Why does the sity. Xer~pag~ openf- for campus ~SSUCSand c~m- is an ~ mts about the Daily‘s cowrage. Ltters must include the wirer‘s name and a phone unber where the Writer can be reached. AU letters must bc died with the writer before they can be published. The deadlinefor letters to be comtderedforpublication ences between our ethnicities. Although the following day’s issue is 4:OO pm. Chinese New Year we appreciate the fact that Dining Services Due to space Limitatioas, letters should be no longe~ Karen Thompron LA’98 111350words. Any submissions over this length may be decorations wrong . makes an effort to recognize international ited by the Daily to be consistent with the limit. Letters To the Editor: holidays and enhance culture through food, ould be accompanied by no more than eight signatures. they should gain more of an awareness and The editors re- the right to edit letters for clarity. Many of you may have seen the decora- Sorry for probleims blication of letters IS no? gunranteed but subject to the tions in the dining halls a few weeks ago sensitivity that Asian culture is compriseds cretion of the editors. of many Merent ethnicities and should Letters should be typed printed in letterquality or for Chinese New Year. Paper dragons, with Valentine roses or not be clumped into one general stereo- ar-letterqualiiy mode and lurned in to the Daily‘s offices fans, images of Buddha, Asian men and To the Editor: Curtis Hall. Ltters can also be sent via electronic mail to Asian women decorated the walls of type. )[email protected]‘S.EDU,withall~tatedng~- I would like to apologize on behalf of ims regarding Lttm the Dewick. However, these Asian women to Editor still applying. Christine Chung E’95 myselfand UNICEF for all of the problems Latns should address the editor and not a particular were not Chinese; they were Japanese with the roses. For those of you who did not bdual. Weletters can be critical of an individual’s women wearing kimonos. Ironically -or Asian-American Peer Leader Coordina- ions, they should not attack someone’s personality traits. tor 1994-95 receive the roses sent to you, or if someone The Daily will not accept anonymous letters or pcn not so ironically - below them read a did not get the roses you sent to hider, mea except in extreme circumstances if the Executive sign: “Hong Kong.” Last year these same Mariko Nakanishi LA’97 d detmnincS mat there is a clear and prescnt danger to we are sorry. Unfortunately the delivery decorations were put up and despite com- Asian-American Peer Leader, 1994-95 aulhor. The Daily will not accept letters regarding the Ashish LA’97 group was not as reliable as we thought. If magc of othcr publicatia unless their cowrage ilself plaints made by students, they were used Shah the flowers arrived dead, we are most i become a newsworhy issue mat has appcsrcd m the Asian-American Peer Leader, 1994-95 ily. The Daily will accept letters of dmnks, if space again. TohavepicturesofJapanese women apologetic and wish we could do some- mi@,but will not nm letters whose deplaposc is to up for Chinese New Year and then to claim thing to make this up to you. &an mnt. that they are indeed Chinese is not only Ifthis incident any inconve- whcn Writcts haw pupaffibtions or hold titles or has caused litions&-tedtothetpicoftheirIettcr, theDailywinnote offensive but it also shows ignorance and Thanks for providing niencebetweenlovedones,please, it meant t following the letter. This is to provide additional infor- insensitivity on the part of Dining Ser- no harm. The intentionsweregood, unfor- and m not intended detract tbm letter. hn to the vices. all the recycling bins tunately the outcome didn’t go the same Classifleds Information Although many may claim that this is To the Editor: way. All Tufts students must submit classi6eds m pason, a very trivial issue or one that may be paid with cash or check. All classitieds must be submit- I would like to take .this opportunity to All proceeds do go to UNICEF charity, by 3 p.m. the day before publication. clascificds may easily overlooked. we can apply this to thank those who are responsible for the however, if there are any comments or D be bought at the Information Booth at the Campus different situations in which this wouldn’t appearance of recyclingbins in the dorms. complaints, please do not hesitate to call nter. An classificds submittedby mail must be acunnpa- dbya check Classificds may not be submitted overthe happen. For example: pictures of German I feel much better knowing that I am not the LCS office (~3643)and leave a mes- One. people with “traditional clothes” pasted wasting as much of our planet’s valuable sage. Noticc~and Lost t Founds are fm and on Tw- up on the wall for an Italian food night. resources and land, and I hope ‘ht all the Once again I apologize and you (s and Thursdays only. Notices are limited to two per )thank ek per Organization and run space permitting. Notices Being Asian-American, many of us students will make the small effort to sort for your understanding. ut be written on Daily forms and submitted in person. have grown up hearing assumptions made their trash. Congratulations to those who itices cannot be used to sell merchandise or advertise by other people which imply that all Asians Jor ewnts. helped in this wonderful effort! I’m sure Vivian Mayer, UNICEF The TuAs Daily is not liable for any damages due to are the same and that there are no differ- the trees are as grateful as I. LA ‘96 ographical mors or mpxinthgs except the cost of the miion, which is fidly refundable. We reserve the right to me to pxint any classifieds which contain obscenity, an If you’re suffering horn post-Valentines Day depression, write articles for the DaiS! anovedysexualnature,oraredexpmsslytodemipatt make €orget problems hst. mnor group. We’ll you your REAL Call 627-3090 c 7 Thursday, February 16,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY page three VIEWPOINTS

What is ROTC?~ -- The Founding Spirit by Matt de Iturriaga United States and to protect the As the new Gingrich-led Republican era takes voting rights), the twenty-fifth(presidential succes- I am an Army Cadet. Soon I rightofallAmericanstoenjoythe iold in Washington, the first victim of the Contract sion), and the twenty-sixth (lowering of voting age will take an oath and become an freedoms they do. Without any Nith America -that populist, neo-federalistdocu- to 18) -- to redefine either the basic political and Army officer committed to de- security force this would be im- nent that is the Bible of rabid GOP freshmen -- civil rights of Americans, or the procedures and fending the values which make possible. So what do we do in ippears not to be the Clinton White House or responsibilitiesof the federal government. this nation great. Honor is my ROTC? Zongressional liberal Democrat? or the Dole-led ‘In contrast, the eighteenth and the twenty-first tdcll’stone. -1understand:mission ’ As cadets we learn the impor- ’ Republican old amendments (prohibitionand the repeal of prohibi- first and people always. tance of ethics in making well Michael J.W. Stickings guard in the Sen- tion, respectively)reflect no more than the prevail- I am the past - the spirit of thought out decisions, as most ate, but the Con- ing opinions of the day, for there is no good reason those warriors who made the final times, lives will be at stake or at The Reaction stitution of the why “the manufacture, sale, or transportation of sacrifice. the very least affected by our ac- United States of intoxicating liquorstherein, the importation thereof I am the present -the scholar tions. We must therefore consider 4merica and the ideas and traditions that are em- into, or the exportation thereof from the United and apprenticesoldier enhanc- all options before going into battle. 3odied therein. In short, the new Republican Revo- States and all temtory subject to the jurisdiction ing my skills in the science of We learn the value and impor- lution, with the implementation of the Contract, thereof for beverage purposes” should be a Consti- warfare and the art of leader- 2ppears to be endangering the spirit of America’s tutional issue at all. Indeed, those changes to the Constitution are exactly of the kind the.Founders, Founding. a- But above all, I ut adequate planning, The Constitution is a conservative document; hoped to prevent. future - the future less everyone in thepla- indeed, it reflects a profound caution on the part of Madison, in Federalist 10, admits ihat “the most leader of the Unit toon or squad knows its authors.It is acelebration of moderation, serving powerful faction must be expected to prevail,” but his exact course of to enshrine as America’s Law a noble balance he goes on to remark, in discussing the problem of action, the results between arbitrary justice and unlimited majoritarian factions in democratic republics, that “[wlhen a can be chaotic and will. Ultimate authority rests with the people, of majority is included in a faction, the form of popu- disastrous. This :ourse, as is made so abundantly clear in the Pre- lar government... enables it to sacrifice to its ruling amble, but Madison, Hamilton, and Jay - authors passion or interest both the public good and the in battle to win. 3f the Federalist Papers under the pseudonym rights of other citizens. To secure to public good ‘Pub1ius”- also envisioned an executive,an upper and private rights against the danger of such a One of the most legislative house, and ajudiciary distinctly removed faction, and at the same time to preserve the spirit basic and most crucial From the immediate passions of the electorate. and form of popular government, is then the great To some these elements of ROTC is The blatant populism to which the Contract object to which are inquiries are directed.” learning the impor- subscribes is both moral (school prayer) and liber- He continues: “From this view of the subject it tance and effectiveness tarian (the right to bear arms); however, populism may be concluded that a pure democracy, by which than that. They represent of team work. by definitionis government with no higher sourceof I mean a society consisting of a small number of the guidelines-by which a @,FrnyIn d i vi d u al s truth (good and evil, right and wrong) than the citizens, who assemble and administerthe govern- cadet must live while in can rarely ac- people, or to be more precise, a majority of the ment in person, can admit of no cure for the mis- uniform or civilian clothes. complish a mission; people. Thus Gingrich and his followers,in placing chiefs offaction... Henceitis that suchdemocracies a It is a code by which we ” I rather, success is based America’s future in the hands of a volatile mass, are have ever been spectacles of turbulence and con- must learn responsibility b on every member of the team be- threatening the overarching principles that have, tention; have ever been found compatible with and leadership. ROTC (Reserve ing able to perform his or her spe- under the watchful support of the Founders’ spirits, personal securityor the rights of property;and have Officer Training Corps) ‘provides cific task. The team is achain, and guided and shaped the course of American history. in general been as short in their lives as they have the framework though which ca- ifonelinkisfaultythechainbreaks. In short, as radicals instead of conservatives, the been violent in their deaths.” dets acquire these traits and be- An important part of being an ef- GingrichRepublicans are allowing popular opinion Therefore,recognizing the dangers of a democ- come determined and able offic- fective team leaderis being able to to define America, a rather dangerous prospect in racy grounded solely in public opinion -- in other ers. motivate. This can bedone through itself, and are thereby moving America to one of the words, the kind of democracy supported by Gingrich Therearemany misconceptions counseling,praising, or construc- two extremes the Founders so hoped to avoid. Republicans -- the Federalists advocated a system about ROTC and most-of them tively criticizing. As cadets we This frighteningprospect, which should provide which would temper the passions of faction and stem from either a lack of knowl- learn all this. consternation to anyone who respects and honors special interest. edge or ignorance. ROTC is not a Isn’t there any fun in ROTC? the monumental achievements of the Founding, Madison: “A republic, by which 1mean a gov- course led by blind, bloodthirsty, Well, as cadets we learn every- finds a deeply troubling manifestation in the ease ernment in which the scheme of representation vicious killers with no regard for thing that enlisted personnel do. and quickness with which Gingrich and the House takes place, opens a different prospect and prom- human life. That is not what the At least once a semester -- the Republicans -mainly the freshmen -are propos- ises the cure for which we are seeking,” for such a Army is about; its purpose battalion (Harvard, MIT, Tufts, ing amendments to the Constitution as kneejerk form of government will “refine and enlarge the is to ensure the securitv of the Welleslev cadets) goes to Fort lY solutions to America’s problems. public views by passing them through the medium Matt de Iturriaga is a sophomore ROTC, page The House always fails to balance the budget and of a chosen body of citizens, whose wisdom may majoring in international relations see so a Balanced Budget Amendment is proposed as a best discern the true interest of their country and means to circumvent legislativeresponsibility. The whose patriotism and love of justice will be least Democrats controlled the House for too long so the likely to sacrifice it to temporary or partial consid- Our Little Obsession GOP rallies around a hugely popular term limit erations.” by Rob McKeown dicted through their friends; as a amendment as a means to kick out incumbents. The current House is, of course, a representative At Tufts there are only several result, they activate their own ac- House spending and taxation bills are saturated with body; however, the Gingrich Republicans are not things which occur with greater counts. Those who did have email special interest provisions so both parties (but espe- refining, but rather mirroring “temporary or partial frequency than the mentioning of are now so adept and informed cially the GOP) support a line-item veto amendment considerations” by projecting the majoritarian will President DiBiaggio’s name. The about its every aspect that it is as a means to restrict such Congressional corrup- -- the November “mandate” - through the Con- first two are rather obvious, quite presently being integrated into tion. And now, House Republicans, sensitiveas ever tract with America and through amendments that irksome, and considering the ex- their body’s vital systems. Take it to the public’s hatred of taxation, are pushing for an would cement political opinion in the Constitution. aggerated amount of times people away and it might result in fits, amendment to the Constitution that would require a There is no need for a Balanced Budget Amend- must experience them, unneeded seizure, or violent reaction. Long three-fifths “supermajority” in the House for any ment, because fiscal policy, which by its very nature additions to our life: the incessant gone are the days of innocence and all tax increases. is highly divisive, has no place in the Constitution; plugging of David Brinker’s mug and easy access to the net. The But the Constitution should not be, and was the House should instead accept its Constitutional on the front page of publications word about e-mail is out. And never intended to be, a vehicle, for popular, and responsibility and make the hard decisions neces- and the abundance of slips and whether it is 7 a.m., 2 p.m., 10:30 hence transient, political opinions. The Constitu- sary toreduce thedeficit. Thereis no need for aterm falls on the now ominous Memo- a.m., or even 11 at night, people tion is the law of the land, the translation of the limit amendment that would appease voters, be- rial Steps. are lining up to use it. Things of Declaration of Independence into something more cause the representativedemocratic structurehas a The third thing, however, is such infectious proportions are practical and tangible, and the basis upon which the built-in system to remove incumbents from office: something which captures the at- usually called epidemics. young republic flourished and developed. it’scalledanelection (how elsedidtheGOPwinthe tention of many students in a way So just what is it about e-mail And some amendments, of course, have been House in ’94?). There is no need for ‘a that their friends, their parents, that is so fascinating? Why do required. The first ten -- the Bill of Rights - “supermajority” amendment, because the current enshrinein law the fundamental rights of Americans revulsion over taxation is nothing more than popu- ‘Why do students flock to it as if it had the same of free expression and due process. The thirteenth, lar opinion. There is some merit to a line-item veto importance as Melrose PZuce?” fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments, ratified dur- amendment, but the House ought to reform itself by ing Reconstruction, expanded thedefinitionof “citi- banning tacked-on special interest provisions in- their teachers, and even their fa- students flock to it as if it had the zen” and extended these rights to all Americans: stead of rushing to alter the Constitution. vorite music cannot do. It is some- same importance as say Melrose “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, The Founders, however, were cautious in this thing, even in this age of techno- Place? Where does such an affh- liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor respect as well: Congress may vote for an amend- logical innovation, that students ity for writing letters and explor- deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal ment, but two-thirds of the states must also ratify it waitpatiently inlinefor. Itis some- ing other people’s ideas come protection of the laws.” And “The rights of citizens for it to become law. As Madison states in Federal- thing whose potential is great from? Has this ever happened be- of the United States to vote shall not be denied or ist 43, taking a rather moderate line, “That useful . enough to change the world. It is fore? abridged by the United States or by any State on alterations will be suggested by experience could something as cold and detached as Acute adoration for correspon: account of race, color, or previous condition of not but be foreseen.It was requisite, therefore, that a final exam, yet as endearing and dence goes all the way back to the servitude.” a mode of introducing them should be provided. intimate as a heart to heart talk. It 18th and 19th century when writ- These are all -save perhaps the second, which The mode preferred by the convention seems to be is e-mail. ing, and not direct speech, was the has been so misinterpreted by libertarians- valu- stamped with every mark of propriety. It guards With the arrival of winter, stu- predominant form of communica- able and necessary amendments to the Constitution. equally against that extreme facility, which would dent fascination with e-mail seems tion and the foundation of many They serve -- as do the eleventh (restriction on render the Constitution too mutable; and that ex- to have reached paramount status. relationships. Such correspon- judicial power), the seventeenth (direct election of treme difficulty, which might perpetuate its discov- Those who. in the first semester dence was widespread among the Senators),the nineteenth (votingrights for women), did not have it, now become ad- literary classes of society. Artists, the twenty-fourth (removal oft& restrictions on see STICKINGS, page 9 Rob McKeown is a freshman who has not yet declared a mjol: E-MAIL,page 10 page four THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, February 16,1995 WANTED Exploring the Internet OLtstc1wding Stbff For Ar bccptiowd SIylMT cwcp... he of Pennsyhranla's pemler resldent Via amps Invltes you ID spend the summer of your Ilk In the Powno Mountains. We are seeking dedicated lndivtduaki The World-Wide Web on TULIPS as cabln counselors and speci~~sts: -All spans -computers -Lakefmnt BoaUng Staff -Photography -Drama -Swlmmlng lnsmrctlon raeptln~ApplkUons For All PosIUons CAMP AKlBA PO Box 840; Bala Cynwyd. PA 19004 61 0-860-9555

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Brown Bag Travel All positions involve helping to plan Orientation and coordinate peer advising programs for the class Debriefing: entering in September, 1995. The Onentation .. ._ Coordinator 411 work &om the Dean of Students Office. The Peer Advising Coordinator will work fiom the Office of the Dean of the Colleges. The Coordinator for Experimental College Programs will work fiom the Experimental College. Positions include some duties between now and KENYA Commencement, a salaried summer job beginning the first week in June and continuing through the first day of classes in the fd,and some responsibilities during the fall semester.

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Professor Pearl T. Robinson, Director of the Progmm in International Relations, will speak on her recent hip to Nairobi where she is assisting the Ford Foundation in the production of a documentary series on Africa. Bring your lunch and questions on issues in Africa! Thursday, February 16 Noon-lpm IR Resource Center Braker 10D Seminar Room Thursday, February 16,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY page five FEATURES Alone, alone, all all alone Wind Ensemble meets “If hell is other people, then what is heaven?’ looking back over her shoulder, as if waiting fo you wonder, looking about the faces bathed in someone. Your eyes catcheachothers’,thenquickl, movie screen blue about you. You will never know glimpse away. She starts to cry, not aloud, but wit1 Eliot Pearson scholars man clarinetist Dan Abramovich, any of these faces again; they will never know you. much restraint, so that her lips curl under and he by KERRITH LEE The space between the gushing girl who can’t keep shoulders shake while the tears trickle down he Daily Staff Writer “the kids were really interested in her left knee still and yourself is infinitely large and cheeks. The T comes and you want to comfort thi William Shakespeare said, “if things like how long I had been intimate at the girl, you want to touch her shoulder and say, “It wil music be the food of love, then playing, why I startedplaying, and Rachel Levine same time. You be alright,” whether or not it is true. play on.”Through aprogram with why I enjoy it.” could touch her To do so would break the solitude, the peace yoi the first and second graders at the Overall, he thought the experi- DO They Eat It Raw? hair and she feel, the joy of being an entity among thousands o Eliot Pearson Children’s School, ence was great fun and added that would never other entities, but cut away from the rest in you KatherineVentrehasserved afeast “this kind of exposure to music know. You think, “To connect or not to connect,that individuality. of music as a means of education and the instrumentswill definitely is the question,” and apeace comes over you, of the She’s boarding the T, still crying. Humanit! and stimulation. influence these kids to want to choice to remain separate, to be alone. overcomes. You reach out your hand to touch he1 A first year Master student in play an instrument later.” From “Is heaven solitude?’ you wonder. Few things to let her know that she is not alone ... the Child Study program at Tufts the moment he entered the class- we as comforting as time spent alone.Particularly in But you can’t. You can’t think of what to say. 11 (and a former undergraduate stu- room and the children called out large, faceless crowds. Movie theaters. City streets. fact, you’ve forgotten how to form the words wid dent), Ventre brings music into the “the clarinet player is here!” he Parties with loud music that awaken tribal spirits your mouth and speak them. And the more yoi classroom every week with the knew it would be worth it for the iowhcked away since we’ve become so civilized. struggle to recall, the more uncertain you become help of countless volunteers from kids as well as for himself. Riding on a bus, an airplane, a train, in an elevator. Paralyzed with fear and the inability to connect the Tufts University Wind En- Although music games and 3r even time alone in one’s own space. Listening to you sink into a seat, resigned, angry, bitter. You’vc semble. She says that music is an rhythm activitiesare aregularpart nusic on the bed. Cruising on an empty parkway. spent so much time alone that you can’t return to tht enjoyable way for children to par- of the music curriculum at Eliot Sitting, reading in the bathroom. Swimming laps in world of others. The serenity, the peace, the sheei ticipate in a wonderful medium Pearson, Ventre wanted the chil- ipool. joy of the freedom you feel is gone, the option i: for learning. dren to have a real hands on expe- You like being alone because you can think, lost. Alone becomes a prison. As apart of music class, Ventre rience. “A tape is a great way to jecause no one judges or interrupts. You feel like The trouble with alone, you think, is themomen has scheduled approximately 20 expose them to music,” she said, he Buddhist monk atop the mountain, contemplat- at which alone ceases to be comforting or thrilling minutes each week forcollege stu- “but it isn’t as good as hearing it in ng One. You feel like Thoreau, sitting in Walden, Alone reaches a where it strikes a chord oj dents to come in and give apresen- person.” Freshman volunteer watching winter melt and grass grow. You feel the fear of alienation.Alone can be like stepping into i tation about the instruments they Joyce Early, who has played flute ierenity and beauty of things you have never noticed precipice, eyes closed, clutching a cord, uncertair play. The children have a chance for eight years, agreed. jefore about places so familiar and routine, the arch if it will snap, or you will merely dangle.And while to see every aspect of the musical “Appreciing music much ear- If a doorway, the rip in a chair. You can selectively hanging there, you suddenly find that you have nc experience: how to put the instru- lier on is a lot easier when the une in and out of conversationsabout you, as if you idea how long you’ve been there, how far you have ment together, what the different children can actually see the in- were a fly buzzing from table to table. You can pay descended, or how you will climb back to the parts arecalled, how the keys work strument rather than simply iden- ittention to your posture, your breathing, the swing surface because you’re clinging to a cord. to produce the sound, plus all the tify the sound from hearing it. Now )f your arms as you walk. This is why people turn to God or to holistic details of the construction. when they hear it again, they can There is something invincible about solitude. A methods or tarot cards, you think to yourself. The Seeing the instruments and say ‘I’ve seen that before!”’ blending into the very surroundings.In some ways, driving need not to be lonely. And you wonder how learning the names are important Through the generosity of the vol- t is a small death, a loss of the individual who is you ever were happy being alonejust 15 minutes(?) pieces of the learningprocess. The unteers of the Tufts Wind En- lefined by the presence of others. You are free, free ago. children do notjust hear the music semble (there were so many, she )fall that invades and shapes and confines. You are As the T rolls on, you look out and see lonely but actually find out what a reed is couldn’t even fit all their names ndependent and unattached, floating and gliding faces, and you pity them, and you pity yourself,and and how many keys are on a saxo- here), Ventre brought this happy, ilong with no boundaries. Alone is a hat you wear, colorsdarken, and you can’t ride on the subway any phone. Following this introduc- healthy method of music explora- hat spreads about the body like an encasing trans- longer. tion, themusicianplaysafew short tion to the ears and minds of the ucent fiber, so that nothing goes out and nothing pieces, and demonstFates a bit more children of Eliot Pearson. It is an wsjn. You take refuge in the MFA, and looking at the about musical elements: things like experience that they may well look Alone is not helpless. And you smile at this idea. pictures, in one, there is a small girl in the back- the highest note, lowest note, and back on in their future music edu- When the credits are done, you slip out into the ground looking sad and lonely. You look into her different types of sounds. cation. treet and wait for the T to come rumbling past. eyes, and she is looking into yours though she’s Near the end of the presenta- Along with Abramovich and rhere is a short girl, wearing Doc Martens and a really staring at someone else somewhere else. tion, the children have a chance to Early, many other members of the lowered skirt under her hooded winter coat, a green Alone is such a universal, so time and age transcen- makecomments and askquestions. Wind Ensemble will help to com- lackpackdangling fromonearm, waiting with you. dent. And this is comforting, so comforting, like a Ventre sees this as an opportunity prise the complete range of wood- ;he switches weight from foot to foot and keeps quilt. to get acquainted with not only the wind and brass instruments, from music and the instruments,but the the piccolo to the bassoon, the Small golf triumph for Clinton: player as well. According tofresh- trumpet to the trombone. at least he did not hit anybody INDIAN WELLS, Calif. (AP) promise that went largely unful- upstairs for giving us this sun,” -- “Oh no!” boomed the president filled. declared Hope on a day that must of the United States as he planted “I would advise people they have made Clinton glad he left his golf ball firmly in a sand trap. should stay behind us,” Ford told Washington’s snow and cold be- At least he didn’t hit anybody. NBC-TV before they started. That hind. Partner George Bush clipped two would have been good advice. The game offered ademonstra- spectators; Jerry Ford, one. The group hit more than its tion of the differences in style be- Three men who answer to “Mr. share of shots into the galleries, tween the three presidents. President” went golfing with Bob and shouts of “Fore” rang out with Clinton, known forhis leisurely Hope on Wednesday and between regularity. pace, took multiple practice swings them produced as many bloopers “It’s the funniest thing I’veever at every hole and attributed his as feats of athletic brilliance. seen,”GeoffRussell ofGolf World love for the game to “the same Ford hooked his very first drive magazine declared midway reason alotofpeopledon’tlikeit. into the crowd, but apparently it through their front nine. “They’re It takes so long.” didn’thit anyone. Seven holeslater, doing reeeealy bad.” Bush, known for the fast pace his ball glanced off a woman’s They did improve somewhat as of his game, practically pounced finger. Bush ricocheted his second the game progressed, in keeping on each ball. shot off a tree into the face of an with Clinton’s pregame descrip- Ford, known for his spectator- elderly woman who required tion of his golf pattern. hitting shots at celebrity tourna- stitches-- and bounced a later shot “Half the time out here it takes ments, seemed to have the most off another spectator. six holes for me before I calm trouble with wild drives into the “Three presidents and a down and start thinking about galleries. On the eighth hole, his hacker,” Hope declared, perhaps what’s going on,” Clinton said second shot hit Geraldine, too kindly, before they started. while warming up. His mission Grommesh of Fago, N.D., on the The historic group -- including was no doubt further complicated finger- defending champion Scott Hoch - by the throngs of onlookers and When it was all over, with Ford - also produced some respectable armadaof Secret Serviceagent sin sinking a 40-foot putt to loud shots on Day One of the Bob Hope golf carts that tracked the team’s cheers from the cKWh Bush’s Classic tournament. every move. unofficial final score was 92, They also seemed to have a After nine holes, Bush was out Clinton’s 93 and Ford’s 100. great ’time as they worked their front at 45, while Clinton shot 47 “I just was erratic today,” way around the course at Indian and Ford 53. par for the full 18 Clinton said. “I had the worstround Wells Country Club, political dif- holes was 72. The official scorers I’ve had in three or four years, but ferencesnotwithstanding. declined to tally Hope’s score, but I had a wonderful time. This is SO Clinton promised that he and he seemed to be doing remarkably beautiful, I didn’t care whether I Bush would play “political golf.” well for a man of 91. Hoch was won or lost.” “We’re not going to go too far one underpar at the halfway point. “Commeci, commeca(s0-so)” right or too far left,” he said in a “I just want to thank the man Bushsaidofhisownperformance. I

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rc Thursday, February 16,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY Page I The Tufts University % Arts and Entertainment Guide Tufts Daily NDER

%ostonproves a paradise for 6ooktore Growsers

by MICHAEL J.W. STICKINGS Square. The fiction section is fairly Charlesbank Bookshops at the fashion, art, and architecture. Daily Editorial Board small, but the philosophy, politics, B.U. Bookstore Mall (not a real In contrast to the Rizzolis of the hile in London over history, economics, science, classics, mall, thank God) combines the world, however, are the many local Christmas break I and religion sections, all dedicated academic orientation of the Harvard bookstores thatcompensatefor smaU discovered just off to the academic-mindedshopper, are Book Store with the huge selections with good prices and the Charing Cross Rd. a exceptionally strong. The prices are selection of Waterstone’s, but lands occasional eccentric find. Royal smallw out-of-the-way little retail, but every time you spend $10 in third place since it falls a little Discount stores in Arlington, bookstore that specializes in Greek you receive a stamped cad; ten short in each category. The prices Somerville,and Boston (Beacon and literature and Greek history. Any stamps and you get 30 percent off are retail, so it’s a great place to look Boylston Streets) are as good as book lover is apt to wax romantic your next purchase (up to $500). around before moving on, but the their name, but the best of all is over such eccentric finds, but there Not bad. As well, the remainder fiction section is still quite decent in BrooklineBooksmitb,across from is something undeniably pleasing section, most of which is in the its own right, as are the history, the Coolidge Corner Theater: The about stepping into a literary haven basement, is loaded with great fiction, politics, and philosophy sections on atmosphere is warm, the newer and dancing quietly through the great non-fiction, and some books the second floor. It’s the best of the books are discounted substantially, musty stacks. that rarely see the light. A couple of college bookstores. (Stay away from and the remainder section is second After all, the joy in shopping for months ago I bought John Le Carre’s The Coop in Harvard Square: bad only to the Harvard Book Store. As books lies in finding that rarity or latest novel, The NightManager, for hours, bad selection...) well, there are also frequent readings oddity in some forgotten corner of $4.99. Hardcover. Back in the heart of Harvard by local writers. some forgotten or dimly For sheer selection, and a nice Square, WordsWorth offers a ten 0t her no table mentions: remembered shelf, not necessarily atmosphere, Waterstone’s on percent discount on all books, which Schoenhofs in Harvard Square is in going to a mall and buying the Newbury St. is enormous. The fiction means that after all the browsing this unchallenged as the best foreign latest Clancyor Grishamnovel. And, section, located on the frst floor, is is the place to find and exploit the language bookstore in the area. indeed, anyone who has seen the the best in Boston; from Allende to more reasonable prices. It’s always Grolier’s Poetry Book Shop, Nm 84 Charing Cross Road (with Zola, there’s a vast selection of all crowded, but the fiction section is located down the street from the Anthony Hopkins and Anne the great and not-so-great. The quite large and there’s a gargantuan Harvard Book Store, is consistently Bancroft) understands just what second floor features sports, the psychology section upstairs. Therest enticing and interestingas one of the Intimate passion books may inspire. performing arts, painting, and the is acceptable, but not exactly best specialty stores; and for used Yet while a London or a New like. And the third floor has a nice mindboggling. Still, it’s good enough books, Starr Book Shop (a.k.a. Yorkor a Paris may offeraseepingly selection of history, politics, to warrant a serious visit. “Gill’s bookstore”), unobtrusively endless selection of bookstores less philosophy, religion, Judaica, and Rizzoli at Copley Place takes the located in the Harvard Lampoon trodden, Boston provides enough poetry. The prices, unfortunately, award for the most upscale building, has adownstairs fdedwith great places for the most are notdiscounted, whichmeans that bookstore. The prices are enormous shelves of English consummate browser or buyer. But the intelligentbuyer may just browse extravagant, as one might expect literature, history, philosophy, and before looking at the best, we must and then go elsewhere to buy. But from a bookstore within spitting politics. And the musty smell only first look at the worst, which what a place to browse, especially distance of Gucci, but the adds to the atmosphere of a treasure inevitably means the most with the many quiet nooks and atmosphere is relaxing and there’s a discovered. commercial. At all costs, one ought crannies where you can just sit and large selection of useless coffee- to avoid the malls: read in peace. table books from the worlds of B. Dalton (Cambridgeside Galleria, Arsenal Marketplace) and Waldenbooks (Meadow Glen Mall, c Assembly Square Mall) are particularly bad, but so are Doubleday (Prudential, Atrium at Chestnut Hill) and Lauriat’s (Copley Place, Burlington Mall). (At least Lauriat’s offers the occasional celebrity book signing. I met Bill Cosby there a few years ago.) What is bad? These stores have virtually no selection beyond the bestsellers; what they do offer is sold at the retail price; and they’re inevitably full of good-for-nothing c suburban mallgoers who know nothing about books save thecurrent fictional wonders and the latest psychobabble. But if forced under torture to choose, the best of this commercial class is usually Barnes & Noble (except the Tufts version), which very often has a huge selection of fiction, academic books, and discounted remainders (40 - 80 percent off retail). The best bookstore in the Boston area, though, is the Harvard Book Store on Mass. Ave. in Harvard Thursday, February 16,1995 I PageII THE TUFTS DAILY - WEEKENDER Film fests chase ContriiW script uiiclctmiiws talent Feniate buddq Ptni teaGcts niore than the ‘Boss on the Side’ winter cold away by LIZA COHEN by RACHEL LEVINE Daily Editorial Board can be interesting and entertaining mini-van and a Sheryl Crow Daily Editorial Board ere is always a certain for movie goers of both genders. song can do for a budding friendship. hile thosecrazy CanadiansinQuebec amount of skepticism But the themes in Boys on the The fast rate at which the trounce about the city, enjoying tht that surrounds a film Side are so deliberate, and the three become so close is Winter Carnival, impending snow before it opens. Based bonding so forced, it lacks the T annoyingly unbelievable. It is and doom keep most norma on the movie’s genre, many credibility or appeal to draw in its BostoniansW as far from the great outdoors a! preconceived notions are viewers. As a result, the story of just too difficult to fathom that a tough New Yorker llike Jane possible. When the of the century involvinl circulated, both good and bad. three women drawn together by trial would suddenly care so much O.J. gets sickening, perhaps a change of screen i: A Stalin movie equals lots of chance ,never reaches its full about a WASPy goody-goody inorder. Boston offersan immensenumberoffk fights and little dialogue. A potential, and the women never like Robin. But. they quickly festivals starting this week to chase the cold, colc Jim Cmymovie has come to develop into anything more than unite, and set up house in winter away. stand for mindless slapstick empty stereotypesof themselves. humor. A successful movie Tucson, where the movie . Able to name every episode to run during the Boys on the Side is the story of struggles to find direction once second season of “Star Trek: The Nexi lives up to the stereotype that Jane (Whoopi Goldberg), Robin the roadtrip conventioin is over. Generation?” Boston’s 20th Annual 24-Houi precedes it, and also overcomes (Mary-Louise Parker), and Holly While thefilm’s storyis weak Science Fiction Film Festival will be running ai its negative aspects to gain (Drew Barrymore), and the bond and unorganized, the movie the Coolidge Corner theater in Brookline starting broad-based acceptance. they share after driving across the does have a few shining on Sunday. More fun than ever imagined, fihx Unfortunately, this is not country together. Each woman moments. All three women include some oldies, some goodies, and some the case with Boys on the Side. has her own demons to contend deliverexcellentlaughs, and just absolute godies. The movie looks like a female with, her own cross to bear. Jane enough to keep the film from Features include Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelovc bonding film, straight out the is a lesbian who falls in love with and 2001: A Space Odyssey, Ed Wood’s Plan 4 mold made famous by Thelma women she cannot have. Robin sinking permanently into dullsville. Their quirks, From Outer Space, and Spielberg’s Jurassic Park. and Louise. While it succeeds hasledan unhappylifeandisHIV particularly during the first and Premiering films are Wings of Honnemise, Apex. with its message of positive. For her part, Holly is ’and Oblivion. Joyously, Star Trek fans will have independence and power for pregnant and running from an lighter half of the film, are very the opportunity to see The Return of the Borg on women, it fails because it gets abusive boyfriend who she endearing. They are al,sojoined the big screen. The one downside, the chocolate- caught up in feminine pride accidentally kills before hitting by a battalion of colorful and-nut covered bananas are not included in the and loses sight of its bigger the road. With so many issues supporting characters who add $25 cover price. story. and obstacles, it is a wonder that a little levity to the seriousness of the subject matter. Need to take out books with extra-large prini This is not an indictment of these womanhave time to become A cameo orjust a fan of the big screen? See favorites as they the entire genre of female friends. But bond they do, as they by the Indigo Girls as the house were meant to be seen. The BIGGEST SCREEN bonding films. When executed instantly become bosom buddies; band in a Tucson bar is a nice at the Wang Center is showing a Classic Film well, the themes of female unity it’s amazing. what some time in a touch. series starting with a fantastic film about the Although the story is legendary sole black regiment of the Civil War, contrived, there are miany very Glory. Upcoming films in March include “Watch poignant scenes, particularly it again and again, Sam,”Casablanca, Gene Kelly when Robin deals with the and Debbie Reynolds insingin’ in the Rain, Jaws, different stages of her illness. and Lawrence of Arabia. Mary Poppins will be These scenes reveal the film’s bringing in some May flowers, as the film will not wasted potential; for every show until April. touching moment, there is an Coolidge Corner is offering its version of big equally self-righteous lecture screen entertainment. Already in progress, the aboutthepower ofwomen. The Big Screen Series will be showing classics filmmakers felt the need to hit including New York, New York in March, Lost the audience over the head with Horizons in April, A Street Car Named Desire in theirmessage,when they would May, and Funny Face in April. see MOVIE, page HI The Museum of Fine Arts is offerhg an animation festival until Feb. 23, alternating three different programs. The first program features award-winning animation from the fifth annual Notes from the Basement Hiroshima festival. The third program features films from female artists. Tonight, the second program, features three hsfrom Zagreb (of former Yugoslavia), and includes the Kafkaesque The Fly, Curiosity, and police-beating-laden Passing Days. The films offer a combination of black humor and images of oppression, meaninglessness, and alienation. From the big screen to the small screen, on Saturday and Sunday, Andrew Guthrie, the director of the 88 Room in Allston is putting together a “24-hour recreation of television programming by the Local Idea Council.” The exhibit is a television broadcast that requires viewers to come to the source, rather than flicking the remote. A B-movie spoof, two improvised pieces from recently released mental patients, dubbed pornography, and the usual gamut of television fare is included in the programming. Bring your own doughnuts; coffee will be served. ’ Well worth the trip: on Friday, from 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. at the Prudential Center, the Legal Seafoods takeout place will be offering dessert tastings from Just Desserts. The chewy, sweet brownies 1 are guaranteed to please even the most discriminating palates, so a disguise is recommended in order to go for seconds. Thursday, February 16,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY Page WEEKENDER - Boy’s Life is a disappointing look at gay adolescence Trilogy of films explores the sexual awakenings, rites of passage of teens by RACHEL LEVINE Daily Editorial Board glamorous LA world of manhood is to accept one’s situation to find love. he three short films homosexuals inhabiting David responsibilities. comprising Boy’s Life Hockney’s paintings. Instead, it is The Disco Years focus on the sexual mundane and typical, plagued with A Friend of Dorothy The final film of the three, awakenings of three gay worried parents, waiters who Card, Raoul O’Connell’s film features Robert Lee King’s gentle parody of the television show “The Wonder T Of the director himself as lonely gay adolescents and the general misew. ignorance sexual activity in the men’s sauna, and other standard NYU freshman Winston, searching Years,” The Disco Years loneliness, and hornGess associa6d for love and affection, despite the demonstrates the restraining force with the not-so-substantive years fare of such tender years. Justin is victimized not by his sexuality but potential for chastisement and of the social and public chastisement after one loses interest in kickball ridicule. From classes to parties to of homosexuals, and parodies the and before one can drink beer. by his own ignorance; the dim step aerobics instructor teases him for the library, Winston stumbles history of their ostracism. Tom inquiring about her age and for not through Greenwich Village unable Peters faces two opposite extremes Pool Days of the homosexual lifestyle Written by Brian Sloan, 17-year- having a lover; the equally dim and to connect with any of those who -- his English teacher representing an old Justin (Josh Weinstein) believes handsome swimmer lures Justin pass. The only two people who seem - back to his apartment to seduce able to understand his plight are his entirely private homosexual and the in the rules: no diving, swimsuits, no class disco queen representing food or drink on the deck. Seemingly him,chiding Justin for his naivete in close friend Anne and a recruiter for an failing to recognize it as more than the Unification Church. The entirely public homosexual. Both average and dour-faced, he falls role models provide an initially asleep reading Catcher in the Rye just friendship, saying, “This is real desperation of another night spent readingD.H. Lawrenceinthelibrary unenticing existence, with the while working as a lifeguard at a life, not high school life.” Justin’s steps into maturity are leads Winston to pursue more English teacher forced to leave his dumpy ha.lth club. He craves the job before his homosexuality independence and confidence of less arealization of his gayness than extreme ends, first a hidden stack of his ability to discern the immaturity gay pornography, and culminating becomes public to the school and adulthood, but is too guileless to the class disco queen harassed and mature, well-symbolized by the of the adults who surround him. in touching his sleeping roommate When the bimbo-ish swimmer nearly on whom he has a crush. But just as ridiculed by day and escaping to the automobile for which he plans on disco at night to forget school. saving his earnings, but blows his costs Justin his job for faking a Winston longingly looks at serious head injury, Justin is at last effeminate men wearing At turns, bitter and humorous first paycheck on Hypercolor scenes are interspersed with a tanktops. able to reconcile that at 17, it is Silence=Death shirts, he is subject Despite his attraction to Calvin unnecessary to be 28 or 30 -- for to the wanting pout and ample narrative not unlike “The Wonder Years.” The Disco Years lapses into Meinposters of semi-clad, bent-over age is no indication of maturity -- breasts of the girls who desire him. the realm of moronity and stupidity, men, Justin’s world is hardly the and that the real earmark of Loneliness plagues others, just as it plagues Winston. particularly with Tom’s out-of-touch The movie is as much a study of mother who forces him to take disco loneliness as it is a study in decoding 1essonsduringaboutofPMS. Except the subtle symbolismprovidedinthe for the fairy tale-like portrayal of search to overcome that loneliness. Tom’s first relationship with his Winston aims to discover the body golden-boy tennis partner, the language of other gay men and remainder of the film is trite and flat ponders the meaning of the with grade-grubbing girls, boozing unidentifiable and undecipherable pre-menstrual moms, and mindless . symbols offered by others: tapping stoners. his foot in the bathroom stall and the These three films together an responding nudge, the way a person address the universal need to love sits in the chair next to him in class, and be loved, to understand oneself sharing a glance with a student and the surrounding world, all within chewing on the edge of his glasses, the context of being homosexual. meeting a man who refers to himself Unfortunately, while marked by as “A friend of Dorothy” (Judy periodic moments of humor, the films Garland), which CDs one looks at in lapse into campiness and never Tower Records. Each action will be ascend to make any significant judged, each decision made in life commentary on their subjects. For has its own meanings and the most part, all three films have repercussions. Misinterpretation .contrived, uninteIligentdialogue, and constantly threatens to prevent are full of flat, ignorant characters of interconnection between people. little or no interest. Boys Life is A Robert Sean Leonard look- commendable for its endeavors to _- alike, O’Connell’s deer-like present three takes on the misery portrayal of S treisand-loving, and difficulties associated with the buoyant Winston is a highlight of the adolescentperiod, but unfortunately, three films. Never self-pitying or none of the vignettes ever rise above defeated, O’Connell fights his own its individual shortcomings. uncertaintv and the difficultv of his Whoopi and Drew bring laughs and feminist finesse to disappointing film MOVIE -4- continued from page II sex appeal. Finally, Barrymore Boys on the Side is not a bad have been better served by more shines as the ditzy but lovable Holly, movie. Its excellept cast brings subtle avenues of communication. as she brings charm to a character humor and tenderness to the screen The weak story does not detract with a very unlikable past. All three as they entertain and enlighten their from the solid performances of its women are excellent, as are many viewers. The problem lies not with leading ladies. Goldberg deftly of the supporting players. The only the interpretation, but with the actual combines grittiness and tenderness; realdud is Matthew McConaughey, foundation on which it is based. A she is also the undisputed savior of who plays Holly’s new beau, Abe poorly constructed script that has the movie’s comedic efforts. Her Lincoln (yes, that’s his name). His too many holes, and apremise that is dabbling as a singer which was first performance as the handsome, too contrived and deliberate is simply seen in Sister Act is again utilized, honest policeman is so flat, it’s too many problems to overcome. and brings the movie some of its funny. Whether this humor is Weighteddown by a sense of duty to more powerful moments. Parker is intentional is unclear, but all women, Boys on the Side just is stellar as she navigates her troubled McConaughey does a good job of not good enough to float to the top. character with dignity, innocence and having no depth. Pas Iv THETUlVS DAILY Tbursday, February -16,19%

i 1 +-

Serum. 10 Brookline St. in 723-2500 for info1 about Cambridge, 492-BEAR. admission and exhibits.

8300 Concerts Concerts CHARLESPLAYHOUSE HOUSEOF BLUES AXIS STAGEI1 Check out the jams of the Fear featuring LeeVhg, and Shear Madness is now the __- Concerts Subdudes. 96 Winthrop St. Butt Trumpet. 13 longest-running non-musical in Harvard Square, 491- CAUSEWAY Lansdowne St., call 262- in American theater. This Fibs BLUE. Chinstrap, Tidal Wave, 2437 for information. murder-mystery uses its ASSEMBLYSQUARE Gospel of Volume, People audience as sleuths and Billy Madison; Quick and Who Must, Plough Boys. 65 CAUSEWAY participants -- always a the Dead;Highlander3;The THECAUSEWAY Causeway Street, call 932- Tonic Puppy, Underball, 10 reliable treat. 74 Warrenton Jerky Boys;Boys on the Side; The Shovels, Immigrants, 5462 for info. Star General, Two Saints, St., Boston. Call 426-5225 Murder in the First,:Higher Whirling Vertigo, Igingko. Bosely, and Apathy. 65 for info. Learning; In the Mouth of 65 Causeway St., across JOHNNY Ds Causeway St., call 932-5462 Madness; Nobows Fool; fmmtheBostonGarden. call Evil Gal featuring Michelle for info. Little Women; Legends of 932-5462. Willson. 17 Holland St. in THEATRELOBBY the Fall; Dumb and Davis. Call 776-2004 for JOHNNY Ds The popular musical- Dumber; Boys on atheSide JOHNNY Ds info. Guitar great Eddie Kirkland. comedy Nunsense has been Pulp Fiction. Starting Chuck and Groove This. 17 17 Holland St. in Davis, call running for years in Boston, Friday: Heavyweights; The Holland St., Davis Square, LOCAL186 776-2004 for info. and is currently housed in Brady Bunch Movie:Forrest 776-2004.. C h u c k 1 e h,e a d . this charming North End Gump; Just Cause.Rt.93 at Rippopotamus, Needs A LOCAL186 Theater. Call 227-9872 for Assembly Square, s:all628- HARPER’SFERRY River. 186 Harvard St. Call Cold Water Flat and Nana. info. 7000 for times. 35 1-2680 for more info. ’ Do not miss the Cajun 186 Harvard Ave in Allston. powered rhythm and roll of Call35 1-2680 formore info. Museums THEBRATTLE THEATRE THEMIDDLE EAST Tonight:Canterbuyv Tales, Buckwheat Zydeco. In THE INSTITUTEOF Arabian Nights ~ ail& Allston call 254-9743. ‘ Downstairs: Spectrum and THEMIDDLE EAST Air Miami. (19+,$7) 472 Downstairs: Shootyz CONTEMPORARY ART DeCameron. Tomoirow and MAMAKIN Mass.Ave.,CentralSq. 497- Groove and 6L6 (2-6pm, all Burnt Whole: Satwhy: Vanya on 42nd Contemporary Artists Street. 40 Brattle St. in -- Opium Den and Curious 0576. ages $7). Zia, Holy Cow, and Grind (8:30, 19+, $7). rejlect on the Holocaust. A Harvard Square. 85‘6-6837. Ritual. 36 Lansdowne St., collection of artists 536-2100. THERAT 472 Mass. Ave. in 360s, Waiting Kates, Cambridge. 497-0576. perspectives on the HARVARD SQUARE MIDDLEEAST Spinning Jenny, XIXXO. Holocaustin thepostWWl1 Miami Rhapsody; Man of (19+, 9pm) 528 Comm. Ave, THERAT era. 955 Boylston Street. No Importance; Madness of Downstairs: The Daddys, King George; Death the Jiggle the Handle, Percy 536-2750 Steady Earnest, Chuck, of rsABELLAsTEWART Maiden;Before Sunrise. On Hill, Sleighs. (19+, $6) Duck & Cover, Saturday midnight: The Upstairs: Blonde Redhead. THETAM Boogieman.(9pm, 19+, $7) GARDNER MUSEUM at Crow.10 Church St. Shows 472 Mass. Ave., Central Sq. Vykki Vox and Soul 528 Corn,Ave., 536-2750. Dennis Miller Bunker and changeFriday, call 864-4580 497-0576. Searchers, also His Circle of Friends Onemillionone. 1648 T.T. THE BEAR’S features the work of Bunker for times. LOCAL186 Beacon Street in Brookline, Machinery Hall, 22 Brides, and some of the most celebrated names in FRESHPOND Synthesia, Chris Trapper & 277-0982. Love Pollution, and Lotus. 10 Brookline St. call for more American painting of the late StartingFriday: The Brady The Pushstars. 186 Harvard 19th century. 280 The Avenue in Allston, for more T.T. THE BEAR’S information 492-BEAR. Bunch; Heavyweights; Just -4 Fenway, call 278-5107 for information call 35 1-2680. Sirensong, Orbit Melting Cause; Billy Madison; Hopefuls, Why Fatmen more information. Forrest Gump; Quick and THETAM the Dead; Boys on the Side; Why?. 10 Brookline St. in Wildest Dreams. 1648 M~~~~~~F~~~A~~~ PARADISE Legends of the Fall; Pulp Do not miss From Good Cambridge, 492-BEAR. Beacon St., 277-0982. . Dennis~ - Miller Bunker. Fiction. Fresh Poind Mall, Homes and Planet Be. 967 THEWESTERN FRONT American Impressionist; Cambridge. call 66 1-2900 Commonwealth Ave., 35 1 - Willem de Koonong from for times. 2526. Anthem hit Cambridge for two nights. 343 Western the Hirsh horn Museum Collection; Printed SOMERVILLETHEATER -tz Ave. 492-7772 THERAT Theatre Allegories: Durer to CatchTomCruise, BradPitt Milkmoney, Mo Elliot, C. WALSHTHEATRE Picasso; Sweet Dreams: and Christian Slater in Tizzy, Sumac, Mourn. (19+, Comedy Through February 26, The Bedcovers to Bed Clothes; Interview with the Vampire, 9pm) 528 Commonwealth NICK’SCOMEDY STOP Cvptogram, a play written The Taste for Luxery: tonight only at 7:OO and 9:30 Ave., 536-2750. For two nights,.laugh with and directed by David English Furniture, Silver, p.m. Friday see The Sharon x Kenny Rogerson. 100 Mamet about the fragility of and Ceramics 1690-1790. Shannon Band. And starting Warrenton St. 482-0930. the bonds of love. 55 Temple Call 267-9300 for details on Saturday, Jennifer Jason THETAM St. at all exhibits; admission to the Leigh, Matthew Brodeiick Brian Maes and The COMEDYCONNECTION 547 - 83 00 for details. museum is free with a Tufts and Campbell Scott star in Memory. 1648 Beacon Nick Dipaolo, from Grace ID. . Mrs. Parker and the Vicious - Street in Brookline. 277- Under Fire, hits Boston for AMERICANREPERTORY Circle, playing at 7:OO and 0982. two nights. MUSEUMOF SCIENCE 9:30 p.m. 55 Davis Square, THEATRE Somerville. Call 625-5700. Faneuil Hall, 248-9700. Opening: William The Test Tube, an exhibit T.T.THE BEAR’S . Shakespeare’s Henry V on the works in progress at Quivvver, Nisi Period, opens on Friday. This A.R.T. the Museum of Science. Call Thursday, February 16,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY page seven SPORTS Hockey team derailed by UMass by JOHN TOMASE players of [Doug] Gentile and like to start a new streak, and end Daily Editorial Board [Jimmy] Cahill’s ability, it hurts. another one. Roger Maris needed counsel- Wedon’t havethat kindofdepth.” “I don’t think the seniors have ing trying to keep up with Babe Without two of its stars, Tufts beaten Assumption yet,” Hoar Ruth. Cal Ripken Jr. ‘s hair turned started tentatively. UMass- said. “They’re going to be a tough Dartmouth explodedfull-boreand opponent. Hopefully we can rise Ice grabbed a2-0 lead less than seven to the occasion and will get great ’I Hockey minutes into the game on goals by fan support. We’re going to have Ay- Bob Granara (3:29) and Marc to step it up a notch. This is not an I I Salvi (652). easy week.” a premature grey in pursuit of Lou “Mass-Dartmouth won the The Jumbos are in the midst of Gehrig. John Stockton started first period,” Hoar admitted. a five games in seven days streak hating the world while chasing “They got two goals on scrambles Hoar has dubbed “Murderers’ Magic Johnson. in front.” Row.” They host rival Bentley on When streaks end, it’s not al- The Jumbos played the Cor- Saturday, then finish the season ways bad. sairs to a draw the rest of the at New Hampshire College and So maybe the Tufts hockey period. and matched up evenly host Stonehill. team can find solace after its 11- through most of the second. But Forget the 11-game streak. This game win streak was stopped while Tufts could not get a puck coming stretchwill makeorbreak Tuesday night by the University by Corsair goalie Kevin Kelly (29 the season. of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. saves), mass-Dartmouth tacked “Three out of four [victories] The Jumbos (11-3-3,4-3-3 ECAC on one more against Bunk should assure us of aplayoff spot,” _. Central) dropped a 4- 1 road deci- McMahon (29 saves). Gary Hoar said. “With four games left sion to the mighty Corsairs (18-3, Sanderson scored at the 2:35 and three at home, certainly the 11-1). Freshman Dylan Wolin mark. schedule favors us.” scored the lone Tufts . Then came the third. Team Adversity felt another “The streak was a nice run, “The third period we came to- blow Tuesday when senior and a great accomplishment for gether as a team and played Tufts defenseman Brad Celarec broke the players,” Tufts coach Steve hockey with pride and guts,” Hoar his hand. Hoar hopes Celarec can Hoar said. “It’s time to put it to said. ‘‘I thought we dominated be fitted with a playable cast. rest and move on.” with tenacious forechecking.” Otherwise, the Jumbos will do Outside circumstances were Wolin’s goal came on a scream- as they have done all season and not withT&s. The Jumbosplayed ing drive from the point that not make do with what they have. their third game in five days. only ripped into the back of the Without Celarec, a backup AT&T Long Distance Award -Winner Chad Onofio fires up his Standout junior defenseman net, but through it. may suit up to play patented shot earlier this season against Colby. Jimmy Cahill missed the game behind the blue line. “It would be with stretched knee ligaments. “There’s no doubt that he’s nice if we had a JV program to Junior forward Doug Gentile sat found the fitness center,” Hoar reach into,” Hoar mused. Marksmanship earns out with a balky knee. He had an joked. “He hit that one out of the Either way, the Jumbos expect MRI last night, results of which building.” to attack Assumption from the shouldbe known today. “I’vebeen Will Schlotthauer added an start. At this point in the season Onofrio national title to church regularly,” Hoar said. empty net goal at 18:19 of the they can play no other way. “Take nothing away from third to finish scoring. by DOUGLAS KATZ more shots for himself, and hav- [UMass] - they’re king of the The Jumboscan’t rest. Tonight “Down deep in our hearts,” Daily Editorial Board ing Chris [McMahon] and Eric hill,” Hoar said. “I make no ex- they host Assumption (8 p.m., Hoar said, “we know we can con- The awards keep piling up. As pmmert] pounding the ball down cuses. Our program isn’t built on Arlington), the second-ranked tend with the best in the divi- ifthe success that the men’s bas- low has also opened a lot up for two players but when you miss team in the division. Tufts would sion.” ketball team is enjoying this sea- Chad.” son wasn’t enough, several Jum- In recognition of his “Long bos have garnered individual ac- Distance” accomplishments, Trading picks up as teams move colades throughout the year. First AT&T has donated $500 in his f it was Chris McMahon winning name to the NCAA Degree- player of the week honors in the Completion Award Program, into the season’s second quarter NESCAC (New England Small bringing the AT&T contributions College Athletic Conference), and to this fund to more than $2 15,000. Fuhr, Recchi first to don new sweaters in 1995 season now junior point guard Chad Onofrio will be awarded an en- by DOUGLAS KATZ off experience and the fact that he Hobey Baker Award (given annu- Onofrio has added another piece graved plaque in honor of his Daily Editorial Board isan extremelytalentednetminder ally to the best collegiate hockey of hardware to the Jumbos’ tro- achievements. As “This Week in the National are nice, but Fuhr has a huge player) has shown nothing in the phy chest. “AT&T supports education in Hockey League” reported last contract and health problems. “I,,and was little more than a On Tuesday, Onofrio was a variety of ways,” said George week, the were Muckler knows that Hasek was throw in. awarded the AT&T Long Dis- Hartner, National Director of the horse that he was going to ride Zhitnik will go a long way in tance Award, which is given to Sponsorships and Promotions for as far he can, so having a $1.6 helping the Sabres’ patheticbreak the player with the highest three- AT&T’s Consumer Communica- millionbench warmer didn’t seem out, and should see plenty of time point field goal percentage in tions Servicesunit. “Through the to make much sense. on the team’s power play. Fuhr, NCAA Division I11 play. Each AT&T Long Distance Awards we Boucher and Tsygurov were on the other hand, will not do a month, AT&T recognizes the honor excellence in the playing shopping five-tinic Stanley Cup beginning to look less and less whole heck of a lot for the Kings. player from Men’s Division I, 11, arena while providing the finan- winner around. Sure like serious prospects in the Sa- Sure, on a team that is on its way and I11 and women’s Division I cial means for deserving student- enough, Buffalo General Man- bres’ system. Boucher saw some to the Stanley Cup Playoffs, Fuhr whoconverts the most three-point- athletes to continue their educa- ager/Coach John Muckler shipped ice time last season, but the excel- could make a huge impact, but the ers per game and the has the high- tions. ” Fuhr to the Kings in lent play ofRichard Smehlik, and Kings’ biggest problems do not --I est percentage of three-point field a six-player deal on Tuesday. the rise of David Cooper through lie between the pipes. This deal goal attempts. Defensemen the system made the former first- just begs the question of where The 5-11 junior connected on and Denis Tsygurov joined Fuhr round pick expendable. Tsygurov will Kelly Hmdey end up, and 60.7 percent of his three-point in heading to the city of angels, as was a project at best. At 6-3, the what can the Kings get for him? attempts (17 out of 28) to help led the Sabres picked up defensemen young Russian has the frame to While the Fuhr deal is a clean- the Jumbos to a number two rank- Alex Zhitnik, , cut an imposing figure with, but cut victory for the Sabres, the ing in the NCAA’s Division 111 goalie Robb Stauber and an un- the 24 year-old has never carried Recchi deal is not as one sided. In Northeast region. conditional draft pick. over 200 pounds, and he doesn’t the short term the Habs seem to Ifthere were any criticisms of Fuhr wasn’t the only big name play a particularly physical game. get the better of the trade. General the All-NESCAC guard last sea- talent to be moved last week, as Zhitnik, too, has shed the ‘pros- Manger Serge Savard has seen son, it was his lack of offensive Mark Recchi found himself mov- pect’ label from his back. But his team have huge problems sm- production. However, on a team ing north of the border as the unlike Boucher, he replaced it ing goals, and the Wrecking Ball that featured the likes of traded him with a regular spot in the Kings’ should address those problems. McMahon, Eric Emmert, and to the . In lineup. After showingsomeprom- Recchi has finished with over Khari Brown, there wasn’t much return forthe three-time 100-point ise in his rookie season two years 100 points three times in his ca- pressure for Onofrio to score man the Broad Street Bullies ago, Zhitnik played well above reer, and at 26 years-old, he is in much. The departure of Brown picked up defenseman Eric expectations last season. The 22 his prime. Teamed up with -.- changed all that. Desjardins and wingers John yearqld defenseman finished with Vincent Damphousse and Kirk Head coach Bob Sheldon at- LeClair and Gilbert Dionne. 12 goals(l1 ofwhichcameonthe Muller, Recchi gives the Habs the tributes Onofrio’s increased pro- The winners and losers: in the- power play) and 52 points. sniper they desperately. needed. duction to Onofrio himself. “It is Fuhr trade it’s an easy call; as for Huddy is a cagey veteran type, LeClair and DiOMe had shown a combination of two things,” the Recchi deal things are a little who happened to be the only flashes of offensive prowess, but noted Sheldon, “we’ve wanted more complicated. King’s defenseman to finish on neither had lived up to expecta- a Chad to shoot more, but he has With all-world goaltender the plus side of the ledger last tions, which have a tendency to really matured as a player. He Dominik Hasek between the pipes season. At 35, however, his effec- run pretty high in hockey-crazed realized that the team needed him there wasn’t a whole lot for Fuhr tive playing days are numbered. to score more. He’s creating a lot to offer the Sabres. Sure his play- Stauber, a one time winner of the see NHL, page 9 page eight THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, February -16,1995

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-. Thursday, February 16,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY page nine

ROTC teaches responsibility Keep an eye out: Bure may be on the block 0- ROTC NHL continued from page 3 at MIT from 3 to 5 p.m. And aftel continued from page 7 Devens for a weekend of training. we graduate we serve four years in the front line, but the 1ossofRecchi off to horrendous starts, are be- Among the things we do is land the Army. In return, the Army cov- Montreal. leaves a very big hole to be filled. ginning to get antsy. The Caps are navigation. Using only a compass ers 80 percent of college tuition, Eric Desjardins is a nice addi- If Reneberg does not repeat his reportedly shopping hard-to-sign and a map of surrounding terrain covers the cost of books every tion to any hockey roster, His performance from last year, the super-prospect Brendan Witt features we are assigned the task semester, and provides a stipend smooth skating and slick passing Flyers could be in a real goal- around the league in hopes of of locating designated points of $100 per month. But more im- can only help the Flyers, both at scoring bind. landing a scoring wkger. The within the woods. We repeat the portantly, the Army teaches you even strength and on the power The Habs, on the other hand, Canucks have started so slowly course again at night, this time the skills necessary to be an hon- play. In fact, the unit of Eric are not done dealing. Pricey right that there have been minor rum- locating different points. We re- orable and effectiveleader for life. Lindros, Rod Brind’Amour, winger Brian Bellows, C Mike blings that Pave1 Bure might be ceive weaponeer training with an In today’s world these qualities Mikael Reneberg, Gary Galley, Keane, and even Kirk Muller re- shipped off to New Jersey in re- M-16 rifle on a shooting range, are difficult to come across. and Desjardins should give oppo- main on the trading block. With turn for Scott Stevens -- don’t usually using at least forty rounds. The Reserve Officer Training nents’ -killing units an impressive group of prospects, hold your breath, but then again, Cadets rotate leadershippositions Corps thus enables students to get humongous headaches. led by . Valeri Bure don’t be surprised if the Canucks thusgaining first-hand experience an education and much more. It LeClair and Dionne are the (Pavel’skidbrother),BradBrown, pull off a major deal in the next at leading a platoon or squad. To provides a stable base upon which wild cards in this deal. Dionne and David Wilkie, on the way, week or so if they don’t heat up. finish off the weekend we repel to expand. It builds character and had a great second half to his Savard isn’t likely to stand around Even the superstars aren’t go- several times down the face of a teaches responsibilityand leader- rookie season two yea rsago, while and watch Pittsburgh, Quebec, ing to be safe from this round of 60-foot tower. Clearly, ROTC can ship. It is the beginning of service LeClair shined in the Habs’ Boston, and Buffalo skate past wheeling ‘n’ dealing. The injured be exciting. to the United States of America, Stanley Cup run, but both had them in the ultra-competitive Kevin Stevens has fallen out of So, what’s the commitment? its people, and the Constitution. disappointing seasons last year. Northeast Division. favor in Pittsburgh, andit wouldn’t The commitment is dedication. We cadets are the future leaders Dionne, the younger brother of This recent wave of trading be a big surprise to see the high-

Every Wednesday morning we who will ensure that every citizen Hall of Famer Marcel, has a big will probably spark several more priced power forward dealt upon / have Physical Training (PT) at of the United States at home or name and a fast start to live up to, deals in the upcoming weeks. his return to theleague. 7:OO a.m. in Cousens Gym. This abroad maintains the right and and Montreal fans are not the Fuhr’s arrival in La La Land involvespushups, situps, and run- ability to enjoy the freedoms that most patient. makes Kelly Hrudey expendable, Oh yeah, theTopFive - 1940s, ning. Every Thursday afternoon our forefathersbestowed upon us. It’s no question that the Flyers while the Washington Capitals Puppa Scuppas, Tazmanian Dev- we attend military science classes So help us God. were looking for warm bodies on and , both ils, Doug Katz Sucks, TWINhl Faculty prepare for projects Republica.ns are exploiting the Constitution GRANTS University labs. STI~~~~GS enshrinefashionable fiscal policy principles of representative de’ continued from page 1 Martin will use her grant to continued from page 3 in the Constitution, and thereby mocracy, not in every little whim good about themselves.” complete a book she hasalready ered faults.” set a precedent for future Con- and fancy of the people and their Both Fuhrman and Martin will begun to work on. The book is The new GOP-controlled gresses,how long will it be before darling politicians. And thus as devote next semester to work on entitled, From Literary Subver- House, including the Gingrich the prevailing foreign policy (such the signatories to the Contract with their projects. Fuhrman will be sion to Political Representations Republicans, ought to be credited as restricting foreign aid and im- America look to exploit “that ex- looking to find a cure for or a in Libertine Utopias 1675-1715; for advocating fiscal, social, and migration) or social policy (such treme facility” and “render the vaccine against a mosquito-borne The Sun King Exhausted, moral responsibility. But beneath as school choice, or welfare re- Constitution too mutable,” it be- disease called lymphatic “I am writing on Utopias in the the surface lies an extreme popu- form) is similarly enshrined? How comes ever more necessary for philariasis. It eventually develops late seventeenth century in lism that, unless tempered by the long will it be, in short, before Americans to return to the spirit of into a disease known as France,” she said. Martin added more traditional ekments’in the opinion becomes the Law of the the Founding, to read the words of Elephantiasis, which causes in- that the primary focus of the book Republican Party (Dole, Kemp, Land? the Founders themselves, and to flamniation of the limbs. will be the relationship between and Weld, for instance), threatens The Founders did not preclude understand once again the mean- The tropical disease “occurs democracy and dictatorshipin the to cheapen, and hence weaken, future changes, but they hoped’ ing of America through the minds primarily in Southeast Asia and Utopias. the authoritv and stabilitv of the that such changes would be and voices that struggled-- over its places like Indonesia and Malay- Guertin said that the faculty Constitutioi. And if the& popu- grounded in thoughtful consider- conception. fiia,”she said. members who have received the t Republicans are willing to ation for the public good and the All of the research Fuhmm grant in the past often use the se- will conduct will be done in the mester to complete books or re- ----.-e PL . search. THE TUFTS DAILY I because someone I Students Of Color* I has to keep the Find Your Job At Career Expo ‘95 February23 . Hynes Convention Center 900 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts

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For information, contact the Institute for Study Abroad, 5x00 P.M. Keynote / Scholarships Awards Butler University, 4600 Sunset Avenue, +- Indianapolis, IN 46208 For More Information contact: (td 1-830-8584229) Your Career Placement Office or The C.E.P.C. Office at: (617) 426 - 6667 Or your Study Abroad Office on campus f African American, Asian, Hispanic, Native American. wfuk Islander I Sponsored By: The Career Expo Planning Committee, Inc. and Opportunity In Baston -. Technology changes the world 7 E-MAIL changed the world? Decisions continued from page 3 ..._ , would have been so expedient and .. writers, professors, and nobility correspondence so frequent that everywhere accumulated volumes they might have forgotten about of letters. Flaubert wrote to people discovering the western part of about his parrots. Gericault car- America. Victor Hugo would have .. . .. rid on with several mistresses at tossed away his quill and ink blot-

i. once -- all through the mail. He ter for a powerbook and a plvg. . _.. .. Owed &his success^' to the nature ,F7Jtto Von Bism'af&' would have-, i 1 of his relationships which, save conquered Europeon line. Instead the odd amorous romps in the of having only two mistresses, woods, were securely rooted in Gericault could have had ten. The "THEKUNG or WINGS" writing. possibilities are endless. Obsession with such forms of Maybe Tufts students indulge -0 THETUFTS DAILY communication is not just old but in the same compt and deceitful ancient.Although we are evolving forms of communicationabuse that the way in which correspondence famous intelligentsia once did. is delivered, we are devolving the Maybe they just like the idea of form of communication: from plugging in. Maybe their teachers phone line and speech to com- made them get it. Maybe the Net HOME OF TME OlIOIWAL BUFFALO STYLE CHICUEW SANDWICH puter wire and writing. offers some drug everybody else Perhaps technology is not soil- does not know about. Then again, - ing humanity with automation; maybe they just can't resist some- perhaps it is enriching it. It is too thing which offers a news group FREE DELIVERY 0 666-8000 0 DAVISSQUARE bad that such advancements could for amazon women admirers. Let's . not have occurred earlier. Could hope not. -imagine how it might have

I I I I HOW TO SAVE A FEW BUCKS. I I I I - (YOU CAN'T LIVE OFF PSYCH EXPERIMENTS ALONE.) I I I I I I I % BUY pizza at closing time. I I Haggle for slices they'd otherwise just throw! away. I '-( -t c t I I -< I I I I Eat Ramen noodles. I I I I I .. , I I I Make friends with a Senior. I I % I Come June,they'll be more than glad to give you I I I their old Poly Sci books and couches. I I 6 J 'I I I I I Donate blood. I I I I Save a life and get a free lunch to boot. I I I I I' ! Pick up a Citibank Classic card. I I

. Two bucks washes and dries one load of laundry, but it doesn't buy the fabric softener. Two bucks buys a big bag of Smartfood, but it doesn't get you any Snapple to wash it down. Two-bucks can get you into a Film Series movie, but why would you go by yourself? Two bucks pays for two sodas and one-third of another, but who can drink one-third of a soda? Two bucks will buy you ten Blow Pops at the Rez, but, like Mom says, sugar is bad for your teeth. Two bucks gets you a 35-word personal or birthday greeting on the Classifieds page of the Daily. Two bucks can also get you a daily classified ad if you're lucky enough to be a Tufts student. king your two bucks to the Daily office in Curtis Hall or the Campus CenterJnfo Booth. Eas;y, huh2 I - Thursday, February 16,1995 THETUF"SDAILY

br 11 Classif i ed Classified. Classified: 3assifieds :I assif ieds ;lassifieds campus and T in Davis (jooa IkVO Two moms avalkbk sq. It was nice having you at my house wnd'ition and rents are ahnays rea- Tmel Ak0.d and Work Personals For wing '96 subkt. on campus sonable. Call day or night andaskb TYPING. ETC. THE Make up to SM00-4000+/month. 11 meagain won. Have an awe across the stnet from Tufts. Call teaching basic amematiinal Camillo or Lina at 625-7530. PRocuuEDwoRD395oo(w En- some 19thl Gearish Alisha at 6298209 or Annie at 62% !3ufeswnally prepared student pr glish in Japan, Taiwan. or s. Korea. TI 9398. pers, dlstlnctm resumes and cove No teachino backaround or Asian New Tufts Emflying discs1 Hey Blondla tape transcnptm. mailin HappylSth birthday. Hope you have letters. languages?&ired: Forinfonnation Only $7 for black and white dsoS4 Summer andlor Year ( hpt- Ists. etc All work IS spe~lcheck call: (206)632-1146 ext J50353. (or the fly ultraviolet. Designed liki a wonderful day\ Here's to many and proofread rmth FREE repoi more early morning wake-up calls 'w an old L.P. Call Mike 6298323 1 rm open in 2 bdrm. townhouse. cover One-stop business cente Debating betwen a job andchocdatecakes.You'rethebest, (new 8 modern) 1.5 bath, carpeted, Menng Fax sea,copes. bw w/ money or a volunteer commit- Dummy. sweets1-1avPslavin w/d. dishwasher, fireplace, parking. ness cards. knding. pnmte mail ment that has great experiemx po- You're hopeless1 He doesn't C~N Share wkmale student. Call ~IJW boxes. mailfomarding, notary, lami tential? A non-profit agency that 396-9380. and you have noshut. Kidding1Jus JESSICA natm. passport photos. packagiw selveswuldbeforyw! the homeless Ifpfreawwfgtudy population don't write something stupid. Happy 22nd birthday1 We hope it's andshimng conVemennylocatec aswonderfulandspecialasyouarel Rent at 422 Sakm Streel (Route 60) student who wants to earn job skills Uolv and tk4f Love, Stacey and Laur Large 5 bedroom apt., liM,ng loom, CALL 395ooo4 whileserving themuIity,dl542- Ywrfirstpersonall Morehter,espe modern kitchen. new appliances, 2 0338,Mon-Fri businesshours. andl dally Friday Night. Liz Oen full baths, Ids of closetslst~,2 or Rachef at 623-4103 for ques- Happy 2Ist birthday to the young- floors. 0neblockfromcampus.Avail tions. 8 hourshveek: preferably on m estoneofus. LovetheoMerbirthday 611, SUMets 0.K call 542-4517. Monday 8 Thusday momings. Fa- My Fasting friend. you're cool likt girl. miliarity with Paradox or other data- that.Staythatway.Gee.Iwonderi 3 bdnn apt. bases a BIG plus. 1'11 run into you in the lab anyhnn near Tufts, well kept 8 newly won. Frying, JL renovated;inci.pkg. WasherlDryer, Yon than Blbyzltting Events rtorape. etc. Subletting OK Avail 61 Wanted Creative ener@ic person for 1-2 I Mike 1. Call Tom 721-@14. anemoonslweek occasional eve Nice Smile -your daily admirer nings, f.t. sumrner possibiliiiwr. Ex- II Hourlng.Svng '98 perience, refemces. car-helpful. Sharon Carears In Communlcrtions If you need Spnng 96 olr-campus Rides Greatlcids- 10.9,5. Nan-SmOker. Here's your stupid personal. o.k.7 Panel housing. the UNEP/Tufts program Call 483-3319 ( W. Medford) beRoberts. Learn about career options in the wants to Eoaign a lease with you- communicationsfield presented by we need Fall '95 housing! Contact Do yw want to make money? II 627-3486. SUMMER JOB a panel of Tufts Alumni. Tues. Feb. Joanne Jannsen at We If you are a Wingentrepreneur Be an orienMion coordinator a the 21, 4-5 pm. Bromfield Pearson 02 want apartmenBwith at least 2 bed- Advtntum but lack capital, we can help. Call ExCollege this summer. Plan Orien. Cogponsored by the Career Plan- rwms. Mdissa at TSR. 627-3224. ning center and communicationand Tufts in Talloires come to France tationl Organize first-yeai !his summer. Programsinthefrench programs... Apply now. Applications media studies. DlmHy on Campus RM. Needed to Poughkespsk, Muskbns 215 College Ave. NY Ilps. Study the Environment, Ar- at Ex College or Ballou. :haeolog_y, or FrenchLanguageand Guitaristlcokhgfcrbkeyboards, Sohomon Pnmeds: Nice and large 34 bedroom apart. Or *in@. Weekend of 217-2/20, drummer to play Phiicovers andl Will helpwith gasand tolls. Call Tina culture. Earn Credit this summer. STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF.. . , Deadlinefor applying to the WMD with full kitchen, w 8 dryer. or otherimprovisationalrock(GSW, I CallDebbieat236-6097. Rent- 627-7368. Contact 627-3290 or Do you jack into cyberspace on a Program is wed. March 1. applica- SPY [email protected] GD) Call Seth at 628-2065 if inter- nightly basis orjust e-mail Mom m tions are available in career plan- $395 each. ested. and then? Whatever you do with ning. Spring Bmk 95 computers,there'ssomething for you Summer sublet Alaska Employment Eric Mllano-Live at Oxfam 3 bedroom available June 8 July, America's #I Spring Break Com- at the2nd annual EducationalTech- pany! Cancun. Bahamas. orFlorida! Earn to $10,000 ths summer in the nology Day. Wed. Feb. 22. 9-5, Come and see Eric's own brand of 1st halfofAugust also possible.Nice fihhing industry. parks, and resorts. acoustic folklrock at 9 PM behind apartment, very close to campus. 110% LaiNest Price Guarantee! Or- Ground Floor Olin. Lunch provided ganize 15 friends and TRAVEL Freetransportation,roomandboard. by Apple Computers. Miller. Followedby the World Music Washer/dryer, refridge, storage. Adventure. travel, and romance can Society @ 10 PM tonight. some furniture. good price. Call FREE! Call for our finalized 1995 Party Schedules!! (SOO) 95-BREAK be yours this summer! Call SEil Get Actlvelll Joanne 627-3486 or Danny 629- Services (919) 4908629 xA14 Apply for membership on the Ex What Is the Future of 9340. College Board. Plan Programs, Educational Technology??? After schoolchild can needed Chwse Courses. Be a part of the Find out at the Ed. Tech. panel dis- Apt. For Rent In our Arlington Home. For 7 and 4 Action. Applications at Ex College. cussion. 4:W on Wed, Feb 22, Olin S. Medford-NewbernAve.Furnished year olds. Wed. and Fri, 2-6 PM. Due March 1st. 12. BroughttoyoubytheExColiege 3 bedroom, 5 minute walk to Tufts Workers Needed Univ 2nd FI Fully Applianced We are looking for people to help Requirecar, non-smoker, and refer- EQlloon Travel Spring Bmk wth the EPiiC Symposium "2020 ences. Call Vanita 648-7949. Yes Youlll Teach your peen1 Kitchen. yard $775 (617) 396-3376 Apply to teach Explorations. Per- 4vailable 3/1 '95. WsionsoftheFuture"fromWednes- Teach an Exploration,Perspectives, Trip packagesto Cancun, the Baha- day March 1 to Monday March 6 Child Care Wanted or connections next fall. Your appli- spectives,or Connections.Applica- tions at the Ex College, mas, South Padre and Jamaica. Ticket takers and van dnvers are Afterschool care for two children cation is waiting for you at the Ex Miner Need a room? Unbelievableon-location party pro- sges8g5. Medford, Franklinschool Hall... Now! Now through May 31st. 90 Conwell needed PieasecallHeatheror Karen College office. Hurry1 Hurry! gram Book NOW1 Early Wingin- at 627-3934 area-caraplus. Pick-upMon, Tues, 4ve. $325 Splendid. 776-9455. rhurs, Friat2:30. Wedat 1:lSCall Make a Difference Tufts1 centives, call Balloon travel 1800- Dlvers at -TRIP. 3939623 evenings. Apply for membership on the Ex 3 Bedroom Apartments Have a musical talent you Good luck Jen. Jenna, and Megan. would like to show off? Let's at least make our Sunday trip College Board. Applications at the Clean. modem apartments, Next to Ex College. Miner Hall. Do THIS1 Tax Returns PNWd . Then come to the Oxfam Cafe and to Maine worth it1 Only three weeks Tufts, onquietstreet. Large, modern Individual returns done. 1040- perform for us We are looking for Playful and Responsible left, hang in there. love, Laurie kitchenwith fridge, dishwasher, dis- 1040As. Please have last years re- student musiciansto play on Thurs BabysWr posal, oak cabinets. Remodeled or 1 boy, 2.5 years Tues-Fri, Ribbed Condoml turns. Very affordable rates. Call nights Call Rachel @ 629-9336 or old. PHANY bathroom, wall to wail carpets. Angelo at 396-3651, Jane @ 629-9557 f interested 30 or 5 until 6 or 6: 15. Pick him up Here is your first personal! Are you From Abroad is looking for submis- JVasherlDryer in Basement. Ga- im day care, bring him home and happy now? Love your "cousin' sions. If you havetraveledorstudied ragesavailable,nofees. $8951050. ay with until arrive. Both day abroad, submit your journals. sto- CatibbeanlMexko 189 WT Wanted:MacPhle event staff we all 643-3269. students needed for set-up, break ire center and house are wthin 1 ries, poems, arhrvork, etc. and be a Europe 169, California 129. If you Efi! Milano - Llvo at Oxfam znbeatthesepricesstartyourown kwn, and secunty for evening and ose walking distance hmTufts Come and Eric's own brand of published author! Deadline, Feb 16, Furnished three bedroom apt mpus, no car is necessary. see Q Camp. Ctr. Info Booth. jamnairline. Air-Tech Ltd. 212/219- Neekend events in MacPhie Pub so acoustic folkhock at 9 PM behind Medford. washerdryer-refrig. Call 7000. [email protected] Norkstudy preferred Apply in per- Is0 lookingfor babysittersforocca- Miller. Foliowedby the World Music 396-0684. $800 month on T line. 5011 at Student Actinties, Rm 1IO. ional evenings out.. Call Laura or Society at IOPM Tonight. Applications Avallable Now1 !Mael 391-4429 (after BPM ...forteaching Explorations, Perspec- Ribbed Condom Ugyer Campus Center at or Somerville For rent Abroad is looking for submis- ave a message) tives, or Connections.Sophomores 4Bedroomapt.onTeeleave. acm -ram and Juniorsonly please. Stop by the sions. ifyou havetraveledorstudied Spring Break 95 EVERYBODY fromCampusCenter.$1100amonth 9merica's #ISpnng Break Com- For 1995 summer Ex-College in Miner Hall. nbroad. submit your journals, sto- hunselorssoughtfor unique, pree UNICEF apologizes for any flower plus utilities. Avail. June 1, 1995. ies. poems, artworks, etc. and be a ianyi Cancun, Bahamas, or Flondal problem. The roses were donated. Please call 6253021. iublished author! Deadline Feb 16, 110% Lowest Price Guarantee1 Or- gious-children'scamamp. Speo For any major inconvenienceplease 0 Camp. Ctr. info Booth. ganize 15 friends and TRAVEL scular, pristine location. coastal call the LCS office and leave a mes- Get off campus Now1 IREE. Call for our finalized 1995 llaineon bothfreshlakeandocean. jpecialists needed for 30 activities: sage. All proceeds go to charity. For Sale ient my room from now until May Quiet Weekend Getaway 'arty Schedules!! (8OO) %BREAK Sorry again and thanks, UNICEF 31. Spacious apartment, 3 super- rip leaders. equestnans, phdogra- n Kennebunkport. Maine. "Three )hers, WSI swimmers; tennis. gym :ooI housemates, $275/month. Call Iiamond" WB. Special rate for stu- Spring Break '95 Todd and Billy Mark at 628-4694. Cancun, Bahamas, Jamaica, South iastics, basketball, baSe@ll, la- Ients. Just $1 11 total plus tax for :rod, golf, riflery, and sailing in- Thanks for thinking about us. We Ribbed Condoml wo persons, two nights, two full 'adre, Margarita Island, Panama love you guys. Happy belated Large Bedroom Avallable JreaMasts. English Meadows Inn. Xy, Daytona- quality vacations at jtructors; archers, fisherman. From Abroad is looking for submis- iowneroccupiedW.Medfordhorpe, cayakers. canoeists, naturalists, valentine's day! Love thesingles at sions. If you havetraveledorstudied :all (207)967-5766 for reservations hegwranteedlowest prices1 Group 357 n bus line to Tufts. $300 inClUdIng kcounts for 10 or more people! narine biologists, visual, musical, abroad, submit your journals, sto- tiliiies, semi-furnished, refrig 8 mi- ir brochure. jramatic and martial artists; ries. poems. artwork, etc. and be a Spacing is limited1 BreakawayTravel Thls One's for You1 rowave supplied. $500 for 2 rooms. waterskiers and windsurfers... t0 publishedauthor1 Deadline. Feb 16. hird Floor Privacy. Call 396-7006. "TYPING AND WORD" 1Tours Inc. Q 1800-214-8687. mention a few. InteMew in Cam- Teach an Exploration,Perspectives Q Camp. Ctr. Info Booth PROCESSING SERVICE or Connections next fall. Get moti- bridge available. Inquire early. Sal- Room for Rent 396-1 124 Help Wanted- Part Time ary Structure dependent on age. vated! Apply now! Ex College. Miner Skis-205 em long Student papers. theses. gradschool Telemarketers can earn $10-12 Hall. In Electric Ave.. Feb 'til May $2801 activity expertise and experience. A pair of Fisher Vacuum skis of 205 ionth t utilities. Hard wood floors. ippiications. personal statements, hr. Evenings & Weekends. We are Call (617) 721-1443. cm. in length. Never been used be- ape transcription,resumes, gradu- wo blocks from Tuffs college 8 we Alpha Phi 123 ireat Kitchen, andcable. Cali Mauo fore and never had bindinoson. Ask- r Joel. 6288870. rtelfaculty projects, multiple we directly on the T with off street Healthy Men Needed present Tufts night at Club Quest ing only $260. Call Alan at 629- etters,AMCAS forms. Thorough )arking. Call 391-3836 From 3pm to Thursday, Feb. 16. All proceeds go AS sperm donors. Help others and 8927. Plssa Place rnowledge of APA, MUand Chi- S pm only. earn upto$l2Olweek. Allethnicities to benefit kids with cancer. Buses :ago Manuals of Style. All docu- will run all night from the campus arner Powderhouse8Winthrop, 3/ needed. Call to see,$you qualify: Bass Guitar and Bass Amplifier bedroom and 36 bedroom avaii- nents are Laser Printed and spell- Make $St and Have fun doing 497-6646. Calibrnca Cryobank. center starting at 93.Tickets are Great Condition- Call Josh at 627- :hecked using Wordperfect 5. I. Itl $5. bleforfj/l/95. Apts. include natural Cambridge 7786. new kitchens, and bath, hsonabkrates. Quicktumarwnd. Me have great jobs at terrific pay1 &* jerving Tufts students and faculty 'art-time, flexible hours, Earn $7- HEY YOUll edroomshavefrenchdwrs. $1150 I nd $1750 respectively. Call for or l0,yrs. 5 min from TuRs. CALL lO/hour taking care of children in Do you knowwhatthe big deal iswith lore info. 859-3661, :RAN at 396-1124. (Member of heir homes. If you have chiidcare this Jesus guy7 Cane find out.. .room MSS-National Association of Sec- !xperience, any weekdays free or 209 Campus Center tonight 8 pm. Awesome Aparbnentsl retarialServices) AAA WORD PRO- afternoons from 1:OO PM. call JOY CESSING at Parents in a Pinch 739-KIDS. Condom Pete Housing io Winthrop St. Available for May it was Valentines Day come 1st. Complete Rehab, newkitchens says so icludedishwsher. and microwave, ORAD SCHOOL APPLICATIONS JCC Jacob and Rose Lost & to the campus center and pick up EXPERTLY TYPED (Law, your free safer sex kits, info, and fill w bath-. freshly painted, car- Grossrnan For Rent In Lexington etthrouphout.3.4.5bedmomsavail- Medical, Business) Camp of the Jewish CommunQ outthe NationalCondomWeekSur- Very large sunny bedroom w/haIf -386-1124- . Found vey. Tufts Sex Talk in the Campus ible .at $1200, $1600. $1900. Call 3ntersofGreaterBnhassum- bath. House surrounded by land. or more info. 859-3661. Are your grad school applications merpositimsavalable: seniorcoun- Center, Feb. 14,15.16 10-3 pm. trees, aarden, and birds. Access to piled high on your desk? Are you selors. juniorcounselors. waterfront kitchen etc. Woman over 30 pre- 3/10 milefrom Clrmkhael Hall uvondering howyou;regoing tofit all staff, and staff for an Orthodox unit. Pew ferred. $693 No smoking or cats. your info intothose tinyspaces? Are Specialists in the following areas: Smile, you got a personal. -bj .arge. 3 bedmom apt. from 61-95 to II (617) 8W-06sQ. Also, ofWe/wrk- 31-96. Featuresnahiralvmdwooodwork. you concernedwhere you'll find the Irama, sports, nature, gymnastics, room, semi-finished, ground floor, lardwood floors. cabinet kitchen wl tine to do it all before the deadlines? Jutdoor camping skills, fishing. Send a personal to a friend basement for rent. $350+. Is your Personal Statement and 'lease call Stu Silverman. Camp Lost- Tikbn Styto fiintlng abroad roam efrigerator, tile bath, built in hutch ind pantry, porches, storage, new Resume professionallytypeset and Iirector. at (617) 244-5124. 3f the Goddess Vojiiraju. please It's Wsubmit all contributions to Professlonal person for 3 mom laser printed on high quality paper? eturn or her wrathful powers will the PmgramsAbroadMiceinBallou ~ma~e.washldry 5800. utilities not apt icluded. 484-1312. No need to fret- Call FRAN at 396- Mvetobeevoked. Thanks. Ian629 Hall Clean, modern kitchen and bath, 1124 a specialist in making your Babysitbr &ed 3747. for 9 yr. old girl. Mon. and Thurs. -7 refrigerator, wall to wail carpeting, Furnished aparbmnts. applications. personal statement, Ever wonder what a female and venetian blinds. $650.00. Hot and mume as appealing as pos- 4:30-6:30; Tues. 2:30-5:30. West I losta used Comp Scl 5 condom looks liko??? i Bedroom apartments available Medfwd. Car a must. Happy child. waterand gas heat inc. First and last une 1. Rents start at SBBOlmonth. sible. extbook. "The Analytical Engine'. If Come see one in the Campus Cen- PleasecallMarshaorLeo4831135. bund, could you please call 62% ter. Feb. 14,15.16, 10-3 pm. BE months rent and security deposit. mrcampus, porcheq washermwr Renting to 1 person only. Located ;quiet neighborhood. Sub-letting is -RESUMES"" 3175. P.S. Idesperately need it. THEREI!! Don't forget, It's National LASER TYPESET Counselors needed Condom Weekll across from Tufts campus Upland ).K Call 395-3204, for tw-ed N.E. PA.. overnight Jew- Road section. Som/Medford Line. $25.00 -3s6.1124 Found: Small brown leather Impn?ssivelaserTypesetResumes, ish federation camp-3 hours from 623-2127. College Am. Apartmonk NYC-Genetai, sports. watetfront 8 change JAY featuring computer storage for fu- 'umekallet in the CampusCenter. Hey sexy, I think you are really hot linutes to Tufts. Clean and Sunny arts. Call 1800-973-3866. On cam- College Ave, Summer Sublet partments. All prices. and sizes. ture updating. Your choice of pus interviewsavailable. Meclaim at the info boath. and I've decided to head up the Jay typestyles. including bold. italics, fanclub(one word)l dreamgirl 197 College Ave.5 bedrooms avaii- ,milableforMay andJune. Refiidge, able, big kitchens, W/D, parking, rasher/dryer, storage. parking. Call bullets, etc. on Strathmore paper. Found downstairs In the your cover letters done by us Ribbed Condom great location. Available June 1st. In. Buckley, owner, 729-6151. Yave -ram Abroad is looking for submis- Campus Center For info, call Joanna at 629-8382 or :o match your Resume! Oneday sionsl lfyou havetraveledorstudied \red backpack. Comeclaim it atthe Sabra at 629-9393. serviceavail. 5minhomTuRs.(Mem- nbroad. submit your journals, sto- if0 booth. AMEDFORDBED6 ber of PARW:Professional Assoc of les, poems, artwork, etc. and be a Looking for a 4th Housemate BREAKFAST Sesume Writers. Cal1forFREE"Re- wblishedauthorlDeadlineFeb 16th .est A set of keys with a Swiss for Summer legantwarmandhomey Lessthan sume/(;over Letter Guidelines"). 0 Camp. Ctr. Info Booth. rrmykniiandacaralamattached. II Trurtworthy Asslstant sublet or 1 year lease; preferably mile from campus Breakfast in- 41~0,word processing or typing of astseen nearStrattonhall. Iffound, Ihope your birthday is very reward- ion-smoker, male or female. Large luded Single $50/night. $275 student papers, grad school appli- National Parks Hiring :all Vic at 6231193. ing, no hints to my fellow sen. Be Edroom. carpeted, excellent ioca- eekly Double $6O/night. $325 :ations. personal statements, the- Seasonal 8 full-time employment patient and you will soon win the ion, driveway parking, 3-living room eekly Bill or Linda at 396-0983 jes. multiple letters, tapes tran- ivailable at NationalParks, Forests Lost my We blue notebook battle against the bank!! love your ireas. kitchen and bathrooms. Call aribed, laser printing, Fax Service. 1 Wildlife preserves. Benefits + bo- kychophanntert and appointment proud commander )avid at 629-8077. Lg. and Small Apts. $c. CALL FRANCES AT 396-1 114 luses! Apply nowfor best positions. aokall Kate. - Help! 629-7902. Left in Hotung, I think bailable wlthin walking distance to 4AA RESUME SERVICE :all 1-202-5454804ext N50352.

2- Thursday, February 16,1995 twelve THE TUFTS DAILY A round Campus Doonesburv BY GARRY TRUDEAU I

LCS Volunteer Vacations Today Hand-inchecksl General info mCXtieting Eaton 202, 8:30.

lTorld Music Society rorld Music Society at Oxfam Tufts Sex Talk lxfam Cafe (behind Miller), 1O:OO National Condom Week Tabling!!! .m. Mayer Campus Center, 10-3. ,

:haplain’s Table Yearbook 1’11 Fly Away; Communal Action Mandatory Yearbook Meeting Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson nd Personal Empowerment in Black Hayes House, 7 p.m. dusicd Structure,” Speaker: Asst. 'ref. Guthrie Ramsey, Music Dept. dacPhieConferenceRoom, 5-7p.m. Monty Python Society A very silly meeting - all welcome! Hill Hall Lounge, 9:30 p.m. Voon Hour Concert ;odard, Borne, Piazzolla, Performed y: Jean DeMart, Flute, and Peter International Relations Program lemente, Guitar Goddard Chapel Brown Bag Travel Debri’efings 2:30-1:00 p.m.

‘rogramsAbroad tudy Abroad at the Univ. of AIESEC dinburgh, Scotland General Meeting ’rograms Abroad Office, 4:30 Zamperelli Room, 7:OO p.m.

Foxlkot by Bill Amend rufts Crossfire Tomorrow siblediscussion: Come and see what he bible has to really say tm, 209 Campus Center, 8 pm. Tufts Film Series Movie: The Professional Or~ly$2 Korean Students Association Bamum 008,7:OO and 9130PJ”. 3eneral Meeting - Spring Events Eaton 201,9:30. Midnight CAFE Open Mic Groove This: Oxfam cafe, 10 pm-1 a.m. at Johnny D’s in Davis Sq. wIChuck, 9:OO sharp!

Chinese Culture Club rj<€E-GAH! Film Series - He is a woman she is a v,FSDRLO! man DILBERTB by Scott Adams Olin 12, 890.


ACROSS 1 Slim 5 Mystic 0 Mechanical routine 4 Fair attraction Weather Report 5 Actress Irene 6 Level TODAY I7 Bullring cheers I8 Modify 19 Flex !O Dinner courses 2 Cuts short !4 To shelter !5 Clairvoyant 16 Greek iener 29 Fill up again W Mother or father 36 Hangout Cloudy but warm! 37 By way ot 38 Containers High:47; Low:33 39 To pieces 41 Admonitoly word 42 Comp. dir. TOMORROW 43 Stain 44 Show up 46 Gave up 49 Pit Solvied 50 Once, once Yesterday’s Punle 51 Opera offering 53 Frightening 10 Regenerated sound spiritually 56 Move to another 11 Finished place 12 Canvas cover 60 Composed 13 Remnants ’ 61 Battery terminal 21 Verve S-Y 63 Ireland 23 Suds 64 Church section 25 Practice for a High:40; Low:29 65 Wall Street bout phrase 26 Chose 66 Nevada city 27 Augusta’s state 67 Require 28 Sea eagles Quote of the Day 68 Flair 30 Make joyful 69 Notices 31 Pianokey material DOWN 32 Warbles “All that necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. 1 Walked 33 Despises is ’’ 2 Upset 35 Charms 3 The - of March 40 Harbor 4 Cables 41 Arguers --Edmund Burke 5 Certain tire 43 Theda of the 6 Raleigh or Mitty silents 7 Living quarters 45 Created 54 Handle with 57 Hold at bay abbr. 47 Stnpped some success 58 Wrinkle Late Night at the Da 8 Hollywood West 48 Ingenious 55 Kennedy name 59 Slaughter of 9 Descendant of 52 French nver 56 Forrnlng stlcky baseball Jacob 53 Read quickly stnngs 62 Innoway ,