Eastern Illinois University The Keep Plan B Papers Student Theses & Publications 1-1-1957 Justice of the Peace and Police Magistrate Courts in the City of Charleston, Illinois Herman Monts Follow this and additional works at: https://thekeep.eiu.edu/plan_b Recommended Citation Monts, Herman, "Justice of the Peace and Police Magistrate Courts in the City of Charleston, Illinois" (1957). Plan B Papers. 53. https://thekeep.eiu.edu/plan_b/53 This Dissertation/Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Theses & Publications at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in Plan B Papers by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. r -, SOCIAL SCIENCE 464 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POLICE l".AGISTRATE CaJRTS IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, ILLINOIS by HERMAN MONTS L _J \ OUTUNE Sone aspects of the Juztioe of the Peaoe end Polioe Magistrate Courts in the City of Charles·bcn, Illinois I. Illinois Statutes pertaining to these offices II. Cc.ses in these Courts duriL.g 1954 A. Nature of oom.plaint B. Disposition le Dropped 2. Guilt)' pleas 3. Fines and sentences 4. Cases appo~iled C • Cass~ used for illustraticn le City of Charleston vs. Herman Monts 2. Lawrenoa Closson vs. Barry Densmore, Polioe Me.gistrnte III. Personnel of these Courts the A. Justioe of/ '.Peace end Constable le Eleoticn 2. Training s. Dut:ies B. City Polioe Depsrtment and Police Magistrate 1. Method of seleotion 2. Training 3. Duties c. City .Attcr:cay and State's Attorney in relation to these C curts l.