English 10 Summer Reading Summer Reading Project Rationale:In All Four Levels of AP Preparation, the Summer Reading Assignmen
English 10 Summer Reading Summer Reading Project Rationale: In all four levels of AP preparation, the summer reading assignment is a standards-based project designed to establish course expectations, provide transition between grade levels, and introduce essential reading, writing, and thinking skills that will be developed throughout the school year. Summer reading assignments ask students to engage with a variety of tasks that introduce essential course concepts and allow for successful study when the course begins. Specific tasks in summer reading projects include, but are not limited to, critical reading, analyzing works of fiction and non-fiction, analyzing visual texts, synthesizing provided sources or other elements of work, academic, and personal writing, reflecting, creative expression of ideas, and oral presentation. You will read two books and complete a short piece of writing for both. See the table below. Malcolm Gladwell Book The Chosen by Chaim Potok Reading: Reading: Choose any book by acclaimed author Malcolm Gladwell: Obtain a copy of this book from the library or bookstore. David and Goliath, The Tipping Point, Outliers, Blink, or Read it, and bring it to class on the first day.* What the Dog Saw. Obtain a copy of this book from the library or bookstore. Read it, and bring it to class on the first day.* Writing: Writing: In an article by Adam Grant (a Wharton professor, an Complete a dialectical journal over the novel. The Chosen organizational psychologist, and a bestselling author), he is divided into books of about five chapter each. Complete states several claims about Malcolm Gladwell. Choose three dialectical journal entries for Book One, Book Two, one of these claim statements and defend, qualify, or and Book Three for a total of nine journal entries.
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