Novice's Luck Prevails in Great Finish 5

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Novice's Luck Prevails in Great Finish 5 TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS-DAILY EXPRESS, LONDOv RACING (HORSES + DOGS) THURSDAY, DAILY EXPRESS OCTOBER M, 1937 Clive Graham's Gossip 411 tBe selections In this table r • SAFlitV* DET. Novice's Luck . are copjright. NEWMARKET . 3.43.—Lady lAIaderty jr. 2;15. Jlj .3.I0. 4.15. llll. Cf. • . 6f. cr. 01. ; Ini.. • cr. Jllr/Jl 11. Ipsdcn (If ab Laily .Maderty K. THE SCOCT ITlcket (It nil Flares (nap) (It ab Ann ol Austria STAFARALLA .Monlesanit) (n.b.) Foray) . Judy (>'(inidy} Prevails In n'li.vT riiK • • Flares - Veuve C:lle(|tint- Cantecnc; HOOK SAYS (liaio •• — Uoya-ltiiellforl's . Carlos Ann lit Austria SLAMS HER T.MTKXIUM lldviI-Koi-hrort's 5 \jx Coiircellc sel: , -.•»Ilr7.T II. -. (nail) (It ab (ir ab - (S. Kvpress) scl: ; I.ady .Maderly K) llunnrarhiiii). Great Finish TIIK SCOUT'S TOTI; UOUBl.K.—Mlr/ji 11. am) Lady .Mnderty R. (alt^Jlitly O'Onifly). OPPONENTS 3. By THE SCOUT (Cyril Ltickman) ./ V NEWMARKET, Wednesday NEWMARKET, Wednesday. Probables And Jockeys V\^HATEVER his clianccs in next year's coll Q\L^ lA/HEN ten horses or more seemed to finish Irelc ' StewBtds : The Stewards ol the Jockey Club. 202 Foray.(Mr M Field). BoydiRocllIort, 5, 8 15 P Beasley Frank Biillers niiisl be looking forward liopefuij^"'? 040 Ethlople (Mr James Schwobt, K HarUgan. 5- 8 10 Gdn Jtlenards cbos almost in a line a record Newmarket TOTE DOIJKIF- 2 43 and T 43 -Follnwia,-Are Also Encased;— yrs SI lb Hie 1938 One Thousand Guineas and Oaks. J^^.J^.-^—UF..VTn riATE (ll-raiO CaOO One mile 100 Midstream (Mr A de Rolhschlldl; T E Leader .... folic crowd realised it was " some Cambridgeshire!" 6 10 5 In Ann of Austria, Radiant, and 100 Itonsptel (Lord Kosebery).. J Jarils. 4. 9 ........E, SmlU. - ^ 4 9 4 00 Lfght (Mrs PA B Wjouncr). B-Rocliiort 4 9 4 Stafaralla he trains the three best Office bookmakers all over the country stood by the00 2 niofilcsanw (Major J S C^urtailtd!,' B Jarvls,. 4, 8 .....^.Lowrej 100 .Malmsey iMr R CDawsoni; R Da-wson .-..'..:....•„...,..'3 .8 10 . two-year-old fillies in the country, 301 rrkkel (Mr Q Latnblonl. Lamhlon. 9, 8 3;.'..V.,....\Ve»lDn 501 Brirhl l^esm IMr-J A Dewnrj. F D-rllng „•..,.. 3-•-8 lO .-•Stafaralla slammed the opposition 521 Manoeiivie (.Mr J A do Hoth-sclllldl. f Prall. 7. 8 1 Ileiaiit 010 Swiss CotiaKe iM)ss DjPageli, Snow 3 .8 10- GOOD tapes, read "Artist's Prince, Red .Squaw, Inclikeitli," and 210 La Couroellf (Mrs H Leader). H Lender 5. 7 15 Lacey 000 GiovineiiB (Mr J A de. Roih&chlldl, ,P Prait "4 8 ;'9- th.the Cheveley Park Stakes. This PRICES Sli.CanUener iMr b A CundelK, CundeU. 7. 7 10 D Smilii Oa-;'Watersmeel (Lord Gianelyj, SledaU 3 8 7' WHAT THE BOOK S.^iYSn 400 Scale (Lord Derbyi, C Leader, 5. 7 1 ....... : (Jrircs 450"Gr«ndio (Mr J PHonmngl. B Joivis *..;....•. 3 -8 7- own sister to Sind- cannot be far ejacuknted with relief, ">Jo Dan Bulger 043 Potboiler (L,oru AStorj.Lawson 3 8 0 four ,,in„ers at Ntw^;'! 400 I'Qielle (Mr.O E Edwards}. Dlffby. 5 7 1- .............EdHards behind the best of her age. UcUinK FoTttftsl.—2 Ipsdcn. 11—4 Vtute CUcQUOl, 11—2Foray. They were saved, and wUl per­ Following Ift Also Eni;a(ed_:—' - yrssv lb S.Llmac, 10 Ticca Gari.- lOO—8 Ethlople. - - yesterday, includinj haps not make so much of losing CMX> Mibl Patrol 11 (Mr L L Lawrence). F Hanlgan .....;'3 8. 6 She opened up a g,ip"a5 soon as Harry books over a winner shouted from . lt«ttinc ForecAit.—9—4 Montesano, 7—2 La Courcelle. e Prlcltet." • • ^ • 1936:. Solerina (It AJones,'4.- 9 9),-3—1. • Cottrlll. Wragg. called on her this aflernoon. ARCHHOOH 7., HOW THEY FINISHED Canteencr, 8 Manceuvre, 10 Bonsplel. 100—8 oihers, . SUFFOLK NUILSEKY STAKES. £500 added.. HT* riirluncs. the housetops by little " Johnny" 030 Carlos (Mr Pcrsse), Persse. 9 6 ' i.. ARTIST'S PRINCE (13-1) .1336: Deicniton (DBnoeliue, 3. 8 3). 100-^8. 11 JarVls. ' "510 HerMlck- lUt-Col. G, Lodcrj. Gilpin. 9 5 ........11 A Jones Raclng can:^be a disheartening-game. PAVAHHA - - . Dines, and backed down from 40's 5-1 2.15—i-0«TIIEIt ST.\KES. £1.000 added. One mile six nirloiicv • 051 Char. UlHn ilOlb ext I Mr: W HudsoOl, HammeU. 9-2 ...J Tayl I had a very big fancy for" Laureat IL in to 13—1. (A. Richtrdion) 1 112 Flare.s (Mr Wm Woodwftrdl. Bovd-Rochfori. 4, 9 Ite-iolev •OiO'JohM Kuchan (Mrs L Corbett). O Bell. " ..II WncE the Cambridgeshire. At the foot of thp RED SQUAW (25-1) IJ. Power) : 200 ."llansur.lMr A K Maconiber). Bcatty. 5. 9 1, ... ...Xarslake xoi ijeiplil • islr A; Buiii.-Fk-Biiiiers. a i .I'errviii^Ln hill he looked, like takVns hold pnd win­ Belore I tell you ol the horses who 024 Maranla" iSIr Abe Bal!cy». Laft'son. 5. ,7 5 ......Wcslun •040:.Ilarli'^Tolly (Sit,A'Bailey). R Day Wrslon ning comfortably. My shout died m my INCHKEITH (25-1) (W. Ncvtii), : 554 l)liar*nii.ur (H.H. ABa Khan). Fk Uuliers. 5 7 3. ....n siniui ...E Smith throat.' He ran on gamely, and was not "might have won," but were not Smirke T ZAIMIS (66—I) ... (W, lloivaid) < Follftwlnj; Are Also Enraged:— yrs stWb .P Ceanlry a length off the winner, although un­ among the favoured lot on the stand 130 SI Magnus (Lord Derby). O Leader ...Jlcrbert placed. .... hann Neck; head. 26 ran. Time, 401 »urXlelfili iLofd Olanely). Hogg ., Orillame, iMaior Gerald ElUsi. D WaUBh. 8 T . niarksbaii- side, I must relate a very human 524 aioiiument iDuke of Xfarlborouehl, lOO-WeUtaken -(Mr/H.Blundeil)., WhltBker. " ' lieury 1 story of "novice's luck" in excelsls. Imin. Slices. 114 Ilaulfryn (Mr F CMlnoDrlot, R MeicoBoyl d RocUfort: Untried coir« 52 - - ...VerBelle Visions of pulling off the autumn double ward Dines's Irish wife-^till liolding a half- 100 Ronsplel (Lord Rosebcry), J Jar\i5 uusivT (All 11 1.1 \.futii111). Coltriil.'.B 3: faded. Locked; in my drawer at home agair Bhare in tile winner with Major E. 345 Suicrain iMr A de Boihschildl. T E Leader Iloneybun- (Mr'J S Auslen).: C^Waugh, .....Kickaby are vouchers-' now worth less than the 104 Penny Koyal (Mr E T Thornton Smith), Templcmati I-ove nancer (Mrs, H Eastwood). Lave.. _ C Richards paper Ihey were written on. Ijnreat 11. playe Glover, a Mossley rnear Manchester) an^Ie alone counts at the win or place 300 roup de Kol iSIr P Loralnep. R Dawson Judy O'Grady (Lord Rendlesham). w KlEhtlnEallKjgt . 7 15 : eumes up for sale at the next niectins- then wire-rope manufacturer—stood over the 200 Falrle-ud (H'.s Majcsiyl, W Jarvls 500 Game Cart (Mr- D Browne).' Lawson. ~7 -1" , .. ,Gdn Richards Puppy settling- and up went numl>ers 33—31 -200, Cay. Urajon (Major J B Wallcer). Jelliss.; 7 9 . i.:D Smith I otislit to iMiv him. little Uainer as he first cmpnaslsed how —17 with the neck and head verdict. 030 Cash Hook iLord Asior}. Law.son gets he had now bred and ridden a winner 0O4 Snowfall .(Lord Derbyi. C Leader St lb He had also placed Znintis fourth in 125 Fait Copy (Lord Derhyi. C Leader " .' r rbllOH'ins Arc Alsg-Eneased:— . : OHNNY DINES was congratulated on new in Double Life, and completed a record front of Daytona. 000 Sunbalher I Sir V 3as.soon), Law.ton .................... 101 Hurry dc Savole (Capt D s K Forgan).. Houghton:.. 121 Tamasha-tlOlb' exv (Lady Cunllfte-Owcn). O Bell J • every Jiand. The little man was Goul Camljridgeshlre treble by training Itlach Fell (Lord Derbyi. DaJe ,.. o v iz 122 Faroe (Lord Derby), C Leader. .: ; full' of confidence right up to the last nent 511 Tumult.c-i lOJb cjtf (Mr N J Sweenev), O Bell May Beat Artist's Prince. Short heads and heads abounded, and 121 Startled (Mrs R D Shaflo). H Leader 5 7 7 moment. A fellow trainer greeted hUn Laureat II., Fairplay and Couvert (so 211 Capialn Hook (Mr R P Walsoni, M HartlBan ; 3 7 "7 020.F.vtnlnE MHl (Mrs C Rich). W Nightlngall' ............... before the race. "Hello," said Johnny. 0 Colonsay (Lord Derby). C Leader 3 7 3 ' He It In e Forecast.—4 Sweet Corn, 11—2 Ladv Maderty R. H pvominent on the fax side) were among O'Grady; a- Game Cart. John Buchan, 10 Delphi. OrlHame. "Shake hands with me. You won't have the many who must have gladdenet. Maranta J» a doubifu] runner. Enlerlainer II, Duskv, Love. Dancer. lOO—6 others. much of a chance afterwards!" GIFT HORSE " handicapper " Pawcett's heart. BetUne Forecast.—Evens Marnntn.^ 9—4 Flares, 8 Mansur, 10 , ' 1930; Hesperus (S WrasR. 9 1). 100—0. O-BelL Bealtaine DhBrampur. RED from a free service and sold for On every side I heard: "Surely I was 4,J5—nRETBV STAKES (2-Y.O. filUes). £100 each. Sl« furlonrs. Daytona was not officially placed In the B 100 guineas to pay a dend patron's nearer than fourth"—or fifth, or sixth, 1936: IIW Grace tWrilon. 3, 7 8). 0—4 tlav). R Da«si>n.- 232 Honorarium (Mr J A Dewarj. PDarlinj. 9 ..Gdn KlcUa'rds first tour. To any of us who watched By ], S. BRADFORD Ornamental (Mr Blsgood). Bisgood, 9 : the race that seemed almost Incredible.
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