Annual Report 2016 BAPN


1. MEMBERLIST AND BOARDMEMBERS p. 3 A. BAPN-members B. Compostion of the actual board


2.1 GENERAL POLICY p. 3 A. Federal Plan against Poverty

B. Belgian Committee against Poverty and thematic consultation

C. Automation of and access to the rights



B. Minimum Income

C. Child Poverty

National Plan on Child Poverty

Exchange on good practices

D. Struggle against homelessness and bad housing

Reference address Housing first E. Guarantee the right on health F. Access to justice G. PCSW Accessibility of the institutions Personalized Project for Social Integration






A. BAPN’s members

BAPN’s members are the four regional anti-poverty networks: • Brussels Poverty Platform (Brussels Platform Armoede – BPA) • Brussels Anti-Poverty Forum (Forum Bruxellois de Lutte contre la Pauvreté – FBLP) : new name : Le Forum : Bruxelles contre les inégalités • Flemish Anti-Poverty Network (Netwerk tegen Armoede – NtA) • Walloon Anti-Poverty Network (Réseau Wallon de Lutte contre la Pauvreté – RWLP)

B. The composition of our actual Board is :

Daniël Alliet (BPA), André Chapotte (RWLP) Bruno Vinikas (Forum) Frans Leemans (Forum) Michel Pettiaux (Forum) Frederic Vanhauwaert (NtA) Ludo Horemans Gaëlle Peters (RWLP) Christine Mahy (RWLP) Paul Rosiers (person with experience in poverty) Guy Tordeur (Chairman BAPN)

Are invited: David Sourdeau (team BAPN) David Praile (coordinator BAPN) Marleen Nuytemans (team BAPN) Nicolas Dekuyssche (coordinator Forum) Bart Peeters (coordinator BPA)



A. Federal Plan against Poverty

During the spring 2016 the federal government launched a federal plan to combat poverty. The plan was approved by the federal Government in July 2016. The plan assembles 61 measures. One of the priorities of the Secretary of State was the increase of the social minima.

The content of the plan was presented at the Belgian Platform against Poverty, where different associations of civil society and the administration gather to debate about poverty issues.

BAPN, as part of its mission, expressed its opinions and concerns about the plan. The input was a result of collaboration with members of the network and people experiencing poverty.

During the presentation of the plan at the Belgian Platform against Poverty, BAPN reminded to the audience what its priorities were and still are:

• Increase of the social minima above the poverty threshold has stipulated in the Government agreement in 2014. • The organisation of a broad consultation regarding the "reference address" for homeless people.

B. Belgian Committee against Poverty and thematic consultation

Each two years this Committee publishes a report concerning a specific topic. The next publication is foreseen during the autumn of 2017. BAPN and its members were active in the committee and the elaboration of the themes that are fixed by all participants. The final document is the result of regular constructive dialogue between the different stakeholders who are active in the struggle against poverty. The themes which were withheld are family and housing in relation to citizenship.

C. Automation of and access to the rights.

BAPN was invited in 2016 by the Commission of Social Affairs of the federal Parliament to exchange ideas concerning the automation of and access to social rights and benefits. A broad panel was present during the hearing. It was a very interesting and where the interventions showed a large accordance between the participants regarding the necessity to facilitate the access of the automation of rights as well as the different pathways to get there.

The outcome of the hearing was a proposition of resolution by the members of Parliament.



BAPN is member of the consultation committee regarding FEAD (food assistance) that was created by the federal administration. The goal of the committee is to manage the means of the fund. The presence of BAPN in the committee is also to guarantee the voice of the most deprived. During the year several meetings are organised. This kind of aid is still seen by the members of BAPN as a necessary evil. There should be no food shortages for poor people if we take into account the overproduction of food and the amounts of food waste. The access to varied food should be an inalienable right.

B. Minimum Income

BAPN is the coordinator of the BMIN-network which stands for increase of minimum income schemes. The BMIN- network identifies the obstacles which prevent people in need the access to an adequate income but also to plead for the automation of social rights and the maintaining of a well-functioning social security system. BMIN is in favour of a system which does not sanction or exclude people, which in the other case lead them to less favourable social welfare.

The BMIN-network finds its origin in the first EMIN-project in 2014. Several organisations (such as trade unions and healthcare organisations) joined the partnership as well as some academics.

In 2016 a workgroup within BAPN concerning the social minima gathered several times. This workgroup was composed by the different regional networks against poverty. The collaboration between the members resulted in the publication of a consensus text in June 2016. The BMIN partners co-signed the text. The aim of the document was to advise the federal government in the accomplishment of its engagements regarding the social minima. Our workgroup EU 2020, composed of people experiencing poverty, had also an active role and signed the document as well.

The consensus text was delivered to the prime minister and vice-prime ministers, as to the competent policy makers of the government regarding the struggle against poverty.

Some specific aspects underpinned in the text constituted the main concerns of the further gatherings in the second half of 2016, such as the determination of the poverty threshold (absolute and relative threshold).

BAPN will take part in the second EMIN project.

C. Child Poverty

BAPN work program concerning child poverty.

In the framework of the federal anti-poverty program a particular attention is given to child poverty and the political will to reduce it. BAPN actively participated in 2016 for this purpose.

BAPN adopted a work program within its organisation based on the experiences of people living in poverty and in collaboration with the regional networks. The aim of the work program was to come to concrete policy recommendations at different levels and to exchange on good practices. The members of the networks also participated to a national platform concerning child poverty (Kinderen eerst - Children first).

National Plan on Child Poverty

BAPN also participated at the presentation of the draft on the National Plan on Child Poverty. BAPN reacted on one of the strategic goals of the plan which concerned the access to sufficient financial means. BAPN pleaded here as well for the increase of the social minima (wages as well as allocations).

BAPN stated also that the non-take up of social rights was a concern and that the policy makers should work on the simplification of the system to ensure the access to those rights.

In 2014 the 6th state reform transferred some important competences to the regions and communities in Belgium. Family allowances became no longer a federal competence. BAPN argued that this reform should not imply a decrease of those allowances.

Those attention points and several others were collected in a reaction note addressed to the federal administration for social integration.

Exchange on good practices

In line with the National Plan on Child Poverty, BAPN organised a moment of exchange for its members.

The objective of that day was to reflect collectively about the best ways to handle with child poverty.

The Secretary of State was present and witnessed some presentations of particular initiatives.

By the end of the day the different representations and activities led to general conclusions, but it made it also possible to distinguish different factors of success in the implementation of anti-poverty policy. One of the main observations of the participants was that a right based and universal approach is a key issue in the battle against poverty.

Other activities where BAPN was actively involved:

• Roundtable Women council: one parent families, poverty and gender perspective (project MYRIAM). • Workshop about the communication concerning child poverty organised by the King Baudouin Foundation

D. Struggle against homelessness and bad housing

The issues that kept BAPN busy concerned on one hand the reference address for homeless people and on the other hand housing of homeless people in the framework of the Housing First project.

Reference address

This theme is a real concern for BAPN and the other networks since a long time.

A reference address is and administrative address that can be granted to a homeless person. Through this address this person can maintain his social rights and the access to allocations and or social benefits. The address can be granted by the Public Centre Social Welfare (PCSW social welfare institution) or by a private person.

In practice many problems were detected by the members of the networks: many PCSW and local authorities interpreted the legislation and regulations differently, not always in the interest of homeless people.

A complete report on the effectiveness was produced in collaboration with the regional networks and the Homeless Common Front and formed a firm basis for further action.

In January of 2016 a common approach was decided to deal with the problematic application of the reference address. A collaboration between different organizations representing homeless people, regional networks against poverty and BAPN emerged. The main goals of this common strategy was to:

• To settle the attention on the struggle against homelessness; • To search alternatives for the actual registration system: which means that the access to social rights should not depend on whether having or not an address; • Recommend improvements concerning the regulations and the application of them.

The partners asked the prime Minister for a broad consultation on this matter. A common letter was addressed to several competent Secretaries of State.

The office of the Prime Minister took the initiative to gather the offices of different Secretaries of State, BAPN, the regional networks and the representatives of homeless people. The first exchange between the protagonists was constructive. Afterwards, there were a few more encounters with the cabinets of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Social Integration.

BAPN and partners were asked to make proposals and a consultation process for the draft law was designed.

No direct consequence was given to this request: at the end of 2016 the political and administrative process was still running without further consultation or information.

Housing first

The Housing First project has always had the full attention of BAPN. This project renders new perspectives regarding the help for vulnerable and homeless people.

The basic principles of the project are:

• The focus lies on the person in the guidance process without restrictions; • Autonomous housing is a preliminary condition; • Recovery through a multidisciplinary approach.

Although the results of the project were encouraging, more investments are needed to render it sustainable on the long term and enlarge the focus group (about 150 persons directly helped by the program for the Belgian territory).

BAPN participated in the first Housing First Peer Review organised by the federal public administration for social integration. BAPN also participated in an international colloquium concerning Housing First, which was held in Brussels. BAPN exchanged views with Belgian and European operators in the frame of Housing First projects. It resulted in fundamental observations on the difficulties and opportunities of the Housing First concept.

E. Guarantee the right on health

BAPN participates in an action platform regarding Health and Solidarity. It gathers different actors of health promotion where they seek to develop a large vision on the social determinants in the frame of healthcare. They also promote the participation of the most vulnerable. The goal of this platform is to organize a biennial “Together for Health” in December 2017.

F. Acces to justice

BAPN is also member of the informal Platform Right for Everyone regarding the access to justice for all and composed with progressive lawyers, NGO actives on the field,… On September 2016 Belgian is facing an important law reform that inputs more conditions and a financial contribution to access “juridical help” (pro deo lawyers) for the most vulnerable The platform criticize deeply, as well as most justice actors, civil society, etc. this reform which is counterproductive in terms of access to justice for the most deprived.

BAPN was also invited to attend several activities where it defended the positions of people experiencing poverty. One of the most interesting events in 2016 about this topic was the study day involved the way magistrates see poverty. Several issues were discussed such as in debts, begging, PCSW, …

G. Public Centre for Social Welfare (PCS)

Accessibility of the institutions

The federal administration for social integration asked the BAPN to become member of a monitoring committee to follow up a study on the quality of the accessibility (physical and practices) of the PCSW.

The research started in August 2015 and ended in June 2016. The analysis examined several dimensions such as: equal treatment, attitude of the workers towards the client, confidentiality, participation, transparency, …

The results were discussed in two focus groups.

Personalized Project for Social Integration (PPSI)

This project is a tool that is used in the PCSW in order to help and accompany the beneficiaries to work. It is a commitment between PCSW and the beneficiary. First, this measure was only provided for the youngsters. Once this government was installed, the intention to enlarge the PPSI to all beneficiaries of the living wage was quickly carried out.

BAPN expressed it’s concerns about this political choice and the rapidity to implement this measure. Moreover, this policy was contrary to the findings of a recent scientific study and against all advices of the sector.

BAPN took part in several actions and supported many others.

In the framework of the PPSI, the government rendered it possible for the beneficiary "to accept" community service without sanction if he or she should refuse. BAPN and its allies very much questions this as an open gate to “free working poor”.

BAPN very much doubt the non-commitment regarding the community service, knowing that the beneficiary must sign a contract with PCSW to integrate in the labour market. But is not because society can't offer a proper inclusive job to poor people that they should be used as cheap workforce. With the risk that they could replace paid workers to lower the functioning costs for the employer.


BAPN attaches great importance to the European level. Since the 2020 objectives were launched, BAPN started to work on those issues with a workgroup composed by persons experiencing poverty (WG EU2020). This workgroup gathers regularly together to follow up the European policy.

In 2016 BAPN has also participated in the events that were organized by EAPN. BAPN is an active member of the EUISG group and also a member of the executive committee (EXCO) of EAPN.

BAPN had a particular attention for the triple A policy launched by European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker. The European Semester, the macro-economic analysis on year basis, is a key process to follow-up the policy of the European Commission.


Participation of people in poverty is the red thread in the functioning of BAPN.

Whether it concerns lobbying, raising awareness actions, dialogue, workshops, conferences…BAPN always tries to involve the people experiencing poverty.

The Belgian Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion, which is organized by the Federal Administration for Social Integration is a very important forum. BAPN ensures each time to associate members living in poverty in active preparation and participation to these meetings. One main workgroup was created in line with the EU 2020 goals and is logically called WG EU 2020. A second workgroup follows-up the federal policy, mainly regarding homelessness and minimum income.

The workgroup EU 2020 had a lot of reunions in 2016 where the members dealt with European issues and prepared European meetings. The subjects of attention were:

• European convention • EU 2020 goals • Country specific analysis regarding the EU 2020 goals • The European Pillar on Social Rights - consultation European Commission • Preparation PEP-meeting

In April 2016 a delegation of the EU 2020 workgroup visited the European Parliament in Strasbourg. It was organised by Walloon Anti-Poverty Network. After the visit of the Parliament in Strasbourg, the same network planned a visit in the Parliament in Brussels. There was also a meeting planned with Belgian MEP's.

The European Semester, the macro-economic analysis on year basis, is a key process to follow-up the policy of the European Commission.


BAPN has worked in 2016 on the sustainability of its network. As the coordinator of BMIN, BAPN gathered the regional anti-poverty networks and other stakeholders of BMIN, to repeat and remind to the federal government its engagement, set out in the government agreement, to increase the minimum income schemes above the European threshold. And that cannot be forgotten.

Besides this network, there were a lot of collaborations between BAPN and other associations concerned by the situation of poor people. Those collaborations were based on common interest or theme, such as homelessness, housing, income, access to justice, to health…

When a public statement had to be made, BAPN organised with its partners a press release.

BAPN also communicated with its network through the website and a newsletter.


BAPN is mainly financed on annual base by the Federal Secretary of State of the Fight against poverty. It guarantees the functioning of BAPN and allows the engagement of 3 collaborators (2,5 Equivalent full time)

The board is the decision-making body (indicated in chapter one) which orientates the mission of BAPN. It gathers every trimester. It’s mainly composed of representatives of the regionals networks and one representative of persons experiencing poverty. The everyday management is delegate to a Bureau which comes together every month. General Assembly formally exists but have to be reinforced as well as the Board: there will be open to two or more full right representatives of PEP and to some “civil society leaders”…

The team is fully associate to the discussions of the Board.

The team put in place assures the daily work of BAPN, each time it is possible with the support of regionals networks and the direct implication of the WG of PEP. The team is composed by one coordinator, one policy officer and a administrative collaborator



• Influencing National Governments for Better Policies: Advocacy, Lobbying and Policy-Making linked to European Level developments Representatives of EAPN Bulgaria are officially members of different advisory bodies in Bulgaria and took active part in their activities in 2016: - National Council for Social Exclusion at the Council of Ministers engaged with the anti-poverty strategy, adopting reports and plans for the next year - Working Group on Minimum salary at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The activities in 2016 were linked mainly with looking for an appropriate methodology to establish minimum salary level. - Working Group on Social Economy. The activities in 2016 were linked with the elaboration of Social Economy and Social Enterprise Law. - In 2016 we took part as well in a specific interdepartmental group for evaluating and selecting municipalities where specific measures for integration of vulnerable groups to be implemented. The basic topics we worked in 2016 were energy poverty; youth inclusion and education; public opinion towards refugees; short-term labour emmigration; the problems of the pension system with the very low amounts of pensions; anti-discrimination practices

1.1. Monitoring of energy poverty and energy policy – a discussion on monitoring the providers and bills took place involving universities’ representatives. A media presentation was made as well on 21 November at the National Radio

1.2. Youth social inclusion issues and policies - In 2016 we made discussions on the problems of the labour market. In this regard we met with young unemployed people from different localities and a meetings with representatives of the Employment Agency was arranged;

1.3. Education policy – we met with students from different schools (in Sofia, Pernic and Plovdiv) discussing their future plans and prospects as well as the opportunities for young people to be employed in some sectors of the industry; A vision was presented in media on the public policies in education (21.02 Glassove);

1.4.Another important topic is the public attitude to refugees especially in regions near the borders (Gotse Delchev and Haskovo regions)

1.5.Working poor were addressed through different subtopics, for example: a) short term labour emmigration (Gotse Delchev and Sandanski region) and discrimination and anti-discrimination labour practices. Different media presentations were prepared (26 January, 2016 on Working poor on the National Radio and on 8 August BGnes; “One in five Bulgarians live below the poverty line, etc.)

1.6. Pensions: the activities included development of visions on how to increase pensions in the country and preparation of the Bulgarian delegation for the EU PEP meeting together with an organization of retirees. Media presentation was prepared for the newspaper “Third age”.

1.7. Other important activities included monitoring on: a) anti-discrimination practices; b) dynamics in the standard of living in the last two decades; c) dynamics in the expences for healthcare and education.

All the above-mentioned activities were widely covered in the media - in various programs of national and local radio and TV and newspapers. They contributed to the further development of already established relationships with NGOs and Trade Unions and creating links with other NGOs.

1.8. EAPN Bulgaria was involved as well in the elaboration of different national and international applications linked to Roma strategy; adult education; migrants and refugees, including health, etc. Unfortunately these applications were unsuccessful.

• Participation of People Experiencing Poverty and Social Exclusion in

Internal and External Workings of the National Network The direct or indirect participation of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion is characteristic for all the activities of EAPN Bulgaria. In connection with PEP Meeting in 2016 EAPN Bg activities were focused on the topics of quality of life of retirees as the pensions of many retirees in the country are extremely low and they survive with much difficulties. In this regard a position was developed to support the activities of civil society organizations.

Additionally, in 2016 EAPN Bulgaria continued its efforts to support and develop what we consider a mainstream of poor people involvement in the fight against poverty – that is policy analyses, including Social impact assessments of different policies and measures. Another very important problem are the lacking mechanisms to discuss and present the public opinion of different groups of people, especially poor people. Within this frame an important axis is to involve different groups of poor people in the assessments of policies and to raise public awerness about the results of this work. The topics under consideration in 2016 defined the groups of people we involved in different activities – young people unemployed and in precarious jobs; students in secondary and higher education; working poor; retirees; old people; people on social assistance.

Different discussions were organized with the different groups of people linked to standard of living and ways to overcome difficulties, including policy proposals.

• Development and Growth of the Network (including growth and training and capacity building actions) In 2016 EAPN Bulgaria continued to intensify its relations with other social actors:

a. Trade unions, attempting to develop stronger and more sustainable alliances with.

b. Universities and research institutions

c. Activities connected with preparation and follow-up to the European and National Meetings of People Experiencing Poverty. In 2016 we mainly worked with different organizations of retirees.

EAPN Bulgaria consists of NGOs and individuals who work together on a voluntary basis and share common values: - the existence of poverty in Bulgaria is both unacceptable and inadequate to the current economic growth; - policies have to be assesses from the point of view of poverty generators and excluding mechanisms; -the fight against poverty and social exclusion means active participation in decision making processes;

It could be said the network consists of 3 layers:

The first one – is a group of likely minded people and the NGOs they work with. This is a group of around 15 NGOs and 20 individuals. They work for and with quite different vulnerable groups (children, women, ethnic minorities, disabled, mentally ill, unemployed, etc.) and are engaged in different activities (lobbying, provision of information, service provision, researches, etc.). However small and authentic NGOs are under strong pressure in Bulgaria as they almost do not receive any funding and voluntary activities are undertaken on unregularly basis.

The second layer – consists of many NGOs we work with on temporarily basis depending on the concrete tasks at different moments (for example on the mentioned above topics).

These could be called floating coalitions. We consider this direction extremely important and most promising not only and even not mainly because of the lack of core funding for EAPN Bulgaria activities. There are two important reasons for this:

a) The specific social economic context has colored specifically big NGOs, networks and umbrella organizations in Bulgaria. Public opinion, sometimes, consider them as specific generator of the situation and poverty in the country, as financial sustainability is at the expense of providing specific activities to support the situation. b) Floating coalitions provide effectiveness and impact on a particular occasion and avoid internal conflicts, differences in visions, internal competion and allow the different organizations to follow their internal values and activities without the pressure for similarities. There is a third layer as well – big organizations with which we build alliances from years on specific activities like the 2 basic trade-unions, Economic and Social Council, etc.

EAPN Bulgaria does not receive core funding. Different activities are project based. There are plenty of activities that are either voluntary (not paid) or covered during accomplishment of different projects by different EAPN Bulgaria members.

• Governance and Internal Democracy (including internal governance, respect of statutory requirements, management in the network and funding). EAPN BG activities are open, transparent, welcoming inputs and involving different people to shape visions, to influence internal decisions and to develop further the network.

The membership in the NN is open on the condition that the applicants share the values cited above.

However as the NN work is basically voluntary and unpaid, as we don’t receive any funding for the numerous network’s activities, the opportunities for investing time and efforts by different people are unfortunately quite restricted. As already mentioned, outside plenty voluntary activities where NGOs and people participate whenever possible, what we try when appropriate, to link the activities of the network to the work on project basis. Of course these efforts have their own limits as there are not always projects and when there are they have their own objectives and the network’s activities must comply with this.


List of member organizations 2016

1. NGO Anti-Poverty Information Centre (coordinating unit)

2. Perspektiva Foundation

3. Alternativa 2000

4. Club “Society 2015”

5. Cultural Association “Styanka Sokolova”

6. Forum for Sustainable Development “Focus”

7. Centre for social and economic projects, labor and education for research, information and documentation

8. Roma Parliament (uniting different Roma organizations)

9. Society for all Ages

10. Citizen Club “Citizenship and Ethics”

11. Foundation Mecemvria

12. Association for disabled people

13. Association “Women and mothers against violence”

14. Foundation Psychohronist

15. Association Interethnic Dialogue

16. Association “Future 21”

Partnerships on different occasions depending on the topic concerned:

1. Confederation of Independent Trade-Unions (CITUB)

2. Confederation of Labor “Podkrepa” (CL “Podkrepa)

3. Bulgarian Foundation for Gender Research (BWL)

4. Union of Retirees – 2004

5. National Association of Retirees

6. Union of economists in Bulgaria

7. National Alliance for social responsibility

8. Foundation “Blue bird”

9. Association “Best 2 be”

10. National association of employers of people with disabilities

11. Alliance for children and young people

12. Solidarity Bulgaria

(EAPN Croatia)

EAPN Cyprus


EAPN CR Annual Report 2016


Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear friends,

you open the annual report of the Czech NGO, which is a member of the Pan-European network called the European Anti-Poverty Network (the European Network Against Poverty and Social Exclusion - the official name of the network in French under which it is registered in the Belgian capital, at the same time the seat of the institutions of the European Union). The official name of the association registered under the Civil Code from 2014 in the Register of Companies at the Municipal Court in Prague, which was registered before 2004 by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic as a civic association, is EAPN ČR, z. s. (Abbreviated name: EAPN ČR).

As a member of the European network is linked to EAPN CR's program, which reflects the principles of European Union policy, especially in areas related to social protection and social services. This connection has been widely understood in previous years only if it contributed to the economic development of the European Union, in particular the process of convergence of the economies of the member countries. The development of the European Union in recent years, particularly as a result of the financial and investment crisis and the resulting loss of citizens' confidence in European integration, has pointed to a rethinking of the role of the economy in society and has indicated that there are other equally important areas that need to be monitored, be regulated in such a way that they are in equilibrium in all EU countries (social, environmental). It is important not only for the lives of citizens, but also for the sustainable development of the economy and society as a whole. Jean-Claude Juncker, after taking over the Presidency of the European Commission in 2016, has announced consultations on the preparation of the European Social Rights Pillar, which is to play a stabilizing role and contribute to the convergence of the EU Member States. EAPN CR supports this initiative and expects that the social pillar of human rights will be accepted as binding across the European Union, not just in the euro area, as the European Commission is proposing now.

EAPN CR continued in 2016 to develop its existing priorities for the gradual eradication of poverty and social exclusion in the Czech Republic. Our continued efforts are

• approval of the draft Social Housing Act, the first paragraph of which was prepared by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in early 2016 after several years of efforts by the Social Housing Platform, on whose foundation and operation EAPN CR participated as its founding member,

• addressing homelessness by supporting the development of community centres for outreach work and related social and health services,

• support for employment policy consisting of early intervention in people at risk of job losses, qualification and retraining programs for the long-term unemployed, and the development of social entrepreneurship aimed at persons with reduced employment opportunities,

• helping people with indebtedness by supporting the development of a network of counsellors for debtors, preventing debt by increasing financial literacy, and by changing the law on executions allowing a dignified life in debt,

• improving the living conditions of poor people and people with inadequate income (especially families with children, the elderly, the unemployed, the indebted, the long-term, the disabled, etc.)

• involving people with experience of poverty and social exclusion in addressing these issues, in particular by participating in the activities and actions of EAPN CR and other organizations.

We are glad that this effort was supported by both the European Network of EAPN and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic as well as individual donors. These funding sources co-founded the activities of EAPN CR.

By 2017, EAPN CR entered into three related activities, two of which resulted from a contract on support and financing concluded with EAPN Europe based in Brussels, and one of the grants provided by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic. These are in particular the following activities:

1. meetings of people living in poverty (at national level, including the preparation of the participation of Czech representatives at the European meeting in Brussels),

2. support for efforts to reduce poverty and social exclusion in the Czech Republic (including the promotion of legislative proposals, the organization of seminars and other events for representatives and staff of local authorities, cooperation with other actors in the society, provision of consulting and advisory services)

3. raising awareness and promoting public debate on the EMIN minimum income system under consideration,

4. supporting the priority areas of active life of seniors (especially in their places of life in towns and cities), focusing in particular on groups of seniors at risk of poverty and social exclusion.

Looking back to 2016, I cannot fail to thank all the co-workers, supporters, donors and supporters who participated in the work of EAPN CR or helped with the promotion or promotion of its activities (including foreign collaborators) last year. Without their contribution, EAPN CR could not fulfil its mission effectively. I believe that this support will continue, so that in the next few years we can say that EAPN CR has helped to improve the position of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion in our society

PhDr. Karel Schwarz,

President of EAPN ČR, z. s.

The most important activities of EAPN CR in 2016

By the end of 2015, the EAPN CR's decision was adopted by the EAPN CR Executive Committee and its priorities for the next period, which started to be fulfilled in 2016. In the network of member organizations of EAPN CR, we focused on the most significant problems of social exclusion in our country in the area of housing, employment and indebtedness.

In the preparation of the Social Housing Act, we participated in the Platform for Social Housing, of which is EAPN CR the founding member. Coordination meetings take place regularly every month. Representatives of EAPN CR attended meetings at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Finance. EAPN CR co-organized with the Social Housing Platform with the support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and with the Committee of Social Policy Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic a conference on the Social Housing Act, which was held on 5 October 2016 in the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The conference with 220 participants was moderated by the President of EAPN CR. In June 2016, a roundabout on the Social Housing Act, organized by the group "Chceme bydlet" (“We want to house”), made up of people in housing disturbance, took place at the crossroads of Anděl in Prague 5. The event was attended by Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Michaela Marksová Tominová and Vice-Chairwoman of EAPN ČR Milena Černá.

EAPN CR implemented the project "Active and Autonomous in Old Age" in 2016, supported by subsidies from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs from the state budget. Within this project, a meeting of representatives of senior national and senior national organizations was prepared and held in Prague on 21 October 2016. They agreed on jointly supported priorities for support for the elderly: housing, income, social services, information literacy. These priority areas are mapped in more detail by representatives of senior and senior organizations in working groups organized by EAPN CR. At the October meeting of the representatives of organizations, the National Meeting to Support the Active and Autonomous Life of Seniors in Brno, organized with the support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in cooperation with the Charity of the Czech Republic and the Brno Diocesan Charity, was established on 8 November 2016. During this meeting it was presented the results survey of the needs and motivation of seniors, which was prepared by ProWel, Ltd. in the Liberec and Moravian- Silesian regions. In these regions, regional seminars on this issue were held in October and November (in Nový Bor and Ostrava). The stimulus from all meetings organized by EAPN CR was summed up to the final output. Part of the project is also survey addressing towns and municipalities in the Czech Republic in order to deepen their future support for the elderly, in cooperation with the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic and the Association of Local Self-Governments of the Czech Republic. Within the project, we also updated the EAPN CR website and focused on a special section on support for older people. We have also published a new information

folder on the priorities and activities of EAPN CR, which we will gradually reprint. The press is publishing on this topic, which publishes the outputs of all project activities and will serve all those who strive - in particular in municipalities and towns - for greater effectiveness and reach of support for the active and autonomous life of seniors in the Czech Republic.

More detailed information about the project "Active and autonomous in old age" (excerpts from the final project implementation report)

1. National Meeting to Support Senior Citizens Living in Poverty and Social Exclusion: The national meeting was held in Brno on 8 November 2016 with the participation of representatives of 36 organizations and institutions involved in the support of the elderly. The meeting has been under way for many months in cooperation with the most senior and pro-senior organizations. The content of the meeting was a presentation of possibilities and ways of supporting the active and autonomous life of seniors in the conditions of particular municipalities and towns in the regions, emphasizing the role of municipalities and municipalities. The results of the needs and interest survey were also presented, which took place within the project in the Liberec and Moravian-Silesian region. The National Meeting continued with previous cooperation with senior and pro-senior organizations in the Czech Republic, culminating in the cutting of top officials from 14 of these organizations (invited by 26 organizations) in Prague on 21 October 2016. The aim of this leadership meeting was to agree on a more effective and coordinated process in increasing the support of older people in regions and municipalities of the Czech Republic. This goal was achieved, the representatives of these 14 organizations agreed on the principles of further cooperation and meetings. An impetus was agreed to create 4 working groups for priority areas important for the support of the elderly (functional and informative literacy of seniors, housing for seniors, elderly income, social and health services for seniors), with the inclusion of new priorities in the agenda. groups or a new working group will be established. The next meeting of representatives of senior and senior organizations was agreed to take place around the second half of 2017.

As part of these activities, the Platform for Social Housing in cooperation with EAPN CR, as also organized a conference on the current key priority of future support for the elderly - social housing for the elderly. The conference was held in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in the presence of 199 participants on 5 October 2016.These events were prepared in addition to senior organizations in cooperation with other important institutions, including the Public Defender of Rights and its offices, the Committee on Social Policy of the Chamber of Deputies and the Committee on Health and Social Policy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic, The Association of Local Self-Governments of the Czech Republic, the Association of Regions of the Czech Republic, the Association for Rural Development, the National Network of Local Action Groups of the Czech Republic, the National Network of Healthy Cities and others.

1. Support of active life of seniors in regions and municipalities of the Czech Republic: There was communication with self-governing regions and municipalities (cities) in the Czech Republic in order to increase the support of the autonomous and active life of seniors in the municipalities and their longest stay in the natural environment of their home, family and community. Regional and municipal authorities and their offices have been approached with the incentive to step up support for the elderly in their administrative districts. The purpose was to choose from municipalities with extended competence (ORPs - so-called municipalities of type III) those municipalities which are prepared for closer cooperation or for professional and methodological assistance. Contacts, consultations and counselling activities are also ongoing with these communities. We focused mainly on 2 selected regions (Liberec, Moravian-Silesian), where we also conducted a survey of the needs and interests of seniors, especially leisure activities and education.

Within this group of activities, 2 interactive seminars were organized for managers from regions and municipalities as well as for active seniors from senior and senior organizations in regions of the Czech Republic. During seminars in Nový Bor (53 participants) and in Ostrava (30 participants), ways of supporting the elderly aimed at their autonomy and active inclusion in society were presented. The results of the survey conducted in these regions were also discussed. The program of the seminars was prepared and lectured according to the common curriculum in cooperation with the ProWel Association and the TRIGON Association.

The project's activities and actions impressed the representatives of the municipalities that participated in it in order to be more and more involved in deepening support for the elderly. The project consciously focused on helping municipalities, organizations and individuals who have decided to step up their support to older people. The project was not aimed at acquiring municipalities that, for various reasons, do not consider senior citizens to be important and in which there are no prerequisites for good work with seniors. According to the project implementers, it will be necessary to focus on these municipalities in the future as soon as the municipalities for which senior citizens support the priority are already in the process of passing without intensive support from the national level and will be able to independently develop their support to the elderly. An important role is also played by the question of whether the legislation on municipalities and regions will be changed so that they are obliged to provide support to the elderly and have the necessary funds from the public budgets. Within the project, proposals for changes that could create a better environment for senior citizens (both legislative changes and changes in practice, not requiring changes in legislation) have been presented and publicly published (including published publications).

1. Information and awareness-raising activities to support the active and independent life of the elderly:

In this group of activities, communication with the target groups of the project and especially with the wider professional and lay public took place. A special section on "Support of Seniors Activities and Autonomy" was established on the EAPN CR website, and the pages were regularly updated. This way, feedback was provided to municipalities (municipalities), public administrations and the elderly themselves.

In addition, the publication "Active and Autonomous in Old Age" (94 pages) was prepared and published, the content of which is based on presentations on the events, from the survey of the needs and interests of the elderly, including conclusions. The publication is intended for workers in municipalities and towns II. and III. type, for professional and interest organizations and institutions. The authors of the publication, which are distributed electronically also in printed form, are: MUDr. Milena Černá, MUDr. Zdeněk Kalvach, CSc., Ass. Prof. Ing. Lidmila Němcová, CSc., PhDr. Karel Schwarz, Mgr. Olga Starostová, Miloslav Stehlík, CSc.

As part of these activities, a leaflet (leaflet) has been published to promote EAPN as a body supporting the active and independent life of seniors. The Campaign for Social Inclusion of Seniors took place in co-operation with other professional organizations and was not followed by the project of the European-wide EAPN network based in Brussels (participating in the international bus – "everyone on the bus" – passing gradually all EU countries, explaining the requirement for a European minimum (EMIN), including the elderly), as this international project was postponed to the EAPN European Headquarters for the years 2017-2018.

In the course of the project, cooperation was mainly with these organizations and institutions in the field of support for seniors, who were also invited to meetings of the top representatives of these subjects:

- Armáda spásy v České republice, z. s. - Asociace TRIGON, o. p. s. - Asociace univerzit třetího věku v ČR - Česká alzheimerovská společnost, o. p. s. - Česká asociace pečovatelské služby, z. s. - Česká gerontologická a geriatrická společnost České lékařské společnosti Jana Evangelisty Purkyně - Česká společnost pro trénování paměti a mozkový jogging - Diakonie Českobratrské církve evangelické - Hnutí Křesťan a práce, z. s. - Charita Česká republika - Institut důstojného stárnutí Diakonie ČCE - Rada seniorů České republiky, s. s. - Plzeňská potravinová banka - Sdružení křesťanských seniorů, z. s. - Sdružení nájemníků ČR - Slezská diakonie - Svaz důchodců ČR, z. s. - Svaz postižených civilizačními chorobami v ČR, z. s. - Svaz tělesně postižených v ČR, z. s. - Ženy 50+ - Život 90

The result of the co-operation is its continuation after the end of the project within the working groups and the effort to work together to achieve priorities that provide more support for senior citizens. For further cooperation, the project established contacts with other senior and pro-senior subjects who are invited to cooperate in working groups and other activities and events organized by EAPN CR in connection with this project:

- A doma, o. s. - Alternativa 50+, o.p.s. - Asociace domácí péče - Asociace důchodců odborářů při ČMKOS - Asociace medicíny proti stárnutí - Asociace poskytovatelů hospicové paliativní péče - Asociace poskytovatelů sociálních služeb České republiky - Centrum pro rozvoj péče o duševní zdraví, z. s. - Centrum pro studium dlouhověkosti a dlouhodobé péče – Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy v Praze (CELLO) - Cesta domů, o. s. - Česká asociace sester

- Česká asociace streetwork, z. s. - Česká společnost paliativní medicíny České lékařské společnosti Jana Evangelisty Purkyně - Český červený kříž - Český svaz žen - Člověk v tísni, o. p. s. - Domov důchodců Ústí nad Orlicí, p. o. - Elpida, o.p.s. - Gerontologické centrum Praha - - i.60 Publishers, s.r.o. - Klub novinářů seniorů Svazu novinářů ČR - Moudrá Sovička, z. s. - Nadace Senio - Naděje - Národní rada osob se zdravotním postižením (NRZP) - Národní síť Místních akčních skupin ČR - Národní síť zdravých měst ČR - Otevřeno seniorům - Quip – Společnost pro změnu - Rozkoš bez rizika, z. s. - Senior Care, o.p.s. - Senior fitnes, o. s. - Senior Help, s.r.o. - Sdružení pro rehabilitaci osob po cévních mozkových příhodách, o. s. - Seniorů - Spolek pro obnovu venkova ČR - Svaz diabetiků ČR - Výbor dobré vůle – Nadace Olgy Havlové - Výzkumný ústav práce a sociálních věcí - Vzájemné soužití, z. s. - Žít déle doma

1. Personnel and organization of the project: The implementation team of the project was composed of 5 workers in part-time work: • Project Coordinator (PhDr. Karel Schwarz, specialist - specialist, sociologist, social psychologist, adult educator) • Methodology of the project (Milena Černá, expert consultant, physician, expert on social inclusion) • Methodology of the project (Mgr. Stanislav Mrózek, expert consultant, social worker) • Project Assistant (Soňa Brišová, organizational worker, economist)

In addition, 3 lecturers - contributors (MUDr. Zdeněk Kalvach, doctor - geriatrician, gerontologist, Ass. Prof. Ing. Lidmila Němcová, CSc., Economist, social ethics expert, Mgr. Olga Starostová, sociologist, expert on social and health policy).

Another 8 co-workers (contractors, volunteers, etc.) participated in the project implementation: Miloslav Stehlík, CSc., Clinical psychologist, manager; PaedDr. Pavel Landa, Geronto-pedagogue, sports pedagogue; Mgr. Iva Kuchyňková, social worker, economist; Mgr. Stanislava Lekešová, lawyer, editor; Bc. Ladislav Krajdl, social worker, manager; Jan Oulík, communications and PR officer; Jakub Sekera, social and organizational worker; Mgr. Olga Rosenbergerová, Social Educator.

1. Information campaign about the project: (e.g. web, mass media, printed materials, promotional items, posters and leaflets, conferences, etc.):

The implementation of the project was accompanied by an information campaign. The backbone of this campaign is the EAPN CR website - The main events of the project were the press releases (to the Conference on Social Housing on 5 October, the National Meeting on 8 November). All other project events were reported to the media by the press information sent to them by email. A leaflet - an EAPN Czech repository was prepared and printed in a total of 400 copies.

1. Conclusions and recommendations for next year, further planned project development:

EAPN ČR continues in 2017 in the activities launched and implemented by this project. These include, in particular, the following activities:

1) Meeting of 4 working expert groups, to be set up by representatives of seniors and senior citizens organizations in the Czech Republic with national competence in 2016, which will elaborate methodological materials on individual priority areas (functional and informative literacy of seniors, housing of seniors, senior citizens, social and health services seniors). 2) Familiarization of municipalities with the methodology of work in particular areas (methodological sheets), especially municipalities II. and III. of the type with transferred and expanded competence of the state administration, which will be provided with methodological expert assistance in order to influence other stakeholders in the municipalities (contributory organizations, schools, sports facilities, non-governmental non-profit organizations, etc.). 3) Training of workers from organizations working with the elderly in the regions. 4) Coordination meeting of representatives of senior and pre-university organizations in the Czech Republic with national competence. 5) National Seniors Support Meeting in cooperation with the most senior and pro- senior organizations in the Czech Republic with nationwide competence. 6) Information and publicity campaign through the EAPN CR web portal with a specialized section and advice provided on the basis of a request via the web or email correspondence or by telephone.

Activity calendar 2016:

• 15. 1. The President of EAPN CR participated in the Prague Social Platform for the Social Housing Agency with the staff of the Agency for Social Inclusion at the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic (Deputy Director of the ASZ Dr. Soukupová, Roman Matoušek, Ing. Vít Lesák) about the prepared social housing system

• 22. 1. The President and Vice-Chair of EAPN CR participated in a meeting in the European House in Prague on the occasion of the launch in 2016, organized by the Head of the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic Jan Michal

• 29. 1. New EAPN CR website was launched

• 1. 2. The President of EAPN CR participated in the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic in Prague in the meeting of the Platform for Social Housing with the Director of the Advisory Department of the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic dr. Vladimír Špidla to the Social Housing Act

• 2. 2. The President of EAPN CR participated in the European House in Prague in the presence of the Caritas Europa General Secretary Jorge Nuño Mayer and the Director of the Charity of the Czech Republic Lukáš Curylo presenting the National Report on the Social Situation in the Czech Republic in 2015,

• 18. 2. The President of the EAPN CR participated in meetings at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs on the outcomes of the meeting on the Social Inclusion Strategy that took place in September 2015 in Prague

• 11. - 12. 3. The President of EAPN CR attended the EAPN Executive Committee meeting in Brussels

• 16. 3. Meeting of the Executive Committee of EAPN CR in Prague

• 21. - 22. 3. The President of EAPN CR participates with Evžen Vojkůvka in Brussels the Annual conference on inclusive growth, organized by the European Commission

• 12. 4. The President of EAPN CR in Prague, with the new chairman of the National Network of Local Action Groups, Václav Pošmurný, cooperated on the regional and local aspects of poverty and social exclusion

• 26. 4. The President of EAPN CR participated in the Conference on Available Social Housing at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague

• 28. 4. The President of EAPN CR participated in a seminar on sustainable development strategy, organized by the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic at ČSVTS headquarters in Novotný lávka

• 5. 5. The President of EAPN CR participated in another seminar on sustainable development strategy, organized by the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic at the headquarters of ČSVTS at Novotný lávka

• 9. 5. The President of EAPN CR held a meeting with the Member of the European Parliament for the Czech Republic Tomáš Zdechovský in Prague on the Social Agenda of the EU

• 9. 5. The President of EAPN CR met with the investment economist Ondřej Jonáš and talked with him about the economic aspects of poverty and social exclusion

• 9. 5. The President of EAPN CR participated in a meeting of the Platform for Social Housing

• 11. 5. President of EAPN CR participated in a meeting on Europe Day at Villa Portheimka in Prague 5

• 17. - 18. 5. The President of the EAPN participated in the conference on the 25th anniversary of the Salvation Army in the Czech Republic in Brno and, at the same time, acted with the chairwoman of the network of carers in Germany (Eurocarers) Hanneli Döhner

• 18. 5. The President of EAPN CR negotiated with the Ombudsman's Officers in the Ombudsman's Office on the possibilities of mutual cooperation

• 23. 5. The President of EAPN Czech Republic attended the Olga Havel Prize at the invitation of the Committee of Good Will - Olga Havel Foundation

• 24. 5. The President of EAPN CR together with the Chairman of the Platform for Social Housing participated in the meeting with the secretary of the Committee on Social Policy of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Mr. Papoušek on the preparation of a conference on social housing

• 26. 5. The President of EAPN CR held a meeting in Ostrava with members of the Executive Committee of EAPN CR Stanislav Mrózek and Olga Rosenbergerová on preparations for events in Ostrava

• 27. 5. The President of EAPN CR negotiated with representatives of the ProWel association, on the cooperation in the implementation of the project, especially on the needs and motivation of seniors

• 2. - 3. 6. The President of EAPN CR participated in Brussels the European Commission Conference on the European Aid Fund (FEAD)

• 8. 6. The President of EAPN CR attended the meeting of the Committee on Social Policy of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

• 10. - 11. 6. The President of the EAPN of the Czech Republic attended a conference of the Union of European Federalists in the European Parliament in Strasbourg where been consulted the European Pillar of Social Rights

• 13. 6. The President of EAPN CR participated in Prague in the Platform for Social Housing

• 16. 6. The President of EAPN CR participated in Brussels in the European Commission's Consultation on the European Pillar of Social Rights

• 17. - 18. 6. The President of EAPN CR attended the EAPN Executive Committee meeting in Brussels

• 22. 6. Meeting of the Executive Committee of EAPN CR in Prague

• 7. - 9. 7. The President of EAPN CR participated in the opening of the Slovak EU Presidency and the conference of the EU Committee of Regions

• 11. 7. The President of EAPN CR participated in Prague a meeting of the Platform for Social Housing

• 18. 7. The President of EAPN CR negotiated with the secretary of the Committee on Social Policy of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Mr. Papoušek on the preparation of a conference on social housing

• 22. 7. The representative of EAPN CR participated in the presentation of the bill on social housing at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in Prague

• 10. 8. The President of EAPN CR held a meeting in Brno on the preparation of actions for the support of seniors

• 11. 8. Meeting of the Executive Committee of EAPN CR in Brno

• 15. 8. The President of EAPN CR participated in Prague a meeting of the Platform for Social Housing

• 22. 8. The President of EAPN CR participated in Prague a meeting of the Platform for Social Housing to prepare a conference in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

• 21. 9. The President of EAPN CR attended a meeting with the Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Jaroslav Zavadil, to prepare a conference on the Social Housing Act

• 27. 9. The Vice-President of the EAPN Czech Republic attended a conference on social housing organized by the NGO Association in the Czech Republic

• 30. 9. The President of EAPN CR participated in the European House in Prague in a presentation of the European Commission on the European Pillar of Social Rights

• 5. 10. EAPN CR co-organized in Prague in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic a conference on the Social Housing Act

• 5. 10. The President of EAPN Czech Republic took part in the award ceremony of "Crystal Stone" in Ostrava during the European Day of Handicap

• 6. 10. The President of the EAPN CR attended the international knowledge contest of children and young people with disabilities in European Day of Handicap in Ostrava

• 6. 10. The representatives of EAPN CR participated in Prague a meeting of the Platform for Social Housing

• 21. 10. EAPN CR organized in Prague a meeting of representatives of the most senior and pro- senior organizations with nationwide competence

• 27. - 28. 10. The President of the EAPN CR participated in Bruges the Conference of the Executive Committee of the EAPN

• 27. - 28. 10. Two members of the Executive Committee of EAPN CR participated in Bruges the Conference of the Working Group on Inclusive EU Strategies (Stanislav Mrózek) and the capacity-building workshop of the Pan-European network EAPN (Iva Kuchyňková)

• 29. 10. Three members of the Executive Committee of EAPN CR (Iva Kuchyňková, Stanislav Mrózek, Karel Schwarz) participated as delegates of EAPN CR in the Belgian town Bruges at the General Assembly Meeting of the Pan-European network EAPN

• 1. 11. The representatives of EAPN CR participated in the Conference Hall of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in Prague in the Conference of the Seniors' Council of the Czech Seniors

• 2. 11. EAPN CR released its new promotional puzzle

• 3. 11. EAPN CR, in cooperation with ProWel Association, organized a regional seminar on support for seniors in Liberec Region in Nový Bor

• 4. 11. The President of EAPN CR participated with the Chairman of the Platform for Social Housing a meeting with the Director of the Department of Finance of the Chapters of the State Budget Mrs. Marie Bílková on the Bill on Social Housing

• 8. 11. EAPN CR, in cooperation with the Charity of the Czech Republic and the Brno Diocesan Charity and with the support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, organized a National Meeting in Brno to support the active and autonomous life of seniors

• 14. 11. The President of EAPN CR participated in Prague a meeting of the Platform for Social Housing

• 23. 11. EAPN CR in cooperation with ProWel Association organized a regional seminar in Ostrava for the Moravian-Silesian Region on issues of support for seniors

• 24. 11 The 11th General Meeting of EAPN CR was held in Prague, which approved the new EAPN CR and elected two new members of the Executive Committee of EAPN CR: Lidmila Němcová, Delegate of the Christian and Labor Movement, Vice-President of the European Union Senior Citizens Association, and Martina Zikmundová, Director of the Czech Streetwork Association, z. s. Previously it is accepted the resignation of Katarína Klamková, Director of IQ Roma Service, z. s., and thanked her for many years of active work in the Executive Committee of EAPN CR

and in working groups of EAPN Europe. The General Meeting also elected a three-members Audit Committee (reviewers) composed of: Jan Vojvodík, Director of the Retirement Home in Ústí nad Orlicí, Hana Malinová, Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rozkoš bez rizika, and Iva Kuchyňková, Social Analyst of Charity CR.

• 8. 12. The President of EAPN CR participated as a delegate of the EAPN CR in Pardubice, member meetings of the Platform for Social Housing, whose founding member is also EAPN CR. The Members Meeting discussed and approved the Annual Report of the Platform, including the budget for the year 2016, changing its Statutes, and opting for a new Platform of Platforms of 9 members, among which Milena Černá, Vice-President of EAPN CR. It also elected a three- member Audit Committee, whose member was also elected Karel Schwarz, President of EAPN CR.

• 9. 12. The Platform for Social Housing organized a workshop on the Future of the Platform in Pardubice, which was attended by President of the EAPN CR.


IČ: 26669919 DIČ: CZ26669919



on January 1, 2016: on December 31, 2016:


CASHIERS 2 721,00 KČ 641,00 KČ

BANK ACCOUNT 134 813,20 KČ 17 560,16 KČ

RECEIVABLES TOTAL 32 806,40 KČ 37 259,90 KČ

TOTAL ASSETS 170 340,60 Kč 55 461,06 Kč

TOTAL LIABILITY 170 340,60 Kč 55 461,06 Kč

TOTAL COSTS 418 289,54 KČ



(PROFIT) 67 894,46 KČ 0,00 KČ

Basic data on the EAPN CR, z. s.:

Residence EAPN ČR: Senovážné náměstí 977/24, 110 00 Praha 1

Phone: +420774133504 (S. Brišová), +420777716632 (K. Schwarz) e-mail: [email protected]


Data box: h6jb2a7

IČO: 26669919

DIČ: CZ26669919

Bank account number: 90909022/5500 (by Raiffeisenbank Praha 2)

IBAN: CZ15 5500 0000 0000 9090 9022


EAPN ČR, z. s is an association registered under Act No. 89/2012 Coll., as amended, on January 1, 2014 in the Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section L, File 14886. At its establishment, it was registered as a civic association by Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic dated 21 July 2004 under No. VS / 1-1 / 57998/09-R pursuant to Act No. 83/1990 Coll.

Member Organizations of the EAPN ČR, z. s.:

Armáda spásy v České republice, z. s. Asociace občanských poraden (od 24. 11. 2016) Asociace TRIGON, o. p. s. Česká asociace streetwork, z. s. Člověk v tísni, o. p. s. Diakonie Českobratrské církve evangelické

Diakonie v České republice Domov důchodců Ústí nad Orlicí Hnutí Křesťan a práce, z. s. Charita Česká republika IQ Roma Servis, z. s. Plzeňská potravinová banka Rozkoš bez rizika, z. s. SKOK – Spolek oborové konference nestátních neziskových organizací působících v sociální a zdravotně sociální oblasti (do 24. 11. 2016) Slezská diakonie Výbor dobré vůle - Nadace Olgy Havlové Vzájemné soužití, o. p. s.

On 24 November 2015, the membership of the EAPN CR SKOK - Association of the Sectoral Conference of Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations in the Social and Health-Social Field, which came into liquidation, ended. On the same day, Association of Civic Counsellors was accepted as a member of the EAPN CR.

Members of the Executive Committee of EAPN ČR, z. s.:

PhDr. Karel Schwarz – President EAPN ČR

MUDr. Milena Černá – Vice-President EAPN ČR

Mgr. Katarína Klamková (resigned on November 24, 2016)

Mgr. Iva Kuchyňková

Mgr. Stanislav Mrózek

Doc. Ing. Lidmila Němcová, CSc. (from November 24, 2016)

Mgr. Olga Rosenbergerová

Mgr. Martina Zikmundová (from November 24, 2016)

Members of the Control commission (reviewers):

Mgr. Iva Kuchyňková

PhDr. Hana Malinová

Mgr. Bc. Jan Vojvodík

National Coordinator for the Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty:

Mgr. Stanislav Mrózek

Member of the Executive Committee of the EAPN aisbl:

PhDr. Karel Schwarz

Members and alternates of the EU Social Inclusion Strategy Working Group:


MUDr. Milena Černá (to August 11, 2016)

Mgr. Stanislav Mrózek (from August 11, 2016)


Mgr. Stanislav Mrózek (to August 11, 2016)

Mgr. Iva Kuchyňková (from August 11, 2016)

MUDr. Milena Černá (from August 11, 2016)

Head of the office of EAPN CR, z. s.:

Soňa Brišová

Issued by EAPN ČR, z. s. in 2017.

© EAPN ČR, z. s., 2017

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EAPN Estonia

Tegevusaruanne EAPN Eesti MTÜ 2016 tegevusaruanne reg. nr. 80304398

2010. aastal asutatud EAPN Eesti MTÜ on EAPN Euroopa ( European Anti Poverty Network) rahvusvahelise võrgustiku liikmesorganisatsioon, mille eesmärgiks on vaesuse ja sotsiaalse tõrjutuse vastu võitlemine Euroopas ning ühtse ja kõigile kodanikele väärikat elu võimaldava elustandardi saavutamiseks poliitikate kujundamine. Eesti võrgustiku liikmesorganisatsioonide esindajad kuuluvad EAPN EU juhtorganitesse ( büroo ning EXCO) ning poliitikakujundamise töögruppi (EUISG); töötavad EAPN Euroopa võrgustiku rakkerühmades, osalevad ümarlaudadel ning konverentsidel. Meie võrgustik kogub andmeid ning edastab informatsiooni haavatavate sihtgruppide toimetuleku ja abisaamise võimaluste kohta, tööturu meetmete ning vabaühenduste kaasamise kohta Euroopa Komisjonile ning liikmeskonda kuuluvatele Euroopa rahvusvahelistele organisatsioonidele. Andmete kogumisel teeme koostööd erinevate ministeeriumitega, Statistikaametiga, Tööturuametiga ning kümnete erinevate vabaühendustega. EAPN Eesti MTÜ monitoorib Eesti 2020, Euroopa Komisjoni Eestile antud riigipõhiste soovituste järgimist (CSR) ning rahvusliku tegevuskava (NRP). Nimetatud andmed kajastuvad Euroopa võrgustiku variraportites, mis koostatakse võrdlusena rahvuslikele reformikavadele ja Eesti Vabariigi Valitsuse tegevuskavale. Jälgime ning kujundame ühiseid seisukohti ka Euroopa 2020 strateegia eesmärkide ning Euroopa Komisjoni suuniste täitmise kohta. Võrgustiku liikmed osalevad poliitikate monitoorimise, kvaliteetse tööhõive, kommunikatsiooni ning struktuurfondidest rahastuse tagamise töögruppides, FEAD platformi, Investing in Children Allianssis ja migratsiooni töögrupi töös. 2016. aastal liitusime ka võrgustikke arendamise töögrupiga ning sotsiaalpoliitika töögrupiga. Kohtumistele Euroopas eelnevad võrgustiku liikmete ja Eesti vastavate töögruppide liikmete mahukas andmetekogumine, andmete analüüsimine ning meiepoolsete ettepanekute väljatöötamine. Kohtumistelt saadud teavet jagatakse võrgustiku liikmetele ja koostööpartneritele. Võrgustiku liikmed on Euroopa 2020 strateegiaga seotud, EAPN Euroopa poolt koostatud dokumente ja väljatöötatud seisukohti tutvustanud konverentsidel, seminaridel ja kohtumistel poliitikutele, õpetajatele, sotsiaal– ning noorsootöötajatele ja vabaühenduste esindajatele. Ingliskeelsed dokumendid ning poliitilised märgukirjad tõlgitakse eesti keelde.

EAPN Eesti võrgustik lätub organisatsiooni arendamises enesehindamise MASS protsessist (Membership Assessment and Support System).

Liikmesorganisatsioonid toetuvad enesehindamise protsessis neljale sambale: – EAPN mõju hindamine poliitikate kujundamises ja huvikaitse teostamises – vaesust ja tõrjutust kogevate inimeste osalemine võrgustiku töös – uute liikmete ning koostööpartnerite suurenemine, võrgustiku kasv ja areng – hea valitsemine ning tugev sisemine demokraatia

Olulisemad sündmused 2016 - EAPN Eesti Mtü mitme liikmesorganisatsiooni esindajad osalesid Heaolu arengukava 2016-2023 juhtkomitee töös. - Osalemine Statistikaameti seminaril „Lahkame Lõhet“ - Osalemine „Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe: - Towards Better Social Cohesion and Tolerance in Times of Austerity „ Solidar, 16.02.2016. Brussels – Soovituste koostamine Taani Presidentuurile laste vaesuse vähendamiseks koostöös Eurochildiga – Osalemine SM – s FEAD koosolekul 27.01.2015 – Koostöö alustamine Child in the City meeskonnaga

– - sisendi andmine European Commission’s consultation on the European Disability Strategy 2010- 2020. dokumenti – sisendi andmine LÕK täiendavasse aruandesse, esitlus 18.02.2016. – EPNÜL kohtumine Fahle majas, vestlusring „Puuetega naised ja vaesus“ – Artikkel „Õhtulehele“ vaesuse teemal. Teet Teder /

– Kaasava majanduskasvu teemalisele ümarlaud, 21. märts 2016 Brüssel

- From Practices with Potential to Good Practices on Women and Poverty. Non-monetary measures to tackle women’s poverty and social exclusion Consultation meeting Experience Exchange in the framework of EIGE’s work on good practices 10 — 11 March 2016 EIG E Gedimino 16, Vilnius – Lithuania - osales Piret Mandre

- EASPD Annual Conference 21-22 April 2016 Growing together: from grassroots initiatives to national strategies in early-childhood intervention - osalemine alkoholipiirangute kampaanias – The FEAD Platform Launch Conference 2. -3. June 2016 – Traditsiooniline Lihavõttejänku pidu 27.03.2016. Estonia Kontserdisaalis – osalemine uuringus Harjumaaa vabaühenduste jätkusuutliku rahastamise kohta – ENSA YOUTH AND CHILD WORKING GROUPS 15TH March 2016 Brussels Accelerate to Independence: 'After Care Guarantee' in Youth Care" - 14/03/2016 – Brussels

– artikkel MIHUSele


– Vaesuskogemusega inimeste kokkutulek ning koordinaatorite eelnevad kokkutulekud Brüsselis (Greete Veesalu)

– Arutelu “Vabakond ja EL toetused 2014-2020, 24. märts, EL maja – "Financing of Services of General Interest" The public hearing on 19 April 2016 – Osalemine töögrupis” Baromeeter ESF vahendite kasutamise hindamiseks osalisriikides” – Osalemine vabaühenduste juhtide arenguprogrammis. (Kärt Mere, Piet Boerefijn, Martin Medar) – Kolmas omastehoolduse foorum, Viljandi Sakala Keskus, 28.04.2016. Helle Lepik – Artikkel ajakiri Sotsiaaltöö erinumbrisse “Vaesuse leevendamine peaks olema prioriteetne tegevus”, Kärt Mere – CONFERENS “Innovation in care: better chances and opportunities for all citizens”ENSA GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2016, ELISAN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2016, YOUTH CARE PLATFORM MEETING Rotterdam, 27 & 28 June 2016 – FEAD kohtumine Brüsselis, 26.09.2016. – Euroopa sotsiaalõiguste sammas: milline on Eesti seisukoht? EL maja, 30.09.2016. – MTÜ Lastekaitse Liit aastakonverents "Kuidas elad, Eestimaa laps? Eile, täna, homme" – Inglipuu kampaania – Lugu vaesusest ja tõrjutusest, Ivar Tröner, Maaleht – BETTER SCIENCE INFRASTRUCTURE FOR EVIDENCE-BASED POLICIES ON INCLUSIVE GROWTH IN EUROPE FINAL CONFERENCE OF THE INGRID PROJECT Brussels, 17 January 2017

Uued liikmed: EAPN võrgustikuga liitus Heategevusfond Naeratuse Eest Sihtasutus, EAPN Eesti MTÜ uued väljakutsed: . 1. „Housing first!“ Eesti peaks ratifitseerima Parandatud ja täiendatud Euroopa sotsiaalharta artikli 31 ning tagama ka selle täitmise. Ka praktikas tuleb tagada taskukohase eluruumi üürimise võimalus igale perele ja üksikisikule, kes seda vajab ja oma käitumisega suudab täita mõistlikke elamu kodukorra nõudmisi. Perede pikaajaline viibimine varjupaikades sobivate üürikorterite puuduse tõttu, ei ole vastuvõetav.

2. Riik ja omavalitsused peavad tagama seadusega ette nähtud sotsiaalteenused, mis praegusel ajal kahjuks pole tagatud või mille kättesaadavus on takistatud kliendi jaoks muserdava ja ebamugava juhtumikorralduse või muu haldusmenetlusega seotud bürokraatia tõttu. Järelvalveorganid ei peaks mitte ootama vaidemenetlusi ja kohtulahendeid, vaid peaks kontrollima vajalike ressursside olemasolu ning piisavust ja kaasama sellesse ka sõltumatute huvikaitseorganisatsioonide esindajaid.

3. Eakatel on õigus ühiskonna abile ja ei ole õige veeretada seda kohutustust nende seadusjärgsetele ülalpidajatele nii suures ulatuses, kui see on Eestis praegu. Eesti peaks ratifitseerima Parandatud ja täiendatud Euroopa sotsiaalharta artikli 23 ning tagama ka selle täitmise.

4. Lähedase inimese hooldamise tõttu mittetöötavad inimesed peaksid saama riigilt ja omavalitsuselt väärikamat toetust. Lähedase inimese hooldamine ei tohiks tähendada perekonna vaesusesse langemist.

5. Toiduabi kõige haavatavamatele ühiskonna liikmetele tuleb tagada minimaalselt iganädalalaselt. Toit peab olema täisväärtuslik ja sisaldama ka värskeid köögivilju. Kasutuskõlbliku toidu raiskamine olukorras, kus kõik inimesed ei suuda enesele ja oma perele tagada täisväärtusliku toitumist, on taunitav. FEADi Eestile eraldatud maht, selle kasutamine ja mudel on ebaefektiivsed ning ei vasta vajadustele.

6. Eesti sotsiaal- ja maksupoliitika peaks soosima abiellumist. Asjaolu, et inimesed üha vähem soovivad anda abieluga kaasnevaid õiguslikke garantiisid oma elukaaslastele, on murettekitav ja suurendab vaesusesse sattumise riski.

7. Eesti peaks jätkama alkoholipoliitika karmistamist ning tagama alkoholismiravi ning ennetavate teenuste kättesaadavuse alkoholismi kujunemisjärgus ja esimeses staadiumis.

8. Hariduses peavad olema tagatud erivajadusega õpilastele vajalikud tugiteenused.

9. Asendushooldusel elavate ning eeskostel olevate laste ebavõrdse kohtlemise iseseisva elu alustamisel ja kõrghariduse omandamisel tuleb lõpetada.

Võrgustiku liikmesorganisatsioonid tegelavad aktiivselt teemadega: – võrdsete hariduslike võimaluste kättesaadavus tähtsus alates alusharidusest, kui oluline vaesusvastane meede – kodulähedaste avalike teenuste kättesaadavus ja taskukohasus – palgavaesus – erivajadustega noored ja nende võimalused noorsootöös osalemiseks

Jätkub koostöö Põhjamaade platformiga. Alates aastast 2011 kuulub EAPN Eesti ametlikult EAPN Põhjamaade töögruppi.

EAPN Eesti MTÜ juhatuses on 2 liiget. Iga liikmesorganisatsioon nimetab eestseisusesse oma esindaja. Võrgustikku kuulub 25 liikmesorganisatsiooni ja 4 koostööpartnerit.

Tallinn 5.07.2017.

Annual Report 2016

1. Development and Growth of the Network The most important resource of the Network are the member organisations. In the year 2016, the Network had a total of 42 members. Six new organisations joined the Network (Tapaturma- ja sairausinvalidien liitto ry, Eurooppanaiset ry, Kuka kuuntelee köyhää – verkosto, Suomen Caritas ry, Hope – Yhdessä ja Yhteisesti ry, Mielenterveysomaisten keskusliitto - FinFami). One network (Kuule köyhää-verkosto) resigned from membership. The Website of EAPN-FIN was updated regularly (www., and information work was also performed via the social media on Facebook and Twitter Seven articles by members of the Board and other Network representatives were published via the Blog. Information about the activities and events of the Network to its members was distributed via the newsletter and e-mail. In 2016, five editions of the newsletter were published. The newsletter can be ordered by anyone interested via our website. In this way, information can be obtained by both Network members, experts and interested citizens. End of 2016, the newsletter had about 230 subscribers, almost double as compared to 2015. The information brochure of the Network was renewed in autumn 2016. An information poster was produced during the educational workshop cruise of M/S SOSTE. International activities EAPN-Fin has a representative in the Exco and EU Inclusion Strategies -group of EAPN (EUISG), which both met three times in 2016. The representative of EUISG was also elected to the Steering group of EUISG, which plans and prepares the EUISG meetings. Essential task has been to disseminate about the situation of poverty and social exclusion in to EAPN. Within our possibilities, information was disseminated at national level about current anti-poverty and anti-exclusion activities of EAPN and the European Union. The European Anti-Poverty Network coordinated the Living Wage-campaign, which advocated the need for qualitative and permanent employment. The campaign was high lightened on the EAPN-Fin website, including a synopsis of the topic. In the years 2013 to 2014, EAPN had a project named EMIN, which promoted a minimum income high enough to cover basic needs. In 2016, EAPN applied for resources from the European Commission to enable the next phase of the project, EMNIN 2, for the years 2017 to 2018, with ETUC as the main cooperating partner. The aim is to advance the development of minimum income systems. EAPN-Fin committed to participation in the project if financing is granted. Representation in 2016 • EAPN Executive Committee: EAPN-Fin’s representative was Tiina Saarela. • EU Inclusion Strategies workgroup and its Steering group: representative was EAPN-Fin’s vice chairman Jiri Sironen.

• Poverty and Social Exclusion as Violation of Human Rights - Task force: representative was EAPN- Fin’s Board member Anja-Riitta Ketokoski.

• Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth -event on 21st March 2016 in Brussels: representative was secretary Anna Järvinen as part of the Finnish delegation.

• FEAD Network’s Launch Conference on 2nd and 3rd June 2016 in Brussels: representative was Board member Juha Keränen.

• Policy Conference on occasion of the EUISG and EXCO meetings in Brussels on 16th to 18th June 2016: representative was Chairman Tiina Saarela and Vice Chairman Jiri Sironen.

• EAPN General Meeting (Exco and EUISG) and Capacity Building training in Brygge from 27th to 29th October: representatives were Board Chairman Tiina Saarela, secretary Anna Järvinen and PeP-group coordinator Jouni Kylmälä.

• The annual, 15th meeting of People Experiencing Poverty was held on 15th to 16th November 2016 in Brussels. Finland was represented by a delegation of four persons, with Jouni Kylmälä acting as national coordinator. 2. Influencing National Governments for Better Policies: Advocacy, Lobbying and Policy- Making linked to European Level developments EU Steering Period and 2020-Strategy advocacy As part of the advocacy work towards the European Semester, we have enhanced the cooperation with the Semester Officer in Finland to the European Commission. At the Comission’s Representation in Finland, there was a discussion on 3rd March 2016 about Country Report, where we participated. On 25th April, the Comission’s Representation in Finland arranged a lunch meeting, where the deepening of EMU and it social dimension were discussed. EAPN-Fin was entrusted with the nomination of the participants to be invited, and was represented by Tiina Saarela, Jiri Sironen, Jaakko Kiilunen and Anna Järvinen.

The Commission held a discussion forum on 26th May in , with Commission Vice Chairman Dombrovskis and Finance Minister Stubb as speakers. Jiri Sironen participated in the event. At the discussion, Jiri asked about the current state of the commitment to reduce poverty. No clear answer was given. EAPN-Fin made its own national shadow Country-specific recommendations. In connection with the publication of the national recommendations of the Commission we made a position statement and background paper together with SOSTE. In total, we performed more advocacy work towards the European Semester process than in former years. The position statement was distributed widely: Ministers Rehula, Mäntylä and Lindström together with their assistants, the Anti-Poverty Group of Parliament, the representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Social and Health, the Members of the European Parliament, the members of the European Social Policy Network (ESPN), the members of the Social Protection Committee and Employment Committee, the Finnish Semester Officers. The European Pillar of Social Rights As member of the Finnish delegation, Network Secretary Anna Järvinen participated in the Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth organised by the European Commission, which discussed the Commissions initiative on the European Pillar of Social Rights. The topic was also present at a policy

seminar by EAPN in June, in which Chairman Tiina Saarela and Vice Chairman Jiri Sironen participated. EAPN-Fin participated in the European Commission’s seminar of European Pillar of Social Rights by contributing to the planning, nomination of participants to be invited, and by participation in the event itself on 19th September. Board member Yrjö Mattila and Vice Chairman Jiri Sironen were speakers at the event. Also, Board members Anja-Riitta Ketokoski and Secretary Anna Järvinen were present. Vice Chairman Jiri Sironen also participated in the discussion event of the Finnish members of ETSK on the Social Pillar on 30th September, where he also held a speech on behalf of SOSTE. EAPN-Fin answered to the internet questionnaire of the European Commission on Pillar of Social Rights at the end of the year. The answer was also published on our website and distributed widely to our stakeholders. EAPN-Fin also participated in the workshop arranged by a coalition of NGOs formulating Citizen- Based Society’s Recommendations towards the Finnish action programme for achieving the aims of the Agenda 2030: Objective 1 (no poverty) and 2 (no hunger). Work groups The basic work of the Network is performed by means of work groups. In 2016, active work groups were on Child Poverty, Health and Poverty, Social Policy and Expertise by Experience. The work groups met several times during the year. Child Poverty work group The work group surveys the poverty situation of families with children and of children themselves, and helps to provide synergy among those already working on the issue. The aim is to achieve a broad focus on child poverty in many activities. In 2016, the work group met four times. The group followed up and brought to the attention of government the consequences of budget cuts for families with children and for children themselves. The work group produced a postcard for attention of decision-makers in which measures to reduce child poverty are proposed. Health and Poverty work group The work group updated the Social Protection Check List, which can be found on our web page. The group completed a questionnaire on the fulfillment of § 11 of the Law on Social and Health Patient Fees. The law paragraph rules that social and health patient fees are to be reduced or not to be collected in case the fees endanger the basic livelihood of persons. The questionnaire wanted to find out how extensively §11 of the law is implemented. The results of the questionnaire were presented in advance on the training cruise of M/S Soste, and were published at the beginning of 2017. Social Policy work group The work group met three times in 2016. It followed the activities of the EUISG work group and performed advocacy work with regards to the European Semester. The work group began updating the Poverty-explainer, which was completed in the beginning of 2017. For updating the publication, Niko Eskelinen was employed. Expertise by Experience work group It was decided to add the activities of the jury of the ”Respectfully about Poverty” Journalism prize and the PeP group to the tasks of the work group. The jury of Journalism prize met three times and

chose the award recipients. The PeP group prepared the meeting in Brussels and assigned a delegation for the event. At the Poverty Group of Finnish Parliament, EAPN-Fin was represented by chairman Tiina Saarela. Network secretary Anna Järvinen performed as expert secretary representing SOSTE.

Events and seminars VVA ry has been responsible for coordinating the Homeless people’s night 17.10. citizens’ movement. As it did not have sufficient resources for advance information work on the topic, this was performed by EAPN-Fin in spring 2016. In cooperation with the Poverty Group of Finnish Parliament, the following seminars were organised in 2016: • How to sustain children over recession? 8.3. (about 50 participants) • The effects of spending cuts – how does subsistence allowance cope? 16.3. (about 40 participants) • Basic income trial in Finland: aims and possibilities 26.4. (about 50 participants) • Information discussion on over-indebtedness for members of parliament on 12.5. • The impact of gap employment markets towards employment promotion and reduction of poverty 19.10. (about 90 participants)

As part of the Baltic-Project coordinated by Latvia, seminars were arranged on Human dignity, basic need and building of a new life – NGOs and church in multicultural work 1.3. and 15.3. EAPN-Fin was requested to join the project at short notice, because the former Finnish partner involved had not been able to fulfil its obligations. Chairman Tiina Saarela also participated in the final seminar of the project in Riga. Together with SOSTE, a seminar was organised on Europe-day 9.5. on the topic Refugees and European poverty. Our problem or that of others? The event had about 50 participants. On the training cruise of M/S SOSTE on 5.10., a seminar was organised on the topic How does poverty appear in current Finland? The event had about 70 participants. EAPN-Fin also had a poster space, where info brochures of the Network and the Poverty-publication were distributed. 3. Participation of People Experiencing Poverty and Social Exclusion in Internal and External Workings of the National Network Proposal for a national meeting of people experiencing poverty EAPN-Fin’s aim is to strenghen the voice of people experiencing poverty and their participation in political decision-making. As part of this aim, EAPN-Fin has proposed to organise an annual meeting of people experiencing poverty. On the one-day event, the cabinet members would meet delegations from different parts of Finland of people experiencing poverty. The event would be linked to the annual event supported by the European Commission on meeting people experiencing poverty. Part of the Network’s board went to meet Minister Rehula on 12.1. and to discuss this proposal. The minister’s assistant was met already earlier in November 2016. Rehula expressed interest in the proposal but stated that currently, no funding is available for its implementation. Rehula wanted that EAPN-Fin meets also with Minister Mäntylä or at least her assistant. Rehula stated that he wants discussion and meetings to continue, but is not ready to commit to organising of the hearing activity.

Chairman Tiina Saarela and secretary Anna Järvinen met with the assistant of Minister Mäntylä, Niina Perälä, on 7.4. and discussed the proposal. Perälä was basically supportive to the idea and promised to discuss it with the Minister and later to come back on the issue. However, from side of the Ministry, no return on the issue was made.

Pep-group EAPN-Fin is responsible for appointing the Finnish delegation to the European Meeting for People Experiencing Poverty (PeP) in Brussels. In 2016, Jouni Kylmälä served as national coordinator. The National Coordinator gathers the delegation and is responsible for preparing the delegation for the meeting in Brussels. Jouni Kylmälä attended the meeting of coordinators in April.

The PeP meeting held in Brussels on 15th and 16th November 2016. From Finland, four representatives attended: Anna-Maija Tikkanen, Mikko Siltanen, Rauno Haapanen and Jouni Kylmälä. Half of the group had attended also the previous year’s meeting, and half were new members. The group met almost monthly, altogether 8 times in 2016. The topic of the meeting in Brussels was again the European Pillar of Social Rights. For the event, the Finnish delegation prepared its own proposal of a 6-hours working day: instead of increasing the labour force, it is necessary to increase demand. One way to achieve this is to share the work available. Sharing the work available by means of shortening the working hours has been experimented in Finland in connection with the recession of the nineteen-nineties. The result of the experiment were clear: productivity could be increased considerably by reducing working hours. Of the outcome of the trial period of the 1990s, employment councillor Pekka Peltola informed at the meeting, who earlier had been leading the employment ministry’s experiment. PeP-group member Rauno Haapanen attended the meeting of the delegations from Nordic countries in Copenhagen before the Brussels event. At the meeting, a joint advocacy paper for Brussels was prepared. Apart from preparing the Brussels event, the group reflected the increase of activities to other areas in Finland. Also, the group is ready to participate in preparing a possible national event of people having experienced poverty. In 2016, it was further promoted to increase the cooperation and information sharing between the coordinator and the Board by means of inviting the coordinator and other delegates to participate in the Board meetings. Board secretary Anna Järvinen participated in many meetings of the group. Respectfully about Poverty -journalism award EAPN joined the journalist award project of the Austrian EAPN in 2015. The project aims at developing an annual award for journalists who write respectfully about poverty and the life of

people experiencing poverty. The award winners are chosen by a jury comprising of people that have experienced poverty. The journalist award seeks to promote and make known those actors who perform quality journalism with regards to the poverty issue.

The opening meeting of the project was on 14th and 15th December 2015 in Vienna. Based on its outcomes, a project was started in Finland by organising a workshop on 24.5. for journalists, experts by experience and experts. The topic was: ‘How to write respectfully about poor people and poverty.’ From the results of the workshop and the experiences gained from Austria, the criteria for a Finnish journalistic award was adapted. At the event, also name proposals for the award were collected. The name chosen was ‘Respectfully about Poverty’ award. Board member Juha Keränen made a logo for the competition. Secretary Anna Järvinen participated in the meeting of the international project group on 1.-2.6. in Budapest and on 21. – 22.9. in Zagreb. At the Zagreb meeting, also one jury member from Finland participated. The jury met three times in Autumn 2016 and chose the award winners. The jury was led by Board member Matti Cantell and secretary Anna Järvinen. The award presentation was held on 29.11. About 20 persons were present at the event. The main recognition was granted to the radio discussion of the YLE Horizon program Does excess food maintain food queues? The program was produced by journalists Anna Patronen and Ville Talolla of the Church Information Center. Additionally, two merit recognitions were awarded for journalistic work: the first to journalists Anu Silfverberg and Reetta Nousiainen for their article ‘Free work available’ published in Long Play. The second was awarded to the ‘Kotiliesi’ magazine publication ‘With little money’, journalists Riitta Lehtimäki and Pauliina Susi. 4. Governance and Internal Democracy (including internal governance, respect of statutory requirements, management in the network and funding) The network’s assets are the members, their material and work input, and cooperation with people who have experienced poverty and exclusion. EAPN (Europe) supports the participation in the activities of the European network in form of travel and accommodation support. EAPN-Fin is not a registered organisation, nor has the network any fulltime employee. The home organisation of the Network is SOSTE Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health, which means that SOSTE supplies the network with the services of a part-time secretary and with financial administration and PR services. Anna Järvinen of SOSTE works as the Secretary of the Network. For the Journalistic Award, support was applied for from ’Kansan Sivistysrahasto’ at the end of 2016. In spring of 2017, we received a negative response to the application. From the EAPN grants application round, we received support for the PeP coordination, translation and for the update of the Poverty-explainer. EAPN-Fin has a Board elected by the General Meeting, which included in 2016 the Chairman, Vice Chairman and 12 Board members. The Board met 7 times in the reporting year. Board Members 2016 Tiina Saarela, Chairman, Center for Diaconia and Society Jiri Sironen, Vice Chairman, Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention Matti Cantell, Finnish Federation of Setlements Esa Iivonen, Mannerheim League for Child Welfare

Merja Karinen, Central Association of Mental Health Juha Keränen, National Organisation of the Unemployed Anja-Riitta Ketokoski, HYVA Anastasia Lapintie, Kriminaalihuollon tukisäätiö -Krits Tuula Luoma, Finnish Red Cross Yrjö Mattila, Finnish Society of Social Rights Tarja Pajunen, The Central Association of Finnish Pensioners (EKL) Anne Perälahti, SOSTE Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health Pirjo-Riitta Liimatainen, Finnish Association for Mental Health Sari Laaksonen, Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters

The General Meeting was held on 29.11.2016. At the General Meeting, statutory matters were discussed: the Annual Report of 2015, financial statement, activity plan and budget for 2017 and the election for Board members. From among the Board Members posts, about half are due for re-election annually. For all open posts, new candidates were proposed and elected, and the Board continues in 2017 in maximum size: Chairman, Vice Chairman and 12 Board Members.

EAPN France

EAPN France


Summary in English: EAPN France has tried to develop its activities around 3 topics: -EPSR (European Pillar of Social Rights): we produced an analysis in the framework of the internet consultation of the

European Commission, we met the French Representation at the European Commission in France to present it, we shared it with the French Economic and Social Affairs Council, and we circulated it in the French media (for instance we did an interview on the topic in the UNIOPSS magazine distributed to more of 25 000 social actors). -EMIN 2 project which has been led by URIOPSS Hauts de France (Northern France), especially by Jean- Pierre Bultez and Marine Lemoine. We had to find additional funds because the financial support of EAPN Europe was much too low. We got some positive reactions from the municipality of Lille to be confirmed. -the creation of a working group in the framework of EAPN France, “Access to affordable and sustainable food for all”. This group met twice, produced a position paper presented by EAPN France to the EUISG working group and took part at “Etats généraux de l’ alimentation” in France during the autumn 2017. This process is led by the French government.

EAPN Fyrom

EAPN Germany

EAPN Greece

EAPN Hungary

Hungarian Anti-Poverty Network

Annual Report Summary



The Hungarian Anti-Poverty Network (HAPN) is a network of civil organizations and individuals-- people experiencing poverty and their allies--as members working together for the eradication of poverty by the tools of advocacy, lobby and community organizing. HAPN was founded in April 2004 and joined EAPN just a few months later at the 2004 General Assembly.

We currently focus on three topics:

• dignified living/adequate guaranteed minimum income, • employment/anomalies of the workfare system, • sustainability/answers to energy poverty.

Our activities in 2016

I. Influencing National Governments for Better Policies: Advocacy, Lobbying and Policy-Making linked to European Level developments

About our advocacy and lobbying through our campaigns and policy work see the chapter titled “Participation of People Experiencing Poverty and Social Exclusion in Internal and External Workings of the National Network”.

• European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN)

HAPN is a member of EAPN, in which our country is represented both in the ExCo and in the EU ISG. We focused on the EU 2020 in the year 2016, during this year we also contacted the European Semester Officer of Hungary, who participated at our event within the PACT project organized together with EAPN Castilla y León.

II. Participation of People Experiencing Poverty and Social Exclusion in Internal and External Workings of the National Network

Participation is one of the main principle of the work at HAPN. Almost all of our activities provide various ways for people experiencing poverty and for their allies to engage with different issues within the three fields of our strategy (income poverty, energy poverty, workfare work and employability).

Activities related to insufficient income and our guaranteed minimum income campaign

• Action Week for the Dignified Living

In Oct 2017 we organized a series of events focusing on different aspects of income poverty. The events took place in Kecskemét (forum discussion about local issues related to poverty connected to a community cooking), Hajdúhadház (outreaching event of local activists connected to a community cooking as well), Mátraverebély (awareness raising flashmob by the active participation of the local people experiencing poverty) and Budapest. The event in the capital city was held at the 17th Oct which is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. We sent an open letter to the Ministry of Human Capacities together with the support of 7 other organizations. The letter drew the attention to the lack of guaranteed minimum income in Hungary and to the urgent need of it. The event also generated various press publications as well.

• Journalism Prize From Below

Coordinated by EAPN Austria, we joined the project called Journalism Price From Below, which aimed to award the work of those journalists who portrayed poverty and the struggles and efforts of people experiencing poverty without stereotypes. The jury was established by people experiencing poverty.

• International Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty (“PEP Meeting”)

As a tradition, our network was represented by a Hungarian delegation at the PEP Meeting. The members of the delegation were women who face various challenges (raising children with disabilities, combating discrimination and racism, being a single parent).

Activities related to the workfare work scheme and the mobilisation of its participants

• The current scheme of workfare work and its downsides

Via our community organizer colleague and our member organization called the Workfare Movement for the Future we highlighted on the anomalies of the workfare system. In 2016 besides the challenges of workfare workers with lower level of education, the community organizing process concentrated also on those people in the system of workfare, who had higher (sometimes even university) qualification.

Legal support

• Cases

Our organization gave legal support to people experiencing poverty in various issues from questions related to the workfare work, housing and social benefits.

Community organizing

• Field work in different parts of the country

Besides Budapest, we had community organizing activities in Mátraverebély, Nógrád county which is one of the most lagged behind areas of Hungary. The organizing process was run by our organizer colleague by the involvement of the local community.

• European Community Organizing Network (ECON)

As we use the method of community organizing, it was an obvious decision to be an active member of the European Community Organizing Network which has international membership.

• European Community Organising School (ECOS)

We participate in a project which aims to develop training materials for community organizers at beginner and advanced level.

III. Development and Growth of the Network (including growth and training and capacity building actions)

We keep our members active and engaged via various activities which concentrate on their skills and knowledge.

• Power in the Backpack

These events are roadshows at which we discuss questions related to the problems of the workfare system (since it is one of the main employing possibilities at smaller and rural settlements where there are only very few other job possibilities) and various issues connected to social benefits. We also create a place for the local people to talk through local social problems.

• Trainings

Our trainings are for free. In 2016 people experiencing poverty could choose from these trainings of HAPN: 1. community organizing in rural communities, 2. special challenges of women experiencing poverty, 3. ethnicity and social exclusion, 4. community leaders’ training, 5. fundraising.

• Local events and miniprojects

We encourage and based on our capacities financially support our members and partners to organize local advocacy events. In 2016 7 events were implemented in 4 locations tackling issues related to: income poverty, poverty in the LGBTQ community, poverty of parents raising children with disabilities, social exclusion of the youth including young Roma people.

In the framework of our miniproject call (which was open for our members) 3 projects were designed and implemented: 1. a forum theatre project for workfare workers, 2. a study tour for youth experiencing poverty from Olaszliszka, 3. a forum and training for foster parents.

Working for coalitions

• Together for relevant issues

We are members of the Community Organizing Coalition which aims to gather those organizations that use the methods of community organizing in order to support disadvantaged communities.

IV. Governance and Internal Democracy (including internal governance, respect of statutory requirements, management in the network and funding).

HAPN is run by the Hungarian Anti-Poverty Foundation (HAPF). HAPF is a public benefit organization, therefore it has to report to the national control authorities yearly via a public benefit report (in Hungarian “közhasznúsági jelentés”). HAPF has a Board of Trustees with 5 members and a Board of Supervisors with 3 members (the level of legal representation and financial control). The Board of Trustees meet at least 3 times a year. The operational level is run by the staff which has weekly staff meetings. In 2016 HAPN had 3 working groups by the involvement of experts and people experiencing poverty:

1. the Dignified Living Working Group, 2. the Sustainability Working Group and 3. the Employability Group.

Funding: in 2016 HAPN was funded by projects and grants, individual donations were not significant. Applications were written together by the staff and experts, volunteers. HAPF is entitled to get 1% of the VAT of individuals, but in 2016 the amount of donations were a small volume of support.


In 2016 seven colleagues worked at HAPN. Our visibility was provided via our website, Facebook page, newsletter, public events, e-mail and press about our work.

EAPN Iceland

EAPN Iceland – Annual report

18. APRÍL 2017- Sjálfbjargarhúsinu


Representitives from those member organisations/ institutions attended the meeting: Hjálparstarf kirkjunnar, Geðhjálp, Bót, Samhjálp, Félag einstæðra foreldra, Sjálfsbjörg, Kærleiksþjónusta kirkjunnar, Velferðarvakt Suðurnesja, Hjálpræðisherinn og Öryrkjabandalag Íslands.

Representatives from Hagsmunasamtökum heimilana did not have a representatives in the meeting.

All events and projects that were formally introduced in the reports of EAPN Iceland and PEP EAPN Iceland are listed together later in the report under the 4 pillars of EAPN Europe.

• Policy areas • Projects Campaigns & Alliances Network • Development & Capacity-Building • Network Development & Capacity-Building

1. Election of chair of the meeting and minutes takers

• Chair: Vilborg Oddsdóttir • Minutes: Magnea Sverrisdóttir • Approved with appreciation.

2. Annual report.

• The annual report of EAPN Iceland for 2016 was introduced. • Approved with appreciation.

3. Financial report from 2016

• EAPN Iceland financial report 2016 introduced. • A mistake did happen and the board did miss a deadline to apply for a governmental fund in the second part of the year. The board takes responsibility and insured the meeting that that will not happen again. • The financial report was accepted with appreciation.

4. Financial and project plan for 2017.

• Financial and project plan for 2017 introduced and approved with appreciation.

5. EAPN constitution

• The meeting did not receive any formal suggestion changes for the EAPN Iceland constitution. All members did receive offers to change the constitution in legal timeframe with Icelandic law.

6. Board

The board is full and nobody is term in the board is running out so the EAPN board will be the same for the year 2017 as in 2016. Opportunity was given to volunteer for the board on the meeting, nobody did so. EAPN Iceland board was approved with applause.

7. Election of two persons to prove the financial report for 2016.

They were elected by the meeting: Ragnheiður Sverrisdóttir and Þorbera Fjölnisdóttir with appreciation.

8. Decision a annual fee.

• The meeting approved unanimously 25.000.- kr. Annual fee for EAPN Iceland 2017. • The annual fee will know be sent out to members right before the annual meeting.

9. Other issues

• Discussion about home page. • It was discussed to make formal list of all EAPN Iceland events in 2017 formal and send to all members and have it visual on the homepage.

Events and projects that were formally introduced in the reports of EAPN Iceland and PEP EAPN Iceland listed as into the frame of 4 pi

Policy areas

• Des. Representatives from EAPN where called on a meeting with the human right board of the city of Reykjavik about poverty and media. Very good publicity in national media followed on the issue of poverty in Iceland.

• PEP representatives where invited 2 times formally to a board meeting of social affair in the City of Reykjavik.

• A representative from EAPN has a seat in social awareness committee founded by the government. • EAPN representative has a seat in a committee of legal changes in social sector founded by the government.

• Projects

• Nov. Two representatives from PEP had a lecture in the University in Akureyri about poverty.

• PEP representative is active in a grass root group that has it aim to support single mother living on social benefits.

• Translation of the EAPN brochures.

• Planning of a social outreach in the form of a open house two times a month in the area of Breiðholt. The project is in cooperation with the church and social affair department of Reykjavik. The project was launched in spring 2017 with 20 volunteers.

Campaigns & Alliances

• Jan. Breakfast meeting – Theme – Nothing without us -about us. Good meeting and very well attended by the local and national politician’s. Good discussions about the importance of having cooperation with people experiencing poverty in issues concerning official law concerning this group of people.

• Sept. PEP media group. Meeting of the people. Issue poverty angle of the media on issues concerning poverty. The meeting was well attended. It was highlighted that tendency of the media of skipping talking about the strength of people when they rise from poverty – put they want to have the focus on negative and „media friendly issues there is no way about of poverty“

• Nov. Annual day of poverty. A big breakfast meeting about food donations hosted by the ministry. Full house a very good official and NGO that have work in this field. A very good discussions and obviously a need for a venue for the needed discussion about this needed topic.

• Nov 17th – A formal visit of EAPN board the the residence of the president of Iceland. The president was given the winning picture of a competition that was made in some schools in Reykjavik with the topic – How does poverty in Iceland look like. The president accepted our gift and showed interest in EAPN and its work.

Network Development & Capacity-Building

• Open informal gatherings by PEP in Reykjavik. • 2 barbeque family events – outside Reykjavik – very well attended • Nov. EAPN board member went with 3 PEP people to a meeting in Brussels • Representative went to a European meeting about food donation. • EAPN Iceland have active representation in EAPN Europe EXCO committee and EU Inclusion Strategies Group in EAPN Europe.


• Strengthen EAPN PEP work outside Reykjavik the focus will be on Akureyri and Keflavik. • Get EAPN involved with SGD discussion on poverty on local and governmental level. EAPN Iceland wants to prepare a vision that could assist the authorities to develop a sustainable goals in the eliminate poverty in Iceland. • Work toward sustainable financial foundation of EAPN Iceland.

Vision for 2017

• It would be a great benefit for EAPN Iceland to have a permanent office and a part time employee that could be the central point of EAPN work and projects og EAPN. • Make a PEP youth group. • To participate in EMIN project in EAPN Europe • Make a better homepage. A PEP member has been supported on a web course. • National day of poverty • Work a project on women and poverty and perhaps seek information from the other Nordic countries. • Raise awareness on the issue on dental health of people living in poverty in Iceland. • Make special working groups within the PEP about o Action group o Social media group o Web group. o Data base group – main goal to gather statistics about poverty in Iceland.

Magnea Sverrisdóttir 30. 4 4017

EAPN Ireland

Cilap eapn italia

Report of activities – 2016


It is hard to divide CILAP’s work in 4 straightforward pillars since, as for any organization, working for influencing the national and local policies is at the core of all of our activities: newsletter, press releases, articles, TV and radio interviews, seminars, training, participation to conferences, actions with/for people experiencing poverty are all aimed at influencing governments at any level.

Below a short description, as much as possible divided into the 4 pillars.

Influencing National Governments for Better Policies: Advocacy, Lobbying and Policy-Making linked to European Level developments

Since year 2014 the CILAP participle to the Monitoring Committee of Inclusion Operational Program for the 2014-2020.

CILAP have participated and sent his contributions:

- to the meetings, held in 2016, organized by the Managing Authority at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy;

- to the Annual Report 2016 of Inclusion National Operational Plan

- to evaluation plan of Inclusion National Operational Plan.

Since 2016 CILAP is also part of the delegation to the European network Fead (Fead Network) and has attended, as a European network section, to the Supervisory Committee, joint to central authorities (ministries and the European Commission) unions, regions, local authorities, organizations involved in the collection and distribution of food (partner organizations).

On 29/01/2016 the CILAP attended active to the first presentation event of Fead Program, organized by the Supervisory Committee.

CILAP from then attended to all meetings of the National Security Committee and to the Italian delegation of Fead Network.

The CILAP proposed to The Managing Authority, become a promoter, of the constitution of the Italian network for food distribution.

In the month of January 2016 CILAP attended hearing in the Senate finalized to the proposals relate to a law to fighting poverty, which are recently approved (July 2017).


From 2015 CILAP has a communication plan that is implemented from a newsletter published every four months and self-financed.

Only in 2016, the newsletter is supported, through the KBF, from a contribution that has allowed us to set the graphics and pay the journalist in charge of its preparation.

Written contributions are sent by Cilap members and by industry experts voluntarily. On the site CILAP ( ) are published newsletters already issued. Continues the pubblication of posts on the pages facebook of "CILAP" and "EMIN Italian network".

Participation of People Experiencing Poverty and Social Exclusion in Internal and External Workings of the National Network

In 2016, the working group on “poverty and participation” has organized:

The September 30, 2016 in Florence was held the preparatory meeting entitled "Invisible poverty”.

On this occasion is a page Facebook f (PEP Italy - Working Group Participation of People Experiencing Poverty) was opened. Within this page are photos of the event.

Development and Growth of the Network (including growth and training and capacity building actions)

Again, it is difficult to divide squarely our work, so we may repeat ourselves here.

CILAP has gained greater visibility as a result of the Communication Plan and newsletters that have strengthened the static or site work ( ) and the three fb pages (Italian link the fight against poverty - Italian Network for the minimum income - pep Italy) where the posts are inserted more as information on activities rather than places of discussion.

This visibility at national level has been reinforced by the interview released March 17, 2015 from the President to the RAI Italian Television, interview with Vatican Radio during the month of September 2015; interview with Radio 24 program The Other Europe; Interview with Nicoletta Teodosi led by Federico Taddia see link: (

For more growth we launched a campaign of adhesions (see banner attachments), but that is not proving particularly successful. Marketing action would be needed, but lack of economic resources does not allow you to invest unless voluntarily.

Moreover, following the European and national policies to combat poverty, of which there is greater awareness in Italy (2020, Financial Programming 2014-2020, the participation of many more organizations in the Monitoring Committees, the national enforcement plan to poverty) raised placards across several organizations that had not, until now, advocacy, but most support.

Institutional visibility for many organizations has thus increased, and poverty is more common in media coverage than in previous years.

CILAP continues its pressure action face to the national institutions, while to local and regional efforts in favor of a stronger fight against poverty is delegated to the associations, belonging to CILAP, that work directly on the ground.

We have worked on building and reinforcing our partnerships and networks, a very difficult task nowadays when most big / medium sized networks are undergoing a very serious crisis due to the lack of funds and the lack of a "volunteer" way of working. At the end of 2016, the situation was such:

- Continue the partnership with the main national organizations That Are engaged against poverty but has not Been A simple one, historically. This is due to a strong political and operational difference between these organizations and CILAP. Over the years, CILAP has always remained independent and has always refused to become one of the many civil society organizations working as a liaison between organized civil society and the Trade Unions, the political parties and the Catholic Church.

- We were able to Establish a very good partnership with CIPSI and, today, we Regularly write on Their magazine, Solidarity Intenazionale and work together in many issues of a political nature.

- Our engagement with the campaign "Banning Poverty" continued

All of our seminars and conferences are part of our training, capacity building and growth of our network. Over the once mentioned we would like to add:

- Volunteer Festival (Verona 24-26 September).

- Days of Social Cohesion (Social cohesion Days, Reggio Emilia), organized by the University of Milan

- Seminar "Contamination" held on September 2 at Argliano (LU) organized by the National Center for Volunteering

- Meeting organizing committee "Change course to Europe" held on 25 October in Rome,

Governance and Internal Democracy (including internal governance, respect of statutory requirements, management in the network and funding).

The governance and internal democracy was respected at all moments. We had the number of meetings our Statutes and Standing Orders call for.

The CILAP holds a annual assembly and regular meetings of the Executive Committee attended also by delegates of the Exco and Euisg). Each member of the Executive Committee (3 women and 2 men) has a specific task:

- President and Vice-President, representative role to the national institutions and national networks; - a Councilor is referent for communication; - a Councilor is referent for Pep - a Councilor is referent for project design.

Being CILAP an organization that bases its activities primarily on volunteering, the aforementioned assignments are totally free.

CILAP in recent years has set up a secretariat which plays unstructured tasks on time that is paid in the case of funding.

The press officer who follows newsletters and press releases receives a regularly taxed remuneration.

The webmaster of CILAP site is also voluntary.

EAPN Latvia

LATVIA Association „EAPN-Latvia"


Influencing National Governments for Better Policies: Advocacy, Lobbying and Policy-Making Linked to European Level Developments

1) Cooperation with government authorities and municipalities in Latvia: In 2016 EAPN-Latvia continued to cooperate with the Ministry of Welfare of Latvia (the Association had its representatives at the Committee of Social Inclusion Policy Coordination, Committee of Gender Equality, and the Operational Programme of FEAD), with the Ministry of Interior of Latvia, with the Riga City Council. Since 2015 EAPN-Latvia has been a member of the Cooperation Memorandum of Latvian NGOs and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia,

2) Measures taken to implement EU policies in Latvia:

On 8th June in Riga the representatives of the member organizations of EAPN-Latvia participated in the conference "Cooperation of Government and nongovernmental organizations — a necessity or an extra?", which was organized by a council comprising of cooperating members of Latvian nongovernmental organizations and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia.

On 10th June in Riga the representatives of the member organizations of EAPN-Latvia and partners participated in the forum "10 years since the parliament declaration regarding civil society development and cooperation with nongovernmental organizations in Latvia", organized by Latvian Parliament (Saeima) and nongovernmental organizations.

On 27th August in Riga EAPN-Latvia in collaboration with Women's Rights Institute, IWO — International Women's Organization, Latvian Red Cross, Large Family Center "Family Support" and Social support society "Success" participated in NGO presentation, which took place in Vérmanes garden as part of the project "Information Centre for Immigrants" led by Shelter "Safe House".

On 9th September in Riga EAPN-Latvia Representatives Laila Balga (the Board member) and Norberts Snarskis (PINS) took part in NGO Dialogue platform meeting, which was held as part of the project "Information Centre for Immigrants" organized by Shelter "Safe House".

On 19th September in Riga EAPN-Latvia experts Laila Balga (the Board member), Norberts Snarskis (PINS), Aivars Lasmanis (Health Institute), Jänis Felsbergs (LPF) and Bruno Barons (RASA) participated in the discussion "The pillar of European social rights: debates with Latvian organized civil society", the initiative of The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

On 10th November EAPN-Latvia submitted to EAPN and EAPN-Spain information about the current situation in Latvia, as well as the proposals on European Social Fund's use of funds to eliminate poverty.

On 24-25th November in Riga took place an international conference "Strengthening the social protection in the Baltic states — the perspective of Diaconia", organized by EAPN (Europe) partner organization Eurodiaconia (represented in Latvia by Ramona Petrika) and Diaconia in Latvia. It was attended by Laila Balga (the Board member), Norberts Snarskis (PINS), and Juris Dzelme (AIKNC), Vija Ahunzjanova (Large Family Center "Family Support", Valija Eize (Latvian Future Institute) and others.

On 7th December in Riga Laila Balga participated in the Latvian Parliament European Affairs' Commission meeting, whose topic was "Latvian national position in European Union employment, social policy, health and consumers' rights' protection Council of Ministers".

3) Participation in monitoring the use of the funding of the European Union:

Since 2014 Laila Balga has been working as a member of the Monitoring Committee of the Planning period 2014-2020 of the European Structural and Investment Funds and the Cohesion Fund, the Subcommittee of Employment, Workforce Mobility and Social Inclusion.

4) Advocacy and lobbying:

1) On 24th and 25 th February in Brussels, Belgium, the EAPN-Latvia representative Norberts Snarskis participated in European Commission Economics and Finance General Directorate meeting about the new European Strategies and operating framework. On 25 th February Norberts Snarskis discussed with the Vice president of European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis' office specialists about the EAPN-Latvia requirements included in 12.11.2015 Resolution.

On 8th March in Riga took place the EAPN-Latvia organized discussions "Conversation with women about women in Europe in the era of change: law protection, a place in society, personal freedom". During those discussions participants from 16 nongovernmental organizations and municipalities approved of and submitted a resolution to Latvian and European institutions.

On 11th April EAPN-Latvia in cooperation with „Civic Alliance - Latvia" and Latvian Green Movement sent an application "For direct and instant support of Latvian civil society, implementing a partnership between the State and society in the framework of structural funds" to the Prime Minister of Latvia.

On 1 st May in Riga the member organizations of EAPN-Latvia participated in the campaign - people's meeting "For worthy work, health and education in Latvia" by Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia.

On 15th June the member organization of EAPN-Latvia — "Women's Rights Institute" submitted proposals to The Ministry of Welfare on securing equal opportunities and rights for men and women — the 2016-2020 Project.

On 15 th August EAPN-Latvia experts Laila Balga (the Board member), Juris Dzelme (AIKNC), Leons Meieckis (Victory Foundation) and Mära Antenßke (IWO) submitted proposals to the Latvian Association of Social Entrepreneurship regarding the development of the Social Entrepreneurship Law.

On 17th September in Riga EAPN-Latvia representatives took part in Latvian seniors' meeting organized by Latvian Pensioners' Federation.

On 21 st September EAPN-Latvia made proposals for the pillar of European Social rights, those were submitted to The European Economic and Social Committee, Latvian Parliament Social and Work relations committee, State Chancellery and to the Ministry of Welfare.

On 2"d November Laila Balga took part in the meeting organized by the nongovernmental organizations and Latvian Ministry of Finance, the topic of which was legislation regarding nongovernmental organizations' economic activity.

On 22nd November EAPN-Latvia submitted proposals to the Ministry of Finance about the unlawful decisions made by State Revenue Service regarding the nongovernmental organizations' economic activity.

Participation in the People Experiencing Poverty and Social Exclusion programme as part of the Internal and External Workings of EAPN-Latvia

On 20d March Gundega Berge was confirmed as a national coordinator of EAPN Pep programme in year 2016.

On 7th-8th April in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, EAPN-Latvia representative Gundega Berge and expert Aivars Lasmanis participated in Pep (People experiencing Poverty) national coordinators' meeting.

From 1 5t May different activities are taking place in Latvia within the framework of the EAPN Pep programme "Increasing opportunities by participating" on the topic of "Healthy People - Wealthy People". Those events are run by EAPN-Latvia in cooperation with the Health Institute. During the

period from 1 st June to 20 th August in the regions of Latvia was conducted a survey of people who have experienced poverty and of specialists, and the compilation of its results.

On 220d-23 'd August in Jékabpils district Märtioa Foundation psychological rehabilitation center "Düjas" was held a discussion on public health issues, in which participated 20 representatives from EAPN-Latvia, Health Institute, Märtioa Foundation, Latvian Pensioners' Federation, Large Family Center "Family Support", Latvian Association of Large Families, Jékabpils Association of Pensioners "Bonding", Jékabpils branches of Daugavas Vanagi, Dialogs Plus, Jékabpils NGO Resource Center, Holista, Dobele association of people with disabilities, as well as Daugavpils and Bauska district residents. The discussion was led and participants' proposals were summarized by Health Institute specialists Krista Krümioa and Zane Reinfelde.

On 23 'd August within the framework of the Pep programme the composition of the EAPN-Latvia delegation was approved for the discussion with policy makers in LR Saeima Social and Labour Affairs Committee and in Public Health Subcommittee. Delegation includes Elina Älere-Fogele from the Network Board, Krista Krümioa, Zane Reinfelde and Rolands Kalnir:ß from the Health Institute, Agita Pleiko from Jékabpils NGO Resource Center, Imants Kei" from Latvian Association of Large Families, Vija Ahunzjanova from Large Family Center "Family Support", Ligita Upite from Salas district association "Holista", Jänis Stjadja from Dobele association of people with disabilities and an unemployed person Aleksejs Buhtojarovs from Daugavpils.

On November EAPN-Latvia Chairperson of the Board Laila Balga spoke at the meeting of LR Saeima Social and Labour Affairs Committee regarding the application by the Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia Juris Jansons about poverty issue in Latvia.

On 3'd November The Board of EAPN-Latvia authorized the President of the Latvian Traders Association Henriks DanuséviEs to fulfill the duties of Pep national coordinator at the EAPN Pep conference in Brussels on 14th - 16th November 2016. On 3'd November the board of EAPN-Latvia made changes in the composition of the delegation for Pep 15th European Conference "Empowerment through Participation" which took place on 14th -15 th November in Brussels, Belgium. The conference was to be attended by national coordinator Henriks Danuséviés, member of the Board of Dobele association of people with disabilities Jänis Stjadja, Jékabpils NGO Resource Center PR specialist Aleksandrs Kalnir$ and Latvian Association of Large Families Chairman of the Board Imants Keßs.

On 4th November in Riga took place the meeting of people who have experienced poverty and specialists. The purpose of this meeting was to prepare for the discussion in the committees of LR Saeima. The meeting was attended by Pep national coordinator Gundega Lasmane, Imants Keßs, Vija Ahunzjanova and Jänis Stjadja.

On 8th' November representatives of EAPN-Latvia Gundega Lasmane, Aivars Lasmanis, Imants Kei" and Jänis Stjadja represented Pep interests in LR Saeima Social and Labour Affairs Committee, headed by Deputy Aija Baréa.

During EAPN Pep 15th European Conference "Empowerment through participation" which took place on 14th -15th November 2016 in Brussels, Belgium, Latvia was represented by Henriks Danuséviés (EAPN-Latvia national coordinator), Imants Keßs (Latvian Association Of Large Families), Jänis Stjadja (Dobele association of people with disabilities) and Aleksandrs Kalnir:ß (Jékabpils NGO Resource Center). The EAPN-Latvia delegation met with Guna Zake-Balta — the office specialist of Roberts Zile (Member of the European Parliament).

Development and Growth of the Network

EAPN-Latvia was founded on November 2013 by seven founding member organizations. At the end of 2016 EAPN-Latvia had 36 member organizations and two associated member organizations. EAPN- Latvia operates throughout the terriory of Latvia and has over 50 partners abroad. Since June 2014 EAPN-Latvia is a full-fledged member organization of the EAPN (Europe). Since September 2014 EAPN-Latvia has the status of a public benefit organization.

In 2016 the working group of 19 experts of EAPN-Latvia worked at the committees Of the Parliament Of Latvia (Saeima), at the working groups of the ministries of Latvia and Riga City Council.

1) Activities:

On 4th March in Riga EAPN-Latvia authorized representative Mära Anteni*e (IWO) and Baiba Giptere (ALPA) took part in the interregional NGO centres' exchange of experience conference which was organized by Riga City Council IKSD Project and society integration department and took place in NGO building.

From 29th April to 1 st May in Jékabpils region centre "Düjas" took place the women's camp "Today is my favorite day" which was organized by EAPN-Latvia member organization "Märtioa Foundation" (whose chairperson of the Board is Elita Keßa).

From 11 th to 17th July in Jékabpils region centre "Düjas" took place the summer camp for youth "Nature is our home and our challenge" organized by "Märtioa Foundation".

On 13 th August in Riga the member organizations of EAPN-Latvia: "Women's Rights Institute", Latvian Operetta fund, Active Seniors' Alliances in Riga, Large Family Center "Family Support", and Latvian Association of Large Families took part in Latvian Civic alliance's organized Bazaar of associations and foundations.

On 15 th August in Riga EAPN-Latvia chairperson of the Board Laila Balga participated in Collaboration platform's members' meeting in order to promote new ways of collaboration between nongovernmental organizations in Latvia.

On 17th August in Riga EAPN-Latvia expert Juris Dzelme (AIKNC) took part in Collaboration platform's organized discussion "Ways to involve youth to work in nongovernmental organizations (NGO)"

From 1 st July to 30 th August took place the EAPN-Latvia member organization's (Large Family Center "Family Support") organized charity campaign "School bag".

On 30th and 319' August in Ziemupe was held a seminar "About attraction of funding and preparation of the financial attraction plan" for Latvian National Library specialists. This seminar was held in The Liepaja Blind Society (whose chairperson of the Board is Märis Ceirulis) Social rehabilitation and inquiry centre "Soul Refreshment Garden". It was run by experts Laila Balga (EAPN-Latvia) and Inete lelite (Latvian Women's NGO network).

On 12th September in Riga EAPN-Latvia representative Agnese Trofimova (Latvian Red Cross) participated in Collaboration platform's organized discussion "Intangible cultural heritage — a national value and a spiritual wealth. The role and possibilities of minorities' organizations in the heritage preservation".

On 14 th September in Riga EAPN-Latvia representative Juris Dzelme (AIKNC) took part in Riga NGO building seminar "NGOs and the media - how to find common language".

On 25th August and 20th September in Riga, in LR Saeima (Latvian Parliament) EAPN-Latvia representative Juris Dzelme (AIKNC) took part in the meeting of Latvian Social Entrepreneurship Working Group.

On 13 th October in Riga in the Eastern executive directorate took place the first Latgale suburb NGO forum "Platforma 2016" in which EAPN-Latvia was represented by Baiba Giptere (ALPA).

On 3rd November in Riga Laila Balga and Jänis Stjadja took part in Latvian Social Entrepreneurship association's seminar about the requirements for starting up NGO and social entrepreneurship.

On 30th November in Riga took place the Riga Citizens' Forum "Riga resounds with people speaking, thinking, acting!" , which was attended by the heads of EAPN-Latvia member organizations: Laila Balga (the Board member), Baiba Giptere (ALPA), Terézija Mackare (RASA), Aivars Lasmanis (Health Institute) and others.

On 11 th December in Riga Norberts Snarskis (PINS) attended an international forum "From Social Project to Sustainable Social Enterprise", organized by the Social entrepreneurship accelerator NEW DOOR.

2) International experience:

On 4th and 5th March in Brussels the EAPN-Latvia representative Norberts Snarskis attended EUISG meeting.

On 11 th and 12 th March in Brussels EAPN-Latvia chairperson of the Board Laila Balga took part in EXCO meeting.

On 21 9' March in Brussels Måra Anteni%e represented EAPN-Latvia in "Annual Convention on Inclusive Growth".

On 2 no and 3'd June in Brussels EAPN-Latvia representative Elina Älere-Fogele took part in FEAD Network conference "The FEAD Network: Sharing Knowledge, Finding Synergies to Break the Vicious Circle of Poverty and Deprivation".

On 16th June in Brussels EAPN-Latvia representatives Laila Balga and Norberts Snarskis participated in EAPN conference "From the Delors White Paper (1993) to the EU Pillar of Social Rights (2016), what future for the fight against poverty in Europe".

On 17 th and 18th June in Brussels EAPN-Latvia representatives Laila Balga and Norberts Snarskis participated in EXCO and EUISG meetings.

In time period from 27th to 29th October in Bruges, Belgium, EAPN-Latvia experts Laila Balga (EXCO), Norberts Snarskis (EUISG) and Viktorija Lesnikova (Capacity Building) took part in EAPN (Europe) meetings and in the General Assembly.

3) Projects:

I From 5th November 2014 to 30th April 2016 EAPN-Latvia continued collaboration with Women's Rights Institute (STI) in Northern Council of Ministers' co-financed project "Support for Civil Society and Equality in Baltic". This project was conducted in partnership with Russian (Kaliningrad area), Estonian, Lithuanian, Polish, Norwegian, Finnish and Swedish partners. On 13-16th April in Riga EAPN- Latvia and Women's Rights Institute organized an international conference and an exhibition Of cottage industry works which attracted more than 120 participants. As a result of this project, proposals were made for Northern Council of Ministers about the strengthening of NGO activities in Baltic Sea Region.

Il From 27th June 2016 to 26th June 2017 EAPN-Latvia implements European Social Fund's (ESF) project "Subsidized workplaces for the unemployed" which involves the unemployed people of target groups into an active employment event "An event for certain groups of people", organized by State Employment Agency — 2 unemployed people older than 55 were employed this way.

4) Resources:

On 18th July EAPN-Latvia set up an office and rented a meeting room in Riga centre, in Free Trade Union Confederation building, which has the modern technical equipment and Internet.

On 15 th December in Balvi (Latgale region) was opened EAPN-Latvia Project manager's Consulting centre in which within the framework of the State Employment Agency's co-financed project Zigrida Priedeslaipa has been employed.

On 28 th December in the Business Register of Latvia was registered the foundation "Fonds LAIKaMETS" (Foundation "Reflexion") whose activities are focused on the realisation Of support programs for NGOs, implementing the goal set in EAPN-Latvia statutes for elimination of poverty and social exclusion in Latvia.

In year 2016 in Riga operated the EAPN-Latvia Strategic Planning working group in which were represented more than 15 member organizations, 5 sessions took place — conducted by Laila Balga and Norberts Snarskis.

In year 2016 EAPN-Latvia website was properly maintained, as well as social networks Facebook and Twitter were used for sharing information.

In year 2016 monthly newsletters (12) were prepared and spread in non-governmental sector.

In year 2016 in the EAPN-Latvia database are found more than 30 foreign partner organizations.

In year 2016 in the EAPN-Latvia was operating within Latvian Child Welfare Network (with Member of the Board Elina Älere-Fogele being an authorized representative).

In year 2016 the EAPN-Latvia was working in Latvian Social Entrepreneurship association. It was represented by the chairperson of the Board Laila Balga.

EAPN-Latvia income in 2016 - EUR 14 724,00. The balance on January 1, 2017 - El-JR 476,00. 5) Impediments to the activities:

In Latvia there is almost no availability of international funds for financing social NGO projects; Latvian NGO fund's moderate financing is having too many projects competing for it; there are too many restricting requirements and strong lobby for State Employment Agency's, certain governmental institutions', corporations' and municipalities' purchases and co-financing of projects, which doesn't encourage the sustainable development of social NGOs.

EAPN-Latvia lacks the capacity to compete with other countries' NGOs: the volunteer work, too few prepared project applications, too few qualified NGO experts, the lack of specialists with foreign language skills, not enough capacity in international networking, lack of lobbying to create a partnership (with co-financing opportunities) with governmental and municipality institutions to prepare international projects of a bigger scale.

A topical issue is the problem of migration, which in the recent years has been successfully handled in plenty of other European countries. In Latvia this problem eliminates the possibilities of EAPN- Latvia to get involved in the international projects.

The way international funds and governmental institutions see Latvian Non-governmental sector and the planning of a financial availability (including NGO social programs), is short-sighted, it prevents from sustainability, which also eliminates the possibilities of development for EAPN-Latvia.

In year 2016 funding wasn't granted to Il projects prepared by EAPN-Latvia. In year 2016 five projects by foreign organizations in partnership with EAPN-Latvia were not approved.

In year 2016 there was a lack of employees to organize the attraction of donations. Organization relied on volunteer work only (3 members of the Board, an accountant and 19 volunteers in the Strategic group). The website of an Organization was maintained by two volunteers and the monthly informational circular articles were prepared by another volunteer.

Too few sponsors (Riga City Council IKSD NGO Building and El-J Building — free of charge rooms, State Chancellery, Latvian Ministry of Welfare, Ministry Of Finance, Latvian Civic alliance, European Movement in Latvia and Riga NGO Building (informative support).

A limited number of news items from EAPN-Latvia were disseminated via the press, TV and radio, which are usually paid services.

Governance and Internal Democracy

Since October 2016 EAPN-Latvia (the general meeting) has been governed by a board of three members (volunteers): Laila Balga, Elina ÄIere-Fogele and Lelde Cälite.

The general meeting of NN members takes place once a year in March; once in three years in October, the general meeting votes for the Board, Chairperson of the Board, and Auditor of the NN. Chairperson of the Board submits the annual report to the State Revenue Service of Latvia each March.

The audit is managed by auditor Dzintra tilde (a volunteer). The association's finances is managed by accountant Inguna Lapsina (a volunteer), EAPN-Latvia website is administered by Maris Kalejs (a volunteer).

In 2016, according to the decisions made by EAPN general meeting and the Board, the following staff worked at EAPN (Europe) structures and events: a representative to EXCO Laila Balga; a representative to EUISG Norberts Snarskis; MASS trainer Viktorija Lesnikova; Pep national coordinators Gundega Lasmane and Henriks a representative in Annual Convention on

Inclusive Growth Mära Anteni%e, and a representative in FEAD Network conference Elina mere- Fogele.

Report drawn up in Riga, Latvia, on 24 July 2017

Laila Balga, Chairperson of the Board

EAPN Lithuania

EAPN Luxembourg

Rapport annuel 2016 EAPN Luxembourg

L’année 2016 a été une année marquée par des nouveautés et du renforcement. Au cours de l’année la question « Comment vivre ensemble avec les migrants au Luxembourg » a été évoquée. Dans ce cadre, nous avons organisé la REPIS (Rencontre participative pour l’inclusion sociale) annuelle en intégrant un projet financé par l’Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande- Duchesse Charlotte dans le cadre de l’appel à projets « Mateneen ».

1. Membres

Durant l’année, le réseau luxembourgeois a compté 13 membres.

2. Conseil d’administration

Au cours de l’année 2016, le conseil d’administration s’est réuni six fois. Le conseil est représenté par huit personnes et un invité permanent. Les thématiques abordées au cours des réunions du conseil étaient les suivantes :

- Préparation REPIS et projet Œuvre - Promotion de nouveaux membres - Evolution d’EAPN au niveau européen - Participation au comité de pilotage pour l’élaboration du budget de référence 2016 - Avis concernant la nouvelle loi REVIS - Choix d’un nouveau coordinateur national - Modernisation du site internet

La promotion de nouveaux membres, l’avis concernant la nouvelle loi REVIS et la modernisation du site internet sont des travaux à aborder en 2017.


En date du 14 juillet 2016, la REPIS a eu lieu dans les locaux du centre culturel de la Commune de Grevenmacher. Nous voulions mettre en évidence les craintes et angoisses de notre public cible face à la vague de migration au Luxembourg.

Au cours de la journée REPIS, une vidéo et une petite séance d’information concernant les flux migratoires faisaient partie intégrante du programme de la journée. Après l’ouverture des différents workshops, les gens se sont réunis pour discuter de leurs craintes en relation avec le RMG, le logement et l’aspect culturel a également été mentionné.

Au cours de la journée, des interventions interculturelles ont permis de favoriser un esprit de dialogue ouvert. Ces interventions interculturelles ont pu être financées par l’Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande- Duchesse Charlotte.

Le message clé ressorti de la journée REPIS était que les personnes vivant en situation de pauvreté ne voient pas d’inconvénient à accueillir des migrants, pourtant ils craignent de se retrouver dans des situations encore plus délicates suites à d’éventuelles réductions financières et aides matérielles ou/et immatérielles.

Les messages ont été transmis à Madame Corinne Cahen, Ministre de la Famille, de l’Intégration et de la Grande- Région, lors d’une séance plénière.

4. Formation interculturelle

Dans le cadre de la préparation à la REPIS, une séance de formation interculturelle a été organisée pour les modérateurs des groupes de la REPIS. Mylène Porta, d’Alter & Ego a mené ces formations en transmettant des messages et informations concernant les migrants et flux migratoires.

5. Un budget de référence pour le Luxembourg

EAPN a participé en 2016 au comité du pilotage lors de l’élaboration du « Budget de référence », qui a été publié en décembre 2016 par l’Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques :

Franziskus, Anne (2016). Cahier économique, N° 122 - Quels besoins pour une vie décente ? Vers un budget de référence pour le Luxembourg. Luxembourg : STATEC

Ce budget se constitue d’un panier chiffré de biens et de services identifiés comme besoins élémentaires pour une vie digne et participative dans la société luxembourgeoise. Le budget de référence est un indicateur de la pauvreté et de l’inégalité et peut servir comme une base de réflexion et d’évaluation des politiques nationales de revenu minium garantie.

6. Perspectives 2017

En 2017, EAPN envisage à continuer le projet interculturel avec Alter & Ego pour la préparation de la REPIS et de sensibiliser les professionnels du terrain et le public cible à la question de l’accueil des migrants au Luxembourg.

En outre, il est envisagé de rédiger un avis sur la loi REVIS pour se positionner par le biais des messages ressortis des journées REPIS de ces dernières années.

EAPN Malta

c/o 424 St. Joseph High Road, Sta. Venera SVR 1013 Malta

E-mail address: [email protected]

VO Registration No: 0271




APF Malta is a network of 14 organisations working together as a network on poverty. The Forum organises a number of conferences, seminars and focus groups, promotes research, disseminates information and creates awareness on poverty and social exclusion in Malta. Based on the 4 pillars of the MASS approach, the following is the work carried out by APF Malta during 2016.

Influencing National Governments for Better Policies: Advocacy, Lobbying and Policy- Making linked to European Level developments

❖ In 2016 APF Malta organised one national conference on housing and the high rents in Malta – a national issue which is causing poverty. The Minister for the Family and Social Solidarity concluded this conference highlighting a number of initiatives to be taken by the Government.

The conference was well-attended. Participants included Ministry officials, trade unionists, social workers, carers and representatives of local councils. Overall APF

Malta received very positive feedback from the participants. Whilst acknowledging that the conference reached it’s aim, one must note that following the conference, more awareness was raised on poverty in Malta and particuarly on social housing and the high rents in Malta, through the various media coverage given to this conference. Following the conference APF Malta was also invited to participate in various television and radio programmes. This in itself was a good way to lobby on poverty and homelessnesss.

❖ APF Malta submitted another request to RTK Radio – a local popular radio station; to produce another series of programmes on poverty and social exclusion. Following a meeting with RTK’s board, APF Malta commenced this series of programmes in October 2016 up till June 2017. Topics discussed included the FEAD project, social services and the pensions scheme in Malta, illitterism and other subjects related to poverty.

❖ Anti Poverty Forum Malta participates regularly in the meetings held within the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD). During these meetings APF Malta puts forward it’s agenda, budget proposals and discusses concerning issues with Government officials.

❖ A coalition to discuss the rising rents was set up and the first meeting was held on the 20th October 2016. Mr Joe Bartolo attended on behalf of APF Malta. He noted that emphasis was given to migrants in Malta. Following the meeting a press release was sent to journalists.

❖ A Pensions Working Group presented the Government of Malta with a sustainable pensions strategy. If implemented, this strategy will effect the elderly – a vulnerable group in our society living in poverty. To this extent, a couple of meetings were held with Mr David Spiteri Gingell from the Pensions Strategy Group to discuss in detail the recommendations put forward by this group. Following these meetings, APF Malta sent its’ feedback to the Government.

Participation of People Experiencing Poverty and Social Exclusion in Internal and External Workings of the National Network

❖ During 2016, meetings of the APF Malta ExCo were held on a regular basis, whereby a number of local issues on poverty and social exclusion were discussed. All ExCo members represent

people experiencing poverty and social exclusion. To this extent, participation of people experiencing poverty is consistent and regular in all meetings held.

❖ APF Malta also participated in the People Experiencing Poverty in Brussels in November 2016. In preparation for this event, a number of meetings were held with people experiencing poverty and social exclusion, whilst three persons were chosen to take part and share their experience in this meeting in Brussels. APF Chairperson coordinated this meeting on behalf of APF Malta. To this extent he attended preparatory meetings organised by EAPN.

Development and Growth of the Network (including growth and training and capacity building actions)

❖ During 2016, APF Malta worked to increase its’ membership. A meeting was held with Aditus Foundation – an organisation working with immigrants in Malta to join the Forum. To date, this organisation preferred not to join the Forum.

The Malta Community Chest Fund MCCF showed interest to join APF Malta. This fund is chaired by the President of the Republic of Malta. APF Malta members had agreed that the MCCF Statute is analysed before a decision is taken on whether MCCF should join APF Malta or not. MCCF Statute was sent to all members by email. Following a discussion, ExCo members concluded that since Section 4 of our Statute states that to be members, an organisation should be non-governmental, regrettably MCCF was not eligible to join APF Malta.

❖ To this extent APF Malta now consists of 14 organisations. The organisations that are part of APF Malta are the following:

➢ Millennium Chapel Foundation ➢ Caritas Malta ➢ 'Ejjew Għandi' Children's Homes ➢ National Association of Pensioners ➢ Alleanza Kontra l-Faqar ➢ OASI Foundation ➢ Richmond Foundation ➢ Paulo Freire Institute ➢ Discern

➢ S.O.S. Malta ➢ St. Jeanne Antide Foundation ➢ Fondazzjoni Suret il-Bniedem ➢ Dar Merħba Bik ➢ 6PM Foundation

Governance and Internal Democracy (including internal governance, respect of statutory requirements, management in the network and funding).

❖ As per APF Malta Statute an Annual General Meeting was held in April 2016. During this meeting the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer presented their annual report, highlighting the events and activities of APF for the year before. An election was held to nominate the new Executive Committee. The new Executive Committee is composed of the following organisations:

✓ CHAIRPERSON - 6PM Foundation - Saviour Grima ✓ SECRETARY - Caritas Malta - Andre Bonello ✓ TREASURER - Fondazzjoni Suret il-Bniedem – Anthony Debattista ✓ OASI Foundation - Noel Xerri ✓ Paolo Freire Institute - Fr Vincent Magri SJ ✓ National Association of Pensioners - Carmel Callus ✓ Discern - Fr Joe Inguanez ✓ Alleanza Kontra l-Faqar - Joseph Bartolo ✓ Richmond Foundation – Francesca Spiteri Maempel

❖ APF Malta ExCo met regularly during 2016. Meetings were held monthly, however at times more meetings were held to discuss various issues which arose from time to time. The year 2016 has been very fruitful.

EAPN Netherlands

Year report 2016

Photo front: State Secretary Ms Klijnsma and members of the pupils council of Elementary school Mikado at the EAPN NL conference on the 18th of November in The Hague

EAPN Netherlands PO Box 92 3940AB Doorn member of

Year report 2016

2016, the year of the experience expert The deployment of experts in the area of poverty and exclusion took in 2016 a serious step forward. The GGZe1 organises in Venlo the 1st Experience Experts Day, EAPN NL works on the project "The deployment on experts within the local social domain" and in various cities start training courses for experts. Something similar took place many years in the mental health care, as we learn from the Nederlandse Herstel Groep2. An interesting development, where we want to note how unfortunate it is that the National Cadre Training Foundation (LKU3) is no longer active, as they, from 1990 to 2006, every year brought forward dozens of trained experts for local self-help organizations and local client councils.

As every year since 2001, we brought together a delegation of experts together to participate in the "European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty" held in Brussels in November. Next to that we organize a conference on the use of experience experts in The Hague on 18 November.

2016 also offers some local workshops, in which many people, who live on a benefit and are experience of poverty, participate. And is there a co-lecture at the Hague conference of the European Social Network (ESN) on the problem of debts from the president of EAPN NL.

One of the absolute highlights of this year is the meeting between State Secretary mrs. Klijnsma and the Mikado primary school pupils council from Blerick (Venlo) on poverty, we organize at the start of the conference on the 18th of November as the photo on the front page shows..

Workshops In cooperation with the Regional Client Participation Council eastern Achterhoek we organize well-attended workshops in Winterswijk, Neede and Lichtenvoorde, where we give the floor to the people themselves. In all workshops the relevant aldermen are present and clearly indicate to welcome this initiative. With the results of workshops the Regional Client Participation Council eastern Achterhoek

1 GGZe is a self help organization of people with a mental health care problem. 2 National organization that trains and guides experience experts within the mental care world. 3 The LKU was a self organization in which three of the founding members of EAPN NL worked together.

will seek the dialogue with the regional Social Service Department and will bring proposals on the table. Later in the year we organize in cooperation with the Citizen Council Boxmeer a workshop, that gets a follow-up meeting at the end of the year. For both meetings the accommodation shows to be too small. That great is the turnout. It becomes very clear how much need there is for poor people to discuss their situation and develop ideas and proposals to improve their situation. Also in Ommen, in cooperation with the foundation Ommen Samen Sterk and the municipality Ommen, a workshop takes place. Again, the meeting provides a lot of positive energy. For the participants, for the foundation and for the alderman who is very satisfied with what has been brought forward. He promises to speak about the ideas and proposals with Ommen Samen Sterk and others to seek for what is possible.

Within the frameworks of the project "The deployment on experts within the local social domain" we organize, also with Ommen Samen Sterk as partner a working group on the local poverty policy, during which we examine the existing policy, develop new ideas and contribute to a Poster, compiled by EAPN NL and Ommen Samen Sterk, which is suspended at many locations. The starting point is that the information is better understood if we use the personal situation. This creates special tables for the single person, the single parent, the family, the elderly and the working poor. Also several Evenings for free Ingress are used to provide information, to talk about the possibilities offered of the municipality Ommen and to develop new ideas. This leads to a letter to the city council, which contains two proposals for increasing the minimum income policy. During its first discussion the council reveals that there is a real chance the proposals will be adopted. During the 2nd council meeting, the councilors and members of the College of B & W –mayor and aldermen, were offered an owl, to wish them wisdom. This action shows to be highly appreciated.

In Deventer we organize, also within the framework of the project, in cooperation with the communal Budget Advisory Office Deventer, a workshop for the volunteers who act as a buddy for those in debts. To see what they are doing, what they need and how support could possibly be improved. There are two other sessions, one with the former clients and one with clients that are in the last part of the official 3 year to end debts track. One of the goals is to gain insight into the problems experienced by clients.

Participation NRP EAPN NL is invited, as stakeholder, to react to the concept of the National Reform Programme (NRP). This year we send out, under a strict embargo, the concept to the grassroots organizations that operate on a national level and to national organizations we cooperate with, asking if they want to use this opportunity to respond. EAPN NL will add any comments to her own reaction, without changing anything. Four organizations use the opportunity by coming up with its own response. As agreed, we send these along with our own response. The problem with the NRP is and remains that the government only responds to the country specific recommendations from the European Commission and recover what has already happened. So not really what they intend to do or change. While our opinions correspond to the existing policies and look for a change. In our review we ask explicitly to take more account of people with low incomes as it regards the huge rent increases. We reject the Commission's assertion that the rents in our country would be too low strongly.

WGS The Ministry of Social Affairs & Employment asks Consultancy Bureau Berenschot to organize two meetings to discuss the implementation issues of the Municipal Debt Act. We attend both meetings. Given the fact that, in the framework of the project "The deployment on experts within the local social domain”, we cooperate in Deventer with the communal Budget Advisory Office (BAD), we can report two important issues in a letter to the ministry. 1. With regard to the proposed moratorium, we propose to start this at the moment the request for help is adopted, and the communal bureau can start the process. From that point on it still takes some time before the route can start actually. At that time, creditors will still reap their rewards quickly, making that debt and the pressure continues to increase.

2. volunteers are popping up everywhere. That's because different organizations want to help, with the best intentions, people dealing with debts. Fact is that there is no clarity about who does what, plus that difference arises in quality. This can and must be better coordinated, because that way it will be more effective.

Eindhoven This year also the foundation Together for Women's Health from Eindhoven organizes three thematic conferences, for which they invite EAPN NL to be

partner and ask for a contribution. On behalf of EAPN NL two ladies speak on two of the conferences. Their contributions prove to be a hit. Also because they are based on daily life, put the real issues on the table and clearly show what poverty does with people, and their children. We would, of course, not be EAPN NL, if we do not come up with positive solutions.

FEAD At the request of our European network, EAPN NL organizes a discussion meeting on the Fund for European Aid for the most Deprived (FEAD), also known as the European Fund for the most needy (efmb). The purpose is to look to the future opportunities this new fund may offer to organizations that work in favour of and with those (most) deprived..

We also want to reflect on the space offered by the fund, because in addition to direct financial support such as food and clothing, it might used to reduce social exclusion. We also want to look forward and discuss how the new European Platform FEAD should develop. The outcomes of the meeting will be provided to the European Commission via the consultancy Ecorys, together with the reports of several other EU countries, where a similar meeting will be organized. The Commission is interested in new ideas and would like to further expand the role of the European FEAD platform.

Beforehand of the meeting we contact the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the Association of Food Banks and the single project in our country supported through the FEAD program.

Several representatives of the organizations participating in this meeting, as EAPN NL does, also participate in the founding conference of FEAD, which takes place in Brussels. As at network meetings organized by FEAD. There even start some talks about cooperation, both at national and international level between organizations. The future will show whether this is realistic.

PEP meetings In 2016, as usual, two meetings were held with representatives of local and regional organizations that participate in our network. We discuss not only the work of EAPN NL, but especially what is happening at local level, how the mood is and what is happening. This provides insight into what concerns the position of the poor and excluded and how communities respond.

Conference November 18 The second meeting is held within the framework of the experience expertise project. On the 18th of November we organize a conference in The Hague for our Hinterland, colleagues and the municipalities that participated in the project. We invite State Secretary Mrs. Klijnsma and her staff and hand out to the two reports as outcome of the research. Knowing that Mrs. Klijnsma will be present, we organize, obviously in consultation with all stakeholders, a conversation between the State Secretary and the pupils council of primary school Mikado from Blerick (Venlo). The aim is to talk about poverty. On Mikado you find 28 different nationalities, something experienced in more and more schools. Nothing serious if there are sufficient resources to learn the Dutch language. However, this is not our reality, so all children are put at a very young age, despite all the efforts of schools, at a disadvantage. The kids not only surprise the State Secretary, but also the audience, and delight us with their questions and comments. A very special event, for which we want to thank all the participants warmly.

PEP conference This year the "European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty" is –again- one of the highlights of our work. For the 15th time organized by the European Anti Poverty Network, together with the European Commission (DG V), this unique event take place. Delegations of poor and excluded from 28 countries come to Brussels. People who know what survival means, day in, day out, for themselves, their families and their children. And how to try the give life some form.

During the conference they will discuss with their peers, with the coordinators and colleagues who are able to speak a 2nd language to act as interpreters. This year's central theme is "Empowerment through Participation". The outcomes of the discussions and the preparatory work in their own country, will be included in the compilation of the White Paper on Social Inclusion which the European Commission is working on and that will be presented in 2017.

Enough reasons to make it, as usual, a quality meeting, during which we certainly will not forget that the participants may also enjoy. A good hotel, good food, laughing together and help and support each other, contribute to this. During the conference, the Dutch delegation offers all delegations, representatives of the European Commission, Members of the European Parliament, the State Secretary for Social Affairs of Slovakia, Mr. Ondrus, and to European Commissioner mrs. Thyssen, a little owl. In the second text cadre you can read what is the goal of this action and what we want to The delegation of the Netherlands felt that emphasize. we should give each delegation and our guests an owl. Why? Because an owl stands for

• wisdom and we have to be smart if

we want them to listen to us. The owl is the advisor of the Gods.

• being alert. We have to be on our watch to provide that we are to late to address or miss an opportunity to lay down our ideas, our comments, our proposals.


• he stands for change. And that is what we need in the fight against This PEP conference is closed by a poverty and exclusion. The change for the better: no more poverty, no collective action, that also can be called more exclusion, no more bullying. remarkable. The 'European chorus of the poor’is As a Dutch philosopher once said: Use your disadvantage to create an established and performs, especially for advantage European Commissioner mrs, Thyssen, in front of the Berlaymont building, (Johan Cruyff)

We hope this small token of friendship will help, guide and strengthen you in our common fight for a more social and just Europe.

"Blowing in the Wind" by Bob Dylan. Not an easy task, since 80% of the attendees do not speak or read English. But during the rehearsals, everyone is very enthusiastic, and the moment of execution, with lots of humming singers seems to have been pretty impressive.

The Dutch delegation consists of delegates from

Samenwonen Samenleven Amsterdam

Ommen Samen Sterk Ommen

Ommen Samen Sterk (co-coördinator)

U-2B Heard Utrecht.

At the European Conference on Social Enterprise, which takes place in late November in Bratislava, Slovakia, within the framework of the Slovak Presidency of the EU, the coordinator of the Dutch PEP speaks to European Commissioner Mrs Thyssen about the translation problems and calls for support to solve it. The Commissioner tells him to seriously look at it.

During the same conference, the representative of EAPN NL and his Lovak colleague have the opportunity to talk with the Slovakian State Secretary for Social Affairs about the Dutch local anti-poverty policy program.

Unique because this local poverty-approach policy was created and maintained out of the cooperation between self-organizations of the experience experts and municipalities.

European PEP coordinators The annual preparation meeting for the national PEP coordinators is in the Netherlands this year and co-organized by EAPN NL. The foreign colleagues not only have the opportunity to be for a short stay in the Netherlands and to enter into dialogue with each other, but they are also introduced to three projects. The meeting takes place at project Samenwonen Samenleven in Amsterdam. On the first day we eat together at one of the Resto van Harte restaurants and at the end of the meeting we organize an Amsterdam Underground Experience. Two

groups, led by two former homeless ex-junkies, discover in the old part of Amsterdam the places were homeless and drug addicts try to survive. Where they may be able to find a place to sleep and where they occur more frequently at night to protect against the cold and rain. An experience which gave us a glimpse into the lives of those for which we work. Our colleagues appreciate it very much.


ACIG At the beginning of spring, the European Commission is organizing its annual Annual Convention Inclusive Growth, the ACIG. EAPN NL is invited by the Ministry of Social Affairs to take part. One of the two delegates is a young woman with a disability, which is active at the local level and was member of the PEP conference delegation 2015. During the ACIG Secretary mrs. Klijnsma speaks on behalf of the Dutch government as EU President, about the social policy that they, together with the European partners, want to perform. It becomes clear that everyone present in our society, is invited to participate. Everyone is welcome and the government holds open the door. In this case, participation is not only accepting paid work, but literally to participate in society. Commissioner Thyssen announces that the Commission launched a process aimed at the creation of a White Paper on Social Policy. She calls on everyone to contribute actively to this.

We take this invitation on the spot by asking the word and clearly draw more attention to people with disabilities. Also in regards of participation in the labor market.

ESN Seen the Dutch presidency of the EU this year, the annual conference of the European Social Network (ESN) is held in The Hague . When asked if we could organize a workshop, we have already responded positively in 2015. However, it becomes a co-lecture during a workshop on debts. The President of EAPN NL clearly marks the dividing line between what happens with a client and how an institution responds. She also draws attention to how debts may arise. It is not always a matter of own fault. In particular, the so-called life events play an important role. Think of divorce, unexpected death of partner, unexpected unemployment or disability. Another problem she calls attention for is the improvement of the information.

CEIF Our Slovak colleagues invite one of us to speak at the Central European Interfaith Forum which takes place in July in Nitra, Slovakia. We have seized this opportunity to recruit for client participation, as we know it in our country. To speak about the situation of the people and their daily struggle to survive. And to draw attention to the work of networks such as EAPN Slovakia and EAPN NL. One of the outcomes was a conversation with European Commissioner Jan Figel. During his stay in Slovakia the representative of EAPN NL also meets one of the advisors of the Prime Minister, to speak about the role of EAPN as such and the importance of the annual European conference PEP. Here the Dutch local minimum income policy is also raised. This conversation is also important since Slovakia takes over the EU presidency in July Netherlands. We use the opportunity to invite State Secretary Ondrus to the PEP conference.

Letter on combi people with disabilities and police officers EAPN NL send a letter to the ministry of SA&E, in which we propose to create more opportunities for paid work for people with disabilities by combining this issue with the fact that police officers complain that they have to little time to do their actual work by the ever-increasing administration. The ministry sends this letter to other departments with the demand to look at this proposal. We wonder if this in 2017 can make a positive contribution to address two problems: 1. more opportunities for paid work for people with disabilities 2. more time for police officers to be on the streets. We believe this is an excellent solution that provides a positive improvement for both groups

Deployment Project Experience Experts at the Local Social Domain With support from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW), we can work on the project "The deployment on experts within the local social domain". The municipalities of Venlo, Deventer and Ommen appear willing to participate in experiments, which we thank them for. The findings are contained in a Report and a Guide book which are send to all municipalities, many local organizations and client councils as to all the organizations within our network.

We sincerely hope that this project, in particular the results, will contribute to increase the participation of people who have experience of living in poverty, unemployment, exclusion and hopelessness, at local forms of consultation and they will increasingly be consulted and will be invited to think and are involved in the process to actually realize changes. There are no models and tools that will provide the perfect solution (the copy / paste principle). Experimenting and the way in which processes take shape will make the difference between a society that excludes or includes (two different sides of the same coin), and a society that connects to each other. The examples in the guidelines are intended to indicate which aspects the creation of value to enrich the (municipal) world may include. This project shows that there are all kinds of things happening and there is on increasing attention for experience experts.

Dutch EU Presidency The Dutch Presidency of the European Union, during the first six months of 2016, gets an extra boost because poverty and exclusion are part of the agenda of this Presidency. That's not all. The Ministry of Social Affairs has made arrangements with the two successive presidents, Slovakia and Malta, to also put poverty and exclusion on their agenda. In her speech during the Annual Conference for Inclusive Growth State Secretary mrs. Klijnsma takes us on a journey and invites everyone, without exception, to participate in our society. She makes it clear that everyone is welcome to participate and that the Netherlands will endeavor to make that possible. EAPN as well as EAPN NL are both mentioned as an important partner.

Poverty Projects website In the framework of the EU Presidency the ministry of SA&E opened a special website for good examples of poverty reduction. This website also offers a number of EAPN NL projects. We are quite proud of this.

October 17, World Poverty Day United Nations Where we last year in Arnhem and Amsterdam got support from local organizations to step over the poverty line, in 2016 we cooperate with the people of Ommen Samen Sterk. This time the youth is also well represented. The weather is great, and it is a very special action.

G32 EAPN NL participates in the Working Group on Poverty and Debt of the G32 (municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants). This working group provides us with lots of information, particularly in debt issues. Municipalities struggle with sharply rising costs for guardianship. This is an attack on the Special Assistance Budget. Of course, we also speak about the 100 million euro, which the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment makes each year, starting at the 1st of January 2017, makes available to tackle child poverty. In what way can this extra money be used. Many municipalities already have measures to tackle child poverty in their poverty policy and wrestle with the problem that not everyone who may have a claim uses it. In what way can we improve the use?

The day of the experience expert This year for the 1st time "The Professional Experience Day" is organized. The GGzE group of Venlo organizes this event and has, to their own surprise, to declare a stop of the participation, as more than 500 registrations come in. So it is very clear how much it is needed. EAPN NL participates with two persons in this exciting day. We are a kind of strangers, as the vast majority is primarily concerned with mental health problems. This shows to be a very good initiative that will take place in 2017, very likely in Groningen. We were happy to participate, because this way poverty also gets its own place.

EAPN EU governance 2016 was all about survival, because of the implemented budget cuts. A just decided 'structure' within EAPN thus came to be instantly under pressure. And the solution is sought in decreasing of number of delegates at the General Assembly and by combining meetings. This ad hoc decisions asks a lot of our flexibility. This in combination with the departure of the Director of EAPN Europe. The presence of the Netherlands at the EU council changes for some meetings. This is because of personal circumstances of the permanent representative (Chair of EAPN NL) which made it impossible to be at all meetings. We internally resolve this by ensuring to replace each other. In these turbulent times it appears that the survival of our own network is a hinder to us all, including the staff at the headquarter in Brussels. This causes lots of valuable time and flexibility. All that we would actually want to use to improve our European society, particularly for poor people in these societies. The challenge remains to return time and again, despite this' difficult circumstances', to our own work and intentions.

EAPN NL governance EAPN NL always looks for new ways to how active people can be supported. Since we do not have an own bureau nor staff, we have established regular Skype meetings to inform each other of what everyone is doing and what is happening locally. Another decision is a duo as delegates for the EUIS Group. This decision has been taken to active new people, to get more diversification of the accumulated knowledge and to be less vulnerable. This form of picking up 'togethers' tasks gives newcomers the change to grow into the work.

EUISG European Inclusion Strategy Group

EUISG focuses on the 2020 poverty strategy and the associated European Semester.

EU Inclusion Strategies Group provides mutual support for national networks for the development of national strategies and plans to combat poverty and is involved in the EU institutional arrangements and strategies (2020, Social OMC Employment Strategy, Platform against Poverty, Structural Funds ) to see how they are used in the implementation of these strategies.

Key priorities for the EU-ISG 2016 are 1) Ensure that there is and will be focus on poverty and social exclusion on the agenda of the European Commission, defend the poverty target and create EAPN proposals for the mid-term of 2020 in the Semester, monitoring trends on poverty and other new EU commitments to reduce poverty through an integrated anti-poverty strategy based on an integrated active inclusion and social investment in quality jobs, services and social protection. 2) Ensure that the minimum of 20% of the ESF funds is earmarked for anti- poverty intended trimmings and to help ensure that there is greater involvement of NGOs in the monitoring and delivery; input for the revision of the multi annual framework and to provide better budgets for poverty. 3) Contributions to proposals for the progress of social standards in the EU, notably through proposals for social protection, adequate minimum income and minimum wages.

A number of products are: - a scoreboard for the national reform programs to assess the state of poverty, employment and education objectives and participation in the EU Member States. - Response to mid-term review of the Europe 2020 poverty strategy. - Inputs for the mid-term review of the Multi annual Financial Framework (MAFF) to increase funding for the fight against poverty. - Participation in the annual convention by people living in poverty, including participation in workshops / plenary sessions and side events and the development of key messages. - 1 participation in the Policy Conference - 2 Task Forces a) poverty and social exclusion as a violation of human rights b) call for a human rights approach to migration, refugees and asylum seekers.

- Active participation in EU-Stakeholder Dialogues - inclusion of Roma, vulnerable consumers (Energy & Poverty).

Networks to strengthen EAPN NL We speak with various representatives of organizations about the opportunity to join our network. We invite everyone to create that equitable, humane and more equal society we want. We are thereby open to all kinds of cooperation with individuals and organizations to work with this theme. The energy behind it is to create a movement based on compassion and empathy.

And last but not least 2016 was a great year in which a lot has happened and has been done. All of this we cannot do without the help of many people who do this unselfishly. Please accept our sincere thanks. But we also cannot do our work without cooperation with governments and other organizations. Also to them a sincere thank you for their support and cooperation. We want to end with thecertainty that the fight against poverty and social exclusion will continue in 2017.

During the CEIF in Nitra (Sl.) In July 2016 European Commissioner Jan Figel said

Tolerance is live and let live.

Solidarity is helping each other to live.

EAPN NL wants to stress the solidarity that we need so much in our society.

EAPN Norway

English Summary:

Updated list of members

13 members with 19 Ngos total


Bibi Amka


Din Fremtid Forening


FSA – Forening for Sosialt Arbeid/ICSW Norway


IHSG - Internasjonal helse- og sosialgruppe

Kirkens Bymisjon

Mental Helse (Mental Health) Bamble

Team Five, Volda

Telemark innvandrerråd (TIR)-Network of 7 NGO`s

1. Afrikansk kulturforening i Telemark 2. Palestinske kulturforening 3. Bamble og Omegn Internasjonale Forening, (BOIF) 4. Somaliske kulturforening i Telemark 5. Bamble somaliske forening

Total Rehab

Exco members 2016 President: Johanna Engen, Bibi Amka (Until GA March 2017) Political deputy: Maurice Mokulu, Team Five organizational deputy chairman: Ana Isabel Taylor Lopez; Telemark Innvandrerråd Member: Reidun Berger, IHSG Member: Ann Beate Methi, - Single parents association Aleneforeldreforeningen Employee Representative: Eva Oddveig Karlsen

• Activities each month of the year is described in the report at page 4 to 10 written in Norwegian.

• Influencing National Governments for Better Policies: Advocacy, Lobbying and Policy-Making linked to European Level developments EAPN is lobbying during most of the year. Approximately 4 times a year we have 2 hours meetings with the minister and we meet parliament representatives regularly. We we submit written submissions to hearings and are following up with lobbying either to invite politicians to our arrangements or meet them in the parliament. Adequate income and right based approach for social assistance has been one of the matters which have been highlighted most. Other arrangements have been

• Participation of People Experiencing Poverty and Social Exclusion in Internal and External Workings of the National Network EAPN Norway is a network where 90% of the members are self-organized. We have therefore a broad representation and participation of PEP. • Development and Growth of the Network (including growth and training and capacity building actions) 2016 was a year with challenges in parts of the year were a few persons started a power struggle in the Exco. During the year 6 Ngos left the network including one who had to stop their activity because of lack of funding. 1 new became member in 2016. New NGOs become members in 2017 but that will be mentioned in our next report in 2018. We have arranged different training and capacity building seminars for or together with members.

• Governance and Internal Democracy (including internal governance, respect of statutory requirements, management in the network and funding).

Because that we are a democratic network of users of services we give people possibility to show their talent. We also have internal training where respect for statues and other organizational matters of relevance are conducted.

We have been focusing on increasing communication and cooperation skills to strengthen the unity, the board and the secretariat as well as in the network, to create spaces for mutual respect and equality.

Otherwise, we are working well with the main focus on: 1. Visible presence that provides a basis for security in cooperation. 2. Better and more effective communication. 3. Cooperation willingness to achieve a higher degree of achievement. 4. Real and positive change in our organizational culture 5. Rooms for visibility of our needs without evaluation and judgment 6. Creative and efficient utilization of all resources in our member organizations.

The Communication work carried under the different pillars should be included as well, either under each section or under a separate heading.

We get lot of response through social media and are sending press releases alone or together with other NGOs outside the network. We have arranged external meetings and conferences throughout the year. Especially at Arendalsuka in August each year we meet thousands of people each year through our stand or arrangements.

One of the arrangements at Arendalsuka with our members was two lectures with lecturers from Telemark Immigration Council and Team Five Auditorium at Arendal Library on Inclusion and Immigration.


Annual Report EAPN Poland– 2016

The Polish Committee of EAPN was set up in 2007 and it does not have a legal status. 32 member organisations belong to EAPN Poland. Some of them are networks already. It is based at one of the member organisations - WRZOS (The Working Community of Associations of Social NGO’s). EAPN Poland is represented by the EXCO. In EXCO actually is 10 people representing member organisations of EAPN Poland: 1.dr hab. Ryszard Szarfenberg, (Institute of Social Policy, Warsaw University) - Chair 2. Ks. Stanisław Słowik (Caritas Kielce) – Vice Chair 3. Krzysztof Balon (WRZOS)- Vice Chair 4. Wojciech Jaros (Federation of Polish Food Banks) –Vice Chair 5. Ilona Organiak (Association of Supporting Familiies) – Vice Chair 6. Teresa Sierawska (MONAR Assocaition) 7. Andrzej Zybała (ATD Fourth World) 8. Joan Munch (Salvation Army) 8. Cezary Miżejewski (Konfederacja Pracy Trade Union) 10. Kamila Płowiec (WRZOS) - Secretary

In 2016 EAPN Poland had no money for its activities but we managed to organise following activities: 1. 2 meetings of EXCO – discussing about current social policy changes, preparation of some position papers. 2. 2 seminars about implementation of Strategy Europe 2020 3. 1 meeting about FEAD programme. 4. 1 conference oragnised with WRZOS “Toward to successful way of participation” with participation of EAPN Portugal 5. The GA of EAPN Poland with a debate about new governmental programme for families with children 500+ 6. The Salvation Army, member of EAPN Poland, coordinated a meetings of PEP. The Barka Foundation (also member of EAPN Poland) was very active in that meetings. The meetings took place in Warsaw in the following dates: 09.07.2016, 06.08.2016, 17.09.2016, 10.10.2016, 03.11.2016, 14.11.2016. In the meetings participated around 25 people in each. 7. Preparing some position papers: - about National Reform Programmes

- about Strategy of Sustainable Development in Poland to 2025

- about implementation in Poland International Convent of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

- about 500+ programme

7. Active participation in working group in the Ministry of Economy about National Reform Programme and preparing some opinions and paper about it. 8. Participation in some seminars, conferences and presentation of EAPN Poland and its activities. Getting some new contacts and cooperation with other organsations 9. Meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Affairs.

EAPN Portugal

EAPN Portugal_Annual Report 2016 Summary 1. Influencing government for policy change In 2016 EAPN Portugal continued its efforts to influence the definition of a National Strategy to fight Poverty and Social Exclusion, through the working group on this subject. In January, in Lisbon, it was presented the document: ““Compromisso para uma Estratégia Nacional de Erradicação da Pobreza” (“Commitment for a National Strategy for Poverty Eradication”) and it was developed 5 meetings of the group. EAPN Portugal also requested audiences to the political parties and received positive feedbacks from 4 parties: Communist Party; Social Democratic Party; Left Block and Greens. A meeting was also held with the President of Parliament (Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues) on May 4th and the Seminar: Fight against poverty: the reality and proposals of the social sector in Portugal – on November 16th with the presence of the President of the Republic Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

5 pictures used in the Campaign Poverty NO

In order to continue the work of promoting some public awareness on poverty issues, EAPN Portugal (Re)launched the National Campaign «A Pobreza NÃO» (Poverty NO) with 5 posters, 5photos and 5 sentences to draw attention to poverty complexity. This campaign was in the ‘street’ during the week of 17th of October and the photos were taken by 4 photojournalists and Sérgio Aires (EAPN Europe president). During 2016 it was also presented a new National Campaign – «A Discriminação é falta de Educação» (Discrimination is lack of Education) with 20 photos, 20 Roma people, 20 professional backgrounds. The photos were taken by Sérgio Aires and the work was coordinated by Maria José Vicente. It was produced postcards, posters, a video and a publication (Singular do Plural). The aim was to share positive testimonies of Roma men and women from 18 to 65 years old who claim the right to equality.

"He’s Roma. Always moving from place to place" Carlos Miguel - Secretary of State for Local Authorities

In terms of influencing Government is also important to mention the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) Program. EAPN Portugal was one of the national networks that tried to implement ECORYS project in Portugal, but it was not succeed due to the non- cooperation of the National Institute for Social Security (one of the key entities responsible for the previous program). Nevertheless this project and the possibility to participate in the transnational conference of FEAD (3rd of June) and in one of the workshops (7th of November) it was possible to establish contact with the National Authority responsible for FEAD in Portugal. Due to this contact EAPN Portugal was one of the entities contacted to give inputs for the concept of economic deprivation and food basket. During 2016 EAPN Portugal also tightened its relation with the National Semester Office, due to all the work developed on the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) consultation. Besides having answered to the European consultation of the EPSR and making it public at national level, EAPN Portugal has also received a request from the Office of Strategy and Planning of the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security to present their views on the EPSR. EAPN Portugal has also participated in the national seminar promoted by the Semester Officer on 20th of September. This seminar was attended by EAPN President (Sérgio Aires) as a speaker in the opening session. EAPN Portugal has also received an invitation to participate in another seminar organized by a Delegation of Counselors of the European Economic and Social Committee (11th of October). EAPN Portugal maintained its collaboration with EAPN Europe, not only through participating in meetings/events but also through the preparation and dissemination of documents. In what concerns the participation in meetings and events, we want to highlight: - Bureau (assuring its Presidency) – 3 meetings (plus several Skype meetings); - The Executive Committee, (3 meetings); - The EU Inclusion Strategies Group, (3 meetings); - Membership Development Group (2 meetings); - Task Force Monitoring 20% of ESF on poverty and participation (1 meeting with Sali Guntín); - Participation in the Annual Convention as a speaker in a side event on ESF; - The People Experiencing Poverty European coordination group (1 meeting with the national coordinators; 4 preparatory meetings at national level with the Portuguese delegation; the European meeting); In parallel with some of these events the president of EAPN Europe participated in the National Members Meeting of EAPN Portugal as a speaker. In what concerns the documents prepared not only in collaboration of EAPN Europe - toreinforce their work for policy change at European level - but also at internal level – toreinforce national lobby and shape public and political opinion - we want to highlight:

With EAPN Europe: - publication of the Barometer Report and preparation of a second questionnaire to gather information on the implementation of the 20% of the ESF; - analysis and revision of the EAPN Assessment of the Country Reports and proposals for Country Specific Recommendations 2016; - analysis and revision of the EAPN Assessment of the National Reform Programme 2016; - analysis and revision of the EAPN position paper on the European Pillar of Social Rights; - analysis and revision of the EAPN’s Analysis of the 2016 Annual Growth Survey & Joint Employment Report. - analysis and revision of the Report “Access to affordable quality housing and public health services”. - analysis and revision of the document “EAPN Inclusive Labour Market position”. At internal level: - position paper on the “Refugees Crisis in Europe” (March); - position paper on the National Reforms Programme (May); - position paper on the Country Specific Recommendations (June); - position paper on the European Pillar of Social Rights (December); - report with European and National Indicators on poverty and social exclusion (this report is updated twice a year and gathers different social indicators). - preparation and dissemination of 1 Em Análise on the assessment of the Country Report Portugal. - elaboration and dissemination of 3 numbers of the “European Agenda”. This newsletter was designed to provide information to EAPN Portugal members and staff on the work developed at European level and within EAPN Europe. EAPN Portugal also continued its active participation in some key working groups and entities at national level, like the National Commission for the Protection of Children and young people at risk; the Portuguese Platform of NGDOs (in which assumed a place in the Board of Directors), the Inter-ministerial Group for monitoring and evaluation of the national strategy for the Homeless Inclusion (as a member of this group EAPN and other NGO are lobbying for the reinforcement and evaluation of the National Strategy for the Inclusion of Homeless People once it ended in 2015), the coordination of the Lisbon Observatory to Fight Poverty and the presidency of the Non Governmental Forum for Social Inclusion (FNGIS).

2. Participation of people in poverty in internal and external workings of the Network EAPN Portugal continued its work with the National and Local Councils of Citizens. These groups are composed by citizens that lived or are living in situation of poverty and social exclusion and have as main aims to give them voice in the matters that are directly related to their situation. During 2016 EAPN Portugal promoted: • 4 meetings with the National Council of Citizens (NCC): this NCC is composed by 1representative of each Local Council of Citizens and has its own working plan. This NCC presented contributes for the VIII national forum; prepared the Guide “Poverty and Social Exclusion: first person look”; presented ideas for a campaign on Human Rights.

• 171 local meetings with the Local Councils of Citizens (LCC): these meetings are organized at local level by the regional networks of EAPN. Each LCC are different not only because of the number of the members but also because of the profile of each member. These meetings also contribute for the work developed at national level.

• 3 regional meetings (Évora; Porto and Coimbra): these meetings gather LCC by regions, ie, those LCC located at north of the country meet at regional level and the same for those located at the center and south. This is a way to exchange practices, ideas and enhance their commitment to each other and also with EAPN. These regional meetings are thematic. This year were dedicated to poverty (SNAKE methodology); exchange of good practices developed at local level; stereotypes.

• 10 local training workshops dedicated to participation.

• National Forum (with the participation of all the members): 2 days event, one in the Parliament with members of political parties and the other more internal but with the presence of key actors in the sector of Health, Education, Employment, Housing and Social Protection.

• European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty: the delegation that attended the Meeting was, once again, selected among the members of LCC. It was prepared different materials with the message: “Let’s Break the Paradigm”.

In terms of materials produced during this year: • It was finalized and disseminated the Guide “Poverty and Social Exclusion: first person look”

• Update of the web page on Participation:

• It was translated to Portuguese the report of the 1st learning forum of EAPN Europe.

• It was produced by all the CLC of central region a Campaign on stereotypes: “Undress Prejudice. Wear Inclusion”.

Concerning projects, EAPN Portugal continued its work on Project Click whose area of work is the employability of vulnerable target groups and the employers' social responsibility. ( In 2016 EAPN continued its work with Roma Communities, not only developing working sessions with adult members of these communities (like women and parents) but also with young people and children (inside schools). Once again, EAPN Portugal, in partnership with other entities, organized and developed a “Week on Interculturality”. In 2016 the districts that have joined this initiative were Porto, Guarda, Viseu, Vila Real, Bragança e Beja. Roma issues were the main focus of the majority of the activities that were developed in this Week.

3. Network development and growth (incl. training, growth etc) Training is one of the key areas of EAPN Portugal intervention. EAPN Portugal is certified in the following thematic areas: Personal Development; Management and Administration; Organization/Company Framework and Social Work and Orientation.

In terms of the annual training plan 1 352 training hours were promoted, 111 training actions, involving a total of 1973 trainees. According to the evaluation, the requests for the year 2016 were oriented to specific subjects like: design of projects, preparation of project applications, evaluation of results and social impacts, intervention with elderly and families, motivation and team management, conflict management and professional stress, fundraising and NGO management. Following the previous years, EAPN Portugal had developed in 2016 3internal training for their own employees on FATIMA methodology, Communication and mobilize companies for social projects.

4. Good governance and strong internal democracy (including finances, management, statutory governance)

In 2016 it was finalized the new Strategic Plan of EAPN Portugal for 2016-2018. The internal group on Strategic Partnerships continued its work with a focus on the work of the Community Based Approach to Local Development (CBALD) that was design in 2015. EAPN Portugal is included in 18 new CBALD, following the new structural funds.

EAPN Portugal celebrated in 2016 its 25th anniversary in 2016 and it planned a set of events to not only make more visible the work of this organization but also to make it more visible to the general public and also to the political level: • Edition of a book about the 25 years of EAPN Portugal. This book was made by an historian and it was public presented in the end of the year. In the presentation of the book it was presented the Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security – José António Vieira da Silva and a set of partners of EAPN Portugal, like Jordi Estivill, Carlos Susias (President of EAPN Spain), José Fresno, Isidro Rodríguez (President of Fundacion Secretariado Gitano), staff and members of the Organisation.

• Photo Exhibition “Weltschmerz” prepared by Sérgio Aires. This exhibition was inaugurated by the Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security.

• Commemorative Dinner of 25 years of EAPN Portugal with the presence of the board

members, staff, volunteers, members of the National Council of Citizens and key partners.

• Conference Economy of Poverty and Poverty of Economy (17th of October) that bring together a group of recognized national economists who reflected and analyzed the economic models that exist in Portugal and Europe andhow these models influence the poverty.

• Event Poverty Eradication: reality or utopia? (28th November). That followed Ted methodology and that was facilitated by a set of recognized public figures in different areas of Portuguese society: art; theater; sport; music…  • Solidarity Concert with the group “Virgem Suta” (28th November) opened to all the citizens.

EAPN Romania


The Board of RENASIS is composed by the representatives of the following member organizations: 1.”AUR”- A.N.S.R.U. – the National Association of Human Resources Specialists, Mrs. Raluca Manaila – President of RENASIS (until July 2016); 2. PESTALOZZI Foundation, Mrs. Daniela Mihaita – Vice-President of RENASIS; 3. SOS Children’s Villages, Mrs. Mirela Lavric until July 2016; Asociația Mici Producători, Ms Karina Mereuță since July 2016. 4. World Vision Romania - Mrs. Loredana Giuglea – designated to represent RENASIS in the EAPN PEP Task Force; Vice-president of RENASIS 5. NOVAPOLIS Association, Mrs. Iris Alexe – designated to represent RENASIS in the EAPN EU ISG. – President of RENASIS (from July 2016)

RENASIS MEMBERS: 1. Fundatia ESTUAR Foundation, 2. Fundatia World Vision Romania, 3. Fundatia pentru Invatamant, 4. Societatea de Educatie Contraceptiva si Sexuala, 5. Opportunity Associates Romania (until July 2016), 6. Centrul de Asistenta pentru Organizatii Neguvernamentale – CENTRAS, 7. Universitatea “Petre Andrei”, 8. SOS Satele Copiilor, 9. “AUR” – A.N.S.R.U. – Asociatia Nationala a Specialistilor in Resurse Umane, 10. Asociatia Meridiane Socio-Culturale, 11. Asociatia REPERE, 12. Organizatia MAMA MARE, 13. Asociatia Cetatea lui Bucur 7 Centre, 14. Fundatia PESTALOZZI, 15. Asociatia NOVAPOLIS, 16. Synergetica Foundation – observatory statute, PAEM Foundation, Alba (from July 2016) Asociatia Mici Producatori (from July 2016) Asociatia Human Catalyst (from July 2016).

I. Influence National Governments for Better Policies: Advocacy, Lobbying and Policy- Making linked to European level developments.

The main actions undertaken at national level by RENASIS through the member organizations and the members of the Board concerned: - Meetings with representatives of the Romanian Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MMFPSPV) and other relevant stakeholders active in the field of anti-poverty and social inclusion. -Dissemination and communication activities to inform EAPN discussion topics, as well as European observations, proposals and recommendations to combat poverty and social exclusion. - Advocacy and actions regarding policy-making to combat and prevent poverty including participation and contribution in the EAPN EUISG group.

RENASIS participated and carried out in 2016 a series of actions to combat and prevent poverty both at national and European level: • Organizing the National Meeting of relevant actors for the FEAD / POAD program, Bucharest, Romania, January 2016 • Participating to the European Conference "The FEAD Network: Knowledge Exchange, identifying synergies to break the vicious circle of poverty and deprivation", Brussels, Belgium • Participating to the Meeting of the FEAD network "Synergies between the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Aid Fund for the Most Deprived Persons (FEAD)" • Participating to the Conference From the Delors White Paper (1993) to the EU Pillar of Social Rights (2016), what future for the fight against poverty in Europe, EAPN Europe • Organize the Workshop "Measures and interventions for combating poverty and social exclusion among young people in Romania" to mark the 17th October, the International Anti-Poverty Day • Letter of Support from RENASIS & EAPN to advocate for the Romanian Government funding of the programme School after School • Fiche on migration and asylum situation in Romania for the EAPN Task Force on Migration

II. Participation of People Experiencing Poverty and Social Exclusion in Internal and External Workings of the National Network.

RENASIS participated to the April 2016 PEP National Coordinators Meeting - preparation for PEP event and also in Oct 2016 in the Capacity building for PEP coordinators event held in Bruges. At the 2016 PEP European Meeting held in Brussels, RENASIS was represented by three young people that delivered their messages and solutions to the decision makers at European level. More information: (

III. Development and Growth of the Network.

- In 2016, a number of 3 new organizations joined RENASIS accordingly with the GA's decision. On the other hand, Opportunity Associates Romania's Application for the withdrawal of OAR was registered. At the same time, other organizations were identified to be invited to participate and join RENASIS, mainly the member organizations of the "Anti-Poverty Coalition" set up by the Ciolos Government. - The PACT project and the applications for the EMIN2 and Decent Work 3 project are included in the steps made in 2016 for RENASIS development and growth.

IV. Good Governance and Strong Internal Democracy.

In order to ensure good governance and internal network democracy, RENASIS took into account the democratic and participatory procedures and principles of RENASIS and involvement in EAPN Europe, such as:

- Board meetings and correspondence, discussion and exchange of information - Transparent communication through various channels within the network (web site, Facebook, e-mail, face to face meetings) - Presentation of the financial statement in the Accounting Report - Regular Reports on Activity Development (EUISG, PEP, European Projects) - Consultations on future priorities and directions for action; -Participation at the executive meetings of the EAPN (EXCO) and the EAPN General Assembly in 2016.

The General Assembly (AG) of RENASIS was organized on 22.07.2016 and GA decisions focused on: - The applications for membership of three new members were approved: PAEM Foundation, Alba, Small Manufacturers Association and Human Catalyst Association. - The Opportunity Associates Romania Application for Withdrawal was registered. - The new president of RENASIS was elected: Iris Alexe (Novapolis Association) - The new structure of the Steering Committee was chosen: Raluca Manaila, "AUR" -A.N.S.R.U, Iris Alexe, Novapolis Association, Loredana Giuglea, World Vision, Karina Mereuta, Small Manufacturers Association, Daniela Mihaita, Pestalozzi Foundation. - The new headquarters of RENASIS is: Pantelimon Road no. 239, bl. 62, sc. A, et. 1, ap. 2, sector 2, Bucharest, Romania - All these changes will be registered to the Bucharest Tribunal.

EAPN Serbia

EAPN Slovakia

EAPN Spain

Annual Report Summary 2016


«EAPN-ES mission is to prevent and combat poverty and social exclusion in Spain, as well as promoting the participation of people in such situations, in the exercise of their rights and duties»


«EAPN-ES aims to broaden and consolidate its role as a reference in the field of poverty and social exclusion, as well as promoting citizenship and participation of people, making a decisive impact on policies and participating in social and civil dialogue for social inclusion»


Dignity Defense of Rights Social Justice Plurality Participation Independence Transparency Commitment Equality Diversity Equity

Red Europea de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social en el Estado Español Teléfono: +34 91 786 04 11 ● Calle Tribulete 18 ● 28012 ● Madrid ● España CIF: G45556586 ●


1. Political and social impact

EAPN Spain promotes forums of discussion and reflection about poverty and social exclusion in every Autonomous Communities, with the aim of knowing first hand the situations and act on them.

In this direction, EAPN Spain publishes annually its report 'The State of Poverty', a general vision of the social situation in Spain and its autonomous communities.

Through our work of political and social advocacy, we have developed our own discourse, consensual and participated in the defense of people rights, especially of the most vulnerable. Housing, decent employment, minimum incomes and taxation are the main axes of action of the Network to guarantee these rights.

Our meetings with political and trade union representatives this year have served to place our social and economic proposals at the center of the European, national, regional and local political debate with the ultimate aim of advancing in the achievement of a social pact against poverty and inequality.

2. Civil and social dialogue

EAPN-ES continues to work actively in the different working commissions of the Third Sector Platform. In this respect, the participation of the Network in the elaboration of the Third Strategic Plan of the Third Sector has been especially important.

Also in 2016, we have participated in the formulation of the Spain’s National Reform Programme, in the Monitoring Committee for the Operational Program for Social Inclusion and

Red Europea de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social en el Estado Español Teléfono: +34 91 786 04 11 ● Calle Tribulete 18 ● 28012 ● Madrid ● España CIF: G45556586 ●

Social Economy and the NGOs State Council of Social Action, and maintaining the coordination of the Group of Inclusion, Employment and Rural.

EAPN-ES remains a very active member of EAPN Europe, trying to influence European social inclusion policies and to benefit Spain and its autonomous communities from what in other countries and in Europe are considered good practices in social inclusion.

3. Participation and social base

The Participation Seminar “Decent employment for inclusive societies” held in was the central activity in this area, with 131 participants from all over the country.

Also a delegation of four members from EAPN Spain represented the Network at the XV European Participation Meeting in Brussels.

In 2016, 3460 people have participated in activities of transmission of solidarity values and the promotion of volunteering in educational centers, conferences, etc.

4. Organizational development and institutional strengthening

The functioning of the bodies of EAPN Spain and its working groups is based on the efforts of its regional networks and National NGO´s. Throughout 2016, the working groups of Structural Funds, National NGO´s, European Issues, Strategic Plan, MASS, Participation and Fundraising have continued to work on establishing the policy and advocacy action lines of the EAPN Spain, strengthening Its position as a reference entity in the fight against poverty and exclusion.

Red Europea de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social en el Estado Español Teléfono: +34 91 786 04 11 ● Calle Tribulete 18 ● 28012 ● Madrid ● España CIF: G45556586 ●

EAPN Sweden

Annual report 2016 EAPN Sweden


EAPN Sweden has representatives in the EUISG and EXCO (Guni Haggren and Lena Huss).

EAPN Sweden has also taken part in the committee concerning migration and refugee issues (Magnus Pålsson).

EAPN Sweden took part in the 2016 General Assembly in Brugge, Belgium.

The annual PEP meeting (People experiencing poverty) was held in Brussels. The meeting is an arena with the purpose to discuss and spread information about practical and individual consequenses of poverty and social exclusion.

This year, EAPN Sweden sent four representatives from the local network in he county of Skåne. Preparations for the PEP meeting (no 15) was made in cooperation with the Nordic countries.

Local activities:

For many years The Swedish network has been a part of the Governmental Delegation for social issues, lead by the ministry for Social Affairs. Unfortunately, the delegation has now been abolished. No other working groups or official arenas for these imporant issues has been launched.

In 2016 The government arranged a meeting concerning the National Reform Programme. EAPN Sweden took part of this meeting.

The Swedish network is small and has very limited financial resources. Our actions are depending on money for the local PEP preparations, translation of documents, some actions for information and finally on membership fees. The consequense is that very few external acitivities can be performed. If The Swedish network make arrangements, we are depending on volunteers.

Annual meeting:

The EAPN Sweden Annual meeting was combined with a seminar in the local EU office. The issue was ”The state of the welfare state”. One of the speakers was an officer from our Swedish EU office.

Website and information:

Due to technical problems, our Swedish website has been closed for some time. But in 2016 the network launched a new website, which is now under construction. We also have a Facebook site. It is our impression that Facebook is more important for communication than a regular web site.


During 2016 the following documents have been translated:

- EAPN position paper on ”Social pillar”