Black Rock Forest News

Spring 2003 The Black Rock Forest Consortium Volume XIII, No. 2

Small Grants Support Summer Education Research and Education City Public Schools Gain Forest Access cientists will be studying bees, promote scientific research and inno- S , age-related productivity vative education projects in the For- his spring, fourth and fifth decline in red , and the use of an est, and must involve research or T graders from PS/IS 176 in oxygen isotope in obtaining cell curricula related to its biota or physi- northern ’s Inwood maturation information in Black cal environment. Funds may support neighborhood will become the first Rock Forest this summer, thanks to students and postdocs, transporta- City public school stu- the Stiefel Foundation Small Grant tion, and equipment (although pur- dents to benefit from Black Rock’s Program. Now in its fourteenth year chased equipment generally must new School in the Forest project. (and the second with funding from remain at or be returned to the For- This program, started with a gener- Stiefel), the Small Grant Program est). Proposals must reflect a well- ous grant from the New York Com- provides up to $5000 for research conceived design with clearly stated munity Trust, is designed to give projects and up to goals and a rea- public schools in the City the same $3000 for educa- sonable promise of opportunities to participate in the tion projects. successful comple- Forest’s science education pro- Since 1990, it has tion; they are also grams that independent schools funded 68 research evaluated on schol- and public schools in Orange projects for a total arly promise and County have enjoyed for more than of more than productivity, their twelve years. Joyce M. Baron, an $281,000, and contribution to the educational consultant with many since 1994, it has field, and the For- years of experience in both the pub- provided just over est’s importance in lic and private school worlds, in- $54,000 for 23 fulfilling the re- cluding serving as principal of the education projects. search goals. The Ethical Culture School and of the This year, the Consortium’s Sci- Fieldston Middle School and found- grant program also ence and Educa- ing and directing an independent funded three edu- tion Committee school in Rockland County, is de- cation proposals. makes the award veloping and directing the program. “The Small Measuring tree stem respiration in a decisions in con- The core of the School in the Grant program has project by Dr. Kevin Griffin funded by sultation with Dr. Forest program is class trips to the developed a legacy a 2001 Small Grant. Schuster. Forest: day trips until the Lodge is of providing re- built and overnight visits thereafter. searchers from Consortium institu- Bees and Turtles Students will be able to participate tions with funds to initiate projects in “Bees are the single most important in all the educational programs that the Forest,” explains Forest Director animal pollinators in virtually all ter- have been developed over the years Dr. William Schuster. “Some projects restrial regions except Antarctica,” (see “Teacher Resources,” Winter don’t require additional funding. But notes Dr. Jerome G. Rozen, Jr., a 2003). But equally important is the for ones that do, the Small Grant curator at the American Museum of interaction between participating program enables investigators to Natural History. “The mutualistic teachers and Forest staff. Prior to a compile preliminary data needed for relationship between bees and plants class’s initial trip to Black Rock, securing longer-term support. In comprises a key dimension in healthy Forest staff visit the classroom and addition to directly benefiting re- ecosystem function, biological diver- the teachers attend a forest orienta- searchers and their students, the sity, and agricultural productivity. tion. “This allows us to learn what studies have substantially added to Bees provide a vital and far-reaching the students are studying and who our understanding of forest structure community service, affecting both they are as learners, so we can help and function.” directly and indirectly the integrity of the teachers build the content of Each winter, the Consortium ecological communities as a whole, their visit,” explains Mrs. Baron, distributes guidelines for the Small including the health of humans.” Dr. “and it gives the teachers a feeling Grant Program to member institu- of confidence when they bring their tions. The grants are designed to (continued on page 5) (continued on page 6) 2 Black Rock Forest News Spring 2003

Black Rock Forest Report from the Forest Director

Consortium irst-hand experiences in nature gram working directly with New York F provide a rich context for learning City public school students and their Black Rock Forest News is published about living organisms and our envi- teachers and administrators. We are three times a year by the Black Rock ronment. Enabling such experiences now enjoying working with young- Forest Consortium. for students of all ages has always sters from PS 176 in northern Man- The Black Rock Forest Consortium is an been a major focus of the Black Rock hattan. The grant has allowed us to alliance of public and private schools, Forest Consortium. Using Black add an accomplished, multitalented colleges, universities, and scientific and Rock as a vast natural classroom, educator, Joyce Baron, to our staff. cultural institutions engaged in research, teachers, scientists, and Forest staff Joyce has guided the development of education, and conservation in the 3785- acre Black Rock Forest in New York’s have interacted to develop, refine, this project, working with teachers . and spread educational activities that and the resources of the Consortium involve students as participants to pull together the best of our pro- The Black Rock Forest Consortium is a within a carefully designed and often grams. PS 176 will have access to all not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization sup- rigorous learning framework. Re- the benefits of Consortium member- ported by membership dues, grants, and search has shown that retention of ship. We plan to include other City gifts. concepts and facts is enhanced when schools in the near future. students are actively involved in their It is not a practical goal to work Consortium Institutions learning. Using a compass and read- with all or even a substantial portion American Museum of Natural History ing a map while viewing a landscape of the students in the New York met- from the top of a mountain, studying ropolitan area. But in and around in the habitats where the City (and most cities for that mat- they live, exploring the transforma- ter) are a host of natural areas, for- The tion of water from rain or groundwa- ests, marshes, rivers, and estuaries ter to surface water or eventually that are the focus of research activi- Cornwall Central School District The drinking water: these are experiences ties. If those that are managed by Friends Seminary from which students learn lasting life organizations with comparable edu- Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods skills and gain a foundation for un- cational missions could jointly de- Hole—The Ecosystems Center derstanding our environment and velop a model for a larger number of New York – New Jersey Conference our interconnections with it. preserves and scientific field stations, Too many students, particularly we would be doing a great favor to Newburgh Enlarged City School District from urban areas, are not provided our urban youth and our prospects PS/IS 176 with these experiences. And without for living sustainably within the The School at Columbia University them, as they become the new deci- natural systems on which we depend. sion-makers in our society, it will be Please consider helping us if you Consortium Staff difficult for them to have much un- can, or in directing support our way, derstanding of or concern for nature. because the project is not yet fully William Schuster, Ph.D., Forest Director Many programs have been developed funded. We need additional support John Brady, Forest Manager Joyce M. Baron, Education Coordinator to address this situation; the pro- to provide these students with Barbara Brady, Administrative Assistant grams of the Black Rock Forest Con- hands-on field experience, opportuni- Matthew Munson, Data Manager sortium and its member institutions ties to meet researchers and collect benefit thousands of youth from New and analyze their own real data. We Consortium Officers York City, and closer cities such as want to work with more students and William T. Golden, Chairman Newburgh, each year. But such ex- with other organizations to provide Frank Moretti, Ph.D., President periences are still not widely avail- similar opportunities elsewhere. The Sibyl R. Golden, Vice-Chair able to the majority of urban stu- School in the Forest has been devel- William M. Kelly, Treasurer dents. Their learning about the won- oped to directly address state science Christie Van Kehrberg, Secretary ders of nature, if it exists at all, still teaching standards; we aim to do so relies largely on books and black- more effectively than is typically done Consortium Address boards, a poor substitute for experi- with only books and lectures. Teach- 129 Continental Road encing the cacophony of a pond full ers have repeatedly experienced how Cornwall NY 12518-2119 of mating or a guided discovery even some of their most difficult stu- Phone: (845) 534-4517 of the heavens on a clear night. dents blossom in such a rich, open Fax: (845) 534-6975 Our School in the Forest project environment. And what are they go-

(see page 1) has been developed with ing to remember when they grow up: Web: the belief that all students should chapter fourteen or the time they have such experiences as integral identified, by themselves for the first Black Rock Forest News components of their learning about time, the mountains and rivers that Sibyl R. Golden, Editor the world. Thanks to a leadership surrounded them in the landscape, Terry Murray, Photo Editor grant from the New York Community while an eagle soared overhead? „ Trust, we have started a new pro- — Dr. William Schuster © 2003 Black Rock Forest Consortium Spring 2003 Black Rock Forest News 3 “Brookies at Black Rock” Brings Trout to Students

rowing from eggs to hatchlings to adult trout had displayed spawning

G tiny fish in large nursery tanks behavior, and Mr. Brady had obtained in the Science Center, more than 300 about 500 eggs from the 16-inch fe- brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are male and fertilized them with milt now ready for release in Black Rock from the smaller male. This gave stu- Forest’s streams. Through the For- dents an opportunity to learn about est’s new Brookies at Black Rock pro- spawning and to study the external gram, they have provided exciting and and internal anatomy of trout, meth- varied educational activities for about ods for determining their age, and the 200 students from Newburgh’s Balm- importance of dissolved oxygen and Young trout in test tube for measuring. ville School, the Cornwall Schools, the its correlation with temperature. American Museum of Natural His- In the spring, the students move selves for having a participatory effect tory’s Youth Can Club, the Friends of to outdoor activities. The fourth class on the trout’s well-being, and they Fishes Youth Environmental Society focuses on watersheds and water also learn just what scientists do.” (YES), and the Forest’s Callers quality, where trout live and what Brook trout once swam in Black program. Students have ranged from they eat. The fifth class continues the Rock’s streams, but appear to have third graders to AP biology students. theme of what the trout eat, as stu- disappeared after the droughts of the In November 2002, Forest Man- dents use seine nets to catch and 1960s which, presumably, raised the ager John Brady, who developed and identify macroinvertebrates in Black water temperature so high the fish leads the program along with Mat- Rock’s streams. In the last class, in couldn’t survive. Adult brook trout thew Munson, traveled to Long Island mid-June, students will say goodbye function best at water temperatures to obtain eggs from the state’s Cold to their trout, each class releasing 20 no higher than 58 to 62°F. When the Spring Harbor Hatchery. He brought to 50 of the young fish, which will be water gets warmer, they stay in so- them back to two 40-gallon nursery about six months old and about four called trout pools, burrowing into the tanks, each containing equipment to to six inches in length. Some will be gravely bottom and the mud, and are chill, aerate, circulate, and filter the saved for release on Consortium Day never abundant in water over 68°F; water. He also installed two adult (see “Forest News in Brief,” p. 7) and 77°F is their lethal limit. brook trout, from a stream in the Adi- some for summer programs. Temperature also plays a role in rondacks with no record of release of “The program integrates so many egg development. In the wild, where hatchery-raised trout, in a 180-gallon subject areas,” notes Doreen Gleason, winter water temperatures can get as adult tank. Staff from Trout in the a third-grade teacher at Cornwall Ele- low as just above freezing, eggs take Classroom (TIC), an organization that mentary School. “The students use 144 days to hatch, so eggs laid in the enables schools to engage in egg-to- scientific instruments, estimate and fall hatch in the spring. In the educa- release activities (www.troutinthe- make predictions, write about their tional situation, the temperature can helped him obtain the experiences, and form an emotional be varied to manipulate egg develop- eggs and set up the nursery system. connection with the fish. The trout ment; the higher the temperature, the Additionally, the project received con- have turned into magical creatures sooner they hatch, but too-rapid tributions from the Forest’s youth that they can’t get enough of.” Her hatching can result in greater mortal- group, the Coyote Callers (see article colleague Deborah Gilson, who ity. At 52°F, which seems to be a safe in the Spring 2002 issue), the Black teaches fourth grade at the same temperature, eggs hatch in 37 days. Rock Fish and Game Club, and Pat school, agrees. “The program brings When the newly hatched trout Yazgi and the Friends of Fishes. learning and theory alive,” she says. stop living off their egg sacs, they eat This first year, each class will “The students are proud of them- food provided by the hatchery, but make about six visits to the For- will start being fed macroinverte- est. In the first two, they saw the Coyote Caller participants with trout. brates and black-nosed dace (a adults, the eggs, and some newly fish) about two weeks before re- hatched fish. They learned about lease so they will become famil- the trout’s habitat, collected water iar with what they will find to eat temperature and acidity data, in the Forest’s streams. measured the tiny hatchlings, “Raising brook trout is much analyzed their mortality, studied like farming,” notes John Brady, their development under the mi- “with daily feeding and monitor- croscope, and learned how to feed ing water quality, temperature, and care for the baby fish. “We’re and filtration. But it provides a developing the program as we go wonderful opportunity for the along,” notes John Brady, students, who can experience “shaping it to the needs of the the fish behavior and biology as teachers and the students' level.” they watch them grow. The pro- By the students’ third class in grams and curricula we can de- February and March, the two velop seem almost limitless.”„ 4 Black Rock Forest News Spring 2003 Standing on Top of the World: Forest Inspires Student Poets

onna Qualey’s sixth-grade stu- fidence in the Forest, they also gain After they read, they write. They D dents from Newburgh’s Balmville confidence in their writing. “Now, also keep detailed journals of each School write poetry on their first trip they just love it.” trip, including lots of pictures. “The to Black Rock Forest after they climb Mrs. Qualey has selected books students can see and imagine,” Mrs. to the top of Black Rock Mountain that match each site the students Qualey explains. “The Forest never and look out in amazement at how far visit, choosing from a variety of gen- lets us down.” She notes that the they have walked. They write poetry res (she plans to prepare a book list children say the Forest enables them after they stand on a boulder at Ea- that will be available in the Forest to write because they can write from gle’s Cliff and feel like they’re stand- office). They may read poetry or their own experience; they feel they ing on top of the world. They write prose, or look at books with photos own the Forest. “It builds their self poetry when they participate in the and art. On that first visit to Black esteem,” she says, and adds that trout-raising program (see p. 3). In Rock Mountain, for example, they Black Rock is an “equalizer” among fact, they write poetry whenever they read Maya Angelou’s “On the Pulse of students from different economic visit the Forest. And, they not only Morning,” the poem she wrote for backgrounds, building great coopera- write it, they get it published: in the President Clinton’s inauguration, tion and changing their demeanor New Windsor Sentinel, in the Middle- which begins “A Rock, A River, A and relationships. town Record, and in the Hudson Val- Tree.” At Eagle Cliff, where they can Publication is a goal of the poetry- ley Literary Magazine. so often see turkey vultures, they writing; Mrs. Qualey believes that Mrs. Qualey brings the sixth- read and look at paintings in Melville sharing what they have written within graders to the Forest about eight to and Locker’s Catskill Eagle. Other their school and beyond is important ten times a year, mixing science, books they read include Jean Craig- to the students. She sends their po- math, and poetry in each trip. Each head George’s My Side of the Moun- etry to local newspapers and other year, the first trip is one of total ex- tain, and books designed for younger publications. This year, every one of ploration for the students, many of readers that contain creative and in- her twenty-four students has had at whom have never been in the woods spiring illustrations, like John Gile’s least one poem published, a class before and are, she says, “scared to First Forest and Jane Yolen’s Encoun- record. “The students think of them- death.” They are also afraid of poetry, ter. This spring, in class, they’re selves as writers,” she says, “and they she notes. As the students gain con- reading poetry by Langston Hughes. cheer each other on.”„

I Shook the Hand of Black Rock Forest and Felt . . Snow Isn’t Snow But a home for creatures A diamond falling from the sky. strength A diamond for us a family for creatures A shining wonder a habitat Marvelous, magical magnificent view Limbs of trees extended out. White, winter, wonder. Lots of sun for trees to grow, Fluffy, flaky, feelings. and strength to stay strong for the winter, Delightful, soothing, flakes of ice until their dreams come true And silver flakes Life extended from minutes to hours. Diamonds falling to signal the poor, it’s their time to Species that haven’t been discovered. reign. Black Rock Forest is full of dreams. Jevaughn Davis Michael Babcock Prayer of the Brook Trout I would love to have a family and see them do the Queen of the Cliff same things as me. Queen of the trees that seem so small. I would pray that my kids grow up and have a family Queen of the hills that now seem like pebbles. in the big blue river. Queen of the sky that now feels reachable. Katie Ibbetson Queen of the ground that now feels like the sky. Queen of the Hudson that now seems so short. Queen of the city that looks like tiny, tiny sticks. Brook Trout Queen of the turkey hawks that tried to steal my In my cold and sometimes lukewarm water lunch. I catch my food, Queen of the view that could be seen. Wishing that one day I could find a family. I, Queen of Eagle’s Cliff. I pray for brothers and sisters Gabrielle Diulio That could play with me and help me catch my food

Ruby Barillas Spring 2003 Black Rock Forest News 5

Small Grants (continued from page 1) William Schiller, another Museum plain, “so we can continue to work on Rozen and Valerie Giles, a Museum educator, will assist with fieldwork this important ecological paradigm at scientific assistant, will conduct an and supervising interns and students; Black Rock Forest.” inventory of the bee species in the Dr. Mande Holford, who coordinates In another tree physiology study, Forest and their host plants. the education department’s genetics Dr. Edward Cook, the head of the They will collect bees with insect program, will conduct DNA sequenc- Tree-Ring Laboratory at Lamont- nets, pan traps, and trap nests in ing of tissue samples with her Doherty, and Dr. William Wright, a order to gather a variety of natural classes. The program builds on the post-doc there, plan to use eastern history data: a list of bee species by work of Krista McKinsey, formerly a white pines (Pinus strobus) to examine sex, seasonality (the period of adult grad student of Dr. Christopher Rax- whether the δ18O stable isotope of flight), bee-floral associations, nesting worthy, a Museum herpetologist who water incorporated into needle cellu- requirements, and host associations reviews the research protocols. lose can be used as a proxy for needle of parasitic species. At the end of the cell maturation timing and local envi- project, they will produce a system- Ecophysiology ronmental information. Oxygen, like atic, annotated list of the species Dr. Kevin Griffin from Lamont- many other elements, exists predomi- found, to be made available to re- Doherty, Dr. David Tissue from Texas nantly in one atomic form, but also searchers. A synoptic collection of Tech University, and Dr. Matthew has a smaller number of atoms with bees will be housed at the Forest, and Turnbull from the University of Can- slightly different numbers of neutrons a collection will also be stored in the terbury in New Zealand are part of an in the nucleus; these are naturally Museum’s dried insect collections and international team that has been us- occurring stable isotopes. They may its Ambrose Monell Cryo Collection. ing Black Rock Forest to study the be preferentially taken up or excluded “Because Black Rock Forest contains carbon balance in forest ecosystems in chemical reactions compared to the a variety of distinct habitat types typi- and the environmental variables that primary form, and their makeup in cal of the region and is managed as a limit carbon uptake (see “Forest Re- needles (and leaves, wood, and other long-term preserve,” Dr. Rozen ex- search Symposium A Great Success,” materials produced by trees) varies plains, “a baseline inventory of its Fall 2001, and “Climate Change somewhat with environmental condi- relatively intact bee species should Study Brings New Zealand Scientists tions. Thus, analyzing isotopic com- provide a valuable basis for future to Forest,” Fall 1999). They will take positions of these materials is an es- comparisons across a range of spatial a detailed look at the photosynthetic tablished method for analyzing condi- and temporal scales.” biochemistry and physiology of red tions during their formation. Researchers and educators from (Quercus rubra), the dominant Throughout the 2003 growing the American Museum of Natural His- tree species in the Forest, to test hy- season, the researchers will measure tory have been studying the turtles of potheses about age-related decline in needle extension in pine needles and Black Rock Forest for several years above-ground productivity. Under- examine the oxygen isotope composi- (see “Summer Programs,” Fall 2002). standing the aging process, they note, tion both of natural waters (rain, soil Dave Karrmann, a senior instructor “is fundamental to assessing the role water, etc.) and of the needle cellulose in the Museum’s Education Depart- of forests as carbon sinks, construct- from pine branch tips. Unlike previ- ment, has several goals for his Small ing mechanistic models of forest ous studies that used stable isotope Grant project: to obtain an accurate growth, predicting forest response to ratios from the entire growing season census of the metapopulation (a a changing climate, and understand- in a single sample to determine envi- population broken into subpopula- ing forest form and function.” ronmental conditions during cellulose tions by some sort of reproductive Taking advantage of Black Rock’s formation, they will generate a time barrier) of eastern painted turtles historical records of forest manage- series by analyzing weekly incre- (Chrysemys picta picta) in Black ment, the team will work at ten sites mental growth and isotope ratio data. Rock’s seven ponds, including sex, representing five distinct age classes They hope that this time series will age, size, and range distribution, as (from 35 to more than 150 years), correlate changes in the isotope ratios well as annual cycles; to examine the sampling five trees at each site. By with cell growth information, and movement of turtles among the quantifying the physiological capacity thus provide very high-resolution in- ponds; to assess the apparent hy- for carbon fixation, basic foliar respi- formation about the duration of bridization of eastern and midland (C. ration rates, leaf chemical and physi- maturation phases and environ- p. marginata) painted turtles; and to cal properties, site leaf area index, mental conditions around the trees. provide students with the opportunity and standing biomass, they propose to participate in the research. to test whether age-related productiv- Education Projects The student teams will use up to ity decline is caused by a reduction in The three education proposals funded twenty traps to catch turtles in all the ratio of photosynthesis to respira- this year were a trout breeding study seven ponds several times a month tion, an increase in nutrient demand for The Browning School planned by from April through October. They will beyond the capacity of the site, hy- Samuel Keany; the Cornwall School’s record age, sex, size, and location draulic constraints, and/or genetic fifth grade research (see data and mark the turtles with PIT changes in the primary carboxylating “ Project,” Winter 2003), (passive integrated transponder) tags, enzyme of photosynthesis. “Our goal coordinated by Gregory Schmaltz; microchips implanted subcutaneously is to garner enough new information and an investigation of signs of spring in a ’s right rear leg, providing a to be able to submit a full proposal to by Newburgh’s Vail’s Gate High Tech unique identifying signal that can be the National Science Foundation or Magnet School, developed by Mar- detected with a specialized reader. the Department of Energy,” they ex- layna Wiley.„ 6 Black Rock Forest News Spring 2003

City Schools (continued from page 1) Current Research at the Forest students to Black Rock.” Forest staff will also help with between-trip he Black Rock Forest Consortium is committed to encouraging collabora- follow-up and preparation. T tion among member institutions and also between researchers and stu- PS/IS 176 was chosen as the dents. To help members learn what other members are doing and explore first school to participate for several opportunities for collaboration, we here present a list of current research reasons: easy travel to the Forest; projects at the Forest, along with contact information. „ recommendation by Marselle Hey- wood, the District 6 science coordi- Biodiversity of Spiders of the Black Rock Forest. Vladimir Ovtsharenko nator; enthusiastic support from and Kefyn Catley (American Museum of Natural History). Contact: Vladimir Principal Miriam Moreno-Pedraja; Ovtsharenko. teacher willingness to incorporate Long-Term Carbon Storage in . Dorothy Peteet (Lamont-Doherty the topics and lessons from the pro- Earth Observatory of Columbia University) and Terryanne Maenza-Gmelch gram into their existing curriculum; (New York University). Contact: Dorothy Peteet. technology resources; and willing- Long-Term Study (70 years) of Tree Population Dynamics and Carbon ness to support efforts to continue Storage. William Schuster (Black Rock Forest). Contact: William Schuster . the program over the long term. There are three learning com- Multiple Trophic Impacts of Hemlock Wooly Adelgids on Eastern Hem- munities within PS/IS 176, named lock Communities. James Danoff-Burg and Shahrina Chowdhury (Center the W. Haywood Burns School after for Environmental Research and Conservation at Columbia University). Con- the late lawyer and civil rights activ- tact: James Danoff-Burg. ist. Students from two of these will Management of Eastern Hemlock Decline in the Northeastern United participate in this spring’s activi- States. William Schuster and John Brady (Black Rock Forest). Contact: Wil- ties: the Amistad program, in which liam Schuster. children study in English on some Floristic Changes Over Time in the Black Rock Forest. Kerry Barringer days and Spanish on others, and and Steve Clemants (Brooklyn Botanic Garden). Contact: Kerry Barringer. the Muscota program, which uses integrated and interdisciplinary Forest Management, Fragmentation, and Insect Biodiversity. James curricula and strives to involve stu- Danoff-Burg (Center for Environmental Research and Conservation at Co- dents in hands-on experiences. lumbia University) and Robert Dunn (University of Connecticut). Contact: One class has already studied in James Danoff-Burg. Inwood Park, and is excited about Hydrologic and Chemical Fluxes in the Black Rock Forest. James Simp- investigating water quality, macro- son (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University). Contact: invertebrates, and other animals in James Simpson. a forest ecosystem. Another class Controls on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in the Cascade Brook Water- has been studying indigenous peo- shed of Black Rock Forest. Kevin Griffin (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observa- ple, and will explore the teepee and tory). Contact: Kevin Griffin. other sites at Black Rock, and a Ground Source Geothermal Power Systems: Assessing Energy Efficiency third has been exploring plants and and Local Heat Flow. Dallas Abbott (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of biosystems, including making ter- Columbia University). Contact: Dallas Abbott. rariums and working with micro- scopes. “One of the cornerstones of Long-Term Studies of Painted Turtle Population Dynamics and Disper- our program is hands-on, project- sal. David Karrmann and Christopher Raxworthy (American Museum of based learning,” explains Ms. Mo- Natural History). Contact: David Karrman. reno-Pedraja, “so the Black Rock Delineating Detailed Ecological Land Units in the New York Bioscape project is a perfect match.” Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Imagery. John Mickelson (CIESIN at Co- “We are excited about PS/IS lumbia University), William Schuster (Black Rock Forest), and Fred Koontz 176’s involvement in the School in (Wildlife Trust). Contact: John Mickelson. the Forest program,” notes Forest Controls on Ecosystem Water Use in a Forest with Moderate Topo- Director Dr. William Schuster, graphic Relief: Modeling Results. Kevin Griffin and Mark Stieglitz “because we have long sought a way (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University). Contact Kevin to offer Black Rock’s resources to a Griffin. wider selection of New York City public school students. The New Delta 18O in Pinus strobus Needle Cellulose: Assessing the Potential for York Community Trust’s initial sup- Recovering Subseasonal Cell Maturation Information. Edward E. Cook port has been wonderful, but we and William E. Wright (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia Uni- need to find additional sponsors so versity). Contact Edward Cook . we can work with more classes and The Potential Role of Physiology in the Age-Related Decline of Red Oak sustain the program for a long time. Productivity at Black Rock Forest. Kevin L. Griffin (Lamont-Doherty Urban kids especially need to ex- Earth Observatory). Contact Kevin Griffin. perience a real connection to the Survey of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) of Black Rock Forest. Jerome G. natural world. We are confident Rozen, Jr. (American Museum of Natural History). Contact: Jerome Rozen.„ that this program will be richly re- warding for everyone involved.”„ Spring 2003 Black Rock Forest News 7 Forest News in Brief Consortium Day on June 8. Join colleagues from mem- Dr.Advisor, Catalina and Mr.Santamaria, Pekka Patosaari, the Secretariat’s its Head and Forest Coordina- Policy ber institutions from 1 to 5 PM at the Center for Science Advisor,tor, commented, and Mr. Pekka“it is with Patosaari, organizations its Head like and Black Coordina- Rock and Education for walks and talks, fun and food, and the tor,Forest commented, that our forests“it is with can organizationsprevail and continue like Black to Rockcon- annual Stillman Award, which will be given to Anne and Foresttribute thatto the our well-being forests canof the prevail planet and and continue humanity.” to con- Constantine Sidamon-Eristoff. Highlights of the after- tributeWeb Site to theUpdated. well-being Thanks of the to planet the volunteer and humanity.” efforts of Dr. noon include a talk on “Black Rock’s Hidden Past” by WebJean SiteE. Taylor, Updated. a member-at-large Thanks to the volunteer of the Consortium’s efforts of Dr. Rutgers University historian Dr. Neil Maher, the release of JeanBoard E. of Taylor,Directors, a member-at-large the Forest’s web of site the at Consortium’s some of the brook trout raised from eggs (see “Brookies at rockforest.orgBoard of Directors, now contains the Forest’s up-to-date web site information at about Black Rock,” p. 3), a turtle research demonstration, and rockforest.orgConsortium members, now contains directors, up-to-date Forest information staff, and about the the traditional amphibian hike and student and re- ConsortiumStiefel Small members,Grant program. directors, Future Forest plans staff, include and plac- the searcher presentations. Stiefeling pdf Smallversions Grant of this program. newsletter Future (and planspast issues)include on plac- the Third Forest Research Symposium on June 23. Fac- ingsite, pdf as versionswell as additionalof this newsletter data from (and the past Forest, issues) such on theas ulty members and graduate students working at Black site,the growth as well of as “adopted” additional trees. data from the Forest, such as Rock have been invited to present their research. At the theTeacher growth on of Sabbatical, “adopted” trees. Intern Help Forest Education. last symposium, there were 23 talks covering a wide vari- TeacherToni Daly, on a Sabbatical,teacher at Friends Intern SeminaryHelp Forest who Education. has devel- ety of fields (see “Forest Research Symposium A Great Tonioped Daly,many aeducational teacher at Friendsprojects Seminaryat Black Rock,who has is spend- devel- Success,” Fall 2001). This year’s event will last from ap- opeding a many spring-semester educational projectssabbatical at Blackpartly Rock,at the is Forest,spend- proximately 9 to 4:30; box lunches will be available for ingworking a spring-semester on a resource sabbaticalguide to help partly teachers at the and Forest, stu- $5.00. For more information, contact the Forest office. workingdents make on usea resource of the Forest, guide andto help also teacherson classroom and stu-and UN Group Met at Black Rock. On January 29 and 30, dentsfield lessons make use for ofstudents. the Forest, Rebecca and also Sussman, on classroom a senior and the United Nations Forum on Forests Secretariat held a fieldwho lessonshas graduated for students. early fromRebecca the Sussman,Dalton School, a senior is strategy-building retreat at Black Rock Forest. Sixteen whospending has thegraduated spring in early residence from at the the DaltonForest, trainingSchool, asis members of the Secretariat, whose mission is to promote spendinga field educator the spring and in working residence on ata thevariety Forest, of projects training in-as “the management, conservation, and sustainable develop- acluding field educator tree-ring andstudies working and brook on a troutvariety breeding. of projects in- ment for all types of forests, and to strengthen long-term cludingOak Seedlings tree-ring for studies Sale. and Later brook this trout year, breeding. seedlings from political commitment to this end,” heard Forest Director OakBlack Seedlings Rock’s more for Sale.than 200-year-old Later this year, Continental seedlings whitefrom Dr. William Schuster describe the Consortium and its Blackoak tree Rock’s will bemore sold than as a 200-year-old fundraiser for Continental the Forest. white For activities and enjoyed a hike, as well as participating in oakmore tree information, will be sold please as acontact fundraiser the Forest for the office. Forest. „ For two days of talks and working groups. After the retreat, more information, please contact the Forest office. „ Dr. Catalina Santamaria, the Secretariat’s Forest Policy

Join Us! Become a Friend of Black Rock Forest!

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White Oak $500 or more Address ______

Hemlock $250 ______

Sugar Maple $100 Phone ______

Individual $20 E-Mail ______Student/Over 65 $15 My company will match my gift. Family $25 Company name and address ______

Please mail this coupon with your contri- ______bution to: Black Rock Forest, 129 Continental Road, Cornwall NY 12518-2119. Please send me information concerning: Please make checks payable to the Black Gifts of land/real estate Memorial gifts Rock Forest Consortium. Thank you! I would like to volunteer to help with the following:

______All contributions are tax-deductible as the Black Rock Forest Consortium is a 501(c)(3) organization. 8 Black Rock Forest News Spring 2003 Report from the Forest Manager

inter left grudgingly on April 23, Forest deer station gave indication of Winter casualties were light; only W with a snow flurry. From No- a healthy herd at a manageable den- one 7½-year-old doe was found killed vember 18 to April 7, 18 snow events sity. Fattening up on a good acorn by during the two days of totaled 92 inches. Although short of crop (nearly 300 pounds per acre), all greatest snow pack, 38 inches. The the 109 inches left in the winter of acorn-eating birds and winter severity impact will show up in 1996, this winter’s severity other ways, such as next surpassed that of 1996. fall’s deer weights and Winter severity is an Snow Pack 2003 1996 antler size. index of environmental The winter affected factors (snowfall, snow people as well: skiers and Days of snow cover 115 99 pack, temperature, and snowshoers enjoyed ex- wind) affecting the survival cellent conditions. Visi- of white-tailed deer and Continuous days of snow cover 114 85 tors to the stone house other over-wintering ani- practiced survival skills to mals. Snow pack, the Days of 18+ inches of snow cover 56 14 enjoy their stay. daily measurement of ac- Heavy rains of late cumulated snow from De- February and early March Days of 12+ inches of snow cover 81 44 cember 1 to March 1 (120 were soaked up by the days), was continuous this two-foot snow pack of winter. Days of 6+ inches of snow cover 102 78 that time. Concern about Cold temperatures and a disastrous spring melt- lack of a January thaw down and damaging run- were the factors to make 2003 a win- were well prepared. As winter contin- off was relieved by a moderately cold ter not to be easily forgotten. Critical ued and snow depths deepened, the early spring. The slowly melting snow ingredients to the impact of winter difficulty of digging for acorns was gave beautiful images of streams and severity are animal health and popu- relieved by the abundant browse (tree roaring water at Mineral Springs lation size entering the winter. Bio- buds and branches) left by the dam- Falls.„ logical information at the Black Rock aging ice storm of November 17. — John Brady Black Rock Forest Consortium 129 Continental Road Cornwall NY 12518-2119

Phone: (845) 534-4517 Fax: (845) 534-6975 Web:

Inside This Issue

Small Grants Support Page 1 Summer Research

“School in the Forest” Page 1 Brings City Public School Students to Black Rock “Brookies at Black Rock” Page 3 Trout Program

Forest Inspires Student Page 4 Poetry

Forest News In Brief Page 7