DEVELOP YOUR AND POWERS with Yolessa Lawrinnce

We all have intuition or a psychic —whether you refer to it as a gut reaction, instinct, or foresight. But, are you listening to the signs? Your intuition is the manifestation of True Self. This course demystifies the 3rd Eye (sense of wisdom or the ability to see things for what they really are) so that you can deepen your spiritual connection and develop a profound sense of trust. A strong sense of trust helps you break free from old destructive patterns and feelings of entrapment so that you can manifest the life you desire. Just like you have 5 senses—seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting—you also have clair senses or extrasensory abilities that correspond to them. When you tap into these senses, the messages you receive can be used to make life choices that are in your best interest.

Click the link below to sign up and view the weekly schedule of this online course.

Course Schedule

Total Cost: $360

6 Week Online Courses ­ Sedona Mago Center for Well-being and Retreat COURSE OVERVIEW

Week 1: The Psychic Sense of Seeing Learn and practice clairvoyance, also known as clear seeing or the ability to see visions or mental images in your or mind’s eye. Week 2: The Psychic Senses of Feeling and Emotions Learn the difference between clairsentience and clairempathy and use sensitization training to feel embodied like never before. Week 3: The Psychic Sense of Knowing Learn to access the secret claircognizant energetic center used for centuries by mystics to ‘know’ everything. Week 4: The Psychic Sense of Hearing Experience the power of sound through clairaudience, or clear hearing, and attune yourself to interpret sound frequency into messages. Week 5 & 6: The Psychic Sense of Touching Learn how to move forward and gain mastery in developing your psychic abilities by deepening your connection with your True Self.

About the Trainer Yolessa is a natural born intuitive healer, who uses her clairsentience, clairvoyance, and clairaudience in a non- judgmental and compassionate way. Yolessa communicates directly with your Higher Self and to relay important messages with accuracy. Her deep understanding of the universal laws and principles adds to her ability to deliver wisdom and guidance about your love life, career, family relationships, past lives, life purpose, and destiny. She is also a medium with the ability to connect with lost loved ones to heal relationships or grief. Yolessa is the Director of Sedona Healing Arts and a Lead Facilitator of the Intuitive Reader program offered through Sedona Healing Arts.