Meeting of Kea Parish Council

7pm on Thursday 20th June 2019 at Baldhu Chapel


Present: Cllr Treseder, Chamberlain, Baker, Rutter, Verran, Spenceley, Johnstone, Alvey, Hill, Cllr Dyer, and the clerk.

1. Chairpersons welcome – Cllr Treseder welcomed everyone to the meeting 2. Apologies – Cllr Roberts and Cllr Wear 3. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) and any Other Significant Interest (OSI) - none 4. Public comment - none 5. Councillors report – Cllrs Alvey and Dyer Cllr Alvey reported that he is a member of the Climate scrutiny group, and they have been discussing the way forward following the declaration of a climate emergency. The officers will bring forward a plan to cabinet in July. After that we will see what the government’s role will be and how the Cllrs will be involved. It is possible that the university could be quite involved. Now, every time a paper is produced there will be a climate paragraph within it so that it is considered in every decision. Currently are trying to work out what the councils carbon footprint is and they want to raise awareness of what the council already does, for example, solar panels on County hall roof. Cllr Alvey is meeting with highways regarding a proposal to plant wild flowers on the large expanse of verge by Playing Place roundabout, this will involve killing what is there currently and then reseeding. Cllr Dyer stated that the central reservation from the end of Tresawls road to Threemilestone is looking lovely, workers have disturbed the ground and there is now a lot of Charlock amongst the wild flowers. Cllr Dyer stated that although the Parish boundary review between Kea and Chacewater is looking at minor adjustments that make sense, other areas are looking at larger changes. Chacewater Parish Council have considered whether they should take over Greenbottom, however, have decided against this as there is already a natural boundary. City Council are proposing changes that would see them incorporate the area from


Gloweth to Maiden Green including Truro College, and Treliske along with 2 fields from Penventinnie Farm(part of the Langarth development). This would mean a transfer of a lot of properties which would include their council tax income. Cllr Dyer reported that there is a move to establish a community woodland on the site of an old tip at Bissoe which is being led by councillors at Feock Parish Council. 6. Planning a) To receive and comment on planning applications: PA19/05059 Egan, 24 Penhalls Way, Playing Place. Construction of roof extension. Proposal: Kea Parish council to submit the following comments – Kea Parish Council support this application. Proposed by Cllr Baker, seconded by Cllr Rutter and agreed by majority vote. PA19/05014 Mr Snook and Ms Clinton, land adjacent 9 Penlee Villas, Playing Place. Proposed new dwelling with parking and amenity space attached to 9 Penlee Villas. Proposal: Kea Parish council to submit the following comments – Kea Parish Council support this application. Proposed by Cllr Chamberlain, seconded by Cllr Verran and agreed by majority vote. PA19/03055 Mr Mitchell, Baldhu Christian Chapel, Wheal Jane, Baldhu. Remove old wooden Sunday School floor and replace like for like. Proposal: Kea Parish council to submit the following comments – Kea Parish Council support this application. Proposed by Cllr Alvey, seconded by Cllr Rutter and agreed by unanimous vote. b) To note planning decisions PA19/02907 Chirwyn, Quenchwell. Proposed extension and alterations to windows – Approved- noted c) To note planning appeals or inquiries - none d) To report any planning problems (To be discussed within closed session)

7. To confirm minutes : The minutes of the meeting of the council held on 16th May 2019 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Johnstone, seconded by Cllr Chamberlain, and agreed by a unanimous vote. 8. Matters arising clerk reported that she had looked at CALCs new model Standing orders and these will be distributed prior to the next meeting ready for adoption at Julys meeting. Clerk reported that she had spoken to Cormac regarding cutting the hedges near Meadowside, but this was not a priority. Clerk had also reported other verges that needed cutting. A letter has been written to the Environment Agency regarding issues at Sparnock. These will be looked at and an update given in July. EHS have not yet sprayed the weeds as they are waiting for the correct weather conditions, but will go ahead with this when they can. Following a visit to Baldhu bus stop by Cllr Spenceley and Cllr Treseder no further work was required there. Clerk has


received an email from Cormac relating to our request for a design for a visibility splay on the junction from the Baldhu road to , these comments will be forwarded to Cllrs and Tregothnan for their thoughts. 9. Specific highways issues: To highlight matters to report to the appropriate authority a) Safety on road outside the Spar Shop, Playing Place – Cllr Alvey reports that there is really nothing that can be done to improve safety here. This has been looked at by Cormac. Cllr Hill reported that although pot holes at North Lodge have recently been repaired the standard of work was poor and this would need to be monitored. Bus stop at Playing Place : Several Cllrs reported that building vehicles have been observed obstructing the footpath behind the bus stops. Clerk to report to the police via 101. Cormac have replaced some curb stones on the roundabouts at Playing Place, and also removed the post on Skewberries roundabout. Treloggas :Ongoing concerns were raised regarding animal welfare . Cllr Alvey reported that the relevant authorities are aware and are monitoring this. Cllr Alvey reported that the bridge will be rebuilt in this financial year and that survey work has been started. 10. Specific footpaths issues: To highlight matters to report to the appropriate authority. a) FP12 – Clerk has now received statements of case from all interested parties. These will be forwarded to Cllr Treseder who will represent Kea Parish Council at the hearing in August. FP 14 - Cllr Hill has walked FP14, and reports that it is lined with barbed wire and electric fence on one side. There is some fencing down in the wooded section, broken stile, could need a couple of stepping stones, but not a big issues. FP 8 – Cllr Baker reported that the dead trees by the riverside path are still in situ. Clerk to write to Tregothnan again. 11. Play area, MUGA and Skate bowl: To report any problems. a)Trees – to agree purchase of 5 sessile oak trees to fulfil planning conditions. To order for planting in November. Proposal: To pay up to £130 for 5 Sessile oaks. Proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Chamberlain, and agreed by unanimous vote.


b)To view quotes and agree required spending for re-laying the mats beneath the frame and around the tyre. Proposal: To accept the quote from SW play, Proposed by Cllr Alvey, seconded by Cllr Spenceley, and agreed by unanimous vote. 12. Land between Community centre and Snooker Club : a) Trees – to view quotes for cutting trees overhanging Snooker club. Clerk presented 3 quotes, it was proposed that the quote from Truro trees be accepted. Proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Alvey, and agreed by unanimous vote. Update – Kea Community Centre are having ongoing discussions around how this space could be used and whether it is really needed for additional parking. It will need tidying up. 13. Drains: To decide on a course of action – Following a discussion about the options available for replacing the drains it was agreed that the clerk would contact SW water to see if there is a different connection point to connect to mains rather than having to do through the park. To feedback next month. 14. Picnic in the Park: 6th July 2019. Plans are underway with posters emailed to local groups and available for Cllrs. There is a meeting of the working group on Monday at 6.30pm. 15. Boundary Review: Cllrs viewed the revised boundary suggestions supplied by Chacewater Parish Council. After some discussion it was agreed that the work involved to make such a small change was not warranted and therefore Kea Parish Council will submit a recommendation to Cornwall Council that the boundary stays the same. 16. Community connect: Clerk has started to compile a list of all groups in the parish, and the council discussed whether to make a list of just groups or also businesses. It was agreed that it would be wise not to do a list of businesses as it may be seen to be endorsing them. Initially the list will be displayed on the parish council website, but it may be possible to distribute a paper list in the future. It was suggested that as Kea Church distributes a letter at key times, we could ask them if they would be willing to distribute ours at the same time. Clerk to continue with compilation of list and creation of web page. 17. Public engagement: Picnic in the park is a good example of how we can engage with the public. Cllr Treseder reported that he had attended the school fete this week


with a skittle alley and that this may be a good way of engaging with people in future, by attending other organised events. It was suggested that we could have a Parish suggestion box- either in the shop or the hall. Clerk will check out whether she could work from Kea Community Centre one day a week when wi-fi is installed. 18. Environmental Growth: The clerk and Cllr Treseder attended a workshop on environmental growth this week, looking at where we can improve habitats for nature. Some suggestions were reduced cutting of hedges and verges and planting wild flowers. It was agreed that we would build a bug hotel and make wild flower bombs at the community picnic. It was suggested that we should have a working group to look at suitable areas around the parish. This may result in joint working with land owners like Cornwall Council and Tregothnan. Areas discussed that could be improved included roundabouts and verges. It was agreed that this could be included in the budget for next year. The working group will consist of Cllrs Chamberlain, Rutter, Hill, Verran, and the clerk. Clerk to set up a meeting in a months’ time for the group to look at Playing Place and this can then expand out across the parish. 19. Correspondence a) An invitation has been received to a meeting regarding the construction of a community wood at Bissoe from Mark O’Brien, Community liaison officer. There followed some discussions around possible concerns if this were to come about including ongoing maintenance and parking. It was reported that the Environment agency are transferring responsibility to the Coal Authority, who are looking at investing in the area, and cleaning it up. It was suggested that any involvement might need to be in the form of an independent entity, so that the Parish Council do not hold the responsibility. It was agreed that Cllr Treseder would attend the meeting with the clerk and Cllr Alvey would attend in his Cornwall Councillor role and would report back at the next meeting. b) Letter from St Kea Church requesting a grant to support the upkeep of the churchyard. It was proposed that Kea Parish Council provide a grant of £350 as it did last year. Proposed by Cllr Verran, seconded by Cllr Rutter, and agreed by a majority vote. 20. Finance: a) To agree and sign cheques for invoices received.


E Jenkin Salary and broadband -

HMRC (NI and IT for clerk) Not yet calculated

EHS (General Maintenance) 240.00

EHS (Cutting of FP8 and FP9) 222.00

David Woolcock (Treating benches, repairs) 150.00

b) To receive budget report - check who are signatories.

21. Reports from committees and representatives (information only) a) Community network meeting update: Cllrs Chamberlain/Spenceley – The last meeting was the AGM and had a low turnout. Chris wells has been voted into the chair. A presentation on mental health support for young people in Cornwall was given, talking about the new residential facility being built called Sowenna. b) Kea Community Centre: Cllrs Roberts/Verran – The Wi-Fi connection is being investigated , the car park has been discussed, everyone is delighted with the new screen and projector. It was suggested that once the Wi-Fi is on a large flat screen could be put on wall of the Stockley room. c) Joint Parish Meeting – Illegal use of footpaths: Cllr Spenceley/Chamberlain – The most recent meeting was at Lanner with Cllr Luscombe from Lanner Parish Council taking the chair. Chacewater Cllr Rob Knill displayed some signs that they were using and circulated draft terms of reference. The difficulties with getting Cornwall Council involved and been discussed. Other parishes had not been very willing to take on the clerk or Chair rolls. It had been agreed that Cllr Knill and Cllr Spenceley will have a meeting with the Community Network officers to see if Cornwall Council can provide support. Clerk to distribute draft terms of reference to Councillors so that Kea Parish Council can agree them next month. 22. Items for next agenda – Terms of reference, visibility splay, community woodland, cutting around by pre-school and school. Grant for church. Grant for Monday Club rent. 23. Date of next meeting is 18th July 2019 in Kea Community centre

Public copy of minutes available via or on request at Playing Place Post Office


