HONORS : scientific foundations DATE:_____ Assignments Due: Read Chapter 1.

Objectives: SWBAT. . . …explain the steps in the . …clarify the distinction between hypotheses, , and laws. …identify the variables inherent in scientific knowledge and its development.

THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD: k Though used by every scientist, the scientific method is rarely done in rigid, isolated steps. Still, recognize that there are several key features in any proper scientific investigation…


2. PROPOSE EXPLANATION aka - b) : -Often statements. ex).

3. TEST EXPLANATION - c) - d) - Studying the results will cause you to either e) or f ) . - Conclusions must be stated in a form that others can evaluate. - Good must be

One way of looking at the scientific method...


SCIENTIFIC VS. SCIENTIFIC : - Model: - Based on… - - ex)

Scientific Law: - Strictly empirical (observable); they do not attempt to explain why - ex)

INDUCTION VS. DEDUCTION Induction: ex) - The broader the conclusion, the harder it is to prove since… Deduction: ex) - Commonly used as the basis of:

OVERVIEW OF ‘ OF SCIENCE’: 1. Science is built on gained from natural world. - Data must be used to justify your conclusions and be open to review by others. - Note: Not all data/evidence can come from . ex)

2. are different than . Theories are different from laws. - Observations: - :

3. Scientific knowledge involves imagination and , ... - ex) ... is at least partially subjective, ... - Objective: - Subjective: ... and is influenced by culture and society. - ex)

4. All scientific knowledge must be subject to repeated validation and possible change. - - ex.)

5. Some questions cannot be investigated using scientific methods. - ex) - Note: science and are not at war. Both provide vital and distinct roles in society!

Homework: ECP (1) 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 NOTE: “In-Class Discussion Questions” are never homework problems! Also- Apply 3 terms from today’s discussion to everyday situations.

Next Class: Go over problems, apply scientific method.

should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.” ~