Beatitudes and Works of Mercy Assignment

The , as the students were beginning to learn are a kinder friendlier version of the commandments. I have included a list of the beatitudes here along with a short video for you to watch about the Sermon on the Mt.

Beatitudes Ten Commandments

New Testament Old Testament

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Given to us by Given to us by God through Moses ways to live life respectfully and with kindness At the time rules and laws were done with “Eye for an Eye - Tooth for a tooth” like parables, Jesus has us “think” through the plain and straightforward meanings If a person was to live the Beatitudes they would Commandments tells us when we have sinned be living their lives as Jesus did and what not to do

After you have watched the video read over the following

I found this to be the most concise breakdown for the kids and your family to have on the Beatitudes.

The activity for the Beatitudes is a magic square- or the kids know them as fortune tellers. This will be available on a separate PDF in the folder on the website. Print it out color it and use it as a time to reflect and pray.

Much like the Beatitudes the Works of Mercy are the ways in which we should live out lives. The following website has a nice list of real things that we can do as a family to live the Works as Mercy. During this time of isolation some of the acts are not applicable - yet when the crisis is over they are acts all of us need to try and do.

The Corporal Works of Mercy Feed the Hungry Give Drink to the thirsty Cloth the naked Shelter the homeless Comfort the imprisoned Visit the sick Bury the dead

The word “corporal” means “of or belonging to the body,” and so the corporal works of mercy refer to acts of mercy that relate to the physical, to bodily needs. Many of the corporal works of mercy were referenced directly by in the Parable of the Sheep and Goats in Matthew 25:31-46:

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me. . . Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:35-36, 40) The seventh corporal work of mercy, burying the dead, is referenced more than once in Tobit…….. (source below)

The Spiritual Works of Mercy Admonish sinners Instruct the uniformed Counsel the doubtful Comfort the sorrowful Be patient with those in error Forgive offenses Pray for the living and the dead

“Where the corporal works of mercy see to the physical needs, the spiritual works of mercy, naturally, provide for the needs of the spirit. Once again, though the list was formalized sometime later during the first millennium of the Church, the duties, such as forgiving sins and instructing sinners and those who are ignorant, are present throughout Christ’s teachings in the . “

Again just send me pics of the completed magic square for credit.