Education. Excavation. Conservation.

Who we are: Bridging Fron�ers, Inc. is a non-profit corpora�on based By suppor�ng students excava�ng at Halmyris, Bridging in Alaska, which promotes the study and preserva�on Fron�ers hopes to remove the financial barriers of the past, by facilita�ng student par�cipa�on on hindering those who wish to pursue archaeology. Since archaeological field excava�ons abroad. the field school began in 2013, over one-hundred volunteers have par�cipated in the four-week program, The non-profit was founded in 2017, and is presently and many have gone on to pursue higher degrees in affiliated with Archaeology at Halmyris, an interna�onal associated disciplines. field school run at Halmyris, a Roman military fort and civilian center in the Delta, . The team at Halmyris aims to provide quality instruc�on in How can you help? archaeological field work while keeping costs to par�cipants minimal. Presently, Halmyris relies on a $250 administra�ve fee paid by each par�cipant to support the supervisory Cost is the most prohibi�ve factor for students who team (who are also all archaeology students), pay for want to train in archaeology, and there are few funding the site bus, tools, electricity, and other costs bodies presently suppor�ng undergraduate field work, associated with running the project. Our immediate even though prior field experience is crucial to goal is to fundraise to enable Archaeology at Halmyris admi�ance in graduate programs. to decrease and eventually remove the administra�ve fee. Future goals include crea�ng a fund to support the supervisory team, and founding a scholarship for students’ room and board. Presently it costs approximately $1,000 for room/board for four weeks at Halmyris, in addi�on to the administra�ve fee.

Photo above: Excavation along the eastern wall in 2016

Photo at right: The 2015 team on the western wall We need your help. Thank you! Please donate We need your help to support our students. Every little bit counts. $7.50 buys a student dinner! It’s easy. Donate online at: or Mail a cheque to: Bridging Frontiers, Inc. PO Box 111533 Anchorage, Alaska 99511

Bridging Frontiers, Inc. is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN #81-5465699, all donations are tax deductible.

Here are some of their own thoughts about their time at Halmyris:

“In archaeology, making the transi�on from the classroom to the field is tricky and the inverse is true. Thus excava�ng with a team who cares about your personal success makes all the difference. I found my �me excava�ng with the Halmyris Archaeological field school to be wonderful academically and socially.” “When I first arrived on the site I only had an introductory course under my belt, an enthusiasm to learn, and cau�onary warnings from professors advising that I may not like fieldwork. Each day in the field assuaged any worrying because most of us were new so I was surrounded in like-minded company. Each day brought new finds!” “The month I spent working in the sun shoveling endless amounts of dirt was inspira�onal because I found not only good friends but also a research project for my senior year.” “I felt lucky to have returned last year and spend a month way out in the Romanian countryside with good people. I have Halmyris to thank for giving me opportuni�es to prac�ce a cra� in a beau�ful environment full of unpredictability with whatever we found amongst the ruins and layers of soil.” ”Archaeology isn’t ordinary. In fact, the discipline has its own adventures that rival Indiana Jones! Most adventures in the field aren’t bombas�c but rather quiet and subtle.” “My first excursion to Halmyris really did change my en�re career path towards being an archaeologist. “ “Halmyris was, for me, an important stepping stone in pursuing my path in the field of archaeology. Halmyris provided me with the opportunity to collaborate with scholars from many different places, interests, backgrounds, and skill levels.” “Spending four weeks on a site like Halmyris is a truly one-of-a-kind experience. During the excava�on everyone has the opportunity to work together and learn about archaeology in a hands on way, regardless of prior experience. But a month spent at Halmyris is about more than just digging, it is also an opportunity to learn about cultures.” “In the summer of 2013, following the comple�on of a twenty-seven-month Peace Corps, I reconnected with Professor Karavas at the Halmyris Archaeological Excava�on, located near modern Murighiol, Romania. Following the 2013 field season at the Halmyris archaeological site, I decided to pursue classical archaeology as a poten�al profession.” “The history and archaeology of Halmyris cap�vated me as a novice graduate student and I have been present for the past four annual archaeological excava�ons and have arranged to return for the 2017 field season as well.” “In the past five years, I have watched as the Halmyris archaeological site, under the direc�on of Dr. Zahariade and Professor Karavas, develop into a well-staffed and well-managed archaeological excava�on. The Halmyris Archaeological Excava�on con�nues to en�ce undergraduate students, graduate students, professional academics, as well as other volunteers to return each year, which has resulted in an established and coopera�ve management structure.”

READ MORE at Our Project ~ Our Volunteers

The Crypt inside the 4th century , which held the remains of the earliest Romanian Christian saints

Excavating barracks in 2016

Photographing nished trenches in 2014.

Near-functional tub from the bathhouse

Uncovered from 2014-2015, this 4th- 6th century building is indicative of Halmyris’ rare levels of preservation

Cup fragment showing Achilles of Greek fame, found in 2006

The 2016 team in front of the newly opened museum Near-functional tub from the bathhouse