Vol. 1, Issue 1, December, 2009

Visit the Department on it’s website www.belizepolice.bz for more interesting topics and news from around . Inside this issue: Transforming the into a more Commissioner’s Message 2

Letters to the Editor 2 efficient & effective agency

Personnel & Welfare 3 three new Assistant Commissioners of Police was necessary, and the progress Chaplain Corner 3 has been made to create and fill those Community Policing 4 positions. The end result of this, will see Law Enforcement Segment 5 the Department having a total of five As-

Police Units 6 sistant Commissioners of Police, that of ACP Operations, ACP Intelligence, ACP Crime Statistics 7 The Belize Police Department is made up of 1,261 police officers strong with various Management Services, ACP Crimes, and Crime Prevention Tips 7 operational units, branches, police for- ACP Eastern Division, leaving the com- Police in Training 7 mations, sub-formations and several spe- missioner of Police and his Deputy to focus on Policy & Strategy. This restruc- Humour 8 cialized units. The mere departmental structure and size, coupled with the de- turing of the department will ensure that manding nature of police work makes the there is more oversight, accountability, Police Department a very dynamic and and shared responsibilities for the main SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM challenging organization. The Police De- areas of policing. It is also envisioned The School Resource Officers partment is continuously striving to im- that with time the department will imple- Program is an initiative to act in ment further restructuring to meet the anticipation of future causes of prove its delivery of service to the general crime and violence in an effort to public, along with developing its police of- challenges of policing in Belize, some- address the ficers to meet the increasing and every thing that has already been conceived frequency of but requires the necessary funding. incidents in expanding exigencies of law enforcement High Schools in Belize. Along with these significant restructuring Story on Page 5 In May of this year the Ministry of National of leadership in the Police Department Security embarked on a process to trans- and Commissioner‟s “Equip and Train” Police Department Newsletter Editorial Staff form the Belize Police Department, with slogan, the department has began to see Editor in Chief: Mr. Elodio Aragon, Jr. direction taken from the 167 recommenda- a more problem oriented and intelligence Sr. Supt of Police led policing focus being incorporated into Assist. Editor: Ms. Inaldi Cardona, tions made by Mr. Harold Crooks in his Web Content Manager report, „Review of the Belize Police Depart- the Belize Police Department. The trans- Contributors: Mr. Crispin Jeffries, formation has begun, and there are Commissioner of Police ment‟ tabled in November of 2008. The some small but significant signs of pro- Mr. Douglas Hyde, now Commissioner of Police Crispin Jef- Youth Program Coordinator fries, was appointed, and the mandate was gress. Desktop Publisher: Mr. Jose Batty, Sgt. Of Police given to commence the restructuring and Mail to:- Belize Police Department These can be seen and measured by the Newsletter Editor transformation of the Department. The results of the studies done to analyse the Headquarters P.O. Box: 245 Police High Command is to be restructured gaps and identify training, as well as oth- City of with one deputy Commissioner of Police er needs. The recommendations made Contact: E-mail :- [email protected] and four Assistant Commissioners of Po- in the Crooks report for the department Web: www.belizepolice.bz Tel: (501) 822-2220 - 23 lice. In that regards, the establishment of to do more data mining was clearly the Continues on Page 2 1 Often times the work of the police goes un-noticed, espe- The introduction of this monthly Belize Police Department cially when families are flee- Newsletter is a means to improve the Department‟s com- ing the scourge of disaster or munication, and highlight the numerous achievements, celebrating in the various sea- activities and initiatives that the Police Department is un- sons of the year; we, the Po- dertaking, which for much of the time, is not highlighted by lice Officers, are actively on the media, thus little is known by the general public. duty making life safer for all In an era where communities and the country is yearning . for information, improved service and transparency, this newsletter is a step in the right direction. The Police De- The Commissioner of Police saw this divide and the partment is aware that it needs to share with the public its need for a police newsletter as an outlet to inform the achievements, and successes, as much, as its shortcom- public of the many unselfish and heroic acts of the po- ings are highlighted by the media. lice, whom at times have to deal with situations under extreme circumstances. In other words, it is our way of The segment “Letters to the Editor” will be an avenue for marketing the Belize Police Department. you the reader to comment and express yourself or opin- ion. It is also hoped that this section will enrich the news- In many cases, the police is highlighted in the media on- letter and at the same time get positive response on is- ly when an act is committed that directly affects the citi- sues that are of concern to you the reader, or to our police zenry. Such an act of crime or criminality makes head- officers. So feel free to write to us via email or post at the line in the media arena. Whenever, the Belize Police address given on the front page. Department is in the news, which is a daily occurrence, it Transforming the Belize Police Department into a more is to make news, that is, crime reporting. This is to say, efficient & effective that the many positive achievements of the Department are shrouded in the reporting of crime. stone that was left unturned, greater use of the Planning Performance Review and Inspection branch, and the estab- Conversely, there are between twenty to thirty respons- lishment of the Police Central Criminal Statistical Unit es made by the police on a daily basis, many of which, (PCCSU), supported by the Information Technology Unit are foot, bicycle and other mobile patrols that are (PITU) and the Joint Intelligence Unit (JICC) made the min- launched as part of our preventative measures. The ing possible. The review of records and stored data has house to house meet and greet being effectively carried provided us with a clear indication of the gaps, and what out by the Community Policing Unit, the many interven- needs to be done by us, and others within the law enforce- tions into domestic disputes, the police in school trying to ment environment to address the shortfall in the investiga- be role models to young people and the list goes on. tion and prosecution of cases; as well as those other areas This article will not come to an end if all the positive in our system of management and leadership, that needs sides of the Police Department are enumerated. urgent attention and that will facilitate forward movement.

This newsletter will allow readers a chance to submit We saw the need to develop several pilot projects, that has letters to the editor on a monthly basis so we can have in many ways, indicated steps to be taken to move forward. your views shared in an unbiased way. These include the investigation project aimed at improving the quality of our investigators and their case work. The We welcome you as readers, to the Belize Police De- prosecution project, aimed at the short fall in successful partment Newsletter. May this newsletter be the first prosecution. The welfare project that is aimed at the condi- publication of many to come. tion of service, moral and discipline. The Training Project to build capacity and institutional strengthening. The asset

management and court management project that is aimed at greater levels of accountability for exhibits, equipment and

other resources. The communication project that is aimed Crispin Jeffries, JP, LSM, DSM, OBE at maintaining our operational communication capabilities Commissioner of Police and migrating to new technologies. The gun control project 2 Continues on Page 8 on the recommendations by Mr. Har- old Crooks in his report “Review of the Belize Police Department”. The revi- talization of this process will allow for representation of Police Officers in Officer Of The Month Award Ms. Christine Hyde, Justice of the Peace and Village resident, thanked matters affecting their Welfare, and In an effort to recognize and reward those who made it possible for such a other issues of concern to them per- officers who have distinguished him/ Police Sub-station to have been built taining to the department. The associ- herself through exemplary service and for the village and also pledged her ation shall be an independent body devotion to duty, the Belize Police supp ort comprising of Police Officers from Department has the honor of award- to the ing the following officer with the Of- P o l i c e various ranks in the Non Commis- ficer of the Month Award. Officers, sioned Officer (N.C.O.) bracket of the who will department. The election responsibil- be work- Cpl. # 723 Mario Salam of the ity falls in the portfolio of Commander ing at Gorda Police formation was awarded Personnel and Welfare. the Sta- Officer of the Month for the month of tion. November and In the next is- was recipient of sue, we will a monetary Police in Support of Ride bring to you the award of $100 Across Belize results of this courtesy of Hon. significant elec- Peter Eden Mar- Aside from the day to day policing tinez. activities, the Police Department en- tion. gages in social and athletic events.

Most recently, the Police Department Inauguration of the Newly sent out a team of four Police Officers Built Georgeville Village Po- in support of the 6th Annual Ride lice Sub-Station Across Belize Cycling event spon- sored by Social Security Board in an Pastor Antonette Young effort to raise funds for Charity. The "In Everything Give Ride Across Belize is one of the most high profiled fund raising event of Thanks" which the Police is proud to be a part Did you wake up today complaining of. This simply goes to show that and murmuring about your job, co- police officers are not only about pre- workers, your spouse, your children, serving law and order, but also about your finances? If you did it is because showing support for events of humani- you did not take the time to give God tarian causes, whilst enjoying the am- "thanks" for what you currently have. biance of camaraderie on the road You see, we are blessed everyday. If On June 5th 2009 the Belize Police w i t h we started making a list of blessings Department was the recipient of a t h o s e we would be quickly enlightened con- newly built Ferro-concrete two Storey who en- cerning just how good we really have Building that will house the George- joy help- it. The flesh looks for things to com- ville Police Sub-Station. The Police ing in plain about, but the spirit searches for Department held a Ceremony on site, s i m i l a r reasons to give God glory. There are with Minister of National Security, a c t i v i - many things to be thankful for if we Hon. Carlos Perdomo, as the guest ties. decide we are going to be people who speaker, who gave an encouraging continually offer up thanksgiving. So speech to the Police Officers, resi- stop complaining, and start praising dents of the village and invited guests Police Association Election God for the things you already have. at the event. Commissioner of Police Remember there are people out there Mr. Crispin Jeffries gave his officers On the 8th December 2009, the Be- who has it worst than you. and the community a much welcomed lize Police Department, carried out Verse for today: Hebrews 13:15 pep talk. Resident Officer 2 I/C PC elections countrywide to elect officers "Therefore by Him (Jesus Christ) let Jose Pinelo introduced his supporting for the Police Association, as is man- us continually offer the sacrifice of Special of the vicinity and praise to God, that is, the fruit of our shortly after, the ribbon cutting was dated by section 34 of the Police Act lips, giving thanks to His name" done by the Hon. Carlos Perdomo, and was revitalized as part of the new Minister of National Security. focus of the department, and based God bless you!

3 Together - Lets Make Belize Safer.

Swearing - In of Volunteer Special Constables Corozal Businesses Donate to Police On Saturday 7th Novem- The Corozal Business Community donated to the Corozal ber, Punta Gorda Town Police, a brand new motorcycle, which will be used by the community witnessed the ZBLO Officers for effective and efficient response to the swearing-in of 39 newly Public. The Corozal Police detachment wishes to thank appointed Special Consta- the following businesses who made it possible:- bles, at a ceremony held at the Punta Gorda Police Social Security Board, Mr. Formation in that municipality. Present was the area rep- Eumelio Reyes, Rapidito Loans, resentative, Hon Peter Eden Martinez, Minister of Rural The Chinese Community, Las Ve- Development and Social Transformation, who commend- gas Casino, South End Neighbour- ed the Special Constables for taking up such a task, and hood Watch, People's Coalition assisting the Punta Gorda Police in the fight against Committee crime. He also encouraged others in the community to Community Policing - Yabra’s Feeding Pro- join the Team of Volunteer Special Constables and gram pledged his support to the Officer in Charge, Mr. Robert Mariano, Superintendent of Police. Special , The Community Policing Unit (CPU) is one of the finest Ms. Sherline Anderson in Units of the Belize Police Department. Most recently, with her speech, pledged to do the assistance from Youth for the Future and UNFPA, the her utmost best to assist, along with her other team Yabra‟s Youth Friendly and Community Drop-in-Center members, to help in making was created to assist the needy in the community, espe- Punta Gorda a safer place cially the children. The Community Policing Unit Feeding for all. Program is called the Yabra Feeding Program and it aims Volunteer Special Constable to Paid Special to deal with several challenges and concerns of the com- Constable munity, however, its primary goal is to decrease the inci- Mr. Alfredo SIERRA is a resident of Caledonia Village in dents of Primary School drop outs, and assist the needy the Corozal District, and was a Volunteer Special Consta- children.

ble in his village. SIERRA is an arduous and responsible worker, whose dedication and hard work has resulted in In the Port Loyola Area and its neighbouring communities, him being employed as a paid Special Constable, since there are five (5) Primary Schools that the Police has since then SIERRA was working along-side PC Guzman in the introduced the Feeding Program. These schools are Sister village of Caledonia and has gained the respect of villag- ers for his strong will to learn and dedication to duty. Of- Clara Muhammad Community, St. John‟s Vianney, Queen ficer Commanding Corozal asked him to Square Anglican Primary, St. John‟s Anglican Primary and join the team at the Corozal Town Police James Garbutt Seventh Day Adventist Primary School. Station. He has since been assigned to work along with the Quick Response The Yabra‟s Feeding Program works in conjunction with Team where he is presently performing the Ministry of Education his duties in an exemplary manner. School Act, which governs

A QUICKIE FOR YOUR LAUGHING PLEASURE. the school‟s academic cal- "The handcuffs are tight! the prisoner said, to the of- endar, thus the times when ficer, to which the Officer answers, yes, because the feeding program starts they're new. They'll stretch out, after you wear them and ends. awhile!" 4 Furthermore, most Zone Beat Liaison Officers (ZBLOs) will tell you that they have prevented far more incidents from occurring than they have made actual arrests. “SROs typically focus SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM their functions on the "Triad Model" With more attention given to the safe- Schools. The prerogative is to develop consisting of law enforcement, stu- ty of young people while they are at new innovative & creative programs in dent counselling, and law-related edu- school, many communities are con- association with the community. The cation. To fully understand this as- sidering strategies which are intended foundation of a pect of school safety, SROs and to make schools a safer environment. successful com- school-law en- Albeit statistics on crime and violence munity policing forcement rela- in schools convey that they are not strategy is the tionships must necessarily occurring in greater num- close mutually be viewed as bers, there is, at a minimum, anecdo- beneficial ties the first-line of tal evidence suggesting that the types between the prevention, not of incidents taking place on school Police and com- as being puni- property may be more severe in na- munity mem- tive or prison- ture and could be causing a negative bers. like.” (NASRO impact on the educational systems at – National As- schools. Additionally, media coverage sociation for of daily and weekly tragic shootings AIMS & OBJECTIVES School Resource Officers, Florida) that involves youths as victims or per- SROs are law enforcement officers petrators, both in and out of schools, from within the Belize Police Depart- has given rise to the Belize Police How does the School Resource Offic- ment assigned to schools in coopera- Department‟s interest in establishing ers Program work? tive agreements with the Belize Asso- this proactive program named School ciation of High School Principals & the SROs will focus & perform in three (3) Resource Officers Program (SRO). Ministry of Education. These officers areas within the schools, these areas The establishment of the Community are typically full-time, in-house school are: officers with police powers who Policing Unit is to serve as a coordi-  Law Enforcement nating & im- are employed  Teaching, and plementing directly by the  Student Counselling Government body for the Belize Police of Belize. Law Enforcement: Department‟s SROs will be dressed in their #1 uni- Community form at all times to show their physical Policing initi- We believe presence in the schools. The SROs atives; as that crime & will work alongside the schools ad- well as, for violence in ministrators that includes principals, the provision schools re- vice principals, school counsellors & of operation- flects the vio- teachers on regular school days and al programs/ lence from our hours. SROs will act as a support to activities in collaboration with the very own communities. What better the administration especially in the community and service providers of way to enforce crime prevention in the execution and enforcement of school the government, private and NGOs communities? The SRO program will rules & regulations. sectors. enforce crime prevention in schools and will symbolize a positive, mean- Referrals will be made to the respec- The School Resource Officers Pro- ingful School-law enforcement part- tive unit of the Police Department gram is an initiative to act in anticipa- nership that will also have its effect, in whenever any minor or major crime is tion of future causes of crime and years to come, in the communities as committed by a student or a faculty violence in an effort to address the well. member. SROs will work from the frequency of incidents in High

5 office of the Principal or Vice Princi- to suggest the resolution of conflicts in pal of the school they are assigned a peaceful manner. to. There are four (4) outstanding benefits Police Central Criminal Statistic The SROs will conduct regular class of the SROs program listed below: room visits to address safety issues, Unit (P.C.C.S.U.) 1. Immediate and accessible pres- regular school bag searches to en- ence of the Police to address the day The Belize Police Department, as of No- force school regulations & demon- to day incidents within the schools. vember 2009, has created a Police Cen- strate a visual presence when stu- 2. Enhance the reputation and en- tral Criminal Statistic Unit (PCCSU), dents arrive and leave schools from force the capacity of Police officers which will assist in the collation and dis- the entrance & exit of the compound. with Juveniles. semination of police statistics country- 3. Create and maintain closer and Teaching: wide. The unit is presently located at the meaningful relationship with the National Police Headquarters and is SROs will conduct & participate in schools‟ populations. headed by Detective Corporal of Police daily classroom sessions at all levels 4. Enhance the Community Policing Alex Valladares. Corporal Valladares‟s, within the school in areas of conflict Unit rapport in communities. professional skill in the statistical and an- resolution, drugs/abuse, children The Belize Police Department through alytical field has been gained after attend- rights/responsibilities, gangs, abuses its Community Policing Unit have im- ing multiple international and local statisti- – sexual/physical/psychological, & plemented & established a Pilot pro- cal seminars, and eight years of working respect for law, order & Police offic- gram of the School Resource Officer experience with crime statistics. He has ers. program in two of the ‟s recently returned from San Salvador, El Surveys will be conducted with stu- Secondary High Schools namely Wes- Salvador, after attending a one week sta- dents regularly to assist in developing ley College & Maud Williams High tistical seminar namely SEPOLCAC th meaningful materials & adequate School on October 5 2009. The Min- (Sistema Estadístico de Policía de Centro address of concerns, challenges and istry of Education along with the Belize América y el Caribe) held from the 9th to recommendations made by the Association of Principals of Secondary the 13th November, 2009. Attached also schools. SROs will be able to have a Schools & the Belize Police Depart- to the Unit are Detective Constable Emil one on one, group and/or classroom ment signed a Memorandum of Under- August (who also participated in the semi- sessions with students on a daily ba- standing for the School Resource Of- nar in San Salvador) and Joseph Cano. sis to build positive communication & ficer Program for the country of Belize The Police Administration is presently th good rapport. on the 5 October, 2009 at the Yabra considering additional personnel to be Community/Youth Friendly Drop-in- recruited into the Unit, as the need arises. Counseling: Centre. Crime Analysis is essential in Policing as (The SROs will work closely with the Two trained, energetic and enthusias- commonalities in crime indicate a trend, Schools Guidance Counselors in ad- tic Women Police Officers, # 1062 Ms and trends, may well indicate possible dressing any task requiring their as- Stacy Smith & # 984 Ms Miriam Chun solutions. Successful decisions are based sistance with students or faculty. The were recommended and selected to be in knowing where we were, where we are, SROs will identify and do referrals to the first SROs in the Belize District. W/ and where we need to go. The the School Guidance Counselors Sgt Dehanne Williams, Officer in P.C.C.S.U. supports a number of depart- when necessary. The SRO will assist Charge of Community Policing Unit mental functions, including patrol deploy- students through counseling in law directly supervise the WPCs while the ment, special operations, investigations, related problems and mediate in Police Department‟s Youth Program planning and research, crime prevention, times of disputes. The imperative is Coordinator, Mr Douglas Hyde is re- and administrative services. Three imme- sponsible for the coordination, imple- diate functions of the P.C.C.S.U. are: mentation and the monitoring & evalu- ation of the School Resource Officers  Preparing monthly, quarterly, or an- Program‟s growth and development for nual reports (including statistical re- future expansion. ports) for the department.

This SRO initiative has been well re-  Providing database querying, statis- ceived, and it is envisioned that this tics, and other types of law enforce- program will be expanded to more ment information on demand. schools in the near future. Continues on Page 7 6  Preparation of charts, graphs, and reports for Senior Officers presenta- tions, or local media (s) This unit will also be responsible to facil- 16 Officers attended the seminar . itate statistical data locally, regional and INTERNATIONAL TRAINING internationally. The establishment of G.R.E.A.T Training For Police Scenes of Crime Advance the Police Central Criminal Statistics Course Unit is a major step in the right direction Officers On 9th November, the Belize Police and will no doubt enhance our law en- forcement efforts. It is also a major Department held a two weeks Ad- achievement in regards to the Crooks vance Scenes of Crime Training Report Recommendations, and will ush- Course for Police Officers at the Na- er in a more research and problem ori- tional Police Training Academy. The course was to assist Police Officers ented police department; something that is necessary in meeting the present and with the tools in handling a crime future challenges of law enforcement in scene as the first responders. The Belize. course was conducted by Manager Eight Officers attended a course coor- of the Scenes of Crime Unit, Mr Gas- dinated by the International Law En- par Sanchez, and his staff. CRIMES THREE MONTHS COMPARISON2009 forcement Academy (ILEA) that was held in San Salvador, El Salvador. 10 Police Officers from various de- JAN- APRIL- JUL- The course is part of a gang reduction tachments attended the course. CATEGORY MAR JUNE SEPT. OCT TOTAL program, with the acronym MAJOR CRIMES Residential Sergeant Course (G.R.E.A.T.) or Gang Resistance Ed- AGG. BURGLARY 5 15 17 8 45 ucation and Training, the officers who This Sergeant course was held at the BURGLARY 326 302 314 86 1028 National Police Training Academy attended are:- from left to right CARNAL KNOW 5 5 13 3 26 from the 24th to 27th November, MURDER 28 24 23 8 83 Front: WPC’s Miriam Chun, Cheryl Lanza, Stacy Smith 2009, where 37 Non-Commissioned RAPE 9 6 1 3 19 and Desiree Bowen. Officers (Sergeants) were lectured in

ROBBERY 159 137 138 24 458 Back: PC Bani Shol, Cpl. Elroy Carcamo, PC’s Josue the following subjects:- McKoy and Ryan Timmons. THEFT 371 327 343 90 1131 Proper Delegation UNLAWFUL CARN. 7 12 4 1 24 Public Order Training Crime Statistics TOTAL 910 828 853 223 2814 Leadership The Service of International Technical Discipline Cooperation of the French Police, invit- Briefing and Debriefing ed the Belize Police Department to Terms of Reference Community Policing attend a Regional Training that was Police/Ombudsman Relation held in El Salvador for the Mainte- The role of supervision If going shopping, never go alone al- nance and Re-Establishment of Pub- Station Management ways walk in pairs or more. lic Order, ASP Ralph Moody attend- Charge Register and Summaries

Never carry large sums of money in ed. This Sergeant course will be held your purse. again shortly in order to facilitate oth- If you have a licensed firearm, never LOCAL TRAINING er Non-Commissioned Officers the leave it in your car. same opportunity to better under- Community Policing Training stand, and improve their roll and If jogging at night, always have some- function in the Belize Police Depart- one you trust go along. On 10th November, the Community ment. Policing Unit held a three days seminar Leaving your home for a few hours, then never leave your curtains drawn, and that was held at the Police Training always leave a radio or small TV on to Academy. The purpose of the seminar deter criminals from trying to enter your was to discuss issues such as the Im- home. portance of Engaging the Community, Never, Never leave valuable possession Identifying and Resolving Community in your car un-attended. Problems, and Police-Community based partnership. 7 Transforming the Belize Police Department into a more vice delivery and professional service is achieved. efficient & effective law enforcement agency We are embarking on numerous other initiatives such as the creation of a Fusion Center, for better intelligence gath- that is aimed at violent crime reduction, and the availabil- ering capabilities and a more cohesive information sharing ity of illegally possessed firearms, along with the control of within the law enforcement environment. The department importation and sale of firearms and ammunition; and the has also seen the need to established a Road Policing destruction of firearms. The infrastructure project aimed Mandate that will assist greatly in ensuring that our national at the improvement of police facilities, work environment highways and roads are safer, and that the department is and equipment. The vehicle fleet management project able to counter transient criminals who use our roads and aimed at medium and long term operational mobility to highways. include the challenges faced in the transportation of pris- oners country wide. With the transformation of the Police Department and the commitment of its personnel to change, it is envisioned that The access to specific data on crime, criminals, court the general public will receive measurable benefits. The case results and the custody and movement of convicted Department is being compelled to be more proactive than and remanded persons, along with movement of depor- ever, more accountable and smarter. These attributes will tees and transient criminals is being exploited. The use of in the short and long term, result in improvement of the De- improved storage and retrieval system, and dedicated partment and the professionalization of its officers. analysts to develop the intelligence needed that makes our response well coordinated and timely, thus effective in We are more than ever convinced that while there are producing encouraging results, as we expand on our ef- those that will be around for their self interest there will al- fort to reduce crime. ways be greater numbers that will win for the greater good of all. The duty of the men and women of the Belize Police We are doing more research to study and track the suc- Department is to ensure that Belize continues to be that cess rate at criminal investigation and prosecution both at safe and tranquil place of democracy, where the rule of law the summary and indictable level. This process, as it ex- prevails. pands, will allow us to see which officers are doing well, and those that are not. We are now at a point where we As we stride towards these goals and face the challenges, can clearly see the weaknesses and strengths, the short- we thank those many regional and local donors, especially falls and opportunities, not only by mere perception or the US Embassy in Belize, who have continued to show citizens‟ opinion, but by hard data, and research that is and give unwavering support especially in the area of train- ultimately leading to the full implementation of intelligence ing. While the request for support is and will always be out led policing. Our operations project is focused on strate- there, we are urgently in need of the wealth of experience gic deployment and the use of human and material re- gathered over the years by those who have served in the sources to address the aspects of road policing and pre- law enforcement and other professional areas to help in the ventative patrols in rural and cross border areas. Also it struggle to keep Belize safe. Offers of assistance and sup- would look at tourism policing, community policing and port in skills and labour, as well as material, will always be greatly appreciated. domestic violence, drug interdiction and human trafficking. Today we continue to improve and are a more focused We thank you for your time spent and the consideration organization that is working hard, becoming innovative to and criticism given that has kept us honest and productive. reduce gun-related crime and the murder rate, and other It is with your vigilance that we can be made to do better. major crimes. This undertaking comes with many chal- lenges, especially with scarcity of resources and the ur- Humour of the Month gent need for more training along with the consolidation of A Cop stops a man for going the opposite way on a one way lessons learnt from training received. street. The officer approaches the driver, who was apparently From the numerous offers and courses received, police drunk and the officer said “Sir, didn‟t you see the arrow”, and he officers at both the senior and junior ranks of the depart- replied, “no officer!, not even the Indians”. ment have received training in leadership, management, A criminal is arrested and brought before the judge, whom had told supervision and administration, both at the local and inter- him before, that he did not want to see him in his court ever again. national level. Our junior ranks have also been receiving The judge upon seeing the criminal, said “didn‟t I tell you I never numerous training courses at the local level that will en- wanted to see you again in my court”, and he replies, “yes, your sure that the Police Department‟s goals of improved ser- honor, I told the officer the same thing and he still brought me”.