TARU LEADING EDGE PVT. LTD. TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

This work was conducted under the programme titled ‘GOI-UNDP Climate Risk Management in Urban Areas through Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Project’, funded by USAID.

TARU Leading Edge Pvt. Ltd (TARU) would like to extend its deepest appreciation to all key informants/stakeholders who participated in the review process. TARU is grateful for the significant contribution provided by the State Disaster Management Authority, District Disaster Management Authority, City Administration, Technical agencies – Indian Meteorological Department and their Regional Meteorological Centres, Central Water Commission, Geological Survey of India, Public Health Department, and experts from other technical agencies and disaster management agencies at the national, state, district and city levels.

The review process involved a number of consultation meetings and workshops in the cities. The support of the city government and State Government departments/ institutions is highly appreciated.

Specifically we would like to highlight the support and in-depth engagement of the City Project Coordinators from all the seven cities.

A word of special thanks to United Nations Development Programme (India) for their fruitful partnership throughout the implementation of the review process, for their valuable support in coordinating the activities as well as in organizing city missions, and for stakeholder consultations and city workshops.

The findings of the review have been shared and reviewed by the key stakeholders, including the Local Government and their valuable inputs have been incorporated in the final report.

The report takes into account the End-to-End Early Warning System approach of the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System. This report has been prepared by a six member team with experience in areas of disaster risk management, the hazard risk assessment, early warning system design and climate risk management.

(c) Copyright 2013 Taru Leading Edge Private Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any form without written permission. May 2014

Supported by: Ministry of Home Affairs, USAID and UNDP Partnership Project on Climate Risk Management in Urban Areas through Disaster Preparedness& Mitigation Published by: Taru Leading Edge Pvt. Ltd. Edited by: Anup Karanth and Umamaheshwaran Rajasekar Authors: Anup Karanth, Dr. Sandhya Rao, Dr. Umamaheshwaran Rajasekar, Lalit Dashora Team Composition: Prof. A.K. Gosain (Team leader), Dr. Umamaheshwaran Rajasekar (Deputy Team leader & System Analyst), Anup Karanth (Disaster Risk Management Expert & Project Manager), Dr. Sandhya Rao (Institutional & Capacity Assessment Expert), Puja Singh (Hydro-meterological hazard Risk Assessment Expert), Lalit Dashora (Urban Risk Assessment and Decision Support Expert) Graphics and Design by: Vishal Mehta and Mansi Shah

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP i TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Adoption of the Hyogo Framework for Action Methodology of Review (HFA) during the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (2005, Japan) has led to a The assessment involved a systematic flow of Advancements in observation and monitoring, paradigm shift in disaster risk management from understanding the EWS governance at the national, mathematical modelling, computing capabilities, a post-disaster response to a comprehensive and state, district and city levels; institutional mechanism communication technology and conduct of strategic approach in disaster risk management and their roles within the elements of EWS; delivery scientific risk assessment have allowed technical encompassing preparedness and prevention of products and services by technical and disaster and disaster management agencies to disseminate strategies. The second high priority area of the management agencies, as well as their coordination timely and accurate warnings and move people HFA stresses the need for identifying, assessing mechanism/operational cooperation; reviewing the and assets from the harm’s way. One example of and monitoring disaster risks and enhancing early existing EWS mechanism in cities; role of agencies this is the case of Cyclone Phailin, where accurate warning. in EWS and their integration in the disaster forecast was made by the Indian Meteorological management institutional framework (City Disaster Department (Cyclone Warning Division) and timely This review is commissioned by UNDP under Management Plan); discussing with stakeholders dissemination of warnings to at-risk communities Contract (2013/067), and is an initiative under the needs in EWS and gaps thereof, capacities of was done by the Orissa State and the District the programme titled, “GoI-UNDP Climate Risk institutions (technical agencies) engaged in EWS, Agencies. Another example is the case of public Management in Urban Areas through Disaster the operational cooperation of technical agencies health. Systemic collection of registered cases Preparedness and Mitigation Project”. The review with the emergency departments/functionaries at and observation of diseases in the city of Surat investigates the condition of EWS governance, the district and city levels (emergency management have led to the provision of timely information requirements of EWS users, core services structure and response capabilities), current status on potential outbreaks. Advance information provided by technical and disaster management and future needs of observation and monitoring on potential outbreaks leads to identification of agencies, coordination mechanism between capabilities, data management systems; seeking additional measures to be stepped up by the local technical and disaster management agencies and information on pre-computed assessment of risks government to reduce the risk of diseases such as finally the issues centred on service delivery and for various intensity of hazards (risk assessment), malaria, dengue, cholera, filariasis, among others. feedback in seven cities (Bhubaneswar, Gangtok, hazard analysis and prediction capabilities Madurai, , Shimla, Trivandrum and (threat assessment/potential impact assessment), India is highly diverse in terms of geography and Vishakapatnam). The report provides firsthand warning formulation/issuing of guidance and climate and so are its cities. Cities are exposed guidance as well as the steps for development potential outlook/provision of actionable early to earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, heavy of EWS from the city level to the urban local body warning information/warning products, decision precipitation, floods, heat waves, cyclone and (ULB), disaster management institutions, technical making, generation of tailored risk information severe winds, public health risks among others. agencies involved in design and implementation and dissemination of risk information to at- Past disasters have shown significant impact of early warning systems for geological hazards, risk communities or hot-spot locations (risk on city economy and on key sectors (such as hydro-meteorological hazards and public health communication), information technology and transport, energy, water and sanitation, trade and risks. telecommunication capabilities, preparation commerce). It is expected that due to climate of response options, institution/emergency variability and climate change, the frequency and responders and community response. intensity of the hydro-meteorological hazards will see an increase in future. This, combined with poor The assessment was based on the information reservoir management practices, especially in obtained through a set of processes. cities located downstream the reservoirs, may put • Design of the review framework by the Review the lives of citizens and city assets at risk. Team

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP ii cities: investments towards development of EWS and • A checklist and questionnaire prepared by • EWS development is crucial for sustainable associated mechanisms such as a functional EOC. the Review Team for obtaining information from development and building resilience of the cities. It The current level of preparedness and resource technical and disaster management agencies is therefore important to develop an EWS framework allocation is not sufficient to kick-start any activity • Mission to select cities to understand the EWS and strengthen strategies across all levels to ensure around EWS. environment better coordination efforts for functional EWS at • Development of Criteria Development Matrix the city level. This must be seen as opportunity taking into consideration all the key elements of to strengthen network among institutions, foster end-to-end EWS partnerships and build the capacities of all keys • Information collected through stakeholder stakeholders. consultations/meetings, workshops in respective • EWS framework must be made as a functional cities, discussions with programme focal point in component of the DM Plan process (national/ cities, meeting with key experts state/district/city). The framework must foster • Exchange and mid-term feedback from UNDP areas of cooperation in data sharing and impact programme team forecasting. • Development of policy brief, where key • It is widely realized that city institutions are recommendations cited are discussed for being rather response-centric instead of being the endorsement at the policy level ones that take preventive measures. The technical • Workshop with city stakeholders, sharing of capacity in understanding DRR, risk assessment results and EWS needs to be strengthened at the ULB • Final report and presentation level. City level hazard and vulnerability mapping capabilities need to be enhanced on priority basis. A long-term perspective on capacity development Key Observations and Recommendations should be envisaged. • There is a common challenge in the interpretation Based on the development stage indicators for all of the forecast products. Technical agencies the six components (1. EWS governance – national, involved in providing warning have to evolve in state and city level institutional framework, 2. User providing information that can either be used by needs, 3. Operational components of EWS, 4. a wide pool of users or create products based on Products and services across the warning chain, 5. user needs. Coordination mechanism, 6. Service delivery and • Technical agencies/scientific institutions must feedback loops), the report provides the summary also enhance the capability to deliver timely for each city highlighting the current status. The warnings with sufficient respite time so that they Criteria Development Matrix also outlines the reason support DRR functions at the city level. for selecting the development stage indicators. • The role of technical agencies in warning Specific recommendations are presented together formulation is increasingly being recognized. It and this will lead to the development of policy is therefore important to strengthen institutional brief. coordination mechanism between technical and disaster management agencies at all levels. The overall analysis of this review revealed that in • City government/ULB has to make significant iii TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i




1. INTRODUCTION 7 2. METHODOLOGY OF REVIEW 11 3. CRITERIA DEVELOPMENT MATRIX AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE INDICATORS 14 4. UNDERSTANDING EWS & KEY FRAMEWORKS FOR GEILOGICAL HAZARDS, HYDRO- METEOROLOGICAL HAZARDS AND PUBLIC HEALTH RISKS 22 4.1 EWS framework for Earthquake hazard 23 4.2 EWS framework for Tsunami hazard 24 4.3 EWS framework for Landslide hazard 26 4.4 EWS framework for Tropical Cyclone 27 4.5 EWS framework for Floods 30 4.6 EWS framework for Heat wave condition 32 4.7 EWS framework for Public health risks 34 5. REVIEW OF EWS IN NAVI MUMBAI 36 5.1 General city information 36 5.2 Background on hazard risk 36 5.3 Brief Vulnerability profile 37 5.4 Institutional Framework 37 5.5 Indicators of existing condition of EWS 38 5.6 Summary 43 6. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK 46

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP CASE STUDIES Case Study 1: Qinglong County EWS for M 7.8 Earthquake 49 Case Study 2: Community based Earthquake Monitoring System in Xinjiang 50 Case Study 3: Landslide Early Warning Network 51 Case Study 4: Flood Control Centre 52 Case Study 5: End-to-End EWS for Ukai and Local Floods 53 Case Study 6: Urban Services Monitoring System 54


ANNEXURE List of Agencies and Key Informants consulted in the Review Process 57

TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities List of Figures

Figure 1: 7 Cities selected for Review of EWS 8 Figure 2: Highlighting overlay of decisioin points over standard emergency phase and the weather event decision phase 9 Figure 3: Key Elements in End-to-End EWS 10 Figure 4: Study Framework Schematic showing links of Stakeholders across the Development Model of EWS 13 Figure 5: Evolution of a Hazard Event in four stages 22 Figure 6: Global Earthquake Hazard map showing the regioins operating active earthquake EWS 23 Figure 7: SOP diagram of Tsunami Early Warning Centre 26 Figure 8: Cyclone Warning Organization Structure 29 Figure 9: Flood Forecasting Stations in India 31 Figure 10: Heat Index OF(OC) 33 Figure 11: Satellite Image and Basic Information: Navi Mumbai 35 Figure 12: Preparedness of EWS Indicators for Navi Mumbai 45

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 1 List of Tables

Table 1: Criteria Development Matrix: Criteria and Indicators of the condition of EWS in cities 14 Table 2: Bulletin types, Threat status & Action points for Tsunami warning alert and watch 25 Table 3: Damage expected and Actions for Low Pressure area to Super Cyclonic Storm 28 Table 4: Criteria Development Matrix: Indicators of existing conditon of EWS in Navi Mumbai 38

2 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities ABBREVIATIONS PHD Public Health Department RFP Request for Proposal ACWC Area Cyclone Warning Centre RIMES Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and ADM Additional District Magistrate Asia BMC Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation RSMC Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre BSNL Bhartiya Sanchar Nigam Limited RTSMN Real Time Seismic Monitoring Network BUDA Bhubaneswar Urban Development Authority SDMA State Disaster Management Authority CBO Community Based Organization SEOC State Emergency Operations System CDM Criteria Development Matrix SMS Short Messaging Service CDMO Chief District Medical Officer SOP Standard Operating Procedures CDP City Development Plan SRC State Resource Center CDPO Child Development Project Officer ULB Urban Local Body CESU Central Electricity Supply Utility UNDP United Nations Development Programme CFO Chief Fire Officer WRD Water Resource Department CMO Chief Municipal Officer CWC Central Water Commission DCP Deputy Commissioner of Police DDMA District Disaster Management Authority DM Disaster Management DRR Disaster Risk Reduction EOC Emergency Operation Centre ESF Emergency Support Function EWS Early Warning System GIS Geographical Information Systems GOI Government of India HFA Hyogo Framework for Action IC Incident Commander IDSP Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme IMD India Meteorological Department INCOIS Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services IRS Incident Response System IT Information Technology M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MHA Ministry of Home Affairs MHRVA Multi Hazard Risk and Vulnerability Assessment MSK Medvedev-Sponheuer–Karnik Intensity Scale NDMA National Disaster Management Authority NGO Non-Governmental Organization OSDMA Odisha State Disaster Management Authority PAS Public Addressal System

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 3 GLOSSARY Forecast Definite statement or statistical estimate of the likely occurrence of a future Capacity event or conditions for a specific area The combination of all the strengths, attributes and resources available within a community, society or organization that can be used to achieve agreed Geological hazard goals Geological process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and Climate change economic disruption, or environmental damage The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines climate change as: “a change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g., by using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its Hazard properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or A dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may longer. Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or external cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of forcings, or to persistent anthropogenic changes in the composition of the livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental atmosphere or in land use” damage Hydro-meteorological hazard Disaster Process or phenomenon of atmospheric, hydrological or oceanographic A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving nature that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using environmental damage its own resources Natural hazard Disaster risk reduction Natural process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life, injury or other The concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and to analyse and manage the causal factors of disasters, including through economic disruption, or environmental damage reduced exposure to hazards, lessened vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and the environment, and improved preparedness Preparedness for adverse events The knowledge and capacities developed by governments, professional response and recovery organizations, communities and individuals to Early warning system effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover from, the impacts of likely, The set of capacities needed to generate and disseminate timely and imminent or current hazard events or conditions meaningful warning information to enable individuals, communities and organizations threatened by a hazard to prepare and to act appropriately Prevention and in sufficient time to reduce the possibility of harm or loss The outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters

4 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities Response The provision of emergency services and public assistance during or immediately after a disaster in order to save lives, reduce health impacts, ensure public safety and meet the basic subsistence needs of the people affected

Risk The combination of the probability of an event and its negative consequences

Risk assessment A methodology to determine the nature and extent of risk by analysing potential hazards and evaluating existing conditions of vulnerability that together could potentially harm exposed people, property, services, livelihoods and the environment on which they depend

Risk management The systematic approach and practice of managing uncertainty to minimize potential harm and loss

Vulnerability The characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard

Source: 2009, UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 5 LIST OF ICONS

Background informartion on Review of EWS in 7 cities in India under the ongoing intitatve of Climate Risk Management in Urban Areas through Disaster Preparedness Earthquake Observation and Monitoring and Mitigation project by UNDP.

Data Analysis Methodology/Systematic approach adopted to assess the existing EWS and emergency communication netwrok in 7 cities across India. Tsunami

Prediction The Criteria Development Matrix indicates the possibility of thinking 5 stages of development and helps to review each criterion built around 6 components of the development model of EWS. Landslide Risk Assessment

General city information like location, climate, demographics, landuse, administration, etc. helps to understand the city and its development of Disaster Management Plan. Cyclone Potential Impact Assessment

Hazard Risk like geo-physical, hydro-meteorological and public health are studied Warning Formulation for each city, which would help in reviewing of EWS and later in development of Disaster Management Plan. Flood

Dissemination to communities at risk The city and its infrastructure are vulnerable to incidences of both geo-physical & hydro-meteorological events. Such event is likely to affect the livellhood of population in addition to economic loss. Heatwave Preparation of Response

Study of Institutional Framework for a city helps to understand the coordination mechanism among various stakeholders, during the time of disaster. Public health risk Community Response

Summary of all the criteria of all 6 components of study framework and discussed in brief.

6 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities At a national level there is a growing reliance upon Warning dissemination and staging response EWS as more people and assets are being exposed actions are as important as accurate forecasting 1. INTRODUCTION to the hazards. This calls for functional EWS (most and determining potential impact. Any weak link in effective for events that take time to normally the elements of EWS (even in case of previous well A systematic approach towards managing risk develop, such as tropical cyclone) or Alert Systems performing system) will result in under-performance through an established early warning system (EWS) (most effective for events that start immediately, or its failure. Hence evaluation of EWS is important. can minimize loss of lives and adverse economic such as earthquake) that have applicability for The evaluation of the system effectiveness can be impact. EWS backed with effective institutional most hazards. In 2013, Government of Orissa done during the event, post-event or during the lean arrangements can predict hazards in a timely and agencies evacuated more than half million people period. This review of EWS for all the seven cities effective manner, thereby empowering decision in advance of tropical cyclone (Phailin, Category: is done during the lean period. In most cases the makers and communities at risk. Very Severe Cyclonic Storm) thereby reducing cities haven’t formally put in place a functional EWS. fatalities to a fraction (loss of human life - 21) when While it is important to have technical competence Adoption of the Hyogo Framework for Action compared to the fatalities (loss of human life - around a range of elements (forecasting, prediction, (HFA) during the World Conference on Disaster 9887) from a tropical cyclone (Paradip Cyclone, impact assessment), discussions with stakeholders Risk Reduction (2005, Japan) has led to a Category: Super Cyclonic Storm) in the same emphasize that EWS is more organizational and paradigm shift in disaster risk management from region 14 years previously. institutional process which works to reduce loss. a post-disaster response to a comprehensive and The methodology adopted in the study has roots strategic approach in disaster risk management Advancements in observation and monitoring, to EWS elements defined by RIMES (2008) and the encompassing preparedness and prevention mathematical modelling, computing capabilities, criteria-development concept by Parker (1999). strategies. The second high priority area of the communication technology and conduct of HFA stresses the need for identifying, assessing scientific risk assessment have allowed technical The review investigates into the condition of and monitoring disaster risks and enhancing early and disaster management agencies to timely EWS governance, requirements of EWS users, warning. disseminate accurate warnings and move people core services provided by technical and disaster and assets from the harm’s way. In the case of management agencies, coordination mechanism In recent years hazards of different origin have Cyclone Phailin, accurate forecast by the Indian between technical and disaster management caused significant loss of lives and economic Meteorological Department (Cyclone Warning agencies and finally on issues centered around damages. The damages are showing a growing Division) and timely dissemination of warnings to service delivery and feedback. trend, and increase in climate variability and climate at-risk communities by the Orissa State and the change can tip of many existing mechanisms of District Agencies made this possible. The purpose of this report is to provide guidance managing risk. A closer look into the nature of to the city government, disaster management the hazard events clearly indicates the role of The other example is in the case of Public Health. institutions and technical agencies involved in the technical agencies (national/regional/state/ Systemic collection of registered cases and design and implementation of early warning systems city) and the disaster management agencies observations of diseases in the city of Surat has for geological hazards, hydro-meteorological (at the national/state/district/city/village) in early led to the provision of timely information regarding hazards & public health risks. This study aims to warning as critical. The increasing factor of risk in potential outbreaks. Advance information of assess the existing EWS in seven cities (Refer today’s society underlines the need for enhanced potential outbreaks leads to identification of Figure 1) through: cooperation from a wide spectrum of stakeholders additional measures to be stepped up by the local • Review of the technical design/structure in effective risk reduction and emergency government to reduce the risk of diseases such as and efficacy of existing early warning system, response. malaria, dengue, cholera, filariasis, among others. assessment of early warning agencies, communications networks, protocols for issue

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 7 of warning, and transmission to the people, assessment of how the residents of the city access the information and how they act upon it. • Review of the technologies involved in the early warning system network design, technical specifications, up-time performance standards, connectivity and integration with all the important facilities and installations, emergency services, and the disaster management system in the city. • Review of the mode of collecting information Shimla related to hazard events, monitoring, and transmitting it to other agencies, particularly the municipal government and district administration. Gangtok • Review of the mode and reach of the warning especially last mile connectivity and dissemination plan through mass media, print and audio-visual. • Review the messages disseminated through the EWS: on timeliness, appropriateness, accuracy, I N D I A and simplicity parameters. • Review of the service support for maintaining the EWS on a regular basis and ensuring hundred Bhubaneshwar percent uptime. Navi Mumbai This report reviews the institutional mechanism and the decision making across the development model of EWS and its components. This report Vishakapatnam considers the use of Criteria Development Matrix (tool for review) to assess the level of development and present the findings for seven urban centres. Specifically, it focuses on the geological hazard, hydro-meteorological hazard and public health risk warning system, their current status, and capabilities N and supporting disaster risk reduction. Madurai

Case studies of best practices and warning system Trivandrum for individual hazards are presented at the end of the city review sections for ready reference.

Figure 1: Seven cities selected for review of EWS

8 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities • The third ability, which requires considerable A range of factors influence the hazard event phase Background social and cultural awareness, is the communication and the emergency phase. They include: of information to specific recipients about the Early warning in the usual context means some threat in sufficient time and with sufficient clarity • Lack of standardized EWS framework, which form of, either written or verbal indication of, an so that they can take action to avert negative is understood by both technical and disaster impending hazard. Early warning in the disaster consequences. management agencies. context implies the means by which a potential • Non-availability of warning information products danger is detected or forecast and an alert issued. Warning systems are only as good as their and services at different temporal and spatial In this report, the following definition has been weakest link. They can, and frequently do, fail in scales, and provision of same information content taken into consideration: ‘The provision of timely both developing and developed countries for a for various sectors/stakeholders. and effective information, through identifying range of reasons. There are significant decision • Warning message not being aligned in terms institutions, that allows individuals exposed to the points for the scientific/technical agencies and the of societal impacts, risk assessment not being hazard to take action to avoid or reduce their risk disaster management agencies. These decision undertaken and potential impact assessment and prepare for an effective response.’ ISDR 2004 points coincide with the phases of the disaster being based on either individual understanding or management/emergency management decision on past experience and being non-scientific. Over the last decade, India has incorporated stages as shown in Figure 2 (say, for hydro- • Lack of systemization steps for emergency disaster-reduction policies in its national, social meteorological event with sufficient lead time). response based on event severity. and economic development plans to establish • Warning content unable to facilitate appropriate effective preparedness measures and improve the response capacities. The value of timely and STANDARD WEATHER EVENT DECISION PHASE effective warnings in averting losses and protecting Decision to resources/development assets becomes apparent. Identification deactivate Urban centres are exposed to greater risk due of increased Decision that threatening to severe exposure of elements at risk (Mumbai potential for event is likely or Decision to phenomenon Review and Decision making event imminent activate warning doesn’t exist Feedback Floods 2005, Surat Floods 2006). Some of the recent events show the rising trend in the number of people being affected by disasters, especially Emergency Increased Event specific Ongoing operations Post disaster/ Ongoing in the urban areas. readiness and preparation, preparedness (Warning Post event preparedness stockpilling of based on communication, and planning recovery and planning Action points resources hazard intensity Evacuation, S&R Warning represents an added value and function in among others) the overall disaster risk management/disaster risk reduction framework. There are three main abilities that constitute the basis of early warning. Time Dimension • The first is technical capability to identify a potential risk or the likelihood of occurrence of Standard Emergency Phase a hazardous phenomenon, which threatens a Preparedness Preparedness Response Recovery vulnerable population. and Mitigation and Mitigation • The second ability is that of identifying accurately the vulnerability of a population to whom a warning Figure 2: Highlighting overlay of decision points over standard emergency phase and has to be directed, the weather event decision phase

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 9 and timely decision actions at least to those people who are most immediately at risk or are under the Observation influence of the hazard. /Monitoring

An effective early warning system links technical agencies that generate warning information with Data Analysis disaster management/emergency management institutions and finally with communities/people at risk. The end-to-end early warning system (RIMES, Prediction Risk Assessment 2008) involves the following elements (Figure 3 shows the link between these elements): 1. Observation and monitoring 2. Data processing and analysis Potential Impact 3. Prediction and forecasting Assessement 4. Risk assessment 5. Potential impact assessment 6. Warning formulation 7. Dissemination to communities at risk (until the last mile) Warning 8. Preparation of response options Formulation 9. Community response, which is shaped by: a. Resourced and practiced emergency response plans b. Risk awareness Dissemination to c.Mitigation programmes communities at risk 10. Receiving user feedback 11. System adjustment/improvement

Preparation of Response

Community Response

Figure 3: Key elements in end-to-end EWS

10 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities of response options, institution/emergency 2.TECHNOLOGIES INVOLVED IN EWS: Review responders and community response. the network design, technical specifications, up- 2. METHODOLOGY OF REVIEW time performance standards, connectivity and The assessment was based on the information integration with all the important facilities and A systematic process was adopted by the Review obtained through a set of processes. They are as installations, emergency services, and the DM Team to assess the EWS, particularly with respect follows: system in the city. to the systems for geological, hydro-meteorological • Design of the review framework by the Review and public health risks in all the seven cities. Team 3. MODE OF COLLECTING HAZARD • A checklist and questionnaire prepared by RELATED INFORMATION (Geological hazards, The assessment involved a systematic flow of the Review Team for obtaining information from hydrometeorological hazards and disease risks): understanding the EWS governance at the national, technical and disaster management agencies Review the mode of collecting information related state, district and city levels; institutional mechanism • Mission to select cities to understand the EWS to hazard events, monitoring, and transmitting and their roles within the elements of EWS, delivery environment it to other agencies, particularly the municipal of products and services by technical and disaster • Development of Criteria Development Matrix government and district administration. management agencies, as well as their coordination taking into consideration all the key elements of mechanism/operational cooperation; reviewing end-to-end EWS (Figure 3) 4. WARNING OUTREACH AND LAST MILE of existing mechanism of EWS in cities; role of • Information collected through stakeholder CONNECTIVITY: Review the mode and reach of agencies in EWS and their integration in the disaster consultations/meetings, workshops in respective the warning especially last mile connectivity and management institutional framework (City Disaster cities, discussions with programme focal point in dissemination plan through mass media, print and Management Plan); discussing with stakeholders cities, meeting with key experts audio-visual medium. the gaps and needs in the EWS, capacities of • Exchange and mid-term feedback from UNDP institutions (technical agencies) engaged in EWS, programme team 5. MESSAGE CONTENT AND APPROPRIATENESS: operational cooperation of technical agencies with • Development of Policy Brief, where key Review the messages disseminated through the the emergency departments/functionaries at the recommendations cited are discussed for EWS: on timeliness, appropriateness, accuracy, district and city levels (emergency management endorsement at the policy level and simplicity parameters. structure and response capabilities), current status • Workshop with city stakeholders, sharing of and future needs of observation and monitoring results 6. SERVICE SUPPORT AND SYSTEM capabilities, data management systems; seeking • Final report and presentation MAINTENANCE: Review the service support information on pre-computed assessment of risks for maintaining the EWS on a regular basis and for various intensity of hazards (risk assessment), The review includes key criteria as indicated in ensuring 100 percent uptime. hazard analysis and prediction capabilities RFP for following key components: (threat assessment/potential impact assessment), The schematic diagram (Figure 4) is an illustration warning formulation/issuing of guidance and 1. TECHINCAL DESIGN / STRUCTURE AND of institutional mechanism and decision making potential outlook/provision of actionable early EFFICACY OF EXISTING EWS: Assessment of around the key warning chain elements. Numbers 1 warning information/warning products, decision early warning agencies, communication networks, to 6 in the schematic highlight the core components making, generation of tailored risk information protocols for issue of warning and transmission to for evaluating the warning system provided by and dissemination of risk information to at- the people. The review should also assess how the the technical agencies (national/state/city) to risk communities or hot-spot locations (risk residents of the city access the information and the DM agencies and other DRR stakeholders. communication), information technology and how they act upon it. The description of the core components and the telecommunication capabilities, preparation evaluation principles are summarized below:

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 11 core capacities to be exhibited by the technical 1. EWS GOVERNANCE: National, State and City agencies. The technical agencies rely on a range Level Institutional Framework: EWS is underpinned of supporting functions such as data gathering, 4. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ACROSS THE by ministry/department/technical institutions data analysis, IT and telecommunication services WARNING CHAIN: A wide range of products providing operational nowcast/forecasts, products and product development through qualified and and services aid in decision making. While and services to a wide range of users/community. trained staff. The prediction/operational forecast of technical agencies undertake hazard monitoring, EWS in India is underpinned by legislation (DM hazard onset and hazard intensity are to be further detection, analysis, prediction and forecasting Act 2005, State Disaster Management Act, State translated into the potential impact assessment at (issue advisories to key stakeholders for initiating Disaster Management Policy) and institutional the city level and the surrounding regions. In case decisions), risk information will have to be tailored framework that clearly define the roles and of the city having a reservoir/dam located upstream, to the requirements of the city and communities at responsibilities of various stakeholders among the regional forecast needs to further take into account risk. key warning chain elements. Emphasis under this the opening of the reservoir gates and subsequent component was given towards understanding of inundation scenarios for emergency release. 5. COORDINATION MECHANISM: A large number the organizational coordination and cooperation of institutions are involved in the warning chain mechanism (decision making and feedback across Risk assessment, risk communication and elements. Each institution plays an essential role key warning elements), and allocation of resources preparedness for emergency response/evacuation and there is a need for synergy and collaboration at the city level (functional EOC, risk assessment, are the responsibilities of the local government/DM between forecasting (warning, data exchange human resource capacity). stakeholders (as identified in the City DM Plan). through hydro-meteorological services, climate Guidelines and procedures typically follow the services, public health etc.) and DM agencies. 2. USER NEEDS: The users in the city are Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as outlined It is important to analyse if there are any specific spread across government agencies (district in the City DM Plan. A sufficient number of qualified provisions of expertise by the technical agencies to DM authority, municipal corporation city DM and trained staff undertakes the response functions the DM stakeholders that could support or enhance authority/local authority, emergency services, through designated Emergency Support Functions decision making. first responders); communities at risk; general (ESF). The nerve centre of operations during public; NGOs/CBOs; urban service providers emergency is the City Emergency Operation Centre 6. SERVICE DELIVERY AND FEEDBACK LOOPS: (government and private: line departments such (EOC equipped with tools for decision support), While technical agencies issue the forecast and as water supply, storm water drainage, drainage, which functions as the main hub for all emergency related warning, DM agencies have to understand sanitation, health, transportation, energy, law and functions during the onset of hazard and during the the user needs and ensure effective and timely order); various sectors of the economy including impact, and shall remain operational until the threat delivery of the services (overarching capacities in business establishments, trade and commerce; phenomenon subsides. Organizational coordination quality management system is essential for service and the media. The requirements and needs of and cooperation mechanism between ESFs are delivery across functions). Feedback mechanism EWS products and services vary among different essential for effective delivery of early warning across the warning element chain helps in improving users. produced/generated by technical agencies. delivery/quality of product and services over time.

3. OPERATIONAL COMPONENTS OF EWS: The City-level product development includes outputs The elements of EWS and components have tasks of the technical agencies and disaster derived from risk assessment studies, tailored been integrated into the development of Criteria management agencies include developing risk information generated for the event, relevant Development Matrix (CDM). products and offering a range of services across the information technology and telecommunication warning chain elements. Observation, monitoring, services for outreach and capability to handle prediction analysis and operational forecasting are emergency response.

12 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities EWS Governance 1 2 City EWS users

National, Regional & State Technical National, State, District & City DM District DM Authority Agenceis Agenceis City DM Authority Hydro-meteoro- Ocean Services Public Health SDMA / State DDMA / City City EOC / logical Services EOC DM Authority Emergency Responders 6 Municipal Corporation Emergency Services/ESF Coordination Mechanism Service 5 Delivery First Responders and Communities at risk

Feedback General Public Loops EWS Core Services NGOs/CBOs

Technical Services Disaster Management Business establishment

Operational Products Operational Products Trade and Commerce Components and Services Components and Services Media * Observation & Monitoring * Risk Assessment Urban Service providers * Prediction * Potential Impact * Risk Assessment * Data Analysis Assessment Water supply & Drainage * Operational NowCasting * Generation of Tailored * Advisories, Warning & * Tailored risk risk communication at * Forecasting other forecast products information timescale Sanitation

* Continued Analysis *Specific Analysis & * ESF * Emergency Response Technical advice Public Health * SOP * Evacuation Transportation 3 * Risk communication 4 Energy * Data Management Systems * Information Technology and Telecommunication Services * Decision Support Systems Law and Order * Qualified and Trained Human Resources

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Component 4 Component 5 Component 6

Figure 4: Study framework schematic showing the links of stakeholders across the development model of EWS Note:Various components analysed are numbered (as in the text) in the schematic

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 13 characterized as rudimentary) to the most advanced towards a robust EWS at the city level. Subsequent 3. CRITERIA DEVELOPMENT (Stage 5 development, which is characterized as criteria may be added on in further studies or MATRIX AND DEVELOPMENT current state-of-art and is judged to have reached comprehensive EWS audit exercise. STAGE INDICATORS FOR EWS the fully developed stage containing no major shortcomings). Stages 2, 3 and 4 are characterized Criteria Development Matrix has been developed The review of EWS employs a range of criteria across as intermediate stages of development. Each of the through several rounds of discussions by the review six components and subsequent assessment to disaster warnings (hydro-meteorological services, team and is in close alignment to the context of arrive at the level of development. Based on the ocean services, climate services and public health EWS development in India. Table 1 highlights six past research and studies, the study has adopted services) will be assessed against each criterion components identified for the review. It defines 35 the Criteria Development Matrix to review EWS and each development stage shall produce a criteria and details the development stage for each in seven cities. The Criteria Development Matrix profile indicating the overall stage of development of the criteria. In the review for each city, specific indicates the possibility of considering five stages (thereby highlighting gaps and perspective paths comments/remarks are highlighted for selection of development for each criterion built around the for improvement). The level of development stage of the development stage for each criterion. An six components of the development model of EWS. is based on existing conditions and this can be overall score indicates the performance of EWS in The Criteria Development Matrix will indicate the modified based on the signs of improvement the city. progress as basic (Stage 1 development, which is

Table 1: Criteria development matrix: Criteria and indicators of the condition of ews in cities COMPONENT 1 EWS GOVERNANCE - CITY LEVEL INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK S. DEVELOPMENT STAGE INDICATORS NO. CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5 State legislation for EWS framework includes local authority (Urban Local Body) Need is realized, In place, but not In place, partially In place and 1.1 as an integral part Not envisaged changes in legislation (document, control to implemented implemented implemented the ULB) are in process

Need is realized, Institutional mechanism for Local Authority changes in institutional In place, but mandate In place, but partially In place and 1.2 (ULB) is an integral part of EWS framework Not envisaged mechanism are being remains unclear implemented implemented (document, mandate, implementation) brought about

Mandate does not ULB accorded with the authority to Mandate exists for Mandate and SOPs in Mandate and SOP in exist but informal 1.3 disseminate warnings Not envisaged dissemination with no place, implementation place with effective (mandate, SOP, dissemination happens implementation) SOP in place not effective implementation All departments have Extent of preparedness and prevention All departments have All departments have DM Plan, SOP in actions evident among state technical and Select departments All departments have DM Plan and SOP in DM Plan, SOP in place, place, implemented, 1.4 disaster management agencies have DM Plan, but it is DM Plan, partially place and implemented, implemented and (relevant integrated across state not implemented implemented but not integrated integrated across state department DM Plan at state, SOPs, link departments and with across departments from state to city) links to the city

14 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities COMPONENT 2 USER NEEDS S. DEVELOPMENT STAGE INDICATORS NO. CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5 Hotspots identified Hotspots vaguely Hotspots identified and Hotspots identified and and mapped across Hotspots identified for potential hazard identified through past zone of demarcation 2.1 Hotspots not identified mapped across city for the city for all hazards, impact (identified, mapped and updated) incidence records, not updated on regular selected hazards not updated at regular demarcated intervals intervals Last mile connectivity All government established (End- Only for select hazards All hazards to key Outreach practice (dissemination of No formal practice for institutions, media, to-End), specific 2.2 to key government government institutions warning) any hazard community based information to select institutions and media and media organizations vulnerable communities

Dissemination of Dissemination of Timely dissemination of warnings to No specific warning for Dissemination of Dissemination of warning exists for select warning exists for all 2.3 vulnerable groups (residing in slums, high vulnerable groups exists warning exists to some warning exists, with hazards, but with limited hazards, but with limited risk prone areas) in the city extent sufficient respite time respite time respite time Night-time warning is recognized and Warning dissemination arrangements Night-time warning Arrangement for night-time warning (limited No specific arrangement Recognition of the need, tested through conduct 2.4 reflect this, scope dissemination and to floods, landslides, cyclones,tsunamis) for warning in night time planning in progress of emergency night-time for considerable outreach established drills/event improvement in dissemination/ outreach Limited coverage of information from Media collects Media collects respective agencies, information from Limited coverage, media and disseminates Standardized content technical information technical agencies, collects information from information, with graphical/iconic Media engagement in dissemination of presented as received timely dissemination of 2.5 respective agencies, shortcomings are being representation, near warning from agencies, warning to citizens in an shortcomings in addressed through real time updates, citing shortcomings in understandable format communication collaboration with possible impacts communication, problem (authenticated value agencies recognized but not addition) addressed Warning information Content of warning to general public Warning information Adequate information with graphical, factual by local government (ULB) (graphical Adequate information for with graphical, factual for relevant hazards, representation at ward 2.6 representation and behavioural content for Limited information select hazards, but with representation and but with no behavioural level and contextual taking actions at individual/household and no behavioural content general behavioural content behavioural information community levels) content at city level provided

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 15 COMPONENT 3 OPERATIONAL COMPONENTS OF EWS S. DEVELOPMENT STAGE INDICATORS NO. CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5 TECHNICAL AGENCIES Risk assessment Risk assessment (hazard maps, Risk assessment Risk prone areas undertaken with vulnerability and risk updated periodically identified based on technical information maps) available on GIS (available on GIS historical data, past Risk assessment and integration with and demarcates risk platform but not updated platform) and fully Risk assessment does disasters and other 3.1 potential impact assessment (identification, prone administrative periodically and not integrated with not exist qualitative information in mapping, integration) units, risk assessment fully integrated with prediction component to the form of institutional products available in prediction component to derive potential impact memory and tabular the form of maps and derive potential impact assessment and stage records quantitative information assessment and stage focused response response Advanced warning Warning exists with protocol with adequate Warning mechanism for geophysical Consistency in Consistency in warning Warning mechanism no consistency in respite time (with 3.2.1 hazards: Earthquake, Landslide and warning message with message with adequate does not exist warning message and multiple relay and Tsunami inadequate respite time respite time inadequate respite time deactivation process)

Advanced warning Warning mechanism for hydrometeorlogical Warning exists with protocol with adequate hazards: Cyclone, Severe Winds, Consistency in Consistency in warning Warning mechanism no consistency in respite time (with 3.2.2 Stormsurge, Heatwave, Coldwave, Snow, warning message with message with adequate does not exist warning message and multiple relay and Extreme Rainfall, Fluvial Flood and Pluvial inadequate respite time respite time inadequate respite time deactivation process) Flood

Demarcation of areas Near real time warning, Warning mechanism for public health General advisory exists based on active and protocol established, Advisory exists for risks: Vector borne diseases, Water with no indication of passive surveillance active and passive 3.2.3 Advisory does not exist vulnerable groups with borne diseases and other communicable areas and vulnerable with time delay, no surveillance along with no demarcation of areas diseases groups involvement of private involvement of private stakeholders stakeholders Has sufficient technology to Has sufficient High dependency on observe, monitor and Has sufficient Has sufficient Availability of technology to nowcast/ technology to observe, national agencies for nowcast/forecast at technology to observe, technology to observe, 3.3.1 forecast of geophysical hazards by monitor and nowcast/ observation, monitoring regional level, with monitor and nowcast/ monitor and nowcast/ technical agencies forecast at community and forecasting high dependency on forecast at district level forecast at city level level/hotspots technology available at regional centres

16 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities COMPONENT 3 OPERATIONAL COMPONENTS OF EWS S. DEVELOPMENT STAGE INDICATORS NO. CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5 Has sufficient technology to Has sufficient Availability of technology in nowcast/ High dependency on observe, monitor and Has sufficient Has sufficient technology to observe, forecast of hydro-meteorological hazards national agencies for nowcast/forecast at technology to observe, technology to observe, 3.3.2 monitor and nowcast/ by technical agencies observation, monitoring regional level, with monitor and nowcast/ monitor and nowcast/ forecast at community and forecasting high dependency on forecast at district level forecast at city level level/hotspots technology available at regional centres Surveillance exists Surveillance exists at city level within Surveillance exists Detailed surveillance is Surveillance exists at city level within government hospitals, Disease surveillance system at city level within carried out on a near at district level using government hospitals, private hospitals (surveillance coverage, collection method, government hospitals real time basis, disease 3.3.3 paper-based forms; private hospitals and and all clinics; using analysis) using paper-based forecast information analysis undertaken at all clinics; using paper- computerized data forms; analysis is made available for district level based forms; analysis collection; analysis and undertaken at city level decision making undertaken at city level mapping undertaken at community level Uncertainty in forecast and warning: Forecast exists with high Warning based on Geophysical hazards, Hydro- Forecast exists with Warning based on Forecast/warning does uncertainty, followed forecast exists, with 3.4 meteorological hazards and Public health high uncertainty, and no forecast exists, with low not exist by incomprehensible medium degree of risks warning exists degree of uncertainty warning uncertainty

DISASTER MANGEMENT AGENCY / LOCAL AUTHORITY (ULB) Need for DM budget Budget head doesn’t head realized, plan to Budget exists for DM, Budget exists for DM, Budget allocation by the local authority for Budget head doesn’t exist, currently 3.5 incorporate budget for no specific budget head specific sub-head for EWS exist being spent from Disaster Management exists for EWS EWS exists miscellaneous heads

Standardized spatial Data is collated and Data is collated from Data is collated and and temporal data are Data available with updated regularly, different departments, updated regularly, collated and updated different agencies in limited quality partial digitization quality assurance and regularly for city EWS, multiple formats, not assurance and quality 3.6 Data availability for operations of EWS undertaken but not quality control, temporal single window system collated or aggregated, control, temporal data updated regularly; and spatial data exists for data updation qualitative information available, spatial data currently not in usable available, data available and dissemination, available not available, data is of format in limited usable format data available in usable limited use format

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 17 COMPONENT 3 OPERATIONAL COMPONENTS OF EWS S. DEVELOPMENT STAGE INDICATORS NO. CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5 Staff assigned for Dedicated specialized Staff deputed on need Manpower hired on EWS but with multiple staff assigned for city Staffing and capacity within local authority No dedicated staff for basis, not specifically short-term basis, limited responsibility (other than EWS, training and 3.7 for operation and maintenance of EWS EWS trained for operating training and capacity EWS), limited training capacity building of staff EWS building provided and capacity building conducted at regular provided intervals Fixed and vehicle In addition to generic State-of-art alert and In addition to generic mounted PAS, digital/ Generic media – media, PAS in place, warning system, Use of modern technology to disseminate media, public addressal electronic display 3.8 newspapers, local cable but limited to siren and dedicated channel, warnings system (PAS) in place, screen at select channel and radio digital display at select online dissemination but limited to siren locations, mobile (SMS), locations system web, community radio Warning system reflects Recognition of need, no Recognition of the need the arrangement, Well-developed Redundancy (multi-mode) in 3.9 None special arrangements and development in partially developed, but redundancy in communication networks made process scope for considerable communication network improvement EOC established with adequate technical and human resources EOC established (manned 24X7), SOP for EOC is activated Need for permanent with limited technical City Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) EOC, systems exist to on a need basis, no EOC recognized by and human resource 3.10 for housing information related to hazard, EOC does not exist provide risk information information on hazard/ ULB, and development support, and has vulnerability and risk and disseminate it vulnerability and risk in progress information on hazard/ to stakeholders for vulnerability and risk preparedness and response on near real time basis

18 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities COMPONENT 4 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ACROSS THE WARNING CHAIN S. DEVELOPMENT STAGE INDICATORS NO. CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5 Generalized warnings Sub-ward/locality/ from technical agencies, Ward details (including community details Only generalized City level macro details Degree of local details incorporated in need for incorporation hot spots) are incorporated in warnings 4.1 warnings from technical are incorporated within warnings of local details is incorporated within (including ward, agencies warnings recognized, system warnings hotspots); measures under development cited to take action Awareness programmes Comprehensive Comprehensive on frequent hazards and programmes on all programmes on all their risks are conducted hazards and their Efforts are made to raise hazards and their risks No efforts are being on regular/seasonal risks are conducted Raising awareness about warnings at city public awareness on are conducted to raise 4.2 made to sensitize intervals, special on regular basis, level frequent hazards, need the level of public citizens population needs are special population basis awareness, programme also not addressed needs addressed, regularly evaluated and and programme not but programme not strengthened evaluated evaluated Products generated for Ability of technical agencies and disaster Products generated for User need assessment Products generated for select hazards catering management institutions to cater to early User need assessment all hazards catering to 4.3 undertaken, products select hazards catering to selected users, warning products and services to user not undertaken all users, and details identified to selected users details available to take specific requirements available to take actions actions Risk communication including preparedness Well-established Risk not assessed measures are risk communication in local context, Risk is assessed in Risk assessment does communicated mechanism enables information generated local context and 4.4 Risk communication not exist, hence no to stakeholders, stakeholders to manage by technical agencies communicated to select communication dissemination is risk, dissemination are transferred and stakeholders not robust (last mile is robust (last mile published/disseminated connectivity is not connectivity is ensured) ensured)

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 19 COMPONENT 5 COORDINATION MECHANISM S. DEVELOPMENT STAGE INDICATORS NO. CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5 Communication with Coordination mechanism Extent of coordination between technical Communication Communication with all Coordination ensures all agencies exist, ensures agencies 5.1 agencies and disaster management is limited to select agencies exist, limited collective decision coordination does not respond to specific agencies agencies coordination exists making exist needs Formal links become Formal links become active periodically in No formal links exist, Formal links do not exist, active periodically in Extent of links between disaster Formal links become anticipation of an event, service providers select service providers anticipation of an event, 5.2 management agencies and service active only prior to/ two way communication depend on information are informed during the one way communication providers during an event established to ensure hosted on public domain onset of an event initiated from disaster business continuity, co- management agency benefit achieved Active collaboration Well-developed links Collaboration and Media depend on exists, understanding of exist, seamless flow Extent of links between media and disaster Limited information is reflection of warning 5.3 information hosted on warnings are reinforced of information, value management agencies provided to media information in the media public domain through discussions, no addition to warning is products are evident value addition evident

20 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities COMPONENT 6 SERVICE DELIVERY AND FEEDBACK LOOPS S. DEVELOPMENT STAGE INDICATORS NO. CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5 ULB and service ULB and service ULB, service providers ULB does not have ULB is aware of early providers are aware of providers are and citizens are User community's knowledge of early clear understanding of 6.1 warnings, but does not warnings, but impacts knowledgeable of knowledgeable of warning system and its effectiveness existing early warning initiate action are not clear to initiate or warnings and are able to warnings and are able to systems coordinate action take coordinated action take informed actions Feedback mechanism Problem recognized Feedback mechanism Feedback mechanism Extent to which the warning mechanism No feedback includes all 6.2 and mechanism under exists, but does not functions in near real allows for feedback from affected area mechanism exists stakeholders, but is not development include all stakeholders time robust Post event reflection Assessment undertaken, Along with increased Post event reflection Post event reflection is is done and change change evident in respite time there is Level of reflection and learning evident is done and change 6.3 done, but no change is is evident in monitoring/forecasting/ change in guidelines within local authority is evident in mode of evident communication and warning and subsequent and standard operating communication response mechanism increase in respite time procedures M&E process is in place Monitoring of select No formal procedure Need realized, M&E M&E process is in and is being carried Monitoring, evaluation and targets for EWS components are 6.4 to monitor the EWS process is under place, not undertaken at out regularly, targets improvement of EWS in place, improvement performance is in place development regular intervals for improvements are needed outlined

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 21 4. UNDERSTANDING EWS AND KEY e e e FRAMEWORKS FOR GEOLOGICAL e g g g g a a a a t t t HAZARDS, HYDRO-METEOROLOGICAL t S S S S

h c HAZARDS AND PUBLIC HEALTH e g i t r n n i u w t o RISKS y o a y r a r c M G b e m

Every type of hazard has its own dynamics. The D duration of the phenomenon will vary for hazard E type and the event type (small or big). There are various stages associated with the development of the event (Figure 5). Broadly, the stages can be categorized as follows: • Embryonic stage can be linked to the manifestation of those conditions that may give rise to these events or as the events begin to emerge; preliminary phase of the event. • Growth stage is when the event gradually evolves in terms of its magnitude or area of influence. • Mature stage would represent the event as being capable of provoking a disaster in a particular geographic location; event triggers impacts and effects on communities and regions near its path. • Decaying stage that indicates when the event loses its strength and is dissipating. Time In the context of early warning, the time lapse between the embryonic and the mature stage is determinant to the capacity of issuing warnings. If this time lapse is large enough, hierarchical phases could be identified allowing for the establishment Figure 5: Evolution of an hazard event in four stages of several alert or warning levels. Source: Villagrán de León, J. C., Pruessner, I., and H. Breedlove (2013). Alert and Warning Frameworks in the Context of Early Warning Systems. A Comparative Review. Intersections No. 12. Bonn: United Nations University Institute for For example, in case of a tropical cyclone in Environment and Human Security. the Indian Ocean, the disturbance that gives rise to the event and subsequent shaping up is considered as embryonic stage. The growth stage would then encompass those processes related to evaporation of water from the ocean and the convective processes within the atmosphere that

22 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities begin to take shape, such tropical cyclone. In the mature stage, one could see the cyclone as fully manifested in terms of its typical characteristics such as very low barometric pressure, high wind speeds, storm surges and precipitation. Finally, as the cyclone makes landfall, it begins to weaken to the point that it ceases to exist once it is fully inside large landmasses. In this context, meteorologists use a variety of instruments to track the four stages of events. A combination of measurements and computing allows the IMD Cyclone Warning Division to be able to follow the path and the dynamics of such events, leading to forecasts of trajectories and places where such cyclone may make landfall. The disaster management agencies take actions based on the information provided by the technical agencies and follow the Standard Operating Procedure as outlined in the Disaster Management Plan.

4.1 EWS Framework for Earthquake Hazard

Earthquake occurs due to plate tectonic activity. The India sub-continent has a history of devastating earthquakes. Some regions of the country are more risk prone than others. As per the seismic hazard zoning map of India, India is broadly divided into four zones. Zone V is very high damage risk zone Figure 6: Global earthquake hazard map showing the regions operating active earthquake (Intensity IX and above on MSK scale); Zone IV is early warning systems Note: labelled in blue. The regions developing early warning systems are labelled in green high damage risk zone (Intensity VIII on MSK scale), Source: Last accessed on 18 April 2014 Zone III is moderate damage risk zone (Intensity VII on MSK scale) and Zone II is low damage risk zone (Intensity VI or less on MSK scale). About 59 per cent of the geographical region of the country falls under Zones III, IV and V.

Studies indicate the possibility of earthquakes of severe intensity in some parts of the country.

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 23 Given the high vulnerability of the country to Information relating to under-sea earthquakes dome collapse and meteorites. It is important to damaging earthquakes, there is no functional EWS capable of generating tsunamis on the Indian note that all earthquakes do not cause tsunamis. for earthquake hazard. The growth stage of an coastal regions is also disseminated to all The tsunami EWS gathered much attention in India earthquake may span across centuries, whereas concerned user agencies, including the Indian largely because of the consequence of the Indian the phenomenon of ground shaking lasts for National Centre for Ocean Information Services Ocean tsunami of 26 December 2004. Underwater seconds to a few minutes. Once the event takes (INCOIS), Hyderabad, for issue of tsunami related mass movements get triggered by any of the factors place, the main shock is followed by aftershocks. messages and warnings. Earthquake information mentioned above. The growth of the phenomenon In some cases, the large earthquake may be is transmitted to various user agencies, including takes place in the sea and it heads straight to the preceded by foreshocks. Earthquakes below the public information channels, press, media etc. coastline impacting as tsunami waves. Rise in the ocean bed can trigger tsunami, and on land they using different modes of communication, such sea level and impact of tsunami may last for several can trigger landslides, mudslides, avalanche and as SMS, fax, email and is also posted on IMD’s hours, and there can be several waves associated rock fall. website ( with a tsunami event.

Earthquake EWS takes advantage of the rapid India Meteorological Department also maintains In the aftermath of the Great Sumatra earthquake of availability of earthquake information to quantify a countrywide National Seismological Network 26 December 2004, the Ministry of Earth Sciences the hazard associated with an earthquake and (NSN), consisting of a total of 82 seismological has set up an Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre issue a prediction of impending ground motion stations, spread over the entire length and breadth at the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information prior to the arrival of the strong waves in populated of the country. This includes: (a) 16-station Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad. The centre is areas. Earthquake EWS is a combination of VSAT based digital seismic telemetry system mandated to provide advance warnings on instrumentation, methodology and software around National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi, tsunamis that are likely to affect the coastal areas designed to analyse and warn the populated areas (b) 20-station VSAT based Real Time Seismic of the country. As a part of this, a 17-station Real or sensitive installations. Japan, Taiwan, Mexico, Monitoring Network in the north-eastern region of Time Seismic Monitoring Network (RTSMN) has Romania and Turkey currently operate Earthquake the country and (c) 17-station Real Time Seismic been set up by India Meteorological Department. EWS, while California (California Integrated Seismic Monitoring Network (RTSMN) to monitor and report Network, CISN), Iceland, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, large magnitude under-sea earthquakes capable of The network is capable of monitoring and Egypt and India are either in the development or generating tsunamis on the Indian coastal regions. reporting, in least possible time, the occurrence testing phase of Earthquake EWS. Figure 6 shows The remaining stations are of standalone/analogue of earthquakes capable of generating tsunamis the status of countries where Earthquake EWS is types. A Control Room is in operation on a 24X7 that are likely to affect the Indian coastal regions. operational. basis, at IMD Headquarters (Seismology) in New Data from the 17 broadband seismic field stations Delhi, with state-of-art facilities for data collection, are transmitted simultaneously in real time through India Meteorological Department (IMD) is the processing and dissemination of information to the VSAT communication facilities to the Central nodal agency of Government of India responsible concerned user agencies. Receiving Stations (CRSs) located at IMD, New for monitoring seismic activity in and around the Delhi, and INCOIS, Hyderabad, for processing country. The operational task of the department and interpretation. is to quickly estimate the earthquake source 4.2 EWS Framework for Tsunami parameters immediately on occurrence of an Hazard The CRSs are equipped with state-of-art computing earthquake and disseminate the information to all hardware, communication, data processing, the user agencies including the concerned state Tsunamis are triggered by undersea earthquakes; visualization and dissemination facilities. For and central government agencies responsible for landslides which reach seas or oceans and providing better azimuthal coverage for detecting carrying out relief and rehabilitation measures. underwater landslides; volcanic eruptions and earthquakes with potential to cause tsunamis, the

24 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities RTSMN system has been configured to include Time of Issue (Earthquake Bulletin Type Information about 100 global stations of IRIS (a consortium of origin time as T minutes) Incorporated Research Institutions in Seismology), 0 Preliminary EQ parameters and LAND/NO THREAT information whose data are available freely through the based on EQ location, magnitude and depth internet. Information on earthquake is disseminated Type I T +20 Preliminary EQ parameters and qualitative potential of earthquake 0 through various communication channels to all the to cause tsunami, based on EQ location, magnitude and depth concerned user agencies in a fully automated mode. Based on the earthquake information Preliminary EQ parameters and NO THREAT information from model scenarios provided by the RTSMN and other ocean-related Type II T0+30 observations/analysis, INCOIS evaluates the Preliminary EQ parameters and quantitative tsunami threat potential of the undersea earthquakes to cause (WARNING/ALERT/WATCH) information from model scenarios tsunami and issues necessary warnings/alerts as Revised EQ parameters and quantitative tsunami threat (WARN- As and when revised earth- per the situation. Type II ING/ALERT/WATCH) information from model scenarios – if revised quake parameters are Supplementary - xx EQ parameters are available much before the real time water level available or after earthquake observations are reported lapsed Time + 60 min The National Tsunami Early Warning Centre at INCOIS is operational since October 2007 and Revised EQ parameters and quantitative tsunami threat (WARN- As and when the first real has been issuing accurate tsunami warnings for all Type III ING/ALERT/WATCH) information from model scenarios and real time water level observation is time water level observations indicating tsunami generation available undersea earthquakes of ≥ 6.5 M as shown in figure 7. The ITEWS comprises a real time network of Revised EQ parameters and quantitative tsunami threat (WARN- Hourly update/as and when seismic stations, Bottom Pressure Recorders (BPR), Type III ING/ALERT/WATCH) information from model scenarios and real he subsequent real time water Supplementary -xx time water level observations indicating tsunami generation threat level observations are avail- tide gauges and 24X7 operational tsunami warning PASSED information for individual zones able centre to detect the potential of earthquakes to cause tsunami, to monitor tsunamis and to provide Issued when water levels from multiple gauges confirm that no significant tsunami was generated timely advice to vulnerable community by means Final Bulletin of latest communication methods with back- 120 minutes after a significant tsunami passes the last Indian end support of a pre-run scenario database and threat zone Decision Support System (DSS). Table 2 presents Source: IETWC User Guide Ver. 2, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services, June 2011 the bulletin types issued by the ITEWC with the Threat Status Actions to be taken Dissemination to timelines. Public should be advised to move inland towards MoES, MHA, NDMA, NCMC, NDRF bat- WARNING higher grounds. Vessels should move into deep talions, SEOC, DEOC, public, media However, as local conditions would cause a wide ocean variation in tsunami wave action, the ALL CLEAR Public should be advised to avoid visiting beaches MoES, MHA, NDMA, NCMC, NDRF bat- determination is made by the local authorities. ALERT and low-lying coastal areas talions, SEOC, DEOC, public, media Actions Based on Threat Status (WARNING/ALERT/ Vessels should move into deep ocean WATCH) is given in the table 2. No immediate action is required MoES, MHA MoES, MHA, MEDIA, NCMC, WATCH NDRF battalions, SEOC, DEOC All clear determination to be made by the local MoES, MHA, NDMA, NCMC, NDRF bat- THREAT PASSED authorities talions, SEOC, DEOC, public, media Table 2: Bulletin types, threat status & action points for tsunami warning alert and watch

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 25 4.3 EWS Framework for Landslide Hazard Earthquake T0 The term ‘landslide’ describes a wide variety of processes that result in the downward and outward

Mag≥ 6.5 movement of slope-forming materials, including Depth < 100km Ocean rock, soil, artificial fill or a combination of these. The materials may move by falling, toppling, sliding,

B1: T0+ 20min spreading or flowing (USGS). Landslide causes can be classified into four categories:

Pre-run Model Scenario Database • Geological causes: These include weak, weathered, sheared or fissured materials, ETA ≤ 60 mins ETA ≥ 60 mins adversely-oriented structural discontinuities (faults, B2: T + 30min 0 EWA Threat EWA Threat (M) Status (M) Status unconformity, etc.), and contrasts in permeability

> 2 WARNING > 2 ALERT and stiffness.

B2: Supple: 0.5 to 2 ALERT 0.5 - 2 WATCH • Morphological causes: These include tectonic As and when 0.2 to 0.5 WATCH 0.2 to 0.5 WATCH or volcanic uplift, glacial rebound, fluvial, glacial or revised EQ wave erosion of slope toe, or vegetation removal para available (by forest fire, drought).

Real-time Water-level Observations • Physical causes : These include intense rainfall, BRPs / TIde gauges rapid snow melt; earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, Significant changes in thawing and weathering (freeze and thaw or shrink NO significant changes in water level B3: As and when first water level and swell). real time observation • Anthropogenic causes : These include excavation Estimated Threat Status becomes available Upgraded Threat Status EWA Threat of the slope or its toe, loading of the slope or its (M) Status EWA Threat (M) Status crest, deforestation, irrigation, mining, artificial > 2 WARNING > 0.5 WARNING vibration and water leakage from utilities. 0.5 to 2 ALERT B3: Supple: As and 0.2 to 0.5 ALERT when more real time 0.2 to 0.5 WATCH observation becomes Landslide, a frequently occurring natural hazard in available the hilly terrains of India, is a predominant activity during the monsoon period from July to September FINAL: No significant and after the snowfall from January to March. Strong changein WL (or) last No Significant Changes Threat Passed excedance of threat earthquakes also trigger landslides, particularly in threshold at last India regions marked by critically disposed and unstable Coast + 120min slopes. On a rough estimate, nearly 15 per cent of India’s landmass or 0.49 million sq km area is prone to landslides. This includes 0.098 million sq km of Figure 7: SOP diagram of tsunami early warning centre Source: (Last accessed on 18 April 2014) the north-eastern region, comprising the Arakan Yoma ranges, and 0.392 million sq km of parts of the

26 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities Himalayas, Nilgiris, Ranchi Plateau, and Eastern slopes through landslide hazard zonation (LHZ) New Delhi, La Réunion and Nadi. and Western Ghats. As many as 20 states of India mapping on various scales or studying the critical are affected by different degrees of landslides. slopes individually and determining their status as Based on wind speed over the oceanic area, IMD Of these, the states of Sikkim and Mizoram have far as their stability is concerned. has classified the low pressure systems into the been assessed to be falling under very high to following categories, from low pressure area to severe hazard classes. Most of the districts in the 2. Post-disaster Studies: Detailed analysis of super cyclonic storm: states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, landslides that have occurred, determine the Uttarakhand, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and causes responsible for failure and suggest treatment Cyclone Warning Organization Structure in Manipur come under high to very high landslide measures required to stabilize the slopes. India hazard classes. In the peninsular region, the hilly RSMC – Tropical Cyclones, New Delhi with tracts of states like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Landslide EWS is not undertaken at the moment by effect from 1 July 1988 has been assigned the Tamil Nadu, , Goa, Madhya Pradesh GSI or by other agencies in the country. responsibility of issuing Tropical Weather Outlooks and Kerala constitute low to moderate hazard and Tropical Cyclone Advisories for the benefit prone zones. of the countries in the WMO/ESCAP Panel region 4.4 EWS Framework for Tropical bordering the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Slope saturation by water is the common trigger of Cyclone Sea, namely, Bangladesh, Maldives, Myanmar, landslides, generated through processes such as Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The main intense rainfall, snowmelt, changes in groundwater A tropical cyclone is a rotational low pressure activities of RSMC, New Delhi, are listed below. levels, and water level changes along coastlines, system in the tropics when the central pressure earth dams and the banks of lakes, reservoirs, falls by 5 to 6 hPa from the surroundings and • Round-the-clock watch over the entire North canals and rivers. Landslides and floods are closely the maximum sustained wind speed reaches 34 Indian Ocean allied because both are related to precipitation, knots (about 62 kmph). It is a vast violent whirl • Analysis and processing of global meteorological runoff and the saturation of ground by water. In of 150 to 800 km, spiralling around a centre and data for diagnostic and prediction purposes addition, debris flows and mudflows usually occur progressing along the surface of the sea at a rate • Detection, tracking and prediction of cyclonic in small, steep stream channels and often are of 300 to 500 km a day. The word cyclone has been storms in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea mistaken for floods; in fact, these two events often derived from the Greek word cyclos, which means • Running of numerical models for tropical cyclone occur simultaneously in the same area. Building ‘coiling of a snake’. These events are controlled track and intensity prediction on the fact that some landslides are triggered by by the interaction between the atmosphere and • Issue of Tropical Weather Outlook once daily intense rainfall, institutions establish the saturation the oceans in tropical waters. The stages of the (at 0600 UTC) and an additional outlook at 1700 threshold and develop landslide EWS. The cyclone take from a few days to few weeks. During UTC in the event of a depression, which is likely to presence of extreme weather conditions is used the mature stage, the tropical cyclone may vary intensify into a cyclonic storm as an indicator to issue warning or to change the its characteristics in terms of wind speed and • Issue of cyclone advisories to the Panel countries levels of warning in the systems, which make use pressure based on the interaction. On hitting the eight times a day of various threshold levels. land, the system weakens and dissipates. Over • Issue of storm surge advisories the last two decades, there has been significant • Implementation of Regional Cyclone Operational The study of landslide hazard is carried out by improvement in the capacities of the institutions to Plan of WMO/ESCAP Panel the Geological Survey of India (GSI), and can be monitor, forecast and warn populations in advance • Collection, processing and archival of all data divided into two broad categories: of the cyclone hitting the land. World Meteorological pertaining to cyclonic storms, viz., wind, storm Organization has set up five Regional Specialized surge, pressure, rainfall, satellite information etc. 1. Pre-disaster Studies: Identification of vulnerable Meteorological Centres (RSMC) in Miami, Tokyo, • Exchange of composite data and bulletins

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 27 pertaining to cyclonic storms with Panel countries • Preparation of comprehensive reports on each cyclonic storm • Continued research on storm surge, track and System Intensity Damage Expected Suggested Action intensity prediction techniques Low Pressure Area -- -- (Not exceeding 17 kts or less Cyclone Warning Division than 31 kmph) Cyclone Warning Directorate – located with RSMC Depression -- -- – Tropical Cyclones, New Delhi, was established (17–27 kts or 31–51 kmph) in 1990 in the Office of the Director General of Deep Depression Minor damage to loose and unsecured Fishermen advised not to venture into the Meteorology, New Delhi – to co-ordinate and (28–33 kts or 52–61 kmph) structures open seas supervise the cyclone warning work in the country Cyclonic Storm Damage to thatched huts. Breaking of Total suspension of fishing operations in totality. The mission of this division is to improve (34–47 kts or 62–87 kmph) tree branches causing minor damage to the cyclone warning activity in the country and to power and communication lines improve links between early warning system of Severe Cyclonic Storm Extensive damage to thatched roofs Total suspension of fishing operations. cyclone and disaster management. (48–63 kts or 88–117 kmph) and huts. Minor damage to power and Coastal hutment dwellers to be moved to communication lines due to uprooting of safer places. People in the affected areas The broad functions of the Cyclone Warning large avenue trees. Flooding of escape to remain indoors Division and RSMC – Tropical Cyclones, New Delhi routes are as follows: Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Extensive damage to kutcha houses. Total suspension of fishing operations. • Round-the-clock watch over the entire North (64–90 kts or 118–167 kmph) Partial disruption of power and commu- Mobilize evacuation from coastal areas. Indian Ocean nication lines. Minor disruption of road Judicious regulation of rail and road traffic. • Analysis and processing of global meteorological and rail traffic. Potential threat from flying People in affected areas to remain indoors data for diagnostic and prediction purposes debris. Flooding of escape routes • Detection, tracking and prediction of cyclonic Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Extensive damage to kutcha houses. Total suspension of fishing operations. storms in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea (91–119 kts or 168–221 kmph) Some damage to old buildings. Large- Extensive evacuation from coastal areas. • Issue of numbered Cyclone Warning Bulletins to scale disruption of power and commu- Diversion or suspension of rail and road AIR, Doordarshan and other TV channels and print nication lines. Disruption of rail and road traffic. People in affected areas to remain media for wider coverage traffic due to extensive flooding. Potential indoors threat from flying debris • Interaction with disaster management agencies and providing critical information for emergency Super Cyclone Extensive structural damage to residen- Total suspension of fishing operations. support services (120 kts or more, or 222 kmph tial and industrial buildings. Total disrup- Large-scale evacuation of coastal popu- • Coordination with government & other agencies or more) tion of communication and power supply. lation. Total suspension of rail and road Extensive damage to bridges causing traffic in vulnerable areas. People in the at HQ level on all matters relating to cyclonic large-scale disruption of rail and road affected areas to remain indoors storms traffic. Large-scale flooding and inunda- • Collection, processing and archival of all data tion of sea water. Air full of flying debris pertaining to cyclonic storms, viz., wind, storm Reference/Source: Forecasters Guide, India Meteorological Department, 2008 surge, pressure, rainfall, satellite information etc. • Preparation of comprehensive reports on each cyclonic storm Table3: Damage expected & actions from low pressure area to super cyclonic storm

28 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities • Collection of all types of information on individual cyclonic storms from State Governments, cyclone N warning centres and other agencies. • Continued research on storm surge, track and intensity prediction techniques.

Area Cyclone Warning Centres (ACWCs)/ Cyclone Warning Centres (CWCs) With the establishment of additional centres at Bhubaneshwar and Visakhapatnam, the Storm Warning Centres at Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai were named as Area Cyclone Warning Centres (ACWC) and the Storm Warning Centres at New Delhi Visakhapatnam, Bhubaneshwar and Ahmedabad as Cyclone Warning Centres (CWC). CWCs Visakhapatnam, Bhubaneshwar and Ahmedabad function under the control of the ACWCs – Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai respectively. I N D I A Kolkotta Meteorological Centre (MC), Hyderabad, liaises Ahmedabad between CWC Visakhapatnam and Andhra Pradesh government officials; warnings issued by Bhubaneshwar CWC Visakhapatnam are sent to MC Hyderabad Mumbai also for briefing the Andhra Pradesh government officials at the state capital. Vishakapatnam The present organizational structure for cyclone warnings is a three-tier one, with the ACWCs/CWCs DDGM (Cyclone Warning) actually performing the operational work of issuing DDGM (Weather Forecasting) the bulletins and warnings to the various user Chennai interests, while the Cyclone Warnings (Directorate) ACWs (Area Cyclone Warning Centers) New Delhi and the Deputy Director General of CWCs (Cyclone Warning Centers) Meteorology (Weather Forecasting), through Weather Central, Pune, coordinate and guide the work of the ACWCs/CWCs, exercise supervision over their work and take necessary measures for continued improvement and efficiency of the storm warning systems of the country as a whole. Figure 8: Cyclone warning organization structure The ultimate responsibility of carrying on storm Source: warning work, however, rests with the ACWCs and

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 29 CWCs. The ACWCs/CWCs maintain round-the- user agencies, which include civil/engineering clock watch. 4.5 EWS Framework for Floods agencies of the State/Central Governments such as irrigation/revenue/railways/public undertakings and Bulletins and Warnings Issued by ACWCs and Dam/Barrage Authorities/District Magistrates/Sub- CWCs Floods are triggered by heavy rainfall and due divisional Officers besides the Defence Authorities The following is the list of bulletins and warnings to systems such as the cyclone. In some cases, involved in the flood loss mitigation work. During issued by the ACWCs and CWCs for their respective the event can manifest quickly as in flash floods, the flood season, the Honourable Minister of Water areas of responsibility: and in some cases, it can last for days to manifest Resources, Government of India, the Chairman itself as in very large basins. The fact that most and the Member (River Management) of Central • Weather and sea bulletins floods are preceded by heavy rainfall, which leads Water Commission are apprised of the latest flood - for shipping on the high seas and (issued by to increasing runoff in the basis and subsequent situations in the above river basins in the country. ACWCs Mumbai and Kolkata only) rise in the level of rivers, the phenomenon allows -for ships plying in coastal waters for EWS to be designed and operated. In addition, if there is a reservoir located upstream, the rule Classification of Various Flood Situations • Bulletins for Indian Navy (issued by ACWCs book can incorporate EWS into the operational The Central Water Commission has categorized Mumbai and Kolkata only) procedure of the reservoir (flood control). various flood situations for monitoring the floods in the country though its flood forecasting network, • Bulletins for departmental exchanges (issued by The EWS for floods can be positioned as a into the following four categories, depending upon ACWCs Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai) centralized system (managed by agencies like the the severity of floods, based on flood magnitudes. Central Water Commission) or can be decentralized • Port warnings in the case of a particular city or community- Level Forecast operated EWS. • LOW FLOOD: The river is said to be in LOW • Fisheries warnings FLOOD situation at any flood forecasting site when Flood Forecasting and Warning Organization the water level of the river touches or crosses the • Pre-cyclone watch and post landfall outlook In the year 1958, CWC commenced the flood warning level, but remains below the danger level (issued by Cyclone Warning Division) forecasting service in a small way by establishing of the forecasting site. flood forecasting unit for issuing water level forecasts • MODERATE FLOOD: If the water level of the river • Bulletins for the AIR of the for the National Capital, Delhi. On the touches or crosses its danger level, but remains recommendation of various committees/panels, a 0.50 m below the highest flood level of the site • CWDS bulletins Flood Forecast and Warning Organization was set (commonly known as HFL) then the flood situation up in CWC in 1969 to establish forecasting sites is called the MODERATE FLOOD situation. • Warnings for registered/designated users on inter-state rivers at various flood prone places • HIGH FLOOD: If the water level of the river at the in the country. The National Flood Forecasting and forecasting site is below the highest flood level of • Bulletins for the press Warning Network of Central Water Commission, the forecasting site but is still within 0.50 m of the comprises 175 flood forecasting sites, including HFL, then the flood situation is called HIGH FLOOD • Aviation warnings (issued by concerned aviation 28 inflow forecasting sites in flood season (Figure situation. In this situation, a special Orange Bulletin meteorological offices) 9). is issued by the Central Water Commission to the user agencies, which contains the ‘special flood Central Water Commission, through its 20 flood message’ related to the high flood. forecasting divisions, issues forecasts to the various • UNPRECEDENTED FLOOD: The flood situation

30 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities is said to be UNPRECEDENTED when the water level of the river crosses the HFL recorded at the forecasting site so far. In this situation, a special Red Bulletin is issued by the Central Water Commission to the user agencies, which contains the ‘special flood message’ related to the unprecedented flood.

Inflow Forecast • Inflow forecasts are issued for 28 dams/ reservoirs/barrages in various river basins in the country. The project authorities have identified the threshold inflow limits for issue of forecast considering various factors such as safety of the dam, status of the reservoir, downstream channel/ canal requirements.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Flood Forecasting and Warning The basic activity of data collection, its transmission and dissemination of flood forecasts to the local administration is carried out by the field divisions of CWC. The modelling centres and Divisional Flood Control Rooms (DFCR) are located in the premises of the field divisions. The field divisions perform these activities as per the existing Manual on Flood Forecasting, which contains the following critical activities as the general SOPs: 1. Nomination of Nodal Officers of CWC for interaction with the Nodal Officers of the concerned State Governments before monsoon every year

2. Gearing up of flood forecasting network before monsoon every year

3. Operation of Divisional Flood Control Room during monsoon every year Figure 9: Flood forecasting stations in India 4. Operation of Central Flood Control Room (CFCR) Source: during monsoon every year Forecasting_Network. Last accessed on 19 April 2014

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 31 45 OC or more, irrespective of normal maximum forecasting centres. The recommendations cited 5. Issue of flood forecasts to designated officer temperature, heat wave should be declared. are as follows: of the concerned state and transmission thereof 1. Present procedure of issuing local forecast for through FAX/telephone/email/through special Hot Day – In the northern plains of the country, dust meteorological parameters, including heat and messengers during monsoon every year in suspension occurs for several days, bringing the cold waves, is to continue. minimum temperature much higher than normal 6. Sending flood alerts through SMS on mobile and keeping the maximum temperature around 2. In addition to the above forecast, supplementary phones to the concerned officers of State/Central or slightly above normal. Sometimes, increase in forecast based on human discomfort utilizing the Government during high and unprecedented flood humidity also adds to this discomfort. Nights do not Heat Index (HI) may be introduced on a trial basis situations as per Standard Operating procedure get cool and become uncomfortable. To cover this for one year. (SOP) for issuing alerts and electronic messaging situation, hot day concept has been introduced. in the event of disaster situations issued by National Whenever the maximum temperature remains 3. The HI is to be calculated based on the forecast Disaster Management Division, Ministry of Home 40OC or more and minimum temperature is 5OC or of maximum temperature and that of relative Affairs, vide letter No: 31-32/2003-NDM-III/II dated more above normal, it may be defined as Hot Day, humidity. Suggested criteria and terminology for 10 April 2006, made effective from 24 April 2006. provided it does not satisfy the heat wave criteria issuing human discomfort information are given given above. Criteria for describing Hot Day for below. For day time, the criteria will be considered For the purpose of dissemination of alerts to PMO/ coastal stations are different. When the maximum only when the departure of maximum temperature Cabinet Secretariat, a uniform system has been temperature departure is 5OC or more from normal, is above 2oC. devised by categorizing each type of alert in Hot Day may be described irrespective of the stages – Yellow, Orange and Red. threshold value of 40OC. If the threshold value of 4. Regarding discomfort due to low temperatures 40OC is reached, Heat Wave may be declared. during winter season, the present criteria using the When a station satisfies both the Heat Wave and wind chill index may continue. Hot Day criteria, then Heat Wave should be given 4.6 EWS Framework for Heat higher priority and be declared. 5. The use of issuing discomfort forecast will be Wave Condition reviewed after one year based on the feedback Hot Wind – Hot wind reduces moisture causing from users. Heat wave conditions develop over major parts dehydration, and prolonged exposure may prove of the country during the mid-season, which often to be fatal. The phenomenon of Loo (heat wave) persist until the monsoon advances over the over the plains of northwest India is very well- region. Heat wave need not be considered till the known. It is also described in the weather bulletins maximum temperature of a station reaches at least and appropriate warnings are issued. 40 °C for plains and at least 30 OC for hilly regions. The specifications for declaring the heat/cold Comfort Index – As per the recommendation of wave conditions have been revised three times by Annual Monsoon Review Meeting, 2004 (Kolkata, IMD so far, viz., in 1978, 1989 and last in 2002. January 2004), it has been decided to replace The revised criteria are prevalent with effect from 1 the mere descriptions of maximum and minimum March 2002, along with some additional circulars temperatures in weather reports and daily weather on comfort index-based temperature forecast, summaries by suitable comfort index, based on description of 24-hour temperature tendency etc. temperature and humidity as described below When the actual maximum temperature remains with reference to issuance of local forecast at

32 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities Relative Humidity (%) Temp. 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Possible Heat Category Heat Index disorders for people in 136 110 high risk groups (43) (58) Extreme 130OF (54OC) Heat stroke or sunstroke 108 130 137 Danger or higher likely (42) (54) (58) Danger 105-129OF Sunstroke, muscle 124 130 137 106 41-54OC cramps and/or heat (51) (54) (58) (41) exhaustion likely. Heat- 104 119 124 134 137 stroke possible with pro- (40) (48) (51) (55) (58) longed exposure and/or 102 114 119 124 130 137 physical activity (39) (46) (48) (51) (54) (58) Extreme 90-105OF Sunstroke, muscle O 100 109 114 118 124 129 136 Caution 32-41 C cramps and/or heat (38) (43) (46) (48) (51) (54) (58) exhaustion possible with 105 109 113 117 123 128 134 prolonged exposure 98 and/or physical activity (37) (41) (43) (45) (47) (51) (53) (57) Caution 80-90OF Fatigue possible with 96 101 104 108 112 116 121 126 132 27-32OC prolonged exposure (36) (38) (40) (42) (44) (47) (49) (52) (56) and/or physical activity 94 97 100 103 106 110 114 119 124 129 136 (34) (36) (38) (39) (41) (43) (46) (48) (51) (54) (58) 92 94 96 99 101 106 108 112 116 121 126 131 (33) (34) (36) (37) (38) (41) (42) (44) (47) (49) (52) (55) 90 91 93 95 97 100 103 106 109 113 117 122 127 132 (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (38) (39) (41) (43) (45) (47) (50) (53) (56) 88 88 89 91 93 95 98 100 103 106 110 113 117 121 (31) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (37) (38) (39) (41) (43) (45) (47) (49) 86 86 87 88 89 91 93 95 97 100 102 106 108 112 (30) (29) (31) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (38) (39) (41) (42) (44) 84 83 84 85 86 88 89 90 92 94 96 98 100 103 (29) (28) (29) (29) (30) (31) (32) (32) (33) (34) (36) (37) (38) (39) 82 81 82 83 84 84 86 86 88 89 90 91 93 95 (28) (27) (28) (28) (29) (29) (29) (30) (31) (32) (32) (33) (34) (35) 80 80 80 81 81 82 82 83 84 84 85 86 86 87 (27) (27) (27) (27) (27) (28) (28) (28) (29) (29) (29) (30) (30) (31) Uncomfortable hot Uncomfortable sultry Highly uncomfortable Highly uncomfortable day/night day/night day/night sultry day/night

Figure 10: Heat Index OF (OC) Source: Forecasting Guide, IMD (2008)

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 33 of 12 laboratories has been developed for influenza 4.7 EWS Framework for Public States/districts have been asked to notify the surveillance in the country. In nine states, a referral Health Risks outbreaks immediately to the system. On an lab network has been established by utilizing the average, 30 to 40 outbreaks are reported every existing 65 functional labs in medical colleges Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) was week by the states. About 553 outbreaks were and various other major centres in the states and launched in November 2004 to detect and respond reported and responded to by the states in 2008, linking them with adjoining districts for providing to disease outbreaks quickly. The programme 799 outbreaks in 2009, 990 in 2010, 1675 outbreaks diagnostic services for epidemic-prone diseases continues in the 12th Plan under NRHM. in 2011, 1584 outbreaks in 2012, 1964 outbreaks in during outbreaks. Based on the experience gained, 2013 and 67 outbreaks in 2014 have been reported the plan will be implemented in the remaining 26 Surveillance units have been established in all till 26 January 2014. states/UTs. A total of 23 medical college labs, states/districts (SSU/DSU). Central Surveillance identified in Bihar, Assam, Odisha, Tripura, Kerala, Unit (CSU) has been established and integrated Media scanning and verification cell was Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir and Manipur, have with the National Centre for Disease Control, established under IDSP in July 2008. It detects been added to the network during 2012–13 to Delhi. and shares media alerts with the concerned states/ provide support in the adjoining districts. districts for verification and response. A total of Training of state/district surveillance teams and 2595 media alerts were reported from July 2008 Considering the non-availability of health Rapid Response Teams (RRT) has been completed to January 2014. Majority of alerts were related to professionals in the field of epidemiology, for all 35 states/UTs. diarrhoeal diseases, food poisoning and vector- microbiology and entomology at district and state borne diseases. levels, MOHFW has approved the recruitment of IT network connecting 776 sites in States/District trained professionals under NRHM to strengthen HQ and premier institutes has been established A 24X7 call centre was established in February the disease surveillance and response system with the help of National Informatics Centre (NIC) 2008 to receive disease alerts on a toll free by placing one epidemiologist each at state/ and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) telephone number (1075). The information received district headquarters, and one microbiologist and for data entry, training, video conferencing and is provided to the states/districts surveillance units entomologist each at the state headquarters. outbreak discussion. for investigation and response. The call centre was extensively used during H1N1 influenza pandemic Under the project, weekly disease surveillance in 2009 and dengue outbreak in Delhi in 2010. data on epidemic prone disease are being About 2,77,395 lakh calls have been received collected from reporting units such as sub-centres, from the beginning till 30 June 2012, out of which primary health centres, community health centres, 35,866 calls were related to influenza A H1N1. hospitals, including government and private From November 2012, a total of 57,855 calls were sector hospitals, and medical colleges. The data received till January 2014, out of which 1605 calls are being collected on ‘S’ syndromic, ‘P’ probable were related to H1N1. and ‘L’ laboratory formats using standard case definitions. Presently, more than 90 per cent districts About 50 district laboratories are being identified report such weekly data through email/portal (www. and strengthened for diagnosis of epidemic- The weekly data are analysed by SSU/ prone diseases. These labs are being supported DSU for disease trends. Whenever there is rising by a contractual microbiologist to manage trend of illnesses, it is investigated by the RRT to the laboratory. About 29 states (42 labs) have diagnose and control the outbreak. completed the procurement. In addition, a network

34 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities Figure11: Satellite Image and basic information: Navi Mumbai

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 35 Mumbai has 25 km long coast and the funnelling 5.2 BACKGROUND ON HAZARD 5. REVIEW OF EWS IN NAVI MUMBAI effect of creek can increase the risk. In RISK the Persian Gulf, the 1945 Mekran earthquake (magnitude 8.1) generated tsunami of 12 to 15 m 5.1 GENERAL CITY INFORMATION Geophysical Hazard height. The estimated height of waves witnessed in Navi Mumbai is located in seismic zone III as per Mumbai from the same event was about 2 m, with IS:1893-2002 (BIS, 2002) signifying that the city damages to human lives and boats (Jaiswal and Navi Mumbai is a part of South Konkan coastline. may be subjected to intensity VII damage as per Rastogi, 2007). This coastline joins Sahyadri mountain ranges in MSK64 intensity scale. A review of the historical the south and 50 to 100 m high hills in the east. as well as recent earthquake activity in coastal Navi Mumbai lies between mountain ranges and Maharashtra indicates that different parts of the Hydro-Meteorological Hazard coastline. The city is bounded by Parsik Hill Range region are characterized by low to moderate level Navi Mumbai is around 10 m to 15 m above and Thane Creek. of seismic activity (Jaiswal and Sinha, 2006, 2007). the mean sea level and parts of the city are on As per Seismotectonic Atlas of India (GSI), the West reclaimed land on Arabian Sea coast. The city is Navi Mumbai is located at the centre of Mumbai Coast fault is an active fault and runs along the bounded by Parsik Hill Range and Thane Creek. Metropolitan Region (MMR), surrounded in the eastern shore of the Thane Creek in the Mumbai Nearly 10 per cent (34.20 sq km of 343.70 sq km) west by Arabian Sea while to the north is Thane, to area, along the flanks of the Parsik Hills (Belapur– of Navi Mumbai is low lying area unsuitable for the east is Kalyan and to the south is Panvel town. region). The Chiplun fault runs from the mouth development as per development plan of CIDCO. Navi Mumbai city has been developed by The City of Bombay Harbour to the Sangammeshwar area According to Survey of India (SoI) tide table, high and Industrial Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd. in Ratnagiri district. tide level with respect to mean sea level is 4.5 m (CIDCO) with the objective of reducing the growth in Navi Mumbai. Due to its geographical location, rate of population in Greater Mumbai. Therefore, a Landslides in Navi Mumbai occur mainly due it experiences inundation and water logging in the wholesome planning approach was laid to provide to vertical cutting of hills, for construction of low lying areas, during high tides. physical and social services to different sections of houses, roads, railway lines, etc. in Kharghar hills the population keeping in view the future population area. The Kharghar hills are part of the Sahyadri Settlements located near Thane creek are in the growth. Subsequently, developed area within the hill ranges of the Western Ghats. In absence of low lying area and are exposed to high tide, heavy jurisdiction of Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation proper embankment material, heavy rains lead to rains (up to 3000 mm) and cyclonic storms leading (NMMC) was transferred to NMMC by CIDCO for falling of earth material and debris. Most cases of to flooding. NMMC area experienced 806 mm of maintenance, although CIDCO continues to own landslides occur during heavy rains. Many areas rainfall on 26 July 2005, which was the highest. and develop vacant land within these nodes as the in Navi Mumbai face the risk of landslides due to This extreme rainfall resulted in floods causing development authority. increased pressure on land. Many vacant sites damage to properties and affecting normal life on hill slopes or bottoms of hills have turned into for a few days. The cyclonic storm, Phyan which Navi Mumbai is a planned city with an area of 162 inhabited area and thereby become vulnerable to crossed Maharashtra coast between Alibag and sq km. Its jurisdiction starts at Digha in the north landslides. Mumbai on 11 November 2009 resulted in waves and ends at Belapur in the south. NMMC area has over 2 m high and caused loss of seven human been divided into eight zones. Sprawling in 108.5 sq The western coast of India has not recorded many lives and about 44 fishermen went missing. km, these zones are Belapur, Nerul, Turbhe, Vashi, tsunamis in the past. However, historical events Koparkhairance, Ghansoli, Airoli and Digha. indicate that the coastal region of Navi Mumbai is vulnerable to tsunamis from historical earthquakes which took place along the Makran coast. Navi

36 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities Public Health Risks policy leads to the development of industrial belt • Ensure effective inter-departmental co-ordination The city is prone to both water-borne and vector- in Navi Mumbai. Many government and corporate between all departments borne diseases. Some of the common outbreaks are offices have been shifted from Mumbai to Navi • Provide policy decisions when required of malaria, dengue, hepatitis B and leptospirosis. Mumbai. According to CIDCO, there are about • Inform government about disaster situation Being close to the coast, the city experiences high 2300 industrial units with an employment of over • Review disaster-related activity reports received humidity and during summers this, combined with one lakh with an annual turnover of more than from NMMC control room, police control room high temperatures during the day, leads to heat- 10,000 crore. Navi Mumbai industrial belt, which and army control room, and provide appropriate related illness. is in the jurisdiction of NMMC, has industries directions such as chemical, pharmaceutical, engineering, • Co-ordinate the activities of lateral and central textile processing, petrochemical, electronics, oil government agencies like Defence Services, SRP, and processing, paper, plastic, steel and food RPF, Coast Guards, Home Guards, CISF, MTNL, 5.3 BRIEF VULNERABILITY industries. The exposure of the city to natural Port Trust, FCI, Meteorology Department, MPCB, PROFILE hazard may have an impact on the local economy. BARC

Navi Mumbai is a planned city. The city is bounded NMMC has four AWS and 19 manual rainfall by Parsik Hill Range and Thane Creek. Around 10 collection spots, which are used in conjunction with per cent (34.20 sq km of 343.70 sq km) area of 5.4 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK the satellite images to add local level information. Navi Mumbai has been declared as low lying area Hotlines are established between BMC, district (which is marshy land under tidal creeks). As per collector – Thane and Mantralaya. Three community- disaster management plan of Navi Mumbai, nearly Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation based NGOs are connected to the EOC. Local TV 90 locations have recurring water logging problem The Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) and radio channels are used for dissemination of during monsoon and 41 slum pockets at various manages the disaster situation without intervention warnings. locations get affected. About 181 flooding spots from the state authorities, with an EOC and two have been identified. control rooms. Micro-level plans at zonal level have IMD Regional Centre, Mumbai been prepared for all the eight zones incorporating IMD Regional Centre at Mumbai is the principal The most important factor that increases the social specific responsibilities of zone officer who will act agency responsible for meteorological vulnerability of the city to natural hazards is the city’s as Zone Disaster Manager. However, in cases of observations, weather forecasting, warning and growing population. To cater to the employment disasters of exceptionally large magnitude that seismology in Maharashtra region. IMD Regional needs of the construction industry, domestic help, require coordination with wide range of lateral Centre undertakes observations, communications, trade and commerce, there is evidence of workers agencies, including central government agencies, forecasting, warning and weather services. The migrating to Navi Mumbai. During the last two the Additional Chief Secretary (Home) can play a centre is also responsible for monitoring tropical decades, the population of the city increased from vital role in providing help from various government cyclone formation in Arabian Sea and carrying out 397,000 to 1,111,320 in 2011 (Census of India). organizations to the Municipal Corporation to cyclone warning work. Nevertheless, due to its planned development, the handle the disaster in Navi Mumbai. percentage of slum population within the city is Early warning information (related to heavy rain, relatively lower than in Mumbai. NMMC has established Disaster Management Cell high tide, extreme weather including cyclonic at two locations in NMMC area. The functions of events) is regularly being provided by IMD to Navi Mumbai has a pre-eminent position in the the Navi Mumbai Disaster Management Committee Disaster Management Unit (BMC), DDMO (Thane) state as the commercial and trading base. Also, are as follows: and NMMC by SMS. During monsoon, this the Maharashtra Government industrial promotion information is sent to decision makers such as

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 37 District Collector and Municipal Commissioner to cities such as Navi Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Nagpur, Warnings are disseminated to each boat/vessel take precautionary measures. SMS blasters are Aurangabad, Nashik, Sangli, Nanded, Amravati that is well-equipped with wireless stations, GPS used for warning dissemination. and Solapur. The RDMCs have sufficient capacity and also with satellite-based emergency warning to respond to all kinds of disasters and help citizens system: Distress Alert Transmitter (DAT). Outreach programmes are conducted by IMD for in saving their lives and property. media to sensitize them on public dissemination of IIT Mumbai weather-related warnings. District Disaster Management Authority is headed IIT Mumbai provides technical support for by the District Collector. collector’s disseminating daily information on local rain, IDSP, Mumbai office has EOC, which operates 24X7 for natural temperature and other related weather information. IDSP is implemented only in rural areas in the (heavy rain, floods, cyclone etc.) as well as MCGM has established a network of 65 AWS across state of Maharashtra. ULBs or cities are not part manmade disasters (fire). Dedicated emergency Mumbai. Weather information from these AWS is of this programme. Hence flow of early information telephone line, 1077, is in place. Tehsildars, updated on their website every 15 min. from the state to the ULB is not well-established. BDOs and all corporations are connected through However, IDSP collects information from Municipal hotlines. Corporations under Disease Outbreaks/Alerts Reports as per IDSP format. Vashi Fishermen’s Co-Op Soc. Ltd. No dedicated legislation exists in the state that Revenue Department and State Disaster describes the inclusion of non-governmental Management Agency organizations or community-based groups in the State Disaster Cell is established under the Relief formal disaster management coordination structure. and Rehabilitation Department of the Government Informal mechanisms are in place to interact and of Maharashtra. State and District Disaster coordinate for disaster preparedness, response Management Plans are in place. The Emergency and mitigation. Vashi Fishermen’s Co-Op Society is Operations Centre (EOC), which was set up in once such community-based organisation working Mantralaya, is being re-established now, post the for the welfare of fishermen. Vashi fishermen recent fire accident. community receive regular information from the Fisheries Department, Port Authorities, Customs Divisional Control Rooms were set up in divisional Department and Indian Coast Guards. headquarters and District Control Rooms in district headquarters. A state-wide communication In Navi Mumbai, all fishing boats are equipped network was set up, which consisted of VSAT and with wireless stations, GPS and also with Distress VHF network. Navi Mumbai city comes in Thane Alert Transmitter (DAT). It is a satellite-based district, Konkan division. emergency warning system, which transmits emergency signal on manual activation. In Navi Revenue Department (District Collector) Mumbai, DAT instruments were provided by Regional Disaster Management Centres (RDMC) the Indian Coast Guards to fishermen to use have been established to set up a first response during any emergency. It receives audio alarm capacity at the regional level, which can provide at Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) support to the urban centres as well as to a number of Indian Coast Guard with the time of activation, of districts. The RDMC have been established in type of emergency, vessel ID and position in sea.

38 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities 5.5 INDICATORS OF THE EXISTING CONDITION OF EWS Table 4: Criteria development matrix: Indicators of existing condition of EWS in Navi Mumbai

COMPONENT 1 EWS GOVERNANCE - CITY LEVEL INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT STAGE S. NO. CRITERIA INDICATORS REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 State legislation for EWS framework includes local authority (urban local body) The State Disaster Management (DM) Plan has no mention of role/mandate for NMMC as part of 1.1 as an integral part (document, control the EWS framework. State DMP focus is on District Disaster Management ULB) Institutional mechanism for local authority 1.2 (ULB) is an integral part of EWS framework Navi Mumbai City DM Plan has no mention of EWS (document, mandate, implementation) The dissemination of warnings happens for heavy rains, high tide and disease outbreaks. The ULB accorded with the authority to dis- information is provided by the Regional Meteorological Department, IMD through SMS (regular 1.3 seminate warnings (mandate, SOP, imple- interval pre-/during disaster including hotline connectivity). Such warning mechanism from mentation) Municipal Corporation is not evident for other hazards Extent of preparedness and prevention actions evident among state technical and 1.4 disaster management agencies (relevant Preparedness actions are evident for heavy rainfall and high tide department DM Plan at state, SOPs, link from state to city)

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 39 COMPONENT 2 USER NEEDS DEVELOPMENT STAGE S. NO. CRITERIA INDICATORS REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 Hotspots identified for potential hazard Institutional memory of hotspots exists based on historical events, further supported by limited 2.1 impact (identified, mapped and updated) field checks during heavy rainfall (for landslide hazard) Outreach practice (dissemination of warn- Forecast exists for weather events and high tide, information is provided by IMD and SOI Tide 2.2 ing) Prediction Table to government institutions and media Timely dissemination of warnings to Warning is disseminated for select hazards and arrangements are made for availability of food 2.3 vulnerable groups (residing in slums, high and clean water risk prone areas) Arrangement for night time warning 2.4 (limited to floods, landslides, cyclones, Arrangements are in place for dissemination of warning, 24 h, round-the-clock tsunamis) Media engagement in dissemination of Media add value through display of visual aids, which include location and severity of the event. 2.5 warning Local TV/cable channels are involved in warning dissemination Content of warning to general public by local government (ULB) (graphic rep- Health department of Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation currently provides health recommen- 2.6 resentation and behavioural content for dations during monsoon months taking actions at individual/household and community levels)

40 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities COMPONENT 3 OPERATIONAL COMPONENTS OF EWS DEVELOPMENT STAGE S. NO. CRITERIA INDICATORS REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 TECHNICAL AGENCIES Risk assessment and integration with po- City level risk assessment is not undertaken, qualitative ward level hazard indication is provided 3.1 tential impact assessment (identification, within the City DM Plan in tabular form (ward-wise number of hotspots for flood/high tide/land- mapping, integration) slide) Warning mechanism for geophysical haz- No warning and dissemination mechanism currently exists for landslide and earthquakes. The 3.2.1 ards (earthquake) city depends on INCOIS for providing tsunami warnings Warning mechanism for hydro- meteorological hazards (cyclone, severe IMD Regional Centre at Mumbai is well-equipped. Forecasts and warning are provided by this 3.2.2 winds, heat wave, cold wave, extreme centre to NMMC rainfall, fluvial flooding, pluvial flooding) Advisory mechanism for public health risks 3.2.3 Health department of NMMC currently issues health recommendations during monsoon months (vector-borne and water-borne diseases) Availability of technology to nowcast/ 3.3.1 forecast geophysical hazards by technical No warning mechanism established agencies Availability of technology in nowcast/fore- IMD Regional Centre at Mumbai is well-equipped with state-of-art instruments, and is able to 3.3.2 cast of hydro-meteorological hazards by provide forecast and warning technical agencies Disease surveillance system (surveillance 3.3.3 Monitoring of health information at city level is being carried out by Health Department, NMMC coverage, collection method, analysis) Warning based on forecast exists, with medium degree of uncertainty for hydro-meteorological Uncertainty in forecast and warning 3.4 hazards. None exists for earthquake. Forecast mechanism not in place. Warning information is (hydro-met, public health) provided upon realization of first outbreak

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 41 COMPONENT 3 OPERATIONAL COMPONENTS OF EWS DEVELOPMENT STAGE S. NO. CRITERIA INDICATORS REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 DISASTER MANAGEMENT AGENCY / LOCAL AUTHORITY (ULB) Budget allocation by the local authority for 3.5 There is no resource allocation in the municipal budget for EWS EWS NMMC has identified low lying areas (water logging areas), flood prone settlements and landslide 3.6 Data availability for operations of EWS prone areas Staffing and capacity within local authority Overseen by staff deputed on need basis, but not specifically trained around EWS operational 3.7 for operation and maintenance of EWS framework No technology is used for identification and dissemination of geophysical hazard warning infor- Use of modern technology to disseminate mation. Fixed and vehicle mounted PAS with sirens are positioned at various locations for provid- 3.8 warning (hydro-met, public health) ing hydro-meteorological warning. Health advisory is provided to public at large through local newspapers and local cable TV operators Redundancy (multi-mode) in communica- NMMC will shift to a new premises with well-equipped communication system (communicated 3.9 tion networks during the interview in October 2013) City Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) The current set-up is operational throughout the year and is manned with additional human re- 3.10 for housing data of hazard, vulnerability sources during monsoon period and risk

COMPONENT 4 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ACROSS THE WARNING CHAIN DEVELOPMENT STAGE S. NO. CRITERIA INDICATORS REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 Degree of local details incorporated in Partially operational for heavy rainfall (19 manual rain gauges are installed to monitor local rainfall 4.1 warnings variability) Raisng awarenss about warnings at city Awareness is spread through distribution of IEC materials in local languages (pamphlet, book- 4.2 level lets), cable TV, radio, programmes in schools/colleges/NGOs/general public functions) Ability of technical agencies and disaster management institutions to cater their Products generated for select hazards (hydro-meteorology) catering to selected users (fisher 4.3 early warning products and services to men community), details are provided to undertake actions user-specific requirements Risk is not assessed at the city level. Information communicated by technical agency is hazard- specific during the onset of the event and this information is provided to government agencies 4.4 Risk communication and media. Except for Vashi fishermen community, there is need for improvement of risk communication within the city

42 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities COMPONENT 5 COORDINATION MECHANISM DEVELOPMENT STAGE S. NO. CRITERIA INDICATORS REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 Extent of coordination between techni- IMD has expressed willingness to coordinate with the ULB to upgrade the hydro-meteorological 5.1 cal agencies and disaster management network agencies Extent of links between disaster manage- Informal link is evident in some line departments like traffic/engineering (road, sewerage) etc. 5.2 ment agencies and service providers There is scope to formalize this process Extent of links between media and disaster Reflection of warning information in media products (such as local cable news, FM radio, local 5.3 management agencies newspapers) is evident (daily during the monsoon period)

COMPONENT 6 SERVICE DELIVERY AND FEEDBACK LOOPS DEVELOPMENT STAGE S. NO. CRITERIA INDICATORS REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 The knowledge of user community of early Exists for only hydro-meteorological hazards and by few selected service providers (traffic police, 6.1 warning system and its effectiveness engineering (road, sewerage)) Formal feedback mechanism does not exist. Discussion is held in the monsoon preparation Extent to which the warning mechanism 6.2 meetings. Feedback is not established with technical agency (such as IMD) and other allows for feedback from the affected area departments at regional or national levels City is well-planned (by past learning from Mumbai City). This is evident from the design and Level of reflection and learning evident development of city infrastructure such as high tide control mechanism by installing holding 6.3 within local authority ponds. However, EWS as a priority area for the city and disaster management function is not in place Monitoring, evaluation and targets for 6.4 Performance monitoring mechanism is not established improvement of EWS

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 43 required to strengthen the warning mechanism. 5.6 SUMMARY There is no separate budget allocation for creating and operationalizing EWS. However, the ULB Navi Mumbai is a newly planned city and much of is proactive in warning dissemination using the the city development needs are designed taking locally available communication modes (sirens into consideration of possible impact of hydro- and vehicle mounted PAS). Initiative to collect meteorological disasters. Regulatory mechanisms, information from the local level is attempted (evident like restriction on activities, which can probably through installation of 19 rain gauge stations). City trigger an event such as landslide, are in place. has an EOC with two control rooms and eight Zonal The Maharashtra State Disaster Management Officers with specific responsibilities to manage Plan addresses planning arrangements only the facilities. The EOC and control rooms are at the district level. Navi Mumbai City Disaster mainly geared for relief operations. EOC is manned Management plan mainly focuses on the roles and by government officials on deputation with the responsibilities during or post disaster. Currently help of supporting temporarily hired staff, which NMMC manages the disaster situation through an is functional round the year. Capacity (human EOC and two control rooms. There is no institutional resources as well as infrastructure) to add value mechanism within the NMMC (ULB) to establish or to improve the delivery mechanism of forecast/ and operationalize EWS. potential impact is yet to be developed.

City is dependent on technical agencies like Active awareness building measures are Regional Meteorological Centre (IMD), INCOIS and undertaken for frequent hazards. Local institutions Coast Guards for forecast/ information. Currently, have helped develop customized warning products the onus of dissemination of warning and response for fishermen community. The warnings include lies with the NMMC (DM Cell) through media and action points in case of an event and are targeted other protocols, which restricts the outreach (time, at hydro-meteorological hazards. space and communities at risk). Value addition to the warning received by technical agencies is Lack of formal links and feedback mechanism restricted to visual display (readability). Information exists between different institutions within the sources including satellite cloud cover and locally city. Links between local agencies, such as PWD/ installed rain gauge stations were evident in engineering – health/traffic, if established, can NMMC. stage better response and reduce the overhead costs substantially. City-level risk assessment is yet to be undertaken to enable/enhance the preparedness and response delivery mechanism. Without detailed hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment may limit response actions to target locations and groups/ communities. Systematic collection, collation, maintenance and updating of relevant data are

44 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities I n LEGEND: s

s g

t i n t i u n

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ta i s n w e t a i e e l t

l m nc e a e Component 1: Governance g n e i g is c a m l h t a e t a n t i s n e c o s P i a n i e s m p s d r m f f m o o ge Component 2: User Needs r o t m f a d i r or r y n a U t a n i a z c LB U or g e L ha n h r m i l of t B t e n o t ia r u t a E be t s a o n w W a e f Component 3: Operational Components t e s b i S o o p h e d n mon t p a o L r i e par g t r h a v t t n fo e i in l it of s o o w d t m f p r e u r e E o fie efl d d amo i s ro Component 4: Products and Services W f t s e i g e s n c a E d e t S d e l i n r b on W d d t on id a F o i n r t e a S a r c s n a am c t ln g d r c o u ge f a n v ra i le a p t o a e n s s t r t m a s n s wo B o i i c g Component 5: Coordination Mechanism n f L o e Hot e in g nt r rn is r r w U e e fo a e v i k nc o : w id m v e f ge r e o E e pr r c a xte n k ti n nt n t w o p c o e t ti m to i v ra a wh th e d p age ic in m n min an Component 6: Service Delivery & Feedback loop h en a h e m th lo s r e c ac is e EW a t s e d ast S l au s tr y is allo el y d ws tho ne Ou im e b fo r d T ns g r i e rnin c ty r po a onfi es of w rm d r ation ati pa an min on e se & r ing dis f P n t in eed ar en bac e w agem k tim eng fro ht dia U m ig Me ser comm affe N unity know cted Preparedness Level ledge of v ar arious EW ea ic by ULB S and its general publ effectiven t of warning to ess Conten Little Progress/ Major concerns

Risk and s W Impact Assessment gencie arning ment a mecha anage nisms Partial Progress/ Minor concerns ster m rs for var d disa de Use ious ha dia an vi of tec zards a en me ro hn nd pub betwe p olog lic hea kages ice y fo lth risk t of lin rv r var s Exten ious se s St ha nd e a zar Good Progress/ On track i s ds a c ffi by s e ie n C ng techn c c e i i ic n t & U al e g a v y n g g c e a r c n a e U a e cie t t rt s e a n n m s p in a t s e y me e c i e e o n g m r ity fo

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Figure 12: Preparedness of EWS indicators for Navi Mumbai

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 45 6. RECOMMENDATIONS & OUTLOOK 5. Cities (not the state capital) have limited DM Plan, communities at risk, media, emergency interactions with state agencies. There is need for responders and key stakeholders. Initial results of the review have been shared with enhanced coordination mechanism amongst DM the cities during discussion meeting with city Agencies and ULB. 12. Awareness programme should aim at stakeholders. Stakeholders from the cities have strengthening the level of preparedness. The endorsed the results emanating from the review 6. There is a need to create discussion platform programmes should be contextualized and process. The following set of recommendations for deliberation and discussion between technical scenario-based. have been developed and presented for further agencies (IMD, CWC, GSI, CESS, and INCOIS action: among others), State Departments and the ULB. In 13. Networking and involvement with state, regional addition, there is a need to create an appropriate and national level institutions will strengthen EWS framework with due legal process to ensure that at city level. Networking brings in exchange of Recommendations for improving the EWS for roles and responsibilities of the agencies are observation data, expertise, joint validation of Urban Areas defined and executed. modelling results, improved decision making, sharing of lessons learnt and best practices. National / State Institutions 1. State DM Plan should entrust ULB with the Urban Local Bodies responsibility of developing city EWS for specific 7. The ULB/city government should earmark annual 14. The ULB/city government should identify and hazards. budget for development and maintenance of EWS link technical and resource institutions within the (Capex & Opex). city for EWS operations. 2. For an integrated approach, SDMA should provide an enabling platform to debate, increase 8. ULB’s DRR agenda should encompass EWS as 15. A functional EWS puts forth the requirement coordination and strengthen EWS links across a critical component. The city government should to harmonize SOPs that determine response. all levels of the government, technical agencies establish and provide operational services and Standardization of departmental plans and (geological, hydro-meteorological, public health guide the local development agenda/safeguard terminology ensures effective response actions. risks), private sector, city level institutions and non- infrastructure – assets – communities at risk. SOPs have to be evaluated and modified through government organizations. conduct of drills. 9. Institutionalization of EWS within ULB must 3. IMD’s Doppler radar system at city level or ensure integration between line departments and 16. ULB/City Government should develop hazard within the range of the city has proven to be quite technical agencies. Line departments, in turn, analysis, vulnerability assessment and risk beneficial during cyclone. While the plan to have must focus on development of appropriate SOPs assessment (on GIS platform). Climate variability a radar network is underway, fast-tracking of the for EWS. and climate change should be an integral part of same is the need of the hour. the risk assessment. 10. Cities should invest in a fully operation EOC 4. IDSP’s Health surveillances across cities (24X7) to support risk assessment and EWS. Trained 17. To strengthen disaster preparedness and are found to be relatively useful in detecting manpower must run the centre’s operations. emergency response, it is important to ensure that outbreaks, since they are directly linked to the emergency response actions are guided through state department. Currently, the paper-based 11. Capacity building of ULB/City Government scientific and observed data. The city EOC should approach has a turnaround time of 10 to 15 days on EWS (technical and management) is crucial harmonize flow of information from all agencies for actions. Tools for real time monitoring should be for system development and implementation. The and determine potential impact locations within considered. ULB should earmark funds for training so as to the city assist the process of strengthening the EOC, City

46 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities 18. ULB/City Government requires real time adaptation and resilience measures across key 29. Warning mechanism should keep focus on data for a range of services (traffic, health, sectors and integrate with DRR and development communities at risk. A generic city-level warning services monitoring – water/sanitation/solid planning. may not be appropriate, given the diversity of waste management). There is a need to design the built environment in urban areas. In addition, and develop integrated hydro-meteorological, Technical Agencies customized local warnings have to be provided to public health and environmental (say, air quality) 24. The ULB and allied institutions require support hotspot locations. monitoring systems in close cooperation with from technical agencies to build the current technical agencies, disaster risk management understanding of hazard risks, DRR options,\ and 30. Warning products should clearly indicate threats agencies and the ULB. Such an integrated system expand the understanding to incorporate future to the population/stakeholders. Efforts have to be will be cost-effective and will ensure operations at threats of climate change and other hazards in made by the technical and disaster management all times. decision making for new development and public agencies to tailor the warning that allows not safety. only understanding the potential event but also 19. Event preparedness meetings should be determining the potent impact. The warning at the regularized: before winter (for snow/cold wave), 25. Development of EWS (monitoring, impact city level should highlight societal impacts and not summer (heat wave) and monsoon season (tropical forecasting, warning formulation) has to be hazard be broad-based. Stakeholders should be able to cyclone). Pre-Monsoon Preparedness Forum has specific. EWS development should take into distinguish between low impact and high impact helped several cities minimize the risk (discussions consideration predominant hazards and more events. At the city level, there has to be minimum around monsoon outlook, calibration of model frequent/less frequent events (but with a potential ambiguity in information when shared with the results, preparedness plan). for severe damage). general public. Communities at risk should be able to perceive risk and react appropriately. 20. Night time warning has to be an integral part 26. Despite technical breakthroughs in earthquake of EWS. If need for evacuation arises, additional EWS (alerts), efforts should be made by technical 31. Simple and easy to use visualization tools measures should be stepped in to stage emergency agencies to implement EWS in high seismic should be made available by technical and response. The city DM Plan should make a clear prone cities. Landslide EWS can be successful disaster management agencies to the citizens. This provision for night time warning. in conjunction with appropriate selection of land will ensure participation and effective decision- use criteria for landslide prone region, further making. 21. Relay of warning information should use a wide combined with environmental monitoring of the risk variety of options. Select hot spot locations should prone areas. be equipped with sirens. To maximize outreach of warnings to general public places (railway stations, 27. Community-based monitoring has proved to be bus stations/stops, important city junctions, city beneficial for management of geological hazards. market places, parks etc.), display screens must A combination of technical and community-focused be positioned with real time information. approach should be adopted for implementation.

22. Engagement of the media is important to build 28. User understanding of the forecast in technical a culture of safety and resilience. An exclusive terms is limited. This is evident from the current set weather channel is recommended. of common information products shared with the user community. Therefore, translation of forecast to 23. It is critical for City Government/ULB to invest warning action has to be backed with action-based in city-level climate scoping studies, promote information in easy understandable language.

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 47 Summary It is important at this stage to note that EWS in the seven cities needs to be upgraded significantly to meet the larger objective of reducing fatalities and protecting infrastructure/assets from future events. It is recognized globally that an operational EWS has the potential of minimizing loss and contributing to sustainable development and building resilience. While technology is available for establishing the robust communication system for EWS, it is the institutional foundation and the networking arrangements which have to be deep rooted for meeting the desired objectives of the system. All the key elements of the system have to be functional and it is important to review them annually by targeting for different scenarios and measuring performance.

This report provides insights to issues that need to be addressed for an operational EWS, defines the criteria and measures the development stage indicators for the present situation. The results of this review provide a status and the need to be aware of key design considerations for improvement of existing EWS, as well as for design and implementation of new EWS. It is envisaged that city landscape will have to tailor solutions for public safety, and EWS will be designed and developed on various platforms. It is important to keep these systems people-centric and subsequently build risk knowledge among the stakeholders for success of this system. Criteria Development Matrix can be used as a tool for further review. As EWS systems develop in the city, robust EWS audit mechanism can be rolled in the future to measure system efficiency.

48 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities CASE STUDIES FOR ESTABLISHED EWS

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP Case Study 1: Qinglong County Early Warning Success for M7.8 Earthquake

Project title: Community Monitoring and Preparedness for Earthquakes

Location & Country: Northeast China

Hazard type: Earthquakes

Stakeholders: Local communities in China

Period of Implementation: 1966–1980

Contact: Professor Jean J. Chu Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Beijing, China +86-136-9306-7556 E: [email protected]

Photograph: Students in Qinglong County had classes outdoors as the Great Tangshan Earthquake (GTE)

Description: When a strong earthquake killed over 2,40,000 people in Tangshan in 1976, an adjacent county escaped unscathed. All 4,70,000 residents of Qing- long County in the northeast corner of Tangshan survived the magnitude 7.8 quake except for one, who died of a heart attack. Even in Beijing, farther away from Tangshan than Qinglong, hundreds of people were killed by the Great Tangshan Earthquake (GTE). Qinglong, or blue dragon in Chinese, was not invincible to the tremendous power unleashed by this quake, as more than 1,80,000 of its buildings were destroyed, including 7000 which totally collapsed. What saved the day for these rural dwellers was a unique combination of environmental monitoring of nature’s signals prior to the quake, and accessing scientific information on precursory changes in electrical resistivity and crustal stress. Local officials and county residents, including schoolchildren, were educated to make sense of all these data, and took effective preparatory measures in time.

Case Study contributed by Prof. Jean Chu

49 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities Case Study 2: Community-based Earthquake Monitoring System in Xinjiang

Project title: Community-based Earthquake Monitoring System in Xinjiang (UNDP Project No. CPR/03/612)

Location & Country: Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China

Hazard type: Earthquake

Stakeholders: Local communities in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China

Period of Implementation: April–November 2003

Contact: Professor Jean J. Chu Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Beijing, China +86-136-9306-7556 Photograph: Workshops, trains and local communities use computer E: [email protected] software to analyse their recorded data

Description: On 24 February 2003, a strong earthquake of M 6.8 struck Jiashi County in southwest Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. In response, UNDP located funds and worked with China International Centre for Economic & Technical Exchanges (CICETE) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) to complete a nine-station community-based earthquake monitoring system. This system is presently in full operation and during its first four months was able to see ahead of the M 6.1 earthquake on 1 December 2003, which struck near Bole monitoring station in northwest Xinjiang. Nearly one-third of the staff involved in this nine-station system is women. Public disaster education drives, conducted during the project, involved 50 local government officials and over 700 schoolchildren. The total time taken, from conception to completion of this community-based earthquake moni- toring system, was five months (April–September 2003). The project established CSCAN, the Crustal Stress Community Awareness Network, thus improving the capacity of local communities to monitor and prepare for earthquakes.

Case Study contributed by Prof. Jean Chu

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 50 Case Study 3: Landslide Early Warning Network

Project title: Landslide Early Warning Network

Location & Country: High risk prone areas across Thailand

Hazard type: Landslide

Stakeholders: Department of Mineral Resources, Local communities at risk

Ongoing Photograph (L): Installation of the rain gauge by DMR team. Also seen is Period of Implementation: the local community volunteer as part of the landslide watch network Photograph (R): Rain gauge with warning thresholds determined for a Contact: particular location. Department of Mineral Resources (Location: Mae Phun Sub-district, Lablae District, Uttaradit Province) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 75/10 Rama VI Road, Ratchatewi, Bangkok 10400

Description: Department of Mineral Resources has carried out study programmes to gain better understanding of such events and has set up activities for the prevention and mitigation of them via engineering. Most of the works undertaken by DMRs are based not only on scientific approach but also on people’s participation. DMR tried to make the best out of limited resources to sustain the geo-hazard management system of the local communities distributed throughout the country. A new concept has been developed under certain key concepts, which are: geological knowledge as a strong foundation, best engineering geological practice, HM King Bhumibhol’s sufficient economy, and living in harmony with nature. DMR promotes the role of people and local communities in warning and preparedness of the geo-hazard risk areas. DMR has set up landslide warning networks for both local and regional areas in the high risk areas throughout the country. The network has been set through a series of seminar meetings for capacity building of the local community with the supply of efficient equipment for the network group to be able to monitor rainfall and landslide in their areas. This activity is especially focussed during the rainy season of the year. This work has created awareness among people who have been or potentially been affected by such hazards to be well-prepared for the event that is yet to come.

Case study contributed by Anup Karanth (Field Study undertaken in 2008) Additional reading reference: Adichat SURINKUM Worawut Tantiwanit Jarin TULYATID, Prevention, Mitigation and Engineering Response for Geohazard in Thailand, Paper in the 6th International Conference in Geotechnical Engineering, Arlington, VA, 11–16 August 2008.

51 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities Case Study 4: Flood Control Centre

Facility: Flood Control Centre

Location & Country: Bangkok, Thailand

Hazard type: Flood

Stakeholders: Department of Drainage and Sewerage, Bangkok Metropolitan Ad- ministration, Thai Meteorological Department, Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Traffic Control Centre, Royal Irrigation Department

Period of Implementation: Since 2000

Contact: BMA City Hall, Dindaeng, Bangkok, Thailand 10400 Photograph: Monitoring Street Flooding; Source: Screen Print of FMS, Last accessed on 20April2014

Description: Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has set up Flood Control Centre (FCC). FCC supervises the hydrological conditions linking directly with the radar of Meteorology Department and of BMA. FCC has been serving as a decision-making tool for the Department of Drainage and Sewerage (DDS) flood protection teams for accurate and immediate directive to solve flood problems effectively. Monitoring stations monitor real time data of rainfall, water levels, pumps operation, water gates operation and water quality that are installed. In addition, the department is implementing a flood forecasting programme aiming at forecasting rainfall intensity and flood forecasting in 650 km2 of the east bank area, which will enable BMA staffs to forecast flood condition three to six hours in advance. FCC serves people with flood forecasting news and flood protection and solution. Several communication channels are used to inform people and communities (radio broadcasting, traffic billboards and BMA’s website). DDS has weather monitoring system (; surveillance radar rain images (; flood monitoring system (; water measurement system/canal overflow (; SCADA system (http://; and plan to prevent and resolve flooding, among others.

Case study contributed by Anup Karanth (Institutional Landscaping Exercise for EWS, 2008) Reference:

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 52 Case Study 5: End-to-End Early Warning System for Ukai and Local Floods

Project title: End-to-End Early Warning System for Ukai and Local Floods

Location & Country: Surat, India

Hazard type: Floods

Stakeholders: Surat Municipal Corporation, Surat Climate Change Trust, India Meteorological Department, TARU Leading Edge

Period of Implementation: 2011–2015

Contact: Surat Climate Change Trust, Muglisara, Main Road, Surat – 395003 Gujarat, India Evacuation mapping for Ward 27 in Surat City

Description: Over the past two decades, the flood frequency is increasing due to increased variability of rainfall (extreme events), especially within the Tapi river catchment. An End-to-End Early Warning System (an initiative under the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network) has been established in the city of Surat to manage floods caused by extreme precipitation events in the Upper and Middle Tapi basin as well as khadi (tidal creeks) floods. The main objective of this project is to reduce the intensity of floods and resultant flood damage to Surat through improved reservoir operation to minimize peak floods and systems to enable institutions and society to handle flood emergencies. Key project components include: developing management framework for EWS; establishment of Surat Climate Change Trust and Technical Committee, climate change informed hydrological and hydraulic modelling, early warning and disaster management system, integration with City Disaster Management Plan, information and support for the poor and sustainability arrangements. The establishment of the warning system includes the installation of weather systems, data transfer mechanism from catchment to reservoir to city, development of weather and flow prediction models, improvement of existing flood preparedness and action plans.

Reference: Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network,

53 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities Case Study 6: Urban Services Monitoring System

Project title: Urban Services Monitoring System (Health Component)

Location & Country: Surat, India

Hazard type: Diseases

Stakeholders: Health Department (Surat Municipal Corporation), TARU Leading Edge

Period of Implementation: 2009–2013

Contact: Surat Municipal Corporation Muglisara, Main Road, Photograph: Screen Print of Urban Services Monitoring System Surat – 395003 Gujarat, India;

Description: High density, lack of safe water supply and its location on a river side, combined with high temperatures and humidity, changing rainfall patterns, rapid urban growth and industrial development make Surat highly conducive to vector-borne and water-borne diseases. Real time structured data collection from different health institutions, including Urban Health Centres (UHCs), government and private hospitals, laboratories and private practitioners and its efficient analysis were the key challenges faced by Health Department, Surat Municipal Corporation. To overcome the above challenge, short message service (SMS)-enabled integrated Urban Services Monitoring System (UrSMS) was conceptualized and developed for the Surat Municipal Corporation. This system brings resilience to disease monitoring framework by providing timely information on the quality of water supplied from distribution stations and occurrence including outbreak of diseases within Surat. The near real time data collection and analysis is currently helping the health department predict disease outbreaks based on number/distribution of cases across the city and enables them take prompt action to prevent further spreading. The system provides better visualisation of data and integration with ongoing government programmes/ schemes. So far, the system has been able to significantly reduce the number of patients affected by malaria, dengue and leptospirosis.

Reference: Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network,

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 54 REFERENCES

Arbind K Sinha and Shirish U Avrani (1984), The disaster warning process: A study of the 1981Gujarat cyclone. Disasters//1/1984

Analysis of the 2006 WMO Disaster Risk Reduction Country-level Survey

City Disaster Management Plan Madurai

City Disaster Management Plan, City Disaster Management Cell, Municipal Corporation Shimla, prepared under the GoI, UNDP Urban Risk Reduction Project (2009-12)

City Disaster Management Plan 2011, City Disaster Management Cell - Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram

David Rodgers & Vladimir Tsirkunov GFDRR (2011), Implementing Hazard Early warning Systems

Dennis Parker - Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University (2000), Criteria for Evaluating the Condition of a Tropical Cyclone Warning System, Disasters, 1999, 23(3): 193-216

Draft Disaster Management Plan 2011-12, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation

Forecasters Guide (2008), India Meteorological Department

Future Proofing Indian Cities, Draft Urban Diagnostic for Madurai, prepared by ATKINS India, CDKN, IIHS, UCL Oct 2013)

Gangtok City Disaster Management Plan

India Tsunami Early Warning Centre (INCOIS) – User guide

Inventory and GIS Mapping of Landslides in North, East, West and South Sikkim & its Mitigation, Published by Sikkim State Disaster Management Author- ity, Land Revenue & Disaster Management Department, Govt of Sikkim

Jaiswal, K. S., and Sinha, R. (2007). Probabilistic seismic hazard estimation of Peninsular India. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 70, 1337–1356.

55 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities Jaiswal R. K. and B. K. Rastogi, (2006). Tsumamigenic sources in the Indian Ocean, 6th Asian Seismological Commission (ASC) General Assembly – 2006, Symposium on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation, (Abstract Id O019, Session: Subduction Zone, Seismology and Tsunami), November 7-10, 2006 Bangkok, Thailand, pp 84-85.

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Shahr Apathi Vyavasthan, Vol-2, Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (2013)

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Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP 56 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities ANNEXURE List of Agencies and Key Informants Consulted in the Review Process

Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP Navi Mumbai

Department/ Key Informant Position Organization Shreedutt Kamat Consultant DM Cell/NCRMP I A Kundan, IAS Secretary, Disaster Man- Disaster Management Unit agement Dr P Awate SSO IDSP Mumbai Prof Kapil Gupta Professor IIT Bombay V K Rajeev Director, IMD, Mumbai IMD Mumbai N Y Apte Deputy Director General, IMD, Mumbai (Retd.) K S Hosalikar Deputy Director General IMD Mumbai Dr Jaideep Vishave DDMO, Thane District District Collectorate, Thane Ashok Ghule Consultant, DM, Thane District Collectorate, Thane District P Velrasu, IAS District Collector, Thane District Collectorate, Thane S C Mohanty Disaster Management Expert Chetan Patil Head RDMC, NMMC J N Sinnarkar Deputy Commissioner NMMC R D Nikam Chief Health Officer NMMC Dr Ratnesh Mahate Health Officer (Epidemic NMMC Control) Dr Vaibhav Zunjare Veterinary Health Officer NMMC (Leptospirosis) Vashi Fishermen’s Co-Op H R Suthar Chairman Soc. Ltd.

57 TARU/UNDP Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities Review of Early Warning Systems in Indian Cities TARU/UNDP