Kim's 4ply Knitted Gown with Alternative Patterns and (Adapted from 'Cuddles Knitted Burial Gown') Knitted in 4ply yarn and 3mm (or 3.25mm) needles, which fits babies approx 22-24 (or 28) weeks. Please use any pastel shade of yarn. Also need 76cm (30") of 4-6mm ribbon, to thread through holes (neck 14", chest 16" lengths). Abbreviations yfwd - yarn over needle to create a new stitch. K2tog - knit 2 stitches together, decreasing by 1. Sl1 - next stitch onto needle without knitting it. psso - pass the slipped stitch over the stitch just knitted. x x - increase in front and back of next two stitches, (the next 2 sts become 4). (K1, P1, K1) into next stitch - K1, P1 and K1, all into one stitch, (1 st becomes 3). P3tog - decrease by purl 3 sts at once (3 sts, become 1). (different from my 3ply bodice) Begin at the neck edge, using 3mm (or 3.25mm) needles, Cast on 30 sts. loosely for both sizes. Knit 1 row. Guide Holes for Ribbon Next Row: K1, (yfwd, K2tog, K1) 9 times, yfwd, K1. 10 'holes'. Next Row: K2, P26, K2 Next Row: K2, P26, K2 Raglan Sleeve Increases (bodice shaping) (see 'Abbreviations') Row 5: K4 x x K3 x x K8 x x K3 x x K4 = 38 sts. Row 6 (and every alt row): K2, Purl to last 2 sts, K2 Row 7: K5 x x K5 x x K10 x x K5 x x K5 = 46 sts. Row 9: K6 x x K7 x x K12 x x K7 x x K6 = 54 sts. Row 11: K7 x x K9 x x K14 x x K9 x x K7 = 62 sts. Row 13: K8 x x K11 x x K16 x x K11 x x K8 = 70 sts. Row 15: K9 x x K13 x x K18 x x K13 x x K9 = 78 sts. Row 17: K10 x x K15 x x K20 x x K15 x x K10 = 86 sts. Pattern Over Sleeves Row 18: (Wrong Side facing) K2, P10, K19, P24, K19, P10, K2. Row 19: K12, (yfwd, K2tog) 10 times, K23, (K2tog, yfwd) 10 times, K11. Row 20: K2, P82, K2. Row 21: K12, cast-off 19 (rib-wise), K23, cast-off 19 (rib-wise), K11 = 48 sts. (You now have blocks of 12, 24,12 sts, on your needle) Guide Holes for Ribbon Row 22: (Wrong Side facing) Knit across all 48 sts. Row 23: K3, (K2tog, yfwd, K1) 14 times, K3. Makes 14 'holes'. Row 24: (WS facing) Knit. Row 25: increase into every stitch = 96 sts. Skirt Continue on these 96 sts with any pattern of your choice, keeping a stitch border of 2 sts, until skirt measures approx 19cm (7.5") ending with RS row. With WS facing, Knit 2 rows, then cast off rib-wise or use a needle a size larger. It's nice to have a or in the same yarn. The approx head circumferences to fit both gown sizes would be 19-20cm (or 27cm) - i.e. 7.5"- 8" (or 10.5"). Choice of Patterns for the Skirt (These patterns work for any 'toe-up' garments too) 1: Diamond Eyelets (pictured on previous pg.) Work bodice to Row 25 = 96 sts. Row 26 (Wrong Side facing): K2, (P22, inc in next st) 3 times, P23, K2 = 99 sts. Pattern (easier than it looks!) Row 1 (RS): K4, *K1, yfwd, sl1, K1, psso, K5, repeat from *to last 7sts, K1, yfwd, sl1, K1, psso, K4. Row 2 and every following purl row: K2, P95, K2. Row 3: K3, K2tog, *yfwd, K1, yfwd, sl1, K1, psso, K3, K2tog, repeat from* to last 7 sts, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sl1, K1, psso, K3. Row 5: As row 1. Row 7: Knit. Row 9: K4, *K5, yfwd, sl1, K1, psso, K1, repeat from* to last 7 sts, K7. Row 11: K4, *K3, K2tog, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sl1, K1, psso, repeat from* to last 7 sts, K7. Row 13: As row 9. Row 15: Knit. Repeat these 16 rows until the skirt measures approx 19cm (7.5") ending with row 7 or 15 (Knit). Pretty Hem-line Matching the Sleeves (pictured on patterns 3 & 4) Next Row (WS facing): Knit. Next Row: K2, *yfwd, K2tog, repeat from * to last st, K1. Next Row: K2, Purl to last 2 sts, K2. Next Row: cast off rib-wise (or use a needle a size larger for more 'give'). Alternative Hem-line (pictured on previous pg) (WS facing): Knit next 2 rows, then cast off rib-wise. 2: Bramble Stitch (Purl rows of pattern are the RS of work) Work bodice to row 25 = 96 sts. Pattern - keep tension loose to allow skirt some 'give'. (If you knit tightly, go up a needle size) Row 1 (WS facing): K2, *(K1, P1, K1) into next st, P3tog, repeat from* to last 2 sts, K2. Rows 2 & 4: K2, Purl to last 2 sts, K2. Row 3: K2, *P3tog, (K1, P1, K1) into next st, repeat from* to last 2 sts, K2. Repeat these 4 rows until the skirt measures approx 19cm (7.5") ending with row 2 or 4 (Purl). Next Row: cast off rib-wise 3: Fancy Trellis Stitch Work bodice to Row 24: (WS facing) Knit = 48 sts. Row 25: K1, inc in every st to end = 95 sts. Row 26: K2, P91, K2. Pattern Row 1: K2, *K2, K2tog, yfwd, K3, repeat from* to last 2 sts, K2. Row 2: K2, *P1, P2tog, yfwd, P1, yfwd, P2tog, P1, repeat from* to last 2 sts, K2. Row 3: K2, *K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sl1, K1, psso, repeat from* to last 2 sts, K2. Row 4: K2, Purl to last 2sts, K2. Row 5: K2, *yfwd, sl1, K1, psso, K5, repeat from* to last 2 sts, K2. Row 6: K2, *yfwd, P2tog, P2, P2tog, yfwd, P1 repeat from* to last 2 sts, K2. Row 7: K2, *K2, yfwd, sl1, K1, psso, K2, yfwd, K1,rpt from* to 2sts, K2. Row 8: K2, Purl to last 2sts, K2.