whose purpose is political promotion; a pamphlet camouflaged within an historical Dr. Enver Imamoviæ (1999). outline. In the collection of his materials, History of the Bosnian Army the author has apparently chosen only those writers and works whose theses and Fojnica: Svjetlost data fit easily into one of the basic political pp. 323 and promotional goals of his book. The author then imposes upon the data and quotations his political and promotional History of the Bosnian Army, by Dr. Enver interpretations and conclusions, and insin- Imamoviæ, was published in 1999 by uates them into the text, which then Svjetlost, Fojnica, as part of the series attempts to interpret history along the lines »Bosnian Roots«, with a printing run of of a fable. 1000 copies. We can and should approach this I deliberately use the term publication book with a dose of humor. However, the in order to avoid the words novel, outline audience to which the book is directed - or the even more inappropriate term scien- young people, especially members of the tific study, for this book is none of these. Bosnian Army - might well take seriously its Although History of the Bosnian Army theses. The bigger the fabrication, the eas- aspires to be an historical study, it is evident ier for people to accept. at first sight that this is incorrect. The book Two basic »historic« theses are present- lists no references, and although the foot- ed as historical fact: notes accompanying the text occasionally a. Since ancient times there has been a provide sources for data, they are rarely rel- special »Bosnian« people (ethnically evant scientific sources. As quotation and religiously different than the neigh- sources, the reader finds few relevant docu- boring peoples) on the territory of ments, serious historical studies, or even today’s and Herzegovina. Its the names of acknowledged historians who real representatives are Bosnian have researched the history of Bosnia and Muslims, original inhabitants of Bosnia Herzegovina and its neighboring countries. and Herzegovina, who until the Muslim authors are quoted predominantly. acceptance of Islam had a special reli- While one may forgive the author, a gion - Bogomilism. Other peoples liv- Bosnian Muslim, for his prejudices and ing in are reluctance to include books and historical merely alienated parts of the »Bosnian« studies written by acknowledged Croatian people who accepted Catholicism or and Serbian historians, it is unacceptable to Orthodoxism, or else are »newcomers« write about aspects of Bosnian history with- arriving in the early Middle Ages. out referring to respected historical best- b. This special Bosnian people has a thou- sellers such as History of Bosnia by Noel sand-year-old military tradition. With Malcolm, Europe, a History by Norman their military and moral qualities, they Davies or The Times Guide to the Peoples are superior to all other entities in the of Europe. area. They are more courageous and One thus concludes that the author is have a stronger fighting spirit than oth- not interested in history, but only in its polit- ers, but have suffered throughout histo- ical reinterpretation. This is a publication ry because of their honesty, and due to

159 Book Reviews Enver Imamovic the conspiracies, schemes and betray- ritory was a refuge for the Bogomils als of others (Croats and Serbs). They (Christian heretics); however, the high have always fought for others and have rate of conversion cannot serve as proof repeatedly been ungratefully deceived. of partial Christianization, since the The most prominent exponents of this Albanians, who emphasized their firm military tradition are Bosnian aghas Catholicism, also converted in large and beys, direct descendents of thou- numbers to Islam when they hegemo- sand-year-old noble families. nized by the Turks. As followers of Islam Rebuttals of these claims need not rely during the Ottoman Empire, the on Croatian historical literature. It is suffi- Muslims in BH were spared participation cient to cite historical outlines in English, in the blood sacrifice (deversime), paid intended for wider audiences. Here is what fewer taxes, and had a greater degree the well known Times Guide to the of self-administration than their Peoples of Europe says about Bosnian Christian and Jewish neighbors. In Muslims: 1878, Bosnia and Herzegovina came Bosnian Muslims are Slavic Muslims, under the Austrian protectorate. The descendants of Serbs and Croatians Austrian minister who administered who converted to Islam during the peri- Bosnia hoped to neutralize, or at least od that Bosnia was under Ottoman rule establish a balance between, Croatian (1463-1878). The national conscious- and Serbian demands by promoting ness of Bosnian Muslims is a recent phe- »Bosnianism« and especially the nomenom; only with the creation of the Bosnian nationality. In post-war first Yugoslav state in 1918 did they Yugoslavia, Bosnia emphasized itself as begin to identify themselves as a nation. the most enthusiastic and »most Muslims thoroughout Yugoslavia were Yugoslav« republic. After the proclama- recognized in 1971 by the Communist tions of Slovenian and Croatian inde- authorities as members of the »Yugoslav pendence, Izetbegovic, as president of nation« and therafter, many identified Bosnia, proclaimed the independence themselves in the official census as of BH in 1992. The Yugoslav Army, Muslims. From 1992 on, the war in under control of Serbia, initiated Bosnia and Herzegovina contributed to aggression against BH and armed the a strengthening of the Muslim national local Serbs, who then committed geno- consciousness. Prior to the war in BH cide on the Muslims (and Croatians). and the program of ethnic cleansing, Parts of BH were »cleansed« of Muslims Muslims comprised 39% of the BH pop- and they live today almost exclusively in ulation. Because the Bosnian Muslims Muslim-Croatian areas of the state. identify themselves primarily on a reli- (excerpt paraphrased from The Times gious basis - their language and ethnic- Guide to the People of Europe, edited by ity are the same as the non-Muslim Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, London, 1994, South Slavs - their national sentiments pp. 204-207) became stronger as a result of historical If we compare this widely known and experience, especiallly after the fall of scientifically indisputable quotation about the Ottoman powers. the Bosnian Muslims with what Enver It is often claimed that Islam gained Imamoviæ has written, it is obvious that he so many converts in BH because this ter- is reinterpretating history for political pur-

160 NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE FUTURE 3-4 (1) 2000. poses in order to achieve the following argument justifying a future reduction of goals: the rights of all peoples in Bosnia and 1. Encourage belligerence and instill mili- Herzegovina other than Bosnian Muslims. tary pride in Bosniacs-Muslims. The claims about the thousand-year-long 2. Create a feeling of national superiority of continuous existence of Muslim bey fami- Bosnian Muslims over the other peoples lies as direct descendants of the early living in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Middle Age nobility, and consequently as the neighboring countries. holders of statehood, could well provide the basis for a future political elite within a 3. Convince Bosnian citizens of their ethnic unitarian Bosnia and Herzegovina. homogeneity and indigenousness in After consideration of the theses and order to implement the idea of a unitar- claims of this book, one may now wonder ian and mono-ethnic »greater Bosnia«. whether they might be the guiding princi- There also exists in the book a dispro- ples for the creation of a great unitarian portion in the attention devoted to certain Bosnia, a Bosnia which would extend over historical periods. The prehistoric and the borders of today’s Bosnia and ancient periods are presented on 12 pages, Herzegovina. If so, such political goals the Middle Ages on 25, the period of the could easily generate new conflicts in a Turkish reign on 180 pages, and the period country whose continuance is guaranteed of the Austro-Hungarian reign on 70 pages. only by the constitutiveness and equality of It is particularly striking that the period from the three peoples. Such conflicts may well the end of World War One until 1992 is not be the end goal of this book. mentioned at all, and the period from 1992 until 1995 is described in only a few lines. Predrag Haramija The period of history in which Bosnia was part of the Ottoman Empire, i.e. the period during which the Muslim element was dom- inant, occupies a disproportionately large part of the book. This is by no means acci- dental; it indicates a tendency to associate »real Bosnians« with Islam. Claims about »Bosniacs« or Bosnian Muslims being an indigenous people in what is today Bosnia and Herzegovina and Fikret Muslimoviæ (2000). parts of Croatia, and who are »superhu- W ar and Politics mans« - invincible warriors - are not consis- tent with historical fact. By suggesting an : Bosanèica-print earlier origin of the Bosnian Muslims than pp.295 that of the other peoples in today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, the author attempts to create for them a privileged As the title indicates, Muslimoviæ’s book position and promote their racial superiori- deals with war and politics in Bosnia and ty over the »newcomers« of Slavic descent - Herzegovina between 1993 and 1996, Croats and Serbs, and strengthen their from the point of view of one of the three fighting spirit with the myth about »invincible constitutive peoples in Bosnia and warriors«. Politically, this could serve as an Herzegovina - the Bosniacs - Muslims, and 161 Book Reviews E. Imamovi provides a review of the events in the Unit one region up until 2000. »Conception, strategy and the doctrine The author was born on December 9, of defense« comprises fifty pages and is the 1948, in the village of Rašljevo near only unit which lists a total of seventeen ref- Graèanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina). He erences. The author first defines terms such graduated from the Military Academy in as defense conception, defense system, 1971, and from the High Military and strategy and doctrine of defense. Political School in Belgrade in 1980. In Security and defense he defines as a 1991, he left military school with the rank function of state authorities, and then indi- of lieutenant-colonel in the Yugoslav vidually analyzes the conception of security National Army(JNA), as a result of dis- and defense, the strategy of security and agreements with the actions of the leader- defense, and finally the doctrine and sys- ship in Serbia and the JNA. tem of defense. Since the recognition of the Republic of According to the author, »the concep- Bosnia and Herzegovina on April 8, 1992, tion of defense provides a solution to the he was head of security at the Territorial issues of organization and engagement of Defense Headquarters and advisor for mil- internal potentials in the realization of par- itary issues in the Presidency of the Republic ticular political and defense-oriented of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1993, he goals«. became head of the Administration for He views the security strategy as falling Morale and, at the same time, was the »between the conception of security and leading Bosniac representative at the Joint the political goals to be achieved on the Staff of the Army of Bosnia and basis of appropriate conditions and direc- Herzegovina and the Croatian Defense tions,« while the defense strategy forms »an Council. integral part of the security strategy.« From 1997 until 2000. he acted as The defense doctrine is »a system of Deputy Minister for Defense Preparations. acquired attitudes and views of the organi- On April 1, 2000, he was retired with the zation, preparation and use of armed rank of Major General forces, and conduct of armed battles as a fundamental and crucial form of war oper- Muslimovic has been a member of the ations on the level of strategy, operative- Party of Democratic Action, and from 1994 ness and tactics.« until 1996, was a member of its central The author further defines and analyzes committee. He has published two books, nine »areas of operation of a military How they lied to us, and Defense of the organization« where »the doctrine is orient- Republic and Aggression. ed towards providing various solutions.« War and Politics comprises 295 The defense system presents »the totality of pages and is divided into sixteen units, writ- factors in the state and society that have a ten chronologically and covering the years defensive role, according to which tasks 1993-2000. Each of the units can be read are defined« for the armed forces, man- separately, independent of the previous agement and command, i.e., for the one. The book presents a collection of arti- »defense sector.« cles created in accordance with a particu- He further directs his attention to the lar strategic or current political issue. defense system in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, »factors in the defense

162 NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE FUTURE 3-4 (1) 2000. system in the Federation of Bosnia and interests and needs of Bosniacs do not con- Herzegovina«, »factor tasks« and »interac- tradict, but assist, the defense needs of tive connections among the defense factors Bosnian Serbs and Croats, and »the in the Federation,« in relation with Annex 4 defense organization of Bosniacs is based of the Dayton Agreement for Bosnia and on the Bosniac ideal of peace.« Herzegovina and the Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Unit three At the end of the unit, the author »Continuity of struggle for an integral describes particular military and political Bosnian state«, comprising 14 pages, was organizations in their historical dimension written in Sarajevo in April, 1997. It is a (NATO and the Warsaw Pact), with special »content analysis of President Alija reference to the strategic role and signifi- Izetbegoviæ’s statements.« The issue per- cance of NATO. vading the entire analysis is why the Bosniac leadership, headed by President Unit two Izetbegoviæ, has been accused of the parti- »Special characteristics of endanger- tion of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The ment and defense of Bosnia and analysis attempts to address this issue by Herzegovina« comprises thirty pages and presenting and explaining attitudes from was written in Sarajevo in July 1996. The some of President Izetbegoviæ’s statements. central issue of this unit is the defense of the Bosniac (Muslim) people, and seen in that Unit four light, the defense of Bosnia and »The fighting morale of the defensive- Herzegovina. As the author himself states liberation forces during the aggression »the destruction of the Bosniac people and against the Republic of Bosnia and the destruction of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina«, comprising a total of 54 Herzegovina are not the enemy’s goals in pages, describes the main characteristics themselves, but are effects that are implicat- and the state of the fighting morale in the ed if the final goal - the destruction of Islam Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina between - is achieved.« 1990 and 1995. This unit actually presents He presents three elements which an analysis of the fighting morale of B&H endanger Bosniacs: killing - genocide, urbi- Army units in the defensive-liberation war cide, abuse; and assimilation. In his opin- against the aggressor attacking the ion, the failure to organize components of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and defense against the three afore-mentioned is a work product of the Administration for elements of endangerment of Bosniacs Morale, headed by the author of this book. would be fatal. Islam occupies a central The analysis is divided in two parts. The place as the source of Bosniac defense first is entitled »Character, foundations, power. »A successful defense of Bosniacs as goals, organization of work aimed at a people and Bosnia and Herzegovina as a development of the fighting morale in the state is only possible through a link of the defensive-liberation forces in the Republic Bosniac people, its consciousness and its of Bosnia and Herzegovina«, and the other behavior with its religion, Islam. Without this is »Characteristics of the state of fighting link the survival of Bosniacs in this region is morale in the defensive-liberation war impossible.« against the aggressor attacking the The author concludes that »the defense Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.« 163 Book Reviews F. Muslimovi In the first part, characteristics of fight- It should be pointed out that the devel- ing morale are analyzed, as well as the opment of the fighting morale in the Army foundations of the creation, goals, organi- of Bosnia and Herzegovina was an integral zation and work of experts in the develop- part of functional responsibility for all man- ment of the fighting morale in the Army of agement and command elements, from the Bosnia and Herzegovina. lowest level of lance-corporal to the The second part analyzes the basic President of Bosnia and Herzegovina as the characteristics of the fighting morale in dif- Supreme Commander. ferent periods (1990, from 1991 until early April 1992, from April 1992 until the end Unit five of 1992, from early 1993 until early 1994, »Principal evidence of aggression and from early 1994 until the end of against the Republic of Bosnia and 1995). The above-mentioned periods refer Herzegovina« totals four pages and was to the time before the armed aggression written in Sarajevo on May 22, 1998. It against the Republic of Bosnia and lists eight facts which, according to the Herzegovina, the initial period of the author, provide evidence of aggression aggression, the time of »activities against against the Republic of Bosnia and aggressive military potentials of the Herzegovina. Republic of Croatia and military potentials The facts are as follow: international of Serbia and Montenegro«, and the peri- recognition of the Republic of Bosnia and od from the Washington Agreement up to Herzegovina, direction of military activities the Dayton Agreement.« on the territory of the Republic of Bosnia The state of the fighting morale in the and Herzegovina from Belgrade, deploy- Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the ment of mobilized manpower from Serbia author points out, was assessed on a daily and Montenegro for the execution of mili- and weekly basis at the Administration for tary activities against the legal institutions Morale, and the results of the assessments of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, were used by »the President of the supremacy of the Serbian and Montenegrin Presidency and the Commander-in-Chief people over the Bosnian Serb leadership, of the General Headquarters.« the »Tuðman - Miloševiæ« agreement, eth- The author particularly emphasizes the nic cleansing, and political and military following influences on the fighting morale goals of Serbia and Montenegro for the in the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina: accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina. loss of manpower, military and profession- al competence of commanders, influence Unit six of the state authorities on the morale of »Some strategic aspects of the position unit members, the attitudes of soldiers of the Bosnian liberation forces« consists of towards the system of management and eight pages and was written in Sarajevo on command in the Army of Bosnia and June 3, 1995. It analyzes the position of Herzegovina, the level of information Bosniacs as a constitutive people in the acquired by the soldiers, emotional and Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in rational attitude of soldiers towards the relation to, the author states, (1) political aggressor, behavior of soldiers, stimulative and military potentials of the greater- measures, motivation and readiness for Serbian aggression and (2) political participation in military operations, and motives and activities of the leadership of faith and negative forms of behavior. 164 NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE FUTURE 3-4 (1) 2000. the Republic of Croatia, who want to use Unit nine the political and military power of the legal »Psychological propaganda of the Bosnian authorities for the creation of cir- aggression forces and information activities cumstances in which the political position of of the defensive-liberation forces during the Bosniacs would be marginalized and even- aggression against Bosnia and tual domination of Croats over Bosniacs Herzegovina« comprises 74 pages. It pro- would be ensured.« vides an account of the psychological At the end, the author offers the follow- propaganda used during the aggression ing solution: »A federation of non-national against Bosnia and Herzegovina, and cantons within the internationally recog- opposed to it, the information activities »of nized borders of the Republic of Bosnia and the defensive-liberation forces during the Herzegovina is the formula for the most aggression against Bosnia and complete form of preservation of the Herzegovina«. Bosnian state, and the equality of its peo- In his account of the psychological ples and citizens.« propaganda during the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Unit seven the author analyzes the characteristics of »The role of Bosnian Army officers and greater-Serbian and greater-Croatian the significance of armed combat compris- propaganda. es four pages and was written in Sarajevo His starting point, later elaborated on June 29, 1995. Its goal is to raise the through a series of units, is evident from the morale of officers in the Army of Bosnia and following sentences: »During the prepara- Herzegovina. tions for the aggression against the The entire unit was written in the spirit of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and at the author’s initial thesis: »If we want to pro- its beginnings, a danger from greater- tect ourselves, if we want to save our fami- Serbian propaganda was overtly manifest- lies, if we want to save the people, espe- ed, while the greater-Croatian propaganda cially Bosniacs, and if we want to save the was during that period covert, mostly with- state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the only in regions that were being prepared for the thing left is combat, armed combat against perfidious greater-Croatian aggression the enemy, against the aggressor.« against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Together with the greater- Unit eight Serbian propaganda, the second half of »Priorities in the strengthening of com- 1992 sees an escalation of an ever more bat potentials of the Army of Bosnia and overt greater-Croatian propaganda, inten- Herzegovina« comprises three pages, and sified with the attack of the Croatian Army was created in Sarajevo on July 27, 1995. on the Republic of Bosnia and It was written in the same vein as the previ- Herzegovina, which was preceded by the ous unit - strengthening of the fighting organization of the Croatian Defense morale. The following sentence speaks for Council, as a form of mobilizing Bosnian itself. »... we are wondering how to survive Croats during the aggression.« ... the answer is ... simple: we need to The author’s starting position in the fight.« description of »greater-Serbian and greater-Croatian« propaganda is that aggressors against the Republic of Bosnia

165 Book Reviews F. Muslimovi and Herzegovina were Serbia, Montenegro Unit ten and the Republic of Croatia. It is, therefore, »Special operations against the necessary to point out some of his conclu- Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina« com- sions relating to greater-Serbian and prises eleven pages and was written in greater-Croatian propaganda: Sarajevo in August, 1995. Here the author »Since the creators of greater-Serbian analyzes goals, sites, and scope of the spe- propaganda were aware that many Croats cial operations against Bosnia and felt the same prejudices and hatred Herzegovina and the Bosniac people. He towards Bosniacs as did the Serbs, the pays particular attention to »the activities entire greater-Croatian propaganda, which prior to the escalation of the greater- fulfilled both greater-Croatian and greater- Serbian and greater-Croatian policies«, Serbian strategic appetites towards the »special activities of the greater-Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was and greater-Croatian policies in the period realized within the greater-Serbian propa- shortly preceding the aggression against ganda on the basis of the Tuðman- Bosnia and Herzegovina,« and »special Miloševiæ agreement aimed at achieving activities during the armed aggression greater-Serbian interests.« against the Republic of Bosnia and ...«The greater-Croatian propaganda Herzegovina.« The author concludes that had the function of realizing greater- the »special activities« will continue with the Serbian interests.« same goal as in the past, »in order to ...«Because of the same goals (parti- destroy Bosniac political and statehood tion of Bosnia and Herzegovina and exter- particularities.« mination of Bosniacs), the greater-Croatian and the greater-Serbian propaganda had Unit eleven the same characteristics with regard to con- ditions, substance, and methods of their »What ‘Yugoslavia’ means in the realization.« hands of greater-Serbian Nazis« comprises two pages and was written in Sarajevo on Th author goes on to describe the January 28, 1999. Using the example of goals and the scope of »information activi- Montenegro, the author indicates that the ties« that had »the purpose of exposing ... armed conflicts in Bosnia and false claims, and proving that the aggres- Herzegovina, those in Kosovo, and the sor states were violating generally accepted potential ones in Montenegro, exhibit the principles of international relations, by stat- characteristics of greater-Serbian aggres- ing facts about the aggression of Serbia, sion, rather than those of an internal con- Montenegro and Croatia against the flict or civil war. Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.« Finally, the author provides facts Unit thirteen regarding the substance of »information »The importance of the Dayton activities« from the beginning of the armed Agreement« comprises three pages and aggression until the end of 1992, during was written in Sarajevo on November 22, 1993, 1994 and 1995 up until the begin- 1995. In this article, the author analyzes to ning of peace negotiations in Dayton what degree Bosniac interests were real- (November 2, 1995). ized, and emphasizes that »the Agreement guarantees more than a minimum of nec- essary conditions for a successful perspec- 166 NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE FUTURE 3-4 (1) 2000. tive of Bosniacs.« Southeastern Europe, the Dayton Agreement, demilitarization, the restoring Unit fourteen of balance, and so forth. »The meaning of Tuðman’s statements The beginning thesis is that democracy during the signing of the Paris Agreement is the fundamental issue of peace and sta- on December 14, 1995« is a one-page arti- bility in Southeastern Europe. He addresses cle written in Sarajevo on December 15, the relationship between democratic and 1995. The author provides a critical analy- antidemocratic potential, and holds that sis of late President Tuðman’s statement, »the connections among antidemocratic considering that it »contains a series of mes- forces in different countries are far closer sages arising from greater-Croatian goals than connections among democratic that deny Bosniacs as a people and Bosnia forces.« The author also stresses that »dem- and Herzegovina as a state.« ocratic forces in the Republic of Croatia and Yugoslavia can contribute most to last- Unit fifteen ing peace and stability in the region.« According to the author, the Stability »An assessment of the current situation Pact for South Eastern Europe and the con- regarding NATO’s use of military forces sistent implementation of the Dayton against Miloševiæ’s regime« comprises five Agreement are the »path to peace and sta- pages and was written in Sarajevo on April bility.« 1, 1999. The assessment examines current He further analyzes the »new situation results of NATO air strikes directed at the characterized by the wish for Bosnia and achievement of strategic goals; problems Herzegovina to access Partnership for created from the consequences of NATO air Peace and NATO,« and asks »whether strikes on targets in Yugoslavia; and proba- Bosnia and Herzegovina can maintain two ble directions in further development of the armies«, for »two armies in one country is a situation in Kosovo and the entire region. source of instability, a source for endanger- The author concludes that air strike results ing peace.« The solution is seen in the inte- are not sufficient, that NATO should inflict gration of »the military dimension of the more severe losses to Yugoslav Army man- Bosnian state.« power, and that a stable political and mili- Demilitarization of Bosnia and tary organization of Albanians is the only Herzegovina is not realistic in the current way to achieve the defeat of greater-Serbian state of affairs, for in the author’s opinion, politics. the Bosniac people would thus »remain Unit sixteen unprotected.« He maintains this to be a good idea, but advocates a »rationalization »Strategic issues of security in of military forces« and »maintaining of a Southeastern Europe« is the last unit, total- balance.« ing eighteen pages. In this article, the The author sees the possibility for a author discusses the security aspects of lasting peace and stability in the establish- democracy and human rights, the return of ment of a balance of military potentials, the refugees, affirmation of co-existence and security policy of countries in Southeastern the position of national minorities as the Europe, »the balanced position of national most important issue of security and peace, minorities« and »the balanced relations of the significance of education, and other majority peoples towards their members in security issues related to the Stability Pact for 167 Book Reviews F. Muslimovi the neighboring countries.« book offers neither an introduction nor Based upon the above, the following a preface, where the reader might find can be said about Muslimoviæ’s book, War information about the topic of the book and Politics. and its basic contribution. Therefore, 1) The author of War and Politics wishes we recommend this book only as a col- to act as a witness to a difficult period lection of the author’s views and a in which the Republic of Bosnia and treatment of the work of the Herzegovina was established and Administration for Morale regarding defended. Regardless of his wish to be the political needs for the motivation of an objective witness, the fact that he military units in the Army of Bosnia and was an active participant directly Herzegovina during the war, and his affecting the development of events recollections on the conception, strate- precludes this. The author offers his gy and doctrine of defense in the version of the truth between two sides - Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. good and evil. Two units, the first and The author’s central focus is epito- last, »Concept, strategy and the doc- mized by a judgment given at the end trine of defense« and »Strategic issues of the book that »the relation towards of security in South-Eastern Europe« territorial integrity, sovereignty and respectively, differ from the others. All political independence of Bosnia and other units exhibit a common trait: the Herzegovina is of the most vital impor- author’s fear that »the theses could be tance for the security in Southeastern confused«, i.e. that an aggression was Europe.« not committed against the Republic of Simply put, the message of War and Bosnia and Herzegovina and that the Politics is: conflict was a civil war. Therefore, there The destiny of security in Southeastern is always an aggressor (Serbia, Europe depends on the destiny of the Montenegro, Croatia, Croatian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a Defense Council etc.) and a defender - state. Therefore, security in Southeastern the Bosniac people. In this part, the Europe depends on the position of author often equates the destiny of the Bosniacs as a people, and a state of Bosniac people with the destiny of the Bosnia and Herzegovina tailored to fit the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. needs of the Bosniacs. 2) The remaining two chapters do not describe the past, but refer to the future Miroslav Meðimorec through a consideration of a potential defense system in the Bosnian Federation and the type of balance needed in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to establish a lasting peace and stability. The greatest disadvantage of the book is its lack of connection among topics, and the variety of methodological approaches used in the analysis, induction, deduc- tion, and description of problems. The

168 NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE FUTURE 3-4 (1) 2000. Serbs, Muslims, and Croatians; he is more tolerant in the exchange of views than Dr. Who is to blame for the situa - Borogovac, who is tolerant and democrat- tion in Bosnia and Herzegovina ic only toward those who agree with his views on a unitary Bosnia. Others he con- - caught between history and demns and would punish for opposing the politics intolerance of a unitary state in which one nation would rule, based on its overwhelm- ing numbers. Ancic is prepared to discuss. Two recently released books, one by Borogovac is exclusionary and imposes his Mladen Ancic and the other by Dr. theses. There is a political willingness on Muhamed Borogovac, present the war in Ancic’s part for a resolution which would Bosnia and Herzegovina in widely divergent guarantee all nations in Bosnia and manners. Herzegovina constitutional equality. As an The first, written by Mladen Ancic, a indication of this willingness, he points out, young historian of Croatian background, the Croatians have signed all resolutions presented thus far ensuring such equality. utilizes a wide array of credible materials to Borogovac calls into question all the signed provide an academic analysis, evaluation, agreements, as they prevent, in his view, and possible resolution of the difficult the creation of a state in which one nation »Bosnian issue«. The second book attempts would rule the other two. by means of unreliable evidence to superfi- The most recent political developments cially argue, repeat, and impose upon the in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in readers the »theory of betrayal« as the only the Federation, confirm that the crisis con- explanation for the failure of the concept of tinues, and that there is wide opposition to a unitary, indivisible, democratic and civil the pressure of the international communi- »Bosniac« Bosnia and Herzegovina. ty and support for a lasting peace and a Of course, the political and national resolution which satisfies all three nations, standpoints of the two authors are in com- unlike Borogovac, who in his book pro- plete opposition. Ancic, a Croatian, motes a unitary state. These developments attempts valiantly to show that the only way are a confirmation of Ancic’s bitter conclu- to resolve and satisfy the desires of all three sion that political resolutions continue to be nations is to divide Bosnia and imposed, the free will of the nations is Herzegovina, while Borogovac, a Bosniac being ignored, and there is a lack of intel- Muslim, considers this proposal a betrayal ligent solutions for the crisis in the region. which would cause the dissolution of the state. Ancic draws his proofs from historical Mladen Ancic(1999). Who erred sources and from the development of the in Bosnia-the gap between his- three national identities, while Borogovac tory and politics. finds his arguments in the newly created Bosnian myths about the »thousand year old Bosnian state, religion, and military«, and Political publications - Osijek, from the international recognition of Bosnia Zagreb, Split. Pan Liber and Herzegovina. Ancic’s evidence is not exclusionary; he speaks always of three nations. Borogovac, on the other hand, Was it a war for the independence of refers only to one nation which has a right three newly emergent states - Slovenia, to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ancic attempts Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina - against to understand and justify the desires of the the aggression of the former Yugoslavia, or

169 Book Reviews M. Ancic & M. Borogovac was it a civil war? Mladen Ancic poses this mation of Bosnia-Herzegovina through his- fundamental question in his book. In his tory, the creation and articulation of collec- search for an answer, he considers the fact tive identity and relations toward legal-state that the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina did territory (two areas in which he feels he is not conclude with a victory or defeat for most capable), and the third area, expla- any of the three parties (which gives cre- nation of the national customs and tradi- dence to all three interpretations), and tions (about which he is less qualified; attempts to come to a conclusion about therefore, he does not enter into a more who actually erred in Bosnia. detailed discussion of this topic). Ancic, a young Croatian historian - With the thoroughness of an historian, facts which are not insignificant in under- he collects historical facts with which he standing his approach, methods, argu- can successfully show how Bosnia is ments and conclusions - tries to respond anchored by history to the past, and how it from a certain historical distance to the determines the present and the future. obvious fact that the Bosnian issue, in Today's political reality is rooted to the his- spite of the efforts of the entire world, is torical, psychological, sociological, reli- still not resolved, political responses to the gious, cultural, and political past of Bosnia crises were not successful, and efforts of and Herzegovina, and no type of force, world politicians were in vain. artificial political theories, pressure, or By means of a thorough dissection in political "engineering" can change this fact which he uses strong historical documenta- (just as the recent political develpments in tion, he shows the impossibility of the BH after the last elections confirm Ancic's Dayton project and of any Bosnia based basic thesis on the need to recognize real- upon the principle of force and the pre- ity; that is, create a political configuration dominance of only one of its nations. of the state which validates the will of all Ancic locates the roots of this Bosnian knot three nations). in the history of Bosnia, and in the Ancic addresses the responsibility held omnipresent pejorative syntagma used by by outside factors in extending Bosnia's foreign politicians, experts, and journalists agony, and the stubborn efforts of the to explain an often incomprehensible and world to reject the facts which arise from unresolvable issue, i.e.: "the centuries-long the special historical-political development hatred" or "actions of the political elite of this geographical area upon which three which brought the nations into conflict." distinct national identities developed: Through a series of chapters which Bosniak, Serbian, and Croatian. The obvi- address and direct the basic question of his ous desire of these three nations for a research - "Between history and politics", guarantee of their biological security (from "civilization, history, and territory", "Era of which flow all other national rights, free- the clash of civilizations", "Three Bosnias", doms, and obligations) and a state config- "Who Erred in Bosnia", "Croatian role in uration which would grant them this free- Bosnia", "How to Understand Bosnia", dom has been, subsequent to the recent "History Repeats Itself as a Farce", "Legend actions during and after the elections, of the Bogomils and Bosniak-Muslims", "In rejected, attacked, and characterized as the fog of Bosnian myths and legends" - he "tribal, nationalistic, and exclusionary." investigates the historical dimension. Ancic carefully and thoroughly discuss- Ancic divides the issue into three areas: es and interprets Bosnian history from the interpreting the legal-state status and for- Middle Ages to the present day, and shows 170 NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE FUTURE 3-4 (1) 2000. how the Ottoman invasion interrupted the Neither the first nor the second Yugoslavia process of national identification and the was able to resolve this omnipresent issue consolidation of those areas of the state of inequality of two nations and one reli- which were then known as the Bosnian king- gion. Tito finally resolved it by means of dom. the 1974 Constitution, in which Muslims Political development was thereby (on the basis of religion) are transformed frozen for four centuries. Often cited is into Muslims (on a basis of nationality) in Srecko Dzaja's research "Confessionality order to put them between the Serbs and and Nationality of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Croats and, by means of their equal status, pre-Emancipation Phase, 1463-1804 (R. attempt to save Yugoslavia (and at the Oldenburg Verla, Munich, 1984, Sarajevo, same time, Bosnia and Herzegovina). With 1993) in which he concludes that Bosnia, the reopening of the Bosnian Pandora's box after 1463, ceased to exist as a unified at the end of the 80s, the Yugoslav crisis, political entity (though it was hardly that and the war in the first half of the 1990s, prior to the Turkish occupation). Four cen- the suppressed national desires of the three turies of Turkish rule brought to a halt all nations, (war brought about the Muslim- processes of national emancipation until Bosniak national identity), broke out, and 1878. Only the Franciscans passed on all attempts to reach a final resolution their Catholicism, and the Orthodox church failed. Two of the nations, the Serbs and promulgated the mythical strength of the Croatians, again sought assistance Dusan's empire. from their mother states, while the The Bosnian Muslims, who resided on became the most fervent supporters of a the edges of the empire, were entitled in the Bosnian unitary state, as they saw in this a period when the Ottomans were the chance to reach their final goal: a state in strongest, and when the Ottoman Empire which they would rule the other two nations disintegrated at the beginning of the 19th by their predominant numbers. Bosniaks century, the Muslims, with their reawakened now attempted to overcome the historical desire for national identity, become its most discontinuity between Middle Ages Bosnia, conservative element, and resisted reform which barely had the attributes of state- by armed rebellion (Dragon of Bosnia). hood, and modern Bosnia and The Congress of Berlin, like Dayton Herzegovina by creating historical myths 120 years later, placed Bosnia under an and legends - about the state and its Austrain protectorate. The consequence of Illyrian heritage, the existence of a continu- this decision was that the Serbian and ous military history, language, culture, and Croatian nations, thus far disenfranchised, religion (Bogomil). They hoped by this to allied themselves to their mother states of create the historical foundations for a polit- Serbia and Croatia, then a part of Austro- ical resolution by which Bosnia and Hungary, while the Muslims rejected both Herzegovina would function as an inde- these options, choosing to maintain the pendent and autonomous state in which basic identity they have kept to the present Bosniaks, the only legal successors, would day. predominate. Austro-Hungary used the policy of Since the final resolution - a military "divide and conquer" to endorse the victory or defeat of one of the warring par- Muslims and impede the desire of the other ties - would have been contrary to the prin- two nations to unite with their mother states. ciples of the new world order and the

171 Book Reviews M. Ancic strategic interests of the great powers on phrase goes thus: "Ceterum censeo the territory of southeastern Europe, the Bosniam esse partiendam." war was brought to a halt in Dayton. On the basic question of who erred in At the same time, all the processes of Bosnia in the conflict between Croatians political affirmation of the three nations in and Muslims, Ancic analyzes data from conflict were stopped and put on hold, both sides and concludes how the conflict though they could peacefully have reached could have arisen. Alija Izetbegovic, and a solution which validated their individual the Muslims (who later became "Bosniaks") political desires. In Ancic's view, the most refused to directly acknowledge the Serb- natural resolution would have been divi- Croatian conflict, and resisted joining sion and, finally, free elections and resolu- forces with the side which was under tion. attack. When they themselves were brutally It is the three nations in Bosnia and attacked and found themselves unpre- Herzegovina which are affected most by pared, faced with defeat and biological the delay and imposed political relations, extinction, they then assumed the role of and are the only factors truly interested in a victim-nation. They began to emphasize lasting peace. Ancic, in the broadest chap- their national, religious, and cultural toler- ter of his book, "Between history and poli- ance, and their civil and democratic orien- tics" concludes that the war was a natural tation, values which were acceptable and and almost unavoidable result of political understandable to the West. Croatians events. In their delayed national identifica- were characterized at every opportunity as tion, all three nations desired division and their opposite, nationally intolerant, pre- a consolidation of their own territory, as pared to destroy the unitary state and form well as the setting of borders which would pacts with the enemy. The only step which guarantee their security. Although some of would have freed Croatians from the label the earlier proposals offered by the interna- of "separatist" would have been their tional community to resolve the crisis: acceptance of Muslim domination under three republics, national cantons, were the auspices of a civil state. The thesis of closer to the wishes of the three nations, the Croatians as the guilty party in the conflict Washington and Dayton Agreements with the Muslims is rejected firmly by Ancic: ignored all of them. "the only agreement with the Muslim part- The international factors attempted fur- ners which could have been reached in the ther to impose a unitary, multi-ethnic, civil first war years (1991-1992) would have Bosnia and Herzegovina, supporting in this been the complete surrender of the way the Muslim idea of one, indivisible Croatian side. And nothing else!" Bosnia and Herzegovina in which Bosniak- Ancic also touches upon Huntington's Muslims would dominate the others by the thesis of the clash of civilizations. Ancic strength of their numbers. Thus the insta- sees a confirmation of Huntington's thesis bility was prolonged, an instability which, in the example of Bosnia, and particularly according to Ancic, could be resolved, and the failed American policies which support- he shows how by paraphrasing Cato's say- ed the "victim" based on their principles of ing about Carthage; that is, that it should idealism, morality, siding with the good, be destroyed, but the verb "destroy" is resisting evil and therefore "de facto" assist- replaced by the verb "divide". His para- ing in the creation of an Islamic state in Europe. He asserts that ignoring the latent

172 NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE FUTURE 3-4 (1) 2000. danger from Islamic radicalism on the bor- difficult to oppose his proposals for the res- ders of Croatia was extremely dangerous, olution of the Bosnian crisis and reject his and the rejection of the Croats and the identification of those responsible for its uncritical assistance to and enabling of a prolongation. Due to inflexible political possible Islamization of the Bosnian state facts, there is continuing opposition to the were strategically and politically incompre- current imposed political resolutions in hensible. Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the refusal to Ancic believes the only means for submit deepens the continuing instability, resolving the current political "pat position" and delays the entry of Bosnia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a "revision Herzegovina and surrounding countries and adjustment of the Washington and into the family of European nations. Dayton Agreements, on the basis of equali- ty of all three nations. This means that… if the Serbs have a right to , Dr. Muhamed Borogovac (2000). then the same right applies to the Muslims W ar in Bosnia and and the Croatians." The precondition for this, according to Ancic, is a "redefinition of Herzegovina: Political existing territorial arrangements, creating a Aspects balance between two basic demands: a) separate economic and defense capabili- Zadar, Narodni list ties; and b) territorial and geographical conditionality." Both conditions require territorial »It’s high time to come to the aid of the exchanges which would mean an unavoid- patriotic forces fighting against the able transfer of populations. Ancic holds forces of betrayal and division of that this resolution is less costly than new Bosnia...I am writing this book in bloodshed, and that it will be reached either haste, before it is too late, while it is by a new round of negotiations or a new still possible to say NO! to the divi- war. Ancic concludes bitterly that "the wise sion of our homeland....« person would opt for the former, but experi- Quote from the introduction to Dr. ence shows that intelligence was never the Muhamed Borogovac’s book. predominant factor here." This book will certain not appeal to the In a number of books which have creators of the current political projects in appeared in recent years about the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, who will catego- Bosnia and Herzegovina, its causes, goals, rize it as a nationalistic interpretation and resolutions, and perpetrators, the Bosniaks, justification for Croatian policies toward including Dr. Muhamed Borogovac, have Bosnia and Herzegovina. The serious read- created facts, distorted reality, and »invent- er, however, will not reject the book, ed myths and legends«, according to because he will utilize history to evaluate Mladen Ancic (author of Who is to blame and attempt to resolve the issue of Bosnia for Bosnia), in order to legalize their polit- and Herzegovina, and can find therein suf- ical desires for their own state. In the event ficient facts, figures, and connections to that this goal should prove unattainable, reach a richer understanding of the Bosnian they attempt to accuse others of treason "dark land". Ancic's historical arguments and of dividing the state. foresaw today's political developments. It is 173 Book Reviews M. Ancic This book represents another of the its intentions, language, and structure as a hastily prepared interpretations of the recent book which has been written »on orders«, political history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as it indefatigably repeats certain basic and its goal is to convince the readers that ideas about indivisibility, sovereignty, his- a conspiracy and sellout of Bosnian interests torical opportunity, and so on. The exist. It is written in a superficial manner, is Bosniacs are represented as the only nation poorly documented, and lacks credibility. that opposes the division of the state, the The author’s use of crass language seems only nation capable of democracy and intended to cater to the tastes of the »lower building a civil society. Borogovac further classes«. The book is a consequence of the states that, along with the two main ene- political battle between various Muslim mies, Serbs and Croatians, Alija political groups struggling for power and Izetbegovic and his cohorts have trans- position in a future state of Bosnia. Dr. formed victories into defeats by signing Borogovac is a member of an opposition treasonous capitulation treaties and agree- group operating on a different continent, ments, dividing and giving away parts of and his political activities directed against the state, and therefore depriving the his country’s government appear tailored to Bosniacs of their state, which belongs to please the host country, and not to per- them based on God’s (Allah’s) decree and suade his readers. The book sets the goal of historical rights. proving the thesis that conspirators and trai- Dr. Borogovac is an educated mathe- tors are endangering a unitary and sover- matician, who participated at the onset of eign Bosnia and Herzegovina. The role of the war in the formation of the Army of chief conspirator and traitor is played by the Bosnia and Herzegovina in . Later he present, charismatic president of Bosnia fled in fear and uncertainty to Croatia, and and Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegovic. Facts then to the United States, where he teach- and events are either invented or analyzed es college mathematics and is active as a on the basis of invalidated theses. The member of the Bosnian Congress, which proofs offered are impossible to verify, per- operates outside Bosnia. He is an oppo- ceptions are highly subjective, personal mil- nent of Alija Izetbegovic and his policies, itary experiences are rarely provided, and which led to the Dayton Agreement and the experiences of others are related second- current blueprint for Bosnia and hand. The book is intended as testimony, Herzegovina. Borogovac considers Dayton but lacks an academic, persuasive explana- and all other signed agreements a form of tion of the war, and neglects the historical- capitulation, leading to the disappearance political influences. It follows the current of the state in which apparently only one mode of books on the Bosnian issue, written nation resides: Bosniacs. He holds that the by native and foreign authors, who wish to interests and existence of the »thousand use their short-lived experiences and year long state and Bosnian nation« (sic) engagements on former Yugoslav territory have been betrayed, and unsystematically to form evaluations, offer advice, and share utilizes alleged »evidence« to reveal the their feelings about a war which is incom- pro-Serbian politics of Alija Izetbegovic, prehensible to them and thus can only be which expose him as a false Muslim believ- explained in very general terms (most con- er, a declared Serb, and a Bosnian traitor. sider it a noble struggle based on atavistic The main basis for the right of the Bosniacs passions). to a state is, in his view, the international Dr. Borogovac’s book reveals itself in recognition of Bosnia and Herzegovina: if 174 NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE FUTURE 3-4 (1) 2000. the world has recognized the state, then it political goals. The Bosnian Congress and exists as one state, one nation, language, its members participated in the last elec- history, and culture. He considers the tions and have joined the Alliance for desires of the Serbs and Croats for equali- Change bloc. Borogovac’s book has ty nationalistic, because their civil equality apparently served as election propaganda in Bosnia and Herzegovina is ensured by material and not as a serious academic Bosnian tolerance and openness. investigation of the continuing burning Borogovac further argues that Bosnia and issue of Bosnia. Herzegovina, because of Dayton and other actions of Izetbegovic, has been Miroslav Meðimorec divided and no longer exists. Republika Srpska is only a temporary entity; when the right moment for secession arrives, it will first secede from Bosnia and Herzegovina and then join with the Serbian Republic of Stjepan Šiber (2000). Yugoslavia. He finds the causes for the war D eceptions, delusions, the in the past, in the Second World War, when truth 1992 war diary Bosnia and Herzegovina was a victim of nationalistic incursions. Sarajevo: RABIC Publishing Co. The same themes are constantly pp. 348 repeated: one state (unitary), in which the Šiber’s 348 page book was published most populous nation (Bosniacs), rules. by the Sarajevo-based RABIC publishing His goal is to appeal to the emotions of the company in the fall of 2000. It discusses Bosniacs by means of the most simplistic prewar events, the beginning and course of political messages, and to encourage them the war in Sarajevo and Bosnia and to be exclusionary and radical as well. All Herzegovina, and provides a summary of agreements and discussions on a state the author’s role in these events. An framework satisfactory to all three constitu- account is also given of the complex rela- tionally protected nations are considered tions between the defenders of the Republic traitorous and in violation of the interna- of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who were of tional principles prohibiting change of bor- different religious and national back- ders. The only solution, therefore, is a grounds, and the reasons for the creation Bosnian civil state in which one citizen has of the Croatian Defense Council, the one vote. All the agreements, Washington Patriot League, the Croatian Liberation and Dayton and others, are capitulations Forces (HOS), and the Army of Bosnia and and invalid. Everything should begin anew, Herzegovina. The author also tries to iden- from the moment of recognition of Bosnia tify reasons for the confrontation, and later and Herzegovina by the international com- the restricted (but cruel) armed conflict munity, as this represented complete free- between members of the B&H Army and dom to create a Bosnian (Muslim) state. the Croatian Defense Council. Various Such a simplistic interpretation of the his- documents, reports, and maps appended torical-political situation in Bosnia and at the end of the book serve as evidence of Herzegovina cannot be considered a seri- authenticity and enhance the book’s docu- ous analysis of more current Bosnia- mentary quality. Herzegovinian history, but only as a super- The book is based on authentic entries ficial, reader-friendly pamphlet in service of 175 Book Reviews M. Bogorovac from the diary of Stjepan Šiber, M.A. in mil- religious, military and civil segments of the itary science, who in 1992 placed himself at Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For the disposal of the presidency of Bosnia and instance, he relates conversations and Herzegovina in the defense against the gives evaluations of specific actions of Alija aggression being perpetrated on Republic Izetbegoviæ, Cardinal Vinko Puljiæ, Ejup of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He served as Ganiæ, Alija Demustafiæ, Mate Boban, Chief of Staff of the B&H Territorial Defense, Stjepan Kljuiæ, Mile Akmadiæ, Jovan Deputy Commander of the Territorial Divjak, Sefer Haliloviæ, Jerko Doka, Defense, and later Deputy Commander of Tihomir Blaškiæ, Dario Kordiæ, Zlatko the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lagumdija, Avdo Hebib, JNA Generals, The author relates his personal evalua- Kukanjac and Gver, Ismet Bajramoviæ- tions of the reasons for and course of the Æela, Juko Prazina and others. aggression of the so-called Yugoslav Particularly interesting are conversa- National Army against the sovereign tions, negotiations, and agreements with Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, UNPROFOR representatives deployed in describing the huge and sometimes insur- Bosnia and Herzegovina, Generals mountable difficulties encountered in the Nambijar, McKenzie, Razek, Morlion, defense of individual and national freedoms Simpson and others. of citizens, and in gaining the independence Despite the fact that the author some- of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. times loses objectivity in his approach to He also identifies and emphasizes his own the resolution of problems on military and other people’s delusions during the cooperation between the B&H Army and struggle for the survival of the Republic of the Croatian Defense Council, I recom- Bosnia and Herzegovina, which were often mend this book to the readers, because it caused by deceptions to which he himself provides an understanding of the goals had fallen victim. and significant events which occurred in In his book, the author has made an the defense of freedom and sovereignty of ambitious attempt to write the truth about the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. the “agonized, betrayed and deceived peo- Even though these political and military ple, people of different religions, political events took place only recently, one can and cultural orientations.” This quote from observe that the author’s approach to the the introductory part of the book identifies defense of the Republic of Bosnia and Šiber as a man who believed in and defend- Herzegovina was never implemented, as ed a united, civil Republic of Bosnia and the Dayton Agreement divided the Republic Herzegovina, a man to whom chauvinism of Bosnia and Herzegovina into Republika and extremism were foreign. Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and One must interpret the author’s intro- Herzegovina, based on exclusively nation- ductory address to the reader in the same al criteria. context, where he describes the deceptions and delusions as “a shameful betrayal, a eljko Saèiæ, M.A. shameful history of sub-humans and inhu- manity which needs to be severely con- demned, but never forgotten.” The book provides numerous excerpts from the author’s conversations on the cru- cial issues of the country’s defense and future, as well as his impressions of his inter- locutors and individuals from the political, 176 NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE FUTURE 3-4 (1) 2000. 177 Book Reviews S. Siber