8:00 PM, AUGUST 4, 2020

In accordance with the recently adopted amendments to the Open Meetings Act permitting the Village Board to conduct a virtual Village Board meeting, members of the public are allowed to be physically present in the Village Board meeting room in Village Hall at 6900 North Lincoln Avenue, subject to room capacity and social distancing requirements. Accordingly, the opportunity to view the virtual meeting at Village Hall is available on a “first come, first-served” basis. Those members of the public present at Village Hall will be able to provide real-time comments in person on the computer available in the Council Chambers. Anyone who does not desire, or who is not able, to be physically present at Village Hall can watch the Village Board meeting live by visiting the Village website or by clicking

AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Pledge to the Flag III. Roll Call IV. Approval of Minutes 1. Minutes of the Village Board Meeting of July 21, 2020 V. Warrant Approval 1. Approval of Warrants for August 4, 2020 VI. Village President’s Report VII. Consent Agenda

1. Approval of a Resolution Approving the Goals and Priorities for the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget (This Item Appears on the Consent Agenda because it was Discussed at a Previous Committee of the Whole) VIII. Regular Business

2. Approval of an Ordinance Authorizing the Village Manager to Execute a Contract with Houseal Lavigne for Market Analysis and Planning Services for the NEID Subarea, and Waiving the Requirement for Competitive Bidding 3. Consideration of a Resolution Cancelling the In-Person Lincolnwood Turkey Trot Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

IX. Manager’s Report 1. Freedom of Information Report X. Board, Commission, and Committee Reports XI. Village Clerk’s Report XII. Trustee Report XIII. Public Forum Statement Regarding Public Comment Anyone wishing to respectfully share thoughts about any matter concerning the Village of Lincolnwood Board of Trustees may do so by submitting an email to [email protected] prior to the commencement of the meeting. All Emails received will be read aloud during the Public Comment portion of the agenda. Emails should be kept to under 200 words to allow time for others to be heard and for the Board to progress through the public meeting agenda. The Board typically does not immediately respond to public comments or engage in open dialogue, but the Board is actively listening to all comments. XIV. Closed Session Closed Session is Requested to Discuss Employment Matters Per Section 2(c)(1) and Probable or Imminent Litigation Per Section 2(c)(11) XV. Adjournment

DATE POSTED: July 30, 2020

All Village Board meetings are broadcast live to residents on Comcast Cable Channel 6, AT&T U-VERSE Channel 99, RCN Channel 49, and online at at 7:30 p.m. Rebroadcasts of Village Board meetings can be viewed one week following the live broadcast at 1:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on cable television or online at or on the Lincolnwood Mobile App.


Call to Order President Bass called the Regular Meeting of the Lincolnwood Board of Trustees, VIA gotomeeting to order at 7:35 P.M. Tuesday, July 21, 2020, meeting held in the Village Hall Council Chambers and via GOTO Meeting and available live at WWW.LINCOLNWOODIL.ORG/LIVE-CABLE-CHANNEL/, County of Cook, and State of Illinois.

Pledge to the Flag The Corporate Authorities and all persons in attendance stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call On roll call by Interim Deputy Village Clerk Chuck Meyer the following were: PRESENT: President Bass, Trustees Klatzco, Sargon, Hlepas-Nickell, Patel, Cope, Ikezoe-Halevi ABSENT: None

A quorum was present.

Also present: Anne Marie Gaura, Village Manager; Chuck Meyer, Assistant Village Manager; Heather McFarland, Assistant to the Village Manager; Jon Bogue, Management Analyst; Robert Merkel, Finance Director; Andrew Letson, Public Works Director; Steve McNellis, Community Development Director; Jay Parrott, Police Chief; Anna Kaperski-Walsh, Superintendent Parks and Recreation Department; Melissa Rimdzius, Director of Parks and Recreation; Doug Hammel, Development Manager; Hart Passman, Village Attorney.

Approval of Minutes The minutes of the July 7, 2020 Special Meeting of the Village Board were presented for approval.

Trustee Hlepas-Nickell moved to approve the minutes of the July 7, 2020 Special Meeting of the Village Board, seconded by Trustee Sargon.

Upon roll call by Village Clerk Meyer, the results were: Ayes: Trustees Klatzco, Sargon, Hlepas-Nickell, Patel, Ikezoe-Halevi Nays: None

Warrant Approval Trustee Klatzco presented the warrants in the amount of $3,004,073.95 and moved to approve the warrants, seconded by Trustee Cope.


Deputy Village Clerk Meyer called the roll. Upon roll call the results were: AYES: Trustees Klatzco, Sargon, Hlepas-Nickell, Patel, Cope, Ikezoe-Halevi NAYS: None

The motion passed.

President’s Report

1. Madeleine Grant Volunteer of the Year Award President Bass recognized Madeleine Grant’s daughters, Maura Neuendank and Elizabeth Keno who were present at the meeting. He stated that Paul Grant, father of Maura and Elizabeth, and husband of Madeleine, was unable to be there for the presentation. Before presenting the award, Mr. Bass gave a little background on Madeleine Grant as someone who served the Village of Lincolnwood as a member of several committees, Library Board President, and as its Mayor for nearly eight years. Ms. Neuendank and Ms. Keno congratulated Sheri Doniger and thanked her for her kindness and generosity to the community.

President Bass presented Dr. Sheri Doniger as this year’s Madeleine Grant Recognition Winner. President Bass shared some of the contributions that Dr. Sheri Doniger has made to the community including her time as a trustee on the Library Board, as a member of Niles Township District 219 School board, as a member of the Fire and Police Commission, as well as Chairperson on many other committees. He then presented Dr. Sheri Doniger with the award.

Dr. Sheri Doniger thanked President Bass, the Village Board, and the Grant family. She stated that it has been an honor to serve the community of Lincolnwood. She shared that she looks forward to continuing to volunteer for the Village of Lincolnwood. She thanked her family and expressed her gratitude to the community.

President Bass concluded by thanking the Grant Family and Dr. Sheri Doniger for their time.

2. Human Relations Commission Person of the Year

President Bass stated that this year, The Person of the Year Award would be presented to Mr. Tom Bujnowski, building engineer for Todd Hall at School District 74. He stated that Mr. Bujnowski’s dedication to his position with the school district exemplifies what it means to be a public servant and that he goes above and beyond the call of duty by making sure the school runs seamlessly. President Bass summarized the ways in which Mr. Bujnowski has showed his dedication to the community.

Present from the HRC were Co-Chairs, Wynne Terlizzi and Jennifer Costantino of the Human Relations Commission attending the meeting virtually to present the HRC Person of the Year award to Mr. Bujnowski

Ms. Terlizzi presented the award to Mr. Tom Bujnowski and congratulated him on his award.

Mr. Bujnowski stated that he was honored to be receiving the award. He expressed his gratitude for being recognized for his work. He stated that he is very passionate about his job and was grateful to know that he has impacted the children and parents he works with.

President Bass thanked Mr. Bujnowski for his work. He also thanked Mr. Bujnowski’s family for attending the meeting.


Trustee Sargon thanked Mr. Bujnowski for his work and emphasized that many other families appreciate him and support his nomination for this award.

Mr. Bujnowski’s wife, Anita expressed her gratitude for the nomination.

HRC Commissioner, Mario Rizzotti expressed his gratitude for Mr. Bujnowski’s work at Todd Hall and emphasized that Mr. Bujnowski is an example to other parents.

Trustee Hlepas-Nickell agreed that Mr. Bujnowski is an example to parents.

Daniel Bujnowski expressed that he was proud of his father and is grateful for all he does.

President Bass concluded by thanked Mr. Bujnowski and his family for attending the meeting.

3. Presentation to the Niles Township Food Pantry

President Bass stated that Human Relations Commissioner and lead organizer of the Iron Chiefs event, Mario Rizzotti was in attendance to virtually present the net proceeds donation from this past January’s event to Nile’s Township Trustee and representative of Niles Food Pantry, Don Gelfund.

Mr. Rizzotti expressed his gratitude to the HRC for helping make this event happen each year.

Mr. Gelfund congratulated Dr. Doniger and Mr. Bujnowski. He expressed the spike in need during this time at the food pantry and the set up of a remote location. He expressed his gratitude on behalf of the people in the township for their work in raising funds with this event. He expressed that money is still greatly needed for the Food Pantry at this time. Mr. Gelfund stated he was proud to help serve his community in his capacity.

President Bass asked if Ms. Terlizzi wanted to say anything

Ms. Terlizzi thanked Mr. Rizzotti for his work and expressed hope that there will be another event this year.

4. Stormwater Town Hall Meeting

President Bass stated that the Village will be hosting a virtual stormwater town hall meeting on July 28th at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting will be to provide an overview of how the sewer system handles large rain events, stormwater relief projects, flooding, and answer other questions residents may have related to storm water management. Members from the Village’s contractual engineering firm, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd., will be present along with staff and members of the Village Board to present information and answer questions. He encouraged anyone with questions or concerns they would like to raise about storm water to participate.


President Bass stated that there have been 2,829 residents tested for the virus with 204 residents with confirmed cases, 23 residents that have lost their lives to the virus. He stated that the death count has fortunately not increased since May 23 for Lincolnwood.

President Bass then provided an update regarding the guidelines and precautions being taken by the Village to prevent spread of the virus. 3

President Bass concluded by reminding residents to support Lincolnwood businesses by shopping local.

6. Mosquito Abatement Activities

President Bass state that The North Shore Mosquito Abatement District would be conducting a wide- area larval mosquito control operation in portions of Lincolnwood and Skokie on Wednesday, July 22, between the hours of 9:00 pm and 12:00 am, as weather permits.

7. Passing of Gail Persino

President Bass regretfully reported the passing of longtime Lincolnwood resident Gail Persino, the beloved wife of Jim Persino who has served in many capacities for the Village of Lincolnwood including the Economic Development Commission and the Comprehensive Plan Committee. President Bass shared that in lieu of flowers, the family requested that gifts be made in Gail’s name to the NorthShore University Health System Foundation at

President Bass asked for a moment of silence in honor of the passing of Gail Persino.

8. Passing of Representative John Lewis and Reverend C.T. Vivian

President Bass stated that this past week the country was devastated by the passing of Civil Rights icons Representative John Lewis of Georgia and Reverend C.T. Vivian. President Bass recognized the contributions of Representative Lewis and C.T. Vivian Representative Lewis to the Civil Rights Movement and to the country. In recognition of their accomplishment both were recognized with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is the highest civilian award that can be given by the President of the United States.

President Bass concluded by providing a quote from Representative Lewis’ 2017 memoir, “Across That Bridge: A Vision for Change and the Future of America.”

Consent Agenda If anyone wishes to speak to any matter on the Consent Agenda, a Speaker’s Request Form must be completed, presented to the Village Clerk, and the matter will be removed from the Consent Agenda and added to Regular Business.

1. Approval of a Resolution Approving the Purchase of Diesel and Gasoline Fuel for the Village Fleet from Al Warren Oil Company of , Illinois, through Northwest Municipal Conference Contract #198 2. Approval of a Resolution Approving the Release of Certain Written Minutes and the Destruction of Verbatim Records of Certain Closed Meetings of the Village Board of Trustees 3. Approval of a Resolution Approving an Agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. of Rosemont, Illinois for the Provision of Design Engineering Services for the Landscaping Improvements to the Lincoln Avenue Medians

President Bass asked Deputy Clerk Meyer if there were any comments from the public. Deputy Clerk Meyer stated there were not.

President Bass entertained a motion to approve the consent agenda.

4 Trustee Sargon moved to approve the Consent agenda as amended, seconded by Trustee Hlepas-Nickell.

Deputy Clerk, Heather McFarland called the roll. Upon Roll Call the results were: AYES: Trustees Klatzco, Sargon, Hlepas-Nickell, Patel, Ikezoe-Halevi NAYS: None

The motion passed.

Regular Business 4. Public Hearing to Consider the Following Items Pertaining to Fiscal Year 2020-2021: A) Approval of the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 (B) Approval of the Certificate of Estimated Revenues by Source for Fiscal Year 2020-2021

President Bass opened the Public Hearing.

Deputy Village Clerk, Heather McFarland called the roll.

President Bass stated that a quorum was present. Finance Director, Robert Merkel, introduced the proposed ordinance. President Bass stated that after the introduction, he would entertain questions from the Village Board.

Mr. Merkel introduced the proposed Appropriation Ordinance. Mr. Merkel explained that the north Lincoln TIF district expenses contributed to the increase in the amount.

President Bass asked if the Village Board had any questions. There were no questions.

President Bass asked if any member of the public would desire to be heard on this matter.

No members of the public were president and Mr. Meyer confirmed that no emails were sent.

President Bass stated that there was a motion on the floor made by Trustee Klatzco and seconded by Trustee Sargon to close the public hearing.

Deputy Clerk Heather McFarland called the roll.

AYES: Trustees Klatzco, Hlepas-Nickell, Ikezoe-Halevi, Sargon, Patel NAYS: None

Trustee Klatzco made a motion to approve the Appropriations Ordinance, seconded by Trustee Halevi.

Deputy Clerk Heather McFarland called the roll. Upon Roll Call the Results were: AYES: Trustees Ikezoe-Halevi, Patel, Hlepas-Nickell, Sargon, Klatzco NAYS: None

The motion passed.

5. Consideration of an Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of not to Exceed $2,750,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2020A of the Village of Lincolnwood, Cook County, Illinois, 5 Authorizing the Execution of a Bond Order, Providing for the Levy and Collection of a Direct Annual Tax Sufficient for the Payment of the Principal of and Interest on Said Bonds and Authorizing the Sale of Said Bonds to the Purchaser Thereof

This item was presented by Robert Merkel, Finance Director.

Mr. Merkel stated that the designated officers in charge of selling the bonds are Trustee Patel and Village Manager Gaura and emphasized that this is a great time to be selling the GO bonds. Mr. Merkel explained that the bonds are private placement bonds with a 15-year maturity. He also explained that the debt payments for these bonds will come from the Fuel Tax revenue.

Mr. Merkel asked if the board had any questions.

Trustee Klatzco thanked Mr. Merkel and the other trustees for their work in securing bonds.

Trustee Sargon also thanked Mr. Merkel.

Trustee Ikezoe-Halevi thanked Mr. Merkel for his work. She stated that she should disclose that she works for an organization related to bonds.

Trustee Sargon made a motion to approve the Ordinance, seconded by Trustee Klatzco.

Interim Clerk Meyer called the roll. Upon Roll Call the Results were: AYES: Trustees Ikezoe-Halevi, Patel, Hlepas-Nickell, Sargon, Klatzco NAYS: None

The motion passed.

6. Consideration of a Local Public Agency Resolution of Intent Regarding the General Obligation Bond, Series 2020A

This item was presented by Andrew Letson, Public Works Director. Mr. Letson stated that Motor Fuel tax fund will pay for GO bonds. He explained that the Resolution needs to be approved in order to allow for this through IDOT. Mr. Letson asked if the Village Board had any questions regarding the resolution.

There were no questions from the Village Board.

Trustee Sargon made a motion to approve the Resolution, seconded by Trustee Ikezoe-Halevi.

Interim Clerk Meyer called the roll. Upon Roll Call the Results were: AYES: Trustees Ikezoe-Halevi, Patel, Hlepas-Nickell, Sargon, Klatzco NAYS: None

The motion passed.

7. Consideration of a Resolution Cancelling Community Events Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

This item was presented by Melissa Rimdzius, Parks and Recreation Director using a PowerPoint presentation. 6

Ms. Rimdzius reviewed the current state guidelines for group gatherings. She presented community events that were anticipated to have a gathering of more than 50 people and may need to be canceled as well as alternative ideas for community events. She stated that staff will continue to monitor the status of the pandemic and focus on providing alternative activities for the community. Ms. Rimdzius recommended that the Village cancel the Trucks on Tour and Fall Movie in the Park events.

Trustee Sargon asked if there was any information on the fall Turkey Trot event in terms of possible alternatives.

Mrs. Rimdzius stated that staff was prepared to transition to a fully virtual race for the Turkey Trot but she did not have a plan prepared for this meeting for the Village Board’s approval.

Trustee Cope expressed that the Village should wait to cancel the Turkey Trot for a month or two and expressed his hope that the event continue.

Trustee Sargon supported staff in transitioning to a virtual event or cancelling this year’s Turkey Trot as large group gatherings are not possible at this time. She expressed the importance of making the decision early enough for staff to be able to prepare.

Trustee Hlepas-Nickell expressed her disappointment that the Turkey Trot needs to be cancelled or modified but understands that it will not be possible to hold the event as usual.

Trustee Patel suggested a mask-required race and individually spaced start times for runners. He suggested exploring the option of giving out buffs instead of t-shirts. He also recognized that the staff would need time to prepare for changes.

Trustee Ikezoe-Halevi agreed to cancel the two fall events on this item. As for the Turkey Trot, she agreed with Trustee Sargon that we should be more cautious and lean towards cancelling the event.

Trustee Sargon made a motion to approve the Resolution, seconded by Trustee Ikezoe-Halevi.

Deputy Clerk Meyer called the roll.

Upon Roll Call the Results were: AYES: Trustees Ikezoe-Halevi, Patel, Hlepas-Nickell, Sargon, Klatzco, Cope NAYS: None

The motion passed.

8. Consideration of an Extension of the Emergency Declaration Entered by Mayor Bass on March 18, 2020

The item was presented by Village Attorney, Hart Passman. Mr. Passman stated that it was the recommendation of the Village Attorney, Mayor, and Village Manager that this Order gets extended. The recommendation would be to extend the declaration through August 18.

Trustee Klatzco stated that the Village should approach the governor about the issue of enforcement of social distancing and mask wearing. He stated that there should be an ordinance to require people to wear a mask which would result in a fine.

7 President Bass stated that the police can help with enforcement if residents are not complying with the mask requirements.

There was more discussion about the issue of enforcing mask wearing and social distancing measures.

President Bass expressed that he doesn’t see a widespread problem in residents not complying with the requirement for masks. Trustee Klatzco expressed that business are having a difficult time enforcing the safety measures.

A motion was made by Trustee Sargon to extend the emergency declaration to the adjournment of the Village Board meeting on August 18, 2020. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ikezoe-Halevi.

Village Clerk Meyer called the roll. Upon roll call the results were: AYES: Trustees Klatzco, Sargon, Patel, Ikezoe-Halevi, Hlepas-Nickell, Cope NAYS: None

Manager’s Report

Village Manager Anne Marie Gaura reported that the contractor for the Water Transmission Main project was officially able to make water flow from Evanston to the Pump House in Lincolnwood. She stated that the Village was estimating the project to be a quarter of a million dollars under budget. She informed the Village Board that staff are tentatively scheduling a ribbon cutting event on August 13th.

Board and Commissions Report There were no reports.

Trustees Reports There were no Trustee Reports.

Clerk’s Report There was no report.

Public Forum President Bass asked if there were any public comments. There were not.

Closed Session At 9:12 P.M. Trustee Klatzco moved to close the meeting to the public, pursuant to Sections 2(c)(1) and 2(c)(3) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) and 2(c)(3). Trustee Sargon seconded the motion.

Upon roll call the results were: AYES: Trustees Klatzco, Sargon, Hlepas-Nickell, Patel, Ikezoe-Halevi, Cope NAYS: None The motion passed. Reconvention At 9:57 P.M. Mayor Bass reconvened the Village Board meeting.


Adjournment At 9:57 P.M. Trustee Hlepas Nickell made a motion to adjourn the Village Board meeting, second by Trustee Sargon.

President Bass announced that the Village Board meeting is adjourned.

Respectfully submitted

Chuck Meyer Deputy Village Clerk

9 TO: President and the Board of Trustees

FROM: Anne Marie Gaura, Village Manager

SUBJECT: Warrant Approval

DATE: July 31, 2020

The following are the totals for the List of Bills being presented at the August 4th Village Board meeting.

08/04/2020 153,607.28 08/04/2020 59,047.99 08/04/2020 52,000.02 08/04/2020 1,000.00 08/04/2020 28,772.65 08/04/2020 581.25 08/04/2020 799,392.20

Total $ 1,094,401.39 Accounts Payable To Be Paid Proof List

User: jmazzeffi Printed: 07/24/2020 - 10:00AM Batch: 00100.08.2020

Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

City of Chicago Dept of Water CTYOFCHI 430883-430883 7/10/2020 79,968.37 0.00 08/04/2020 660-620-519-5790 Water purchases Water - 5/13/20-6/11/20

430883-430883 Total: 79,968.37

430884-430884 7/10/2020 70,006.09 0.00 08/04/2020 660-620-519-5790 Water purchases Water - 5/13/20-6/11/20

430884-430884 Total: 70,006.09

City of Chicago Dept of W 149,974.46

Commonwealth Edison COMED 2028043041 7/8/2020 2,363.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5785 Utilities - public way Master Account Street Lighting

2028043041 Total: 2,363.75

2873043051 7/10/2020 83.08 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5785 Utilities - public way 6471 N Lincoln

2873043051 Total: 83.08

300071087 7/7/2020 91.45 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5785 Utilities - public way 7157 Keeler

300071087 Total: 91.45

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 10:00 AM) Page 1 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

381169268 7/9/2020 115.24 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5785 Utilities - public way 7002 N Tripp

381169268 Total: 115.24

3998148023 7/6/2020 38.16 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5785 Utilities - public way 6401 Tower Court

3998148023 Total: 38.16

4357072009 7/6/2020 88.11 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5785 Utilities - public way 6401 McCormick

4357072009 Total: 88.11

4847019018 7/10/2020 86.64 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5785 Utilities - public way 6668 Lincoln

4847019018 Total: 86.64

57221-35010 7/8/2020 203.83 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5785 Utilities - public way Master Account Street Lighting

57221-35010 Total: 203.83

6395031022 7/7/2020 65.85 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5785 Utilities - public way 3900 Devon

6395031022 Total: 65.85

7143031080 7/6/2020 76.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5785 Utilities - public way 6401 N Knox

7143031080 Total: 76.75

Commonwealth Edison To 3,212.86

Lowe's Business Acc/GECF LOWES 02332 7/7/2020 48.40 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Screws and blades for Park

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 10:00 AM) Page 2 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

02332 Total: 48.40

02334 6/29/2020 60.23 0.00 08/04/2020 101-410-511-5730 Program supplies Stickers for vehicle maintenance

02334 Total: 60.23

02354 7/7/2020 128.93 0.00 08/04/2020 660-620-519-5730 Program supplies Paint for Pump House

02354 Total: 128.93

02410 7/8/2020 52.59 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Mop heads and spray bottles

02410 Total: 52.59

02627 7/1/2020 20.04 0.00 08/04/2020 101-420-511-5405 R&M - buildings Faucet adapters

02627 Total: 20.04

02770 7/2/2020 9.42 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Screws for basketball court

02770 Total: 9.42

8760580 7/14/2020 38.61 0.00 08/04/2020 101-350-512-5799 Other materials & supplies Station supplies

8760580 Total: 38.61

9415118 7/10/2020 61.74 0.00 08/04/2020 101-350-512-5799 Other materials & supplies Station supplies

9415118 Total: 61.74

Lowe's Business Acc/GEC 419.96

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 10:00 AM) Page 3 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Report Total: 153,607.28

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 10:00 AM) Page 4 Accounts Payable To Be Paid Proof List

User: jmazzeffi Printed: 07/24/2020 - 11:58AM Batch: 00101.08.2020

Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Bayram, Morres BAYRAM BLD20-00122 5/22/2020 500.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-210-2620 Contractor bonds payable Drive/Side deposit

BLD20-00122 Total: 500.00

Bayram, Morres Total: 500.00

Bicker Brothers BICKER BLD20-00092 3/30/2020 1,000.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-210-2620 Contractor bonds payable Community Drive Deposit

BLD20-00092 Total: 1,000.00

Bicker Brothers Total: 1,000.00

Broniarczyk, Donald BRONIARC BLD19-00618 10/24/2019 500.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-210-2620 Contractor bonds payable Refund/Street Deposit

BLD19-00618 Total: 500.00

Broniarczyk, Donald Total: 500.00

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 1 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Bryn Mawr Country Club BRYNMAWR 6600Craw 7/9/2020 375.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4217 License - liquor class C,D & E Liquor license refund due to COVID19

6600Craw Total: 375.00

Bryn Mawr Country Club T 375.00

Chicago Metropolitan Fire Prevention Co. CHGOMETR IN00335723 6/30/2020 925.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-350-512-5411 R&M- Wireless Alarm Equipm Monthly maintenance wireless alarm fee

IN00335723 Total: 925.00

Chicago Metropolitan Fire 925.00

CVS CVSPHARM 7092020 7/9/2020 375.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4216 License - liquor class B Liquor license refund due to COVID 19

7092020 Total: 375.00

CVS Total: 375.00

DTN, LLC DTNLLC 5772132 6/26/2020 751.20 0.00 08/04/2020 101-400-511-5730 Program supplies Weather services 5772132 6/26/2020 312.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-250-511-5330 Data processing Weather services

5772132 Total: 1,063.20

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 2 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

DTN, LLC Total: 1,063.20

Emcor Services Team Mechanical Inc EMCOR 930019985 7/7/2020 968.19 0.00 08/04/2020 101-420-511-5405 R&M - buildings Monthly Agreement July 2020

930019985 Total: 968.19

Emcor Services Team Mec 968.19

Fedex FEDEX 7-053-82833 7/1/2020 8.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5720 Postage Shipping/Admin

7-053-82833 Total: 8.75

Fedex Total: 8.75

Food for Thought FOODFORT 6182020 6/18/2020 375.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5700 Office supplies Liquor license refund due to COVID19

6182020 Total: 375.00

Food for Thought Total: 375.00

FSCI Corporate Office FSCI 2020-992 7/10/2020 715.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-240-517-5399 Other professional services Plan review for Fire alarm

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 3 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

2020-992 Total: 715.00

FSCI Corporate Office Tot 715.00

General Code, LLC GENERAL PG000022329 7/14/2020 583.60 0.00 08/04/2020 101-110-511-5550 Ordinance codification Supplement update to Village Code

PG000022329 Total: 583.60

General Code, LLC Total: 583.60

Gold Standard Entertainment GOLDSTAN 7175Linc 7/9/2020 375.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4216 License - liquor class B Liquor license refund due to COVID19

7175Linc Total: 375.00

Gold Standard Entertainme 375.00

Golf Mill Ford GOLFMILL 810365 6/23/2020 232.82 0.00 08/04/2020 101-350-512-5480 R&M - vehicles Repairs to ambulance

810365 Total: 232.82

Golf Mill Ford Total: 232.82

Graybar GRAYBAR 9315829882 5/7/2020 4,876.02 0.00 08/04/2020

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 4 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

101-440-513-5290 Street lights & traffic signal Street light heads with photo cell

9315829882 Total: 4,876.02

Graybar Total: 4,876.02

Great Beijing Mandarin Restaurant GREATBEI 6717Linc 7/9/2020 437.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5700 Office supplies Liquor license refund due to COVID19

6717Linc Total: 437.50

Great Beijing Mandarin Re 437.50

Hwang, Cindy HWANGCIN 071320 7/13/2020 160.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-000-210-2430 Parks and Recs Control Deposi Refund/Little Lincolns

071320 Total: 160.00

Hwang, Cindy Total: 160.00

Ly, Kim LYKIM 071320 7/13/2020 288.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-000-210-2430 Parks and Recs Control Deposi Refund/Tennis

071320 Total: 288.00

Ly, Kim Total: 288.00

Marc Printing MARCP

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 5 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

113063 7/6/2020 559.66 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5700 Office supplies Postage and mailing of Vehicle stickers renewals 113063 7/6/2020 77.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5720 Postage Postage and mailing of Vehicle stickers renewals

113063 Total: 636.66

Marc Printing Total: 636.66

Meade Electric Company Inc MEADELEC 693025 7/8/2020 12,557.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5290 Street lights & traffic signal Traffic signal repair at 4396 Devon

693025 Total: 12,557.00

693026 7/8/2020 9,267.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5290 Street lights & traffic signal Street light at 6666 Lincoln

693026 Total: 9,267.00

Meade Electric Company I 21,824.00

Nicor Gas NICOR 1436840000 7/9/2020 124.74 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5780 Utilities - government buildin Community Center

1436840000 Total: 124.74

3017240000 7/10/2020 131.83 0.00 08/04/2020 101-420-511-5780 Utilities - government buildin Public Services

3017240000 Total: 131.83

5202340000 7/10/2020 129.34 0.00 08/04/2020 101-420-511-5780 Utilities - government buildin Village Hall

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 6 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

5202340000 Total: 129.34

6202340000 7/10/2020 289.22 0.00 08/04/2020 101-420-511-5780 Utilities - government buildin Public Safety

6202340000 Total: 289.22

Nicor Gas Total: 675.13

Northwest Property Management DAVIDSQU BLD20-00183 7/1/2020 500.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-210-2620 Contractor bonds payable Street Deposit

BLD20-00183 Total: 500.00

Northwest Property Manag 500.00

Pavljasevic, Tina PAVLJASE 071320 7/13/2020 148.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-000-210-2430 Parks and Recs Control Deposi Refund/Class

071320 Total: 148.00

Pavljasevic, Tina Total: 148.00

Peter, Janet PETERJAN 07162020 7/16/2020 262.50 0.00 08/04/2020 205-000-210-2430 Parks and Recs Control Deposi Refund/Community Center rental

07162020 Total: 262.50

Peter, Janet Total: 262.50

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 7 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Roa, Rolando ROAROLAN 071620 7/16/2020 735.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-000-210-2430 Parks and Recs Control Deposi Refund/Community Center

071620 Total: 735.00

Roa, Rolando Total: 735.00

Schneider, Hillary SCHNEHIL 7102020 7/10/2020 283.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-000-210-2420 Deferred Parks & Rec revenue Non resident pool pass refund

7102020 Total: 283.00

Schneider, Hillary Total: 283.00

Spirit Hub SPIRITHU 6428Ridg 7/9/2020 375.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4216 License - liquor class B Liquor license refund due to COVID19

6428Ridg Total: 375.00

Spirit Hub Total: 375.00

Tank Industries Consultants TANKIND 3814 4/28/2020 12,950.00 0.00 08/04/2020 660-620-519-5490 R&M - water system equipmen Clean underground concrete water reservoir

3814 Total: 12,950.00

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 8 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Tank Industries Consultant 12,950.00

The Carrington at Lincolnwood THECARR 3501North 7/9/2020 437.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4215 License - liquor class A Liquor license refund due to COVID19

3501North Total: 437.50

The Carrington at Lincolnw 437.50

Tri State Disposal, Inc. TRISTDIS 957345 7/10/2020 40.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5480 R&M - vehicles Tire disposal 957345 7/10/2020 40.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5480 R&M - vehicles Tire disposal 957345 7/10/2020 40.00 0.00 08/04/2020 660-620-519-5480 R&M - vehicles Tire disposal

957345 Total: 120.00

Tri State Disposal, Inc. Tot 120.00

Trizetto Provider Solutions TRIZETTO 7108072000 7/1/2020 103.12 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4315 Ambulance & EMS fees Claims transaction fee for ambulance billing

7108072000 Total: 103.12

Trizetto Provider Solutions 103.12

Village of Glenview VILLAGEG

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 9 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

9179 7/8/2020 6,240.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-200-511-5399 Other professional services Health Inspections - January thru June 2020

9179 Total: 6,240.00

Village of Glenview Total: 6,240.00

Report Total: 59,047.99

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 10 Accounts Payable To Be Paid Proof List

User: jmazzeffi Printed: 07/24/2020 - 11:56AM Batch: 00102.08.2020

Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

American Express AMEREXP 06302020 6/30/2020 45.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5725 Bank & Credit Card Fees Membership

06302020 Total: 45.00

31216061020 6/10/2020 136.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5731 Covid 19 Expenses Shields 31216061020 6/10/2020 429.30 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5731 Covid 19 Expenses Partitions for PW Coordinator Desk

31216061020 Total: 565.30

31216061820 6/18/2020 22.49 0.00 08/04/2020 101-400-511-5590 Training Conference 31216061820 6/18/2020 -48.09 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5731 Covid 19 Expenses Tax refund 31216061820 6/18/2020 -29.22 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5731 Covid 19 Expenses Tax refund

31216061820 Total: -54.82

31216062420 6/24/2020 20.65 0.00 08/04/2020 101-400-511-5730 Program supplies Grant Application mailing 31216062420 6/24/2020 83.78 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5731 Covid 19 Expenses Plexi glass

31216062420 Total: 104.43

31216062620 6/26/2020 817.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5731 Covid 19 Expenses Reusable masks

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:56 AM) Page 1 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

31216062620 Total: 817.50

31216063020 6/30/2020 40.66 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5731 Covid 19 Expenses Panels Foot 31216063020 6/30/2020 100.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5590 Training Illinois Arborist Assn Course 31216063020 6/30/2020 100.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5590 Training Illinois Arborist Assn Course

31216063020 Total: 240.66

31240052920 5/29/2020 1,380.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5731 Covid 19 Expenses Disinfectant fogger

31240052920 Total: 1,380.50

31265061020 6/10/2020 45.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-530-515-5730 Program supplies Walmart-Fundamental Care supplies

31265061020 Total: 45.00

31265061120 6/11/2020 69.99 0.00 08/04/2020 205-530-515-5730 Program supplies Walmart-Fundamental Care supplies

31265061120 Total: 69.99

31265061720 6/17/2020 -1,005.17 0.00 08/04/2020 205-570-515-5270 Purchased program services Credit Ticketmaster/Senior Theater tickets

31265061720 Total: -1,005.17

31265070120 7/1/2020 10.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-530-515-5730 Program supplies Google/Day Camp 31265070120 7/1/2020 15.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-500-515-5725 Credit card charges Plug n Play monthly billing

31265070120 Total: 25.00

31273061520 6/15/2020 100.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-100-511-5799 Other materials & supplies Donation to Jewish Day School

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:56 AM) Page 2 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

31273061520 Total: 100.00

31273061820 6/18/2020 282.20 0.00 08/04/2020 101-350-512-5730 Program supplies Cable for Fire Dept

31273061820 Total: 282.20

31273062320 6/23/2020 252.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-250-511-5580 Telephone Back up internet connection 31273062320 6/23/2020 252.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-250-511-5580 Telephone Back up internet connection 31273062320 6/23/2020 22.30 0.00 08/04/2020 101-250-511-5700 Office supplies Adobe Software for Community Devolopment

31273062320 Total: 526.30

31273063020 6/30/2020 896.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-200-511-5700 Office supplies ICMA Membership 31273063020 6/30/2020 200.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-200-511-5700 Office supplies ICMA Membership

31273063020 Total: 1,096.00

31273071020 7/10/2020 634.49 0.00 08/04/2020 101-200-511-5700 Office supplies Village Branded masks

31273071020 Total: 634.49

American Express Total: 4,872.38

Bank of America, Business Card BANKOFAM 1957060720 6/7/2020 -40.24 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Finance fee reversed 1957060720 6/7/2020 -1.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Finance fee reversed 1957060720 6/7/2020 -19.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Finance fee reversed

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:56 AM) Page 3 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

1957060720 Total: -60.24

1957061520 6/15/2020 33.98 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Michaels/Park in a bag 1957061520 6/15/2020 23.96 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Michaels/Park in a bag

1957061520 Total: 57.94

1957061620 6/16/2020 20.38 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Michaels/Park in a bag 1957061620 6/16/2020 24.55 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Michaels/Park in a bag 1957061620 6/16/2020 4.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Dollar Tree 1957061620 6/16/2020 11.14 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Hobby Lobby - Crafty Kids supplies

1957061620 Total: 60.07

1957062320 6/23/2020 248.51 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Hobby Lobby - Crafty Kids supplies

1957062320 Total: 248.51

1957062920 6/29/2020 36.02 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Pillow Case/Park in the Bag

1957062920 Total: 36.02

1957070120 7/1/2020 2.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Dollar Tree/Park in a bag 1957070120 7/1/2020 17.33 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Home Depot - Park in a Bag 1957070120 7/1/2020 10.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-560-515-5640 Computer supplies Google/Pool account

1957070120 Total: 29.33

2479061120 6/11/2020 147.85 0.00 08/04/2020 660-610-519-5580 Telephone Cabel service/PW

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:56 AM) Page 4 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

2479061120 6/11/2020 1.99 0.00 08/04/2020 101-250-511-5340 Maintenance Agreement Expen Domain name

2479061120 Total: 149.84

2479062220 6/22/2020 115.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-200-511-5570 Professional associations Membership/ILCMA

2479062220 Total: 115.00

2479063020 6/30/2020 199.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-200-511-5570 Professional associations Membership/ILCMA

2479063020 Total: 199.00

2479070120 7/1/2020 42.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-250-511-5340 Maintenance Agreement Expen Constant Contact 2479070120 7/1/2020 0.16 0.00 08/04/2020 101-250-511-5340 Maintenance Agreement Expen Amazon/Web service

2479070120 Total: 42.91

2479070620 7/6/2020 65.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-200-511-5570 Professional associations ILCMA Membership 2479070620 7/6/2020 147.85 0.00 08/04/2020 660-610-519-5580 Telephone Cable Service/PW 2479070620 7/6/2020 -3.93 0.00 08/04/2020 101-250-511-5340 Maintenance Agreement Expen Reverse finance fee 2479070620 7/6/2020 -29.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-250-511-5340 Maintenance Agreement Expen Reverse finance fee

2479070620 Total: 179.92

6002062420 6/24/2020 92.38 0.00 08/04/2020 205-530-515-5730 Program supplies Lowe's - Fundamental Care 6002062420 6/24/2020 12.87 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Target - Crafty Kids 6002062420 6/24/2020 20.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-530-515-5730 Program supplies Dollar Tree - Fundamental Care 6002062420 6/24/2020 12.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Dollar Tree - Fundamental Care

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:56 AM) Page 5 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

6002062420 Total: 137.25

6002062620 6/26/2020 29.96 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5731 Covid 19 Expenses Walgreens/PPE for Office

6002062620 Total: 29.96

6002063020 6/30/2020 20.79 0.00 08/04/2020 205-530-515-5730 Program supplies Hobby Lobby - Fundamentals 6002063020 6/30/2020 49.91 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Hobby Lobby - Youth Programming

6002063020 Total: 70.70

6002070120 7/1/2020 95.99 0.00 08/04/2020 205-502-515-5730 Program supplies Jiffy Shirts - Crafty Kids

6002070120 Total: 95.99

6002070520 7/5/2020 31.92 0.00 08/04/2020 205-530-515-5730 Program supplies Target - Fundamentals 6002070520 7/5/2020 70.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-530-515-5730 Program supplies Dollar Tree - Fundamentals

6002070520 Total: 101.92

6002070620 7/6/2020 35.98 0.00 08/04/2020 205-530-515-5730 Program supplies Michaels - Park in a bag 6002070620 7/6/2020 24.83 0.00 08/04/2020 205-530-515-5730 Program supplies Big Lots/Fundamental Care 6002070620 7/6/2020 45.16 0.00 08/04/2020 205-530-515-5730 Program supplies Hobby Lobby - Fundamental Care

6002070620 Total: 105.97

6958070820 7/8/2020 104.39 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5070 Uniform allowance Workboots USA 6958070820 7/8/2020 30.99 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5730 Program supplies Al's Cycle Shop 6958070820 7/8/2020 149.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5590 Training Training/Webinar

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:56 AM) Page 6 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

6958070820 7/8/2020 250.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5590 Training Training/Webinar 6958070820 7/8/2020 60.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5570 Professional associations APSW Membership 6958070820 7/8/2020 898.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5730 Program supplies Rack Warehouse/Bicycle racks 6958070820 7/8/2020 245.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5610 Ammunition & range supplies Range supplies/Midwest gun works 6958070820 7/8/2020 -200.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5590 Training Training/Credit 6958070820 7/8/2020 -50.94 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5730 Program supplies Credit for late fees

6958070820 Total: 1,487.19

8334061920 6/19/2020 80.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5820 Local mileage, parking & tolls Ipass replenishment 8334061920 6/19/2020 2,069.97 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5399 Other professional services Security Metrics, Inc. 8334061920 6/19/2020 -32.34 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5700 Office supplies Late fee reversed

8334061920 Total: 2,117.63

Bank of America, Business 5,204.91

Elrod Firedman LLP ELROD 063020 6/30/2020 14,635.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5350 Legal - retainer General Counsel retainer

063020 Total: 14,635.00

920 7/10/2020 3,065.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5370 Legal - review COVID19 Specific Consultation

920 Total: 3,065.00

921 7/10/2020 475.50 0.00 08/04/2020

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:56 AM) Page 7 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

101-230-511-5360 Legal - litigation TPI Building Code Dispute

921 Total: 475.50

925 7/10/2020 1,894.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5360 Legal - litigation Knox Short Term Rental Dispute

925 Total: 1,894.50

926 7/10/2020 8,371.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5370 Legal - review Purple Hotel Property, Tucker Development

926 Total: 8,371.00

927 7/10/2020 376.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5370 Legal - review 3720 W Touhy

927 Total: 376.00

928 7/10/2020 1,077.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5370 Legal - review Cicero Monument Sign

928 Total: 1,077.00

929 7/10/2020 845.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5370 Legal - review Comcast Cable Negotiations

929 Total: 845.00

931 7/10/2020 106.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5370 Legal - review Verizon Small Wireless Facilities

931 Total: 106.50

935 7/10/2020 590.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5370 Legal - review Evanston Water Agreement Negotiations

935 Total: 590.00

937 7/10/2020 461.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5370 Legal - review NW Central Dispatch System vs Cook County

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:56 AM) Page 8 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

937 Total: 461.50

938 7/10/2020 2,301.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5360 Legal - litigation FOIA Challenge

938 Total: 2,301.00

995 7/10/2020 71.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5370 Legal - review 4320 W Touhy

995 Total: 71.00

Elrod Firedman LLP Total: 34,269.00

Fire Service Inc. FIRESERV 33146 7/6/2020 1,757.70 0.00 08/04/2020 101-350-512-5430 R&M - Fire & EMS equipmen Fire engine clearance lights and monitor controls

33146 Total: 1,757.70

Fire Service Inc. Total: 1,757.70

Nicor Gas NICOR 21-46-84-00003 7/14/2020 255.86 0.00 08/04/2020 205-560-515-5780 Utilities - government buildin Pool

21-46-84-00003 Total: 255.86

31-46-84-00002 7/13/2020 701.11 0.00 08/04/2020 205-560-515-5780 Utilities - government buildin Parks & Rec

31-46-84-00002 Total: 701.11

70-61-47-04487 7/13/2020 83.68 0.00 08/04/2020 205-560-515-5780 Utilities - government buildin 7055 Kostner

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:56 AM) Page 9 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

70-61-47-04487 Total: 83.68

Nicor Gas Total: 1,040.65

RCN Telecom Services of Illinois, LLC RCNTEL 12506 7/1/2020 1,131.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-250-511-5580 Telephone Access point at Skokie

12506 Total: 1,131.00

RCN Telecom Services of I 1,131.00

United Healthcare Medicare Solutions UNITHEA 072220 7/22/2020 507.57 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4315 Ambulance & EMS fees Reimbursement for ambulance billing

072220 Total: 507.57

United Healthcare Medicar 507.57

Verizon Wireless VERIZON 9857128254 6/21/2020 161.32 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-210-2650 Contractor Permits Payable Phone charges 9857128254 6/21/2020 1,818.64 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-210-2650 Contractor Permits Payable Phone charges 9857128254 6/21/2020 836.71 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-210-2650 Contractor Permits Payable Phone charges 9857128254 6/21/2020 33.44 0.00 08/04/2020 205-508-515-5580 Telephone Phone charges 9857128254 6/21/2020 28.34 0.00 08/04/2020 205-520-515-5580 Telephone Phone charges 9857128254 6/21/2020 8.50 0.00 08/04/2020

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:56 AM) Page 10 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

205-530-515-5580 Telephone Phone charges 9857128254 6/21/2020 23.91 0.00 08/04/2020 205-550-515-5270 Purchased program services Phone charges 9857128254 6/21/2020 31.74 0.00 08/04/2020 205-560-515-5580 Telephone Phone charges 9857128254 6/21/2020 274.21 0.00 08/04/2020 660-610-519-5580 Telephone Phone charges

9857128254 Total: 3,216.81

Verizon Wireless Total: 3,216.81

Report Total: 52,000.02

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:56 AM) Page 11 Accounts Payable To Be Paid Proof List

User: jmazzeffi Printed: 07/24/2020 - 11:58AM Batch: 00104.08.2020

Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Bragagnolo, Bruno BRAGAGNO BLR20-00331 7/21/2020 25.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4231 License - food establishment Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00331 Total: 25.00

Bragagnolo, Bruno Total: 25.00

Cassidy Tire CASSIDYT BLR20-00100 7/21/2020 25.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4244 License - retail Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00100 Total: 25.00

Cassidy Tire Total: 25.00

Champs #14428 CHAMPS BLR20-00177 7/21/2020 31.25 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4244 License - retail Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00177 Total: 31.25

Champs #14428 Total: 31.25

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 1 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Chipotle Mexican CHIPOTLE BLR20-00284 7/21/2020 37.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4231 License - food establishment Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00284 Total: 37.50

Chipotle Mexican Total: 37.50

El Pueblito #3 ELPUEBLI BLR20-00269 7/21/2020 37.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4231 License - food establishment Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00269 Total: 37.50

El Pueblito #3 Total: 37.50

Elite Moving and Storage ELITEMOV BLR20-00182 7/21/2020 43.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4238 License Fee-Wholesale Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00182 Total: 43.75

Elite Moving and Storage T 43.75

Food for Thought FOODFORT BLR20-00266 7/21/2020 87.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4231 License - food establishment Business license rebate due to COVID19 BLR20-00266 7/21/2020 12.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4248 License - vending machine Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00266 Total: 100.00

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 2 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Food for Thought Total: 100.00

Foot Locker #8253 FOOTLOCK BLR20-00178 7/21/2020 25.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4244 License - retail Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00178 Total: 25.00

BLR20-00179 7/21/2020 18.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4244 License - retail Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00179 Total: 18.75

Foot Locker #8253 Total: 43.75

Four Star Marketing FOURSTAR BLR20-00113 7/21/2020 31.25 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4238 License Fee-Wholesale Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00113 Total: 31.25

Four Star Marketing Total: 31.25

GBSW GBSW BLR20-00268 7/21/2020 25.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4231 License - food establishment Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00268 Total: 25.00

GBSW Total: 25.00

L' Woods Restaurant

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 3 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

LWOOD BLR20-00234 7/21/2020 87.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4231 License - food establishment Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00234 Total: 87.50

L' Woods Restaurant Total: 87.50

Louis Glunz Beer LOUIGLUN BLR20-00141 7/21/2020 43.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4238 License Fee-Wholesale Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00141 Total: 43.75

Louis Glunz Beer Total: 43.75

New York Bagel-Bialy NEWYORKB BLR20-00294 7/21/2020 50.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4231 License - food establishment Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00294 Total: 50.00

New York Bagel-Bialy Tota 50.00

Northlight Theatre Scene Shop NORTHLIG BLR20-00351 7/21/2020 31.25 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4238 License Fee-Wholesale Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00351 Total: 31.25

Northlight Theatre Scene S 31.25

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 4 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Northside Imports NORTHSID BLR20-00307 7/21/2020 50.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4238 License Fee-Wholesale Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00307 Total: 50.00

Northside Imports Total: 50.00

Oberweis OBERWEIS BLR20-00334 7/21/2020 50.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4231 License - food establishment Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00334 Total: 50.00

Oberweis Total: 50.00

Perfume Outlet PERFUME BLR20-00101 7/21/2020 12.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4244 License - retail Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00101 Total: 12.50

Perfume Outlet Total: 12.50

PS Orange Company-Public Storage PSORANGE BLR20-00250 7/21/2020 50.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4238 License Fee-Wholesale Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00250 Total: 50.00

PS Orange Company-Publi 50.00

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 5 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Stefani Prime STEFANIP BLR20-00335 7/21/2020 62.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4231 License - food establishment Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00335 Total: 62.50

Stefani Prime Total: 62.50

The Animal Store THEANIMA BLR20-00051 7/21/2020 18.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4244 License - retail Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00051 Total: 18.75

The Animal Store Total: 18.75

The Lincoln Cafe THELINCO BLR20-00320 7/21/2020 25.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4231 License - food establishment Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00320 Total: 25.00

The Lincoln Cafe Total: 25.00

The Professionals, Inc. THEPROFE BLR20-00204 7/21/2020 43.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4238 License Fee-Wholesale Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00204 Total: 43.75

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 6 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

The Professionals, Inc. Tot 43.75

U Joo Foods UJOOFOOD BLR20-00257 7/21/2020 31.25 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4238 License Fee-Wholesale Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00257 Total: 31.25

U Joo Foods Total: 31.25

USA Moving and Storage USAMOVAN BLR20-00205 7/21/2020 43.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4238 License Fee-Wholesale Business license rebate due to COVID19

BLR20-00205 Total: 43.75

USA Moving and Storage T 43.75

Report Total: 1,000.00

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 7 Accounts Payable To Be Paid Proof List

User: jmazzeffi Printed: 07/24/2020 - 11:58AM Batch: 00105.08.2020

Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Aetna AETNA 11262019 11/26/2020 491.44 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4315 Ambulance & EMS fees Reimbursement for overpayment on ambulance bill

11262019 Total: 491.44

Aetna Total: 491.44

American Traffic Solutions ATS INV00031401 6/30/2020 4,640.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5599 Other contractual Monthly Contractual fee/Collection of unpaid violations

INV00031401 Total: 4,640.00

American Traffic Solutions 4,640.00

Cassidy Tire CASSIDYT 908002775 7/10/2020 144.67 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5480 R&M - vehicles Tires for squad

908002775 Total: 144.67

908002929 7/17/2020 144.67 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5480 R&M - vehicles Tires for squad

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 1 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

908002929 Total: 144.67

Cassidy Tire Total: 289.34

Commonwealth Edison COMED 1011026306 7/15/2020 1,881.05 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5785 Utilities - public way Street Lighting

1011026306 Total: 1,881.05

5103171049 7/15/2020 6,696.65 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5785 Utilities - public way Master Account street lighting 5103171049 7/15/2020 429.67 0.00 08/04/2020 660-620-519-5785 Utilities - public way Master Account street lighting

5103171049 Total: 7,126.32

Commonwealth Edison To 9,007.37

Dash Medical Gloves DASHMEDG INV1204927 7/8/2020 77.90 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5730 Program supplies Evidence Tech/Processing

INV1204927 Total: 77.90

Dash Medical Gloves Total 77.90

De Klauss, Gilma DEKLAUSS 072020 7/20/2020 225.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-000-210-2430 Parks and Recs Control Deposi Refund/Fundamental Care

072020 Total: 225.00

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 2 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

De Klauss, Gilma Total: 225.00

De Lange Landen Financial Services DELANGE 68800798 7/18/2020 89.92 0.00 08/04/2020 205-571-515-5730 Program supplies Community Center Copier/September

68800798 Total: 89.92

De Lange Landen Financia 89.92

Haqi, Reinhardi HAQI 071320 7/13/2020 120.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-000-210-2430 Parks and Recs Control Deposi Refund/Class

071320 Total: 120.00

071720 7/17/2020 120.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-000-210-2430 Parks and Recs Control Deposi Refund/Tri Sports

071720 Total: 120.00

Haqi, Reinhardi Total: 240.00

Hoy, Joe HOYJOE 072020 7/20/2020 212.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-000-210-2420 Deferred Parks & Rec revenue Refund/Pool Pass

072020 Total: 212.00

Hoy, Joe Total: 212.00

IL Law Enforcement Alarm Sys

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 3 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

ILLLAWEN DUES9696 7/1/2020 120.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5570 Professional associations ILEAS Dues

DUES9696 Total: 120.00

IL Law Enforcement Alarm 120.00

Jake the Striper JAKETHES 17686 7/15/2020 1,500.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-561-6580 Equipment - vehicles Squad set up graphics

17686 Total: 1,500.00

Jake the Striper Total: 1,500.00

JG Uniforms Inc JGUNIFOR 72672 6/22/2020 190.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5070 Uniform allowance Uniform allowance

72672 Total: 190.00

72886 6/25/2020 805.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5730 Program supplies Uniform allowance

72886 Total: 805.00

73290 7/13/2020 203.21 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5070 Uniform allowance Uniform allowance

73290 Total: 203.21

73396 7/15/2020 805.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5730 Program supplies Uniform allowance

73396 Total: 805.00

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 4 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

JG Uniforms Inc Total: 2,003.21

Kapka, Autumn KAPKAAU REIM072020AKM 7/20/2020 75.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5840 Meals Reimburse/Meals

REIM072020AKM Total: 75.00

Kapka, Autumn Total: 75.00

Long, Jennifer LONGJENN 071720 7/17/2020 105.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-000-210-2430 Parks and Recs Control Deposi Refund/Class

071720 Total: 105.00

Long, Jennifer Total: 105.00

Lowe's Business Acc/GECF LOWES 2719 7/10/2020 9.88 0.00 08/04/2020 205-571-515-5535 Facility rental Electrical supplies

2719 Total: 9.88

Lowe's Business Acc/GEC 9.88

Lund Industries LUNDIND 97666 7/10/2020 7,003.05 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-561-6580 Equipment - vehicles Squad set up

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 5 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

97666 Total: 7,003.05

Lund Industries Total: 7,003.05

McKendry, Nicole MCKENDRY 071720 7/17/2020 87.50 0.00 08/04/2020 205-000-210-2430 Parks and Recs Control Deposi Refund/Class

071720 Total: 87.50

McKendry, Nicole Total: 87.50

Municipal Emergency Services MUNICEME IN1478305 7/20/2020 849.67 0.00 08/04/2020 101-350-512-5665 Firefighting supplies LED Lights

IN1478305 Total: 849.67

Municipal Emergency Serv 849.67

QSR Awards & Engravings, Inc. QSRAWARD 107921 7/20/2020 112.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5730 Program supplies Award plaque

107921 Total: 112.00

QSR Awards & Engravings 112.00

Saul, Angelica SAULANG 071620 7/16/2020 67.50 0.00 08/04/2020

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 6 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

205-000-210-2430 Parks and Recs Control Deposi Refund/Class

071620 Total: 67.50

Saul, Angelica Total: 67.50

Scheit, Barbara SCHEIT 7202020 7/20/2020 212.00 0.00 08/04/2020 205-000-210-2420 Deferred Parks & Rec revenue Non resident pool pass refund

7202020 Total: 212.00

Scheit, Barbara Total: 212.00

Secretary of State/Dept of Police SECDEPT SOS071320 7/13/2020 303.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5599 Other contractual License plate renewal

SOS071320 Total: 303.00

Secretary of State/Dept of P 303.00

Velan Solutions, LLC VELAN 241 7/15/2020 792.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5399 Other professional services Police Peer Support network system

241 Total: 792.00

Velan Solutions, LLC Tota 792.00

Western First Aid and Safety WESTERN

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 7 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

ORD6-001848 2/21/2020 259.87 0.00 08/04/2020 205-571-515-5730 Program supplies First aid supplies/Community Center

ORD6-001848 Total: 259.87

Western First Aid and Safe 259.87

Report Total: 28,772.65

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:58 AM) Page 8 Accounts Payable To Be Paid Proof List

User: jmazzeffi Printed: 07/24/2020 - 11:59AM Batch: 00106.08.2020

Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

1st Choice Senior Home Care, Inc. 1STCHOIC BLR20-00143 7/23/2020 12.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00143 Total: 12.50

1st Choice Senior Home C 12.50

Airoom Inc AIROOM BLR20-00144 7/23/2020 37.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00144 Total: 37.50

Airoom Inc Total: 37.50

Alden Insurance Agency ALDEN BLR20-00086 7/23/2020 12.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00086 Total: 12.50

Alden Insurance Agency To 12.50

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 1 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Alphameric Accounting ALPHAMER BLR20-00116 7/23/2020 12.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00116 Total: 12.50

Alphameric Accounting To 12.50

Bee-Zee Collision & Service Center BEEZEE BLR20-00077 7/23/2020 37.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00077 Total: 37.50

Bee-Zee Collision & Servi 37.50

Concerto Renal Services, Inc. CONCERTO BLR20-00138 7/23/2020 37.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00138 Total: 37.50

Concerto Renal Services, I 37.50

Dunkin Donuts DUNKIND BLR20-00354 7/23/2020 25.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4231 License - food establishment Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00354 Total: 25.00

Dunkin Donuts Total: 25.00

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 2 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Edler Warehousing EDLERWA BLR20-00332 7/23/2020 50.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4238 License Fee-Wholesale Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00332 Total: 50.00

Edler Warehousing Total: 50.00

Embassy Bankcard Services, Inc. EMBASSY BLR20-00096 7/23/2020 12.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00096 Total: 12.50

Embassy Bankcard Service 12.50

Fit Body, Better Life, Inc. FITBODY BLR20-00080 7/23/2020 12.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00080 Total: 12.50

Fit Body, Better Life, Inc. T 12.50

Food for Thought FOODFORT BLR20-00265 7/23/2020 37.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4238 License Fee-Wholesale Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00265 Total: 37.50

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 3 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Food for Thought Total: 37.50

Han Capital, LLC HANCAP BLR20-00115 7/23/2020 18.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00115 Total: 18.75

Han Capital, LLC Total: 18.75

Jerome I Wright & Assoc JEROME BLR20-00134 7/23/2020 18.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00134 Total: 18.75

Jerome I Wright & Assoc T 18.75

Joanne's Hair Design JOANNE BLR20-00133 7/23/2020 18.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00133 Total: 18.75

Joanne's Hair Design Total 18.75

Kalogerakos & Associates KALOGERA BLR20-00120 7/23/2020 18.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 4 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

BLR20-00120 Total: 18.75

Kalogerakos & Associates 18.75

Kei Cleaners KEICLEAN BLR20-00091 7/23/2020 12.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00091 Total: 12.50

Kei Cleaners Total: 12.50

L. A. Tan LATAN BLR20-00085 7/23/2020 31.25 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00085 Total: 31.25

L. A. Tan Total: 31.25

Lamb Financial LAMBFIN BLR20-00146 7/23/2020 12.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00146 Total: 12.50

Lamb Financial Total: 12.50

Lincolnwood Developers, Inc. LINDEVEL BLR20-00124 7/23/2020 12.50 0.00 08/04/2020

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 5 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00124 Total: 12.50

Lincolnwood Developers, I 12.50

Louis Glunz Beer LOUISGLU BLR20-00140 7/23/2020 50.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4238 License Fee-Wholesale Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00140 Total: 50.00

Louis Glunz Beer Total: 50.00

Managcare, Inc. MANAGCA BLR20-00079 7/23/2020 31.25 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00079 Total: 31.25

Managcare, Inc. Total: 31.25

Olympia Group, LLC OLYMPIA BLR20-00093 7/23/2020 25.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00093 Total: 25.00

Olympia Group, LLC Total 25.00

Prime Quest Management PRIMEQUE

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 6 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

BLR20-00137 7/23/2020 18.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00137 Total: 18.75

Prime Quest Management T 18.75

Razors Edge II RAZORS BLR20-00136 7/23/2020 12.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00136 Total: 12.50

Razors Edge II Total: 12.50

Skinflection Spa, Inc SKINFLEC BLR20-00092 7/23/2020 12.50 0.00 08/04/2020 101-000-410-4237 License - Service Establishmen Business license refund due to COVID19

BLR20-00092 Total: 12.50

Skinflection Spa, Inc Total 12.50

Report Total: 581.25

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 7 Accounts Payable To Be Paid Proof List

User: jmazzeffi Printed: 07/24/2020 - 11:59AM Batch: 00107.08.2020

Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Active Electrical Supply Co. Inc. & Fox Lighting ACTIVELE 10561939-00 7/17/2020 388.60 0.00 08/04/2020 101-420-511-5405 R&M - buildings LEV Ceiling for Village Buildings

10561939-00 Total: 388.60

Active Electrical Supply C 388.60

Alcantara, Pablo ALCANTRA 20-7092 7/15/2020 55.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-400-511-5210 Animal control Animal control services

20-7092 Total: 55.00

Alcantara, Pablo Total: 55.00

Anderson Pest Solutions ANDERP 5577617 4/1/2020 292.06 0.00 08/04/2020 101-420-511-5405 R&M - buildings Pest control services for Village buildings

5577617 Total: 292.06

Anderson Pest Solutions To 292.06

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 1 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Arrow Road Construction Co ARROWROA 2 7/21/2020 652,394.78 0.00 08/04/2020 212-000-561-6300 Street system const/imprvmnts 2020 Resurfacing 2 7/21/2020 -65,239.48 0.00 08/04/2020 212-000-561-6300 Street system const/imprvmnts Retainage

2 Total: 587,155.30

Arrow Road Construction C 587,155.30

Avalon Petroleum AVALON 22661 7/23/2020 2,522.74 0.00 08/04/2020 101-350-512-5670 Fuel Fuel usage 22661 7/23/2020 2,391.01 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5670 Fuel Fuel usage 22661 7/23/2020 584.07 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5670 Fuel Fuel usage 22661 7/23/2020 1,228.18 0.00 08/04/2020 660-620-519-5670 Fuel Fuel usage

22661 Total: 6,726.00

46397 7/23/2020 25.30 0.00 08/04/2020 101-240-517-5670 Fuel Fuel usage 46397 7/23/2020 2,146.49 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5670 Fuel Fuel usage 46397 7/23/2020 51.57 0.00 08/04/2020 101-350-512-5670 Fuel Fuel usage 46397 7/23/2020 10.94 0.00 08/04/2020 101-400-511-5670 Fuel Fuel usage 46397 7/23/2020 50.92 0.00 08/04/2020 101-410-511-5670 Fuel Fuel usage 46397 7/23/2020 38.16 0.00 08/04/2020 101-420-511-5670 Fuel Fuel usage 46397 7/23/2020 246.28 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5670 Fuel Fuel usage 46397 7/23/2020 244.46 0.00 08/04/2020

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 2 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

205-430-515-5670 Fuel Fuel usage 46397 7/23/2020 353.88 0.00 08/04/2020 660-620-519-5670 Fuel Fuel usage

46397 Total: 3,168.00

Avalon Petroleum Total: 9,894.00

Callas, Katina CALLASKA 072220 7/22/2020 306.50 0.00 08/04/2020 213-000-561-5490 R&M Road Repairs Irrigation program rebate

072220 Total: 306.50

Callas, Katina Total: 306.50

CDW Government CDWGOV ZL-J0544 7/17/2020 21.90 0.00 08/04/2020 101-250-511-5330 Data processing Liteon 8X Slim DVD

ZL-J0544 Total: 21.90

ZLP6116 7/19/2020 1,815.81 0.00 08/04/2020 101-250-511-5330 Data processing Eaton 9PXM

ZLP6116 Total: 1,815.81

CDW Government Total: 1,837.71

Christopher Burke Engineering CHRISTB 00002 7/2/2020 28,383.65 0.00 08/04/2020 212-000-561-6300 Street system const/imprvmnts 2020 Resurfacing Project Phase 2

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 3 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

00002 Total: 28,383.65

Christopher Burke Enginee 28,383.65

Delta Dental DELTA 1367693 8/1/2020 108.92 0.00 08/04/2020 102-000-210-2028 Dental insurance premium with Dental Cooperative

1367693 Total: 108.92

1369130 8/1/2020 976.53 0.00 08/04/2020 102-000-210-2027 Health insurance premium with Vision/August 20

1369130 Total: 976.53

1369146 8/1/2020 140.53 0.00 08/04/2020 102-000-210-2027 Health insurance premium with Vision/August 20

1369146 Total: 140.53

Delta Dental Total: 1,225.98

Emcor Services Team Mechanical Inc EMCOR 930019247 5/6/2020 968.19 0.00 08/04/2020 101-420-511-5405 R&M - buildings Monthly agreement May 2020

930019247 Total: 968.19

930020208 7/17/2020 3,173.35 0.00 08/04/2020 101-420-511-5405 R&M - buildings Repairs at A/C at Village Hall

930020208 Total: 3,173.35

Emcor Services Team Mec 4,141.54

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 4 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

FGM Architects FGM 14-1815.02-20 5/13/2020 1,746.60 0.00 08/04/2020 217-000-561-5340 Engineering Professional services for PW yard expansion

14-1815.02-20 Total: 1,746.60

FGM Architects Total: 1,746.60

First Advantage Occ Health Svcs FIRSTADV 06302020 7/23/2020 97.53 0.00 08/04/2020 101-200-511-5599 Other contractual Drug test 06302020 7/23/2020 10.69 0.00 08/04/2020 101-200-511-5599 Other contractual Drug test

06302020 Total: 108.22

First Advantage Occ Health 108.22

Golf Mill Ford GOLFMILL 484310P 7/10/2020 248.16 0.00 08/04/2020 101-300-512-5480 R&M - vehicles Rear shock absorbers for Squad

484310P Total: 248.16

Golf Mill Ford Total: 248.16

Graf Tree Care, Inc. GRAFTREE 13781 7/9/2020 2,193.75 0.00 08/04/2020 101-400-511-5039 Other contract labor Nuisance tree removal permits, inspection requests

13781 Total: 2,193.75

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 5 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

Graf Tree Care, Inc. Total: 2,193.75

Healy Asphalt Company, LLC HEALY 24124 7/14/2020 497.00 0.00 08/04/2020 213-000-561-5490 R&M Road Repairs UPM Cold patch for potholes

24124 Total: 497.00

Healy Asphalt Company, L 497.00

Hill, Carl HILLCARL 348310 5/21/2020 686.30 0.00 08/04/2020 461-000-561-6300 Facility Improvements Irrigation program rebate

348310 Total: 686.30

349732 5/24/2020 297.80 0.00 08/04/2020 461-000-561-6300 Facility Improvements Irrigation program rebate

349732 Total: 297.80

Hill, Carl Total: 984.10

Home Depot Credit Services HOMEDEPO 006626/22222821 3/6/2020 539.31 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Fiberglass, spreader,rubber base

006626/22222821 Total: 539.31

009372/9075600 1/9/2020 32.78 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Connectors

009372/9075600 Total: 32.78

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 6 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

01032//8075221 1/10/2020 291.60 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Bar Falt/Village Hall Bathrooms

01032//8075221 Total: 291.60

016514/3524583 12/16/2019 29.08 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Angle/screw for Kennel Park

016514/3524583 Total: 29.08

016586/2075491 1/16/2020 124.85 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Snow Fence Centennial Park

016586/2075491 Total: 124.85

019823/0074001 12/19/2019 32.94 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Burlap cover

019823/0074001 Total: 32.94

030301/8011552 1/30/2019 69.68 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Cabinet cleaner

030301/8011552 Total: 69.68

030794/9074600 12/30/2019 20.32 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Screws

030794/9074600 Total: 20.32

193785 12/19/2019 -26.94 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Credit

193785 Total: -26.94

3184235 12/16/2019 -520.84 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Credit

3184235 Total: -520.84

7193433 12/12/2019 -21.96 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Credit

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 7 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

7193433 Total: -21.96

7210309 11/20/2019 -457.98 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Credit

7210309 Total: -457.98

8212045 1/30/2020 -69.98 0.00 08/04/2020 205-430-515-5730 Program supplies Return

8212045 Total: -69.98

Home Depot Credit Servic 42.86 iSolved HCM ISOLVED 91474082 7/10/2020 79.52 0.00 08/04/2020 101-400-511-5440 R&M - office equipment Monthly maintenance of time clock 91474082 7/10/2020 39.76 0.00 08/04/2020 205-530-515-5730 Program supplies Monthly maintenance of time clock 91474082 7/10/2020 45.44 0.00 08/04/2020 205-560-515-5640 Computer supplies Monthly maintenance of time clock 91474082 7/10/2020 25.56 0.00 08/04/2020 205-560-515-5035 Wages - seasonal hourly Monthly maintenance of time clock

91474082 Total: 190.28

iSolved HCM Total: 190.28

McKenna Automotive MCKENNA 19779 7/13/2020 48.70 0.00 08/04/2020 101-410-511-5730 Program supplies Hose coolant, clamp hose for Shop

19779 Total: 48.70

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 8 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

McKenna Automotive Tota 48.70

Meade Electric Company Inc MEADELEC 693213 7/20/2020 51.31 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5290 Street lights & traffic signal Cable locate at 7125 N. Lincoln Ave

693213 Total: 51.31

Meade Electric Company I 51.31

Metropolitan Industries, Inc. METROIND 15334 3/24/2020 2,100.00 0.00 08/04/2020 660-620-519-5405 R&M - buildings Leak repair to Pump #5

15334 Total: 2,100.00

Metropolitan Industries, In 2,100.00

North Suburban Employee Benefit NSEBENEF June,2020 7/13/2020 113,367.95 0.00 08/04/2020 102-000-210-2027 Health insurance premium with PPO/North Suburban Benefit Cooperative

June,2020 Total: 113,367.95

North Suburban Employee 113,367.95

Ochoa, William OCHOAWIL 071420 7/14/2020 2,000.00 0.00 08/04/2020 460-000-561-6350 Sewer Fund Private flood control rebate program

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 9 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

071420 Total: 2,000.00

Ochoa, William Total: 2,000.00

O'Leary's Contractor Equip OLEARYS 345702 7/22/2020 1,975.00 0.00 08/04/2020 660-620-519-5730 Program supplies Replacement Arrow Board 345702 7/22/2020 1,975.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5768 Street materials - signs & bar Replacement Arrow Board

345702 Total: 3,950.00

O'Leary's Contractor Equip 3,950.00

Petersen, Greg PETERGRE 072220 7/22/2020 2,000.00 0.00 08/04/2020 460-000-561-6350 Sewer Fund Private drainage rebate program reimbursement

072220 Total: 2,000.00

Petersen, Greg Total: 2,000.00

Petroleum Technologies Equipment, Inc. PETROLEU 23628 7/9/2020 875.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-420-511-5405 R&M - buildings Annual inspection for fuel station

23628 Total: 875.00

Petroleum Technologies Eq 875.00

PPG Architectural Finishes

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 10 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

PPGAR 944402147563 7/9/2020 -269.94 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5730 Program supplies Return

944402147563 Total: -269.94

944402147564 7/9/2020 647.94 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5730 Program supplies White paint for streets

944402147564 Total: 647.94

944402147609 7/10/2020 533.41 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5730 Program supplies White and yellow paint for streets

944402147609 Total: 533.41

944404077497 7/9/2020 1,287.35 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-513-5730 Program supplies Paint thinner, glass beads for streets

944404077497 Total: 1,287.35

PPG Architectural Finishes 2,198.76

Robbins, Salomon & Patt, LTD RS&PLTD 249122 7/13/2020 1,470.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5399 Other professional services June Municipal Prosecution Traffice Violations

249122 Total: 1,470.00

249123 7/13/2020 341.25 0.00 08/04/2020 101-230-511-5399 Other professional services June Adjudicative Hearings

249123 Total: 341.25

Robbins, Salomon & Patt, 1,811.25

Schneider, Abby SCHNEIAB

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 11 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

174519 6/12/2020 1,149.32 0.00 08/04/2020 461-000-561-6300 Facility Improvements Irrigation program rebate

174519 Total: 1,149.32

Schneider, Abby Total: 1,149.32

Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County SOLIDWA 6518 8/1/2020 19,635.00 0.00 08/04/2020 101-440-514-5230 Garbage & recycling FY2020 O & M Costs - September

6518 Total: 19,635.00

Solid Waste Agency of Nor 19,635.00

The Faucet Shoppe THEFAUCE 72228 6/12/2020 2,126.99 0.00 08/04/2020 101-210-511-5731 Covid 19 Expenses Sendor faucet, plates for Village bathrooms

72228 Total: 2,126.99

The Faucet Shoppe Total: 2,126.99

Tyler Technologies TYLERTE 025-299262 6/25/2020 3,471.15 0.00 08/04/2020 101-250-511-6530 Equipment - data processing 15% License fee

025-299262 Total: 3,471.15

Tyler Technologies Total: 3,471.15

Ziebell Water Service Product

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 12 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date

Account Number Description

ZIEBELLW 250391-000 7/1/2020 2,710.00 0.00 08/04/2020 660-620-519-5730 Program supplies Valve, gasket for Water

250391-000 Total: 2,710.00

250475-000 7/9/2020 76.76 0.00 08/04/2020 660-620-519-5730 Program supplies Out of service hydrant markers

250475-000 Total: 76.76

250512-000 7/13/2020 2,128.70 0.00 08/04/2020 660-620-519-5730 Program supplies Stem, seat ring, cotter for fire hydrants

250512-000 Total: 2,128.70

Ziebell Water Service Prod 4,915.46

Report Total: 799,392.20

AP-To Be Paid Proof List (07/24/2020 - 11:59 AM) Page 13 Request For Board Action


ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Village Manager’s Office

SUBJECT: Approval of a Resolution Approving the Goals and Priorities for the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget

SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND OF SUBJECT MATTER: Every year the Village Board establishes the goals and priorities for the coming year. As part of the annual Budget, the Village reviews the achievement of those priorities and creates new goals within the overall priorities to further the mission of the Village. The main priorities for the Village are Safety, Development, Infrastructure, Service and Community. This was discussed at the Village Board Committee of the Whole meetings on July 7 and July 21 in which the Village Board reviewed the goals.

These goals will guide the Village’s actions during the current Fiscal Year.


VILLAGE ATTORNEY REVIEW: The Village Attorney has drafted the attached Resolution.

DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 1. Proposed Resolution 2. Goals and Priorities for FY 2021 Budget

RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve a Resolution approving the goals and priorities for FY 2021 Budget. VILLAGE OF LINCOLNWOOD

RESOLUTION NO. R2020-______


WHEREAS, at their Committee of the Whole meetings on July 7 and July 21, 2020, the Village President and Board of Trustees reviewed their proposed goals and priorities for the Village’s Fiscal Year 2021 budget; and

WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees now desire, and have determined that it will serve and be in the best interests of the Village, to establish their proposed goals and priorities for the Village’s Fiscal Year 2021 budget, as set forth in this Resolution;


SECTION 1. RECITALS. The facts and statements contained in the preamble to this Resolution are found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted as part of this Resolution.

SECTION 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF GOALS AND PRIORITIES. The President and Board of Trustees hereby establish the goals and priorities for the Village’s Fiscal Year 2021 budget, as set forth in Exhibit A to this Resolution, and agree to work towards the implementation of these goals and priorities.

SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution will be in full force and effect from and after its passage and in the manner provided by law.


{00116027.1} PASSED this ___ day of ______, 2020.

AYES: ______




APPROVED by me this _____ day of ______, 2020.

______Barry I. Bass, President Village of Lincolnwood, Cook County, Illinois

ATTESTED and FILED in my office this _____ day of ______, 2020

Beryl Herman, Village Clerk Village of Lincolnwood, Cook County, Illinois


{00116027.1} Goals and Priorities for FY 2021 Budget

Safety – Fiscal Year 2021 Goals

Goal: Update the Police Department’s firearms range ventilation system to comply with OSHA standards and allow for a transition to a tactical firearms range. This update and renovation will allow for adequate ventilation throughout the firearms range during training and give officers a model firearms training program that is considered best practices for law enforcement agencies. Planned ventilation replacement along with a transition to the firearms range renovation will be completed by FY2022.

Goal: Train all sworn personnel on the Meggitt Training Systems officer involved shooting scenarios. Meggitt Training Systems is the pioneer system of the firearms training simulator (FATS) that officers use to work through potential officer involved shooting situations. The system has the ability to judge officer decision making in various situations that officers may need to use deadly force.

Goal: Continue to evolve and train personnel in the rapid response to potential active threat situations through the use of force on force and Simunitions training. Training scenarios will focus on school settings and the workplace environment.

Goal: Conduct dedicated traffic enforcement on a weekly basis to various identifiable streets that have higher rates of accidents and/or moving traffic violations. These locations will then be shared ahead of time with residents via social media, the Village website and the Lincolnwood Connections Newsletter.

Goal: Comply with the requirements of records expungement related to the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act and automatically expunge records for minor cannabis offenses that meet the criteria as outlined in the Act. The first deadline for compliance is January 1, 2021.

Goal: All field patrol officers to receive training in Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (A.R.I.D.E.) to assist in the detection while driving under the influence of cannabinoids due to the initial projection that more DUI drivers will be on the roadways as a result of the new recreational cannabis law.

Goal: The Village will update and finalize a revised Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). The EOP will be used to develop and implement table top exercises for the Emergency Operations Center Team to ensure that the Village is prepared to respond to crisis situations. As part of this process, the Emergency Operations Center Team will continue to refine its response process following National Incident Management System certification completed in Fiscal Year 2020.

Goal: In response to the COVID-19 the Village will develop plans to address the health and safety of the public to ensure compliance with applicable guidelines from Federal and State authorities. As needed, the Village will purchase and seek reimbursement for equipment and supplies to ensure that the public and staff are protected and mitigate any possible issues where COVID-19 is spread. The Village will also work with residents and the business community to assess and address needs as applicable.

1 Development – Fiscal Year 2021 Goals

Goal: The Village will coordinate with the finalization of the issuance of approximately $35,000,000 in TIF notes for the District 1860 Development. The District 1860 Development is a project being spearheaded by Tucker Development to redevelop the former Purple Hotel Site located at the intersection of Touhy and Lincoln Avenues. The TIF notes will be issued by the Village and the debt service payments on the notes will be funded by the tax increment created by the new development.

Goal: Conduct a series of roundtable meetings, separately with local business and brokers, to discuss their thoughts and experiences working in the Village, any concerns that may be hindering business growth and commercial occupancy, and recommendations on how the Village can assist in marketing the community and supporting local businesses to help them be more successful. Businesses and Brokers in different sectors (ie. retail commercial, restaurants, office, warehouse/industrial, entertainment, etc.) will be invited. Cast a particular focus on the targeted business development areas (Northeast Industrial District and Devon-Lincoln TIF “triangle”).

Goal: Work with the Economic Development Commission to develop a marketing strategy and promotional materials for the targeted business development areas (Northeast Industrial District and Devon-Lincoln TIF “triangle”).

Goal: Prepare a comprehensive Landscaping Improvement Program with the goal of upgrading the landscaping and natural environment of commercial properties on arterial roadways throughout the Village. Work with the Beautification Commission to prepare an appropriate landscape species palette for a variety of improvements, from planters to parking lot and perimeter landscaping designs.

Infrastructure – Fiscal Year 2021 Goals

Goal: The Finance Department will assist with the issuance of approximately $2,700,000 of General Obligation (GO) Bonds for the second year of the road resurfacing program. The bonds will be issued after the start of the new fiscal year and the debt service will be funded by revenues from the Motor Fuel Tax fund.

Goal: In the fall of 2019, the Village entered into an agreement with Reliable Contracting and Equipment Company to construct a water transmission main to the City of Evanston for the purchase of potable water. Construction has been ongoing over the fall and winter with the majority of the underground work completed within the Village. The majority of the underground work will occur in the Village of Skokie over the spring. Due to the savings implications for purchasing water from Evanston versus Chicago, completion of this project on time by the completion in July 2020 will be a top priority for the Department. Staff will work closely with the Village Engineer and contractor to monitor the progress of the project.

Goal: The North Shore Storm Sewer Project also began construction in the fall of 2019 with completion slated for the summer of 2020. The Village’s contractor has installed the majority of the mainline sewer under North Shore Avenue from Drake Avenue to the North Shore Channel. Construction will continue over the winter into the spring and summer to complete the tributary sewers, berms and restrictors, and restoration work. This project was designated as one of the top

2 priorities in the Village’s Stormwater Master Plan and is being partially funded by the MWRD through a cost sharing agreement.

Goal: In the fall of 2019, the Village contracted with Baxter and Woodman Engineering to evaluate the condition of the Pump House in response to the precautionary boil order issued on June 13, 2019. Baxter and Woodman provided a report to the Village that included a list of high and low priority items to be addressed in future years. Staff will complete the high priority items outlined by Baxter and Woodman in FY 2020, which includes improvements to the automation systems and software upgrades.

Goal: The Village seeks to improve the overall quality of life for residents by increasing the Village’s stormwater protection during heavy rain events, and take the Village closer to meeting the stated goal of reaching a 10 year level of protection. The street storage pilot area was completed in 2020 with the construction of the North Shore Outfall Sewer and installation of the remaining underground sewer restrictors. The next step in the stormwater master plan calls for completing street storage, which will expand the construction of berms and underground restrictors throughout the remainder of the Village. Stages II and III are scheduled to be constructed in FY 2022 and FY 2023, respectively, at which point, the overall condition of the Village will be reevaluated to determine the stormwater project priority list.

Service – Fiscal Year 2021 Goals

Goal: Oversee the transition of the Village’s Microsoft Office 2010 products to Microsoft 365 including the migration of these products from Village servers to the Cloud. The upgrading of this program will allow for greater functionality for staff along with transitioning the Village’s systems to the cloud to allow for better remote access for staff.

Goal: Every two years the Village Manager’s Office completes a comprehensive review of the Personnel Policy Manual to better reflect current trends and legal requirements. At the start of May, 2020, staff will look conduct a comparable analysis of other communities and the policies implemented for their staff to identify any areas of improvement within the Personnel Policy Manual. In addition, legislation implemented within the past two years as it relates to public sector employment will be reviewed to ensure the Village is meeting state regulations. The updated personnel policy manual will be reviewed during the FY 2022 Budget process.

Goal: The Community Development Department will create a multi-media suite of materials to provide user-friendly information on Building Permit procedures and requirements. Include new/updated printouts, brochures and web-based documents. Once Accela permit software system has been rolled-out, conduct a seminar, which will be open to the public and recorded for local cable channel and the Village website on-demand video broadcast. This seminar, intended for Village residents, will demonstrate online permitting through the Accela software system and also answer general building permitting questions.

Goal: Assess Community Department workflows and protocols to identify and rectify gaps in interdepartmental communication and coordination. This assessment will evaluate plan review coordination, construction inspections and site management, and project close-out and approval of occupancy. This will highlight critical communications and systems required to track the status of construction projects between various departments.

3 Goal: Continue comprehensive analysis of two major sections of the Zoning Code: Fences and Signs. Complete a legal review and analysis of the Sign Code to insure it is in compliance with recent court case decisions and findings, and exhibits best practices from a legal standpoint. Complete a Village-wide “base-line” survey of existing fence compliance, and utilize the results to determine the necessity for further Fence Code updates.

Goal: The Parks and Recreation Department will protect, maintain, and ensure safe surfacing on aquatic center water slides and kiddie pool play feature by installing a new gel coat on the interior of the slides, painting the exterior of the slides, and painting the kiddie pool play feature.

Goal: The Parks and Recreation Department will conduct an assessment of after school program and club options for Lincolnwood middle school students in an effort to identify service gaps. Staff will strive to fill service gaps by providing a minimum of two new programs for middle school students during out-of-school time.

Goal: Conduct a survey of the current and former participants of the Park and Recreation Department’s early childhood programs in an effort to determine optimal days and times to offer programs for this demographic. At least one program per season will be to the Park and Recreation Department’s program portfolio based on this feedback.

Goal: Continue to review and update the Parks and Recreation Department sponsorship opportunities to ensure the sponsorship program is structured to attract and retain quality sponsors for department programs and events. Based on observations and experience of a full year cycle of sponsorships, staff will update the existing program and documents to best serve the needs of the Parks Department.

Goal: The police department records unit will transition and become more involved in handling Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests related to inquiries on police activities. This allows for a more practical approach and better oversight of the FOIA requests related specifically to police operations.

Goal: The Village is a member of the GIS Consortium, which is a collaboration of 35 communities that partnered to share GIS services. MGP, Inc., the service provider for the consortium will be releasing a new mapping software to replace the aging MapOffice additionally, they will be continuing to implement asset management software designed to help communities track assets and measure performance. Staff will implement both programs as well as train employees on how to properly utilize the programs.

Goal: The Finance Department will assist the Police Pension Board in the implementation of the new pension consolidation bill passed by the State of Illinois in December, 2019. The bill requires mandatory consolidation of Illinois’ downstate and suburban police officers’ and firefighters’ pension funds into two new investment funds. The law will create one investment fund for the police officers and one investment fund for the firefighters. The bill also requires all funds transfer assets no later than 30 months after the effective date of January 1, 2020. As part of this process, the Village will work with the Auditor, Lauterbach & Amen, to hold a meeting with the Village Board to explain the impact of this legislation on the Village of Lincolnwood.

Goal: The Parks and Recreation Department will conduct an ongoing evaluation of programs and events offered throughout the year to determine which programs shall be continued or 4 discontinued in each seasonal program guide. The main evaluation factors will include participation, cost recovery, and participant satisfaction. Community member ideas will be pursued through an idea/suggestion form on the Department’s website, which will be available at all times and will be publicized as the Department plans for upcoming program guides. New programs and events will be developed based on observed trends, feedback, and identified service gaps when financially and spatially feasible.

Goal: The Village Board will hold a discussion regarding priorities for Code Enforcement. The goal of this meeting will be for the Village Board to convey to staff their expectations related to how different types of violations should be processed by staff and how different violations of the Village Code will be prioritized and handled. As a result of this meeting staff will provide a rubric that will guide staff’s process for handling Code Enforcement and address in what instances staff will seek compliance and will seek tickets for Code violations. Following this update to the guidance, staff will provide regular updates to the Village Board on achievement of the priorities laid out by the Village Board.

Community – Fiscal Year 2021 Goals

Goal: The Village Board will hold informal roundtable discussions with residents in the community. The purpose of the discussions will to provide residents with the opportunity to discuss ongoing projects and items facing the Village of Lincolnwood. These discussions will assist with the development of goals and initiatives for the Village Board to consider during the FY 2022 Budget and the Strategic Planning process that is scheduled to continue in May, 2021.

5 Request For Board Action



SUBJECT: Approval of an Ordinance Authorizing the Village Manager to Execute a Contract with Houseal Lavigne for Market Analysis and Planning Services for the NEID Subarea, and Waiving the Requirement for Competitive Bidding

SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND OF SUBJECT MATTER: As part of the Village budget for fiscal year 2020/2021, the Village Board approved $25,000 to be spent for the preparation of a plan, by a Market Analysis/Planning firm or team, for the Northeast Industrial District (NEID) subarea (including the NEID Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District and adjacent environs). The planning subarea includes commercial and industrial properties in an area generally bound by on the north, Hamlin Avenue on the west, Pratt Avenue on the south, and McCormick Boulevard on the east. A key goal of the Plan is to focus on the long-term development of properties within the TIF, along with the impact of their development on adjacent properties throughout the planning area. The budgeted amount was approved as part of the NEID TIF budget. The selected team will work with Village staff, a Steering Committee including local officials and key stakeholders, and the Mayor and Board of Trustees to prepare the Plan.

Northeast Industrial District (NEID) Sub-Area

Red Outline = Proposed 201-acre Sub-Area Planning Boundary

Green Dashed Line = NEID TIF Boundary

Bidding and Award Process On June 17, 2020, staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the NEID Subarea plan. In order to advertise the RFP to potential vendors, staff identified twelve (12) reputable planning and market analysis consultants in the Chicago region and notified them of the opportunity to submit proposals. Staff also posted an advertisement to the Village’s website, and through the RFP portal of the Illinois Chapter of the American Planning Association (IL- APA) website, a site regularly monitored by firms qualified for the tasks and deliverables included the the RFP’s scope of work. This is the same process undertaken for the RFP for the North Gateway Subarea planning services project in 2018.

Interested bidders were requested to provide bids for three phases of plan development, with the understanding that the Village’s primary goal is an update of the 2010 Lincolnwood Business Park Retail Analysis & Feasibility Report, with secondary goals being the establishment of a vision for the future development of the subarea, and implementation of that vision. Importantly, all interested bidders are required to meet the Village’s timeline, which requires completion of this work by the end of the 2020 calendar year.

The services requested in order to create the plan include the following:

Phase 1: Market Assessment Update  Review and update of the 2010 Report (which included a market assessment and a summary of opportunity sites that could be the foundation for new investment in the subarea).  Collection and assessment of relevant data related to traffic, land use, multi-modal access, other factors impacting the viability of certain uses in the subarea, and updated economic development & market data previously included in the 2010 Report (including updated tables, charts, graphs)  Findings related to the viability of commercial, industrial, residential, creative industries, entertainment, or other land uses or industrial sectors based on information collected and assessed

Phase 2: Conceptual Development Plan  Creation of a conceptual development plan illustrating proposed modifications to infrastructure and local roadways, key redevelopment parcels or opportunity sites, areas of open space, and the distribution of land uses throughout the subarea  Visualization showing the overall development pattern, general development character, and key development principles that should be pursued in the subarea

Phase 3: Strategic Implementation Program  Recommendations for the marketing and attraction of certain creative land uses or industry sectors, depending on their market viability and other factors that are noted in Phases 1 and 2.  Strategies related to lot consolidation, infrastructure upgrades, transportation systems, etc. to support the transition of the planning area from traditional light industrial uses to other creative or diverse uses.

The Community Development Department received five (5) responses to the RFP, all of whom are based in the Chicagoland area, and identified Houseal Lavigne as the preferred consultant. As requested, Houseal Lavigne provided bids for each of the three phases of the plan. Staff identified the following criteria for conducting evaluations of the proposals:  Relevant experience;  Understanding of the assignment; and  Qualifications of key staff.

RFP Responses

Firm Name (includes Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3: Direct Total Cost (for all all Team members) Market Development Implementation Costs Three Phases) Update Plan Plan

Valerie Kretchmer & $17,640 $20,875 $12,650 $400 $51,565 Associates (Camiros Ltd.) HSP (SmithGroup) $25,000 $25,000 *Not Provided ---- $50,000* Teska Associates $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 ---- $75,000 (Bradford Allen) The Lakota Group $17,370 $2,595* (does not $5,000 ---- $24,965* (Market & Feasibility include required Development Advisors) Concept Plan in this bid) Houseal Lavigne $24,940* $26,000 $14,920 $700 $66,560 (includes prelim. Development Concept plan)

All respondents provided a bid for Phase 1, which includes the update of the 2010 Lincolnwood Business Park Retail Analysis & Feasibility Report. All bids additionally met the requirement that the work in Phase 1 shall not exceed $25,000 (based on the approved Village budget). Houseal Lavigne provides part of the Phase 2 work in Phase 1, by providing a preliminary concept plan, which provides added value if Phase 1 is the only phase of the project that the Village moves forward with. The Lakota Group does not provide all of the required deliverables in Phase 2. HSP did not provide a fee for Phase 3.

Proposed costs ranged between $51,565 and $75,000 for all three phases by those bidders that provided complete packages. Ultimately, staff identified Houseal Lavigne as the preferred consultant based on the following factors:  Houseal Lavigne provides all-in-one service. The other bidders proposals utilize teams of consultants working together. Houseal Lavigne can undertake all services in-house, removing any ambiguities and issues that may occur with firms that are not as well-integrated with each other.  Houseal Lavigne has experience and in-depth expertise in the Village, having completed the Comprehensive Plan Update in 2016.  Based upon staff’s experience with these firms, Houseal Lavigne is the most technologically-advanced in producing base data and plan visualizations.  Houseal Lavigne’s RFP response was found by staff to demonstrate the best understanding, of submitted responses, of the local challenges and opportunities that exist in the project area.  Houseal Lavigne scored at the top of the rankings of individual staff that reviewed and ranked proposals.

Staff Recommendation The RFP prepared by staff provided the opportunity for the Mayor and Board to consider options related to the scope of work for planning services in the NEID Subarea. Phase 1 of the bids would provide an update of the 2010 Lincolnwood Business Park Retail Analysis & Feasibility Report, as originally requested by the Board during the budget process this past spring. All bids received are at or below the $25,000 budgeted amount.

However, should the Board determine it is appropriate to move beyond a market analysis and feasibility report to the creation of a conceptual development plan (similar to that which was produced by The Lakota Group in 2018 for the former Purple Hotel site), followed by a plan geared toward the marketing and attraction of those uses found feasible during this planning process, there are bids provided for both those additional phases. Given the anticipated surplus when the NEID TIF closes at the end of the 2020 calendar year, there would be sufficient funds to perform all three phases of the work with the engagement of any of the submitted bidders. Please note that due to the closure of the NEID TIF at the end of the 2020 calendar year, the funds in the TIF are available only through December 31, 2020.

Staff recommends that the Village engage Houseal Lavigne, at a contracted amount of $66,560, to complete all three proposed phases of work, as that would provide an end product that would allow the Village to immediately consider and potentially implement recommended infrastructure changes, discuss the recommended uses with the pertinent property owners, and begin a marketing campaign, with no delay. If the Board is not comfortable with this proposed increase in costs, over budget, we would recommend that at a minimum, Houseal Lavigne be engaged to complete the work in both Phases 1 and 2, at a total cost of $51,640.

Waiver of Competitive Bid Requirement Provisions Section 8-8-4 of the Village Code states that “notice inviting bids shall be published at least once in a newspaper generally circulated within the Village at least five days prior to the date set for receiving such bids…” Such notice was not provided for this RFP. The Mayor and Board were previously informed of staff’s intended targeting of specific planning and market analysis consultants, as well as the posting of the RFP on the IL-APA portal, during the Managers Report at the June 16, 2020 Village Board meeting. Advertising in a local newspaper was not undertaken, due to 1) the specific nature of the specialized services being sought, and 2) staff’s knowledge of consulting firms who have a reasonable reputation for providing such services for the amount budgeted. Staff did undertake the following steps to ensure that all qualified firms would be made aware of the Request for Proposals:  Staff contacted the twelve (12) consulting firms who have the experience and qualifications necessary to complete the work, and provided them with a link to the Village website that hosted the RFP posting; and  Staff coordinated with the IL-APA to post information about the RFP, as well as a link to the Village’s RFP website, on their RFP portal. This is a free service that is regularly monitored by planning consultants throughout the state. Staff believes that, compared to purchasing a notice in the newspaper, this offered a greater likelihood of capturing the interest of all qualified planning consultants.

Section 8-8-3 of the Village Code states that “in all cases in which competitive bidding is required…, the procedure for the solicitation and processing of such bids and the awarding of such contracts shall take place in general conformity with the provisions contained within Sections 8-8-4 through 8-8-8 of this Code; provided, however, that any minor failure to follow the procedures outlined shall not invalidate the bid or prevent the award of the contract.” Staff and the Village Attorney are of the opinion that 1) the targeted emails and listing of the RFP on the IL-APA RFP portal qualifies as “general conformity” with the intent of the competitive bid procedures, and 2) given the effectiveness of reaching qualified planning consultants through the IL-APA website posting versus a newspaper notice, the failure to issue a newspaper notice should be considered “minor” for the purposes of Section 8-8-3 of the Village Code. Again, this was the same process followed approximately two years ago for bids related to the North Gateway Subarea plan. Based on this opinion, staff requests that the Village Board invoke Section 8-8- 13 of the Village Code, which states that “the corporate authorities may waive the competitive bidding requirements set forth in this Article 8 by a two-thirds-vote of the Village Trustees then holding office.”

FINANCIAL IMPACT: Approval of the proposed Ordinance and completion of the recommended scope of work by Houseal Lavigne would result in payment from the Village of $66,560. The approved NEID TIF budget for this project is $25,000 for this fiscal year.

VILLAGE ATTORNEY REVIEW The Village Attorney has reviewed the request and prepared the attached contract and Ordinance.

DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 1. Proposed Ordinance 2. Draft Contract for Planning Services with Houseal Lavigne 3. Preferred Consultant Scope of Work & Timeline 4. Preferred Consultant Qualifications & Project Budget 5. Market Analysis & Planning Services RFP for the NEID TIF Subarea 6. Powerpoint Presentation

RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve an Ordinance authorizing the Village Manager to award a bid and execute a contract with Houseal Lavigne in the amount of $66,560, and waiving the requirement for Competitive Bidding. VILLAGE OF LINCOLNWOOD

ORDINANCE NO. 2020-____



Published in pamphlet form by the authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lincolnwood, Cook County, Illinois this __ day of ______, 2020

Village Clerk


WHEREAS, the Village has identified the need to retain a professional urban planning consultant firm to provide a market analysis and planning services (collectively, the “Services”) for the area of the Village commonly known as the Northeast Industrial District, which is generally bounded by Touhy Avenue on the north, Hamlin Avenue on the west, Pratt Avenue on the south, and McCormick Boulevard on the east; and

WHEREAS, on June 17, 2020, the Village issued a request for proposals for the performance of the Services (“RFP”) directly to several professional urban planning consultant firms, on the Village’s website, and on the website of the Illinois Chapter of the American Planning Association, but did not publish the RFP in a newspaper as otherwise required pursuant to Section 8-8-4 of the Municipal Code of Lincolnwood, as amended (“Village Code”); and

WHEREAS, the Village received five responses to the RFP; and

WHEREAS, after review and consideration of the responses to the RFP, the Village has determined that the proposal submitted by Houseal Lavigne Associates, LLC, of Chicago, Illinois (“Houseal Lavigne”), for the performance of the Services in an amount not to exceed $66,560.00 (“Proposal”), is the most appropriate for the performance of the Services by Houseal Lavigne; and

WHEREAS, the Village now desires to enter into an agreement with Houseal Lavigne for the performance of the Services, in accordance with the Proposal (“Agreement”); and

WHEREAS, in order to enter into the Agreement, the President and Board of Trustees have determined that, pursuant to Section 8-8-13 of the Village Code, it is appropriate to waive competitive bidding for the Agreement and the performance of the Services by Houseal Lavigne; and

WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees have determined that it will serve and be in the best interests of the Village to enter into the Agreement with Houseal Lavigne for the performance of the Services;


SECTION 1. RECITALS. The facts and statements contained in the preamble to this Ordinance are found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted as part of this Ordinance.

SECTION 2. WAIVER OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING. The advertising and bidding requirements for the Agreement and the performance of the Services by Houseal Lavigne are

{00116025.1} hereby waived in accordance with Section 8-8-13 of the Village Code and the home rule powers of the Village.

SECTION 3. APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT. The Agreement by and between the Village and Houseal Lavigne is hereby approved in an amount not to exceed $66,560.00, in substantially the form attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit A.

SECTION 4. EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT. The Village Manager and the Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and attest, on behalf of the Village, the Agreement upon receipt by the Village Clerk of at least one original copy of the Agreement executed by Houseal Lavigne; provided, however, that if the executed copy of the Agreement is not received by the Village Clerk within 60 days after the effective date of this Ordinance, then this authority to execute and attest will, at the option of the President and Board of Trustees, be null and void.

SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Ordinance or part thereof is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance are to remain in full force and effect, and are to be interpreted, applied, and enforced so as to achieve, as near as may be, the purpose and intent of this Ordinance to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law.

SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance will be in full force and effect from and after its passage, by a vote of two-thirds of the Board of Trustees, and approval and publication in the manner provided by law.

PASSED this __ day of August, 2020.





APPROVED by me this __ day of August, 2020

Barry I. Bass, President Village of Lincolnwood, Cook County, Illinois

ATTESTED and FILED in my office this __ day of ______, 2020

Beryl Herman, Village Clerk Village of Lincolnwood, Cook County, Illinois

{00116025.1} EXHIBIT A



THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the ____ day of ______, 2020 (“Agreement”) and is by and between the VILLAGE OF LINCOLNWOOD, an Illinois home rule municipal corporation (“Village”), and the Consultant identified in Section 1A below.

IN CONSIDERATION OF the recitals and the mutual covenants and agreements set forth in the Agreement, and pursuant to the Village’s statutory and home rule powers, the parties agree as follows:


A. Engagement of Consultant. The Village hereby engages the Consultant identified below to provide all necessary professional consulting services and to perform the work in connection with the project identified below:

Houseal Lavigne Associates, LLC (“Consultant”) 188 W. Randolph Street, Suite 200 Chicago, Illinois 606010 Telephone: (312) 372-1008 ext. 101 Email: [email protected]

B. Project Description. Preparation of a plan for the Northeast Industrial District subarea of the Village, focusing on the long-term development of properties within the Northeast Industrial subarea Tax Increment Financing District, along with the impact of development on properties throughout the planning area (“Services”).

C. Services. Consultant has submitted to the Village a description of the Services to be provided by Consultant, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A to this Agreement (“Proposal”). Consultant represents that it is financially solvent, has the necessary financial resources, has sufficient experience and competence, and has the necessary capital, facilities, organization, and staff necessary to provide, perform, and complete the professional Services in accordance with this Agreement and in a manner consistent with the standards of professional practice by recognized consulting firms providing services of a similar nature.


A. Retention of Consultant. The Village retains Consultant to perform, and Consultant agrees to perform, the Services.

B. Services. Consultant agrees to provide the Services pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and as described more fully in the Proposal.

C. Commencement; Time of Performance. Consultant will commence the Services immediately upon receipt of written notice from the Village that this Agreement has been fully executed by the Parties (the “Commencement Date”). Consultant will diligently and continuously prosecute the Services until the completion of the Services, but in no event later than December 31, 2020 (“Time of Performance”).

{00116022.2} D. Reporting. Consultant will regularly report to the Village Manager, or his/her designee, regarding the progress of the Services during the term of this Agreement.


A. Agreement Amount. The total amount billed by Consultant for the Services under this Agreement may not exceed $66,560.00, as outlined in the Proposal, including reimbursable expenses as identified in the Proposal, without the prior express written authorization of the Village.

B. Invoices and Payment. Consultant will be paid as provided in the Proposal. Consultant will submit invoices to the Village in an approved format for those portions of the Services performed and completed by Consultant. The Village will pay to Consultant the amount billed within 30 days after its receipt and approval of such an invoice.

C. Records. Consultant will maintain records showing actual time devoted and costs incurred, and will permit the authorized representative of the Village to inspect and audit all data and records of Consultant for work done under the Agreement. The records will be made available to the Village at reasonable times during the Agreement period, and for five years after the termination of the Agreement.

D. Claim in Addition to Agreement Amount. If Consultant claims a right to additional compensation as a result of action taken by the Village, Consultant must provide written notice to the Village of such claim within seven days after occurrence of such action as provided by Section 8.D of this Agreement, and no claim for additional compensation will be valid unless made in accordance with this Section 3.D. Any changes in the Agreement Amount will be valid only upon written amendment pursuant to Section 8.A of this Agreement. Regardless of the decision of the Village relative to a claim submitted by Consultant, Consultant will proceed with all of the Services required to complete the Services under this Agreement as determined by the Village without interruption.

E. Taxes, Benefits, Royalties. The Agreement Amount includes all applicable federal, state, and local taxes of every kind and nature applicable to the Services as well as all taxes, contributions, and premiums for unemployment insurance, old age or retirement benefits, pensions, annuities, or similar benefits and all costs, royalties and fees arising from the use on, or the incorporation into, the Services, of patented or copyrighted equipment, materials, supplies, tools, appliances, devices, processes, or inventions. All claim or right to claim additional compensation by reason of the payment of any such tax, contribution, premium, costs, royalties, or fees is hereby waived and released by Consultant.

F. Completion and Acceptance of Services. The Services, or, if the Services are to be performed in separate phases, each phase of the Services, will be considered complete on the date of final written acceptance by the Village of the Services or each phase of the Services, as the case may be, which acceptance will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.


A. Key Project Personnel. The employees, officials, and personnel of Consultant described in the Proposal (“Key Project Personnel”) will be primarily responsible for carrying out the Services on behalf of Consultant. The Key Project Personnel will not be changed without the Village’s prior written approval.

{00116022.2} 2 B. Availability of Personnel. Consultant will provide all personnel necessary to complete the Services including, without limitation, any Key Project Personnel identified in this Agreement or in the Proposal. Consultant will notify the Village as soon as practicable prior to terminating the employment of, reassigning, or receiving notice of the resignation of, any Key Project Personnel. Consultant will have no claim for damages and will not bill the Village for additional time and materials charges as the result of any portion of the Services which must be duplicated or redone due to such termination or for any delay or extension of the Time of Performance as a result of any such termination, reassigning, or resignation.

C. Approval and Use of Subcontractors. Consultant will perform the Services with its own personnel and under the management, supervision, and control of its own organization unless otherwise approved by the Village in writing. All subcontractors and subcontracts used by Consultant will be acceptable to, and approved in advance by, the Village. The Village’s approval of any subcontractor or subcontract will not relieve Consultant of full responsibility and liability for the provision, performance, and completion of the Services as required by the Agreement. All Services performed under any subcontract will be subject to all of the provisions of this Agreement in the same manner as if performed by employees of Consultant. For purposes of this Agreement, the term “Consultant” will be deemed also to refer to all subcontractors of Consultant, and every subcontract will include a provision binding the subcontractor to all provisions of this Agreement.

D. Removal of Personnel and Subcontractors. If any personnel or subcontractor fails to perform the Services in a manner satisfactory to the Village, Consultant will immediately upon notice from the Village remove and replace such personnel or subcontractor. Consultant will have no claim for damages, for compensation in excess of the amount contained in this Agreement or for a delay or extension of the Time of Performance as a result of any such removal or replacement.


A. Confidential Information. In the performance of this Agreement, Consultant may have access to or receive certain information in the possession of the Village that is not generally known to members of the public (“Confidential Information”). Consultant acknowledges that Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, proprietary information, copyrighted material, employee data, financial information, information relating to health records, residential and commercial utility account data, and other information of a personal nature. Consultant will not use or disclose any Confidential Information or any finished or unfinished, documents, screens, reports, writings, procedural manuals, forms, source code, object code, work flow charts, methods, processes, data, data studies, drawings, maps, files, records, computer printouts, designs, equipment descriptions, or other materials prepared or generated as a result of this Agreement (collectively, “Work Product”) without the prior written consent of the Village. Consultant will use appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards to prevent the improper use or disclosure of any Confidential Information received from or on behalf of the Village. Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement, Consultant will promptly cease using and will return or destroy (and certify in writing destruction of) all Confidential Information furnished by the Village along with all copies of Confidential Information in its possession, including copies stored in any computer memory or storage medium. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that the Village may retain any or all Confidential Information as may be necessary to comply with the Illinois Local Records Act.

{00116022.2} 3 B. Dissemination of Information. Consultant will not disseminate any information obtained in performance of the Services to a third party without the prior written consent of the Village. Consultant will not issue publicity news releases or grant press interviews during or after the performance of the Services, except as may be required by law or with the prior written consent of the Village. If Consultant is required to disclose Confidential Information pursuant to governmental authority, law, decree, or regulation, or is presented with a request for documents by any administrative agency or with a subpoena or court order regarding any Confidential Information and/or Work Product which may be in its possession, it will immediately give notice to the Village with the understanding that the Village will have the opportunity to contest such process by any means available to it prior to submission of any documents to a court or other third party; provided, Consultant will cause its personnel, staff and subcontractors, if any, to undertake the same obligations regarding confidentiality and dissemination of information as agreed to by it under this Agreement.

C. Ownership. Consultant agrees that all Work Product, in any form, prepared, collected, or received by Consultant in connection with any or all of the Services to be performed under this Agreement will be and remain the exclusive property of the Village. At the Village’s request, or upon termination of this Agreement, Consultant will cause the Work Product to be promptly delivered to the Village. Consultant agrees that, to the extent permitted by law, any and all Work Product will exclusively be deemed “works for hire” within the meaning and purview of the United States Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 101 et seq subject to the terms of this Agreement. To the extent any Work Product does not qualify as a “work for hire,” Consultant irrevocably grants, assigns, and transfers to the Village all right, title, and interest in and to the Work Product in all media throughout the world in perpetuity and all intellectual property rights therein, free and clear of any liens, claims, or other encumbrances, to the fullest extent permitted by law. All intellectual property, Confidential Information, and Work Product will at all times be and remain the property of the Village. Consultant will execute all documents and perform all acts that the Village may request in order to assist the Village in perfecting or protecting its rights in and to the Work Product and all intellectual property rights relating to the Work Product. All of the foregoing items will be delivered to the Village upon demand at any time and in any event, will be promptly delivered to the Village upon expiration or termination of this Agreement within three business days after such demand. In addition, Consultant will return the Village’s data in the format requested by the Village. If any of the above items are lost or damaged while in Consultant’s possession, such items will be restored or replaced at Consultant’s expense.

D. GIS Data. The Village has developed digital map information through Geographic Information Systems Technology (“GIS Data”) concerning the real property located within the Village. If requested to do so by Consultant, the Village agrees to supply Consultant with a digital copy of the GIS Data, subject to the following conditions:

1. Limited Access to GIS Data. The GIS Data provided by the Village will be limited to the scope of the Work that Consultant is to provide for the Village;

2. Purpose of GIS Data. Consultant will limit its use of the GIS Data to its intended purpose of furtherance of the Work; and

3. Agreement with Respect to GIS Data.

a. Trade Secrets of the Village. The GIS Data constitutes proprietary materials and trade secrets of the Village and will remain the property of the Village;

{00116022.2} 4 b. Consent of Village Required. Consultant will not provide or make available the GIS Data in any form to anyone without the prior written consent of the Village Manager;

c. Supply to Village. At the request of the Village, Consultant will supply the Village with any and all information that may have been developed by the Consultant based on the GIS Data;

d. No Guarantee of Accuracy. The Village makes no guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the GIS Data in regard to Consultant’s intended use of the GIS Data; and

e. Discontinuation of Use. At such time as the Services have been completed to the satisfaction of the Village, Consultant will cease its use of the GIS Data for any purpose whatsoever; and, upon request, an authorized representative of the Village will be afforded sufficient access to Consultant’s premises and data processing equipment to verify that all use of the GIS Data has been discontinued.

E. Injunctive Relief. In the event of a breach or threatened breach of this Section 5, Consultant acknowledges and agrees that the Village would suffer irreparable injury not compensable by money damages and would not have an adequate remedy at law. Accordingly, Consultant agrees that the Village will be entitled to seek immediate injunctive relief to prevent or curtail any such breach, threatened or actual. The foregoing will be in addition and without prejudice to such rights that the Village may have in equity, by law or statute.

F. Freedom of Information Act. Consultant acknowledges that this Agreement and all documents submitted to the Village related to the Agreement are a matter of public record and are subject to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/1 et seq.) and any other comparable state or federal laws now existing or adopted later. The Village will make all reasonable and lawful efforts to assert applicable and valid exemptions from disclosure for information and records that Consultant designates as trade secrets or commercial or financial information furnished to the Village under a claim that such information or records are proprietary, privileged, or confidential.

G. Survival. The provisions of this Section 5 will survive the termination or expiration of the Agreement.


A. Warranty of Services. Consultant warrants that the Services will be performed in accordance with the highest standards of professional practice, care, and diligence practiced by recognized consulting firms in performing services of a similar nature in existence at the time of performance. The warranty expressed will be in addition to any other warranties expressed in this Agreement, or expressed or implied by law, which are hereby reserved unto the Village. Any of the Services required by law or by this Agreement to be performed by licensed professionals will be performed by professionals licensed by the State of Illinois to practice in the applicable professional discipline.

B. Company Background. The information disclosed by Consultant regarding its corporate structure and financial condition is true and correct. Consultant will promptly notify Village in writing of any material change in information set forth therein, including but not limited

{00116022.2} 5 to change in ownership or control, and any such change will be subject to Village approval which will not be unreasonably withheld.

C. Conflict of Interest. Consultant represents and certifies that, to the best of its knowledge: (1) no Village employee or agent is interested in the business of Consultant or this Agreement; (2) as of the date of this Agreement, neither the Consultant nor any person employed or associated with Consultant has any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this Agreement; and (3) neither the Consultant nor any person employed by or associated with Consultant will at any time during the term of this Agreement obtain or acquire any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this Agreement.

D. No Collusion. Consultant represents and certifies that Consultant is not barred from contracting with a unit of state or local government as a result of (i) a delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue unless Consultant is contesting, in accordance with the procedures established by the appropriate revenue act, its liability for the tax or the amount of the tax, as set forth in Section 11-42.1-1 et seq. of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/11-42.1-1 et seq.; or (ii) a violation of either Section 33E-3 or Section 33E-4 of Article 33E of the Criminal Code of 1961, 720 ILCS 5/33E-1 et seq. Consultant represents that the only persons, firms, or corporations interested in this Agreement as principals are those disclosed to the Village prior to the execution of this Agreement, and that this Agreement is made without collusion with any other person, firm, or corporation. If at any time it will be found that Consultant has, in procuring this Agreement, colluded with any other person, firm, or corporation, then Consultant will be liable to the Village for all loss or damage that the Village may suffer, and this Agreement will, at the Village’s option, be null and void.

E. Sexual Harassment Policy. Consultant certifies that it has a written sexual harassment policy in full compliance with Section 2-105(A)(4) of the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/2-105(A)(4).

F. No Default. Consultant is not in arrears to the Village under any debt or contract and is not a defaulter as surety, contractor, or otherwise to any person.

G. No Legal Actions Preventing Performance. As of the date of execution of this Agreement, Consultant has no knowledge of any action, suit, proceeding, claim or investigation pending or to its knowledge threatened against Consultant in any court, or by or before any federal, state, municipal, or governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency, or instrumentality, domestic or foreign, or before any arbitrator of any kind, that, if adversely determined, would materially affect Consultant’s ability to perform its obligation under this Agreement.

H. Patriot Act Compliance. Consultant represents and warrants to the Village that neither it nor any of its principals, shareholders, members, partners, or affiliates, as applicable, is a person or entity named as a Specially Designated National and Blocked Person (as defined in Presidential Executive Order 13224) and that it is not acting, directly or indirectly, for or on behalf of a Specially Designated National and Blocked Person. Consultant further represents and warrants to the Village that Consultant and its principals, shareholders, members, partners, or affiliates, as applicable, are not, directly or indirectly, engaged in, and are not facilitating, the transactions contemplated by this Master Agreement on behalf of any person or entity named as a Specially Designated National and Blocked Person. Consultant hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Village, its corporate authorities, and all Village elected or

{00116022.2} 6 appointed officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, engineers, and attorneys, from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, risks, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) arising from or related to any breach of the representations and warranties in this Section.

I. No Other Rights Limited. Nothing in the foregoing warranties will be construed to limit any other rights or remedies available to the Village under law or this Agreement.

J. Survival of Warranties. All warranties will survive inspection, acceptance payment, expiration and termination of this Agreement.


A. Indemnification. Consultant will, without regard to the availability or unavailability of any insurance, either of the Village or Consultant, indemnify, save harmless, and defend the Village, and its officials, employees, agents, and attorneys (collectively “Indemnified Parties”) against any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, damages, liabilities, losses, and expenses, including attorney fees and administrative expenses, whether arising in contract, statute, tort (including, without limitation, negligence) or otherwise (collectively, “Claims”) that are imposed upon or asserted against any Indemnified Party by any third party to the extent arising out of, or to the extent alleged to have arisen out of or in connection with, Consultant’s performance of, or failure to perform, the Services or any part of the Services, except to the extent caused by the willful, wanton and intentional misconduct of the Village. At the request of the Village Consultant will defend the Indemnified Parties with counsel chosen or approved by the Village.

B. Insurance. Contemporaneous with Consultant’s execution of this Agreement, Consultant will provide certificates of insurance, all with coverages and limits acceptable to the Village, and evidencing at least the minimum insurance coverages and limits as set forth in Exhibit B to this Agreement. For good cause shown, the Village Manager may extend the time for submission of the required policies of insurance upon such terms, and with such assurances of complete and prompt performance, as the Village Manager may impose in the exercise of the sole discretion of the Village Manager. Such certificates and policies will be in a form acceptable to the Village and from companies with a general rating of A minus, and a financial size category of Class X or better, in Best’s Insurance Guide. Such insurance policies will provide that no change, modification in, or cancellation of, any insurance will become effective until the expiration of 30 days after written notice of such change, modification in, or cancellation will have been given by the insurance company to the Village (10 days’ written notice in the event of cancelation due to Consultant’s non-payment of premium). Consultant will, at all times during the term of this Agreement, maintain and keep in force, at Consultant’s expense, the insurance coverages provided above, including, without limitation, at all times while correcting any failure to meet the warranty requirements of Section 6.A of this Agreement.

C. No Personal Liability. No elected or appointed official, or employee of the Village will be personally liable, in law or in contract, to Consultant as the result of the execution and performance of this Agreement.


A. Relationship of the Parties. Consultant will act as an independent contractor in providing and performing the Services. Nothing in, nor done pursuant to, this Agreement will be

{00116022.2} 7 construed: (i) to create the relationship of principal and agent, employer and employee, partners, or joint venturers between the Village and Consultant; or (ii) to create any relationship between the Village and any subcontractor of Consultant.

B. Authorization. Consultant has taken all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement, and the execution by the person signing on behalf of Consultant has been duly authorized by Consultant to act on its behalf with complete and full authority to commit Consultant to all terms and conditions of this Agreement which will constitute valid, binding obligations of Consultant.

C. Termination. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the Village may terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason, upon 15 days prior written notice to Consultant. In the event that this Agreement is so terminated, Consultant will be paid for Services actually performed and reimbursable expenses actually incurred, if any, prior to termination, not exceeding the value of the Services completed as determined as provided in Exhibit B.

D. Term. The term of this Agreement, unless terminated pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, will expire on the date the Village determines that all of the Services under this Agreement, including warranty services, are completed. A determination of completion will not constitute a waiver of any rights or claims that the Village has, before or after completion, with respect to any breach of this Agreement by the Consultant or any right of indemnification of the Village by Consultant.

E. Force Majeure. If the Village is delayed, hindered, or prevented from performing any act required under this Agreement, or from fully supervising or monitoring Consultant as Consultant performs its obligations under this Agreement, because of (1) strikes, (2) lockouts, (3) inability to procure labor or materials, (4) failure of power, (5) restrictive laws, (6) riots, (7) insurrection, (8) war, (9) fire, (10) inclement weather, (11) pandemic, epidemic, or other health risk, (12) a federal, state, or local emergency or disaster declaration or quarantine, (each, a “Force Majeure Event”), then, Village will be excused from performance: (1) only after delivery of notice to Consultant, which notice will identify the nature of the Force Majeure event and the anticipated duration of the delay due to the Force Majeure event; (2) only during the duration of the Force Majeure event; and (3) only so long as the Village continues to take reasonable steps to mitigate the effect of the Force Majeure Event and to substantially perform despite the occurrence of the Force Majeure Event.

F. Compliance with Laws and Grants.

1. Consultant will give all notices, pay all fees, and take all other action that may be necessary to ensure that the Services are provided, performed, and completed in accordance with all required governmental permits, licenses, or other approvals and authorizations that may be required in connection with providing, performing, and completing the Services, and with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations, including without limitation the Fair Labor Standards Act; any statutes regarding qualification to do business; any statutes prohibiting discrimination because of, or requiring affirmative action based on, race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, or other prohibited classification, including, without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq., and the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq. Consultant will also comply with all conditions of any federal, state, or local grant received by Village or Consultant with respect to this Agreement or the Services.

{00116022.2} 8 2. Consultant will be solely liable for any fines or civil penalties that are imposed by any governmental or quasi-governmental agency or body that may arise, or be alleged to have arisen, out of or in connection with Consultant’s, or its subcontractors’, performance of, or failure to perform, the Services or any part of the Services.

3. Every provision of law required by law to be inserted into this Agreement will be deemed to be inserted herein.

G. Default. If it should appear at any time that Consultant has failed or refused to prosecute, or has delayed in the prosecution of, the Services with diligence at a rate that assures completion of the Services in full compliance with the requirements of this Agreement, or has otherwise failed, refused, or delayed to perform or satisfy the Services or any other requirement of this Agreement (“Event of Default”), and fails to cure any the Event of Default within ten business days after Consultant’s receipt of written notice of the Event of Default from the Village, then the Village will have the right, without prejudice to any other remedies provided by law or equity, to pursue any one or more of the following remedies:

1. Cure by Consultant. The Village may require Consultant, within a reasonable time, to complete or correct all or any part of the Services that are the subject of the Event of Default; and to take any or all other action necessary to bring Consultant and the Services into compliance with this Agreement.

2. Termination of Agreement by Village. The Village may terminate this Agreement without liability for further payment of amounts due or to become due under this Agreement.

3. Withholding of Payment by Village. The Village may withhold from any payment, whether or not previously approved, or may recover from Consultant, any and all costs, including attorneys’ fees and administrative expenses, incurred by the Village as the result of any Event of Default by Consultant or as a result of actions taken by the Village in response to any Event of Default by Consultant.

H. No Additional Obligation. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Village is under no obligation under this Agreement or otherwise to negotiate or enter into any other or additional contracts or agreements with Consultant, or with any vendor solicited or recommended by Consultant.

I. Village Board Authority. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement, any negotiations or agreements with, or representations by Consultant to vendors will be subject to the approval of the Village Board of Trustees/City Council. The Village will not be liable to any vendor or other third party for any agreements made by Consultant, purportedly on behalf of the Village, without the knowledge and approval of the Village Trustees.

J. Mutual Cooperation. The Village agrees to cooperate with Consultant in the performance of the Services, including meeting with Consultant and providing Consultant with such non-confidential information that the Village may have that may be relevant and helpful to Consultant’s performance of the Services. Consultant agrees to cooperate with the Village in the performance of the Services to complete the Work and with any other consultants engaged by the Village.

{00116022.2} 9 K. News Releases. Consultant will not issue any news releases or other public statements regarding the Services without prior approval from the Village Manager.


A. Amendment. No amendment or modification to this Agreement will be effective unless and until such amendment or modification is in writing, properly approved in accordance with applicable procedures, and executed.

B. Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned by the Village or by Consultant without the prior written consent of the other party.

C. Binding Effect. The terms of this Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their agents, successors, and assigns.

D. Notice. Any notice or communication required or permitted to be given under this Agreement will be in writing and will be delivered (i) personally, (ii) by a reputable overnight courier, (iii) by certified mail, return receipt requested, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, and (iv) by electronic internet mail (“e-mail”). E-mail notices will be deemed valid and received by the addressee when delivered by e-mail and (a) opened by the recipient on a business day at the address set forth below, and (b) followed by delivery of actual notice in the manner described in either (i), (ii) or (iii) above within three business days thereafter at the appropriate address set forth below. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, notices will be deemed received upon the earlier of (a) actual receipt; (b) one business day after deposit with an overnight courier as evidenced by a receipt of deposit; or (c) three business days following deposit in the U.S. mail, as evidenced by a return receipt. By notice complying with the requirements of this Section, each party will have the right to change the address or the addressee, or both, for all future notices and communications to such party, but no notice of a change of addressee or address will be effective until actually received.

Notices and communications to the Village will be addressed to, and delivered at, the following address:

Village of Lincolnwood 6900 Lincoln Avenue Lincolnwood, Illinois 60712 Attention: Doug Hammel E-mail: [email protected]

With a copy to:

Elrod Friedman LLP 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 450 Chicago, Illinois 60650 Attention: Steven M. Elrod E-mail: [email protected]

Notices and communications to Consultant will be addressed to, and delivered at, the following address:

Houseal Lavigne Associates, LLC

{00116022.2} 10 188 W. Randolph Street, Suite 200 Chicago, Illinois 606010 Telephone: (312) 372-1008 ext. 101 Email: [email protected]

E. Third Party Beneficiary. No claim as a third-party beneficiary under this Agreement by any person, firm, or corporation other than Consultant will be made or be valid against the Village.

F. Provisions Severable. If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions will remain in full force and effect and will in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated.

G. Time. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement.

H. Governing Laws. This Agreement will be interpreted according to the internal laws, but not the conflict of laws rules, of the State of Illinois.

I. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any and all previous or contemporaneous oral or written agreements and negotiations between the Village and Consultant with respect to the Proposal and the Services.

J. Waiver. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement will be deemed to or constitute a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement (whether or not similar) nor will any such waiver be deemed to or constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement.

K. Exhibit. Exhibits A and B are attached to this Agreement, and by this reference incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between the Exhibit and the text of this Agreement, the text of this Agreement will control.

L. Rights Cumulative. Unless expressly provided to the contrary in this Agreement, each and every one of the rights, remedies, and benefits provided by this Agreement will be cumulative and will not be exclusive of any other such rights, remedies, and benefits allowed by law.

M. Counterpart Execution. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which, when executed, will be deemed to be an original, but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument.

N. Consents. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, whenever the consent, permission, authorization, approval, acknowledgement, or similar indication of assent of any party to this Agreement, or of any duly authorized officer, employee, agent, or representative of any party to this Agreement, is required in this Agreement, the consent, permission, authorization, approval, acknowledgement, or similar indication of assent will be in writing.

O. Interpretation. This Agreement will be construed without regard to the identity of the party who drafted the various provisions of this Agreement. Each and every provision of this Agreement will be construed as though all parties to this Agreement participated equally in

{00116022.2} 11 the drafting of this Agreement. Any rule or construction that a document is to be construed against the drafting party will not be applicable to this Agreement.


By: By: Village Clerk Village Manager


By: By:

Title: Its:

{00116022.2} 12 EXHIBIT A


{00116022.2} B-1 EXHIBIT B


A. Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability with limits not less than:

(1) Worker’s Compensation: Statutory;

(2) Employer’s Liability:

$500,000 injury-per occurrence

$500,000 disease-per employee

$500,000 disease-policy limit

Such insurance will evidence that coverage applies in the State of Illinois.

B. Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Liability with a combined single limit of liability for bodily injury and property damage of not less than $1,000,000 for vehicles owned, non-owned, or rented.

All employees will be included as insureds.

C. Comprehensive General Liability with coverage written on an “occurrence” basis and with limits no less than:

$2,000,000 Bodily Injury and Property Damage Combined Single Limit

Coverage is to be written on an “occurrence” basis.

Coverages will include:

- Broad Form Property Damage Endorsement

- Blanket Contractual Liability (must expressly cover the indemnity provisions of the Agreement)

D. Professional Liability Insurance. With a limit of liability of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate and covering Consultant against all sums that Consultant may be obligated to pay on account of any liability arising out of the Agreement.

E. Umbrella Policy. The required coverages may be in any combination of primary, excess, and umbrella policies. Any excess or umbrella policy must provide excess coverage over underlying insurance on a following-form basis such that when any loss covered by the primary policy exceeds the limits under the primary policy, the excess or umbrella policy becomes effective to cover such loss.

F. Owner as Additional Insured. Village will be named as an Additional Insured on all policies except for:

{00116022.2} B-2 Worker’s Compensation

Professional Liability

Each such additional Insured endorsement will identify Village as follows: Village of ______including its Board members and elected and appointed officials, its officers, employees, agents, attorneys, consultants, and representatives.

G. Other Parties as Additional Insureds. In addition to Village, the following parties will be named as additional insured on the following policies:

Additional Insured Policy or Policies




{00116022.2} B-3 Village of Lincolnwood, Illinois Proposal for Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan

July 10, 2020 Section 4 Proposed Scope of Work

43 Proposed Scope of Work We propose a four-step planning process for preparing the Village of Lincolnwood’s Market Analysis & Planning Services for the Northeast Industrial District (NEID) TIF Subarea Plan. We believe our proposed scope of work will produce a meaningful and responsive approach that will serve as an update of the 2010 Report and establish a vision for the future development of the NEID TIF Subarea Plan. Should the Village favor our basic approach, we will work closely with Village Staff, a Project Advisory Committee including local officials and key stakeholders, and the Village’s Mayor and Board of Trustees, ensuring that all local needs and requirements are met. Each task of our proposed scope of services is described on the pages that follow.

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 45 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Task 1: Project Initiation (Phase 1) To “kick-off” the project on the right foot, meetings will be conducted with key Village Staff and the Project Advisory Committee prior to undertaking the market assessment update and conceptual development plan.

1a: Village Staff Coordination Call We will host a video teleconference with Village Staff to confirm dates and times for the official staff kickoff meeting. We will also discuss data needs and clarify any outstanding matters. Regular and “as-needed” conference calls and/or video teleconferences with Village Staff can be held throughout the project to ensure a consistent communication process, procure information readily available through staff, discuss scheduling and timelines, and review preliminary analyses and recommendations prior to Project Advisory Committee meetings.

Formation of the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) We recommend the formation of a Project Advisory Committee (PAC) to provide a public face to the subarea planning process and demonstrate a commitment on behalf of the Village to seek meaningful input. The Project Advisory Committee should serve as a community sounding board, meeting at key intervals throughout the planning process to discuss issues and overall planning direction and provide feedback for consideration by the various adopting bodies.

1b: Village Staff Kick-Off Meeting A kick-off meeting will be held with the Village Staff assigned to the Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan. This first face-to-face meeting will allow us to: 1) review the project scope of work; 2) discuss project goals, timeline, and key deliverables; 3) discuss the formation of the Project Advisory Committee; 4) identify key issues and discuss recent property dynamics; 5) review administrative procedures; and 6) clarify any outstanding matters. Our intent is to function as a unified and integrated team alongside Village Staff. During this meeting we will also discuss the upcoming Project Advisory Committee meeting.

1c: Project Advisory Committee Kick- Off Meeting (PAC Mtg #1) Before work begins on the Market Assessment Update, a kick-off meeting will be held with Project Advisory Committee to set the foundation for the planning process and review and discuss the overall direction and policy issues facing the NEID TIF Subarea Plan. The purpose of this kick-off meeting will be to: (a) discuss the Project Advisory Committee’s role for the project; (b) review the scope of work; (c) review the preliminary schedule and expected deliverables for the project; (d) schedule future key meetings; and (e) discuss issues and opportunities in the subarea.

46 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Task 2: Market Assessment Update (Phase 1) While supporting market data contained in the Lincolnwood Business Park Retail Analysis & Feasibility Report (2010) is outdated, many of the conclusions and recommendations remain relevant. Nationally recognized industry and subscription data sources such as Costar and Esri will be utilized and augmented by interviews with developers, brokers, and representatives of targeted businesses. This will allow for further assessment of market conditions as well as identifying required site criteria of potential end users.

2a: Review Previous Plan and Data We will review the 2010 Report and other pertinent documents related to the subarea’s development history that is specifically relevant to the subarea. Information that impacts the assessment of market viability for specific uses will be validated or updated where necessary.

2b: Retail/Restaurant Market Assessment An updated assessment of the competitive environment within the primary and secondary market areas (as defined in the 2010 report) will be prepared including supply/demand and consumer expenditure data.

2c: Industrial/Business Park Assessment An assessment of the light industrial, tech/business park market within which Lincolnwood competes will be prepared. It is not anticipated that large scale office development would be a component of redevelopment. To that end, the office market will be assessed as it relates to professional office space integrated into a larger mixed-use development program.

2d: Residential Market Assessment An overall assessment of the Lincolnwood market will be prepared focusing on multi-family and mixed use. This assessment will not constitute a housing needs analysis or quantify residential development potential by product or units. Rather it will provide an indication of the strength of the market and potential viability of incorporating housing into the site.

2e: Additional Uses In addition to the above, uses such as incubator, innovation and maker spaces will be assessed qualitatively as it relates to the ability to integrate into a development program based on location, access, exposure and other variables. These types of uses typically would not drive the redevelopment independently, but if effectively integrated, contribute to the character/environment and provide for an active daytime population to support other uses. Entertainment and unique destination dining/drinking establishments such as microbreweries would also be assessed in this task.

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 47 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne 2f: Preliminary Development Program The market assessment update outlined in the above steps will be utilized to help prepare a preliminary development program to inform site concepts and development visualizations. In that the project budget does not afford for a completely revised market analysis, we will identify specific information and data that is directly related to the Village’s vision for the subarea and update tables, charts, and graphs as needed. If a fully updated market study relating to some or all of the uses highlighted is desired, a separate scope of work and budget would be prepared. We will conduct a video teleconference with Village Staff to review and discuss the preliminary development program. Task 3: Conceptual Development Plan (Phase 2) The following highlights our approach to preparing a conceptual development plan for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan.

3a: Data Collection/Base Map Development The time spent to create the digital environment will be largely dependent on the data made available by the Village of Lincolnwood. It is anticipated that the Village will provide all necessary GIS and AutoCAD data relevant to preparing the conceptual development plan. Information we need to complete the assignment includes aerial imagery and GIS information for parcels, right-of-way, hydrology, floodplain, wetlands, and below and above ground utilities that encumber the sites. Planimetric GIS data including building footprints, impervious surfaces would also assist our team in completing the assignment. If necessary, our team can collect additional aerial imagery with drones. Other documents such as recent plans, design guidelines, zoning and development codes could assist in creating the base parameters for the subarea.

3b: Preliminary Land Use Recommendations and Subarea Framework We will collect and assess relevant data related to traffic, land use, parcel characteristics, multi-modal access, and other factors impacting the viability of certain uses in the subarea. Based on this assessment, and our understanding of the project goals established in the previous tasks, we will prepare preliminary land use recommendations and the subarea framework. The preliminary land use recommendations and subarea framework allow for quick idea generation early in the process before considerable resources are exhausted on detailed illustrations or 3D modeling. We will conduct a video teleconference with Village Staff to review and discuss the preliminary land use recommendations and subarea framework.

3c: Project Advisory Committee Meeting (PAC Mtg #2) We will meet with the Project Advisory Committee to review and discuss the preliminary land use recommendations and subarea framework.

48 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne 3d: Preferred Conceptual Development Plan Incorporating feedback from the previous step, we will refine the land use recommendations and subarea framework and develop the Preferred Conceptual Development Plan. The Preferred Conceptual Development Plan will take into consideration the long- term development of properties within the NEID TIF subarea and illustrate the overall development character, key development principles, proposed modifications to infrastructure and local roadways, key redevelopment sites, areas of open space, and the distribution of land uses throughout the subarea. The Preferred Conceptual Development Plan will explore the integration of non-industrial uses in the planning area in order to create a more vibrant mix of activities and a stronger relationship between properties. We will conduct a video teleconference with Village Staff to review and discuss the Preferred Conceptual Development Plan.

3e: Massing Models Incorporating feedback from the previous step, we will translate the Preferred Conceptual Development Plan into an initial 3D massing model. We will conduct a video teleconference with Village Staff to discuss the massing models. Necessary revisions to the massing models will be made before proceeding into the next step.

3f: Conceptual Development Plan Visualization We will prepare a detailed 3D model of the Conceptual Development Plan including materials, roof forms, and articulation along with other key elements including trees and vegetation, cars, and other elements that add “life” to the visualization. We will provide high- quality perspective images that best communicate the development potential for the NEID TIF subarea, to help support the Village’s marketing efforts, and to help educate and share the Village’s vision for the subarea with the community.

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 49 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Task 4: Strategic Implementation Program (Phase 3) Based on the previous steps, we will refine the Conceptual Development Plan and prepare the Strategic Implementation Program as part of the approval process.

4a: Strategic Implementation Program Based on the work prepared in the previous steps, we will prepare recommendations related to the marketing and attraction of certain creative land uses or industry sectors, depending on their market viability and other factors that are noted in Phases 1 and 2 above. Working closely with Village Staff we will prepare recommendations related to lot consolidation, infrastructure upgrades, and transportation access and connectivity strategies necessary to support the transition of the subarea from traditional light industrial uses to other potential creative and diverse uses . We will conduct a video teleconference with Village Staff to review and discuss the Strategic Implementation Program.

4b: Project Advisory Committee Meeting (PAC Mtg #3) We will meet with the Project Advisory Committee to review and discuss the Draft Northeast Industrial District (NEID) TIF Subarea Plan. Necessary revisions to Northeast Industrial District (NEID) TIF Subarea Plan will be made before presenting to the Village Board.

4c: Village Board Presentation The final step will include preparing a presentation to the Village Board. The presentation will review the purpose of the assignment, scope of work and process, and present the Final Northeast Industrial District (NEID) TIF Subarea Plan.

50 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Project Schedule

We understand that the NEID Subarea Plan must be completed prior to the end of calendar year 2020 since the TIF funds are due to expire at that time. The anticipated project schedule below provides an overall framework to complete our approach for each task outlined in our scope of work. We are ready to begin work immediately and are committed to devoting the proposed personnel and resources for the entire length of time necessary to complete the Village of Lincolnwood’s Northeast Industrial District (NEID) TIF Subarea Plan. Should the Village favor our approach, we will work with Village Staff to further refine the process and anticipated project schedule in a manner that is most advantageous to the project.

2020 2020 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Task 1: Project Initiation (Phase 1) 1a Village Staff Coordination Call

1 1b Village Staff Kick-Off Meeting

1c Project Advisory Committee Kick-Off Meeting (PAC Mtg #1) Task 2: Market Assessment Update (Phase 1) 2a Review Previous Plan and Data

2b Retail/Restaurant Market Assessment 2 2c Industrial/Business Park Assessment 2d Residential Market Assessment

2e Additional Uses

2f Preliminary Development Program Task 3: Conceptual Development Plan (Phase 2) 3a Data Collection/Base Map Development

3b Preliminary Land Use Recommendations and Subarea Framework 3 3c Project Advisory Committee Meeting (PAC Mtg #2) 3d Preferred Conceptual Development Plan

3e Massing Models

3f Conceptual Development Plan Visualization Task 4: Strategic Implementation Program (Phase 3) 4a Strategic Implementation Program

4 4b Project Advisory Committee Meeting (PAC Mtg #3)

4c Village Board Presentation

Denotes Meetings to be Denotes Deliverables to be conducted by our Team produced by our Team

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 51 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Section 1 Firm Overview & Qualifications

1 Firm Overview & Qualifications

Our Team at Houseal Lavigne for the Lincolnwood Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan assignment is made up of professionals with specialized expertise in all areas of planning, including downtown and corridor planning, neighborhood and special area planning, zoning, transportation planning, sustainability planning, land use scenario development, market analysis, economic and fiscal impact analysis, community outreach and engagement, and implementation. Our team has been specifically assembled to provide Lincolnwood with a responsive, effective, creative, and specifically unique study for this important assignment.

Contacts John Houseal Principal and Co-founder Houseal Lavigne 188 West Randolph Street, Suite 200 Chicago, IL 60601 Email: [email protected] Office: (312) 372-1008, 101 Cell: (708) 785-7526

Houseal Lavigne is an innovation-based urban planning and design Nik Davis firm. We pride ourselves on creativity, collaboration, and delivery Principal and Project Manager of quality. Our team approach is built on strong relationships, Houseal Lavigne the exchange of ideas, and a commitment to the integration of 188 West Randolph Street, Suite 200 technology. Our priorities are to do good, have fun, work hard, and Chicago, IL 60601 provide responsive, visionary, and viable solutions to our clients and Email: [email protected] partners. Office: (312) 372-1008, 119 Cell: (312) 804-8138

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 3 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Houseal Lavigne is...

Houseal Lavigne is an award-winning consulting firm specializing Houseal Lavigne is built on a foundation of excellence in customer in all areas of community planning, urban design, and economic service, strong professional relationships, and most importantly, development. We have expertise and experience with assignments client satisfaction. Our commitment is to provide unparalleled of all scales, including regional, city-wide, subarea, district, and support, responsiveness, and creativity to our clients as they site-specific planning and design. We strive for a true collaboration address the challenges and opportunities confronting their of disciplines and talents, infusing all our projects with creativity, communities. realism, and insight. Houseal Lavigne is founded on a set of core principles that, when Houseal Lavigne provides a fresh approach to urban planning, combined with our professional experience and expertise, creates a a strong foundation in contemporary development practices, an consulting firm that stands above the rest. Since the firm’s founding insightful understanding of market and economic analysis, and an in 2004, Houseal Lavigne has established itself as one of the effective ability to conduct engaging community outreach. Our Nation’s premier planning and design firms. firm is able to meet the unique challenges of any assignment and Houseal Lavigne is an innovation-based firm and the nationally develop creative solutions that ensure compatibility between the recognized leader in the emerging field of Geodesign, spatial built and natural environments. analytics, and evidence-based planning and decision-making. By Houseal Lavigne consists of a team of dedicated professionals integrating the latest available technologies into the process, we experienced in urban planning and design, economic development, are able to blend the art and science of planning and deliver more geospatial services, and zoning and development regulations. We responsive and effective recommendations, 3D scenarios informed have worked with more than 300 communities across the country with data, and better rationale to support land use and development on a wide variety of planning, design, and development related policy. projects.

What we do

Comprehensive Planning Transit-Oriented Market & Demographic Development Analysis Neighborhood & Subarea Planning Corridor Planning Fiscal/Economic Impact Analysis Zoning/Regulatory Controls Design Guidelines Development Services Downtown Planning Land Planning & Site Design Retainer Services Park, Recreation & Trail Master Planning

4 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan| Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Founding Principles Houseal Lavigne began with a set of founding principles that still guide every project we RECENT AWARDS undertake. By continually honoring these principles, we have reliably and repeatedly served 2020 our clients, established trust and strong professional relationships, and produced results Smart Cities Award American Planning Association that exceed expectations, and developed plans that have served as points of pride for Technology Division communities. By adhering to our founding principles, we have emerged as one of the most Land Use Plan/Town Center Morrisville, North Carolina respected, trusted, innovative, and effective firms in the industry. Our founding principles are: Special Achievement in GIS Award (Esri) Better Community Outreach. We believe strongly in fostering a sense of “community Land Use Plan/Town Center stewardship” by using an inclusive approach to stakeholder engagement as a foundation for Morrisville, North Carolina all our projects. 2019 CO APA General Planning Award Commitment to Creativity. We believe vision and creativity are among the most impor­tant Aurora Places Comprehensive Plan components of good planning and design, and we pledge to provide fresh, responsive­ , and 2018 intriguing ideas for local consideration. IL APA Healthy Active Community Award Healthy Chicago 2.0 Graphic Communication. We believe all planning processes and documents should utilize a highly illustrative and graphic approach to better communicate planning and development Special Achievement in GIS Award (Esri) Oshkosh Corporation World Headquarters / Lakeshore concepts in a user friendly, easy to understand, and attractive manner. Redevelopment Technology Integration. We believe the integration of emerging technologies should be VA APA - Commonwealth Plan of the Year Award Bristol Comprehensive Plan used to improve the planning process and product - improving public engagement and involvement, fostering evidence-based decision-making, and producing more effective 2017 documents and recommendations. IL APA - Outreach Award Envision Oak Park Comprehensive Plan Client Satisfaction. We believe meeting the needs of our clients is a top priority and we 2016 strive to achieve it by developing and maintaining strong professional relationships, being MN APA - Innovation Award responsive to clients’ concerns and aspirations, and always aiming to exceed expectations. St. Cloud Comprehensive Plan 2015 MI APA - Daniel Burnham Award (Best Plan) Award-Winning Planning Imagine Flint Master Plan As a testa­ment to our firm’s overall approach and project methodologies, Houseal Lavigne 2014 has frequently been recognized across the country by our peers and honored with awards American Planning Association and special recognition. Houseal Lavigne has received multiple awards for “Best Plan” from National Planning Excellence Award for an Emerging Planning & Design Firm several state chapters of the American Planning Association (APA) in categories including comprehensive plan, strategic plan, community outreach, innovation, healthy communities, MI APA - Planning Excellence Award for Public Outreach - Imagine Flint Master Plan and best tool or practice. In addition, Houseal Lavigne was awarded the APA’s 2014 National Planning Excellence Award for an Emerging Planning and Design Firm. Upon receiving the IA APA - Daniel Burnham Award (Best Plan) Coralville Community Plan award, the APA recognized our innovative planning approach, targeted implementation strategies, creative and effective outreach, integration of emergent technologies, industry- 2013 Kane County Plan of the Year Award leading graphic communication, and noted our firm’s overall influence on the planning City of St. Charles Comprehensive Plan profession across the United States. 2012 Very recently, in April of 2020, Houseal Lavigne’s work with the Town of Morrisville received IL APA - Daniel Burnham Award (Best Plan) two awards for the use of technology as part of the Land Use Plan and Town Center 3D Village of Downers Grove Comprehensive Plan Scenarios Visualization. This includes the American Planning Association – Technology ACEC Illinois - Merit Award - Studies & Research Division’s Smart Cities Award and Esri’s Special Achievement in GIS Award. Both awards IL 47 Corridor Plan recognized the innovative use of tools and software including CityEngine and Unreal Engine to visualize and analyze different land use scenarios for Morrisville’s Town Center.

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 5 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Approach to Planning Our philosophy of community planning, visioning, goal setting, and implementation is built on a foundation of professional experience, sound planning and design practices, and a track record of award-winning projects. Our approach combines extensive community outreach and participation, highly illustrative and user-friendly maps and graphics, and utilization of available technologies. Our process will help establish a community vision, set community goals, and foster community consensus. Our approach to this assignment will include and be guided by the following core principles, which will allow us to successfully engage the community, develop viable and visionary solutions, and comprehensively respond to local issues and needs.

Focus on Urban Foundation of Engaging Illustrative Format Planning and Experience Community and Quality Community Houseal Lavigne has extensive Outreach Graphics Development experience in community One of our greatest strengths All our projects incorporate a Houseal Lavigne specializes planning, visioning and goal is our ability to design and highly illustrative and graphic in community planning, setting, implementation conduct engaging and effective approach to communicating urban design, and economic strategies, comprehensive community outreach. It is a planning and development development. It is our focus, planning, economic vital part of all of our planning policies and recommendations. it is our passion, and it is our development studies, urban projects, and we believe it is a We have developed a distinct area of expertise. We are a design, and more. We have necessary component of any design approach to urban specialized urban planning firm directed, managed, and successful planning process. It planning and community whose efforts are not diluted or assisted with similar planning is important that all interested development projects which compromised by bureaucracy assignments for communities persons have the ability to we incorporate into all our or competing interests. Our across the country. participate in the planning projects. The results of this focus and size allow us to process, and to know they have approach are reports and provide the creativity, flexibility, been heard and their opinion plans that are attractive, and responsiveness needed to taken into consideration. We distinctive, and easy to use and meet our clients’ needs without believe strongly in fostering a understand. wasting precious resources. stewardship for the community and achieving a high level of community consensus for planning initiatives.

6 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Technology Vision, Creativity, Targeted Commitment to Integration and Innovation Implementation Client Satisfaction Integrating appropriate We believe vision and creativity Identifying the “next steps” Our Firm’s primary focus is on technologies can greatly are among the most important to be taken is an important client satisfaction. We pride improve the planning process components of good planning part of any good plan. Plans ourselves on our professional and product. We specialize in and design. Too often, vision are not meant to sit on a shelf relationships, reputation, the use of GIS and geospatial and creativity are lacking in gathering dust but should be and client references. We analysis, designing and the planning process and final used on a regular and on- develop strong relationships hosting project websites, planning product. With the going basis as a foundation with our clients and are often on-line surveys, interactive help of the community, we for decision-making. Our plans considered “an extension of real-time polling, and utilizing will establish a “Vision” that identify key implementation staff.” We are responsive to 3-D rendering to improve captures the local spirit and steps that should be taken clients’ concerns, available planning and development character, while presenting to “jump start” the ultimate at any time to assist with concepts. Our maps and new ideas and concepts realization of the Plan’s unforeseen events and issues graphics are attractive and for consideration. Our fresh vision and recommendations. and are committed to doing compatible with existing approach to planning and Implementation steps outline whatever it takes to serve the and developing information development will broaden the projects and actions client. Many of our “one-time” systems. When designed the range of available options to be taken and identify projects result in long-term on- and managed appropriately, and maximize the potential of responsibilities, timing, and going professional relationships these technologies greatly community resources. funding options. with client communities. improve communication and involvement with the public.

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 7 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Partnership with ESRI Houseal Lavigne is an Esri Business Partner, giving our team access to a variety of cutting-edge technologies and programs. This relationship has allowed our firm to explore how technology can support a data-driven and visually compelling approach to planning. Further, it has given Houseal Lavigne the opportunity to work with Esri in shaping best practices and defining how their services can be better integrated within the planning profession

Geodesign We are an innovation-based urban planning and design firm and recognized leaders in the emerging field of geodesign. Our team approach is built on strong relationships, the exchange of ideas, and a commitment to the integration of technology. Our priorities are to do good, have fun, work hard, and provide responsive, visionary, and viable solutions to our clients and partners. Our comprehensive workflow leverages a number of different tools and software.

ArcGIS Insights for ArcGIS GeoPlanner InDesign ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, and A data analytics workbench Allows us to develop, test, Where we bring together maps, ArcGIS Online power our where we quickly visualize and and evaluate development photos, and other digital assets mapping and detailed analyze our GIS data using alternatives with benchmarks and make our beautiful plans. geospatial analysis. maps, charts, and tables. and indicators providing real-time feedback. Illustrator ArcGIS Urban & SketchUp Infographics, vignettes, 3D Basemaps From simple to detailed and Story Maps diagrams, and final touches to We can help deploy ArcGIS cartoon to photorealistic, Provides us the platform our maps are done in Illustrator. Urban to deliver an immersive SketchUp is the backbone to create truly interactive 3D experience that can of our 3d illustrations. and engaging digital Photoshop orchestrate public and plans and reports. Renderings, photo-real private investment, zoning, CityEngine simulations, and post- planning, and development. Where we develop and share production modifications to Don’t have a 3D basemap? smart 3d models of cities, Our innovative map- images, 3d models, and other Not a problem. We can help downtowns, corridors, and based outreach platform is graphics for our final plans. you with that as well. development opportunity sites. revolutionizing community engagement. Unreal Engine Business Analyst Drone2Map Utilized by our team to The gaming engine we use understand an area’s to render complex 3d scenes Allows us to create demographics and market in real-time and view online orthomosaics, 3d meshes, potential to inform visionary, yet or using VR hardware. and point clouds from drone- viable, plan recommendations. captured imagery.

8 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Section 2 Key Project Personnel

11 Key Project Personnel

Roles and Responsibilities Houseal Lavigne strives to develop strong working relationships with our clients and essentially consider ourselves as an extension of staff. We will work closely with Village of Lincolnwood staff throughout the process to ensure that the final product reflects this collaboration. Our commitment is to provide Principal involvement on every step of this assignment. Each of Houseal Lavigne’s Principals is recognized as being at the very top of the planning, economic development, and visualization fields and will ensure accountability and devoted expertise from our team. For this important assignment, Principal Nik Davis will act as Project Manager—managing the assignment’s day-to-day activities. Planner II, Daniel Tse and Planner I, Sean Tapia will assist in the analysis and development of the Subarea Plan. While senior support will be provided by Principal Dan Gardner for the market assessment update.

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 13 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne John A. Houseal, FAICP Principal|Co-Founder

John is a Principal and Co-founder of Houseal Lavigne and has established himself as one of the nation’s top urban planning professionals. John has been inducted in the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners, the highest recognition and distinction awarded by the Amer- ican Planning Association. John’s reputation and expertise within the profession as a leader in urban Education planning, innovation, contemporary development practices, and community outreach has garnered Bachelor of Environmental Sciences him wide recognition and numerous planning awards. John has been a featured speaker at national, University of Michigan regional, state, and local events and conferences for issues related to urban planning, zoning, trans- Master of Environmental Planning portation, context sensitive design, innovation, graphic communication, and the environment. John Arizona State University is recognized as one of the top community facilitators, consensus builders, and citizen participation experts in the profession. Memberships John maintains professional memberships with the American Planning Association and the American American Planning Association Institute of Certified Planners. John received a Bachelor of Science in environmental sciences from American Institute of Certified Planners University of Michigan and a Master of Environmental Planning for environmental planning and urban inducted Fellow planning from Arizona State University. John is also an AICP certification instructor and has been Lambda Alpha International responsible for training more than 1,000 planners for professional certification since 2005. John also OPRF Community Foundation sits on the Board of Directors for the Oak Park and River Forest Community Foundation and serves Board of Directors as the Co-chair of the CommuityWorks Advisory Board, overseeing community initiatives related to environmental sustainability, community leadership training, and programs aimed at the success of all Awards youth in the community. 2019 APA-CO - General Planning Award Prior to co-founding Houseal Lavigne, John was a Principal and the Director of Urban Planning for Aurora Places Comprehensive Plan URS Corporation, a global multi-disciplinary engineering firm. Working from the Michigan Avenue 2017 APA-IL Outreach Award office in Downtown Chicago, John oversaw and directed the firm’s urban planning and community Envision Oak Park Comprehensive Plan development projects, often coordinating on assignments throughout the country. 2016 APA-MN - Innovation Award St. Cloud Project Experience Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive Plans Downtown Planning Corridor Planning 2015 APA-MI - Daniel Burnham Award (Best 60+ Comprehensive 30+ Downtown Plans 70+ Corridor Plans Plan) Imagine Flint Master Plan Plans including: including: including: • Aurora, CO • Bentonville, AR • Hinsdale - 2014 APA National Award for Excellence • Benton Harbor, MI • Downers Grove Downtown Odgen Avenue Corridor Emerging Planning and Design Firm • Brownsburg, IN • Forest Park Madison Street Plan • Coralville, IA Corridor • IL 47 Corridor Study 2014 APA-MI Public Outreach Award Imagine • Council Bluffs, IA • Geneva Downtown Master • Lockport - Flint Master Plan • Davis Junction Plan I-355 Corridor Master Plan • Downers Grove • Huntley Downtown Master • Melrose Park Broadway Avenue Corridor Plan 2014 APA-IA Daniel Burnham Award Coralville • Edinburgh, IN Plan • McHenry Downtown Plan • Naperville - Community Plan • Flint, MI • Frederick, CO • Oshkosh, WI Downtown Ogden Avenue Enhancement Study 2014 Congress for New Urbanism - Mackinac • Forest Park Plan • Oak Brook - Award for Outstanding Plan Imagine Flint • Geneva • Round Lake Downtown 22nd Street Corridor Plan • Greater Bridgeport Region, Plan Master Plan • Portage, IN - CT • St. Joseph, MI Highway 20 Corridor Plan • Harwood Heights Special Area Planning 2012 APA-IL Daniel Burnham Award Zoning & • Jackson, MO 50+ Special Area Plans, Downers Grove Comprehensive Plan Design Guidelines • Jackson, TN including: 30 Zoning & Design • Lynwood • Bellwood TOD master Guidelines Assignments, 2010 APA-IL Strategic Plan Award • Marion, IA Development Plan River Forest Corridors Plan • Mattoon • Countryside Dansher including: • Morton Grove Industrial Park Subarea • Ardmore, OK 2009 APA-IL Implementation Award • Mundelein Plan • Benton Harbor, MI • Glenview The Glen Parcel • Bentonville, AR Ogden Avenue Enhancement Initiative • Niles 24 Master Plan • Oakbrook Terrace • Bloomington • Montgomery Preserve • Oak Park • Chicago 2007 APA-IL Daniel Burnham Award Subarea Master Plan • Palos Park • Flint, MI Carpentersville Comprehensive Plan • Naperville Martin Mitchell • Prairie Grove • Hinsdale Campus Master Plan • River Forest • Muskogee, OK AICP Certification Instructor • Oak Brook Commercial • Marion, IA • St. Cloud, MN Areas Master Plan APA National and APA State Chapters • Tipton, IN • TOD Guidelines • Palos Park Commercial Manual 2005 to present • Windsor, CO Areas Master Plan • River Forest • Rolling Meadows Golf Road • Sunset Hills, IA Corridor Mobility Plan • Skokie Dempster Station Area Plan 14 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Devin J. Lavigne, FAICP, LEED AP Principal|Co-Founder

Devin is a Principal and Cofounder of Houseal Lavigne Associates with special expertise in urban design, land-use planning, site planning, land planning, land-use regulation, graphic illustration and development visualization, geographic information systems, and web development. Devin received his Bachelor of Science from the School of Urban and Regional Planning at Ryerson Polytechnic University Education in Toronto Ontario. Bachelor of Science School of Urban and Regional Planning Devin is regarded as one of the profession’s top designers and graphic specialists. Devin has present- Ryerson Polytechnic University ed at both national and state planning conferences about the importance in graphics and instructed on how best to communicate plans and planning concepts as well as the importance of development Memberships visualization. Devin has garnered national attention and has helped distinguish the firm’s body work. American Planning Association At the American Planning Association’s 2010 National Conference his presentation Better Graphics, American Institute of Certified Planners Better Plans was regarded as “best in show” and at 2008 National Conference, Devin’s SketchUp! portfolio was presented by Google to show planners how the software can be used by the profession. National Trust for Historic Preservation Congress for the New Urbanism Prior to co-founding Houseal Lavigne Associates, Devin was the Senior Planning Manager for URS Urban Land Institute Corporation, a global multi-disciplined engineering firm based in San Francisco, California. Working from the Michigan Avenue office in Downtown Chicago, Devin managed, directed and provided tech- Awards nical assistance to numerous studies. Devin joined URS through their acquisition of Trkla, Pettigrew, American Planning Association Allen and Payne (TPAP) a prominent planning and economic development firm in the City of Chicago. National Planning Excellence Award Devin has managed, directed, authored and contributed to more than 100 planning studies, including for an Emerging Planning & Design Firm; a number of downtown plans, corridor plans, subarea plans, park master plans, and comprehensive 2014 plans throughout the country. Daniel Burnham Award Downers Grove Comprehensive Plan Project Experience American Planning Association Downtown Planning Corridor Planning Visualization & Illustra- Illinois Chapter, 2012 20+ Downtown Plans includ- 50+ Corridor Plans including: tion Daniel Burnham Award ing: 25+ assignments including: • Brookfield, Ogden Avenue McHenry County 2030 Comprehensive Plan Corridor Plan American Planning Association • Carbondale • Carson City, NV Carson • Downers Grove • Carpentersville, IL Route City Center Illinois Chapter, 2010 31 Corridor Plan • Downers Grove Pattern • Firestone Retail “Best Practice” Gold Award Book • Countryside, LaGrange Development Road Corridor Plan Planning Mapper • St. Charles • Westfield, Old Orchard American Planning Association • Downers Grove, Ogden Signage • St. Cloud Illinois Chapter, 2010 Avenue Corridor Plan • Naperville Park District, • Geneva • Hinsdale, Ogden Avenue Naperville Riverwalk 3D SketchUp Design Award • Huntley Corridor Plan Illustration “Plan” Gold Award  • McHenry • Homer Glen, 159th Street • Peoria River Trail Carpentersville Comprehensive Plan • Murray, KY Corridor Plan Development Visualization American Planning Association • Morton • Illinois Route 47 Corridor • Forest Park Shopping Plaza Plan Redevelopment Sketch Illinois Chapter, 2007 • Round Lake • Kenilworth, Green Bay • Center, Chicago Grove “Project, Tool, or Program” Gold Award • Winfield, Downtown Road Corridor Plan Shopping Center  Design & Development • Melrose Park, Broadway Redevelopment Sketch American Planning Association Guidelines Avenue Corridor Plan • Plaza, Maywood River Pointe Plaza Rendering Illinois Chapter, 2007 15+ Guidelines including: • Montgomery, Orchard Road/Blackberry Creek • HOA, Las Vegas, NV, Taos Lecturing/Instruction • Downers Grove Corridor Plan Estates Entry Monument • Naperville, Ogden Avenue Render UP 426 Urban Design Studio • Prairie Grove Enhancement Study • Machesney Park, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign • St. Charles • Oak Brook, 22nd Street Machesney Mall 2012 to present • Kenilworth Corridor Plan Redevelopment Concept • McHenry • River Forest, Corridors Plan • Kenilworth, Green Bay AICP Certification Instructor • Huntley Road Redevelopment Site • St. Charles, Main Street & Illustration 2005 to present APA Illinois Chapter • IL Route 47 Randall Road 2008 APA Missouri & Kansas Chapters • Bellwood, TOD • Brookfield • Westmont, Ogden Avenue Development Visualization 2012 to Present National (D.C.) APA Corridor Plan • Round Lake • Hanover Park/Irving Chapter • Westmont • Traverse City Park Road Development Corridors Master Plan - site co-creator • Hinsdale Concepts • Traverse City, MI

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 15 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Nik Davis, AICP Principal

Nik brings more than 15 years of professional planning and design experience to Houseal Lavigne and as a Principal manages much of the firm’s versatile studio work, as well as hones skill specializations in urban design, landscape design, site plan development, streetscape design, and sustainability plan- ning, from the individual lot level up to the regional scale. He provides the connection between the Education planmaking process and document creation, focusing on concept and site design, graphics, document Bachelor of Science in Landscape layout, geographic information and cartographic renderings, and urban-form 3D modeling, using a Architecture, Purdue University breadth of software tools and drafting techniques.

Memberships Nik has a diverse background in urban planning and design with experience in the preparation of American Planning Association research and inventory materials, site analysis maps, framework plans, preparation of conceptual de- American Institute of Certified Planners velopment plans for a full range of residential, commercial, mixed-use, office and industrial park -de velopments, and commercial corridors. Nik has extensive experience in landscape and planting design ASLA Positions which includes conducting site visits and creating inventory and analysis maps, developing project ILASLA Allied Professionals Liaison bases, drafting general development and preliminary plans, producing hand and computer rendered sketches and plans, and submitting construction documents, specifications, plant list schedules, and ILASLA Legacy Project Co-Chair cost estimates for review and installation. Past ILASLA Public Awareness Chair Past ILASLA External Prior to joining Houseal Lavigne, Nik worked for consulting firms specializing in development plan- Communications Officer ning, urban design, streetscape design, zoning, and landscape architecture. Nik has a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture from Purdue University. APA-IL Positions Co-Chair for the Marketing Committee Project Experience Presentations Comprehensive Plans Corridors Design Guidelines & • Aurora, CO • Bentonville, AR 2015 National APA Planning Conference Standards • Bentonville, AR • Des Plaines, IL* • Chicago - Archer & Halsted New Tools for Zoning & • Bristol, TN • Elmhurst, IL • Council Bluffs, IA Development Visualization • Cape Cod, MA • Island Lake, IL • Elmhurst, IL 2013 National APA Planning Conference • Cary, IL • Homer Glen, IL • Fort Dodge, IA* Putting Zoning on the Map • Centerton, AR • Kenilworth, IL • Mundelein, IL APA-CMS January, 2012 • Council Bluffs, IA • New Lenox, IL • Pace TOD Guidelines Integrating Sustainability • Crete, IL • Park Ridge, IL* • Portage, IN Into Development Regulations • Eden Prairie, MN • Peoria Heights, IL • Richton Park, IL* October 2011, APA-IL State Conference • Elgin, IL • Portage, IN • Traverse City, MI • Flint, MI • Rolling Meadows, IL Zoning/Form-Based Awards • Fort Dodge, IA • Traverse City, MI Codes 2020 Special Achievement in GIS Award • Frederick, CO Downtown/TOD Plans • Baltimore, MD* Morrisville Land Use Plan • Galesburg, IL • Carbondale, IL • Bentonville, AR 2020 APA Smart Cities Award • Glen Ellyn, IL • Carson City, NV • Buffalo, NY* Morrisville Land Use Plan • Hawthorn Woods, IL • Elmhurst, IL • Cleveland Heights, OH* • Hudson, OH • Fort Dodge, IA • Council Bluffs, IA* 2019 APA-CO General Planning Award Aurora Places Comprehensive Plan • Jackson, TN • Geneva, IL • Dunwoody, GA • Lynwood, IL • Hudson, OH • Flint, MI 2018 APA-VA Plan of the Year • Maywood, IL • Lisle, IL • Muskogee, OK Bristol Virginia Comprehensive Plan • Muskogee, OK • Rolling Meadows, IL Design Development & 2018 Special Acheivement in GIS Award • New Buffalo, MI Streetscape Designs Concept Designs Oshkosh Lakeshore Development • Oak Park, IL • Bradely - Broadway Street • Bensenville, IL 2016 APA-MN Innovation Award • Pleasant Hill, IA • Chicago, IL - 87th & Stony, • Chicago, IL St. Cloud Comprehensive Plan • Richton Park, IL Lake Street, Uptown- • Crystal Lake, IL Broadway Avenue, Auburn 2014 APA-MI Public Outreach Award Imagine • Sioux City, IA Gresham-79th Street • Deerfield, IL* Flint Master Plan • St. Charles, IL • Elmhurst, IL - North York • Linconlwood, IL* • St. Cloud, MN • Mokena, IL* 2009 ILASLA Honor Award for • Glen Ellyn, IL • Westmont, IL • New Lenox, IL Environmental Stewardship • Huntley, IL Winnebago County 2030 Land • Windsor, CO • New Buffalo, MI • Richton Park Resource Management Plan • Richton Park, IL • St. Cloud, MN * Work conducted at another firm.

16 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Daniel Gardner, MPA Principal

Dan Gardner has over twenty years of experience in planning, development, and real estate, with experience in both the private- and public-sectors. Prior to joining Houseal Lavigne in 2007, Dan was the Director of Consulting Services for a prominent Chicago based real estate advisory firm where he directed numerous complex municipal projects related to fiscal, economic, and Education market analysis. Dan was also a Senior Manager with the Chicago office of Economics Research Bachelor of Science, Loyola University Associates (ERA), an international economic and real estate consulting firm where he was re- Masters of Public Administration, sponsible for business development and overseeing both national and international projects. Illinois Institute of Technology His professional experience has involved projects ranging from the revitalization of large urban

areas in Chicago, Milwaukee, and Omaha to small rural communities throughout the Midwest. Boards and Commissions His past projects include: analyzing market potential for residential, retail, office, entertainment Served on Executive Committee and industrial development; instituting economic development programs and incentives; pre- Du Page County Community Development paring grant applications for state and federal funds; facilitating community outreach; preparing Commission developer requests for proposals and a range of related assignments. Du Page County HOME Advisory Group In addition to his professional experience, Dan has served on several elected and appointed boards, including as an elected Trustee for the Village of Glen Ellyn, Illinois (population 27,000) Village of Glen Ellyn Board of Trustees from 2003 to 2007, and prior to that served as the Chairman of the Village’s Plan Commission. Village of Glen Ellyn Plan Commission He currently serves on a Process Improvement Team to improve the business and economic climate in the Village. Memberships Dan has a Masters Degree in Public Administration (MPA) from the Illinois Institute of Technol- Urban Land Institute ogy (IIT) and a Bachelors of Science from Loyola University Chicago. In 2007 he was inducted Illinois City/County into Lambda Alpha International, an organization recognizing career accomplishments in land Management Association economics. He is a member of the Urban Land Institute (ULI) where he formerly served on the Illinois Development Council Chicago Policy Committee and he is an active member of Illinois City/County Management Asso- Lambda Alpha International ciation (ILCMA) and the Illinois Development Council (IDC). National Charrette Institute Certified Project Experience Fiscal & Economic Development Ser- Market & Demographic Publications Impact Analysis vices Analysis Continued “The Importance of Intergovernmental • Du Page County, Impact Assessment of development • Marion, IA Relationships ” for ILCMA August 2008 of O’Hare Airport potential and review of • McHenry County, IL expansion developer proformas for • Milwaukee, WI “Incorporating Technology into Community • Village of Channahon, IL municipal and private • Mount Prospect, IL Outreach” for ILCMA October 2009 • City of Chicago, IL sector clients in several • Naperville, IL • Village of Glenview , IL municipalities including: • Oak Brook, IL • Village of Hoffman • Chicago, IL • Omaha, NE Estates , IL • Flossmoor, IL • Park Forest, IL • Village of Plainfield, IL • Hoffman Estates, IL • Skokie, IL • City of Naperville, IL • Indian Head Park, IL • Mundelein, IL • Village of North • Milwaukee, WI Barrington, IL • Lockport, IL • Naperville, IL • Village of River Forest, IL • South Chicago Heights, • Omaha, NE • Village of West Dundee, IL • Prairie Grove, IL IL • Downers Grove, IL • River Forest, IL • City of Wildwood, MO • Highwood, IL • Wheaton, IL Special Projects • Lombard, IL • Du Page County, Impact Market & Demographic • Huntley, IL of Airport expansion Analysis • River Forest, IL • Chicago, IL • Lombard, Downtown • Freeport, IL Vision • Channahon, IL • Marion, IA • New Urbanism Analysis • Clarendon Hills, IL of mall redevelopment • Macomb, IL • Du Page County, IL sites • Peoria, IL • IL Housing Dev. Auth. • IL Housing Dev. Auth. • Carpentersville, IL (IHDA) (IHDA) Tax Credit • Johnsburg, IL Studies • Kane County, IL • Lake Barrington, IL • Commonwealth Edison Valuation for easements

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 17 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Michio Murakishi Senior Project Manager

Michio is a Senior Project Manger at Houseal Lavigne bringing over 15 years of experience in community planning and economic development. Recognizing the significance of economic via- bility, he feels strongly that professional planning practices must be firmly rooted in financial and market realities, as well as pragmatic fiscal policies. To this end, Michio brings special expertise Education to the firm in the areas of economic development strategy, public-private deal negotiation, -fi Michigan State University, Bachelor of Arts nancial feasibility analysis, fiscal impact analysis, and market analysis. In addition to his practice University of Cincinnati, Master of Community leadership in these areas, Michio is responsible for the management of comprehensive, corridor, Planning and subarea plan assignments in his role at Houseal Lavigne.

Publications Michio’s consulting experience has concentrated principally on structuring complex real estate “Amazon HQ2: Lessons for local economic financial transactions for numerous public- and private-sector clients. He guides real estate development” Illinois City County development projects from the visioning stage through project implementation and construction, Management Association working closely with both municipalities and developers. His representative work includes the negotiation of a public-private financing structure for the $110 million Wheeling Town Center Presentations mixed-use development project, providing development advisory services to the ownership “Promises in the Dark: How to evaluate group of the iconic Cermak Plaza shopping center, securing public funding in support of a economic development proposals” LEED-certified renovation of the historic Inland Steel Building, and serving as lead TIF analyst Government Finance Officers Association on the Olympic Village financing plan included in the Chicago 2016 bid book submitted to the International Olympic Committee.

Prior to joining Houseal Lavigne, Michio worked at the Bureau of Economic Development in the City of Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development. Before that, he spent several years operating his own consulting practice, worked in the national Capital Markets group at Jones Lang LaSalle, and held a senior position at a Chicago-based development advisory firm. Michio received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from Michigan State University and attended the University of Cincinnati, where he earned a Master of Community Planning degree as a HUD Fellow.

Project Experience

Development Subarea Plans Market Analysis Advisory Services • Huntley, IL • Batavia, IL* • Chicago, IL* • Oshkosh, WI • Franklin Park, IL* • Evanston, IL* • Peoria Heights, IL • Oak Creek, WI* • Hanover Park, IL* Public-Private • Palos Park, IL • Lincolnshire, IL* Partnerships Special Projects • Milwaukee, WI* • Capital Properties, • Chicago 2016, Olympic • Oak Park, IL* Chicago, IL* Village Financing Strategy* • Palatine, IL* • Cermak Plaza Properties, LLC, Berwyn, IL* • DuPage County, O’Hare • Park Ridge, IL* • UJAMMA Construction, Airport Western Access* • Prospect Heights, IL* Inc., Chicago, IL* • Palos Park, IL, Fiscal • St. Charles, IL* • The Lynmark Group, Impact Analysis Comprehensive Plans Wheeling, IL • Prairie Grove, IL, Impact • Ardmore, OK of Annexation* • Aurora, CO • Bentonville, AR • Brentwood, MO • Sioux City, IA

* Work conducted at another firm.

18 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Daniel Tse, AICP Planner II

Daniel first joined Houseal Lavigne in 2014 before rejoining the firm in 2020. As a certified planner, Daniel has extensive experience in a wide variety of projects, including comprehensive plans, corridor plans, mixed-use district, transit-oriented development, bike and trail plans, subarea plans, research park master plans, design guidelines, and zoning regulations. Daniel’s professional practice includes Education working in both the public and private sectors in the United States and the Asia-Pacific region. Master of Urban Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign At the firm, his primary focus is developing illustrative graphics and innovative design work to further Bachelor of Arts in Urban Planning, planning recommendations and concepts in a manner that is attractive and easy to understand. He University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign adeptly incorporates development concept visualization and 3D renderings into a planning document. He also concentrates on the mapping of the physical environment, creating and customizing GIS Memberships datasets, and using spatial analytic tools to inform policy recommendations and site design proposals. American Planning Association Daniel is passionate about working with communities to identify issues and opportunities and design visually appealing graphics to create implementable plans. Prior to joining Houseal Lavigne, Daniel Certifications worked at a multi-disciplinary firm where he expanded his practice and skillset into landscape archi- American Institute of Certified Planners tecture and architecture through site concept design.

Awards Daniel’s biggest accomplishment in his career thus far is working with a multi-disciplinary team to Master’s Capstone Award draft the adopted Village of Brookfield Comprehensive Plan. This event solidified Daniel’s position as Hong Kong Institute of Planner’s a well-rounded urban planner able to support a breadth of activities within any planning assignment, Certificate of Merit including research, policy writing, design recommendations formulation, project management, com- Highest Honors munity engagement, implementation, and visually cohesive document design. Edmund J. James Scholar Student James Scholar Research Creativity Award Project Experience UIUC Department of Urban and Regional Comprehensive Plans Corridor Plans Station Area Plans Planning Outstanding Sophomore Award • Brookfield, IL • Champaign, IL • Prairie View, Buffalo Grove, • Crawfordsville, IN • Moline, IL IL • Cary, IL • Matteson, IL • Brownfield Reuse Plans • Coralville, IA • Bi-State Regional Planning • Sherman Park, Indianapolis, IN • Council Bluffs, IA Commission, IL • Elgin, IL • Downtown Plans Campus Master Plans • Carson City, NV • Research Park at the • Fort Dodge, IA University of Illinois at • Frederick, CO • Rock Island, IL Urbana-Champaign, • Gardner, KS • South Holland, IL Champaign, IL • Greater Bridgeport Regional Visualizations Golf Facilities Master Council, CT • Crystal Lake, IL Plans • Hudson, OH • Monmouth, IL • Indy Parks & Recreation, • Jackson, TN • Oshkosh, WI Indianapolis, IN • Maywood, IL • Pleasant Hill, IA Strategic Plans • North Aurora, IL • Fort Dodge, IA • Wets Chicago, IL • Oak Park, IL • Richton Park, IL Design Guidelines • Plainfield, IN • Sterling, IL • Aurora, IL • Pleasant Hill, IA • Tulsa, OK • Brookfield, IL • St. Cloud, MN • Sunset Hills, MO • Windsor, CO

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 19 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Sean Tapia, AICP Planner I

Sean joined Houseal Lavigne in 2016 upon receiving his Master of Urban Planning degree at the Uni- versity of Kansas. As an Planner II with the firm, Sean manages economic development plans, market studies, and other plan writing initiatives for Downtown, Parks and Recreation, and Comprehensive Plans at the city, county, and regional levels. Sean embraces a client-first mentality. He is well-versed Education in utilizing Esri, the U.S. Census, and other local and regional data to determine a community’s needs Master of Urban Planning: Housing and based on trends and projections, which leads to the identification of targeted growth and develop- Community Development, ment areas. University of Kansas Bachelor of Arts in Architecture, His current primary focus is on community development through housing and general market re- University of Kansas search and analysis of all markets, including residential, commercial, and industrial. He also focuses on taking the key information from the analysis and using it to identify a community’s specific needs Bachelor of Science in Journalism, University of Kansas in specific areas and neighborhoods and representing them through easily comprehensible maps, models, and graphics. Memberships For his graduate degree, Sean specialized in housing and community development as well as urban American Planning Association, IL design. He also received his Bachelor of Science in Journalism and a Bachelor of Arts in Architectural American Planning Association, National Studies from the University of Kansas. He coupled his desires to promote public knowledge, aware- American Planning Association, ness, and input from his journalism background with the necessity for viability and interaction in the International Division- Leadership Team built form from his architecture background to form his passion for urban planning.

Presentations Prior to joining Houseal Lavigne, Sean worked with organizations in the Kansas City area including Transit Oriented Development in Seattle - Community Housing of Wyandotte County, the Mid-America Regional Council, and Eco Abet. During APA National Conference, 2016 his time at these organizations, Sean created and contributed to several projects of varying scales through market research, economic analysis, and graphics representation. Awards 2019 CO APA General Planning Award, Aurora Places Comprehensive Plan Project Experience 2016 AIA Kansas City Design Excellence Comprehensive Plans Economic Development Parks & Recreation Plans Award: Merit Award, Conceptual • Ardmore, OK & Market Studies • St. Cloud, MN • Aurora, CO • Ardmore, OK • Galesburg, IL ASLA Central States Honor Award: Communications Category • Bentonville, AR • Brownsburg, IN Strategic Plans • Brownsburg, IN • Eden Prairie, MN • Westmoreland County, PA • Centerton, AR • Fort Lupton, CO Housing Studies • Galesburg, IL • Greenwich, CT • Eden Prairie, MN • Grand Junction, CO • Gunnison, CO • Wyoming, MI • Eden Prairie, MN • Indian Head Park, IL • Community Housing of • Jenks, OK • Naperville, IL Wyandotte County, KS* • Summerville, SC • Norwegian American Hospital Community Downtown Plans Development and Wellness • Lawrence, KS District • Lisle, IL • Palos Park, IL • Round Lake Heights, IL • Saginaw, MI • Springfield, MO • Woodstock, IL

* Work conducted at another firm.

20 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Sujan Shrestha Planner I

Sujan joined Houseal Lavigne in 2019 after receiving his Master of Urban Design from Carnegie Mellon University. As a Planner with the firm, Sujan collaborates with associate planners and project managers to develop meaningful illustrations and visualize data and urban policies across a range of community plans and project scales. Sujan’s proficiency in the latest GIS and graphic tools available Education to planners allows him to incorporate compelling visualizations and efficient workflows into the plan- Master of Urban Design, ning process. Carnegie Mellon University While at Carnegie Mellon University, Sujan worked as a Data Visualization Research Assistant for the Bachelor of Architecture, Purbhanchal University School of Architecture’s Remaking Cities Institute, which conducts research in placemaking, public participation processes, and sustainable development. His work included participation on the study Presentations/Exhibitions “3D/ Data Visualization for Urban Design and Planning.” A collaborative research with the City of “An Atlas of Commoning”, Miller Institute Pittsburgh’s Department of City Planning. His primarily role focused on developing comprehensive of Contemporary Art, Carnegie Mellon workflows that would aid planners and designers adopt the appropriate tools to perform a range of University, 2019 tasks valuable to city planning, urban design, and community engagement. Further, his keen interest in community engagement and tactical urbanism led to an independent study focused on developing ICEE PDRP, “Urban Regeneration of Taulachlon Tole, Bhaktapur”, 2016 agency among members of a community to achieve equitable development.

ICEE PDRP, “Perception of Residents on Prior to his studies at Carnegie Mellon, Sujan participated in research on redevelopment alternatives Housing Alternatives in the 2015 Gorkha for a traditional historic city core in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal after a devastating earthquake initiated Earthquake Post-Disaster Reconstruction”, a critical dialogue between the community and local government in 2015. The studies were present- 2016 ed at the “International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Post Disaster Reconstruction Planning” the following year. In Nepal, Sujan held an adjunct faculty position at Khwopa Engineering College’s Department of Architecture, where he helped students research and document historic built environments. Other past experience includes five years of work as an architectural designer.

Project Experience Comprehensive Plans Subarea Plans Zoning Ordinances • Fort Wayne/Allen County, • Palos Park, IL - Western • Bloomington, IL IN Growth Area Plan • Carol Stream, IL • Glen Ellyn, IL Development Services • Knightdale, NC • Grand Junction, CO • Norwegian American • Oak Creek, WI Hospital, Chicago, IL • Gunnison, CO • Sunset Hills, MO • Jenks, OK • Naperville, IL Entitlement Fee Study • Verona, WI • Naperville, IL • St. Joesph, MI - Berrien • Yorkville, IL • Northfield, IL Hills Development • Oak Creek, WI Master Plan • Springfield, MO • River Forest, IL - Madison • Summerville, SC Street Development Concepts • Wyoming, MI • Corridor Plans • Detroit, MI - Jefferson Chalmers Mainstreet Master Plan • Aurora, IL - Farnsworth Corridor Plan

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 21 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Section 3 Project Experience

23 Project Experience Houseal Lavigne has established itself as one of the top planning firms in the United States. The firm strengthens communities through creative, dynamic, and viable approaches to planning, design, and development. By creating a clear and practical unifying vision, developing achievable and implementable plans and concepts, fostering innovative community involvement programs that reach a broad cross-section of stakeholders, crafting sustainable growth and resilient economic development strategies; our team provides the expertise necessary to improve the relationship between people and their environment. In 2010 we completed the Village of Lincolnwood's Business Park Retail Analysis & Feasibility Report and in 2016 the Lincolnwood Comprehensive Plan giving us a strong foundation of knowledge specific to the project area. We have also completed several planning assignments in similar communities including the Business Park Plan for the Village of Lake Barrington, IL and the Commercial Area Revitalization Plan for the Village of Oak Brook, IL.. In addition, we have worked on over 350 plans across more than 300 communities nationwide. In that time, we have directed 52 downtown/TOD plans and more than 90 comprehensive/ general plans, 90 corridor plans, 40 special area plans, 25 zoning ordinances, design guidelines and related assignments. Our national experience includes planning, design, economic, and zoning assignments in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin. The list below highlights just some of our planning experience for municipalities across the country: • Ardmore, OK • Fort Dodge, IA • Muskogee, OK • Aurora, CO • Fort Lupton, CO • New Buffalo, MI • Battle Creek, MI • Freeport, IL • Niles, IL • Bentonville, AR • Galesburg, IL • North Aurora, IL • Brentwood, MO • Geneva, IL • Northbrook, IL • Benton Harbor, MI • Greater Byron Area, IL • Oak Creek, WI • Brownsburg, IN • Grundy County, IL • Oak Park, IL • Brookfield, IL • Harwood Heights, IL • Palos Heights, IL • Bristol, VA • Highwood, IL • Palos Park, IL • Cape Cod Region, MA • Hudson, OH • Pingree Grove, IL • Cary, IL • Itasca, IL • Pleasant Hill, IA • Carpentersville, IL • Jackson, MO • Plainfield, IN • Channahon, IL • Jackson, TN • Richton Park, IL • Coralville, IA • Kenilworth, IL • River Forest, IL • Council Bluffs, IA • Lake Barringotn, IL • Sangamon County, IL • Crest Hill, IL • Lincolnwood, IL • Schaumburg, IL • Crete, IL • Lynwood, IL • South Beloit, IL • Crothersville, IN • Machesney Park, IL • St. Charles, IL • Culver, IN • Mahomet, IL • St. Cloud, MN • Davis Junction, IL • Mattoon, IL • Sugar Grove, IL • Downers Grove, IL • Maywood, IL • Summerville, SC • Eden Prairie, MN • McHenry County, IL • Sunset Hills, MO • Edinburgh, IN • Melrose Park, IL • Westmont, IL • Elgin, IL • Montgomery, IL • Windsor, CO • Flint, MI • Morton Grove, IL • Forest Park, IL • Mundelein, IL

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 25 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Village of Lincolnwood, Illinois Lincolnwood Retail Analysis Lincolnwood Business Park is a 150 acre site located in the Village of Lincolnwood approximately ten miles north of the City of Chicago. While the Business Park is a viable development with several large scale uses, including a village public works facility, it is located along a busy largely commercial corridor and immediately adjacent to Lincolnwood Town Center, a well established regional shopping center. The Village retained Houseal Lavigne to analyze the potential to reposition the Business Park for retail development. HLA recommendations included the need to work closely with Simon Properties, the shopping center’s owner, as well as other property owners with frontage along Touhy Avenue. It was concluded that through realignment of the mall ring road and redevelopment of frontage sites, the entire area could be better positioned. Houseal Lavigne first prepared a detailed analysis identifying potential market supportable uses and square footages. We were then retained to prepare alternative development concepts and models for the Business Park. The final report highlighted how the City could ultimately maintain the Business Park as an asset to the community in terms of tax diversification and as an employment center, while also increasing commercial potential through the repositioning of key parcels.

Concept A Concept B Concept C





3 4 1 Major Retail

1 Costco RING ROAD 2 Outdoor Seating / Public Square RING ROAD 1 Costco RING ROAD

2 Restaurant Outlot 3 Restaurant A 2 Gas Station

4 Restaurant B

5 Restaurant Outlot

26 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne B Village of Lake Barrington, Illinois Business Park Market Study Northpointe Ave Houseal Lavigne Associates was contracted by the Village of Lake Barrington to prepare a detailed market Pepper Rd

analysis to ascertain the potential to Kelsey Rd expand commercial development within F the Village’s Business Park. Site capacity concepts were then created for opportunity sites identified during the market analysis. H B The study examined the site’s competitive D Industrial Ave position within the market and identified Northpointe Ave the issues that the business park and G A Ice Arenathe largerSite Village of Lake Barrington are facing and will likely face in the future. Pepper Rd C B Field House Site Kelsey Rd The market analysis included discussion F C West Sideof specific of Pepper uses Road and tenantsNorth of to target and E Commerciala development program that establishes Commercial Ave H benchmarks for square footage and site D East Side of Pepper Road North of A D Industrial Ave Commercialdesign. Business assistance and incentive Northwest Highway

programs, as well as alternative funding G E North Side of Northwest Highway A Ice Arena Site mechanisms, were also identified to Between Pepper Road and Kelsey Road B Field House Site C facilitate redevelopment and reinvestment F Fire Station Site C West Side of Pepper Road North of within the business park. Commercial E Commercial Ave D East Side of Pepper Road North of G Corner of Kelsey and Northwest Northwest Highway A HighwayFollow this link to read the full Study for the Commercial Lake Barrington Business Park E North Side of Northwest Highway H School Site Between Pepper Road and Kelsey Road F Fire Station Site Concept Plans G Corner of Kelsey and Northwest Highway Redevelopment opportunity sites have been identified throughout the Business Park. The following descriptions H School Site correspond to specific site concepts depicted on the concept plan graphic.

Business Park Action Matrix Potential Participants/ Potential Resources Strategy Action Timeframe Village Partners and Tools Administrative or Policy Decisions Potential establishment of a TIF Conduct eligibility study and potentially short to mid Other taxing districts, property Administrative actions and District setup TIF District owners, consultant assistance policy decisions Potential establishment of a Conduct eligibility study and potentially short to mid Property owners, business Administrative actions and Business District setup Business Dist owners, consultant assistance policy decisions Earmark grant money for Identify projects and prepare grant short to mid County, State and federal Administrative actions and projects applications agencies policy decisions Develop municipal grants and Identify tools and establish policies and short, mid, Development community, Administrative actions and loan programs guidelines ongoing business and property owners policy decisions Business Park Improvements Enhance streetscape along Prepare a streetscape plan including short Adjacent property owners Potential use of TIF, SSA or Pepper Road decorative lighting for both sides of Pepper Business District funds Road between Northwest Highway and Kelsey Create gateways and signage Create monument signs at the two key short IDOT and property owners Potential use of TIF, SSA or at entryways entryways to the Park, clearly defining key/ including Pasquesi's and Fidelity Business District funds anchor uses Motors.

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 27 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Village of Bartlett, Illinois Bartlett Town Center Houseal Lavigne was retained by the Village to identify short-term improvements at the Town Center site for which soon-to-expire TIF funds could be utilized. The analysis and resulting redevelopment concept focused on actions that could be taken immediately without impacting the existing physical structure of the existing Town Center commercial or residential uses. The ease of implementation and cost of recommended actions was purposely minimized to most efficiently effect change at the least public expense. In addition to site analysis and interviews with the development community, a full market analysis was completed to ascertain supportable uses, and assess issues related to taxes, lease rates, ownership structure and others.

28 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Village of Oak Brook, Illinois Commercial Areas Revitalization Master Plan Oak Brook’s 22nd Street Corridor and the commercial areas that surround it are well known as one of the Chicago Region’s most successful retail, dining, entertainment, and office destinations. A reputation that is further enhanced by its location along both I-80 and I-83. Building upon a plan completed by Houseal Lavigne just over a decade ago, the area has experienced hundreds of millions of dollars of development and investment in recent years. However, due to the departure of a major employer, new opportunities and challenges have spurred the re-examination of the area. Houseal Lavigne was re-engaged to develop the new Commercial Areas Revitalization Master Plan to ensure the area remained a viable location for existing and new businesses. In addition to reinforcing and strengthening the office, retail, dining, hospitality and entertainment offerings, the Plan’s strong direction toward pedestrian mobility and mixed-use development is already seeing significant traction as some of the areas largest development investments are now being proposed in response to the new plan.

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 29 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Norwegian American Hospital Wellness District Master Plan The area surrounding the Norwegian American Hospital is a 24-block “Wellness District” bounded by Division Street, California Avenue, Augusta Boulevard, and Sacramento Avenue in Chicago. In partnership with the Hospital, Houseal Lavigne developed a Master Plan for the area to identify development opportunities—while establishing a direction for the health and wellness of the community. The Wellness District Master Plan provides recommendations for land use, development, transportation, the Hospital’s investment, growth, urban design, and overall quality of life. Through a six-phase approach to development and redevelopment spanning the next 10-15 years, the Wellness District Master Plan focuses on creating a well- functioning, safe, and sustainable environment. In addition, the Plan was supported by a detailed financing and implementation strategy to prioritize projects for the Hospital. Recommendations, as well as concept visualizations, for the redevelopment and programming of specific properties were also created to ensure the primary goals of the Master Plan can be met with fewer obstacles.

30 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne City of St. Cloud, Minnesota Comprehensive Plan & Downtown Subarea With a vibrant Downtown along the Mississippi River, a thriving local economy, and home to a major university, St. Cloud is a community that has strong foundation upon which to plan for its future. The City’s new comprehensive plan, directed by Houseal Lavigne, focuses on revitalizing the core neighborhoods, guiding investment in the commercial corridors and employment areas, enhancing multi-modal connectivity, and establishing a strong economic development strategy. Rich in graphics and illustrations, the Plan includes a detailed Downtown Plan and Division Street Corridor Plan that enhances urban design, sense of place, and overall functionality. The Plan also identifies development opportunity catalyst sites and provides a development program and development visualization for market viable concepts.

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 31 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Town of Morrisville, North Carolina Land Use Plan & Town Center 3D Scenarios Visualization The Town of Morrisville is a fast-growing community situated amid North Carolina’s burgeoning Research Triangle. Despite a strong desire to create a “downtown” and community focal point, local officials have hesitated to approve any development within the designated area for fear of proceeding down the wrong path. Unable to reach agreement on appropriate heights and density, Morrisville’s Town Center remains largely undeveloped while other areas of the community are thriving. Recognizing the importance of this key area in the community, Houseal Lavigne was hired to help the community reach an agreement and move through the stalemate. To do so, sketch concepts where imported into Esri’s CityEngine and two scenarios were built-out: 1) an option with surface parking supporting one- and two-story buildings; and, 2) an option with four- and five- story buildings served by centralized parking garages. CityEngine Dashboards were used throughout the design process, ensuring both scenarios followed the Reports: Town’s recently adopted zoning code. A webscene was Scenario A Land Use (ALL) 49,723.74 s.f. Land Use – Office 24,861.87 s.f. publicly shared, providing Town officials and residents Land Use – Retail 24,861.87 an opportunity to view and compare each scenario. Parking Required (ALL) 138 spaces Finally, the CityEngine scenarios were imported into Parking Provided (ALL) 140 spaces Parking Required – Office 41 spaces Unreal Engine to provide a fully immersive experience to Parking Required – Retail 99 spaces better evaluate the different buildouts. Users can walk a pedestrian around Morrisville’s Town Center, toggling between scenarios, assessing the appearance and overall experience of each option.

Hailed by staff as an absolute success, Town officials Scenario B reached unanimous consensus on Option 2. Houseal Lavigne is now preparing the plan framework, policies, and recommendations to help Morrisville achieve its vision of a dense, compact, walkable, and vibrant community focal point.

32 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne City of Pleasant Hill, Iowa Comprehensive Plan Located immediately east of Des Moines, Pleasant Hill, IA is experiencing transition from a bedroom community to a destination for employment, recreation, housing, and nature. Houseal Lavigne was hired to assist with the creation of the Pleasant Hill Comprehensive Plan in order to ensure the community meets its key objectives of attaining regional economic competitiveness, balancing its “small town” feel with emerging growth, preserving and building quality neighborhoods, and capitalizing on its unique natural assets. Key components of the Comprehensive Plan are future land use, transportation, and environmental policies that aim to preserve the rural character of the community. Logical residential infill, new street design standards, and the preservation of steep slopes, wooded areas, floodplains, and greenways provide the guidance for responsible development, cost-effective infrastructure, and active transportation. The centerpiece of the Comprehensive Plan is its vision for University Avenue. This regional corridor provides access to Downtown Des Moines and US Route 65, but the areas adjacent to the corridor offer the greatest potential for development. The western portion focuses on the development of a walkable mixed- use Town Center, while eastern portion emphasizes opportunities created by large tracts of undeveloped land with proximity to the Highway 65 interchange.

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 33 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne City of Council Bluffs, Iowa Bluffs Tomorrow 2030 Comprehensive Plan Council Bluffs, IA is located along the Missouri River across from Omaha. The community is defined by its unique riverfront, dramatic terrain, and historic downtown. The City of Council Bluffs hired Houseal Lavigne to prepare an update to its Comprehensive Plan. The process included extensive public outreach, close coordination with City staff and community stakeholders, and the development of plan recommendations that address the priorities of Council Bluffs citizens. The Comprehensive Plan directly addresses the State of Iowa’s ten Smart Planning principles, and describes how neighborhood revitalization, flood mitigation, emerging industry, economic development, and major transportation improvements can maximize benefits to local residents and businesses. The Plan includes four subarea plans that address specific challenges in an aging commercial corridor, obsolete industrial area near downtown, disinvested neighborhood, and emerging interchange.

34 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Carson City Center Development LLC Capitol Mall North The Capitol Mall North project is an aggressive development within the city core of Carson City, Nevada. While some areas remain quaint and pedestrian friendly, much of Downtown was decimated in the era of urban renewal, including a 10-block area north of Nevada’s Capitol Mall which was cleared for a casino and surface parking. The Hop and Mae Adam’s Family Foundation and the Mac Companies, the contracted master developer, retained Houseal Lavigne to develop a plan to repair and revitalize Downtown. The plan for development includes a 150-Key Select Service Hotel, a 750- 1,000 Seat Conference Center, a public plaza with programmable active space, approximately 450,000 sq. ft. of mixed commercial, office and retail space, and the supporting parking infrastructure including a new street grid and parking decks.

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 35 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne City of Bentonville, Arkansas Comprehensive Plan & Downtown Neighborhood Plan The Bentonville Community Plan, developed by Houseal Lavigne, is the City’s guidebook for becoming the model of a new American town. In 1950 Bentonville became the hometown of the original Walton’s 5&10 with its small-town, middle-America charm. Since the opening the of the first store Walton’s has grown into the global retail chain, Walmart, and Bentonville has grown right along with it. The City has experienced an exponential population flux since 2000 that is expected to continue well into the 2030s. The Community Plan focuses on directing that growth in a manner that benefits the existing residents as businesses as well as the newcomers, all while maintaining its historical, and eclectic charm. As part of the comprehensive planning process Houseal Lavigne developed a neighborhood framework plan for the neighborhoods surrounding the Downtown. These areas are every bit as vital to the success of a communities downtown as the its shops, restaurants, and entertainment. In recent years, the downtown neighborhood experienced rapid change and significant investment and the Plan sought to guide overall character and add stability and desirability.

36 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne City of Oshkosh, Wisconsin Oshkosh Lakeshore Redevelopment Plan The City of Oshkosh was looking to retain Oshkosh Corporation (known for manufacturing Humvees for the United States Army) by identifying and visualizing a potential location for the Fortune 500 company’s new Global Headquarters. With one month to meet the submittal deadline, the City hired Houseal Lavigne Associates to develop a program, conceptual plans, 3d renderings, and an online webscene. The site had to incorporate key features such as dramatic views of their main building, proximity, public recreational amenities, large-expansive public open spaces, riverwalk and trail connections, access to Interstate 41, Downtown Oshkosh, neighborhoods, and opportunities for future expansion. Using the power of CityEngine and the firm’s extensive experience in site planning and 3d visualizations, the City of Oshkosh secured their Lakeshore site’s selection by the Oshkosh Corporation’s board of directors. The Plan is currently in the next phase of development with plans to break ground in 2018.

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 37 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne City of Crystal Lake, Illinois Three Oaks Development Sawdust District 45 The Three Oaks Recreation Area, a repurposed 29 30 quarry, stands as one of the City of Crystal Lake Redevelopment Plan 31 Conceptual Visualization most important community assets. The City’s 27 continued investment and support of the facility 28 highlight Three Oaks as an important attraction 24 for residents in the area, as well as the greater 14 23 region. The City was faced with a hindrance; 25 12 however, that limited the effectiveness of on-site improvements. The western entrance to the 11 22 26

Three Oaks Recreation Area required visitors to 13 pass by or through a light industrial and utility 3 10 21 usage lot. 15 was hired to create Houseal Lavigne 9 an inexpensive visualization of potential 17 20 redevelopments on the site. With the aim of attracting commercial development, the 8 visualizations focused on specific uses the City 4 16 5 hoped to see on the site, including the possibility 2 of a Hotel development. For just under $10,000 6 18 a variety of development scenarios were 19 rendered to help spur future growth in Crystal Lake’s Three Oaks Development site.


1. Pedestrian gathering area 11. Temporary stadium (potential 19. Restored native planting area, 26. Overhead walkway 2. Riverwalk at breakwall recreational facility) trails, and waterfront access 27. Class A office building 3. Open space and trails 12. Parking for the permanent stadium 20. Pedestrian bridge 28. Patio space overlooking the 1 and open space 4. Condos 21. Parking deck (screen railyard) waterfront and Downtown Oshkosh 13. Parking deck for permanent 5. Existing boat house 22. Parking for Stadium and mixed use 29. Mixed use infill development along stadium, recreational facility, trails and development along Main Street Main Street 6. Existing boat docks open space 23. Plaza and open space 30. Gateway feature and plaza space 7. Pedestrian bridge connecting to the 14. Permanent stadium announcing the entrance into the riverwalk at breakwall 24. Mixed use development 15. Trails and open space (retail/restaurants on the groundfloor Sawdust District 8. Existing boat storage area 16. Hotel / resort with office/residential above) 31. Pedestrian bridge connecting 38 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL 9. Existing railyard 17. Access point to pioneer island 25. Primary entry to class A office Sawdust District to Downtown Oshkosh and waterfront trails 10. Parking for the temporary stadium, 18. Condos building Prepared by Houseal Lavigne trails, and open space Harrison Ave CENTER CITY New York Ave

FUNCTIONAL Baldwin Ave SUBAREAS Prospect Ave Melvin Ave

Scott Ave

Sterling Ave Divsion St Divsion Lincoln Ave City of Oshkosh, Wisconsin 4

Irving Ave 45 UNIVERSITY OF Oshkosh Downtown Plan WISCONSIN, OSHKOSH 44

Algonma Blvd Union Ave ST MAIN Imagine Oshkosh is the Center City Investment Ida Ave High Ave Strategy for Downtown Oshkosh and the Parkway Ave

Pearl Ave Church Ave Campus Pl surrounding areas. The Plan organized this St Je erson Dawes St 5 waterfront Downtown into ten distinct functional Merrit Ave areas, establishing a unique character, design

Division St 1

Brown St guidelines, development priorities, and strategies Marion Rd3 Washington Ave

Market St School Ave

for each. Waterfront access was prioritized, as ST JACKSON Fo Waugoo Ave x R StateSt iv CourtSt was the preservation and celebration of historic er 3rd St 2 BroadSt

Commerce St Commerce Atter Ave

and architecturally significant building stock , 4th Ave

Ceape Ave

while aggressively targeting the area for new ST WISCONSIN 9 5th St

BaySt residential and mixed use infill development. As 7 6th Ave 44 7th Ave

part of the planning effort, Houseal Lavigne St Iowa Michigan St St Minnesota

reimagined a vacant old industrial waterfront MILES NORTH 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 9th Ave MAIN ST MAIN OREGON ST site to help the city respond to “long shot” NEBRASKA ST 10th Ave Milwaukee Bucks opportunity. By crafting a 11th Ave 6 8 redevelopment plan for the Sawdust District, a 1 Downtown Core 6 Oregon Street 2 Downtown Outer Core 7 South Shore Central 12th Ave 3 Marion Road Waterfront 8 South Shore East Lake multi-use entertainment district concept, the Pioneer Dr South Park Ave 4 North Main Commercial 9 South Shore West Winnebago Corridor 45 City was able to make the “long shot” a reality, Supporting Neighborhoods 5 Northwest Transition 14th Ave and the City landed the professional basketball 15th Ave team facility. The redevelopment plan included a 16th Ave basketball team practice facility, a larger arena, and a 250,000-square foot office building. Part of the goal was to land jobs close to lifestyle amenities, a pattern typically only seen in larger communities.

Sawdust District 45 29 30 Redevelopment Plan 31 Conceptual Visualization 27

28 24

14 23 25 12

11 22 26


3 10 21 15


17 20


4 16

5 2

6 18 19


1. Pedestrian gathering area 11. Temporary stadium (potential 19. Restored native planting area, 26. Overhead walkway 2. Riverwalk at breakwall recreational facility) trails, and waterfront access 27. Class A office building 3. Open space and trails 12. Parking for the permanent stadium 20. Pedestrian bridge 28. Patio space overlooking the 1 and open space 4. Condos 21. Parking deck (screen railyard) waterfront and Downtown Oshkosh 13. Parking deck for permanent 5. Existing boat house 22. Parking for Stadium and mixed use 29. Mixed use infill development along stadium, recreational facility, trails and development along Main Street Main Street 6. Existing boat docks open space 23. Plaza and open space 30. Gateway feature and plaza space 7. Pedestrian bridge connecting to the 14. Permanent stadium announcing the entrance into the riverwalk at breakwall 24. Mixed use development 15. Trails and open space (retail/restaurants on the groundfloor Sawdust District 8. Existing boat storage area 16. Hotel / resort with office/residential above) 31. Pedestrian bridge connecting Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan9. Existing railyard 17. Access point to pioneer island 25. Primary entry to class A office Sawdust District to Downtown39 Oshkosh and waterfront trails 10. Parking for the temporary stadium, 18. Condos building Prepared by Houseal Lavigne trails, and open space City of Elmhurst, Illinois Downtown Plan & Corridor Plan Elmhurst is a charming suburb located roughly 20 miles west of Chicago’s Loop. Due to changing market conditions, development pressures, and shifting community priorities, the City hired Houseal Lavigne to update its Downtown Plan in 2015. The Downtown Plan established four functional land use zones that provide recommendations for character, land use, intensity, circulation, and built form. Design guidelines were included to inform the design process and ensure that new buildings match the desired community aesthetic. The Downtown Plan followed a previous assignment to develop a Corridor Plan for North York Street. North York Street is one of Elmhurst’s most important arterial roadways and is considered the City’s northern gateway into the community and the Downtown, and is the first impression of Elmhurst that visitors encounter when entering from the I-290 interchange. The North York Street Corridor Plan outlines the City’s vision and strategies for improvement, redevelopment, beautification, and overall revitalization of the Corridor.

40 Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan | Village of Lincolnwood, IL Prepared by Houseal Lavigne City of Battle Creek, Michigan Comprehensive Plan Battle Creek, dubbed “Cereal City”, is a regional economic center in Western Michigan and is the location of Kellogg’s Cereal global headquarters. In 2015, the City of Battle Creek partnered with Houseal Lavigne to update their Master Plan to provide direction for future development and investment. The new Master Plan places strong emphasis on land use and development in a post- recession era, and promotes an urban growth boundary to combat sprawl and direct investment to the City’s established core. A detailed corridor plan provides specific actions and improvements for Columbia Avenue, an aging auto-oriented corridor, including a redevelopment concept for a key intersection. The Master Plan also includes recommendations for Battle Creek’s green infrastructure, helping the City address stormwater and local flooding. Shortly after the Master Plan’s adoption, the City reengaged Houseal Lavigne to develop an interactive redevelopment model with Esri CityEngine to provide a visual understanding of how the City might redevelop as a result of the new Master Plan’s recommendations. The Esri CityEngine webscene demonstrates a detailed application of the land use “place types” within the Master Plan and provides a comprehensive idea of how the City could change in the future. The interactive webscene is being used by Battle Creek Unlimited, the City’s economic development agency to promote the full potential of the community and to market available properties within Battle Creek.

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 41 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Section 5 Project Budget

53 Project Budget

The tables below outline Houseal Lavigne’s cost proposal, hourly rates, and reimbursable costs for the Village of Lincolnwood’s Northeast Industrial District (NEID) TIF Subarea Plan. Should the Village favor our approach, we will work with Village Staff to further refine this budget allocation in a manner that maximizes project resources. The all-inclusive, not to exceed cost estimate for completion of the project is $66,560 and includes anticipated direct project-related expenses, including all travel, printing, copies, presentation materials, mileage, etc. Please note we’ve included hourly rates and estimated number of work hours for each team member broken out based on 1) what components of the full scope of work can be provided for the approved amount of $25,000 and 2) what components of the full scope of work cannot be completed for the approved amount of $25,000.

HOUSEAL LAVIGNE RATES Gardner Davis Tse Tapia TOTAL $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 130.00 $ 115.00 Task 1: Project Initiation (Phase 1) 1a Village Staff Coordination Call (Discuss formation of the PAC) 2.0 2.0 2.0 - 6.0 1b Village Staff Kick-Off Meeting 4.0 4.0 - - 8.0 1 1c Project Advisory Committee Kick-Off Meeting (PAC Mtg #1) 4.0 4.0 2.0 - 10.0 Task 1: Total Hours 10.0 10.0 4.0 - 24.0 Task 1: Total Professional Fees $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 520 $ - $ 4,520 Task 2: Market Assessment Update (Phase 1) 2a Review Previous Plan and Data 2.0 2.0 - 2.0 6.0 2b Retail/Restaurant Market Assessment 6.0 - - 8.0 14.0 2c Industrial/Business Park Assessment 6.0 - - 8.0 14.0 2 2d Residential Market Assessment 6.0 - - 8.0 14.0 2e Additional Uses 8.0 - - 8.0 16.0 2f Preliminary Development Program 8.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 22.0 Task 2: Total Hours 36.0 4.0 4.0 42.0 86.0 Task 2: Total Professional Fees $ 7,200 $ 800 $ 520 $ 4,830 $ 13,350 Task 3: Conceptual Development Plan (Phase 2) 3a Data Collection/Base Map Development - 4.0 10.0 - 14.0 3 3b Preliminary Land Use Recommendations and Subarea Framework - 8.0 24.0 - 32.0 Task 3: Total Hours - 12.0 34.0 - 46.0 Task 3: Total Professional Fees $ - $ 2,400 $ 4,420 $ - $ 6,820 TOTAL: Direct Expenses $ 250 TOTAL: Professional Fees and Direct Expenses $ 24,940

Task 3: Conceptual Development Plan (Phase 2) 3c Project Advisory Committee Meeting (PAC Mtg #2) 4.0 8.0 8.0 - 20.0 3d Preferred Conceptual Development Plan - 12.0 40.0 52.0 3 3e Massing Models - 8.0 40.0 48.0 3f Conceptual Development Plan Visualization - 20.0 32.0 52.0 Task 3: Total Hours 4.0 48.0 120.0 - 172.0 Task 3: Total Professional Fees $ 800 $ 9,600 $ 15,600 $ - $ 26,000 Task 4: Strategic Implementation Program (Phase 3) 4a Strategic Implementation Program 4.0 8.0 8.0 32.0 52.0 4b Project Advisory Committee Meeting (PAC Mtg #3) 4.0 8.0 8.0 - 20.0 4 4c Village Board Presentation 4.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 28.0 Task 4: Total Hours 12.0 24.0 24.0 40.0 100.0 Task 4: Total Professional Fees $ 2,400 $ 4,800 $ 3,120 $ 4,600 $ 14,920 TOTAL: Direct Expenses $ 700 TOTAL: Professional Fees and Direct Expenses $ 41,620 GRAND TOTAL: Direct Expenses $ 950 GRAND TOTAL: Professional Fees and Direct Expenses $ 66,560

Village of Lincolnwood, IL | Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF Subarea Plan 55 Prepared by Houseal Lavigne Village of Lincolnwood

Request for Proposals Market Analysis & Planning Services for the NEID TIF

Submittal Deadline 5 PM Friday, July 10, 2020

Submit Response electronically, with subject: “RFP Response – NEID TIF Market Analysis and Planning Services” To: Doug Hammel, AICP Development Manager [email protected] Introduction & Background: The Village of Lincolnwood is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the selection of a Market Analysis/Planning firm or team to provide services related to the preparation of a plan (“Plan”) for the Northeast Industrial District (NEID) subarea. The planning subarea includes commercial and industrial properties in an area generally bound by Touhy Avenue on the north, Hamlin Avenue on the west, Pratt Avenue on the south, and McCormick Boulevard on the east. Several of the parcels within the subarea lie within the NEID Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District. A key goal of the Plan is to focus on the long- term development of properties within the TIF, along with the impact of their development on properties throughout the planning area. (See Attachment A of this RFP for a map of the proposed sub- area boundary.)

The planning area encompasses approximately 201 acres of land, much of which is used for light industrial activities that lie within the Northeast Industrial District (NEID) TIF. Other big-box retail properties, outlots, and senior housing facilities occupy the most visible properties along or near Touhy Avenue and McCormick Boulevard. To the south and west, the subarea quickly transitions to residential blocks. The Plan should emphasize the transition to or integration of non-industrial uses in the planning area in order to create a more vibrant mix of activities and a stronger relationship between properties.

The subarea benefits from a high level of access from Touhy Avenue and McCormick Boulevard, and recent improvements, such as the conversion of the former Union Pacific rail corridor to a bike trail, enhance multi-modal access from other parts of the Village and surrounding communities.

In 2010, the Village commissioned the drafting of the Lincolnwood Business Park Retail Analysis & Feasibility Report (“2010 Report”). That 2010 Report included a market assessment and a summary of opportunity sites that could be the foundation for new investment in the subarea. The 2010 report is available at the following link: ark%20Retail%20Analysis%20Feasability%20Report.pdf.

Scope of Requested Services: The Village is seeking a market analysis and planning consultant team to provide services related to the development of a Plan that will serve as an update of the 2010 Report, as well as establishing a vision for the future development of the subarea. The selected team will work with Village staff, a Steering Committee including local officials and key stakeholders, and the Village’s Mayor and Board of Trustees to prepare the Plan.

The services requested in order to create the Plan include the following:

Phase 1: Market Assessment Update  Review of the 2010 Report and other pertinent documents related to the development history and viability of the subarea  Collection and assessment of relevant data related to traffic, land use, parcel characteristics, multi-modal access, and other factors impacting the viability of certain uses in the subarea  Collection and assessment of updated economic development and market data previously included in the 2010 Report, including updated tables, charts, graphs  Findings related to the viability of commercial, industrial, residential, creative industries, entertainment, or other land uses or industrial sectors based on the information collected and assessed

Phase 2: Conceptual Development Plan  Creation of a conceptual development plan illustrating proposed modifications to infrastructure and local roadways, key redevelopment parcels or opportunity sites, areas of open space, and the distribution of land uses throughout the subarea  Visualization showing the overall development pattern, general development character, and key development principles that should be pursued in the subarea

Phase 3: Strategic Implementation Program  Recommendations related to the marketing and attraction of certain creative land uses or industry sectors, depending on their market viability and other factors that are noted in Phases 1 and 2 above  Strategies related to lot consolidation, infrastructure upgrades, transportation systems, etc. to support the transition of the planning area from traditional light industrial uses to other creative or diverse uses.

Meetings: It is anticipated that the selected consultant team will participate in the following meetings throughout the process:  Phase 1 kick-off meeting with staff to identify key issues, discuss recent property dynamics, and discuss resources needed for the completion of the scope of work  Phase 1 kick-off meeting with the Project Steering Committee to review the scope of work and expected deliverables, and discuss issues and opportunities in the subarea  Phase 2 meeting with staff and the Project Steering Committee to review land use recommendations and a preliminary framework plan  Phase 2/Phase 3 meeting with staff and the Project Steering Committee to review the Conceptual Development Plan and Strategic Implementation Program  Village Board Presentation of the Draft Plan, no later than December 1, 2020

It is anticipated that the consultant team will coordinate with staff as needed throughout the process to procure information readily available through staff, discuss scheduling and timelines, and review preliminary analyses and recommendations prior to Steering Committee review.

Anticipated Completion Date and Costs: The NEID Subarea Plan, as described in this RFP, must be completed prior to the end of calendar year 2020 based on the fact that the TIF from which funds are being drawn to fund this effort is due to expire at that time. The Village does not anticipate an extension of this TIF district. The approved budget available for this project is $25,000, approved by the Village Board as part of the FY 2020/2021 budget. However, additional funds may be made available for Phases 2 and 3 depending on the TIF fund balance, which will be monitored throughout the remainder of 2020. To that end, project cost estimates, as described in the “Submittal Requirements” section of this RFP, should be provided as per the following:  The cost of completing Phase 1 of the scope of services should not exceed the approved amount of $25,000.  The cost estimate should indicate any components of the scope of work, in addition to Phase 1, that can be included within the approved amount of $25,000.  The cost estimate should indicate the cost of any components of the scope of work that cannot be completed for the approved amount of $25,000.

Qualifications:  All consultant teams must be capable of responding to the services listed in the conceptual scope of requested services, and must demonstrate commensurate experience.  Preferred teams must provide a comprehensive list of similar planning projects completed for municipalities in the Chicagoland area or elsewhere domestically.  Preferred teams will have experience coordinating with municipal staff and working with municipal elected officials on prior projects.  Preferred firms will have demonstrated experience in working with communities to draft plans that effectively lead to short-term and long-term implementation, especially in the area of strategies aimed at capturing uses that may not otherwise be easily viable.

Submittal Requirements: Qualified teams interested in providing the services detailed in this RFP are invited to provide the following information for consideration:  A Statement of Interest and Experience, detailing past similar project experience  Examples of successful similar projects completed by the firm  A listing of team members; their resumes, professional certifications, disciplines and experience working on similar projects  References from similar municipal projects completed by the firm (minimum of three references required)  An all-inclusive, not to exceed cost estimate for completion of the project, including the hourly rate and number of work hours proposed for each team member, broken out based on 1) what components of the full scope of services can be provided for the approved amount of $25,000, and 2) the costs related to the completion of the remaining components of the scope of services identified in this RFP

RFP Evaluation Process: Proposals will be evaluated by Village staff on a total score basis, with a maximum score of one-hundred points. The following criteria will be used in the evaluation process to determine the preferred firm:

Grading Criteria Value: Value 1. Experience and Qualifications of the firm 35 points 2. Experience and Qualifications of the staff proposed 35 points 3. References / Results achieved with prior projects 30 points

Project Timeline:

June 22, 2020: RFP issued July 10, 2020: RFP responses due back to Doug Hammel, Development Manager, by 5:00 P.M., at [email protected] July 13 – 17, 2020: Village Staff reviews responses, ranks the responses and contacts References July 20, 2020: Preferred Firm is selected and notified by Village

Additional Background Information: Additional information providing context for the planning area and the community in general can be found at: Attachment A: Map of the Site:

Touhy Ave

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Pratt Ave

Red Outline = Proposed 201-acre Sub-Area Planning Boundary Green Dashed Line = NEID TIF Boundary Yellow Outline = Village of Lincolnwood Municipal Boundary Authorization to Execute a Contract with Houseal Lavigne and a Waiver of Competitive Bid Requirement:

Northeast Industrial District (NEID) Subarea Plan Background • FY 2020/21 budget authorized $25,000 in the NEID TIF, for the NEID Subarea Plan • Key Goal: Plan for the long-term (re)development and impacts of properties within the TIF and in adjacent parcels in the Subarea Background • RFP issued on June 17, 2020 • Advertised through o Village website o IL-APA RFP portal (4 requests received) o Email notification to 12 Chicago-region planning firms • Same process as followed for 2018 North Gateway Subarea planning services project • RFP requested bids for three phases of work: o Update of 2010 Lincolnwood Business Park Retail Analysis & Feasibility Report o Creation of conceptual Development Plan o Strategic Implementation Program recommending how to market for, and attract, specific uses RFP Responses & Selection • Five RFP responses received • Criteria utilized for reviewing bid proposals: o Relevant experience o Understanding of the project assignment o Qualifications of key staff • Staff evaluation resulted in Houseal Lavigne as the preferred consultant • Factors in support of Houseal Lavigne: o All-in-one service o Experience, Village-wide, from 2016 Comprehensive Plan work o Most technologically-advanced in producing base data and plan visuals o Response demonstrated best understanding of challenges and opportunities Staff Recommendation • All Five bidders provided a Phase 1 bid for $25,000 or less, as required in the RFP • Three of the five bidders addressed all three phases of work • Staff sees merit and value in completing all three phases of work (Update of 2010 Retail Analysis & Feasibility Report, creation of a conceptual development plan, implementation program to market the properties appropriately) • Sufficient funds are available in the TIF, given anticipated surplus at end of calendar year • TIF funds are only available until the end of the year, given the pending TIF closure • Recommendation – Engage Houseal Lavigne to complete all three phases of work, at a contracted amount not to exceed $66,560. Requested Action • Approval of an Ordinance: o Authorizing the Village Manager to execute a contract with Houseal Lavigne in the amount of $66,560 o Waiving the Competitive Bid requirement

Request For Board Action



SUBJECT: Consideration of a Resolution Cancelling the In-Person Lincolnwood Turkey Trot Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND OF SUBJECT MATTER: The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has required the Village and its neighbors to cancel events since mid- March. On May 5th, the Village Board discussed and approved the cancellation of certain summer events through the beginning on July based on Governor Pritzker’s March 20th executive order that limited non- essential activities and social gatherings, and directed citizens to stay at home in order to control the pandemic.

Governor Pritzker issued an executive order on May 29th that replaced the stay-at-home order with new guidelines that allow limited resumption of activities in accordance with the Restore Illinois Plan. The plan provides the following guidelines for group gatherings: • Phase Three: Gatherings of up to 10 people with social distancing • Phase Four: Gatherings of up to 50 people with social distancing • Phase Five: Festivals and large events permitted

Lincolnwood is currently in Phase Four of the Restore Illinois plan. It is unknown as to when the Village will transition into Phase Five of the Restore Illinois plan, which requires a vaccine, widely available treatment, or elimination of new cases over a sustained period of time through herd immunity or other factors.

The Parks and Recreation Department hosts several community events that attract more than 50 attendees throughout each year. The list of remaining community events scheduled to take place in 2020 includes Pumpkins in Proesel, Trunk-or-Treat, Turkey Trot, Lincolnwood Lights, Breakfast with Santa, and Noon Year’s Eve. While the time required to plan each community event varies, preparation generally beings several months in advance of each event date.

The following matrix includes a list of the Village’s annual events that host more than 50 attendees, the point at which a decision will need to be made as to the operation of the event, and the current status of each event. The events highlighted in red have already taken place or have been cancelled. A decision regarding the events highlighted in blue will need to take place during the August 4th meeting, and decisions regarding the remaining events are anticipated to take place at future meetings as indicated in the chart. The decision point for each event was developed based on the time needed to adequately plan and promote the event, and the 2020 Village Board meeting schedule.

Event Date of Event Decision Point Status Daddy Daughter Dance January 31, 2020 N/A Complete Mom-Son Bingo February 27, 2020 N/A Complete Egg Hunt April 4, 2020 N/A Cancelled Memorial Day Parade May 25, 2020 May 5, 2020 Cancelled Aquatic Center Opening Day May 23, 2020 May 19, 2020 Cancelled Lincoln Hall Graduation* June 4, 2020 N/A Cancelled Summer Camp Opening Day June 16, 2020 May 19, 2020 Cancelled Summer Concert Series -1 June 18 – July 2, 2020 May 5, 2020 Cancelled Summer Concert Series - 2 July 2 – July 30, 2020 June 16, 2020 Cancelled Fourth of July Concert July 4, 2020 May 15, 2020 Cancelled Lincolnwood Fest* July 23 – July 26, 2020 N/A Cancelled Summer Movie in the Park August 7, 2020 June 16, 2020 Cancelled Touch a Truck September 13, 2020 July 21, 2020 Cancelled Fall Movie in the Park September 19, 2020 July 21, 2020 Cancelled Pumpkins in Proesel October 18, 2020 September 1, 2020 TBD Trunk or Treat October 31, 2020 September 1, 2020 TBD Turkey Trot November 22, 2020 August 4, 2020 TBD Lincolnwood Lights Ceremony December 3, 2020 October 20, 2020 TBD Breakfast with Santa December 12, 2020 October 20, 2020 TBD Noon Year’s Eve December 31, 2020 November 17, 2020 TBD *These events were planned by other organizations

As of July 27, several fall races across the country and state have been cancelled or transitioned into virtual races. Thanksgiving race planners are still making determinations on how to proceed. In our area, the Glenview Turkey Trot has been cancelled, the Schaumburg Turkey Trot has transitioned to a virtual race, the Grant Park Turkey Trot is advertising both in-person and virtual options, and some race websites have not been updated to include any information regarding an event this year.

The Turkey Trot is a longstanding tradition in our community. While the race takes place in November, planning for this multifaceted event begins in spring. By now many aspects of the event would have already been determined, registration would be open, and promotion of the event would have begun. Due to the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and temporary reduction of professional staff, all planning has been put on hold. This holding pattern can no longer continue and a determination as to the status of the Turkey Trot must take place so staff can proceed with the planning process.

The Parks and Recreation Department has been searching for in-person races across the country, focusing especially on Illinois and our region, to determine how race organizers were moving forward within Restore Illinois guidelines. The majority of in-person races have been delayed, cancelled, or transitioned to virtual events. At least one event, the Long Grove Turkey Trot, is offering an in-person option with adjustments to accommodate Restore Illinois guidelines such as individual start times based on anticipated finish times, masks required at the start/finish line, no race day packet pick-up or gear check, no mass gathering during the event, and a requirement that people arrive/leave promptly before/after their race. Adjustments of this nature would result in a significantly different experience on race day and more complex coordination and communication prior to and during the event. In order to allow for individual start times (one person per ten seconds) with waves of fifty or less runners per group, the streets of the race course would need to be closed and the timing company, rental equipment, and race day announcer/DJ would need to be secured for additional time. At fifty percent capacity, this could result in an extension of the event by 2.5-3 hours. There is also a chance that the event would lose money if operated for an extended period of time and at a reduced capacity. Additionally, these plans money if operated for an extended period of time and at a reduced capacity. Additionally, these plans assume that our region will be in Phase Four of the Restore Illinois Plan in November. The status of our region is dependent upon a number of factors and could shift backwards at any time.

Given the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and our region’s position in the Restore Illinois plan, the risk associated with attempting to plan an in-person event, and the need to proceed in the planning process staff recommends the Village’s in-person Turkey Trot event be cancelled.

In order to continue the Turkey Trot tradition despite the inability to gather in large groups, staff has been researching virtual races. Upon a final decision regarding the in-person event, staff will begin planning and promoting a virtual race. Participants in a virtual Lincolnwood Turkey Trot would have the option to race their 5K or 10K over a two to four week period of time during the month of November. A virtual race provides racers with the opportunity to complete their Lincolnwood Turkey Trot here in Lincolnwood or anywhere in the world. Racers would be able to use an application on their cell phones to listen to turn-by-turn directions for the course, as well as personalized messages about our community, our sponsors, and what they see along the course. While the race would be primarily recreational, racers would have the option to have their results included on a virtual leaderboard. All racers would also receive a commemorative shirt and finisher medal. These supplies would be ordered in smaller quantities and waves throughout the registration period, to reduce the financial risk associated with the event. Overall, the virtual version of the Lincolnwood Turkey Trot is anticipated to break-even or net positive, depending on available sponsor support.

In accordance with the Restore Illinois Plan’s gathering size restrictions, it is recommended that the Village Board cancel the in-person Lincolnwood Turkey Trot.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: Cancellation of the in-person Turkey Trot will result in a cost savings for several Village departments in the way of reduced workload, as well as a loss of net revenue for the Parks and Recreation Department. The loss of net revenue has been taken into account in the Village’s FY21 projections.

VILLAGE ATTORNEY REVIEW: The Village Attorney has drafted the attached Resolution.

DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 1. Proposed Resolution 2. PowerPoint Presentation

RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve a Resolution cancelling the in-person Lincolnwood Turkey Trot due to the COVID-19 pandemic.




WHEREAS, on March 9, 2020, Governor J.B. Pritzker issued a disaster proclamation, declaring the entire state to be a disaster area due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and

WHEREAS, on March 20, 2020, the Governor of the State of Illinois issued an Executive Order requiring the closure of non-essential businesses and directing all citizens to Stay-at-Home in order to control the COVID-19 pandemic (“Stay-at-Home Order”), which Stay-at-Home Order was extended through May 29, 2020; and

WHEREAS, on May 29, 2020, the Governor issues Executive Order No. 2020-38, replacing the Stay-at-Home Order with new guidelines that permit limited resumption of activities prohibited by the Stay-at-Home Order, in accordance with the Governor’s five-phase Restore Illinois Plan; and

WHEREAS, as provided in Phase Four of the Restore Illinois Plan, and pursuant to Section 2.d of Executive Order No. 2020-43, gatherings of more than 50 people are generally prohibited throughout the State; and

WHEREAS, the Restore Illinois Plan contemplates that gatherings of more than 50 people will not be permitted until Phase Five; and

WHEREAS, the Village Parks and Recreation Department has planned various community events in 2020 that are expected to attract more than 50 attendees ("Community Events"); and

WHEREAS, public health experts advise that the State of Illinois is still unlikely to reach Phase Five of the Restore Illinois Plan in the foreseeable future, and that even as the State progresses through the Restore Illinois Plan, social distancing requirements will remain important in order to lessen the chances of a renewed outbreak of COVID-19; and

WHEREAS, the Village President and Board of Trustees have determined that the further cancellation of certain Community Events during the ongoing pandemic will serve and be in the best interests of the Village and its residents;


SECTION 1. RECITALS. The facts and statements contained in the preamble to this Resolution are found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted as part of this Resolution.


{00115772.2} and Board of Trustees hereby cancels the In-Person Lincolnwood Turkey Trot scheduled to take place on November 22, 2020.

SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution will be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law.

PASSED this __ day of _____, 2020.





APPROVED by me this day of , 2020

______Barry Bass, President Village of Lincolnwood, Cook County, Illinois

ATTESTED and FILED in my office this d a y of _, 2020

B Heryl erman, Village Clerk Village of Lincolnwood, Cook County, Illinois

{00115772.2} 2020 IN-PERSON TURKEY TROT August 4, 2020 BACKGROUND

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has required the Village and its neighbors to cancel events since mid- March.

Lincolnwood is currently in Phase Four of the Restore Illinois Plan, which allows for gatherings of 50 people.

Lincolnwood could transition back to Phase Three, which allows for gatherings of 10 people, at any time.

It is unknown as to when the Village will transition into Phase Five of the Restore Illinois plan, which allows for festivals and large events to take place. 2020 COMMUNITY EVENTS: TBD

Event Date of Event Decision Point Status Pumpkins in Proesel October 18, 2020 September 1, 2020 TBD Trunk or Treat October 31, 2020 September 1, 2020 TBD Turkey Trot November 22, 2020 August 4, 2020 TBD Lincolnwood Lights December 3, 2020 October 20, 2020 TBD Ceremony Breakfast with Santa December 12, 2020 October 20, 2020 TBD Noon Year’s Eve December 31, 2020 November 17, 2020 TBD LINCOLNWOOD TURKEY TROT The Lincolnwood Turkey Trot is a longstanding community tradition and a large-scale event that hosts over 2,500 racers, volunteers, and spectators.

Race day is a community effort that involves significant volunteer and staff support, local and state road closures, rental equipment and professional timing support, large groups of people, and close quarters both in race village and the start/finish line areas.

The Parks and Recreation Department strives to minimize the impact of this event through a race schedule that ensures roads are closed for a minimal amount of time. LINCOLNWOOD TURKEY TROT

Planning for the Turkey Trot officially begins in March, with the bulk of the major event details being finalized during the summer months. By now registration would be open and promotion of the event would have begun.

Due to the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the temporary reduction of professional staff, all planning has been put on hold.

This holding pattern can no longer continue, and a determination as to the status of the event must take place so staff can proceed with the planning process. IN-PERSON RACE CONSIDERATIONS Staff searched for in-person races to determine how race organizers were operating given the Restore Illinois guidelines. The majority of races have been delayed, cancelled, or transitioned to virtual events.

An evaluation of Thanksgiving races the Chicagoland area revealed: • Glenview Turkey Trot - cancelled • Schaumburg Turkey Trot - virtual race • Grant Park Turkey - anticipated to be a virtual race • Event cancellation announcements later this summer • Websites not updated for 2020 IN-PERSON RACE CONSIDERATIONS Staff found one in-person, no mass gathering Turkey Trot planned for November and reviewed their safety plans.

Adjustments to accommodate guidelines would result in a significantly different experience on race day (no gathering, no tents, no spectators), more complex coordination and communication prior to and during the event, strict rule enforcement, and extended road closures to allow for an extended start (2.5-3 hours at 50% capacity).

There is a chance that the event would lose money, and the event would quickly need to be transitioned to a virtual race if we shift back to Phase 3 of the Restore Illinois Plan. VIRTUAL RACE CONSIDERATIONS Several races have been transformed into virtual events.

A virtual race would provide racers with the opportunity to complete their Lincolnwood Turkey Trot here in Lincolnwood or anywhere in the world over a period of time during the month of November.

Racers would be able to use an application on their cell phones to listen to turn-by-turn directions for the course, as well as personalized messages about our community, our sponsors, and what they see along the course. VIRTUAL RACE CONSIDERATIONS While a virtual race would be primarily recreational, racers would have the option to have their results included on a virtual leaderboard.

Racers would also receive a commemorative shirt and finisher medal. With a virtual race, these supplies can be ordered in smaller quantities and waves throughout the registration period to reduce the financial risk associated with the event.

Overall, a virtual version of the Lincolnwood Turkey Trot is anticipated to break-even or net positive, depending on available sponsor support. RECOMMENDATION

Given the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and our region’s position in the Restore Illinois plan, the risk associated with attempting to plan an in-person event, and the need to proceed in the planning process staff recommends the Village’s in-person Turkey Trot event be cancelled.

Upon a final decision regarding the in-person event, staff will begin planning and promoting a virtual race in order to continue the tradition despite not being able to gather in large groups. FOIA Requests July 13, 2020 to July 24, 2020

Date of Request Made By Public Record Requested Request*

7/14/2020 Michael Korman List of or copies of building permits issued by your jurisdiction that are "open" as of the date of this request, July 6, 2020. I am seeking permit information for multi-family (3+ units) and all commercial projects that exceed 0.50 acres in total property development. 7/14/2020 Bender Beatty Crash reports type B injury/towed accident/crash reports that occurred on & between July 6 to July 12, 2020 7/15/2020 Maron Marvel Bradley Lincolnwood Fire Department response on March 6, 2020 to the Holiday Inn & Suites Chicago Anderson & Tardy LLC North Shore at 5300 W Touhy Avenue. Provide any and all Fire Department records relating to a March 6, 2020 near-drowning incident at the pool facility-including but not limited to: incident reports, victim and witness statements and other investigation materials pertaining to the aforementioned occurrence; audio files, including any and all 911 calls and dispatch records resulting therefrom; videos, photographs, audio or othe recordings/depictions of the occurrenc or scene of the occurence. 7/15/2020 Margaret Slaughter ETS 7301 N Cicero Ave: any underground or above ground storage tank permits; or other pertinent Environmental & Asst. building and zoning department information as well as an official request for public records relating to any underground storage tank, above ground storage tank emergency spill responses, or other pertinent Fire Department information. 7/15/2020 Glenn Kanter copies of all correspondence received by the Village for the past six months from either Jerry Much or Lincolnwood Developers, Inc. or any correspondence relating to either 6677 N Lincoln or 6699 N Lincoln 7/16/2020 Gerardo Mendez Copies of any records of progress notes and any correspondence with the awarded contractors; Indiana, Ilinois, and copies of any records of payment, requests for payment, waivers of lien, and certified payrolls for Iowa Foundation for Perez Tree Services (a subcontractor of DeMeo Brothers) from June 2020 to present; copies of any Fair Contracting records of any correspondence and documentatio of any delays, contract extensins, and records of any liquidated damages. 7/16/2020 Mahendra Sandesara- 4000 Lincoln Ave: copy of original building and occupancy permits for structures constructed on the Environment, Inc. property. Only environmental recrods from the Village or Fire Department for underground storage tanks and tank removals, if any. Building and fire dept. inspections. Emergency calls of any spills or fuel releases, if any. 7/20/2020 Janine Rugas Report of all building permits processed by your department since March 13, 2020. BuildZoom 7/21/2020 Zainab Aljunabi 3801 Greenleaf Ave Plat of Survey 7/21/2020 Bender Beatty Crash reports type B injury/towed accident/crash reports that occurred on & between July 13 to July 19, 2020 7/22/2020 Mahendra Sandesara- 4000 W Touhy Ave: copy of original building and occupancy permits for structures constructed on Environment, Inc. the property. Only environmental recrods from the Village or Fire Department for underground storage tanks and tank removals, if any. Building and fire dept. inspections. Emergency calls of any spills or fuel releases, if any. 7/23/2020 Joshua Ritz 7301 N Cicero Ave: Any open building violations on file; date of last building and fire inspections; any open zoning violations on file; current zoning of the property and any variances on file; open fire code violations; current and historical buildng permits; current and historical certificates of occupancy; date of construction. *In addition, 6 police reports were requested during this period.