Formation of Aspartic Acid from Aqueous Mixture of Fumaric Acid and Ammonia by G-Irradiation

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Formation of Aspartic Acid from Aqueous Mixture of Fumaric Acid and Ammonia by G-Irradiation Journal of NUCLEARSCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY,6 [2], p. 51~54 (February 1969). 51 Formation of Aspartic Acid from Aqueous Mixture of Fumaric Acid and Ammonia by g-Irradiation Tokan RAI* and Mutsuaki SHINAGAWA* Received November 24, 1967 Revised August 29, 1968 Solutions containing fumaric acid and ammonium hydroxide in various mole ratios were irradiated with g-rays from 60Co source (3x104 R/hr). The formation of aspartic acid was de- tected by paper-electrophoresis, and the amounts produced were determined by spectrophotometry. The relation between aspartic acid yield and radiation dose was examined, and found to attain about 12% at a dose of 3x106 R, though it depended on the amount of fumaric acid used. The mechanism of the reactions involved is discussed. listed in Table 1. A solution of 0.01 M aspartic I. INTRODUCTION acid was used as standard solution. While radiolysis of amino acids has been 2. g- irradiation thoroughly investigated by many workers, Sample solutions of approximately 20 ml radiation-induced formation of amino acids each were irradiated in vacuum with 60Co g - has, on the other hand, not so far been studi- rays in pool(3) (3 mx5 m, 4 m deep). The dose ed to the same extent. rate was 3x104 R/hr, and the total doses ranged Recently Hasselstrom(1) reported on the from 0.03 MR to 10 MR. Before the irradiation, formation of glycine from an aqueous solu- in order to eliminate dissolved air contained tion of ammonium acetate by irradiation with in the samples, each solution was evacuated high-energy electrons. Paschke(2) has observ- until its gas phase, led to a Geisler tube, pro- ed a similar phenomenon upon g-irradiation duced negative coloring, indicating a pressure of aqueous ammonium carbonate solution, of approximately 10-2~10-3 mmHg. and qualitatively identified the product to be 3. Paper-electrophoresis glycine. The present study reports on the forma- The content of amino acid in the irradiated solution was analyzed by the paper-electro- tion of aspartic acid from an aqueous solu- tion of fumaric acid and ammonium hydroxide phoresis. The migration cell was filled with carbon by g-irradiation. tetrachloride to serve as coolant, and pH was II. EXPERIMENTAL adjusted to 3.8 with acetate buffer. Both sides of the paper strip except the middle part 1. Sample Solution which was spotted with sample solution were All reagents used in this study were of dipped into the buffer solution before conduct- analytical reagent grade from Kishida Kagaku ing electricity. A constant voltage of 800 V Co. Solutions containing a mixture of 0.05 M was applied for 20 min in an electrophoretic fumaric acid and 1 M ammonium hydroxide cell. Then a solution of 0.2 % ninhydrin in were prepared in six different mole ratios as aceton was sprayed on the paper strip and dried at 100dc for 5 min. The presence of Table 1 Mole ratios between fumaric acid and ammonia in sample amino acid was detected by ninhydrin positive solutions reaction on the paper-strip, as illustrated in Photo. 1. The production of aspartic acid was * Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engi- neering, Osaka University, Suita-shi, Osaka, — 1 — 52 J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., detected and estimated, by comparing the cyanide was diluted to 250 ml with meth- mobilities of the ninhydrin positive zones of ylcellosolve. the resulting papers with that of the standard (B) Two and half grams of ninhydrin were amino acids. dissolved in 500 ml of methylcellosolve. Solutions (A) and (B) were mixed together, and left standing for 24 hr before being used. ( 3 ) Procedure The ninhydrin positive zone of the result- ing paper was extracted with 1.5 ml of distill- ed water. To this were added 0.7 ml (pH 5) of citrate buffer solution and 1.8 ml of potassi- um cyanide-ninhydrin mixed solution, and the whole was heated in a water bath at 100dc for 15 min, then cooled with water for 5 min. The absorbance at 570 mm of each sample was measured with a Simadzu Spectrophotometer QR-50. Photo. 1 Electromigration on paper III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION strip (at 3 MR) mole ratios between fumaric acid and The relation between dose and production ammonia of the aspartic acid resulting from the g-irra- diation is shown in Table 2. The results of analysis with this electro- In Fig. 1 the concentrations of the aspartic phoretic method was checked against those acid formed are plotted against dose. from a Beckman Spinco MS Amino Acid Auto The smallest exposure at which aspartic Analyzer belonging to the Institute for Protein acid formation could be detected was 0.24x106 Research, Osaka University. R. The concentration of aspartic acid pro- 4. Spectrophotometric Determination duced in the solution increased with dose and (1) Citrate Buffer Solution (pH 5) reached a maximum value (2x10-3 M) at 3x106 Twenty one grams of citric acid were dis- R, then decreased upon further irradiation. solved in 200 ml of water, and 200 ml of 1 M The decay curves were similar to those of NaOH solution were added to it, making up radiation-induced degradation of aspartic acid. a total volume of 500 ml. Table 2 reveals an increasing yield of aspartic (2) Potassium Cyanide-ninhydrin acid with rising mole ratio of ammonia, Mixed Solution reaching a maximum with mole ratio 1:40 at (A) A solution of 5 ml of 0.01 M potassium 3x106 R. When the mole ratio of fumaric Table 2 Concentration of aspartic acid (M) formed in -ray irradiated solution g — 2 — Vol. 6 , No. 2 (Feb. 1969) 53 HOOC-CH=CH-COOH+e;:, HOOC-CH2-611-COOH+ (4 ) Then, aspartic acid is formed by combination of the HOOC-CH2-CH-COOH radical with NH2: HOOC-CH2-CH-COOH+NH2 -> HOOC-CH2-CHNH2-COOH (5) As mentioned above, the yield of the as- partic acid is dependent on the radiation dose and ammonia concentration (Fig. 1). In Fig. 2 the G values of aspartic acid (at 0.24 MR) are plotted against initial mole ratio between fumaric acid and ammonia. The yield of aspartic acid at 0.24 MR and 3 MR varies with ammonia concentration as shown in Fig. 3, where it is seen to increase linearly with ammonia concentration at low radiation dose, tending toward a limiting value at high doses. Fig. 1 Relation between aspartic acid yield and radiation dose acid vs. ammonia was smaller than 1:3, the radiation induced production of aspartic acid became insignificant. In the case of g-irradiation in a dilute aqueous solution of fumaric acid (<1 %), the primary products from water radiolysis should have a dominating influence (indirect action)(". Fig. 2 Relation between mole ratio In the radiolysis of water the following pri- and G values of aspartic acid mary products are formed: H2O H, OH, H202, H2 ( 1 ) It is considered that the free radicals OH and H react with solutes by the reactions (2) and (3) set forth below. Hydrogen atoms are turn off from ammonia molecule by the OH radical, producing NH2: NH3+OH->NH2+H20 (2) On the other hand, the double bond of the fumaric acid is liberated by the addition of an H atom: HOOC-CH=CH-COOH +H HOOC-CH2-CH-COOH-> (3) Apart from this, in alkaline solution, fumaric acid is reduced by eap, forming the HOOC-CH2- CH-COOH radical and OH- ion(5) according to Fig. 3 Relation between yield of aspartic equation acid and concentration of ammonia — 3 — J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 54 This can be interpreted as resulting from troscopy. It revealed the existence of free the following factors. radicals resulting from the double-bond libera- (1) Equation (2) would imply that the yield tion by hydrogen addition to fumaric acid. of the NH2 radical, which forms the as- Further study is now being pursued on the partic acid by the reaction (5), depends temperature dependence of the yield of this on the yield of the OH radical. However, free radical. the concentration of the OH radical is IV. CONCLUSIONS lowered by the action of OH-: 0H+OH-->—H2O+O- (6) The formation of aspartic acid induced by -rays was studied from a mixture of fumaricg This OH- ion is supplied by the reaction (4) and multiplies with the progress of acid and ammonium hydroxide solution. The radiation dose, to bring about continually yield of the aspartic acid was obtained as a mounting alkalinity of the solution. Thus function of radiation dose and mole ratio be- the concentration of the OH radical is tween fumaric acid and ammonia. It was reduced by radiation dose as well as by revealed that the concentration of aspartic increasing ammonia concentration(6). acid formed in irradiated solution tends to (2) The amino acid already formed is at- reach a limiting value with both dose and tacked by the primary products of water ammonia concentration. The mechanism of radiolysis. aspartic acid production by radiation involves The present irradiation was carried out the action of reactive species from water near the bottom of a water pool, where the radiolysis, particularly OH, which appears to temperature was kept constant. The tempera- play an important part. Apart from aspartic ture of the sample solution during irradiation acid, formation of succinic and malic acids as was measured, and found to be constant. In well as hydrazine were observed, in the for- a side experiment, the sample solution was mation of which the radicals induced by heated at 90dc for 2 hr without irradiation, radiation must have contributed. but no aspartic acid was produced in detect- —REFERENCES- able amount.
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