April 16Th 1986

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April 16Th 1986 California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Coyote Chronicle (1984-) Arthur E. Nelson University Archives 4-16-1986 April 16th 1986 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle Recommended Citation CSUSB, "April 16th 1986" (1986). Coyote Chronicle (1984-). 215. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle/215 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Arthur E. Nelson University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coyote Chronicle (1984-) by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PIECHRONICLE Aprfl 16,1986 SERVmG THE CAE?Sl>?^€:t#NfrVERSlTY, SAN SEfs^NARDINO COMMUNITY Vohme 20, Number 17 - - -X ^ iir(p/(v Lange Presents **The T, V, Connection" Veteran Los Angeles Lange has been a substitute host on broadcaster Kelly Lange will talk Today," "NBC Nightly News" about her IS years of experience and was a guest host on the former with KNBC-TV, Sunday, April 20 late-night show. Tomorrow." in the Upper Commons of Cal A redpient of numerous hotK>TS State, San BemardiiK). and awards, Ms. Lange earned the A reception will be bdd in Ms. Los Angeles area Emmy Award Lange*s lKHK>r at 3K)0 p.m., which for outstanding achievement as a win be followed by her talk on news anchorperson, and the Genii The TV Connection." Sponsored Award, presented by the by the university's Intellectual Life American Women in Radio and Committee and Special Events TdevisotL Committee, the presentatkm is free Kelly Lange b^an her news and open to the puUic. broadcasting career in 1967 as a Ms. Lange co-andiors the helicopter traffic and spot news evening edition of "News 4 LA." reporter for KABC Radio in Los For more than nine years, she co- Angeles. She then served as a field bcsted KNBC-TVs 90-minute rqx>rter for KABC-TV in Los live puUic afEairs show, "Sunday." Angdes for one year befcm In addition, for the pa^ 10 years joining NBC in 1971. she has co-ho^ed the NBC Bcmi in New York Ms. Lange is network coverage of the a graduiUe cf Merrimack Cc^cge Tournament (^Roses Parade from in North Andover, Mass. She Pasadena on New Year's Day. rdocated to Los Angles in 1966 A frequent viritor to the to pursue her broadcasting career. network studios in New Y<xk, Ms. Kdfy Lange of KNBC-TV apeela am CSUSB eoNyia Career Planning and Placement to Sponsor^Career Opportunities Fair" The Career Planning and (^>poitunities available within Aetna Life &, Casualty, Air Marketing, Martin Business Padfic National Bank, Social Placement Center wfll again be th^ professions. The Center Force Audit Agency, A.L. Madiines, McGladrey, Hendrick- Security Administration, Soren, sponsoring a "Career Opportun­ wishes to emphasize that the Fair Williams, Allstate Insurance Co., son & PuUen, Northwestern Ahem, Christenson, BaiteUs & ities Fair", during the Spring is designed for all students, American Natiooal Insurance Ca, Mutual Life, Norwest Financial Wallop CPA's, Southland Corp. Quarter. The Fair will be held next freshmen through graduate Arrowhead Drinking Water Co., California, Inc., San Bernardino (7-eleven), Stuart Furniture Thursday, (April 24th), in the students in all academic majors. Bank of America, California State County Office of the Auditor- Industries, Transdesigns, Wallace Student Unicm Multi-Purpcse The Fair is therefore informational Personnel Board, Childhelp Controller, Orange County Computer Services, Westinghouse Room (SUMP) from 10:00 am. to in nature. Aj^oximately 45 U.S.A., Defense Investigative Financial Services, Orange Electric Supply Co. 2:00 p.m. A number of different organizations will be in Service, Eadie and Payne, CPA's, County Sheriff's Department, A complete listing of govemmoit agency and private attendance. A partial listing Executone Southern Calif. Corp., Patton State Hospital, Riverside organizations participating will be industry representatives be employers who have alrearty Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., County-Personnel, Romo & included in next week's (April available to informally answer confirmed their attendance InteiuBl Revenue Service, John Waller, CPA's, San Bernardino 23rd) issue of the Chronicle. your questions ccxiceming career includes: Hancock Financial Services, KDS Pcrfice Department, Security Charity Wefcadloo Centered At Alpha PU Article Hiipanic SliuhiaMp CommoiM John SharpCActivities). This wiH Congratulatioos to the women the fim with their sistos from Dance May 9 The Lower Commons will be be the second year that dubs, of Alpha Phi On Saturday, April use, UCLA, CSULB, CSUN, M.E.C.H.A. and the Assodation the start and finishing point for San emfdoyee groups and o^aniza- I9t^ the Alpha Pledge Cia» will SDSU, and Loyola Marymount erf Hispanic Faculty and Staff will Bernardino dtizeas paitidpatiDg tions have gathered with fismily be initiated and the colony will be Also on hand will be many Alpha bold their first scholarship banquet in WalkAmerica, Sunday April and firiends to form a team, he said. diartered, making it an official Phi alumnae and Al]^ Phi and dance Friday, May 9 in the 27, to benefit the March of Di^ Last year, 14 participants raised Al(^ Phi Chapter. international executive officers. Upper Coimnons. The pulrfic and Birdi Ddects Foundation. More $931 in pledges. Alirfia Phi is the first Greek The CSUSB Fraternity Presidoits campus community are invited to than 1500 area residents are R^istration will begin at 7 a.m. Organization on campus to will later join the festivities as a the event, whkh wiU hmior five expected to participate in the and the walkathon will commence receive offidal recognition from reception is being given in the scholarship recipients. The walathon which will be at 8 a.m. KMEN Radio will their intematimial crfSce. The day honor of the new Eta Beta Chapter evening will b^in with a social concurrent with MmiUf evmts in broadcast hve from the Commons will be filled with festivities as aiu erf Alpha Phi hour at 6:30 p.m., fcrflowed by 1100 communities nationwide. during the event and other the Alpha Phis rgoice in the Congratulations to the Alpha dinner at 7:30 p.m. Thoe will be Participants will strdl a 32 ratertainment will be furnished by victories of their hard work. Pledge Class and new Ch^iter. dancing to the live musicof'Night kflometa course whidi should the jazz band TuU Moon' and a The women of Alpha Phi have Beta Pledge Class welcome you Life' from 9 p.m. to iwiHnighr. taltt indiviAials five to sevoi hours rydiem and blues group 'Fresh looked forward to this day with and we are proud to have you. Tickets are $15 per person and to com|dete. Start.' Sponcer sheets are anticipation and will be sharing Way to go Alpha Phil!! $25 per couple. Reservations Cal State win assemUe a groiq> available fiom Sharp in SS 106, should be made by May 2 with of individuals in the TeamWalk Ext 7407 and the Student Unum Sheila Torres(Extended ae^ment q£ the diaritv drive, said desk. Education)at Ext. 7667 or GX.U. Spring Enrollment Reflect Carolyn RodriguezfFinancial The next mdeting <rf the Gay Growth Aid) at ExL 7741. and Lesbian Union will be hdd on Explore TcochlBf As A Career teacher, a career ana an EnroUment for spring quarter Tuesday, April 22 frmn nocm-1 KX) The Career Planning and educatkMial placement adviscv continues to rdlect growth at the No More Weekend Recfeallon p.m. in Stu^t Services 171. The Placement Center is presenting a there to answer your questioos university. At the end of the The P.E. Bldg. isnolcngeropeo t<^)ic of fears of counseling will be carea exploration workshop for about what trarhing is r^y like, second day of r^istration, 6,046 on weekends for recreation. The discussed by Dr. Martha Kazlo students conadering the trarhing what the demand is for' teadiers students had enrolled, which is an Tennis & Racquetball Courts are from the UnivCTsity's Counsding prc^essioo in grades Kindergarten now and how best to proceed to increase of 11.14 percent open, however, Sundays from through 12th. The workshop is get your teaching credatiaL The Colter. The topic will also include compared with the same day in 1:00-5K)0 p.m. the importance of having entitled You Think You Want worksht^ will be on Tuesday, spring 1985, reports R^istrar Jo supportive friends. Students, to Be a Teadt^" and will provide Aprill 22, 1986 in the Student Aim Von WakL A final tally on fiu^ty and staff are encouraged to Spanish TaUe a wealth erf human resources to Union Smate Chambers frmn the student body will be attoid. For mcxe infornuUi(xi, The day for the Spanish Table answo' your questions about any 3K)0pm-S.'00pm. I>on't miss this determined after the last day to contact faculty advisor Dr. Craig in the Commons at noon has been aspect of tearhing There will be a opportunity to have your drop classes, which is on Frfoay, questicms answoed by the pet^le Henderson Dean of Studoits changed from Wednesday to Credentials Analyst, an Ap^ 18, stm said. Tuesday for the Spring Quarto:. elanoitary teacher, a secowlarv who have the answers. Office, 887-7524. Earthquake Preparadness Earthquake Week Are you prepared for a disaster may already be overdue- the campus and ourselves fm* a catastrophic earthquake? it could hai^)en today, next week major earthquake. Injuries and Although earthquakes are or 50 years from now, but it will property damage from an common in California, major haDDOL earthquidte can be reduced Week eafthqnakfs occur infiropiently San Bernardino is in the heart of signi&antly if we are prqMred ,enou^ to lull people into a southern Califonia's i^ithgnykf b^ore it occurs.
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