Kalsbeek, Fliers, Hofman, Swaab, Van Someren & Buijs Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 153 ISSN 0079-6123 Copyright r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


Circadian time keeping: the daily ups and downs of genes, cells, and organisms$

Ueli SchiblerÃ

Department of Molecular , Sciences III, University of Geneva, 30 Quai Ernest, Ansermet, CH-1211 Geneva-4, Switzerland

Abstract: Light-sensitive organisms — from cyanobacteria to humans — contain circadian clocks that pro- duce 24-h cycles in the absence of external time cues. In various systems, clock genes have been identified and their functions examined. loops in clock were initially believed to control circadian rhythms in all organisms. However, recent experiments with cyanobacteria and the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa tend to favour protein phosphorylation cycles as the basic timekeeper principle in these species. The study of clock genes in mammals has led to a further surprise; practically all body cells were found to harbour self-sustained circadian oscillators. These clocks are co-ordinated by a central pacemaker in the animal, but they keep ticking in a cell-autonomous fashion when maintained in tissue culture. In mammals, most physiology is influenced by the circadian timing, including rest–activity rhythms, heartbeat frequency, arterial blood pressure, renal plasma flow, urine production, intestinal peristaltic motility, and metabolism.

History of circadian rhythms: from hobby gardening circadian clocks are unique to light-sensitive organ- to feedback loops in gene expression isms (Dunlap, 1999). Curiously enough, circadian rhythms were not Biological clocks are systems measuring time in the discovered by biologists, but by a very observ- absence of external timing cues such as light or tem- ant French astronomer, Jean-Jacques d’Ortous De perature cycles. ‘‘Circadian’’ is derived from the Mairan. In 1729, he noticed daily leaf movements of Latin words circa diem (about a day). As the name the mimosa plants cultivated in his backyard and indicates, circadian timekeepers generate cycles of decided to investigate whether these movements were about — but not exactly — 24 h. Hence, the phase of influenced by changes in light intensity or by an en- these oscillators must be corrected by a few minutes dogenous clock. A simple experiment provided the every day to keep abreast of geophysical time. The unequivocal answer: when he transferred the plants synchronization to the photoperiod is controlled to pots and kept them in his dark basement, the by light inputs in all known organisms, and indeed, leaflets continued to fold and unfold in a daily rhythm. Hence, he concluded that the timing of leaf movements was not determined simply by environ- mental changes (De Mairan, 1729). $ A large part of this article has been printed in B.I.F. De Mairan was not only a good observer, but FUTURA (December 2005 issue) in a slightly modified form. must have had second sight. He predicted that Permission for including these text sections has been granted by Dr. Claudia Walther, Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation, Ger- progress in understanding biological clocks would many. be slow. Indeed, another 100 years were to pass be- ÃCorresponding author. Tel.: +41-22-379-61-79; Fax: +41-22- fore the Swiss botanist August de Candolle observed 379-68-68; E-mail: [email protected] that the leaf movement rhythms of mimosa plants

DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(06)53016-X 271 272 were free-running with a length of 22 h rather The year 1997 was a magical year for circadian than 24 h under constant conditions (Eckardt, rhythm research in mammals. Two groups, Tei 2005). This was an important discovery, since it and coworkers (Tei et al., 1997) and Sun and co- rendered the possibility unlikely that unnoticed en- workers (Sun et al., 1997), independently reported vironmental rhythms, for example low amplitude on the long-awaited identification of a mammalian temperature cycles or daily variations in air com- homolog of the Drosophila period gene. Both position, would drive the leave movement cycles in groups demonstrated that the mRNA specified by constant darkness. Yet another 100 years later, this gene (Period1) oscillated in abundance in the Erwin Bu¨nning published a study verifying that the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the master circa- period length of Phaseolum leaf movements has a dian pacemaker in the hypothalamus. In the same genetic basis (Bu¨nning, 1932). Compelling evidence year Clock (Circadian locomotor output cycles for the Mendelian inheritance of circadian rhythms kaput), the first gene encoding a positively acting was published by Ronald Konopka and Seymour factor of the , was Benzer in 1971 (Konopka and Benzer, 1971). These isolated in mice in a heroic genetic approach by authors designed an ingeniously simple mutant Joseph Takahashi and co-workers (King et al., screen for the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, 1997). One year later, BMAL1 the major dime- based on the observation that eclosion of flies from rization partner of clock was identified in a yeast- pupae is highly circadian. Konopka and Benzer two-hybrid screen using Clock cDNA as a bait and mutagenized male flies using ethyl methane sulfon- a hamster hypothalamus cDNA as a prey (Geka- ate. They mated them with females containing fused kis et al., 1998). In the same year, Drosophila X-chromosomes and collected those of the male genes encoding orthologues of the mammalian offspring that hatched at unusual times (i.e. during transcription factors CLOCK and BMAL1 were the dark phase). All these males had received their isolated and genetically dissected in the fruit fly X-chromosomes from their mutagenized fathers, (Allada et al., 1998; Rutila et al., 1998). In the since zygotes with the two fused X-chromosome years to follow, we witnessed a true clock gene developed into females. The screening of about 2000 explosion. Several protein kinases (CK1e/d, CKII, males of the F1 generation resulted in the isolation GSK3, orthologues in both mammals and mam- of three different alleles of one and the same malian species), additional transcription factors, X-linked gene, later now referred to as period (per). such as Vrille, and Pdp1 in Drosophila (Cyran Further analysis revealed that one of these caused et al., 2003), and RORa,b,g (also referred to as arrhythmicity, another period lengthening, and a NR1F1,2,3, nuclear receptor subfamily1 group F, third one period shortening of both eclosion and members 1 to 3) and Rev-Erba (also referred to as locomotor rhythms. In 1987, the groups of Michael NR1D1, nuclear receptor subfamily1 group D, Rosbash, Jeff Hall, and Michael Young reported member 1) in mammals (Preitner et al., 2002; the molecular cloning and transcript analysis of Akashi and Takumi, 2005), RNA-binding proteins the per gene (Bargiello et al., 1984; Reddy et al., (NONO in mouse, NonA in Drosophila (Brown 1984). A few years later, Rosbash and co-workers et al., 2005b), and a mouse histone methyl- proposed that circadian rhythms might be gener- transferase-binding protein (WDR5, WD repeat ated by a feedback loop of per gene expression, domain protein 5 (Brown et al., 2005b), were based on the observations that per mRNA abun- added to the repertoire. Thus, while the negative dance followed a daily cycle in Drosophila heads feedback loop model still prevails for metazoan and that ectopic overexpression of Per protein circadian oscillators, its biochemical details are attenuated transcription of the resident per gene still being modified non-stop. Figure 1 illustrates a (Hardin et al., 1990; Zeng et al., 1994). The next currently publicized model for the mammalian cir- Drosophila clock gene to be cloned was timeless cadian clockwork circuitry. In the negative limb, (tim)(Myers et al., 1995), whose protein prod- which is the centrepiece of the oscillator, the genes uct Tim forms multimeric complexes with Per encoding two PER (period) and two CRY (crypto- (Gekakis et al., 1995; Rutila et al., 1996). chrome) isoforms are activated by the two 273

Fig. 1. Hypothetical model of the molecular circadian oscillator. The rhythm generating circuitry is thought to be based on molecular feedback loops within a positive limb (CLOCK, BMAL1) and a negative oscillator limb (PER and CRY proteins) that are inter- connected via the nuclear orphan receptor Rev-erba (see text for details and inconsistencies of this model).

PAS-domain helix-loop-helix transcription factors similarity to those of Drosophila or mammalian CLOCK and BMAL1. Once PER:CRY repressor clocks, negative feedback loops in clock gene ex- complexes reach a critical concentration, they pression were thought to be the universal rhythm- block the stimulatory action of CLOCK and generating mechanism in all biological systems. BMAL1. As a consequence, Per and Cry genes However, this view changed dramatically due to are silenced, PER and CRY protein concentra- Takao Kondo and co-workers’ spectacular work on tions diminish, and a new auto-regulatory cycle of the cyanobacteria clock (Nakajima et al., 2005; PER and CRY expression can ensue. The tran- Tomita et al., 2005). The three proteins KaiA, KaiB, scription of Rev-erba is regulated by the same andKaiC,encodedbythekaiA/BC operon, consti- mechanism, and the periodic accumulation of tute the centrepiece of the cyanobacterium Synecho- REV-ERBa elicits the cyclic repression of Bmal1 coccus elongatus. Like all cyanobacteria genes, kai (and, to a lesser extent Clock). Additional compo- genes are transcribed in a circadian manner. In ad- nents, such as protein kinases, the RNA-binding dition, KaiC, which can act both as an autokinase protein NONO, and the histone methyl-transf- and an autophosphatase, undergoes robust daily erase-binding protein WDR5 are also required for phosphorylation cycles that depend on its physical keeping the clock ticking at its normal pace. interactions with KaiA and KaiB. In the absence of photosynthesis, cyanobacteria cannot produce ATP levels that are sufficiently high for transcription and A circadian clock in the test tube: protein kinases translation. Therefore, RNA and protein synthesis and phosphatases rapidly cease in cyanobacteria kept in constant dark- ness. However, circadian KaiC phosphorylation Cyanobacteria of the species Synechococcus elon- continues for several days in the absence of tran- gatus and the filamentous fungi species Neurospora scription and translation suggesting that variation in crassa are further examples of systems in which cir- protein abundance is not required for circadian cadian clocks are genetically and biochemically dis- rhythm generation (Tomita et al., 2005). Spurred on sected. Although the clock components of these by this surprising but gratifying result, Kondo and primitive organisms bear no compelling sequence co-workers purified KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC as 274 recombinant proteins from overexpressing E. coli et al., 2004) and mathematical evidence (Schaad, strains and mixed them at the concentration ratios Wanner, and Schibler, unpublished). In fact, anti- observed in vivo. The addition of ATP to this pro- phasic 24-h accumulation cycles of an mRNA and tein mix triggered 24-h rhythms of KaiC phosphor- the protein encoded by it are only possible if tem- ylation that remained synchronized for several days poral protein synthesis and/or stability are regulated in the test tube (Nakajima et al., 2005). Hence, pro- independently from temporal mRNA expression. tein phosphorylation rather than transcription/trans- This can be readily demonstrated by numerical lation cycles may be the basic principle of the solutions of the equation: Z biological clock in cyanobacteria. x Protein phosphorylation also plays an essential ½protein¼K e½ln 2ðtxÞ=t1=2f ðtÞ½mRNA dt part in generating circadian rhythms in N. crassa.In 1 this filamentous fungus, clock protein frequency where K is a constant depending on the efficiency of (FRQ) inhibits the action of the White Collar tran- protein synthesis, t1/2 the protein half life, t the time scription factors WC-1 and WC-2, which bind to of protein synthesis, x the time of protein accumu- their cognate DNA elements within the frq gene lation, and f(t) the function of time of mRNA con- as heterodimer complexes (referred to as centration, determined by a best-fit equation to the WCC). Initially, FRQ was thought to act as a tran- experimentally determined curve. By solving this scriptional repressor. However, in 2005, Michael equation for a series of constant half-lives, we were Brunner’s group presented compelling evidence that unable to generate antiphasic protein accumulation FRQ stimulates the phosphorylation of WCC by an cycles from the experimentally measured mRNA ac- unknown protein kinase, thereby abolishing the cumulation cycles. In fact, even very long protein DNA-binding ability of this half-lives that reduce the amplitude of protein cycles complex (Schafmeier et al., 2005). WCC phosphor- to insignificant levels cannot delay the phase of pro- ylation cycles rather than FRQ abundance rhythms tein accumulation by more than about 4 h from that may therefore lie at the heart of Neurospora oscil- of mRNA accumulation. Conceivably, transcription lators, and circadian transcription may be a clock cycles play a more important role in clock outputs output rather than the core mechanism. It will be rather than in the core mechanism of circadian enticing to investigate whether circadian WCC rhythm generation, as has been suggested above for phosphorylation can be reconstituted in the test N. crassa. tube once the relevant protein kinases and phos- phatases will have been identified. These findings with cyanobacteria and Neurospora Zeitgeber time, circadian time, and jet lag oscillators strongly suggest that feedback loops in post-translational clock protein modifications are As mentioned in the first section, circadian clocks also essential for the oscillator mechanism in insects measure daytime only approximately and must be and mammals. Indeed, the gene expression model resynchronized daily to keep abreast of geophysical presented in Fig. 1 for the mammalian molecular time. Light is the major Zeitgeber (German term for clock suffers from inconsistencies in the phase rela- ‘‘provider of timing cues’’) for this phase-resetting in tionship between PER and CRY mRNA and pro- all the organisms under investigation. In chronobi- tein accumulation. Hence, at least in its simplest ology jargon, the time imposed by light–dark cycles version, it cannot account for all the experimental is Zeitgeber time (ZT). ZT0 is usually defined as the observations and theoretical considerations made in time when the lights are switched on. In contrast, the mammalian system. For example, if CRY and circadian time (CT) is used for the time determined PER were the direct transcriptional repressors of by a circadian oscillator under constant conditions their own genes, Per and Cry transcription cycles (i.e. in the absence of a synchronizing Zeitgeber). For should be in antiphase to PER and CRY protein example, mice of the common laboratory strain accumulation cycles. However, this prediction has C57B6 free-run with a period length of 23.77 h been invalidated by both experimental (Gachon (Schwartz and Zimmerman, 1990). Thus, their 275 circadian clock must be phase-delayed by about flow, intestinal peristaltic motility, hepatic metabo- 14 min every day. In contrast, human oscillators lism and detoxification, and many functions of the generate circadian cycles of approximately 24.18 h endocrine system (Schibler et al., 2003). The rhythms (Czeisler et al., 1999),andthushavetobephase- of all these clock-controlled processes depend on two advanced by 11 min every day. Since circadian os- tiny aggregates of neurons, called SCN. They were cillators can be phase-shifted by roughly one to two named after their location, immediately above the hours per day, these corrections are not problematic. optic chiasm in the ventral hypothalamus. Bilateral However, east- and west-bound transatlantic flights lesions of the SCN renders animals completely cause time-zone differences of several hours which arrhythmic. However, behavioural rhythms can be cannot be accommodated in a single day. Hence, for restored in such SCN-lesioned animals by implants transatlantic travellers it takes several days before of foetal SCN tissue into the third ventricle, close to circadian time adjusts to Zeitgeber time. Since hu- the position of the ablated SCN (Ralph et al., 1990). man physiology and behaviour are influenced to a The fact that the free-running period length is great extent by circadian time, many aspects of daily determined by the donor tissue is even more impor- life style are at odds with the outside world for the tant: if wild-type hamsters (period length close to first few days after a transatlantic journey. This jet 24 h) are SCN-lesioned and grafted with SCN lag affects sleep–wake cycles, as well as the physiol- implants of Tau-mutant hamsters (period length ogy of the kidney and the gastro-intestinal system 20 h), they free-run with a period length of 20 h (see below). (Ralph et al., 1990)(TauistheGreekwordfortime The light-induced phase-shifting of circadian and is used in jargon for period clocks is gated by the oscillator itself. This can be length). deduced from the phase response curve: light pulses Circadian pacemakers were originally believed to delivered to laboratory mice kept in constant dark- exist only in a few specialized cell types, such as SCN ness during the subjective day (CT0-CT12) have neurons. However, this view has been challenged by little influence on the phase, while light pulses de- the discovery that circadian clocks may exist in most livered during the first half (CT12–CT18) and sec- peripheral cell types, and even in immortalized tissue ond half (CT18–CT24) of the subjective night delay culture cells (Balsalobre et al., 1998). The identifica- or advance the phase respectively. This phase shift- tion of mammalian clock and clock-output-genes ing behaviour is probably also involved in the ad- facilitated the examination of circadian rhythmicity aptation to seasonal behavioural changes of in peripheral tissues. These genes were shown to be nocturnal animals: when the days get longer in expressed in daily cycles not only in the SCN neu- spring, the phase of activity onset is delayed in the rons, but in virtually all cell types. Nevertheless, the evening and advanced in the morning, leading to a fact that such genes are active in a cyclic fashion in a shortened activity phase. given tissue does not prove the existence of a circa- The signalling pathways involved in phase shift- dian clock in this tissue. Indeed, rhythmic gene ex- ing are not yet understood in molecular detail. pression in peripheral organs could be driven simply Nevertheless, I will address some recent observa- by oscillating , whose rhythmic secretion is tions on how the mammalian circadian timing governed by the SCN. Clearly, the unequivocal system is co-ordinated. identification of circadian oscillators in peripheral cell types depends on the demonstration that such cells can generate circadian rhythms in the absence The mammalian circadian timing system: a clock in of the SCN master pacemaker. In 1998, Aurelio every cell? Balsalobre and co-workers ascertained that circadian cycles of gene expression lasting for several days The mammalian circadian timing system influ- couldbeelicitedbyaserumshockinRAT-1fibro- ences nearly all physiological processes, including blasts cultured in vitro (Balsalobre et al., 1998). sleep–wake cycles, cardiovascular activity, body tem- These experiments were motivated by the observa- perature, acuity of the sensory system, renal plasma tion that most immediate early genes induced by 276 light in the SCN — including the clock genes Per1 Peripheral oscillators in mammals are not light and Per2 — are also induced by serum in tissue sensitive and must be phase-entrained by chemical culture cells. This light-induced immediate-early gene and/or neuronal signalling pathways. It is worthy of expression correlates with phase-shifting. Subse- note that the circadian oscillators of in vitro cultured quently, Emi Nagoshi and co-workers and David fibroblasts can be synchronized by a bewildering Welsh and co-workers measured circadian gene ex- variety of signalling substances, including those ac- pression in real time and in individual mouse and rat tivating nuclear receptors (e.g. glucocorti- fibroblast to demonstrate that their oscillators func- coid receptor, retinoic acid receptor), G-protein tion in a self-sustained and cell-autonomous fashion coupled receptors, tyrosine kinase receptors and (Nagoshi et al., 2004; Welsh et al., 2004). Since the Ca2+ channels (Schibler et al., 2003). Moreover, periods are somewhat variable from cell to cell and even low-amplitude body temperature rhythms can from cycle to cycle, the rhythms are not synchro- sustain the synchronization of peripheral clocks nizedinuntreatedcellpopulations. However, a (Brown et al., 2002). The precise molecular mecha- serum shock transiently synchronizes the oscillations nisms by which peripheral timekeepers are phase- in clock gene expression, such that these can be re- entrained are not clear, but appear to depend on corded by studies on cell populations (Fig. 2). daily feeding–fasting cycles. Indeed, feeding time, Self-sustained circadian oscillators have also been while not affecting the SCN clock, is the most dom- located in slices from many peripheral organs kept inant Zeitgeber for peripheral oscillators. For exam- in tissue culture, including liver, kidney, pituitary ple, daytime feeding of nocturnal rodents for a week gland, cornea, and lung. Most body cells probably or longer completely inverts the phase of peripheral harbour such clocks (Yoo et al., 2004). In the intact oscillators (Damiola et al., 2000). animal, they have to be synchronized to yield co- Our studies have shown that, under certain feed- ordinated circadian outputs in overt physiology and ing conditions, signalling is also used behaviour. How is this accomplished? As men- by the SCN to synchronize circadian oscillators in tioned above, light–dark cycles are the major peripheral tissues (Le Minh et al., 2001). One inter- Zeitgebers for the central SCN pacemaker. Light esting difference between peripheral and central cir- signals required for SCN clock synchronization are cadian oscillators is that only the latter have a gated not only perceived by classical rod and cone pho- phase-shifting behaviour (see above). For example, toreceptors in the outer retina layer, but also by strong phase-shifting stimuli, such as the glucocor- melanopsin-containing ganglion cells in the inner ticoid receptor agonist Dexamethasone, can reset retina layer. These photic inputs are then transmit- the phase of peripheral clocks independently of cir- ted as electrical signals to SCN neurons via the cadian time, both in vivo and in vitro (Balsalobre retino-hypothalamic tract (RHT). The electrical et al., 2000; Le Minh et al., 2001). The synchroni- signalling to the SCN involves the neurotransmit- zation of central and peripheral mammalian oscil- ters glutamate and PACAP (also referred to as lators is schematically outlined in Fig. 3. ADC4AP, adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide) Jet lags, caused by sudden large transitions of which, when bound to their receptors in SCN neu- time zones that cannot be overcome in a single rons, provoke the influx of Ca2+. This results in the day, are commonly regarded as sleeping distur- activation of several protein kinases (protein kinase bances. However, peripheral organs such as the A, protein kinase C, mitogen-activated protein kin- kidney and the liver are also affected by such time ases), in the phosphorylation of the transcription perturbations, and the phase adjustments of their factor CREB (Cyclic AMP Response Element-Bin- clocks may even lag behind that of the SCN pace- ding protein), and in the stimulation of immediate- maker. Urination during the night and digestion early-gene expression (Albrecht, 2004). Per1 problems after heavy meals are two typical man- and Per2 are among the induced immediate-early ifestations of jet lag in the kidney and the gastro- genes in all examined species, and the burst in the intestinal tract. In fact, renal plasma flow and accumulation of PER proteins probably alters the urine production, intestinal peristaltic motility, phase of the molecular clock. production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach, 277 secretion of pancreatic enzymes and bile acids into reasons, such innate behavioural differences are the gut, and processing of ingested food compo- generally not apparent during workdays. However, nents and toxins by the liver are all highly circa- at weekends and on holiday the ‘‘true’’ chronotypes dian (Schibler et al., 2003). These processes require manifest themselves in surprisingly large variations several days to readjust to the new time zone after in the timing of rest–activity cycles. As reported by west- or east-bound journeys. Roenneberg and co-workers (Roenneberg et al., 2003), extreme early birds (larks in chronobiology Human behaviour: larks and owls parlance) wake up and become active when extreme late birds (owls in chronobiology parlance) go to Humans can be classified into different chronotypes bed. These observations were made on the basis of according to their sleep–wake cycles. For obvious self-reports of thousands of individuals who were

Fig. 2. In vitro cultured fibroblasts contain cell-autonomous circadian oscillators. (A) A Rev-VNP reporter gene was constructed by inserting the open reading frame of Venus, a yellow fluorescent protein, followed by DNA sequences encoding a PEST domain and a nuclear translocation signal (NLS), into a genomic DNA fragment encompassing the Rev-Erba locus. (B) Fluorescent time-lapse microscopy of a Rev-VNP expressing NIH3T3 cell line (1 picture/30 min during 72 h) shows the circadian accumulation of VNP in the nuclei of individual cells. The quantification of the fluorescent signal is shown below the time-lapse recording. (C) VNP accumulation cycles in NIH-3T3 fibroblasts before (right panel) and after synchronization (left panel) by a serum shock. (Reprinted from reference 29 by kind permission of Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.) 278

Fig. 3. Synchronization of central and peripheral circadian clocks. The master pacemaker in the SCN is synchronized via light–dark cycles generated by the photoperiod. It then synchronizes peripheral oscillators through behavioural rhythms (rest–activity cycles which engender daily feeding cycles) and neuronal and humoral signals (see text for details). The chemical Zeitgeber signals associated with feeding–fasting rhythms and the precise nature of the neuronal signals have not yet been identified. interviewed about their sleeping behaviour. In a few remain under observation for several weeks under cases, a hereditary basis for such behaviour could laboratory conditions. This is possible in only a be unequivocally documented. For example, in one limited number of cases. The prohibitively high case of familial advanced sleep phase syndrome cost of such experiments does not make experi- (FASPS), the gene responsible for precocious sleep- mental recording amenable to large numbers of iness was identified as the circadian clock gene human chronotypes. However, a recent study by PER2 (human period 2). Afflicted subjects carry a Steven Brown and co-workers may provide a new point mutation in PER2, changing a serine into a way of studying human circadian rhythms (Brown glycine at amino acid position 662. In the wild-type et al., 2005a). Fibroblasts from human skin punch PER2 protein, serine 662 is phosphorylated by the biopsies were infected with a lentiviral vector con- protein kinase CK1e, and this phosphorylation re- taining a luciferase reporter gene driven from the duces the metabolic stability of the protein (Toh Bmal1 promoter. Three to four days after infec- et al., 2001). The lack of phosphorylation in the tion, circadian bioluminescence cycles were S662G mutant protein could conceivably speed up recorded in real time for four to five days. While the oscillator and thereby advance the phase, be- the values of different skin biopsies from the same cause the stabilized protein reaches threshold con- individual were practically identical, skin biopsies centrations required for auto-repression earlier from different individuals yielded highly different during the day. period lengths, ranging from 22 to 26 h (Fig. 4). The systematic recording of free-running human Similar experiments with wild-type mice and period length means that human subjects must mice carrying mutations in various clock genes 279

Fig. 4. Circadian bioluminescence in human fibroblasts infected with a lentiviral luciferase expression vector (A) The lentiviral circadian reporter construct contains the mouse Bmal1 promoter, the firefly luciferase-coding region, and the Bmal1 30UTR, flanked by the long terminal repeats (LTRs) of a lentiviral packaging vector. A DNA segment composed of the EF1a promoter and a SV40 terminator is inserted between the upstream LTR and the Bmal1 promoter, in order to attenuate the influence of transcription regulatory sequences of genomic sequences after viral integration (for details see Brown et al., 2005a). (B) Skin punch biopsies were obtained from 19 individuals. Fibroblasts were isolated from each biopsy, infected with the lentiviral circadian reporter vector shown in panel A, and analyzed by real-time luminometry. Individuals are designated with the letters A–S. (C) Summary of the period lengths of BMAL-luciferase oscillations from all 19 individuals. Each value shows the average plus or minus the standard deviation from two different trials of two different infections of fibroblasts from two to five biopsies per subject. The probability by Student’s t-test that the most different individuals (A and S) have the same period length is 0.00001; the probability that the second most different (B and R) are equal is 0.004. suggested that the period values measured in fib- respectively (Pando et al., 2002; Brown et al., roblasts are correlated with those determined for 2005a). It will be interesting to investigate circa- circadian behaviour. Thus, the fibroblasts of mice dian gene expression in the primary human fibro- with behavioural periods longer or shorter than blasts of different human chronotypes. If, as wild-type also display longer and shorter periods in mice, a correlation between period length of 280

fibroblast gene expression and behaviour can be of this claim has been found only for cyanobacteria established in human subjects, the inexpensive re- and the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Thus, cyano- cording of luminescence cycles from skin biopsies bacteria equipped with clocks whose period length may be used as readouts in genetic linkage studies matches that of the light–dark cycles to which they aimed at the identification of loci that influence are exposed, rapidly outgrow bacteria with a non- human rest–activity cycles. resonating clock (Woelfle et al., 2004). These ex- periments clearly show that it is the rhythm rather than a crippled gene that is responsible for the Perspectives growth advantage, since depending on the light–- dark cycles the same mutation can be beneficial or Although progress in research has deleterious. Likewise, Arabidopsis plants with a advanced significantly during the past two decades, resonating oscillator grow more rapidly and are chronobiologists are unlikely to get bored in the more resistant to environmental insults than plants near future. CLOCK input pathways have still to with discordant clocks (Dodd et al., 2005). In an- be dissected with regard to the molecular signalling imals, mutations in some clock and clock-control- mechanisms by which light–dark cycles synchronize led genes have been shown to cause severe health circadian oscillators. Photoreceptors and down- problems (Fu et al., 2002; Fu et al., 2005). How- stream components required for this process have ever, since ‘‘resonance experiments’’ such as the been identified in several systems, but the path has ones described above for cyanobacteria and Arab- not yet been paved from capturing of photons to idopsis have not yet been conducted successfully in modifying gene expression and resetting the phase. animals, we still do not know whether these health Even less is known about how the SCN synchro- problems are the result of perturbed rhythms. nizes slave oscillators in peripheral tissues, and Finally, in spite of the well-funded knowl- about the precise roles of feeding rhythms, hor- edge that drug metabolism, efficacy, and toxicity mones, and neuronal signals in this process. are subject to large daily variations (Levi, 2000), Scientists working on molecular oscillator mech- attempts to explore these observations clinically anisms in complex organisms such as plants, insects, are still rather timid. Circadian biologists and and mammals will not rest before they have suc- physicians will have to collaborate a lot more ceeded in reconstituting a ticking clock in the test closely before chronopharmacology and chrono- tube. As mentioned above, this was recently accom- therapy can flourish. plished in cyanobacteria(21), but even in this simple system the protein–protein interactions generating 24-h KaiC autophosphorylation rhythms in vitro Acknowledgments remain obscure. If, as many investigators in the field still maintain, gene expression cycles are at the heart I am very grateful to Nicolas Roggli for expert of circadian oscillators in animals and higher plants, preparation of the figures. Work in my laboratory the in vitro reconstitution of a ticking clock might has been supported by the Canton of Geneva, the well be a ‘‘mission impossible’’. However, it may be Swiss National Science Foundation through an possible some day to assemble such a genetic clock- individual grant and the NCCR program grant work circuitry in yeast cells, which lack a circadian Frontiers in Genetics, the Louis Jeantet Founda- timekeeping system. tion of Medicine, and the Bonizzi-Theler Stiftung. Another fundamental issue is the demonstration in the laboratory that circadian physiology is ben- eficial to higher organisms. In view of the fact that References virtually all light-sensitive organisms possess circa- dian clocks, there is little doubt that these must Akashi, M. and Takumi, T. (2005) The orphan nuclear receptor provide a selective advantage to their owners. How- RORalpha regulates circadian transcription of the mamma- ever, compelling experimental evidence in support lian core-clock Bmal1. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 12: 441–448. 281

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