Agenda 4-29-21

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Agenda 4-29-21 Village of Lakewood VILLAGE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, April 29, 2021 7:00p.m. The Rane Center 26 N Williams St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 In light of the current COVID-19 public health emergency, Governor J.B. Pritzker's Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation, and the Village's Continuation of Proclamation of Local Disaster Emergency in response thereto, the Village President has dete1mined that an entirely in-person meeting is not practical or prndent because of the disaster. This meeting will be held remotely and in-person, but there will be a limit of one hundred eighty (180) in-person seats available for the public at the Raue Center. The following information is being made available to the public for the pmpose of public pruticipation in the spirit of transparency and an open meeting process. The public can observe and comment, when appropriate, by calling in to participate at: 312-626-6799. In order for a member of the public to be recognized for comments, dial *9 on your telephone at the appropriate times during the meeting. Members of the public can also attend online by clicking here: 09 Questions may also be fo1warded before 5:00pm on April 29, 2021 via email to [email protected]. Audio recordings are available, after the meeting date, on the website at Meeting ID: 864 3961 5682 Passcode: 771014 Please Note: This meeting is being audio recorded Roll Call - Establish Quorum Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Page 1 of2 Village of Lakewood VILLAGE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Opening statement from President Dave Stavropoulos Public Comments (Not to exceed 30 minutes as an item) The Public is invited to make an issue-oriented comment on any matter of public concern. Photography taken of the Village Board or other public body shall be donefi·om a distance of at least twelve feet fi·om each member of the Board or public body. AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Motion to Approve (Advice and Consent) the appointment of Village Treasurer. 2. Motion to Approve (Advice and Consent) the appointment of Village Clerk. 3. Motion to Approve (Advice and Consent) the appointment of Chief of Police. 4. Motion to Approve (Advice and Consent) the appointment of CAONillage Manager. 5. Motion to Approve (Advice and Consent) the appointment of Village Law film Ancel Glink. 6. Motion to Approve creation of Ad Hoc Financial Research Committee. 7. Motion to Approve Special Event Penni! for Grace Kinstler American Idol Celebration. Adjournment (NO LATER THAN 10:30 P.M.) The Village of Lakewood is subject to the requiren1ents of the A1nericans \vith Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this Meeting and who require certain accormnodations so that they can observe and/or pa11icipate in this Meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the Meeting or the Village's facilities, should contact the Village's ADA Coordinator at (815-459-3025) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable acco1nn1odations for those persons. Page 2 of2 Motion to Approve Ad lloc Financial Review Committee Pm·pose: The purpose of the Committee is to evaluate current financial reports and status of the village, 7.01 GENERALPROVISIONS A. ~reation of Boards. Commissions. and Committees: The Village Board shall be em- powered to create advisoty boards, conunissious, couuuittees and simllarpanels from time to time in order to ftirther the public health, safety, comfort and welfare of the Village ancl its constit11e11ts by conducting research on a!1<1 evaluation of issues of public policy, and by 11rnki11grecommendations to the Village Board for further consideration. Boards, commissions and committees may be tei1111ornry (nd-hoc) orpenunnent in nature, All permanent boards, conmussions, and committees slmll be creat­ ed by ordina11ce and shall ftmction in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter 7. Temporary co11111uttees 111ay be created by the Village Board at any time for the co11sideration of any particular question or matter. mid need not confonn with all of the provisions ofthis Chapter 7 exceptto com­ ply with other appropriate state laws or Village ordinances, suclrns the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Members of temporary collllllittees shall be fille<i by appointment by the Village President with the advice aud consent of the Trustees. On thc accepta11ce of a fmal report fro111 such a special commit­ tee, said conllllittee shall stand discharged without further vote or action by the Village Board tutless otlierwise provided for. All age11das, minutes, reports, commmrications, petitions, actions and other papers and transactions of all boards, collllllissions and committees shall be filed with the Village and retained ill accordance with Village ordinances and procedures as well as state law. Members and Term: President shall appoint (5) members to the Colll1liittee as follows: • The Committee will include a trustee, the village treasurer, senior village accounting staff member, CAO/Village Manager, and an outside CPA. • The Committee's duties will conclude and the Committee will be dissolved on December 31, 2021 or when recommendations by the colll1liittee have been voted on by lhe village board. Committee Objective: • Review completed 2020/2021 detailed Revenue & Expenditure in conjunction with 2021/2022 budget • Review 2019/2020 audit in preparation for 2020/2021 audit • Review fund investment locations for best practice plan development Committee Report; • Outside CPA will review and appl'oVe all reports • Reports will be presented as they are completed for board approval • Time accounting for the outside CPA will be included with all board reports ~~~~-------------- I~ r Village of Lakewood 2SOO Lake Ave l,nkeWon$f1 'IL 60014 (815j 4S9'3025 SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION !n£0@11JHaq takewood,I!~ THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMIITED TO THE ADDRESS ABOVE 14 DAYS PRfOR TO THE EVENT REQUIRED INFORMATION ANO DOCUMENTATION 1, Asite plan must be submitted Indicating the location of the event. 2, Proof of liability Insurance c:overage/oertlllcate of Insurance must be submitted 14 business days prior to the !>Vent. 3. All additional records/documentsrequested below must be attached at the_ttme of application, GENERAl EVENT INFORMATION Evenflltl•/N•me: 4JWJf1y.6tkp4'j;_"'!l;_,.l/J-wn Eventoate: ,:fi/1111ivj' "/Vli!Aj l'il"rl"} Event Address: {'g!,f,/J~ Rid111iL 1 6/r.<ek '-J tdtwtrt-t Event Hours: _"T_;_f!>:;:.D__ ~----~ Clty,State,Zlp: ruqs+t.L f d,kM- llrit.erJ/}/)b Attendanee: _TI::..'f>=D'-------'-- EventDoscrlption: amtn4ld1 Jtkf /,&id Pl /UJStms tL Nm<.€ 1/Jy1)L ~./ ~ ~ (/; tlWi ILi A&/fty Wfft1I ~ ~ \"%p 3, 1> #pttf.dfo .l}Utm!fs tl4lJ. ~ brfh. #w IJit/%6 lbom '- Cr'fSmL UHL:E - lU1}' C'.-6~fJu..L 1\--Wtm'., fl "F- Ft I M1JJ& hme.5. ::r aM r~8h~ ,IL- A .. - I -- fi~-UI-/ m ~;K.d lLf p·'flrn1 "'-·. u CONTACT INFORMATION I r - " • IX-'.' !';'~ • Organliatlon Name: /J-rnt.{i Un :J:.dd Phone: Address: Cell: City, State, Zip; Email: Organizer/ _ Coordinator Name: Phone: Address: Cell: City, State, Zip: Email: fJ/v EVENT OVERVIEW flpnl ~· _., Oves a No Are you provjdfng/mvlng food at your event1 If yes, please submit copl~s of 0ach permit application and receipt 11)_V Issued by the McHenry County Health Department for all participating vendors. - a Yes 0 No WJllthere be anY tents or temporary structures at this eventl If yos, please subml! a CQPY ofth• Cer\lrlcate of TJ!if) flame Resistance for each.tent or temporary structure. OYes_ ONo Wiil ele~ronlc sound ampllflcaUon equipment or apublic aMress svst•!TI be used at \he eventl If yes, please be 113D sure t_o review Municipal Code Chapter i3.i4, Noise, prior to slgnlnll this appllca\lon. All proposed lighting and sound system utlllzatlon and the location thereof, for the special event shall be subject to the approval In_ advance bY ,the Village B~ar~ prior to liruun>• of the respective speclal evenl ~arml\, P_ngc 1_ tl Yes )(No Wli!.lhere be• raffle at this event? If yes, a ratfle license Is required to be obtained and a separate application must be submitted. tl Yes D No Will electrical be used for this event1 If yes, an electrtcal Inspection m•\I be required. Please attach a simple line Jf3D drawing to this applica\lon Indicating each device lielng used, Its fusing, and Its power source. In addition, for all temporary power sources, please provide a description, source, locatton, contractor name, contact lfiformatlon and copy of the ce>ntractor's license. )'(Yes tl No Will you be requesting Village mvlces1 (Please note that addltlonalrees may apply.) II so, please list the needs bi;ilow: • l U t2JJ.:t1u.J JS e,h,im ll.6 tt /;.eM.t. 1 I f1Ud/d tl Yes tl No Will public roadways or bike paths be used? If yes, you must submit a site and traffic control plan, which should l@D lndude the location of ~ny applicable s!gnage, dlrectlonal slgnage, barricades, power, ell:tension cords,_parklng areas1 food, attendance1 traffic !3yout for safety purposes and any other applicable l.nformallOn, [J Yos ji.;io Wiii you be selling or serving alcohol at your aventl If yes, please Include the Dally/Special Event liquor Permit Application as required In chapter 9.06 of the Lakewood Municipal Code. [J Yes [J No Have yo~ submitted the required certmcate of tnsuraricel Approval requires the submission of a certificate of Insurance for general publlcliabillty Insurance cove raga of $1,000,000, naming the VIiiage of Lakewood, Its officials, officers, ditec_tors, ~mployees, attorneys1 an~ agents as addll!onal_tnsured. The terllflcate of Insurance must also lnc_lude the name of the event, location, and dates of coverage, AC.K!'lOWLEDGEMENT/SIGNAiUR£ ay signing ihls document, I certify that the Information provided above Is correct and I acknowledge having read and understood the Information contained In this application, I agree to conduct my special event In compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances, laws and the conditions contained In the special event permit.
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