Josh PorkChop Garrick

“The Biggest Little Man In Pro

A lifelong resident of Malvern, AR Josh Garrick has dreamed of becoming a professional rodeo since the age of three. Raised in a rodeo family where everyone competed in some aspect of rodeo he was destined to participate in some way. After attending a local rodeo at the age of three he fell in love with the and the way they made the crowds laugh.

At 36 years of age and a height of 4’6” he has gained the moniker “Biggest Little Man in Pro Rodeo”. Though small in stature Pork Chop does everything in a big way. Currently in the 18th year of his rodeo career he has been blessed to work some of the nation’s biggest and riding events. Spending an average of 160 days of the year on the road entertaining fans is and awesome job and one that he would not trade for anything. He has been voted comedy act, and barrel man of the year in numerous top rodeo and associations around the United States. Working rodeos in nearly all of the lower 48 states as well as Canada.

Josh started his rodeo career as a at the age of 17 and attended Southern Arkansas University on a rodeo scholarship. After showing up to a local rodeo to fight the entertainer did not show up and they handed Pork Chop the microphone and he has not looked back since. When asked what the best part of his job is he will answer quickly “the people”. “I get to meet all types of people from all over the country and they all share the love of the sport of rodeo and bull riding. I like the fact that someone can have a bad day, or have a lot going on in their personal life, then they can come to one of our shows and no matter what is going on my goal is to make them relax, have a good time, and forget about whatever they have going on outside of the performance. Hearing people laugh and bringing them happiness is the most awesome feeling in the world. Without a doubt that is the best part of my job!”

Pork Chop now spends his downtime on his small farm in Malvern, AR where he resides with his wife Jessica and their seven-year-old son Michael. “I love my life and the rodeo lifestyle and the friends that I have made. To top that off with a wonderful wife and an amazing son I wake up every day feeling like I have won the lottery. I truly live a blessed life!”