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Media Optical Media Media Optical Media Key (JC) = Jewel Case (IJ) = Inkjet Printable (SC) = Slim Case (TP) = Thermal Printable (SP) = Spindle Pack HUB = Hub Printable CD-R CD-R DVD-R eFilm - 300 Year Archival Gold 650MB (74 Min.) 52x (IJ) White HUB 50-Pk SP VECDRIWH50 17.95 16X 50-Pk (SP) JVDMR1650 21.95 10-Pk with Hard Case DECDR10HC 16.95 (IJ) White HUB 100-Pk SP VECDRIWH100 30.95 Maxell - 4.7GB 16-Pk with 3-Ring Binder DECDR16RB 29.95 (IJ) Silver 50-Pk SP VECDRIS50Q 17.95 4x Shiny Silver Single with (JC) MADMRSS4J 1.50 25-Pk (SP) DECDR25 29.95 (IJ) Silver 100-Pk SP VECDRIS100 30.95 8x Single with (JC) MADMR8J 1.99 100-Pk (SP) DECDR100 108.95 (IJ) Silver HUB 50-Pk SP VECDRISH50 19.95 8X 3-Pk with (JC) MADMR83J 5.95 Fuji - 700MB (80 Min.) 48x (Data) (TP) White 50-Pk SP VECDRTW50 23.50 8x Shiny Silver 50 Pk (SP) MADMRSS850 27.50 10-Pk with (JC) FUCDRD10J 6.50 (TP) White HUB 50-Pk SP VECDRTWH50 23.50 8X (IJ) White Single with (JC) MADMRIW8J 1.50 25-Pk with (JC) FUCDRD25J 14.95 (TP) Crystal 50-Pk SP VECDRTC50 18.95 8x (IJ) White 50-Pk (SP) MADMRIW850 29.95 50-Pk with Color (JC) FUCDRD50CJ 29.95 Verbatim - LightScribe 700MB (80 Min.) 52x 8x (IJ) Shiny White 50-Pk (SP) MADMRIG850 33.95 50-Pk (SP) FUCDRD50 15.95 10-Pk (SP) VECDRLS10 6.49 8x (IJ) Shiny Silver 50-Pk (SP) MADMRIS850 33.95 100-Pk (SP) FUCDRD100 24.95 20-Pk (SC) VECDRLS20J 18.95 8X (TP) White 50-Pk (SP) MADMRTW850 27.50 (IJ) White 50-Pk (SP) FUCDRDIW50 18.95 30-Pk (SP) VECDRLS30 18.95 Panasonic - 4.7GB (120 Min.) (IJ) White HUB 50-Pk (SP) FUCDRDIWH50 18.95 8x Single with (JC) PADMR8J 1.69 (IJ) Silver 50-Pk (SP) FUCDRDIS50 18.95 CD-RW 8x 5-Pk (SC) PADMR85J 5.89 (IJ) Silver HUB 50-Pk (SP) FUCDRDISH50 18.95 Fuji - 700MB (80 Min.) 1X-4X (Data) 8x 10-Pk (SC) PADMR810J 9.99 (TP) White 50-Pk (SP) FUCDRDTW50 18.95 8x 20-Pk (SC) PADMR820J 14.95 10-Pk with (SC) FUCDWD10J 10.95 (TP) White HUB 50-Pk (SP) FUCDRDTWH50 18.95 Fuji - 700MB (80 Min.) Music/Data Sony - 4.7GB (120 Min.) (TP) Silver 50-Pk (SP) FUCDRDTS50 18.95 16X Single with (JC) SODMR16J 1.49 3-Pk with (JC) FUCDWAP3J 3.50 (TP) Silver HUB 50-Pk (SP) FUCDRDTSH50 18.95 16X 3-Pk with (JC) SODMR163J 20-Pk with (SC) FUCDWAP20J 19.95 3.95 Fuji - 700MB (80 Min.) 40x (All Purpose) Verbatim - 700MB (80 Min.) 2x-4x, 4x-12x & 16x-24x 16X 10-Pk with (JC) SODMR1610J 9.95 10-Pk Color CD with (JC) FUCDRAP10J 5.95 16X 25-Pk (SP) SODMR1625 17.50 2x-4x 10-Pk with (SC) VECDW410J 8.90 30-Pk (SP) FUCDRAP30 12.95 16X 50-Pk (SP) SODMR1650 2x-4x 20-Pk Slim Case VECDW420J 15.79 34.50 50-Pk (SP) FUCDRAP50 14.99 16X 100-Pk (SP) SODMR16100 59.95 2X-4X 25-Pk (SP) VECDW425 14.95 Maxell - 700MB (80 Min.) 32x Music Gold 4x-12x 25-Pk Branded (SP) VECDW1225 16.50 TDK - 4.7GB (120 Min.) 50-Pk (SP) MACDRM50 29.99 TDDMR8J 16x-24x 5 Pk w/Slim Case VECDW245J 4.49 Single with (JC) 1.29 Maxell - 700MB (80 Min.) 32x TDDMRAP85J 16x-24x 10-Pk w/Slim Case VECDW2410J 8.99 8X Unscratchble Armor Plated 5-Pk (JC) 10.95 (IJ) White 100-Pk (SP) MACDRIW100 39.95 32x 10-Pk w/Slim Case VECDW3210J 14.50 16X Single with (JC) TDDMR16J 1.19 (IJ) Silver 100-Pk (SP) MACDRIS100 39.95 2x-4x (IJ) Silver 50-Pk VECDW4IS50 29.95 16X 25-Pk (CB) TDDMR1625 12.95 Maxell - 700MB (80 Min.) 48x 16X 50-Pk (SP) TDDMR1650 21.95 10-Pk with (JC) MACDR10JQ 7.95 Verbatim - 4.7GB (120 Min.) 25-PK (SP) MACDR25 9.95 Mini CD-R/RW 4x Digital Movie 10-Pk (JC) VEDMR4DM10 19.95 MACDR100 100-Pk (SP) 32.95 TDK - 185MB 24x 4x Digital Movie 25-Pk (SP) VEDMR8DM25 16.95 (TP) Shiny Gold 100-Pk (SP) MACDRSG100 39.95 CD-R 21 Min. 10-Pk (JC) TDCDRM2110 7.69 8x 10-Pk with (TC) VEDMR810TC 9.95 Scratch-Less - 700MB (80 Min.) 48x CD-R 24 Min. 25-Pk (SP) TDCDRM2425 10.50 8x Ultra Life Gold 50-Pk (SP) VEDMRUG850 74.95 5-Pk w/Jewel Case SCCDR805 3.99 CD-R 24 Min. 50-Pk (SP) TDCDRM2450 19.95 8x (IJ) White HUB 50-Pk (SP) VEDMRIWH850 19.95 20-Pk (SP) SCCDR80S20 13.95 Verbatim - 185MB/21 Min. 1X-32x Mini 8x (IJ) Silver 50 PK (SP) VEDMRIS850 19.95 40-Pk (SP) SCCDR80S40 24.95 CD-R/21 32x 10-Pk (SC) VEMCDRJ 8.49 8x Silk Screen Print Silver 50-Pk (SP) VEDMRS850 18.95 Sony - 700MB (80 Min.) 48x Sony - 3.5” CD-R for Mavica 16x Single with (JC) VEDMR16J 0.99 Single w/Jewel Case SOCDRJ 0.79 CD-R 5-Pk (SC) SO5MCR156A 14.95 16x 10-Pk with (JC) VEDMR1610J 7.99 10-Pk w/Jewel Case SOCDR10J 7.29 CD-RW 3-Pk (SC) SO3MCRW156A 19.95 16x 25-Pk (SP) VEDMR1625 13.95 50-Pk (SP) SOCDR50 19.95 16x 50-Pk (SP) VEDMR1650 24.95 100-Pk (SP) SOCDR100 29.95 16x 100-Pk (SP) VEDMR16100 34.95 TDK - 700MB (80 Min.) 48x DVD-R 16x 50-Pk Shiny Silver VEDMRSS1650 20.95 Single w/Jewel Case TDCDRJ 0.69 e-Film - 100 Year Archival Gold 8x 4.7 GB (120 Min) 16x (IJ) White Glossy HUB 20-Pk with (JC) VEDMRIG1620J 17.95 10-Pk w/Jewel Case TDCDR10J 5.99 10-Pk with Hard Case DEDMR410HC 24.95 16x (IJ) White Glossy 50-Pk (SP) VEDMRIG1650 32.95 50-Pk (SP) TDCDR50 14.95 16-Pk with 3-Ring Binder DEDMR416HC 44.95 16x (IJ) White 50-Pk (SP) VEDMRIW1650Q 21.95 TDK - 700MB (80 Min.) 32x Music 25-Pk (SP) DEDMR425 49.95 16x (IJ) White HUB 50-Pk (SP) VEDMRIWH1650 23.95 SINGLE w/Jewel Case TDCDRMJ 0.99 100-Pk (SP) DEDMR4100 214.95 16x (TP) White HUB 50-Pk (SP) VEDMRTWH1650 24.95 10-Pk w/Jewel Case TDCDRM10J 7.90 Fuji - 4.7GB (120 Min.) Verbatim - Lightscribe 4.7GB (120 Min.) 30-Pk (SP) TDCDRM30 9.95 16X 120 5-Pk with (SC) FUDMR165J 6.45 16x 30-Pk (SP) VEDMRLS1630 24.95 Verbatim - 700 MB (80 Min.) Multi-Speed Digital Vinyl 16X 120 10-Pk with (SC) FUDMR1610J 9.99 10-Pk w/Jewel Case VECDRDV10J 5.99 16X 120 25-Pk (SP) FUDMR1625 18.95 10-Pk (JC) 5 Gold / 5 Platinum VECDRDVGP10J 7.99 16X 120 50-Pk (SP) FUDMR1650 24.99 DVD-R Double Sided/Layer 25-Pk w/Jewel Case VECDRDV25J 14.95 16X 120 100-Pk (SP) FUDMR16B 44.95 JVC Double Layer VECDRDV25 25-Pk (SP) 10.49 16X (IJ) White 25-Pk (SP) FUDMRIW1625 19.95 4X 8.5GB 2-Pk with (JC) JVDMRDL162J 14.95 50-Pk Color (SP) VECDRDV50 19.95 16X (IJ) White 50-Pk (SP) FUDMRIW1650 29.95 Verbatim Double Sided (IJ) White Center 50-Pk (SP) VECDRIWDV50 FUDMRIWH1650 22.95 16X (IJ) White HUB 50-Pk (SP) 29.95 2X 9.4GB 40-Pk (SP) VEDMR2DS40 164.95 Verbatim - 700MB (80 Min.) 52x 16X (IJ) White HUB 100-Pk (SP) FUDMRIWH16B 49.95 Verbatim Double Layer Single w/Slim Jewel Case VECDRJ 0.59 FUDMRIS1650 16X (IJ) Silver 50-Pk (SP) 29.95 4X 8.5GB 3-Pk with (JC) VEDMRDL43J 14.95 10-Pk w/Slim Jewel Case VECDR10J 5.89 16X (IJ) Silver HUB 50-Pk (SP) FUDMRISH1650 29.95 20-Pk w/Slim Case Branded VECDR20J 9.99 16X (IJ) Silver HUB 100-Pk (SP) FUDMRISH16B 49.95 50-Pk (SP) Branded Surface VECDR50 11.99 16X (TP) White 50-Pk (SP) FUDMRTW1650 29.95 DVD-RW 100-Pk (SP) Branded Surface VECDR100 19.49 16X (TP) White HUB 50-Pk (SP) FUDMRTWH1650 29.95 Fuji - 4.7 GB (120 Min.) 100-Pk (SP) Blank White VECDRBW100 23.95 16X (TP) White HUB 100-Pk (SP) FUDMRTWH16B 49.95 4X 5-Pk with (JC) FUDMW45J 7.99 100-Pk (SP) Shiny Silver VECDRSS100Q 29.95 16X (TP) Silver 50-Pk (SP) FUDMRTS1650 29.95 4X 15-Pk (SP) FUDMW415 14.95 (IJ) White Glossy HUB 20-Pk with (SC) VECDRIGH20J 12.95 16X (TP) Silver HUB 50-Pk (SP) FUDMRTSH1650 29.95 Sony - 4.7 GB (120 Min.) (IJ) White Glossy HUB 50-Pk SP VECDRIGH50 21.95 16X (TP) Silver HUB 100-Pk (SP) FUDMRTSH16B 49.95 2X Single with (JC) SODMWJ 2.25 (IJ) White 50-Pk SP VECDRIW50 17.95 JVC - 4.7GB (120 Min.) 2X 25-Pk (SP) SODMW25 24.95 Verbatim - 700MB (80 Min.) 52x (Cont’d.) 16X 5-Pk with (JC) JVDMR165J 3.99 TDK - 4.7 GB (120 Min.) (IJ) White 100-Pk SP VECDRIW100 30.95 16X 30-Pk (SP) JVDMR1630 13.50 4X 25-Pk (SP) TDDMW425 24.95 June 2007 364 Video Quick Dial 813 Optical Media Media Key (JC) = Jewel Case (IJ) = Inkjet Printable (SC) = Slim Case (TP) = Thermal Printable (SP) = Spindle Pack HUB = Hub Printable DVD-RW DVD+RW DVD±RW/RAM Double Verbatim - 4.7 GB (120 Min.) Fuji - 4.7 GB (120 Min.) Sided for Camcorders 1x 15-Pk (SP) VEDMW115 14.99 4x 5-Pk with (JC) FUDPW45J 7.99 Sony - 2.8GB (60 Min.) (Cont’d.) 2x Single with (JC) VEDMW2J 1.49 4x 15-Pk (SP) FUDPW415 14.95 DVD+RW with (JC) SODPW60DS 5.99 2x 10-Pk with Video Trim (CS) VEDMW210 14.95 (IJ) White 100-Pk SP FUDPWIW8B 47.50 TDK - 2.8GB (60 Min.) 2x 30-Pk Branded (SP) VEDMW230 26.95 (IJ) Silver 100-Pk SP FUDPWIS8B 47.50 DVD-R 3-Pk w/(JC) Scratch Proof TDMDVDMRS283 12.95 4x Single with (JC) VEDMW4J 1.59 Sony - 4.7 GB (120 Min.) 4x Single with (JC) SODPW4J 2.25 DVD±R for DL Camcorders 4x 10-PK with (JC) SODPW410J 23.90 JVC - 2.6GB (55 Min.) DVD-RAM 4x 25-Pk (SP) SODPW425 24.95 DVD+R 2.4x Single with (JC) JVVDRDL26GU 8.39 Fuji - 4.7 GB (120 Min.) TDK - 4.7 GB (120 Min.) Panasonic - 2.6GB (55 Min.) 2X-3X 5-Pk with (JC) FUDMRR5J 14.95 2.4x Single with (JC) TDDPW8J 1.49 DVD-R 3x Single with (JC) PALMRF55LV 7.99 Panasonic - 4.7 GB (120 Min.) Verbatim - 4.7 GB (120 Min.) Verbatim - 2.6GB (55 Min.) 2X-3X w/o Cartridge 10-Pk PADMRR310J 18.90 4x Single with (JC) VEDPW4J 1.79 DVD-R 4x 3-Pk with (JC) VEMDMRDL3J 18.95 Verbatim - 4.7 GB (120 Min.) 4x 10-Pk with (JC) VEDPW410J 12.95 DVD+R 2.4x 3-Pk with (JC) VEMDPRDL3J 19.95 3X Type 4 with Cartridge VEDMRR3T4 5.99 4x 10-Pk with Video Trim Case VEDPW410TC 14.95 3X with Trim Case 10-Pk VEDMRR310TC 24.95 4x 30-Pk (SP) VEDPW430 22.95 Blu-Ray-R/RE Discs DVD-RAM Double-Side Panasonic - 25GB DVD-R for Camcorders 2x BD-R Single with (JC) PABDR 19.95 JVC DVD-RW Double Layer Fuji - 1.4GB (30 Min.) 2x BD-RE Single with (JC) PABDRE 24.95 2X 8.5GB 2-Pk with (JC) JVDMWDL162J 19.95 5-Pk with (JC) FUMDMR5J 5.99 Sony - 25GB Panasonic - 9.4 GB (240 Min.) 10-Pk (SP) FUMDMR10 8.99 2x BD-R Single with (JC) SOBDR 17.95 2X-3X with Cartridge PADMRRDS3T4 8.99 JVC - 1.4GB (30 Min.) 2x BD-RE Single with (JC) SOBDRE 19.95 2X-5X with Cartridge PADMRRDS5T4 8.95 8cm Disc 30 Min.
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