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John Swinney Alyth Voice 101st Edition, May 2006 Tel. 01828 633045 Minimum Circulation 1575 Email address: [email protected] Website: ALFRED’S MEMORIAL WILD SUCCESS MOUNTED ON a 6 inch double step plinth, the Alfred Anderson Memorial Cairn will be 5-6 feet high. It will be a square shape, tapering in sympathy with the existing WW1 memo- rial, and constructed of cemented, odd coloured, flat sided boules, with a rounded top, to drain wa- ter. An engraved plaque with a suitable inscription, will be built into the front face and a time capsule will be incorporated into the base (content suggestions wel- come!). A copy of the bust has been requested and an Front Row: Kym Stanley, Claire & Rudi Gruneberg, Isabel McCurdy order for duplicate copies of all medals, except the Legion d’Honneur can now be placed. The French medal is France’s highest award and a copy may not be ANOTHER NEW show for Alyth Musical Society, and they must be congratu- possible, nevertheless it is considered that a copy of the Citation would be lated for taking risks in bringing new productions such as ‘Wild Wild Women’ adequate and possibly more informative. Several locations are being consid- to the Alyth stage. The risk is well worth it. ered to display both the medals and the bust. Isabel McCurdy showed a confidence on stage, belying the fact that this was The Memorial Fund now stands at nearly £1000, but is some way off the her first principal role. Her singing was excellent and her portrayal of Alice required figure before having to apply for grants, and the Committee is still Tibbs, owner of the Peaceable Haven, hit just the right note. She was most ably hopeful that the project can be funded solely by public subscription, particu- supported by Rudi Gruneberg, as her husband Bill Tibbs. Most laughs came larly through the use of the envelope distributed in last month’s Voice. It is not from Ron Kirkpatrick as the Hanging Judge. Ron in his usual indomitable way, too late to contribute by envelope, or hand in your donation to Michael Kay’s added his own hilarious lines, which Alyth audiences have loved over the Hairdressers at 13 Airlie Street, Alyth. years. However, Alan Calder-McNicoll as one of the Earps, had the audience If you have any comments or suggestions, Michael will be pleased to take in stitches with his rendition of 'Can't get it up'. This was closely followed by note and ensure that they are brought to the attention of the Committee. Alter- Craig Alam and Kym Stanley, who brought many smiles with their duet natively, why not attend one of the meetings to make your point. Details of the 'Bundle of Love'. Marjorie Twivey as Sister Priscilla and Glenda Kean as fund progress and latest Committee meeting minutes can be found in the above Madame Lola brought their respective characters to life, as did Gerard Cam- shop window. eron, Nick Wallace, Bob Fisher and Alan Calder-McNicoll as the Earp broth- Don’t forget our forthcoming coffee morning in the Airlie Street Hall, on ers. Special mention must be made, to the two youngest members of the com- June 10th where we hope we can count on your support. pany, Danielle Borret and James Beck. They were extremely confident given Jim O’Brien, AA Memorial Fund Secretary their inexperience on stage. The chorus were on top form, adding colour and characterisations to the story. The production values of the show were high and brought praise from the representatives of Noda (National Operatic and Dramatic Association) who saw the show on Wednesday. They were also full of praise for the company's performance. Many of the lighting plots brought an appropriate atmosphere to the scenes, although there were one or two technical hitches with lighting cues, but this did not detract from the show. Sound was excellent and the backstage boys were certainly on their toes making the transitions between scenes quick and proficient. The production team of John White (Producer), Colin Grant (Musical Director) and Craig Alam must take a lot of credit for all their hard work, in bringing such a happy and vibrant new show to the Alyth stage. Audience enjoyment was obvious through their laughter and appreciative clapping after every song. At the curtain call many cheers came spontaneously as the cast took their bows. All in all a great night out and those who wit- nessed the show must be glad that they L-R: Gerard Cameron, Karon West, Nick Wallace, supported the company. A great way to Louise Adamson, Bob Fisher, escape from the usual television pro- Kathleen Stanley, grammes - long may the Society be able Alan Calder-McNicoll to keep this up! A Local Critic MEN and WOMEN REQUIRED AS FIREFIGHTERS IN ALYTH NOW! Applicants should be physically fit, live within five minutes of the Fire Station and be willing to respond to incidents at any time. In return for your commitment you will be trained to operate a wide range of equipment, taught first aid, gain problem solving skills and learn to operate as part of a highly dedicated team. You will be paid, but most of all you will know you are providing an essential, life saving service to your local community. Visit the Station on a Monday 7-9pm or telephone Martin Tait or Grahame Beats on 01382 825295 for an application form. Useful Telephone Numbers THE REVD NEIL GARDNER ELECTED Airlie Street Hall (contact-Fiona Dorchester) - 01828 632455 TO THE CANONGATE KIRK Blairgowrie Police Station - 01250 872222 ON SUNDAY 9th April, Neil Gardner preached as Sole Nominee at the Kirk Perth Police Station - 01738 621141 of the Canongate on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile, and at the end of the service Hydro-Electric Emergencies - 0800 300999 was duly elected by the congregation. The next stage in the process is that Scottish Gas Emergencies - 0800 111999 the appointment will be formally approved by the Presbytery of Edinburgh in Scottish Water - 0845 6008 855 May and by the local Presbytery of Dunkeld and Meigle in June. Neil’s final Alyth Post Office - 01828 632301 Sunday in Alyth will be 4th June, and his induction is arranged for Thursday Alyth Health Centre - 01828 632317 22nd June at 7pm in Canongate Kirk, where it is hoped the Alyth congrega- Alyth Primary School - 01828 632462 tion will be well represented. Further details will be in June’s Voice. Blairgowrie High School - 01250 873445 The Kirk of the Canongate - or Canongate Kirk - serves the Parish of Alyth Environmental Group - 01828 632907 Canongate in Edinburgh's Old Town. The parish includes the Palace of NHS 24—new 24 hour health service - 08454 24 24 24 Holyroodhouse and the Scottish Parliament, as well as Edinburgh Castle, If you offer an emergency or breakdown service even though the Castle is detached from the rest of the parish. The Kirk was e.g. Plumber, Electrician, Locksmith, Glazier, Central Heating or any other trade, built in 1691 by James Smith. Previously the residents of the Canongate had please send us your name and number for our useful numbers section used the Abbey Church of the Palace of Holyroodhouse, but King James VII Alyth Voice Team ordered the construction of the new Kirk of the Canongate, allowing the (now ruined) Abbey Church to be converted into a Chapel for the Order of Paul Ramsay 01828 632992 Editor the Thistle. (The current Thistle Chapel is attached to St Giles' Cathedral). [email protected] The Kirk is also the regimental chapel of The Royal Scots Regiment of the Irene Robertson 01828 633045 Compositor/Secretary British Army. [email protected] Canongate Kirk has been served by several well-known former ministers, Margaret Stanford 01828 633083 Advertising two having also served as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church [email protected] of Scotland. Thomas Wilkie was twice Moderator (1701 & 1704). The Very Paul & Barbara Prettyman 01828 633725 Distribution Reverend Dr Ronald Selby Wright, known as the "Radio Padre" for his fa- Margaret MacKenzie Advertising mous wartime broadcasts, was minister from 1937-1977 and served as Mod- erator in 1972. Whilst Dr Selby Wright was away on wartime service as an Marjory Macpherson Advertising Army Chaplain, the Revd George MacLeod (later the Very Revd Lord Michael Kay 01828 632252/632690 Treasurer MacLeod of Fuinary, founder of the Iona Community and Moderator in [email protected] 1957) served as locum. Dr Selby Wright was succeeded as minister by the Derek Todd Webmaster Reverend Charles Robertson LVO MA, who retired in 2005. The kirkyard is [email protected] the resting place of several Edinburgh notables, including the economist In order to avoid disappointment please ensure that articles/ads for publication are Adam Smith and the poet Robert Fergusson, whose statue stands outside the submitted before the 21st day of each month. Note: The views expressed in the Alyth kirk gate. [Source:] Voice are not necessarily those of the team nor can they accept any responsibility for accuracy and spelling of any article. DEAR NEIL ARTICLE SUBMISSION to the Voice by Dan Dewar Please note ALL articles must be accompanied with a name and address BEFORE they will be published in the Voice. You soothed our Souls and stole our hearts; On request, the name and address may be withheld from publication. we loved you from the very start: Any submission without these details will NOT be included. sae honest, upright, staunch and true - the hail o’ Alyth fell for you.
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