October 1977


Photo/Ed Self TltE s~:!~A UMNUS

October 1977

Red Skelton spends 7 days in Muncie, reacquainting self, visiting with students

"Red Skelton's in the Student Center signing "But the one thing that hit me was that I autographs!" shouted a student as she burst wanted to make people laugh like the man I through the door. had seen on 2tage. So I went home and built Taking nearly everyone by surprise, Red myself a small little stage and took clothespins Skelton arrived on campus six days before and cut the fronts off for their little heads, his scheduled performance. He immediately (the old fashioned clothespins), and painted set-out to reacquaint himself with a town he faces on them and put them on little sticks had not seen in, well decades. He explained and moved them around. And I would write more at a press conference on October 5 in little plays and invite all my friends in." the Student Center. When asked about his education in comedy, "I'm visiting old landspots, trying to he replied, "I think I learn from all of them recapture some of the things of years ago (comedians). As tar as reaching out and taking when I was here," he said. "First time I was things from them, I don't think I ever did, in Muncie was with a medicine show. The really. next time I was here was with the John Lawrence stock company and then I played a "One fellow whom I really admired was Ed theater that since has been torn down. I think Wynn. And if I was ever going to impersonate I might have had something to do with that, anybody or take anything, it would have been too," he quipped. from Ed. We have a lot of young people now That first visit wasn't long after the Vin­ that I have great admiration for, but they're cennes, IN, native made his stage debut. His on the wrong track already, like Richard Pryor, first professional experience came at age 10 for instance. I think he is one of the cleverest when he joined Dr. R. E. Lewis' Medicine Show kids to come along in a long time but he's in Lawrenceville, IL. doing things now to make himself ugly. And "The first big laugh I ever got was when I he's fighting a cause for some reason instead walked on stage, I sat aow11 c111u the chair woo of gnino ni1t and sayina 'Here's my talent. Photo /Greg Rice '77 too close to the edge and I fell into the Accept my people and myself for what I'm "I don't need anyone to push people out of "Everyone, no matter now 1011y yuu :itand trying to represent.' audience. And this got a laugh, so instead of the way for me or say 'Mr. Skelton is very busy there and they talk, says, 'Nice talking to you.' being embarassed about it, I did it every night. "Eddie Cantor and Al Jolson were dear now and can't talk to you.' If I need to go That's exactly what they do. They talk to you. Then I started to come up the stairs one day friends of mine and each one taught you a somewhere else, I just excuse myself and But it's fun. People here are more friendly, and I slipped and fell and they laughed again. little of something else. And even Henny people are very understanding. and I think they like the fact that you're a I got so that anytime I would say something, Youngman, he next to Moses, was the one­ "People are people anywhere. They're all Hoosier, too, and that helps a little." I'd fall down,' cause it was an easy way to liner." the same. We're all people but the cadence is Red is also a talented artist. His specialty, get laughs." different. Here they are friendly. They are naturally enough, is clowns. He says he gets Yet even half of his lifetime before that, Red says he has no favorite character of friendly everywhere but it's a little bit different. his inspiration from people." ... like a little Red knew show business would be his destiny. those he created. "I like them all," he said. In Kansas, for instance, and just right across cello player I saw. It started out, someone When he was a youngster his mother worked "They were people in my mind. See, all of us, into Illinois the people look at you first before wanted a painting of a musician. And it started as an elevator operator and charwoman at we're five or six different people. We don't they speak. Here they walk right up to you out with this guy and a horn, and he had a the Limpke Building in Indianapolis. She would realize it in time to analyze it. You wake up in and say 'Hi, how you doin' Red?' And they're flute and I painted him about five or six get passes for Red and his brothers to see the morning and you're one person. As soon real friendly. different ways. Finally, I looked at this cello the shows in the theater there. as you see your first friend, you're another "And what I say when they get into cadence player and he looked so elegant setting there, "I watched the performers on stage and person. The minute you get to work, you're is like this. In New York, Philadelphia and Bos­ bless his heart, a young student. He was good, when the comedians came on, I watched the another person again. So what I try to do is ton it's a little different. (With) the people there, but not that good, but you couldn't tell him audience. I made up my mind at five years make characters for each one of them ... you don't have to talk. You know, they just that. So I'll use him now as the idea for the old that was what I wanted to do-to try to show Freddy the Freeloader as how people walk up to shake hands with you and they cello." make people laugh. who have nothing can actually take nothing ask you questions and then answer them. Painting is not a new pass-time to Red. So I told my mother. It was then that I and make something of it. In other words, They'll walk up to you and say 'Hey, you Red "I've been at it since I was 10-years-old. In learned that in my father's younger days he take small things that are beautiful and Skelton? You're not Red Skelton. You're in school, in Vincennes, we were very poor, and had been a clown with Hagenbach and Wallace magnify them into something that's nice, even town, huh? I saw you last night at the theater. I stayed after school and cleaned all the water­ Circus, not as a profession to follow, because if it's only a word." You hear me applauding for you? You didn't color jars and little dishes. I'd take the clean he was working his way through school at the When he takes to the road, Red likes to hear me applaud. Bet they pay you a lot of part of the paint and push it into the jars I had. time. Later he taught elocution at Valparaiso. travel light. "I have no entourage or business money to come into a place like this. Whadda And for the brushes I'd cut the back of my He was also an attorney. And then, because of managers or agents with me. I take with me they pay ya, $10,000? They don't pay ya hair and then string it together on a stick or the Bell Telephone Company and the phone four trunks and have little wagons packed $10,000. Why do you go around telling people pencil. It was a lousy brush but at least I was becoming in demand, he became a master inside to pull them myself when there are no you gettin' $10,000?' And you haven't said painting. electrician. skycaps or porters. a word. "I used to give them (the paintings) away and finally the Franklin Mint in Philadelphia came to me and said they would like to buy one of my paintings for lithographs to be sold. So I said 'What do you give for a thing like that?" He said, 'Well, we have one set price of $12,500,' When I came to, I had signed a contract with them. So then I said, 'if they can do this, why can't I?' So I went into the mail order business too. Now I have all my paintings reproduced ... " Traveling takes Red over thousands of miles each year. Towns can easily blend one into another, only the names changing. But he keeps a "daily biography" of everything that happens to him, good and bad. "I don't relive anything. I don't want to. I try to always live today and look toward the Homecoming '77 brought a number of special events to the future. My daily biography is complete back Ball State campus. At left, three clowns perform in the opening to when I was 10. They are bound into volumes production number of the Friday night Variety Show in Emens periodically and tiled, but someone else will Auditorium. Above: Homecoming Queen Tiann Steinhilber and have to edit them." Randy Pickell of the Homecoming Steering Committee manage a smile despite intermittent showers during the football game. Then after two hours that seemed like two minutes, he beamed that famous smile and I easily anticipated his last line: "May God bless." - Mike Frazier, '76. I Twenty first-year medical students from the Indiana University School of Medicine began their studies at the Muncie Center for Medical Capsules Education this fall. Ball State graduates in the class include Daniel Edwards '77, Michelle Thames '76, JoEllen Vormohr '77, Warren Bannister '77, Rosanne Barker '77, Samuel West '77 and Gary Wheeland '76. Other members of the class include Donald Donahue, Keith Ashbaugh, Robert Weller, Michael Conway, Mark Dickmeyer, Charleton Keck Jr., Deborah Huber, Stephanie Mosley, Oliver Reed Jr., David Rau, Richard Stout, Thomas Strayer and Charles Tripple Jr. Also pictured is Dr. Douglas A. Tripp/et, recently named director of the Genter and associate 2 professor of physiology and health science.

Remembering when . .. In 1972 the Homecoming theme, "Ball State not used toward direct or related expenses is Alumni Happenings Freshmen wore - Our World" was announced by Mike applied to defraying the cost of the bonds on Andrews, chairman of activities ... Dr. Ned the residence halls ... So, for about $10 a Below are the Alumni activities scheduled Griner, chairman of Ball State Art D.epartment, day, per person, we can offer complete room green beanies; POW for the next few months. We hope you will presented his collection of Peter Max art and board, and that's a pretty good deal plan to attend those that interest you. Please works on the "Ann Cologne Show" . .. anywhere these days. bracelets displayed call or write the Alumni House, 700 N. John 0. Lewellen became the new swimming "The other major reason the conferences McKinley, Muncie, IN 47306, area code In 1937 Marvin Stout ranked ninth among coach . .. Co-captains Mike Anderson and are important," Stout continued, "is that they (317) 285-4036 for reservations or additional the state's high scorers in basketball with Doug Bell were selected as field generals for give many prospective college students a information. 145 points. __ Beta Chapter of Alpha sorority the Cardinal football team . .. Steve Wynder, chance to see our campus. It's an important CARDINAL VARSITY CLUB selected Grace Herstein as chairman of its named the most valuable player, was chosen recruiting tool. We try to do everything we Oct. 24 Football Huddle-Noon annual formal dance ... Betty Waite and Howard as captain of the cross country squad .. . can to ensure that the conferences run Morris Bryant Smorgasbord Armstrong played leading roles in the campus Joanne Henry returned her POW-MIA bracelet smoothly. If the conference student enjoys his Oct. 31 Football Huddle-Noon production of Death Takes a Holiday .. . to her prisoner-of-war after he was released stay, he may come back for school." Morris Bryant Smorgasbord star Shirley Kinder cracked a by North Vietnam in September ... Sandra Utilizing three student assistants, Mark Nov. 7 Football Huddle-Noon rib and was out of action for two weeks . .. Ellen Kousens became The Daily News ' first Rowland, senior from Muncie; John Wilmore, Morris Bryant Smorgasbord Sports heads Betty Beitler, Glendora Lemon, paper girl as she delivered the campus junior from Winchester; and Ken Klawitter, Nov. 14 Football Huddle-Noon Sara Johnson and June Draves conducted publication door-to-door.-Deb Louis '81. sophomore from Highland, Stout and his Morris Bryant Smorgasbord winter activities for members of W.A.A. office staff of two arranged 83 events from Nov_ 21 Basketball Ti~Off In 1938 Omer Fisher was selected as general July, 1976 to June, 1977. During this time Noon Luncheon chairman of the Homecoming events ... Escape cold winter weather ... 24,131 persons attended conferences at Bal I Morris Bryant Smorgasbord Soapy Gardner scored seven points as he led State, according to Stout. He added that billing Nov. 22 Ladies Basketball Dinner the Cardinal basketball team to victory over See Hawaii with alumni, University totaled more than $792,500. This Morris Bryant Smorgsbord Earlham .. . Spotlight Club announced Cecil includes the billing for 3,600 members of The friends as new format Nov. 28 Football Honors Banquet Tallen and Arthur Davis as leading man and Way International a Biblical research group Cardinal Hall lady in the production of Silas the Chore Boy for trip is outlined which spent two weeks on campus. Stout . . . Ruth Harvey and Ernest Boughman, seniors, noted that their expenses totaled more than NORTHEAST INDIANA ALUMNI CLUB were given the annual Kiwanis scholarship Since the September issue of the ALUMNUS $519,000. Nov. 1 Cardinal Basketball Scrimmage awards. was published, we have been able to Conference costs varied widely, Stout said, Wayne High School, 7:30 p.m. In 1952 William Primrose, w<.)rld's most restructure the Hawaiian vacation to better primarily due to facilities requests. Ball State Nov. 18 TGIF Party famous violist, drew a capacity crowd at BSTC accommodate alumni and friends. Here's charges no fee for holding conferences. "Of Canterbury Green Clubhouse ... Clint Cizek, Osgood junior, was installed as what will happen: course many of our conferences are not Fort Wayne, IN the new president of Kappa Sigma Kappa . . . You may visit Hawaii from February 25 charged because they are University related, HOWARD-GRANT-HUNTINGTON COUNTIES Weldon Witters held swimming records in the through March 5, 1978, by signing up for but we must charge non-BSU groups for using ALUMNI breastsroke and free style events ... Howard this great alumni vacation. Your tour rate is the auditorium, tho Student Center ballroom Snider and Gordon Osterhoff were co-chairmen based on hotel selection: The Reef Hotel, or any other building space. There is no charge Nov. 2 "Bubbling Brown Sugar" of Phi Delta Pi's record dance, "Leap Year $429; Princess Kaiulani Tower Building, $499; for outdoor space in general," he added. Dinner-Theater Leap." Hawaiian Regent Oceanview, $549; or Hyatt "We also do our own accounting in this Dinner-6 p.m. Morris Bryant In 1953 Charles Hassel and Corky Bradfield Regency, $569. office," Stout said. "Only one invoice or bill is Smorgasbord were selected as co-directors of the all-school Tour price includes round-trip air trans­ sent by the University and it comes from this Theater-a p.m. Emens water show, the "Aquatics'' . . . Lyman Randall, portation by charter jet from Chicago O'Hare office. That way, and organization pays for Auditorium president of Student Executive Council, to Honolulu, as well as hotel accomodations everything at one time, avoiding the paperwork Advance reservations, $9.25 announced that incoming freshmen must wear of separate billings from housing and dining for seven nights at one of the above locations. ADAM-WELLS ALUMNI CLUB green beenies from the day of registration services, etc." In addition to in-flight catering service, Nov. 11 TGIF Party until the end of the quarter. Not all conferences are scheduled through round-trip transportation and baggage Parlor City Country Club In 1962 Karen Burke, senior, was named as Stout's office, but he added, "I hope that handling between airport and hotel, gratuities Bluffton, IN 7:30 p.m. the Outstanding Indiana Negro College to bellboys and airport porters for luggage within a year or two, all conferences will be Student ... Dave Grove, Beach Grove junior, handling in Hawaii, and a flower lei welcome, scheduled through here. It makes it much MICHIANA ALUMNI CLUB was elected president of the Alpha Phi Omega the trip features "Depart Sure" cancellation easier for everyone to obtain and schedule use Nov. 19 Game and Reception fraternity ... Valparaiso sophomore, Charlotte insurance. This allows complete reimburse­ of the facilities and residence hall space when Kalamazoo Center, 4:30-6 p.m. Beach, reigned as Homecoming Queen. ment for full or partial payment or unexpected only one office is coordinating things. We return air fare (e~onomy) in case of emergency. schedule on a first-come, first-serve basis If you wish to have more information Limited reservations are available for this and, of course, have an open-facilities policy. about any of the above events please fun week in the sun! For additional information We do not deny the use of our facilities to call the Alumni House, 317-285-4036, Credits: Many Thanks to Earl WIiiiams for his write to Sue Dettmer, trip hostess, Alumni any group on the basis of who they are or ro send the form below to Alumni assistance in arranging our cover photo of House, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306. what they stand for." Events, Alumni House, Ball State Red Skelton, and to Ed Self, photographer, Looking to next year, Stout explained, University, Muncie, In 47306. Checks for being there on short notice. Of course, several groups have already reserved summer for reservations should be made the greatest credit goes to Mr. Skelton himself, Campus conferences . .. dates for conferences. He said some of these payable to BSU Alumni Association. ·for giving so much of himself to Ball State include the International Theatre Arts Con­ Name______and Muncie during Homecoming Week.-Sue High School bands, ference for about 2,500 high school Thespians; Address ______Dettmer '71. the American Judo Association Junior DeMolay among National Championships with about 2,000 City ______State ______people attending; and the annual cheerleading Zip ______Phone _ ___ _ summer visitors camps which draw about 1,000 participants Send more information about: ______each summer. Tkf Bringing Bibles and bassoons, basketballs L Those groups holding conferences at Ball Please reserve ___ tickets for_ ____ and bandages, and brushes and banners, the State since June and their estimated attend­ s~:H A UMNUS bedding and baggage bumped and banged ance included: Universal Cheerleaders Assoc­ on the Ball State blacktop. Summer confer­ Check enclosed for$______October 1977 Volume 35, No. 2 tion, 300; The Way International, 3,600; ences on campus had begun. American Drill Team School, 200; "Early Bird" Ball State was home to 17 conferences and Mid-America Music Clinic Ill, 50; Indiana The Ball State ALUMNUS is published monthly special events since June 12. The groups DeMolay-Conclave, 600; Mid-American Music Party Cancelled excluding April, June, July, August and Dec­ ranged in size from 40 to 3,600 people. They ember at 2457 E. Washington Street, Indiana­ Clinic I, 500; Athletic Trainers Workshop, 50; also ranged in purpose from cheerleading to Plans for a Generation Party on Friday, polis, IN 46201 by the Ball State Alumni Career Development Seminar (BSU) Admis­ Association and is mailed free to Ball State Bible study, basketball to music and first aid October 7 were cancelled because of problems sions, 50; Young Artists Workshop, 40; Mid­ University and alumni. Second class postage is to DeMolay. in contacting alumni and students. The event America Music Clinic II, 150; National Cheer­ paid at Indianapolis, IN 46204. David C. Stout '67, director of Conferences may be rescheduled for later this school year. Executive Publisher: Robert E. Linson '47 leading Association, 1,200; Midwest Writers Editor: Susan K. Dettmer '71 and Special Events, said the conferences are Be watching for further information, please. Workshop, 150; National Cheerleading Graduate Assistants: Mike Frazier '76. important to Ball State for two particular -- Randy Pickell '79, chairman. Greg Rice '77 Association 11,560; Pat Kennedy Invitational reasons. "In summer," he said, "many groups Staff: Dan Brown '81, Mike Chittum '77, Stuart Girls Basketball Camp, 160; Jay County High stay in the residence halls not used by the Engle '79, Lisa Gering '80, Deb Louis '81. School Band Camp, 185; and Adams Central students. The average cost per night for Address all corresµondence and notice of High School Band Camp, 100.-Mike change of address (Postmaster: send form student-aged participants is $3.30. If the group Frazier '76. 3579) to ALUMNUS, Ball State University, wants all meals included, dining service costs Muncie, IN 47306. are about $6 .60 per day. Any of this money I Honors for Lacey. Margaret Ellen Lacy, assistant professor of home Management House, received the Alumni Indiana Home Economics Associa­ Women educators honored. Five Ball Nancy Hall, '65MA 71, home econom­ tion Honor Award this spring. State alumni were initated into the ics teacher at Muncie Central High Lacy authored "Home Manag­ Beta Mu chapter of Delta Kappa School; Susan Koebcke, '71 MA 75, ment is Living and Well at Ball State Gamma, International Society of head of the business department at University" tor the Journal of Home Women Educators last spring. Muncie Area Career Center; Economics and has produced a slide Recognized tor excellence in Melissa Voss, MA 74, social studies presentation entitled "Effective teaching and as educational admini­ department head at Wes-Del High Classroom Management." She has strators were Barbara Gooden, School; and Patricia Sparks, '58MA62, also been tabbed tor two professional '52MA62, head of Yorktown High dean of girls at Muncie Central High honoraries, Omicron Nu and Phi 3 School's business department; School. Upsilon Omicron.

the students know what they're doing. They From 1971-75 he served as Indiana State are professional, and it's time for a greater Senator, and has been a consultant to more voice," Eiden said. than 25 Indiana School districts. Some controversy has developed regarding Don is married to Clair (Swick), '63MA69, the location of the new tower by residents and the father of two daughters. in the vicinity, but according to Eid~n. the site was limited almost entirely by the Federal Jack Stanton served as 1977 chairman of Communication Commission (FCC) and the Ball State's National Annual Fund and is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The former member of the Alumni Council. He FCC has control of all broadcasting facilities was Cardinal V~rsity Club chairman in 1972 and the FAA has control over high rise and headed the Delaware County alumni tele­ structures in "controlled air space." fund campaign in 1973 and 1974. He was also Eiden was optimistic about the possibilities Alumni Fund Chairman in 1976. resulting from the power increase. "It may Stanton, CLU, with Kirkpatrick Sursa, has have the potential to draw more students to been a general agent for Indianapolis Life the radio broadcasting program and to Ball Insurance since 1963. He is an eight-year State. member of the Million Dollar Round Table, past president of East Central Association of Life Underwriters, and past director of Indiana State Association of Life Underwriters. Benny Awards He has also led in volunteer capacities, including organizati.ons such as Boy Scouts, Distinguished Alumni recipients: Ann commend 4 alumni, United Fund, YMCA, eve board of directors, Three get top honors . .. Lefcourt, Clarence Babcock, Harold "Tom" and College of Business Alumni Association. Wallace. General Telephone Stanton is married to Hattie (Howard), '64. They Corporate affairs, reside in Muncie. Outstanding contributions of time, energy textbooks and glass Holding several patents on glass composi­ and talent to Ball State were recocnized at Lisbeth "Libby" Cochran was honored for tion, Dr. Babcock has authored many publi­ the Homecoming brunch with the presentation having served three years as an at-large trigger alumni awards cations. His latest book, Silicate Glass of "Beneficence" awards to four alumni and a member of the Alumni Council. Libby taught Technology Methods, describes in detail a new . private corporation. home economics at Bath High School in Lima, Distinguished Alumni Awards, the Alumni method of glass development for use in Those receiving the 'Benny' awards included OH, before becoming a staff associate with Association's highest honor, were presented science and industry. Dr. Clifford Childress '36, Dr. Don Park '61 MA62, the Chamber of Commerce. during the Homecoming Brunch in Cardinal Harrold W. "Tom" Wallace, in addition to Jack Stanton '61, Lisbeth Cochran '74, and In 1976 she served on the Ohio staff of the Hall. The award is presented annually to his position as director of Corporate Affairs General Telephone Company of Indiana. President Ford Committee. She is currently alumni who have made significant contribu­ Services for Eli Lilly, is vice president of the Dr. Childress, a Greensburg optometrist, employed by the Department of Transporta­ tions in their fields, and whose overall Ball State Board of Trustees. was recognized as a former member of the tion in Lima. accomplishments have been outstanding. A Muncie native, Wallace became manager Alumni Council and for his efforts in promoting Libby is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1977 recipients include Dr. Ann (Bunch) of personnel development and employee the programs of Ball State as a community Robert E. Cochran of Indianapolis. Lefcourt, MA52EdD63, noted author of communications for Eli Lilly in 1965. The next leader in Greensburg. General Telephone Company of Indiana educational textbooks; Dr. Clarence L. Babcock, year he was appointed director of public He attended the University of Chicago became the first corporation to receive the '28, professor of optical science at the relations. He has held his present position and Northern Illinois College of Optometry Benny award. University of Arizona; and Harrold W. "Tom" since 1974. after graduation from Ball State. Since 1968, General Telephone has made Wallace, '52, director of corporate affairs for Active in community affairs, Wallace is its facilities available to the Alumni staff for Eli Lilly and Company. associate director of the Indiana Basketball Dr. Childress served on the Greensburg its annual telefund drive, resulting in pledges Dr. Lefcourt is a professor in the curriculum Hall of Fame, and serves on the board of school board ten years and was twice its of over $86,000 for scholarships, student loans, and instruction department at Georgia State directors or advisory council of Community president. and other university needs. University, Atlanta, in addition to writing Service Council, Metropolitan Arts Council, Other volunteer capacities in which he has textbooks. Her major texts include Patterns the Jordan YMCA, Indianapolis Public served include membership on the U.S.O. General Telephone facilities used in the of Language, published in 1974; and Our Relations Society, and Indianapolis Public National Council, directorship of the 1971 telefund program are in Randolph and Wayne Language Today, published in 1967 and Schools. United Fund, 29 years as a Boy Scout leader, counties, Valparaiso, Fort Wayne, Richmond released in 1971, which are basal elementary His wife Jane(lsanogel) received RN and BS Cubmaster, Scoutmaster and Explorer and Winchester. language arts texts for grades 1-8. degrees in 1953. He is a former president of Adviser, and Chairman of the Council on Accepting the award on behalf of the com­ She has also written Composition Through the Ball State Alumni Association and Ministries and Chairman of the Board of his pany was Terry Parker, '67 accounting director Literature, a supplementary reading series; received his MS degree from Indiana Univeristy church. for the company. and Exploring Junior High School Guidance, in 1957. The five recipients were presented plaques an in-service guide for teachers. Dr. Park is director of program development which contain lime-stone from the original In 1963, Dr. Lefcourt received the first for Phi Delta Kappa, professional education "Beneficence" statue on the Ball State doctorate degree from Ball State. She returned fraternity in Bloomington. Former associate campus. to Ball State in 1976 as the John R. Emens director of alumni and development programs Distinguished Professor, selected by the WBST radio to get at Ball State until September, 1977, Park was Teachers College. power increase, professor of educational administration and Benny Award winners: Jack Stanton, Clifford Dr. Babcock conducts research in the West's supervision at BSU from 1966-73. Childress, Don Park, Lisbeth Cochran, Terry only optical science center at the University "Class A" rank Parker, representing General Telephone of of Arizona. He is responsible for research Indiana. and graduate instruction in designing optical In 1970, planning began to increase power systems for space, d.efense, astronomy and of the 10-watt campus radio station, WBST. industry. Today, seven years later, the results are As a scientist for Owens-Illinois Glass beginning to materialize. Company, Dr. Babcock developed the world's A site has been selected to build a 300-foot largest single piece of glass: a 25-tone tele­ tower and transmitter, increasing the "voice" scope mirror blank made of ceramic-glass of WBST to three kilowatts. Increasing material which retains its shape when subject­ WBST's power will move it into the category ed to violent temperature extremes. of a "low power, Class A facility," and will President of the 1928 graduating class at allow broadcasting of educational and cultural Ball State, Dr. Babcock is a native of Paoli, programs to a larger ;..iortion of Muncie and IN. He taught mathematics and physics at Delaware County. Gaston (now Wes-Del) High School from John Eiden, assistant radio station mana­ 1928-30. He received his masters degree in ger, referred to the tower as "a first step in a 1931, and the Ph.D. in 1936\ both from Purdue, long range program." "It will affect students, where he also lectured during that time. in that those on the air will be licensed by He joined Owens-Illinois in 1935 after seven the FCC." years as a lecturer at the University of Toledo. "The reaction from many broadcasters Following his retirement from the glass working with our people, is one of disbelief company in 1968, he joined the faculty at that we are only a 10-watt station. Building Arizona. of the tower is a final acknowledgement that I Spats

Right: Running back Archie Currin seems more interested in watching the game than nursing his injured ankle. Far right: Mike Andress con­ tributes a few yards to the Cardinal cause with an end run, as BSU defeats Illinois State. 4 Cheryl Feeney

eight yards respectively. Two plays later Benbow, a 5'11 ", 170-pound shortstop, Tough win against Illinois State tailback George Jenkins sprinted in from eight batted .343 with three home runs and 20 runs­ yards out. batted-in for the Bearcats as they posted a moves Cards into 4th MAC slot It was then when Central Michigan decided 23-10 record. The team advanced to the final to get things going and mounted a 77-yard game of the semi-state tournament last spring. Despite playing one of their poorest The Redbirds struck again quickly as Jeff time consuming drive, that still fell short, as He was co-captain of the Muncie team and defensive games all year, the Cardinals rallied Gowan hauled in a 43-yard touchdown pass all the Chippewa offense could muster was named most valuable player, in addition to behind a spectacular fourth quarter comeback from Butch Monaghan, thrusting a Rade Savich 36-yard fieldgoal. winning all-city and All-North Central to nip the Illinois State Redbirds 27-16, capping Illinois State into the lead, 16-13, and capping Scoring in Saturday's game seemed to shift Conference selection. off Ball State's fifty-first Homecoming an 86-yard drive that only took six plays. in spurts from team to team as Central West had four letters in baseball, three in celebration. It was then that the Cardinal fireworks began Michigan retaliated with three unanswered football, and two in basketball, in addition to The Cardinals rallied behind the passing as Wilson fired his 65-yard bomb to Morrison. scores of their own when Mose Rison dove maintaining a 3.836 four-year grade average arm of sophomore quarterback Dave Wilson The 160-pound junior wrestled the ball from in from the one-yard line and Savich added at Yorktown. He earned all-county and all­ and the running of tailback George Jenkins the defenders' grasps and rambled in un­ another fieldgoal shot from 23 yards out. conference honors for three years, gained in their come-from-behind charge. Wilson went molested for the winning touchdown. Jenkins' The Cardinals closed out all scoring and All-American recognition and was voted most to the air 24 times and completed 16, the big final plunge with 1:16 remaining in the game put away any doubts that this game was in valuable offensive player as a senior. He was toss being a 65-yard scoring strike to split capitalized on a Redbird fumble on ·their own jeopardy when wide receiver Mike Andress most valuable defensive player as a sophomore end Rick Morrison that put the Cardinals ahead 29. took an inside reverse and high stepped into at Yorktown. for good. Jenkins scrambled for 120 yards in "Once again we made the minimum the end zone from 20 yards out, making the Last spring he set school records with a 31 carries and scored the final touchdown of amount of errors," said McClain about the tally 28-23 for BSU. The Cards' win signaled the .459 batting average, 39 total hits, five home the day on a two-yard plunge. game. " This helped us tremendously on end of the road for Central Michigan's runs, 37 runs-batted-in, eight doubles and a "We were very happy to win, because we offense." unbeaten season. 10-1 mound mark. did not play as well as we had the previous Now the Cardinals, as defending Mid­ In football West played both quarterback two weeks," revealed Head Coach Dave American Conference Champions, must and running back during his career, earning McClain. "Our defense played its poorest capture next week's contest with winless all-county and all-conference laurels twice, game Cheryl Feeney masters all year, but our offense picked up the Northern Illinois if they are to remain in along with all-state honorable mention once. slack." contention for the 1977 MAC crown. Currently 4 sports, rates high Last fall he rushed for 811 yards and led the The game was a see-saw battle throughout the Cards are tied wfth Bowling Green for county in scoring with 104 points. the entire contest. The Redbirds drew first fourth with a 2-1 league ledger, behind Kent in women's athletics Richmond posted a 5-1 record with a 1.30 blood on placP kir.kP.r .Joel Pohled's 57-yard State. 3-0: Eastern Michigan 4-1: and Central earned run average last spring at Vincennes, fieldgoal, which tied a school record, after Michigan, 3-1. When Senior Cheryl Feeney began her striking out 66 batters in 45 innings. In his the Redbirds first quarter drive stalled on the " Northern Illinois played its best game last collegiate years in women's athletics, she did initial collegiate campaign he was 7-3 with a Cardinal 40. Saturday against Central Michigan," McClain not know that before graduation she would 1.03 ERA, fanning 40 batters in 38 innings. Ball State waited until there was just 20 stated. "They won the battle of statistics but be participating in four different Cardinal The 1975 Muncie South graduate fashioned seconds left in the opening stanza until they came up four points short on the scoreboard. sports. a 13-1 record with an 0.88 ERA and 135 countered on Gary Acklin's three-yard run, They are physically tough, and they are im­ Feeney, a 1974 Muncie Delta graduate, had strikeouts in 88 innings during his senior capping an 80-yard drive in 14 plays. proving each game. They very well could be participated in basketball and softball in high season on the Rebel squad. He earned Muncie "We lacked the intensity that we've had the best winless team in the Midwest." school, and had decided to tryout for the Player-of-the-Year honors, was all-city four the previous two weeks," McClain commented. The Huskies are in a three-way deadlock basketball and softball teams at Ball State. years, MVP three times, all-conference twice, "Without that intensity you miss tackles, and with Ohio University and Toledo for the title She played both sports for the Cards during and all-state once. that is exactly what we did." of cellar dwellers in the MAC with an 0-3 her freshman and sophomore years, and was Somebody must have missed a few tackles, mark. a member of the 1975 Cardinal softball squad for after a stalemated second quarter, Illinois "The thing that worries us," McClain con­ that went to the nationals. Playing at guard State let loose a bombshell on an 81 -yard punt cluded, "is that they have big-play people during her sophomore session, Feeney led 'SocCards' bounce back return by Estus Hood. very similar to Illinois State." the Cardinal basketball team with most assists. to 3 wins after opening However, as a junior, Feeney wanted a with loss to Evansville Cards halt change and went out for the field hockey Chips team. Not only did she make it, but she also The Cardinal soccer team rolled over the in second MAC game started. To add to the honor, Feeney was Toledo Soccer Club unmercifully, 11-3, captur­ named to the Miami Valley Selections second ing their third straight victory in four decisions team. For most persons in the world, rain means this year. According to the physical education major hard times, especially if one must be out in During the last three contests, the kickers she had become bored with basketball, so she it, but for the Ball State Cardinals and Head had to take a more assertive charge on defense tried out for the badminton team that same Coach Dave McClain, rain meant good tidings. and become more aggressive on offense, year. The sport came easy to her and in her "Every time it rains," McClain pointed out, following their 4-0 loss to Evansville in the first year of competition she was selected "it seems we beat Central Michigan." season opener. to attend the national competition at Arizona Overall the entire day seemed pretty " The score is not indicative of the way we State. miserable, save for the fact that the Cards played against Evansville," explained Head Playing center forward in field hockey as a thoroughly trounced the Central Michigan Coach Jerre McManama. " We played them senior, Feeney is competing for the last time Chippewas, 28-12, before 12,229 opening day very evenly, but we need to have a bit more as a member of a Cardinal team. Because of fans who braved the foul weather to see their finish on our offense. Our forwards had no rigid practice schedules, Feeney has decided team play on October 1. trouble getting the ball into the opponents' to take a quarter off prior to her student teach­ Defense was the name of the game in the zone; they just couldn't get the shots off." ing at Yorktown High School in the spring. early going as "Hawk" Maurice Harvey picked Whatever is was the Cardinals did wrong According to Ball State Badminton Coach off an errant Central pass deep in Chippewa in their first ~ontest against Evansville, they Mary Visser, "Cheryl is probably one of the territory, and set up the game's first score corrected in their next three games against most gifted athletes we have had at Ball State. on a one-yard plunge by quarterback Dave Wabash, DePauw, and the Toledo Soccer She has done better in more sports than Wilson four plays later. Club where the kickers rolled to easy victories almost any other Ball State woman." The Cardinal defense didn't waste time by awesome scores. sitting on their laurels either. On the very In the Toledo contest, the Cardinals were next series of plays, lineman Rush Brown led by Greg Ruark's four goals and Milorad sacked Central quarterback Gary Hogeboom Coach Rickel recruits Stojic's three goals and two assists. Those two for a big 14-yard loss and forced the Chippewas assists now give Stojic a career total of 21 to punt from deep in their own territory. Ball Benbow, Richmond, assists, a Ball State record. State then took 11 plays to go 39 yards for West for Cards Juniors Mony {\ntoun and Gary Usinger Cardinal Coach Dave McClain consults with its next score, with Dave Wilson again taking are co-captains of the young Cardinals this running back Gary Acklin before sending the ball in, this time rambling in from five season, and Coach McManama relies heavily him in to second quarter action against Illinois Kyle Benbow, three-year Munice Central yards out. on the two to provide the leadership needed State. Acklin went on to score, helping the letterman, Doug West, outstanding yorktown Cardinals to a 27-16 win in the Homecoming The gridders combined well-timed running to keep a team going. High School Athlete, and Rick Richmond, a Day game. and pin point accuracy on their passes "We've got some big shoes to fill," said and left-handed pitcher from Vincennes Junior marched 60 yards in 12 plays for the third McManama, referring to the loss of three College, have signed Mid-American Confer­ Cardinal unanswered touchdown. vital 1976 seniors. "Our captains have the Dave Wilson ence and national letters of intent to attend made good use of wide receiver Greg Morrison, knowledge, experience and skill to be team Ball State in 1977-78, according to Head hitting him on consecutive leaders. passes of 10 and Baseball Coach Bob Rickel. I Bob Baker Charles Hilton Dick Stealy Rex Rudicel John Emens 5

Other returnees for the Challenge Cup were Five new members Young harriers pass Larry Meyer '55, Jim Stout '59, Mike Swango named to BSU '63, Dave Diersen '68, Jim Schrecongost '68, Eastern Michigan; Joe Tillford '69, Jerry Griffey '69, Mel McFall '70, Hall of Fame Dave Kelley leads way Brent Loeloff '71, Al Riebe '72, Dick Falls '72, and Mike Landram '76. Five new members have been selected for Pulling off a stunning upset over highly the Ball State University Athletic Hall of Fame favored Eastern Michigan the cross country by the Selection Committee, according to squad brought its 1977 record to 2-3. The '76 graduate returns Chairman George Swafford. 28-29 victory over Eastern was one of those Inductees include Robert (Bob) Baker, '51, pleasant surprises that come to an "underdog" as assistant trainer Dr. John.A. Emens, Charles Hilton '50, Rex team. Rudicel '38 and Dr. Richard (Dick) Stealy' 41. "We were hoping we'd win," Coach Jerry for athletics Induction ceremonies for the second group Rushton said. Eastern Michigan beat Western of BSU Hall of Fame selections were at a Michigan, and Western had beaten us badly." John Faulstick '76, has been named assistant luncheon prior to the Cardinals' football game Rushton said he was very pleased with the athletic trainer at Ball State. with Northern Illinois on Saturday, Oct. 15. season so far and hoped for continued A native of Monroeville and 1972 graduate Baker starred as a "triple threat" quarter­ success as the season progresses. of Heritage High School, the 23-year-old back for Ball State's football squad between "We have a lot of young people on our squad Fau Istick served as a student trainer at Bal I 1947 and 1950, leading the 1949 team to a and they're improving," Rushton added. "Three State for four years. perfect 8-0 mark and earning all-state honors of our top runners are sophomores." In 1975 Faulstick was selected the first in 1950. The sophomores are Dave Kelley, Dave recipient of the Robert H. Gunn Scholarship He coached in high school for 15 years, Kemps, and Kelley Marsh. Kelley led the as the outstanding student trainer in the including 13 years as head coach at Royerton Cardinals t,o that victory over Eastern with a country by the National Athletic Trainers Randy Boarden and Anderson Madison Heights; nine years record breaking course run of 31:13 at Association. in the college ranks at Indiana, Illinois and Cagers play exciting Lakeview Country Club. During the summer of 1975, Faulstick served presently Michigan State, and three years in The squad's youth is brought forward by the as an assistant trainer for the Philadelphia the professional ranks with the Calgary intra-squad game, fact that there is only one senior on the squad, Eagles at the team's Stampeders of the Canadian Football League, team captain Ed Murrell. The only other senior pre-season camp. including one season as their head mentor. prepare for opener slated to run for Rushton this year was Bill After serving as a substitute teacher in the Dr. Emens, president of Ball State for 23 Meece, but he is out for the season due to a East Allen County School System for three years, engineered the institution's immense The first of six intra-squad basketball games recurring lung ailment. months in 1976, Faulstick served as a graduate growth in athletics between 1945 and 1968 was played on Saturday, Oct. 15 in University With only one senior on the squad Rushton assistant athletic trainer at West Virginia while laying a sound foundation for the Gym. The 15 scholarship players were divided is counting on a total team leadership and during the past school year. He will receive university's continual athletic rise since his equally into two squads, a red team and a effort in running meets instead of the indi­ his master's degree in August. retirement. white team. The Red Team emerged victorious vidual standout. He also hoped that the injury Faulstick, who is single, will replace Jack During his term, four varsity sports were with a 107-97 score. The squads' explosive problem, present in every competetive sport, Mansfield '73, who left BSU to become head added: gymnastics, wrestling, soccer and offense will be a part of this season's Cardinal will be a little more kind to him. ath letic trainer at Ohio Northern University. volleyball, while the vast improvement of Basketball Team, according to Head Coach The Cardinals will have to run for a meet Other members of the Ball State athletic sports facilities featured construction of Ball Steve Yoder. or two without the services of freshman regular training staff include Head Trainer Don State Football Stadium, University Gym, The Red Team was paced by freshman Jeff Lindsay Carlile, who re-aggravated a ham­ Vogelgesang and Assistant Trainer Jim University Pool and University Track. Williams with 27 points, and junior college string injury he suffered the first week of the Dickerson. Hilton, a four-year track letterman between transfer Tim James, with 24. Randy Boarden year. 1947 and 1950, established Ball State records added 19 points and 10 rebounds to the of 9. 7 seconds in the 100-yard dash and 21.2 winning effort. Robert Sims paced the White seconds in the 220. His 220 mark remains Team with 25 points and 15 rebounds, while the school standard yet today. teammate Mike Drews added 22 points. He was a highly successful head track "All in all, it was a fine all-around perform­ Alumni golfers defeat coach between 1954 and 1967 at Richmond ance with 12 of the 15 players scoring in double varsity for first time High School before becoming the Red Devils' figures and a well-executed basketball game athletic director, a position he still holds. from start to finish," Yoder said. in annual challenge Rudicel, a three-year starting guard for Ball Additional intra-squad games scheduled for State, gained al I-state honors after leading the the Bal I State team prior to the season opener Twenty-one former Ball State golf lettermen, Cardinals to their best basketball record ever, includes one on October 22 in Ball Gym, one including seven PGA professionals, returned 17-4, in 1937-38. Also a three-time baseball on November 19 in University Gym, and the for the sixth annual Varsity-Alumni Challenge regular, he served as head basketball coach traditional Red-White game on November 10. Cup at Green Hills Country Club, October at Hagerstown and Muncie Burris for 29 years In addition, two intra-squad games were 2, and defeated the Varsity for the first time, prior to assuming his present job of Burris scheduled for high school sites: one in Fort 729-732. The best 10 scores were totaled to athletic director in 1969. Wayne at Wayne High School and one in arrive at each team's score. Stealy accumulated nine letters in football, Logansport at the Berry Bowl. Max Minnick, '74, presently an assistant basketball and track at Ball State between These intra-squad games were scheduled professional at Meadowbrook Country Club 1938 and 1941 , earning all-state honors on for the benefit of alumni, students, and in Dayton, OH, was medalist with a one-under Baseball, winning both the gridiron and hardwood in addition to interested fans who want to see the Cardinals par 69. The former Anderson native edged setting several field event marks in track. in action before the season opener on Scott Steger, a senior and third-team All­ spell Ken Schreiber He later served as the Cardinals' head coach November 26 against Houston Baptist. American, by a shot. in basketball for four years, track for 13 Coach Yoder and his staff are using these Mike Hacker, '75, currently an assistant at Winning is a way of life for Ken Schreiber seasons and cross country for eight cam­ games as a means of personnel evaluation. Delaware CC in Muncie, along with varsity MA67. paigns along with assistant football coach for "The reason we have so many of these players Cary Hungate and Andy Soley, tied Schreiber was named National High School ten years. scrimmages is that we have six new players for third with 71 's. Baseball Coach of the Year this past spring. Nominations for Hall of Fame members were who must become familiar with our nine "Oldest alumnus" returning was Andy Riebe, In 18 years at LaPorte High School, he has made by Ball State lettermen. Election to the returning lettermen before the season opens. Muncie, who lettered in 1949. Also partici­ built the baseball program into a veritable Hall of Fame is only by unanimous vote of Through these intra-squad games, we will pating were Bob Purtlebaugh, 1950 and 1951 dynasty, compiling an incredible 420-95-6 the Hall of Fame Committee. However, give each team member an opportunity to letterman from Muncie, and Dr. John Lewellen, record. members of the committee nominated for the display his talents in game situations," Yoder '37, BSU faculty memberi who coached golf His teams have captured three state crowns, Hall of Fame are disqualified from participation said. from its inception as a varsity sport in 1949-62. in 1967, '71 and '76, and a runner-up finish in the deliberations and voting. When asked if he felt the Cardinals would In addition to Minnick and Hacker, other in '73; seven regional title and four semistate Eleven charter members were chosen for the average nearly 100 points per game this PGA professionals returning were Rockey championships. The Slicers have also bagged Hall of Fame last year, including Tim Brown, season, Coach Yoder replied, "I have no way Schooley '74, Bob Pollitt '75, Steve Seibel '75, 11 conference titles. Hubert (Hub) Etchison, Darrell Jones, Fred of knowing how many points per game we Kent Kahre '77 and Tom Harris '77. Claiming he was surprised at being named Kehoe, Bill King, Ray Louthen, John Magna­ will average, but I promise the fans that we Varsity coach Earl Yestingsmeier reported Coach of the Year, Schreiber said, "It's just bosco, Branch McCracken, Merv Rettenmund, will display an exciting offense, a dynamic that 15 former golf lettermen are club pro­ indicative of what has been stuck into it (the Virgil Schooler and Paul B. (Billy) Williams. defense, and aggressive rebounding through­ fessionals. Several have played the mini-tours LaPorte baseball program) the last 18 years, out the season." the past many years with three or four expect­ and of the guys who have played here during ed to play this coming winter in Florida. those last 18 years."

I Peope

Area merchants enter floats in the 1977 Homecoming Parade for the first time as parade policy was revised. Right: An entry from an off-campus merchant rounds the turn at University and McKinley, as the parade returns 6 to campus through the Village.

taught at Sourthern Illinois University and Two-thirds of the class is 18 years old and became associate director of the institute single. More than a quarter come from a rural for Teachers of Disadvantaged Youth. area or small town, two-fifths from moder­ In 1966, he moved to the University of ately-sized cities and a third from large cities Connecticut, where he was assistant dean and or their suburbs. These figures continue to associate professor in the School of Education reflect a trend away from cities. until he went to Illinois State in 1973. An overwhelming 96 percent of those Drake has written a number of articles in surveyed plan to attend Ball State full time, professional journals and is currently writing and 88 percent plan to live in a university a book with his wife, Suzanne. He serves as residence hall. editor of Illinois School Research and execu­ Ball State was the first choice for approx­ tive secretary of the Illinois Association for imately three-fourths of the class. About Supervision and Curriculum Development. two-thirds of the 1977 freshmen expressed He served on the Council for Educational concern about financing their educations, and Facility Planners from 1971-75. In 1972, Drake 61 percent indicated their parents would evaluated a system-wide study of schools provide most of the assistance they required. in Saudi Arabia, and he has been director Less than half said they planned to work of leadership seminars on open education during the academic year, and of those who at Oxfordshire, England. did, the vast majority anticipated part-time The new dean has received five grants, and employment. is currently at work on a special education­ About 65 percent identified the strength early childhood education training grant. A of Ball State's program in their major field member of numerous professional assoc­ as the most important reason for coming. iations, Dr. Drake received the AACTE Other factors were a visit to the BSU campus Distinguished Achievement Award in 1969 (44%), appearance of the campus (38%), Photo/Greg Rice '77 for educating teachers for the city. lower costs (36%), parents' recommendations Visiting lecturer, Joe Costa, displays the (31 %), location (31 %), financial aid avail­ tools of his trade: a 4x5 press camera from the early days of photojournalism and the ability (24%), and the desire to become compact. modern 35 mm single lens reflex teachers (24%). which dominates press photography today. Freshmen describe As with last year's entering class, a majority At right, he critiques prints in a beginning plans to major in business, education and photojournalism class. ·selves, goals, families health professions. Under 10 percent indicated Photo/Greg Rice '77 they were undecided on a major course of For one year . .. in annual survey study. to his students to match the standard of ~bout two-fifths said they hope to work in Joe Costa joins BSU quality he set for himself 50 years ago, when What is the "average" Ball State student business and industry upon graduation, and he literally defined the role of press photog­ like? What does he think, where does he come one-fourth in education. One-fifth was as lecturer, instructor raphy. from, and how does he feel about coming undecided about a career choice. Now he's teaching the photojournalists who to school? Nearly all the freshmen believe they will in photojournalism will redefine that role in coming years, Only half the entering freshmen at Ball State be satisfied with their college experiences teaching them about photography and about this year consider themselves adequately and find employment in fields for which they He is a small, gentle man, unassuming in the professionalism it's taken years to build prepared for college courses, according to a will prepare themselves at Ball State. manner, open and friendly with students. It is into photojournalism. He's glad for that. survey conducted by the Office of Student difficult to imagine him raising his voice in "I think photographers are far more aware Affairs Research. class. of their responsibilities today than they were English composition and math were listed Ferneau scholarship Yet he is also a leader. In the 1920's, he 20, 30, or 50 years ago when I started in this by freshmen as causing the most difficulty, fought daily for the pictures that distinguish business," Costa said. It is a sense of respons­ and, as was the case last year, students said goes to John Hill him from other early press photographers, ibility inherited, even if indirectly, from Joe they planned to avoid physics and chemistry. and to establish a standard of excellence in Costa. In other areas, goals and objectives most Rising costs of education make it difficult his infant profession. For what is most compelling about this important to freshmen included: developing a and sometimes impossible to complete grad­ At 73, Joe Costa has compiled a resume kind, friendly man is devotion to his profession meaningful philosophy of life (81 %), having uate degrees. Luckily, there are a few generous that must read a little like a history book and and ideals. an active social life (78%), having friends benefactors helping out. a little like a Hall of Fame plaque. He was He is quoted in Who's Who as saying, with different backgrounds and interests Such is the case of John R. Hill, '70. He was founder and first president of the National "Throughout my lifetime, both in business (75%) and becoming authorities in their named the fifth recipient of the Ferneau Press Photographers Association, for years and im myu social contacts, it has always chosen fields (71 %). English Scholarship this summer. The $1,000 scholarship is to be used by a Fort Wayne editor (now editor-emeritus) of its magazine; been my aim to give the best that was in me Political views were more polarized, both area teacher who returns to Ball State for the guiding faculty of the Famous Photographers to the limit of my ability, to do what is right toward liberalism and conservatism, with summer to work on an advanced degree. School; host of a television show, "Photo­ as God gave me the light to understand right only 65 percent calling themselves middle-of­ The fund was created by Don K. English graphic Horizons," staff photographer for the from wrong, to share my professional the-roaders. Independence of any political New York Morning World, 1920-27; and New knowledge with students, beginners, and party was claimed by 37 percent. in memory of his wife, Edna (Ferneau) English, a teacher at Fort Wayne McCulloch School York News, 1927-46; illustrations editor of those less experienced, and to work unstint­ In campus and societal issues, students World Book Encyclopedia Science Service ... ingly for the advancement of my profession." reflected attitudes similar to those of the from 1923-29. Hill, a music teacher at Northside High and the list goes on . Those words ring of idealism, of a vitality preceding two classes: 93 percent said women School, earned an MS from Indiana University He has written books, edited books, appeared and belief in people that is rare. From another should receive the same salary and oppor­ in books; it is a rare (and probably poor) man, the words might be hollow and hypo­ tunity for advancement as men; 94 percent in 1974, and is currently working on a doctorate photojournalism text that does not mention critical; but not fom Joe Costa.-Greg Rice '77. said students should play major roles in in music at Ball State. He plans to return to Northside upon completion of his degree. his name. specifying college curriculum; 80 percent He has won countless awards for press said colleges should use the same perform­ photography and fought in countless battles ance standards even if practicing open for his profession. The NPPA now gives an Thelbert Drake named admission policies; and 70 percent said award in his name annually for "outstanding everyone should have the opportunity to initiative, leadership and service in advancing Teachers College Dean attend college regardless of past performance MOVING? the goals of the National Press Photographers or aptitude. Dr. Thelbert L. Drake, formerly chairman of Association in the tradition of Joseph Costa." Though the educational level of the parents To change or correct your address In coming to Ball State this autumn as a the Department of Curriculum and Instruction continues to rise, only one-fourth of the fathers ATTACH LABEL HERE visiting lecturer, Costa brought with him a little at Illinois State University, became dean of have earned college degrees and 17 percent from your latest issue bit of history for photojournalists who study Ball State's Teachers College on September 1. of the mothers. One fifth of the parents have under him. It is one thing to study the great Drake, a 1955 Indiana State graduate, earned experienced some type of post high school Please Notify Us 6 Weeks in Advance photographers; quite another to listen to one his master's degree in 1960 and doctorate education. and watch as he shows pictures that were in 1965 at Michigan State. More than two-thirds of the mothers are nominated for Pulitzer Prizes. In addition to experience in high school employed, most as service, office or sales New Address ______teaching and administration, Drake was But he does not rest on his laurels. He personnel, or in professional areas. The City ______brings to the classroom a humility unexpected assistant to the executive secretary for the entering freshmen estimated their average State ______Zip ______in, yes, in legends-for he is a kind of legend National Council on Schoolhouse Construc­ family income to be $17,950. in photojournalism-and a daily challenge tion at Michigan State from 1963-65. He then I Keeping ,n truch Craig Steinecker '69 Ben Cross '72 Robert Kennedy '51 Richard Medland '64 Ronald Eaton '64 7

EVALINE (BIRUM) YOHLER, was RONALD L. LAYMON ... DAVID J. NEW­ GENE SHERROW is with Josten's KAREN (PENCE) SMILEY teaches fifth 3 7 named manager at the Muncie district HOUSER has been listed in 1976-77 Who's 6 6 scholastic sales division, Jacksonville, 7 3 grade in South Bend ... JAY A. SNYDER office, Indiana Employment Security Division Who, Chicago, IL . .. IL ... WALTER HARRISON was appointed is teaching math at Seiger Jr. H.S . .. named ... ANNAMARY (HEWITn JEFFERS now resides Deceased: MARIANNA (JACKSON) STRUNK, principal of Forest Hill H.S., Noblesville ... STEVEN C. WATTS was named assistant vice in West Palm Beach, FL, af_ter retirinQ from April 12; Cincinnati, OH. DONALD J. CALABRIA, CPA, joined Peat, president for Saint Joseph Bank and Trust Lake North High School . .. KATHRYN Marwick, Mitchell and Company as a partner Co., South Bend ... DENNIS A STECKLEY was MOUGHLER) EMME, '37, and her husband, partly BYRON C. KLUTE is an administrator ... elected second vice president of Lincoln ordained to the Christian ministry, June 5; own and operate the Bryan-Montpelier, OH, 5 4 of the Academy in the Public, National Corporation was PATRICK D. Indianapolis . .. JANET (WIGGINS) WALLACE Holiday Inn ... Indianapolis . . . Dr. JOHN L. SHEPHERd, MS68, RAUDERBUSH, Fort Wayne ... ANITA M. PRICE has become the first female pilot in the W. JAMES HARMEYER, MA42, is director of EdD73, was recently promoted to associate was honored by Soroptimist International of Warsaw area to earn an instrument rating ... internal auditing, California Institute of professor of Science, Chesapeake College, Anderson as Woman of the Year ... besides GARY OCHS is serving his perceptorship as a Technology ... Enjoying their retirement from Wye Mills, MD. teaching at Kewanna H.S., SHIRLEY (OGLE) , physician's assistant with Dr. Kenneth E. teaching, EUGENE w. and EDITH (ASHLEY) WILLIAD, MA66, is president of Fulton County Bobb, Seymour ... DENNIS K. McKINNEY is a Historical Society ... Dr. DAVID J. SPITTAL WISE, '38, reside in Hobart. MAX E. HOBBS teaches school finance deputy attorney general for Indiana ... was named superintendent at Eastbrook ALICE (BOYDEN) BUTTERWORTH received a 5 7 at Wyoming U .... MERLIN D. STEWART Community School Corp . ... Dr. RICHARDT. PhD in dental surgery, IU. She has plans to do Deceased: MELBA E. HARRIS, MA42, has developed a special baritone stand and is 3 8 June 21; Union City. Survivors include currently with the Philadelphia Orchestra . . . SHAPPELL, MA66, was promoted to assistant post graduate work at Kentucky U. Medical two brothers, a sister, nieces and nephews. EDWARD L. FEIKES joined the Can non Realty professor of health and physical education, Center ... MICHAEL G. HELBING is setting up sales staff, LaPorte ... DARL L. BOOKOUT Oxford College. his own potter's studio in Noblesville ... ALBERTA (HARRELL) YUNKER, retired has been named terminal manager, IRC&D RODNEY D. FLETCHER recently enlisted in the 3 9 from teaching and is doing volunteer Motor Freight, Indianapolis. THOMAS A. KNAPKE was named U.S. Marine Corps as a member of the Marine work at Miller's Merry Manor, a nursing home 6 8 assistant dean, WOBC, Wright State Band. He, his wife, MARGARET (LANCEn and WILLIAM in LaGrange ... Elected president of the ROBERT D. MclNTIRE, MA62, is U., Coldwater, OH ... CHARLES P. DESANTO, daughter reside in Norfolk, VA ... E. Indiana Association for Educational Communi­ 5 8 principal at North Hollywood Com­ MA68, recently had his book, Love and Sex MIHALO, MA74, received his PhD in sociology cation and Technology, MARGARETE (NESS) munity Adult School, Los Angeles, CA ... are not Enough, published ... JAMES R. from Bowling Green State U. He is an assistant professor, IU. Northwest . .. Marriages: LARRY BUTZ was also awarded its Distinguished MIKE CONSTANTINOU, MA67, heads the SCHRECONGOST is vice president, American Service Award . . . Vocational Department at Oak Grove Middle National Bank and Trust, Muncie ... NANCY FISHER to Esther Wiegand, June 29; Marion. RICK Deceases: WINONA (CHAMBERLAIN) School. His wife, SALLY (WEYLER) '59, teaches (HOLLEY) SCHMELTER earned her MA in He is working for Ball Corporation ... EMERSON, Rushville. Her parents survive. lipreading in the Adult Education Department, elementary guidance, Northeast Missouri CONWELL to Jane Richard, August 10; Clearwater, FL . .. The Kokomo-Center School State U.... JAMES H. SNYDER joined Condra Indianapolis. He teaches in the Indianapolis BERTA MCALPHIN retired from teaching Board has appointed br. MARILYN S. SKINNER Funeral Homes Inc., Taylor, TX . .. LORAN Public School System. 41 after 38 years in Steuben Canty. assistant superintendent for instructional G. SKINNER, MA68, is principal of Tippecanoe CANDACE CLARK services ... ETHEL J. SHARP chairs the Union Valley H.S.... .R. MARK SURFACE. MA73. has received her GREGORY C. SMITH IS a senior auditor County High School business department ... head football coach, New Castle .. . Westing­ 7 4 MA from Western Michigan U.... E. ELAINE LEMON was selected to be in 44 for Ernst and Ernst, Indianapolis. LOWELL L. SCHULTZ was named director of house Electric Corporation named ALBERT Vera Cruz Special Education School by the E. MEDICE, MA68, director of human resources 1977-78 edition of Who's Who of American MARY (MORROW) TYLER, has earned Bluffton-Harrison School Board. ... JON M. TONSONI, MA69, was named second Women ... THOMAS M. BARR received his 46 her MSE degree from Niagara U, vice president of association of New York doctor of jurisprudence degree, IU ... K. K. NY . .. RUTH STEVENS, with 40 years of CANFIELD is district field representative in the SHARON (HERZIG) McKENNEY was State Youth Bureaus, Lockport, NY. Detroit Toilet Goods Company .. . ALLENE . •teaching experience is retiring in Steuben 6 3 named "Teacher of the Year" by County. VANOVER earned his master of education students of J.G. Wittier Intermediate School, Dr. ROBERT C. KEYS is dean of student at Miami U. of Ohio . . . Resident designer Fall Church, VA, where she teaches social CHARLES W. SAUNDERS, MA63, 6 9 affairs at Mississippi County Com­ and technical director at Saint Michael's studies ... Northwester Jr. High assistant 4 7 received his PhD in Education from munity College, Blytheville, AK ... DENNIS Summer Playhouse, Winooski, VT, BERNARD principal, RICHARD L. OLDHAM, and his wife, Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, CA . .. W. BECK was named assistant vice president, L. TANSEY is enrolled in the masters of FRAN (GARDON), reside in Battle Creek, Ml, ALFRED M. THURMAN, MA49, retired as East­ Hessen Cassel Branch, Lincoln National Bank, divinity program, Toronto School of Theology where she is job placement director at Calhoun brook Community School Corporation Fort Wayne ... JOHN GUARINO is teaching at ... Marriages: D' ANNE A. NELSON to JOSEPH Area Vocational Center ... MIRIAM HOCH­ Superintendent, Marion. Ivy Tech, Madison ... CRAIG A. STE!NECKER G. ETTL, August 21, 1976; South Bend. Joe STETLER is the Manchester area reading is based in Boston as a second officer for teaches and coaches at Yorktown, H.S. and coordinator ... HAROLD G. WELSH presides VIRGINIA DEAN teaches fourth grade, Delta Air Lines ... JOYCE(THOMAS) HOLLY, D'Anne teaches at marion H.S .. . . JANE. over Central Indiana section of the Society of 48 St. Bernard's School, Wabash ... MA69, received her EdS at Mississippi BROWNEWELL to Steve J. Minsel, June 11; Plastics Engineers .. . RAY W. SORRELL owns ROBERT G. POFFENBARGER, MA52, is super­ College in administration and supervision ... Muncie. She is working on a masters degree Professional, Inc., a health care service intendent of Union School Corporation, Modoc Travenol Laboratories appointed ROBERT J. at BSU ... CHRISTINE M. LAWSON to David covering southeastern Michigan to north­ . . . Appointed principal of Boone Grove CANTWELL as market manager, Travasol Mayhew, February, 1976; El Paso, TX . western Ohio ... DANIEL C. STONE Jr. is Elementary School was RAY D. PALMER, products, Parental Products Division ... employed by Alpha Association, Bloomington, MA52 ... ROBERT E. PURSLEY has joined J.H. Marriage: HELEN A. TODAR to Lynn Ruhl, Ml. PATTI J. SHEPPARD was named Whitney and Company as a partner, New York, June 18; Seminole, FL. . . ANNETTE C. HANNUM 7 6 national committee-woman at Indiana NY ... DAVID L. RANKIN, MA52, is superin­ to John N. Donegan, July 24; Indianapolis. RICHARD H. MEDLAND was appointed Young Democrats Convention in June ... tendent of Monroe-Gregg SChools . . . Dr. human resources, truck group LEONARD M. CORSO, MA76, is physician OTHO B. EASTERDAY is vice president, IFF(US) 6 4 RICHARD W. EBERST, MA70, earned director, Fort Wayne, International Harvester assistant for Midwest Steel Corp. and and Chief Toxicologists, New York, NY. 7 his PhD in health sciences, Maryland 0 administrative assistant to the corporate ... JANICE (PERRY) JONES is coordinator of U.... JOSEPH B. BOUSLOG is territory sales medical doctor, National Steel Corp., Logans­ public relations, Midland Center for the Arts . .. representative for Michelin Tire Corporation port ... RANDALL G. SMITH is post manager BARBARA (FUNKHOUSER) TOWNSEND, CAROLYN G. COOK, MA68, is Elkhart Memorial and resides in CA ... DALE R. GLON is of Commercial Service Co., Anderson ... 5 0 MA54EdD73, is associate professor High School's assistant principal ... vice assistant vice president of sales, Shasta SHIRLEY J. SHEPHERD joined Ball Corpora­ of education, Salisbury State College, president at Arlington Industries is PHILLIP Industries, Goshen ... EDWARD A. KLINE tion's Public Relations as a writer ... ARLEEN Salisbury, MD ... North Central Association E. WEBB. His wife, ANNE(HAUGSRUD) is a and his wife, CHERYL (DRAGOUN), '69, ZUMBRUM, EdD76, is principal in Whitley is Commission on Schools has named JOHN correspondent of the Banner Arlington . . . purchased a sheep ranch; Cheryl also teaches County Schools ... CAROLYNE D. PADILLA w. VAUGH, MA59, executive secretary­ LARRY L. GOOD is head basketball coach and primary grades at Weed Elementary School, directs public relations and is a caseworker, designate. athletic director, Rossville High School . .. Weed, New Mexico ... DENNIS KANE and East Chicago Community School Delinquent RONALD EATON was named manager of his wife, JANAE (ROGERS), '72, reside in Programs ... DR. KEITH POWELL, EdD76, original equipment manufacturer sales, FMC Daleville. Dennis teaches math at Anderson Following 33 years of teaching first recently became superintendent at New Bearing Division ... learning disabilities Highland High School ... SHIRLEY JOHNSON grade, Harrison Elementary, Marion, Prairie Schools ... EDWARDS. MATTHEWS 51 consultant at Elkhart H.S. is JANET is executive director of Child Care Council, EVA SELLERS is retiring ... Westinghouse was named branch sales manager for American (McDOWELL) RA THKA ... MELBA J. STRID HAM Marion. Electric Corporation appointed ROBERT F. is a staff member for Senator Birch Bayh. States Insurance, Peoria, IL ... CHERYL S. KENNEDY to director of personnel practices . .. SCOTNEY is staff editor of American Chemical PAT R. MICHAEL IS HEAD OF THE New Castle ROLLY BOUSMAN was named principal Society's Chemical Abstacts Service, State Hospital industrial lab workshop and RONALD A. SENDRE, MA68, joined 7 2 of Wilkinson Elementary School, Columbus, OH ... Marriages: JAMES M. assistant module director. 6 5 Central Michigan U. School of Health, Wilkinson ... JOSEPH A. MASSING is manager HEWITT to Rosanne Sill, June, 1976. He's a Physical Education and Recreation as athletic of the Paul Harris, Woodfield Mall Store, CPA with Ray Plummer, Warsaw ... GLORIA J. NANCY BICKEL, teaches fifth grade, trainer ... LARRY E. WILSON teaches at a Chicago, IL ... BETSY M. ROSS earned her ECKERT to Charles A. Bueltel, June 26, 1976. 5 2 W.C. Mills School, Wabash . .. Navajo elementary school, Bloomfield, NM ... MA in communication arts, Notre Dame U., She teaches music and art, Jasper ... Center Grove Community School Corporation DIANE (SUMMER) BRYANT, MA67, teaches and joined the news department of ABC BARBARA A. LOGAN to KENNETH W. PURK, named Dr. E. LEE WEBB as superintendent ... physical education and health, and coaches affiliate WSJV, South Bend-Elkhart ... December 11, 1976; Muncie . . . MARK C. PHYLLIS (MASTERS) PA HERSON teaches volleyball at Hamilton Heights Jr. High ... Winamac High School has named RANDY MEYER to Anita K. Horton, June 5; Indianapolis part-time in Michigan City. Dr. DENNIS KRAMER, MA69, is acting director FREDRICK, MA72, head basketball coach ...... JANE A. DENSBORN to Alan L. Sparlin, of the BSU Computer Center. His wife, JOSEPH HOLER, Jr., MA73PhD77, was named June 18; Kokomo ... CARL V. DECKER is the president of CAROLEE(ATKINSON), MA66, is a counselor director of consultation and education Deceased: DALE R. COLLINS, BAR, May 16; 5 3 Fresno Computerized Financial at Burris Laboratory School, Muncie ... · services at Katherine Hamilton Mental Health Muncie. Survivors include his wife, Mary Analysis, Fresno, CA ... DONALD L. SPENCER has been included in the Center, Terre Haute ... BEN F. CROSS was (Ruggaber), parents, and sister . . . PATRICIA PAT R. MICHAEL is head of the New Castle 1977-edition of Outstanding Young Men of named vice president of marketing for (POWNDER) CONOLLY, April 16, Lake Arrow­ Analysis, Fresno, CA ... RITA A. WINTERS America. He is a funeral director at Williamson Consumer Products, McGhee Industries, head, CA. Survivors include her husband, has been named women's editor of The Muncie and Spencer Funeral Home, Portland ... Memphis, TN .. . Marriage: DOUGLAS Richard N. Conolly Jr. Star . .. Acting chairperson of the department CARLE. JACOBS was named account STANFORD to JEAN GILL, '73, April 16, 1977. of curriculum at Illinois State U., is Dr. executive at The Lowell Press, Kansas City, MO. I Space pinch compels building of facilities for Business College Just as times change, so do facilities. Like an adolescent whose clothes never Right: Drawing of the proposed College of seem to fit quite right, Ball State's College Business as envisioned by James Associ­ of Business has once again outgrown its ates, its architects, on completion in 1980. facilities, necessitating the construction of Below: Two views of the College's current home, an old naval armory at Neely Ave. and a proposed $6.6 million structure between McKinley. The armory is scheduled to be Bracken Library and the College of torn down when the College of Business Architecture. vacates. According to Robert Bell, vice president for business affairs, construction could be started by the end of this year. Completion of the project is expected by January, 1980. Growth in the college has been enormous over the past decade, and is expected to continue steadily. In 1972, the college accounted for under 70 percent of the credit hours earned in the University; currently it is responsible for 13 percent, and the figure is expected to climb to 20 percent in 1981. The proposed structure will provide the college with close to 100,000 square feet of office and classroom space, more than doubling present facilities. According to W. J. Wagoner, chairman of the College of Business Building Committee, that space will be adequate for approximately 10 years. Mechanical operation will originate in a to Maurice Mann, director of campus planning, When the Business Education Department Provisions for growth within the new tower at the building's south end, with pipes and make heating and air conditioning loads b.egan borrowing classrooms again, permis­ building are numerous. Though the college and wiring in a series of catwalks between more predictable. In addition, bui lding design sion was given in 1948 to design an adequate now consists of six departments, the new floors. Vertical penetration by stairs, elevators allows for computer control of energy flows. facility; six years later, the department building will have seven departmental suites, and mechanical operation is kept to the Half the funding for the building is expected moved to the top floor of the then new each with access to a conference room and building's perimeter. James Associates, the to come from a $3.3 million bond issue, with Practical Arts Building, already too big two offices. In addition, two adjacent class­ building's architects, claim "a totally flexible the remaining money coming from the to fit the new space. Once again, the rooms may later be remodeled into another space results which will respond to changing Academic Facilities Fees Bonds Reserve and department began pirating classrooms suite. needs in the future." All classrooms are in private gifts, according to Tom Kinghorn, from other departments. Classroom walls will be moveable so rooms this space. assistant vice president for finance. In 1965, when the teachers college became may be enlarged or made smaller, or converted In order to meet University guidelines for The proposed College of Business Ball State University, the College of Business to conference rooms. Finally, when the the handicapped, all entrances to the building represents the sixth home for Ball State's was created. Offices were assigned in North college again outgrows its new facility, will have ramps for wheelchair students and business classes. The "Commerce Depart­ Annex, and business classes taught through­ ample space for expansion is provided to the automatic door opening devices. Telephones ment" of the Eastern Division State Normal out campus. north. and drinking fountains will be placed at School in 1918 was located in what is now After construction of the new College of Along with its provisions for growth, the heights convenient to handicapped students, the Administration Building. Architecture and Planning, the College of new College of Business was designed for and access to the service elevator will be In 1937, after borrowing classrooms from Business was given permission to move into versatility. The three-story tiered structure available to those who require it. other departments, the business department the old Naval Armory, where it's been since incorporates a unique "systems" approach, Window exposure will be kept to a minimum, was moved into the third floor of the old the fall of 1972. The College is currently a result of the Academic Building Systems with all windows on the second, third, and Science Building, now East Quadrangle, assigned to three locations: the College of study of 1967, funded partially by the Indiana fourth floors facing north. This design will where it had eight classrooms and two Business Building, North Annex, and Practical Legislature. conserve energy in the building, according faculty offices. Arts Building.-Greg Rice '77. I