Energy Tip of the Day

ENERGY CONSERVATION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERYONE GAZETTE Flush the commode only when necessary, and never for dis- Bay, Cuba posing of scrap paper, ciga- Guantanamo rettes, gum wrappers, etc. Each flush uses about 3.5 gallons of water; make each Number 167 Friday, August 27, 1982 flus' count! fVolume 37 Overland Palestinian exodus is underway ARE YOU DOING YOU PART? but so far have BEIRUT (UPI)--A motley convoy of 71 leader says the president-elect will cupied territories, vans, decorated trucks, ambulances try to disband all private armies been fruitless. newspapers say Israel and aging military transports is in that faction-ridden country. Israeli will request the resumption of carrying some 1,300 Palestinian President-elect Beshir Gamayel talks after the PLO evacua- fighters through Israeli lines east- reportedly plans to ask his own those tion from Beirut is over. But, ward to Syria. Christian militia force to turn in the Egyptians say they'll set four It's the first overland evacuation its weapons, in a move to strengthen including a commitment WASHINGTON (AP)--Democratic Senator of Palestinians from Beirut and the Lebanon's army, weakened since the conditions, Israeli troops from Le- Ernest Hollings of South Carolina first time Palestinian fighters have 1976 Lebanese civil war between to withdraw banon. says he is outraged by a confession moved through Israeli-occupied ter- Christian and Moslem groups. from Interior Secretary James Watt. ritory on .their way to new homes. Gemayal also told ABC News yester- Watt sent a letter Thursday to a day that "foreign armed forces" Dresser House subcommittee admitting his The overland depature was post- were the cause of Lebanon's pro- Reagan bars department violated his own pledge poned earlier this week because blems, and said he hopes the U.S. not to allow gas or oil leasing in fighting between Syrians and Israeli- will help bring about the with- In exporting to France wilderness areas by allowing leases backed militias made the road un- drawal of Palestinian, Israeli and for a small area of South Carolina. safe. Syrian forces. WASHINGTON (UPI)--A State Depart- Hollings was co-sponsor of the bill The road the Palestinians took spokesman says the White House designating that wilderness area, winds through a string of villages In Washington, Secretary of State ment will try to hold down damage to as well as the wilderness protec- occupied by Israel or under the George Shultz and Israeli Defense American-French relations caused by tion bill pending in the Senate. control of an Israeli-allied right- Minister Ariel Sharon are scheduled ist Christian militia. Under terms to meet today. The question of a the latest U.S. actions in the Soviet pipeline dispute. NEW YORK CITY (UPI)--Federal Spe- of the evacuation plan worked out by Palestinian homeland is expected ial Prosecutor Leon Silverman says U.S. envoy Philip Habib, no Israeli to be one topic of discussion. Spokesman Jospeh Reap says there the F.B.I. is investigating the or Christian forces are to be vis- Yesterday, the State Department is "no wish to widen this unfortu- the slaying of a second man involved ible from the Beirut-Damascus High- rejected an Israeli suggestion nate dispute with France"--and home- will do every- in the probe of Labor Secretary way during the evacuation. that Jordan be considered a Reagan administration Raymond Donovan. 31-year-old Na- The latest departure brings the land for the Palestinians. Sharon thing possible to guarantee it than Masselli, the son of a rep- two-week evacuation past the half- is also to meet with Defense Secret- doesn't poison other ties between uted mobster, was shot to death in way mark. An estimated 4,500 of ary Caspar Weinberger. the U.S. and France. his car last night in New York City. the 7,000 to 9,000 PLO members in Under orders from President Rea- Last June, a former New Jersey Beirut already have departed by sea China, meanwhile, has called for gan, the Commerce Department yester- union official allegedly linked to for Arab ports. the immediate withdrawal of Israeli day barred a French arm of Dallas- lead- Donovan also was slain. Silverman troops from Lebanon. China's based Dresser Industries from re- U.S. says he's "distressed" that wit- One incident marred yesterday's ind daily newspaper says the ceiving any U.S. exports. Another Israeli named. nesses in the investigation keep departures. The tri-national peace- bears responsibility for French company was also investi- dying. keeping force of American, French actions in Lebanon. The ban will hold pending and Italian soldiers suffered it's And reports from Cairo say Egypt gation into whether the companies * SHINGTON (AP)--Some weight has first casualty--when an Italian was will set four conditions for a violated Reagan's sanctions against with for been added to the theory that the hit in the leg by a stray bullet resumption of autonomy talks use of any American technology were opened gas pipeline to Europe. Pan Am jetliner that crashed in a fired in celebration by a departing Israel. Those talks the Soviet the ex- New Orleans suburb in July encount- guerrilla. three years ago to establish self- The State Department calls a "limited" action. ered a severe wind shear. Tran- A spokesman for Lebanon's new rule for Palestinians in the oc- port ban Soviets will scripts of cockpit conversation Despite the ban, the giant compres- recordings released yesterday give still get the three no evidence of mechanical problems Federal Reserve Board cuts bank loans to 10% sors which left a French port yes- is steaming in the accident killing 154 people. terday. The freighter WASHINGTON (AP)--Starting today, it York Stock Exchange so far. That toward Soviet Latvia to deliver by over will cost financial institutions breaks last week's record equipment manufactured by Dresser- MILAN, Italy (UPI)--A court in less to borrow money from the Fed- 20 million shares. France. Milan today declared the scandal- eral Reserve Board. ridden Banco Ambrosiano bankrupt, The FED announced yesterday it's a day apart in the biggest banking collapse cutting interest loans to member Centenarians celebrate birthdays, in Italian history. The bankruptcy banks to 10 percent. That's a Reagan, Gov. William Milliken could have serious repercussions half-point drop. The discount rate DETROIT (UPI)--Attorney Daniel Cas- dent and Mayor Coleman Young. on the international banking sys- has now dropped two percentage sidy of Detroit can hardly be called Williams Reynolds of Placerville, tem, which is already grappling points since July 20th. lazy--but he says it's time to re- California, also turned 100 years with other financial crises, in- Every share of stock traded on tire. Cassidy turned 100 years And, on Wednesday, he got a cluding Mexico's foreign exchange the New York Stock Exchange today yesterday. old. unique birthday present--his driver's problems. will set a record for the business since 1903 and license was renewed. week. The Exchange broke the one- He's been a lawyer is the longest The manager of the Department of WASHINGTON (UPI)--The Treasury De- week volume record yesterday as it his 70-year practice of the Michigan Bar Motor Vehicles says the white-haired partment today strongly denied what topped the $100 million shares- in the history it won' t centenarian passed the driving test it calls a "rumor" circulating in traded mark for the fourth straight Association. But he says "You know, with "flying colors." Mexican business circles that Wash- session. More than 475 million see 80 years. He said: to feel my age." Reynolds says the only hard part ington is considering a freeze on shares have been traded on the New I'm beginning Mexican assets in the United States. Cassidy, who dropped out of school was the hand signals. As he tells it, the Mexico is in the grips of a major in the 10th grade, started as an of- "I haven't had to use them since financial crisis, which has seen fice boy to a Detroit attorney. In day of the early Ford." Students not affected; 1920, he went to Chicago and suc- Reynolds, who's been driving since e peso fall in value from 27 to says he needed to renew his a dollar in February to more than cessfully defended White Sox pitcher 1916, 0 to the dollar today. But the Pregnant women are Eddie Cicotte, a boyhood friend, license so he could drive to his Treasury says there will be no in the criminal trial resulting favorite hunting and fishing sites. and freeze of assets. Meanwhile, U.S. MINNESOTA (AP)--There are two new from the infamous Black Sox World To celebrate his brithday, he Border Patrol officials say they reports about the effects of caf- Series bribery scandal. his wife, who's 99, plan a short The are picking up record numbers of feine. Researchers at the Univer- At a birthday celebration, Cassidy driving trip to visit friends. married 66 years. suspected illegal alliens along sity of Minnesota say college stu- received congratulations from Presi- Reynolds have been the U.S.-Mexican border. They dents who cram for exams by com- blame Mexico's troubled economy bining little sleep with a lot of victim gets big run-around for the increase. coffee need not worry that the caf- Three-heart-attack feine will affect their memories Security Richard Fangman, CHILE (UPI)--Chile's President Aug- come exam time. OMAHA, Neb. (UPI)--Social His physician, in Omaha won't comment Security several let- usto Pinochet fired his entire The research was sparked by con- officials sent Social Paul Marchio. Marchio is not able cabinet today, for the second time cerns that the drug might affect on the case of ters saying in four months. The cabinet shake- the mind's recall processes. But The 56-year-old former restaurant to work because of heart problems. attacks to renew up comes as Pinochet's government researchers say there's no evidence owner has had three heart The agency still refuses bypass surgery. is about to mark its ninth anniver- of that. and triple coronoary his checks. a bit sur- sary in power, and is faced with a But another study suggests that So Marchio was more than angry when Instead, he received a letter severe economic crisis. for pregnant women, the word is prised and also pretty cut off from Social Security asking him to "no" when it comes to caffeine Social Security officials he was capable take medical tests, which he under- consumption. Research by a psycho- his benefits, saying ENERGY--Clean your air con- day. went last week. Marchio says that SAVE logist at Wayne State University in of working an eight-hour filters and coils today. Social after seven minutes on the tread- ditioner Detroit suggests that babies born Marchio says he received forget your refrigerator checks of about mill, he suffered chest pains and Don't to mothers who consume even mod- Security disability coils, they may need shortness of breath--and would up and freezer erate amounts of caffeine are $500 a month until May. That's in the Coronary Intensive Care cleaning. premature and have poorer when the government cut off his slightly Unit at Bergan Mercy Hospital. reflexes than other infants. benefits. Page 2 The Daily Gazette Friday, August 27, 1982 Educational Note Chapel

ATTENTION NAS AND VC-10 PERSONNEL: Note During the month of September Mrs. Kathryn Hoover from the Navy Campus community THE CHURCH OF CHRIST CORDIALLY IN- office will be at the VC-10 Career vites all to services at McCalla Counselor's office after 1 p.m. on Chapel. Sunday Bible Study 9:30 Wednesday, Sept. 1, 15, and 29 to a.m.; Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. see all Leeward personnel. Call and 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday Bible or drop by to have your education bulletin board Study 7:30 p.m. evaluated. Mrs. Hoover will ex- plain all the free tests available Community announcements may be sent to the Gazette YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND to the military community through office through Guard Mail Stop #53 or hand carried worship services at the Tabernacle Navy Campus. For a specific to the Public Affairs Office in the McCalla Admin Baptist Church of Guantanamo Bay, appointment, call AK1 Davis, VC-10 Building. Deadline for publication is 9 a.m. the a fundamental Bible-Believing at 6432, AEl Bray, NAS at 6491 or previous working day. Bonafide emergency announce- Baptist Church. Services are in Navy Campus at 4769. ments will be accepted any time. Announcements Room B-1 of the elementary school will be published at least once a week at the dis- every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. cretion of the Public Affairs Staff. Activities and on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Sun- that discriminate on the basis of race, creed, sex day School is held before services Exchange Notes and color or national origin will not be accepted. on Sunday, starting at 9:30 a.m. The Public Affairs Staff reserves the right to ed- For more information call 3237 AT. ANNIVERSARY? BIRTHDAY? CHRISTMAE? it all submissions. (AT-anytime, AWH-after work- The MARINE CORPS EXCHANGE has a ing hours, DWH-during working hours). THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LAT- beautiful selection of MOTHERS RINGS ter-day Saints (Mormons) wants you available for special order in a to know you are welcome at our variety of settings and styles. worship services. We meet at the Something to be treasured for a Corinaso Point Chapel each Sunday lifetime. Stop by the Marine morning at 9:30 a.m. We would like Warehouse Procurement Office or call Club Activities to have you join us. Contact Mar- 2330 or 2570 to place your order vin Holt if you have any questions, today and make someone very happy. THE MONTHLY FIL-AM CLUB POT LUCK LOOKING FOR NEW EXCITEMENT? DIS- at 3384. get together scheduled for Sunday, cover the thrill of diving our THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE NEED TO PICK Aug. 29, has been CANCELLED. The beautiful Caribbean waters under THE PENTECOSTAL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY, A up their film at the MARINE CORPS next pot luck get together will be starlight and moonbeams. Beginning full gospel fellowship, offers you EXCHANGE. If not picked up by Aug. held on Sept. 26. Sept. 2 Bruce Laviolette will be a friendly place to find help and 30, it will be destroyed. teaching a PADI Night Diving peace in times of trouble and a Peter Voorhies ATTN: ALL MASONS: THERE WILL BE Specialty Course for Reef Raiders place to praise the Lord in times Marie Hadman an installation banquet on Sept. 8 members only. The course will of joy. Pastor H. Nelson welcomes C. C. Triplett at the CPO Harbor Lights Lounge. involve several lectures and four all people of all faiths to attend Bryan Vincen For tickets and information contact night dives for an approximate at the Bay Hill Chapel. Robert Valentine Carole at 4761 DWH or 2443 AWH. cost of $20. Completion of this Sunday morning - 8 a.m. Michael Raddy The closing date for purchasing course will provide you with a Sunday evening - 5 p.m. Charles Hukman tickets is Sept. 3. specialty certification for night Wednesday Bible Study - 7 p.m. Florian Jonas diving. In order to participate, Friday Prayer Meeting - 7 p.m. Charito Salita PHOTO CLUB MEMBERS .ANOTHER you must have a dive light, be display of your photos is scheduled open-water certified and be a THE PIZZA FESTIVAL IS GOING ON NOW for Sept. 1 so submit your best current Reef Raiders member. For THINK ABOUT at the Navy Exchange Food Services shots now for the GTMP community more information call Pat Foresman Stop Light Inn. Come in and get a to enjoy. For more details, call at 3349. special reduced price on a great 4285 AT. pizza. Our regular pizza is ATTENTION ALL SCUBA DIVERS: THE available whole, half and quarter GIRL SCOUT LEADERS: ADULT HELPERS Reef Raiders Club is sponsoring a A MINUTE pizza sizes. Also try our new are needed for girl scouts. If any treasure hunt for all Scuba Divers Sicilian style whole or by the lady or man is interested in on Saturday, Sept. 11. Sign ups slice. Remember we have a scrump- helping in scouts, please contact will be held at the Reef Raiders tious array of toppings to choose Yvonne at 2996. The first leaders Shack every Monday and Wednesday the pizza will be just the Come WonshL at from so your meeting will be held on Aug. 30 in from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. until NAVAL BASE CHAPEL way you love it. Bring in the the Girl Scout Hut in East Bargo Sept. 8 and in addition, you can whole family and enjoy this money sign up on Saturday, Aug. 28 from at 7:30 p.m. Come on out and help Call 4550/4555 j{on saving deal. make scouting a success for our 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more infor- girls. mation contact ET1 Langham at Gold THE NAVY EXCHANGE SERVICE STATION Hill Towers "C" Complex or FTMC would like to ask you to help us Poucher at 3862 anytime. keep our equiment in good repair. When you use the air hose please return it to the hang bracket. This will ensure that you get full pres- sure when you inflate your tires. Special Announcements WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU DID something special for your grand- THERE WILL BE A GENERAL ASSEMBLY NOMINATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED parents? Well on Sunday, Sept. 12th, of all CPO's on Sept. 1 at 2 p.m. for the W. T. Sampson Elementary you'll get your chance. Because in the Harbor Lights Lounge--Main School Advisory Council. Nomination that's Grandparents' Day. And the THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF ALL GAME Topic, CPO Initiation and Dress is open to any parent or guardian Personalized Services Dept. of the Wardens in the classroom at NAVSTA Code for CPO Harbor Lights Lounge. with a student enrolled in the W. T. Navy Exchange has a great selection ARMORY or, Aug. 30 at 6 p.m. This Speak now of forever hold your Sampson Elementary School for the of bouquets and gifts to help you meeting is to revue current regula- "PEACE". school year 1982-83. Send nomina- celebrate the occasion. They can tions on base. tions to Fred Pola, Principal, W. T. show you a huge variety of beautiful GBYAA SKATE-A-THON: IT IS REQUESTED Sampson Elementary School, Stop #29 floral gift ideas. Plus, they can LA PARROQUIA DE "NUESTRA SENafRA that those personnel who rented by Sept. 1. send your gift almost anywhere in Del Corbe", celebrara el dia del skates from Special Services to OUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEEDS SOME the country. So visit the shop at santo "Nuestra Senora Del Corbre", participate in the Skate-A-Thon new equipment, so save your Campbell the Main Exchange. That's Person- patrona de Cuba, el sabado 11 de held at McCalla Hangar on Aug. 21 Soup labels for the PTO and put all alized Services. They'll help you septiembre. La celebracion and have not returned them please your labels in the can at the make Grandparents' Day a day to incluyera la procesi6n desde return them to the Special Services Commissary or call Brenda Llewellyn remember. Tryzna Village a la capilla, una Issue Desk as soon as possible. at 2852 AWH. misa, y despues una comida POT LUCK This is to ensure future Skate-A- con entretenimiento en el Fil-Am Thons can be held and enjoyed by all DURING THE PERIOD OF AUG. 23 THRU Club. Se necesita ayuda para la who participate. Sept. 7 there will be a verification preparacion de este evento. Los registration of all personal wea- TO HELP CONSERVE ENERGY 28 OF THE que quieran ayudar o quieran pons to concur with NAVSTA/ 108 cold drink vending machines informacion a respecto de la fiesta, NASGTMOINST 3593.1. It is request GAZETTE favor lamar a la oficina del currently offered throughout the that all base personnel who own base by the Navy Exchange will be capellan al 4555 durante horas de weapons bring them to the Navsta out of service. The machines trabaj o. taken Armory during this time period for concerned had gross sales of less Captain Maurice D. Fitzgerald, registration verification. Per- NURSERY SCHOOL TUITION FOR THE than $150 per month from Dec. 81 sonnel with gun collections of ten month of September will be col- 82. The energy saved Commander, U.S. Naval Base through Feb. or more weapons in their private on Sept. 1 from 11 a.m. to per year. lected is estimated at $17,000 quarters please contact the Naval Lt. Cmdr. Keith Maynard p.m. and Sept. 2 from 4 p.m. to from 1 The machines to be removed Station Armorer at 4218 prior to Affairs Officer p.m. at the Nursery School .Public 5:30 service are: Bldg. 90 "The Hook"; verification of registration. day late fee Field Lt. j.g. Sharon Ponzer Office. A $1.00 a PWD Electric Shop; Cooper Armory hours are: .Assistant Public Affairs Officer will be charged after 5:30 p.m. across from Marblehead; Gold Hill 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. JOC Lew Reed Sept. 2. CPO; United Services; L/P Movie 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. .Public Affairs Assistant Lyceum; Oil Point; Dental Clinic; Monday thru Friday JO1 Ron Rust.Editor BEGINNING AUGUST 30 THE NAVAL LEGAL L/P Oxygen Plant; NEX Maintenance; J03 Michael Page.Journalist Services Office will reopen for L/P Civilian Barracks; Photo Lab; UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP: AN Mrs. Susan Junkins legal assistance. Appointments are Water Plant 3; NEX Garage; Fleet Intensive Course that requires .Production Assistant no longer necessary. New clients Landing; NAS Ordnance L/P; L/P excellent physical condition, certi- will be seen on a walk-in basis Barracks 525 (1 of 2 Machines); fied scuba diver with experience, The Daily Gazette is publ ihed acording t the Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. underwater camera equipment, pio- rules and regulaions fr sip and stain nwspapers L/P Special Services; Camp Buckely; ut Ine , n aVEOS P-t end n h, tli ptcin Powers of attorney and bills of SERV-MART NSD; Hobby Land Main neer-adventurer spirit, air tanks, on Monday and scuba gear, film, transportation, five times weekly at government expense on government sale will be done Side; BOQ 2nd Deck; Bldg. 13; equipment at the Navy ' iain n Printing Service Thursday morning only. Visas, NS Water Plant (1 of 2 machines); time and money. If you feel Brnh Office, the opinions oraeensi ew tm eligible and could enjoy exploring that appear herein are o obe contued as offic ial immigration and naturalization FTG (1 of 2 machines); BOQ Lounge o reflecting h, views of COMAVBASE orthe e- clients will be seen on Tuesdays (1 of 2 machines); Sound Scene; the ocean world with your camera, patcment of the Nay. and Fridays only. and PW P & E. then call 2680 for further details. Friday, August 27, 1982 The Daily Gazette Page 3

Coming soon at NEX: A new wave of products

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y.--A new line of exclusively for Navy Exchanges. All products--the Navy Exchange brand Navy Exchange brand merchandise is of health and beauty aids 'and house- laboratory tested and backed by a hold supply items--will soon be complete quality assurance program available at all Navy Exchanges guaranteeing the highest quality. in the continential United States. Each item carries a money back gua- These items are comparable to rantee if the customer is not com- national brand products, but offer pletely satisfied. substancial savings to all author- Navy Exchange customers will soon ized Navy Exchange customers. have a choice between the competi- Shipments of the initial 50 items tive priced national brand item or will be arriving at CONUS Navy Ex- the comparable value Navy Exchange changes in October. Overseas ex- brand. changes will introduce the Navy Ex- Colorful signs, posters and cus- change brand shortly after CONUS tomer brochures will inform Navy Ex- activities due to longer delivery change patrons of the quality, value times. and guaranteed satisfaction of the The new items are being produced Navy Exchange brand. Navy Exchange Job Opportunities

The Navy Exchange has the following job openings. Please contact NSGA OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM MEETING: AT A RECENT MEETING HELD IN THE OFFICE 'Addlh the Personnel Office at Building AV-34, McCalla Hill, or phone 4348. of the Commanding Officer, Naval Security Group Activity, the activity's POSITION & GRADE CLOSING DATE LOCATION Ombudsman, Mrs. Carmen Pope, met with Major D.M. Catlett, the command- ing officer, and Master Gunnery General Clerk FT 3 September 1982 Retail Store Sergeant A.S. Harvick, the senior en- listed member, NSGA. On-going AS-3/$4.05 command activities and future plans were discussed in order to provide an effective Ombudsman program for the command. (Official U.S. Navy Sales Clerk FT 3 September 1987 Sound Scene photo.) PS-1/$3.46 Teachers who stay may face hard times Audit Clerk FT 31 August 1982 Accounting Dept. AS-4/$4.33 or LGS-4/$3.52 Sales & Invoice Audit by Steven Pendlebury the fall., Still others are wonder- Associated Press ing if they'll have jobs to return Procurement Clerk FT 3 September 1982 Procurement to. AS-4/$4.33 leading to AS-5 These days, teachers have more Jim Ward, who directs the Ameri- or LGS-4/$3.52 to worry about than the theme of can Federation of Teachers Research the next bulletin board. The Department, expects this to be the Warehouseman I FT OPEN Warehouse economy has become a major source worst year ever for teacher lay- NA-2/$3.70 or LWG-2/$2.18 of concern for teachers both out- offs. And Ward says those who side, and inside the classroom. still have jobs will be expected Food Service Worker PT OPEN Gold Hill Barracks More than anything else, the to do more with less, at an aver- NA-2/$3.70 or LWG-2/$2.18 crisis in our public schools is age starting salary of about a financial one. $13,000 a year. Sales Clerk PT OPEN Mini Mart Given sharp cuts in funding on PS-1/$3.46 vitually every level of government, Myrna Cooper directs a chain of many teachers wonder how they'll New York City teacher centers -- Sales FT OPEN Retail Store do their jobs when they return in places teachers can go to get ex- tra training or advice on how to solve classroom problems. And she agrees that today's teachers Final multiple: How to compute yours are under pressure to cover more subjects for larger classes, in Fact or Exam Pay Grade Computation Percent of Total FMS less time than ever.

Standard E4-E7 Indicated on E4/E5 E6 E7 There is no Standard Score for Cooper says many teachers she Score Exam Profile 80/35% 80/30% 80/60% E8/E0 candidates as the test sees think these working condi- Sheet for these paygrades has been tions reflect a lack of public Performance E4/E5 (PMAx60)-170 70/30% discontinued. E8/E9 selections support for the schools. And she Factor E6 (PMAx10)+2 92/35% are based on the results of the says that can be "difficult," E7 (PMAx6)-2 52/40% selection board which convenes even debilitating." Length of E4/E5 t (TAS-SIPG)+15 30/13% around March of each year. The Cooper's observation is support- Service E6 (TAS-SIPG)+19 34/13% qualifiers for this selection ed by a survey conducted last Service in Pay 7 E4/E5 (2xSIPG)+15 30/13% board are commanding officer's year by the National Education Grade (SIPG) E6 (2xSIPG)+19 34/13% recommendation and high enough Association. Heavy workload, lack Awards E4/E5 Values as listed 10/4.5% marks on annual evaluations. If of funds and negative attitudes E6 in para. 422.a 12/4.5% you have further questions on from the public were among the PNA Points E4/E5 As indicated 10/4.5% E8/E9 advancement eligibility problems most often mentioned by E6 on previous 12/4.5% contact the Educational Services teachers. Profile Sheet Office. Maximum F'S E4-E7 230 264 132 Keeping up with the latest in Possible 6.93 curriculum is another concern Figuring your Final Multiple Standard Score 56 x10 that's often mentioned. Score (FMS) can be complicated to Performance Evaluation 6.93 69.30 For example, Cooper says New say the least. For E4-E6 candidates Length of Service(yrs/mos) 08/03 +2.00 York teachers are flocking to work- your FMS determines if you will he Service in Pay Grade (yrs/mos )03/06 71.30 shops on computers. Many find the a selectee, PNA, or "Sorry about Awards 2 video-age kids in their classrooms Scoe was deter- that." For E7 candidates, your FMS PNA Points 1.5 15 minedLength by ofsubtracting Service the Service in know more about computers than they will determine if your record goes do. Standard Score Factor 56 Paw Grade from the Total Active Set- before the E7 selection board for And there's a shortage of math Performance Factor 71.30 vice and then adding 19 to that to- consideration. and science teachers. Those most Length of Service Factor 23.75 tal. (TAS-SIPG)+19. A lot of factors go into your qualified often find more lucrative in Pay Grade Factor 26.00 8.25 years FMS: exam score; performance fac- Service jobs elsewhere. That leaves less Factor 2 -3.50 years tor; LOS, SIPG, and PNA points. Awards qualified teachers behind to do PNA Points Factor 1.5 (ace chart A) 4.75 There are a few more factors that the job. Final Multiple Score 180.55 +19.00 go into your final status of selec- 23.75 the perennial tee or non-selectee when you are Service in Paygrade Score was de- Finally, there's competing for E7-E9. We will ad- Here is the way these factor rs are determined by multiplying the SIPG by problem of classroom discipline. dress those in a future article. computed. Disruptive kids can make it im- 19 to that to- best e- Length of Service (LOS) and Total Standard Score required no math at tal.two and(2xSIPG)+19. then adding possible for even the teacher to Active Service (TAS) are used in all. The score you get on th~ e test - test3.50 years quipped, highest-paid Virtually every this story to mean the same thing. is your Standard Score. x2 .00 do a good job. teacher mentions lack of disci- To make this a little 7 .00 more under- Performance Evaluation of 6 .93 was +19.00 pline as a major problem faced standable for you let's use an multiplied by 10 and 2 points were 26.00 in the classroom. But few seem example. added. to have found a solution. A candidate for advancement to The Awards Score was determined pay grade E6 has the following fac- If you have questions about the according to a listing the Navy has tors contributing toward final mul- s and is maintained in the Educational Navy's advancement system, as k your Services Office. tiple: Standard Score-56, Perfor- Glad leading petty officer, careerr coun- You'll Be mance Evaluation-6.93, Length of rvcs The PNA Points Score is likewise selor, or the Educational Se-rvices You Used Your Service-8 years 3 months, Service complicated formula Office. Understanding the Navvy's determined by a Head As A In Pay Grade-3 years 6 months, advancement system is your k ey to depending on how well you did on Hatrack! Awards-2 points, and PNA Points- previous exams where you didn't success. 1.5. score high enough to be selected. Chart A Once saai, the Educational Services In converting months to decimals for LOS and SIPG, these values ar e used Office has all the material avail- Months Fraction :onths Frac tion able to help you on this. 1 .08 7 .5 8If you have questions about how FA 2 .17 8 .6 the Navy's advancement system works, 3 .25 9 .7 mi b call or visit the Base Educational 4 .33 10 .8. Services Office, they are experts on 5 .42 11 .9 2 the subject and stand ready to assist 6 .50 12 1.000o you. Friday, August 27, 1982 The Daily GazetteI Page 4 Henderson equals Brock's base-stealing mark IIIbiI Local Sports' Notes

- - Are you ready to take the plunge? In the only National League game, (ICPI)--Oakland's Rickey Henderson Tryouts will be held for PADI open waited Montreal edged Houston, 3-2, in no time equaling Lou Brock's water scuba course, Wed., Sept. 1, the first game of a Football single-season base-stealing record. doubleheader, and Thurs., Sept. 2, at the Villa- and took the Astros, 5-3, in the But the 119th theft that will set (UPI)--Georgia's luck has taken nar Pool at 7 p.m. For more in- second game. Andre Dawson singled a new high eluded him last night. another turn for the worse. The formation and advanced registra- in the tie-breaking run in the open- Henderson tied Brock's mark in school lost all-American running tion, please call Harvey or Joyce er, and Gary Carter hit two homers the 1st inning, after singling off back Herschel Walker to injury. Hoopes at 2912 AWH or Ray Bullion in the nightcap. Milwaukee's Mike Caldwell. Hender- Now tight end Norris Brown is side- at 3315 AWH. son failed to reach base again in lined with a hairline fracture. the game, which the A's lost, 10-3. Baseball Georgia opends its season Sept. Anyone interested in officiating Gorman Thomas led the Brewer attack, 6th against Clemson, last year's Intercommand Football this season, (UPI)--The Philadelphia Phillies belting two homers and driving in top team. please contact Special Services by will enjoy a home field advantage six runs. Aug. 31st at 2560. down the stretch. The Phillies, who In other American League action, trail St. Louis by two games in the Tommie Gibbs and Jan Carley split Kansas City moved into a tie with National League East, play 23 of (UPI)--It was a tough day for the honors yesterday in Ladies' Golf California for first place in the their final 36 games at home. It's favorites in Mahwah, N.J. Hans played each Thursday. They both AL West. John Wathan's two-run a pleasant switch for a team that Mandlikova, , Sylvia tied with a 47 low net. Jan Carley single capped a three-run 8th inn- has spent 32 of the last 42 days on Hanika and Barbara Potter all suf- had low putts with 33. ing last night, lifting the Royals the road. fered upsets yesterday in the tourn- over the Texas Rangers, 5-3. The Kirkland, Washington, used a two- ament. Special Services is now offering Angels dropped the night end of a hitter by Mike "Moose" Adams to de- set back second- Snorkeling Classes by the Navy Di- day-night doubleheader with Boston, feat Wyoming, Michigan, 3-2, in the seeded Mandlikova, 7-5, 6-3; Jenni- vers. The classes will be held at 4-3, after winning the earlier game, semi-finals of the Little League fer Mundel erased Turnbull, 6-4, the Windjammer swimming pool from 10-1. World Series in Williamsport, Pa. 6-1; knocked off Hanika, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., beginning Aug. Eddie Murray had a grand slam and Kirkland will face a team from Tai- 4-6, 7-6, 6-1; and Iva Budarova 27 through Aug. 29. The cost is a solo homer to help Baltimore beat wan in the championship game to- ousted Potter, 6-4, 6-7, 6-2. $5. For more information, Toronto, 12-5. call And the New York morrow. Taiwan, which has won five 2560. Yankees bested Minnesota, 7-2, as titles in a row and 10 since 1969, Guillermo Vilas says he's ready Rick Cerone and Lee Mazzilli keyed beat a team from Canada, 10-7, in for next week's U.S. Open. Vilas The GTMO Bay Racquet Club will a five-run 5th inning. Cerone its semi-final whipped Marcel Freeman, contest yesterday. 7-6, 6-0 host the Jeno'sfollies on Sept. 4 doubled in a run, then after Willie yesterday in Somers, N.Y. in a tune- at the COMO Club Tennis Courts. Randolph singled, Mazzilli blasted NFL up tournament for the Open. Sign up now at the Racquet Club and a three-run homer. John McEnroe will open defense avoid the rush. Only the first 30 (UPI)--The Atlanta Falcons clash of his U.S. Open title against Tim men and 30 women adult entries will with the Philadelphia Eagles to- Gullikson. McEnroe, NHL the top seed, play. Children (16 years night in an NFL preseason game, but and young- is gunning for his fourth straight er) and adults not making the cut (UPI)--Guy LeFleur, star forward of don't tell Falcons coach Leeman crown. may enter as alternates. Sign ups the Montreal Canadiens, is threaten- Bennett it's just an exhibition. -ill end Thurs., Sept. 2. Cost is ing to boycott preseason NHL games Bennett says the Falcons and Eagles The draw for the tournament at $1 per person, payable at check-in if the Canadiens refuse to up his always play an intense game, and he Flushing Meadows, N.Y., was made time, 5 p.m., Sept. 4. Familiesare salaray. LaFleur has rejected the hopes his team is ready. The last yesterday. The action begins Tues- asked to bring a covered dish and team's latest offer, following talks four regular-season games between day. Randomly selected pairings al- singles are asked to bring beverages to renegotiate his current 10-year the two clubs were each decided by so match Laura Dupont in an opener or munchies. Come out and have a contract. less than a touchdown. against top-seeded Matina Navrati- good time. Right wing Dino Ciccarelli has no Washington Redskins owner Jack lova, who has won 64 of her last contract problems with the Minnesota Kent Cooke favors increased pay to 65 contests. Special Services is now accepting North Stars. Ciccarelli, who scored football players, but not through In international team competition, rosters for Intercommand Football. a team-record 55 goals last season, a fixed percentage of gross reven- the United States has reached the Deadline for rosters is Aug. 27 at signed a five-year pact yesterday ue. Cooke says the "55 percent semi-finals of the Brittania Cup 4:30 p.m. For more information, with the North Stars. The 22-year- of the gross" demand by the players Championships in Kiamesha Lake, N.Y. call 2560. old forward collected 107 points last can not be met by owners, who are The Americans downed Mexico, 2-1, year. negotiating a collective bargaining yesterday in the quarter-finals; It's that time again! The winter agreement with the players. Australia beat Austria, 2-1; and bowling season will begin on Sept. Ed Garvey, the head of the Play- PGA Canada tipped Norway, also 2-1. 2nd. Sign up is in progress now. ers Association, says no contract France advanced to the semi-final Get your teams together and call solution appears in (UPI)--Three players share a one- sight. He says round on Wednesday. Phylis Dale at 2608 AWH and 2207DWH. the players will probably strike. stroke lead going into today's se- Anyone with COMO privileges is cond round of the World Series of eligible to join the league. Teams Rookie running back Dwayne Crutch- Basketball Golf in Akron, Ohio. will consist of two men and two field of the New York Jets will Ray Floyd, Bob Sherer and Masahiro (UPI)--The United States kept its women. If you wish to be a substi- miss the team' s next two exhibition Kuramoto each fired a one-under-par championship hopes alive with a tute bowler only, also please call games because of a slight collar- 69 yesterday in the $400,000 tourna- 99-93 victory over the Soviet Union Phylis Dale. ment. Lanny Wadkins and Craig Stad- bone fracture. Crutchfield, a last night at the World Basketball standout at Iowa State, had virtual- ler are one shot behind the top trio, '"Championships in Cali, Colombia, Special Services is now accepting with Curtis Strange, Jack Nicklaus ly won a starting job. The Jets If the Americans beat Australia to- sign ups for a Boxing Smoker, which hope to have him back in the and Tom Weiskopf trailing two strokes line- day, they will meet the Soviets to- will be held on Sept. 4. If you back. up for their regular season opener. morrow in the title match. are interested, drop in at Special Services today. For Sale

6' x 9' metal storage shed, $50. Wanted Call 3781 AWH. classifieds Rectifier for 1973 f-11 250cc Kawasaki motor cycle. Sears Coldspot, 18,000 BTU air Need desperately. conditioner. Runs great and also Contact Troy at 4702 DWH or 2977 AWH. cools a three bedroom house very 19" RCA color TV and TV stand in 11,000 BTU a/c, $175; 20,000 BTU effectively on low cool. Available good condition, $100. Call 2891 AT. a/c, $150; both for $300; 24,000 Friday, Aug. 27, $175 firm. Call Services BTU a/c for parts, $25. All 2869 AT. have One 24,000 BTU a/c, $50. Needs just been serviced and work fine. Will clean house for final inspec- front cover. Call 3886 AT. Call 2966 AT. tion. Please call 2630 AT. 1971 Peugeot 304 sedan, needs a mechanics touch. An offer. Call 1971 Plymouth Fury III, good trans., 1974 Yamaha 350 torue induction, Willing to babysit in my home. 2966 AT. good family car. Needs minor work, very good condition. Contact Troy Infants on up. I live in the Nob but is in good running cond. Ask- at 2786 AWH or 2345 DWH. Hill area. Personal service at a 1976 Honda CBT 360, runs good, $650. ing $750 but will negotiate. Call Call 7259 DWH or 7249 AWH and ask reasonable price! Call Merna at CH3 Pfaefflin at 4506/4826 DWH. Dress Blue Crackerjacks, new, never for Doug Hodges. 2966 AT. worn. Jumper size medium, pants Two air conditioners: 30 X-lone. Sears Kenmore portable dryer, har- one 5,000 $40. Contact Rick at BTU, one 11,000 6266/5319 DWF. Yard Sale vest gold, mint condition, $75 or BTU; both in good running best offer; "Kantwet" crib condition. Call Vic or Pre-pack out yard sale Saturday at mattress, 1969 Ford station wagon for repair good condition, $10; Spanish-style Cora at 3343 AWH. 722-B Evans Point. Lots of goodies. or parts. Needs a flywheel, engine wrought iron with gold color inlay One avocado GE frostless side by is good, 289 CID, $250 or best offer. hanging lamp, beautiful condition, Yard sale on Saturday from 9 a.m. side refrigerator/freezer with Call 7259 DWH or 7249 AWH and ask $25. Must see to appreciate value. to 1 p.m. at TK-6. Clothes, books, ice maker, ice, crushed ice and for Doug Hodges. Call 3755 AWNH. and things. No early sales. cold water dispenser, $650 or best offer. Call Cora at 2330/2570 One 22,500 BTU Fedders a/c, good DWH, 3343 AWN or Vic at 7233 DWH. condition, recently recharged and DAILY ENEI RGY USAGE - serviced, $200; one 10,500 BTU Playpen & baby swing, both for $20; Whirlpool a/c, excellent condition, blue Corelle, service for four, $15; WATER ELECTRICITY $175; one 7,500 BTU Fedders a/c, two ten-speed bicycles, $20 each. good condition, $85. All will be Call 2476 AT. Use: 1,141,000CGallons Use: 287,200 available on Sept. 30. One KWH $7,082 $28,829 two-tone green rug, 7' x 9', good If you need a motorcycle seat condition, $50; one airline cat covered, all Dave at 2972 AWH. Target: 1,227,000 Target: 284,000 KWH cage, used one time, $15. Available Gallons $7, 616 820,508 now. Call 3201 AT or 4661 DWH and One lawnmower that needs repair. ask for RM1 Porter. Call 2598 AWH. TO TAL

Use: $36,4445 You can't regulate the weather, Targett: $34,7115 Traffic Slogan but you can your driving.