Lower River Test NEP Volume 3: Appendices
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Lower River Test NEP Volume 3: Appendices Southern Water Services October 2013 Volume 3 Appendices Notice This document and its contents have been prepared and is intended solely for Southern Water Services’ information and use in relation to the Lower River Test NEP Atkins Limited assumes no responsibility to any other party in respect of or arising out of or in connection with this document and/or its contents. Document history Job number: 5099146 Document ref: 5099146 / 079 / DG / 217 Revision Purpose description Originated Checked Reviewed Authorised Date Rev 2.0 Issued for sign-off Atkins HG, AB PS PS 10 10 13 Client signoff Client Southern Water Services Project Lower River Test NEP Document title Lower River Test NEP Investigation Report Volume 3 Appendices- Final Job no. 5099146 Atkins Table of Contents Appendix 1.2.1 NEP Scope Appendix 1.5.1 Testwood PWS Abstraction Appendix 1.6.3 Water Body Summary Sheets Appendix 2.1.1 River Test SSSI Citation Appendix 2.1.2 Lower Test Valley SSSI Citation Appendix 2.3.1 River Corridor Survey 1991, S169-171 Appendix 3.5.1 Frequency of extreme low flows in the Great Test Appendix 3.5.2 Freshwater Flows Appendix 4.1.1 Hydraulic Model Appendix 4.2.1 Wetland Model Appendix 4.3.1 Thermal Model Appendix 5.2.1 Hydraulic Model Outputs Appendix 6.1 Fish Counter data Appendix 6.2 Fish Count Little Test Appendix 6.3 Fish Passage at Testwood Appendix 6.4.1 Salmon Movement Model Manual (Pisces) Appendix 6.4.2 Additional Notes on the Salmon Simulation Model (Pisces) Appendix 7.2 Aquatic Macrophytes Appendix 7.3 Aquatic Macroinvertebrates Atkins Appendix 1.2.1 NEP Scope Atkins Scope of the Lower Test NEP Investigation 21 June 2011 DG032 Scope of the Lower Test NEP Investigation Notice This document and its contents have been prepared and are intended solely for Southern Water Services‟ information and use in relation to The Lower Test NEP Investigation. Atkins Limited assumes no responsibility to any other party in respect of or arising out of or in connection with this document and/or its contents. This document has 15 pages including the covers. Document History Job number: 5099146 Document ref: DG032 Revision Purpose Description Originated Checked Reviewed Authorised Date For discussion and Rev 1.0 approval with the project Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkins 18/05/11 Steering Group Project Project Rev 2.0 Final Atkins Atkins Steering Steering 21/06/11 Group Group 1 DG032 Scope of the Lower Test NEP Investigation Table of contents 1. Introduction 4 1.1. Background to the study 4 1.2. Structure of this document 4 2. Scope of NEP Investigation 4 2.1. Study Area 5 2.2. Programme 5 2.3. Steering Group 5 2.4. Key Risks 5 2.5. Communications 5 3. Technical Approach 6 3.1. General 6 3.2. Hydrological and hydraulic assessment 8 3.3. Fish assessment 9 3.4. Ecological assessment 10 3.5. Effect of management 11 3.6. Water temperature 12 2 DG032 Scope of the Lower Test NEP Investigation 3 DG032 Scope of the Lower Test NEP Investigation 1. Introduction This document gives a background to the Lower Test National Environment Programme (NEP) Investigation, and related projects. This document outlines the scope of work for the Lower Test NEP Investigation to be undertaken by the Atkins project team on behalf of Southern Water as part of its AMP5 water resources work pack. The document has been discussed with, and approved by, the Steering Group that comprises Southern Water, Atkins, Adams Hendry, the Environment Agency and Natural England. Southern Water‟s supply area is divided into three geographically separate supply Areas which are made up of discrete Water Resource Zones (WRZs). The Western Area comprises the Hampshire South and Isle of Wight WRZs which are interconnected, and the discrete Andover WRZ and Kingsclere WRZ. In addition to the Lower Test NEP, the AMP5 programme for the Western Area also includes the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Water Resources Options Appraisal, the Itchen NEP project, and the Isle of Wight HD monitoring investigation. These projects are interrelated. 1.1. Background to the study Southern Water‟s abstraction licence (no. 11/42/18.16/546) for the Testwood Water Supply Works (WSW) on the River Test authorises abstraction at a peak rate of 136 Ml/d up to an annual total of 49,915,080 m3 (equivalent to 366 days at the peak rate). The current capacity of the Testwood works is 105 Ml/d. The focus of this NEP investigation is to assess the potential impacts of different abstraction scenarios upon the hydrological regime downstream of the Testwood intake, and the potential effects upon particular habitats and species of the River Test SSSI and the Lower Test Valley SSSI. 1.2. Structure of this document The following sections of this document comprise the following: Section 2: Scope of the NEP investigation; and Section 3: Technical approach. 2. Scope of NEP Investigation This Draft Scope has been developed taking into account the report by the Environment Agency (March 2010) Testwood Public Water Supply Abstraction Impact Investigation– Statement of Issues and Assessment, Version 2.0, plus subsequent discussions. This Draft Scope also reflects the current and ongoing review of previous studies and available data that has been undertaken during the initial stage of this Southern Water study to evaluate the issues and concerns that are relevant to the Testwood abstraction. This Scope also reflects the outputs to date from discussions with technical experts at the EA and with key landowners and their tenants. Through consultation undertaken to date, it is understood that there are concerns about potential disturbance arising from access to the River channel or banks for surveys or investigations during the fishing season. This position has not changed our Scope, however we will place more focus on using available data and information to undertake the NEP investigation, whilst continuing to engage with these stakeholders to obtain access. 4 DG032 Scope of the Lower Test NEP Investigation 2.1. Study Area The study area for the NEP Investigation will be the reach and associated tributaries of the River Test from the Testwood abstraction intake, downstream to Redbridge, that are directly hydrologically linked to the Testwood abstraction. 2.2. Programme The proposed programme for the NEP can be seen in Table 1. At this stage we propose to issue a Draft Report on the conclusions of the NEP investigations in February 2012. This timeframe reflects the volume of information and data that are available for the study area which can be used in the NEP investigation, and the wider context of the Western Area investigations. There is a need to agree a programme of meetings and review periods with the Steering Group for the Lower Test NEP Investigation to ensure its progression without undue delay. 2.3. Steering Group This first Steering Group meeting will be the basis for an agreement between Atkins, SWS and the statutory bodies on: Interpretation of the objectives and deliverables of the Lower Test NEP Investigation; Agreement on what data and analysis is appropriate for this investigation, with particular regard to the situation regarding access to the river; and Approval of the outlined approach and programme. 2.4. Key Risks The main risks we have identified for the Lower Test NEP Investigation are summarised below. These will need to be regularly reported to and monitored by the Steering Group: The extent to which existing datasets can be used for the Investigation; The number and extent of new surveys or data required; The need for access to undertake surveys and investigations; The need for collaborative working partnerships between SWS, the statutory agencies, and key stakeholders; and The ability to simulate the hydrological and hydraulic regimes of the Lower Test using appropriate hydrological and hydraulic models. 2.5. Communications Given the wide ranging interests in the River Test, the NEP scheme and wider activities, we recognised the importance of ensuring communication was established early with the key statutory, non-statutory and other stakeholders with an interest in the scheme. Draft Communications Plans have already been prepared that detail the strategy for stakeholder engagement throughout the NEP study, and also for the wider Western Area schemes. Key stakeholders are landowners and lease holders in the study area and the Test and Itchen Association. A wider stakeholder group would comprise the Salmon & Trout Association, Hampshire 5 DG032 Scope of the Lower Test NEP Investigation and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, WWF, local angling clubs and the Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre (HBIC) amongst individual interested parties. The interests of Local Planning Authorities will be covered through the wider communications plan for the IoW and Hampshire Options Appraisal Project. Direct face to face engagement with key stakeholders has already commenced and will be repeated at regular stages throughout the work. Direct engagement enables discussion of the existing and licensed abstraction and operational management of the Lower River Test. The results of ongoing consultation will inform the NEP investigation where relevant. Once the initial consultation with all the key stakeholders has been completed, a programme of wider consultation will commence. Work on an AMP 5 Investigation webpage has been started, which will be held on the website of Southern Water. This will assist the dissemination to stakeholders and other interested parties, and will contain factual information