Present: Cllr. Henwood (Chairman) Cllr. Miss Allen Cllr. Christophers Cllr. Dr. Jenkin (PC/CC) Cllr. McLeod Cllr. Parnell Cllr. Roberts Cllr. Smith Cllr. Tripp Cllr. Ms Tunnicliffe Cllr. Webb In Attendance: Mrs Thompson (Clerk)

Minutes of Council Meetings are available to view on; on the Leedstown Notice Boards; on Nancegollan and Townshend Village Hall Notice Boards.

Minute AGENDA ITEMS Action

Prayers – led by the Chair, who advised that anyone not wishing to participate may leave the room and rejoin the meeting later.

Chairman’s Welcome and Public Forum – the Chair welcomed those present, with a particularly warm welcome to the members of the public.

163/2016 Members’ Declarations – a. Pecuniary/Registerable Declarations of Interests – none. Cllr. McLeod signed his Acceptance of Office form. The Good Councillor Guide was made available. b. Non-Pecuniary/Disclosable Interests – Cllr. Smith in Minute 174c/2016 and Cllr. Allen in 173c[i]/2016. c. Declaration of Gifts – Members were reminded they must not accept any gift or hospitality with a value in excess of fifty pounds. d. It was RESOLVED to grant a dispensation to Cllr. McLeod, i.r.o. Nancegollan Village Hall and cemetery.

164/2016 Apologies for Absence – Cllr. Muriel (private commitment). Cllr. Hatherley was not present.

165/2016 Outside Bodies / Reports – a. Police – in the absence of the PCSO there was no police report. Cllr. Henwood had spoken to the Police Migrant Liaison Officer, Ms Bev Faull. It

was understood there are a number of vehicles being driven illegally and the Police are addressing this issue. There was also a problem with tractors driving in convoy.

Gwinear Road Crossing will be closed for a month. Members referred to the road closure signs that had appeared indicating Fore Street, Praze is to be th closed for a week commencing 24 October. Cllr. Jenkin said that School Road, Praze is also due to be closed. The Clerk to object to CC Highways that two weeks’ is insufficient notice. Clerk b. Councillor – Cllr. Jenkin reported CC is now into its budget process. The four-year budget is being affected by increased costs. The Local Plan is almost completed. The Boundary Review had now been published. The Electoral Review for CC had also been published and recommends slightly fewer CC Members. She confirmed the site meeting for the Fraddam solar panels had been held during the week. c. Community Network Panel – meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 7th Cllrs. Smith / December at 6pm at Cury Village Hall. Cllrs. Henwood and Smith to attend. Henwood

1 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2016-10-13.doc 166/2016 Minutes of Meetings – a. Full Council Meeting – 8th September 2016, AGREED as a true record. b. NP Steering Group Meeting – 21st September 2016. NDP (Neighbourhood Development Plan) was amended to NP (Neighbourhood Plan), with this amendment the Minutes were AGREED as a true record.

167/2016 Planning Applications – Members considered the following: a. PA16/08546, Bluebell Cottage, Horsedowns, Praze – retention of extended domestic curtilage and retention of garage-outbuilding. Cllr. Jenkin explained there had always been a building on the site, but the present building is much taller and larger. NO OBJECTION provided there are conditions attached to the planning permission that the building remains as Clerk a garage / outbuilding and does not become a separate dwelling; and a proper water collection system is put in place (currently water runs off onto the road). b. PA16/09445, Trevelyan, Praze Road, Leedstown – proposed garage conversion to extend the kitchen and utility spaces. A proposed first floor extension over the garage and a Juliet balcony on the rear first floor elevation. This application had been received after the agenda was published. It was RESOLVED to delegate authority to Cllrs. Henwood and Cllr Henwood Smith to respond to this application. / Smith c. PA16/06523, United Farm, Releath – conversion of barn to dwelling. Members had objected to this application, under delegated authority. Since then a meeting with the case officer, Mr Steve Diment had been held. It was RESOLVED to withdraw the objections, provided a 4-5 ft stone Cornish hedge is erected and the septic tank is moved to behind the property, which Clerk would then not be affected by water drainage issues, and there should be an easement to allow access to the field over the proposed site access, behind the asbestos shed.

168/2016 Other Planning Matters – a. Planning Applications Approved by CC – information only. i. PA16/06979, 3 Fore Street, Praze – rear extension to dwelling. ii. PA15/07196, Polglase Farm, Binnerton Road, Leedstown (Land adj. to Trecolyon) – construction of one dwelling and associated infrastructure. b. Outstanding Enforcement Issues –

iii. EN14/01194, Higher Cargenwen Farm, Black Rock – request for th confirmation of compliance with EN issued on 14 January 2013. Case

officer: Mr Lee Viner reported he will make a further visit to the site and

make a decision as to whether a breach of the enforcement notice is

still continuing. If this is the case then CC will have to take the owners

to court for non-compliance with an enforcement notice.

The Clerk to request that this long outstanding issue is concluded as a Clerk matter of urgency. iv. EN16/00828, Land at Pump International Ltd., Trenoweth, Praze – alleged change of use of the land to car sales. Case officer: Ms Brown. c. Section 106 Quarterly Report – Minute 146e/2016 refers. Members had requested further details to ensure this sum is spent within the parish. Ms Maxine Hardy, CC advised the S.106 relating to the above development requires an Affordable Housing Contribution of £26,000 plus Percentage increase. The trigger for the payment of this Contribution to CC is prior to the sale or occupation of the second dwelling within the Development. This Contribution is to be applied to the provision of Affordable Housing within the Primary Area (Crowan Parish) or the Secondary Area (Parishes of Gwinear-Gwithian, , St Erth, Breage, Sithney, Wendron, Carn Brea or ).

2 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2016-10-13.doc If the Contribution, or any part of it, is not allocated within 3 years of the date of receipt by CC to Affordable Housing in these areas, it can be applied to Affordable Housing within the Local Housing Market Area (an area well related to the Land and judged as being a suitable location for affordable housing capable of meeting the housing needs of the Primary Area and shall include the and The Lizard community network area). If the Contribution, or any part of it, is not allocated within 6 years of the date of receipt by CC, it may be applied to Affordable Housing within the County of Cornwall. d. PA15/10371, 1 The Bungalow, Chapel Road, Leedstown – the planning appeal had been allowed. No costs claimed. The Clerk to obtain a copy of Clerk the Inspector’s report and circulate to Members. e. Planning Conferences – CC are running a number of conferences across the county. Details previously circulated via email. Cllrs. Henwood and Cllr Henwood Parnell to attend. / Parnell f. Trenerth Planning Enforcement – Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council had provided a map and history of enforcement issues on the border with this PC. G-GPC sought Members’ co-operation in a joint approach to CC. Cllr. Cllr Henwood Henwood indicated his willingness to liaise with Members of the G-GPC.

169/2016 Highway Matters – a. Section 130 Notice – Minute 147a/2016 refers. Cllr. Henwood reported he had served the form 4 of the s.130 notice on CC regarding overgrown hedges, etc. It was RESOLVED to instruct Mr Dunstan to apply to the Magistrates’ Court up to a maximum of £500. The Clerk to send a copy of Clerk the latest notice to Mr John Dunstan. b. Community Speed Gun – Minute 147b/2016 refers. There was no additional information from PC Ashley Fuller. Cllr. Jenkin said there is a new Police Cllr Henwood contact, which will be circulated shortly. c. Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) – Helston Town Council invited Members to share the cost of implementing a TPO, to reduce the cost of any schemes may wish to progress. Noted the cost to Crowan would be the additional cost of incorporating any Crowan PC scheme. Cllr. Henwood suggested reinstating the double yellow lines for 10M from all side of the junction at the crossroads at Leedstown. Cllr. Jenkin suggested a disabled parking space on School Road, Praze. The Clerk to forward this Clerk to Helston TC.

170/2016 Standing Committees / Working Parties – a. Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – Cllr. Parnell reported a meeting had been held st th on 21 September and a further meeting scheduled for 18 October 2016. Cllr. Smith will provide Cllr. Parnell with the survey documentation for the Cllr. Smith various villages. The Clerk had provided draft Terms of Reference for the NP Steering Group.

171/2016 Environmental / Amenity Matters – a. Treasure Park – Minute 112b/2016 refers. As yet, there had been no response from CC, regarding Members’ application to acquire the Park. b. Leedstown Playing Field – Minute 149e/2016 refers. Mr Paul Daddow, Cormac had suggested the ‘normal bin’, owned by CC, is moved to the railing inside the field with the bin aperture facing the field. This would still be on Crowan PC's property. His concern is that if the bin is placed on the other side of the railings in Walters Close itself, it will result in a complaint due to being in such close proximity to, and facing residential properties. The Clerk to confirm that Cormac will still empty the bin if it is moved. Clerk c. Telephone Boxes – Minute 149f/216. Members had sought reassurance from BT that mobile phones can be used to dial 999, even when there is no signal. They had responded by saying: “there to be full mobile coverage for all the major networks from the kiosk location 01209 831298, Crowan”.

3 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2016-10-13.doc Members refuted this, having received mixed results when this was trialled. Members RESOLVED that no kiosk should be removed until mobile service Clerk is improved particularly Praze and Crowan, Black Rock and Leedstown. d. Nancegollan Green – Minute 149g/2016 refers. Confirmation had been received the Florence Quilters are willing to pass ownership of the bench to the PC. The sum raised is £200. It was RESOLVED to obtain a bench from Clerk Atkinson Engineering, to include affixing into concrete. e. Highway Issues – Minute 150f/2016 refers. Cllr. Henwood to provide the Clerk with a copy of the email from Mr Mike Peters and photographs, regarding a number of actions promised at the meeting with County Cllr. Cllr Henwood Biscoe. The Clerk to then remind Highways of the following additional actions to be taken: i. Strimming around bollards and road signs. ii. Highlighting the actual drop from Tremayne to Crowan School. It is understood this is in hand. NFA. iii. The junction at Fraddam has been cut. NFA. A joint approach with Sithney Parish Council to be considered. f. Defibrillator, Nancegollan – a defibrillator has been sited at the home of Mr and Mrs Tessier, Glenmore Cottage, Chapel Row, Nancegollan. Permission had been sought to erect a number of small signs at various locations. Members indicated they wished to be responding for putting up any sign that would be on PC property. It was RESOLVED to reimburse Mrs Gash Clerk for the signage provided to date. Cllr. Christophers reported a used defibrillator had been donated to the Leedstown Village Hall. g. Leedstown Water Main – SW Water had commenced work on the new water main, and a number of problems had been reported. Cllr. Henwood will liaise with SW Water’s Customer relations manager, Mr Marcus Ward Cllr Henwood and suggest a bowser is placed in the village whilst the new main is being installed. Cllr. Henwood to liaise with Mr Adrian Ward regarding a notice Cllr Henwood explaining residents’ rights.

172/2016 Administrative Matters – a. Parish Council Logo – Minute 95/2016. Cllr. Muriel is still pursuing the Cllr. Muriel revised log. b. 2016 Remembrance Service – Members receive this update: i. The road closure application had been submitted to Event Planning, CC for the period 10.45am to 11.15am. Event Planning had been asked to clarify the implications of increasing the closure time from 10.30am to 11.15pm and to close the B3280, B3283 and B3303 in future years. No response to date. ii. The Revd Harry Chant advised he did not require the use of a public address system for the service at the memorial. He had been asked for his views on local organisations bringing their banners (Young Farmers and WI) and parading into church. iii. IRS had been asked to tidy the area around the memorial before the service and to remove the fallen leaves from around the memorial and the WCs. iv. The Royal British Legion was unable to assist with the provision of a wooden frame to hold the poppy wreaths. Members to consider a local supplier / builder.

v. Invitation letters had been sent to local organisations and a poppy

wreath ordered.

vi. Cllr. Webb offered to laminate and put up the road closure notices, when they are received. He also confirmed he will be able to assist with Cllr. Webb traffic management on the day.

4 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2016-10-13.doc c. Flyering Consultation – CC are carrying out a full public consultation in relation to the free distribution of printed matter (referred to as ‘flyering’).

173/2016 Financial Matters – a. Accounts for Payment – schedule 2016/17–06 to a value of £43,718 was APPROVED for payment, this included a replacement for the cancelled cheque for the play equipment at Praze.

Noted the bank reconciliation was available for inspection.

Noted Cllrs. Tripp, Henwood, Muriel and Roberts are authorised to sign cheques. Cllr. Smith to be added as a signature. The Clerk to provide him Clerk / with the relevant form. Cllr. Smith INCOME Total Bank interest 1.09 £1.09 EXPENSES Price VAT Total Staff costs – including tax and NI 1,221.12 1,221.12 Playing Fields 1,717.65 231.68 1,949.33 Praze WCs & Community Room 788.37 126.68 915.05 Parish Rooms, Crowan 301.63 60.23 361.86 Play Equipment for Praze 31,877.00 6,375.41 38,252.41 Public rights of way 848.53 169.70 1,018.23 £43,718.00 b. Budget Monitor – copy was circulated at the meeting. c. Donation Requests – the Clerk pointed out there was £790 remaining in the grant ‘pot’. Members considered making a donation to: i. Townshend Village Hall – RESOLVED to make a donation of £100 towards the cost of installing a hearing loop in the main hall. The Clerk Clerk to suggest they approach the Clowance Trust.

ii. Cruse Bereavement Care – £50. Clerk iii. Tanya’s Courage Trust – nil. iv. South Kerrier Heritage Trust – appeal letter previously circulated via Clerk email. Cllr. Jenkin declared an interest as a Trustee of the Charity. It was RESOLVED to make a grant of £20 p.a. for three years commencing in 2017.

174/2016 Parish Organisations – Members received updates on the following: a. Leedstown Village Hall – Cllr. Christophers reported the village show was a great success and had resulted in some additional funds for the village hall. b. Nancegollan Village Hall – no report due to time constraints. c. Praze Institute – Mrs Ann Smith of the Trustees for Praze Institute had written to request Members consider the possibility of the Parish Council becoming Custodian Trustees of the Institute. The Institute Committee would continue to run the hall on a day-to-day basis. Members AGREED to Clerk this request, in principle. The Clerk to seek advice from Mr John Dunstan. Noted that The Institute committee’s intention is to become an Unincorporated Charitable Organisation and the name of the charity to be Praze-an-Beeble Village Institute.

The Trustees’ request to place an A-frame notice board on the Plan Clerk advertising community events at the Institute was deferred to the Amenities Committee. d. Townshend Village Hall – no report due to time constraints. e. Crowan School – Cllr. Webb reported the school is going through a consultation i.r.o. merging with a local academy. f. Leedstown School – Cllr. Jenkin reported the school is also going through a consultation i.r.o. merging with a local academy

5 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2016-10-13.doc 175/2016 Correspondence – not mentioned elsewhere on the agenda. a. Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver Policy Review – consultation with all hackney carriage and private hire drivers in Cornwall concerning an update to the current driver policies. Deadline 16th December 2016. Details previously circulated via email. b. Emergency Buildings Database – the Clerk had updated the entry for Crowan Parish Rooms. c. Bridleways – an email had been received from a resident thanking Members for trimming the bridleways around Praze. d. Crowan Stories – stories and illustrations have been collated by the Storylines Project. It was RESOLVED Cllrs. Henwood, Parnell and Jenkin Clerk to meet with Ms Sarah Chapman to discuss taking this forward.

176/2016 Diary Dates – a. Council Meetings: i. Full Council Meeting – 10th November 2016. ii. NDP Steering Group – 18th October 2016. iii. Amenities Committee (AC) Meeting – Thursday, 27th October 2016. b. CC’s Localism Summit and Budget and Priorities Event – Monday, 31st October 2016 at Royal Cornwall Pavilion Centre, : i. Localism Summit – 12pm to 5pm. ii. Budget, Priorities and Resources Event – 5-8pm. Further information, including booking details, available from the Clerk.

177/2016 Information Only / Items for Future Agendas – a. Street Light, Releath – Cllr. McLeod will supply the Clerk with the street light Cllr. McLeod number (K150 T), she will then report it as not working. / Clerk b. Jenkins’ Bottom – Cllr. McLeod reported highway visibility is limited by an overgrown hedge at this location. Referred to the Amenities Committee for Clerk further consideration.

178/2016 Closed Session – in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, namely tenders / quotations for work, it was RESOLVED that it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be excluded and they were instructed to withdraw.

179/2016 Trefewha Planning Proposal – Minute 146f/2016 above refers. Mr Golay had previously provided information, including affordable housing needs. He spoke regarding a development proposal in Praze. CC had indicated the site would be permitted as long as it was for affordable housing. He was flexible as to the number of houses and the choice of access to the site. It was felt the option of a mini roundabout by Carwynnen Close was the most appropriate. Members suggested there was a need for bungalows for elderly residents. Mr Golay said a small parking area could be provided. Members felt there was a need for affordable homes. They favoured a traditional design, with boundary hedges being retained. Ocean Housing was Members’ preferred Housing Association provider. Members would like to see a public consultation before any planning application is submitted.

180/2016 Meeting Closed – 21.42pm.

Signature: ……………………………………………… (Cllr. Henwood) Chairman

Date: 10th November 2016

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