Pipeline Diversity Benefit Journal

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Pipeline Diversity Benefit Journal PRESENTS Pipeline To Diversity BENEFIT Our thanks for your continued support of Legal Outreach and the PACT & RISE Programs 2017 PROGRAM LEGAL OUTREACH, INC. 2017 Pipeline To Diversity Benefit WELCOME Sintelle Taylor & Francesca Odell THE PIPELINE PROBLEM, THE PIPELINE SOLUTION Joey Jackson, Master of Ceremonies THE LO DIFFERENCE: LEGAL OUTREACH ALUMNI Katherine Nuñez, Melissa Romain, & Ricardo Mullings PIPELINE TO DIVERSITY CHAMPION AWARDS Gailon & Lorraine McGowen Jeffrey S. Lewis Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP PACT CHAMPION AWARDS NYU School of Law & Dean Trevor W. Morrison The Group RISE CHAMPION AWARDS Jill & Howard Sharfstein Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP CLOSING REMARKS Joey Jackson THE LEGAL OUTREACH MODEL Legal Outreach believes that in order for students from underserved communities to succeed, they must cultivate a vision for the future that will convince them of the necessity of excelling scholastically; to excel scholastically, they must develop and enhance key academic skills that will enable them to perform at superior levels in high school; to perform well in high school in preparation for college, they must be supported by individuals who will constantly push them to higher levels of achievement. Each of our programs was created to foster these important objectives. VISION Law and Justice Institute: - Criminal Law Class - Guest Speaker Program - Field Trip Program - Trial Practice Class - Mock Trial Competition Summer Internship Program SKILLS Study Skills Workshops Saturday Writing Class Constitutional Law Debates SAT Prep Course College Philosophy Class SUPPORT Life Skills Workshops Mentoring Program Academic Advisories Parent Workshops College Application Workshops Transition to College Workshops ______________________________________________________________________ RESULTS • 100% of College Bound participants graduate high school in 4 years • 99.2% matriculate to college • 81% matriculate to colleges rank “Most,” “Highly,” and “Very” competitive by Barron’s College Profiles • 92% graduate (or are on track to graduate) in 5 years, with 80% in 4 years. (the national 6 year graduate rate is 60%) PICTURES Allegheny Law Schools American Albany American Amherst Arizona Babson Brooklyn Pipeline to College and Beyond Barnard Cardozo Boston College Case Western Brandeis Chicago-Kent Brown Columbia J U N I O R S Bryn Mawr Cooley F R E S HM E N Carnegie Mellon Cornell ➾ After-School Study & Colby CUNY Fordham ➾ After-School Study & Tutorial Program Colgate Eighth Grade Harvard ➾ Columbia Tutorial Program Academic Advisory Pipeline to Howard Summer Workshops Cornell New York ➾ Academic Advisory & Life Dartmouth Law School Rutgers Law and Justice Skills Workshop ➾ Saturday Writing Academy Dickinson Seton Hall (Persuasive Writing) ➾ Saturday Writing Duke St. John’s Institute ➾ Constitutional Law Academy (Grammar) Emory Texas-Southern Debate Program Touro Primary ➾ Professional Development Georgetown ➾ Mentoring Program U. Arizona Recruitment Cardozo & Exposure Program Hamilton ➾ College Application Hampshire U. Buffalo School of Law ➾ U. Conn Summer Internships Harvard Neighborhoods Workshops UDC Haverford ➾ College Level Course U. Penn Astoria/LIC Hobart & William Smith Utrecht Bedford-Stuyvesant Columbia Law Howard Washington U. - St. Louis Brooklyn Heights School M.I.T. William and Mary Brownsville Marymount Graduate Schools* Bushwick Middlebury Alfred Morehouse American - Cairo Canarsie St. John’s Law Mount Holyoke Berklee College of Music Chinatown Brooklyn School NYU Crown Heights “College Bound Program” Carnegie Mellon Penn State East Harlem Columbia Pomona CUNY Baruch The Pipeline to College East Flatbush Princeton CUNY John Jay East New York NYU Rutgers Daemen Flatbush School of Law Smith Fordham Flushing Harvard Spelman Herbert Lehman Hamilton Heights SUNY Albany Howard Harlem ➾ After-School Study & Tuto- ➾ After-School Study & SUNY Binghamton Indiana Inwood Fordham Johns Hopkins rial Program Tutorial Program SUNY Stony Brook Jamaica University Swarthmore Lehman ➾ Academic Advisory ➾ Long Island Manhattanville Saturday Writing Academy Syracuse School of Law Pipeline to Other Marist Workshops (Research & Writing) Washington Heights Trinity Mercy ➾ Saturday Writing Academy ➾ Constitutional Law Tufts Graduate Schools Norfolk State (Essay Writing) Debate Program UC Berkeley NYU Univ. of Chicago Pace CUNY Law ➾ Constitutional Law ➾ Mentoring Program Univ. of Michigan Purdue School Debate Program ➾ College Admissions Relay Univ. of Pennsylvania Rosemont ➾ Mentoring Program Program Univ. of Rochester Rutgers ➾ S.A.T. Prep Program ➾ Transition to College Univ. of Virginia SUNY Binghamton Vanderbilt Syracuse Workshops St. John Fisher Washington University - S O P H O M O R E S The New School St. Louis Thomas Jefferson S E NI OR S Wellesley Trinity Wesleyan Tufts Wheaton U. Albany Williams U. New Haven U. Penn Yale *Includes DDS, D.Ed., MA, MBA, MCJ, MD, M.Ed., MHA, MIA, MPA, MPH, MPP, U. St. Joseph Union MS, MSLIS, MSW, MSSW, MUP Wesleyan AlleAlghenylegheny LawLa Schoolsw Schools AmerAmericanican AlbaAlnyba ny AmerAmicanerican AmheAmherst rs t ArizAronizaon a BabsonBabson BrookBrooklyn lyn PPipipeelilninee t oto C Coollleleggee a anndd B Beeyyoonndd BarnBaarrndar d CardozCardozo o BostonBoston Co llCoeglleeg e CaseCase Western Western BrandeisBrandeis ChicagChicago-Kento-Kent BrowBrnow n ColuColumbiamb ia J UJNUINOIROSR S BrynBr ynMa wrMa wr CooleCooley y F RFERSEHSMHME NE N CarnCaegiernegie Me llMeonll on CornelCornell l ➾ Afte➾ After-Scr-hoScolho Stolud Styud &y & ColbCoylb y CUNYCUNY FordhFordham am ➾ Afte➾ After-Scr-hoScolho Stolud Styud &y & Tu torialTutorial Prog Prraogmra m ColgCoatlgeat e EigEhigtht Gh rGardaed e HarvarHarvard d ➾ ➾ ColuCombialumbia Tu torialTutorial Prog Programra m Acad Academicem Adic visoAdvisory ry PipelinePipeline to to HowHoward ard SuSmumemre r Wo Workshopsrkshops CornCoellrn ell NewNe Yowrk Yo rk ➾ Acad➾ Academicem Adic visoAdvisory &ry Life& Life DartmoDartmouthut h LaLaww School School RutgerRutgers s LaLwa wan adn Jdu Jsutiscteic e SkilSkills Wols Workshrkopsh op ➾ Saturd➾ Saturday Wray Writingit ingAcad Academyemy DickDiincksoninson Seton Seton Hall Hall (P er (Psuerasivsuasive Wre Writing)itin g) ➾ Saturd➾ Saturday Wray Writingit ing DukeDuke St. John’sSt. John’s InsIntisttuituet e ➾ Co➾ nsCotinstutitionaltutional Law La w Acad Academyem (Grammary (Grammar) ) EmorEmory y TexaTes-xaSoutherns-Southern Debate Debate Prog Prraogmra m TourToour o PrPimriamray ry ➾ Prof➾ Professiesonalsional Develo Developmenpmt ent GeorgetoGeorgetown wn ➾ Mentoring➾ Mentoring Prog Prraogmra m U. 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