Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016

Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016

Table of Contents

This document does not purport to be a legal interpretation of the relevant Acts and regulations


1 One Stop Shop Information Service 2 Salary and Allowances to Members 2.1 Salaries paid to TDs 2.2 Salaries paid to Senators 2.3 Salary Allowances Paid to Office Holders in the Houses of the 2.4 Salary Allowances paid to the , Tánaiste, Ministers and Ministers of State 2.5 Salary Allowances for Specified Positions 2.6 Arrangements for Payment of Salary and Salary Allowances 2.7 Access to Payslips online 2.8 Deductions Made from Salaries of Members

3 Salary and Allowances to Members 3.1 Parliamentary Standard Allowance (PSA) 3.2 Travel and Accommodation Allowance (TAA)

3.3 Verification of Attendance for the Travel 2016 Guide to Salary and Allowances and Accommodation Allowance 3.4 Public Representation Allowance (PRA) 3.5 Timelines for administration of the Parliamentary Standard Allowance 3.6 Waiver 2 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 7 6 5 4 Secretarial Allowance Options Details oftheScheme Purpose oftheScheme Other Allowances Appendix E Additional Voluntary Scheme(Pension Scheme) Group LifeAssurance Scheme Personal AccidentGroup Scheme Public LiabilityScheme Automobile Association Health Insurance Scheme(VHI) Appendix D System forRecording AttendanceandReconciliation ofAttendance Appendix C Access toPayslips online Appendix B Salary Allowances paidtoOfficeHolders Appendix A Release ofRecords undertheFreedom ofInformationAct Secretarial Allowance Other Allowances Voluntary Group SchemesforMembers Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016

1. One Stop Shop Information Service

This is a guide for Members on the salary and allowance arrangements provided under the relevant Acts and Regulations. Further information and all relevant applications 3 forms can be obtained from the One Stop Shop.

The One Stop Shop is an information service for all Members relating to salary and allowances. It is located on the Ground Floor, Room C 2.60 of 2000. Office hours are 09:00 to 18:00 Monday to Thursday and 17:30 on Friday. The office is also open during lunchtimes on sitting days. The telephone numbers are 01 618 4693/4684/3729/4804.

Information and application forms relating to salary and allowances and on other services and facilities can be accessed on the internal intranet system at http://theplinth.oireachtas.local/. Legislation relating to the payment of salary and allowances, referred to in this booklet can be accessed at Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 2016 Guide to Salary and Allowances Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016

2. Salary and Allowances to Members


2.1 Salaries paid to TDs

Salary is paid to TDs from the date of the election, subject to the TD signing the Roll of Members of Dáil Éireann within 30 days of the election.

All TDs are paid the basic salary of €87,258 with effect 1st July 2013. Salaries are subject to tax, PRSI, the Universal Social Charge, Pension Related Deduction and Pension Contribution. Payment of salary to TDs ceases on the date of the dissolution of the Dáil. A dissolution payment of one-eighteenth of the annual salary is paid to TDs for the period between the dissolution date and the general election date.

2.2 Salaries paid to Senators

Senators are paid the basic annual salary of €65,000. Salary is paid to Senators from and including the date of election to the Seanad. Members of the Seanad nominated by the Taoiseach are paid from and including their date of nomination. Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 2016 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2.5 2.4 2.3 Salary Allowances forSpecifiedSalary Positions Allowances paidtothe Salary Taoiseach, Allowances PaidSalary toOfficeHoldersin allowance. The salaryallowances referred tobelow are treated assalary of theOireachtas CommissionMembers)alsohave an additionalsalary Party Whips positions,Oireachtas CommitteeChairpersonsandHouses specifiedpositionswithintheHousesofOireachtas (suchas Certain the Ministerisassigned. These allowances are alsodetailed inAppendixA. towhich Any suchsalaryallowance ispaidby theindividualDepartment Ministers andofState receive anadditionalsalaryallowance. In additiontotheirsalariesasaMember, the Taoiseach, Tánaiste, Tánaiste, MinistersandofState allowance. The allowances payableare detailedinAppendixA. leader oftheGovernment SenatorsinSeanadÉireann), receives asalary , Leas-Chathaoirleach andLeader oftheSeanad(whois addition totheirsalariesasaSenatorof Comhairle andtheLeas-Cheann Comhairlereceive asalaryallowance. In In additiontotheirsalariesasa TD of the HousesofOireachtas for deductionsandpensionentitlement purposes € 87,258 perannum,theCeann € 65,000 perannum,the Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016

Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 5 6 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016

Details are asfollows: Payments toHoldersofSpecified Positions inSeanad Éireann Payments toHoldersofSpecified Positions inDáilÉireann Independent Group ofUniversity Senators’ Whip Independent Group ofNomineeSenators’ Whip Fianna Fáil Whip Independent Group ofUniversity Senators’ Leader Independent Group ofNomineeSenators’ Leader Fianna FáilLeader Assistant Government Whip Government Whip Deputy Leader oftheHouse Position Whip tothePeople Before Profit Party Whip totheSocialistParty Assistant Whip totheSinnFéinParty Whip totheSinnFéinParty Assistant Whip totheFiannaFáilParty Whip totheFiannaFáilParty Assistant Whip totheLabourParty Assistant Party Whip totheFineGael Assistant Government Whip Position Rates ofannualallowance Rates ofannualallowance € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € 17,480 13,800 2,682 2,682 2,682 5,989 2,682 5,989 5,520 5,520 2,760 5,520 8,740 5,520 6,900 € € € 792 792 792 2.7 2.6 Access toPayslips online andArrangements forPayment of Salary securely onlineusing Members canaccesstheirsalaryinformation(e.g.payslips,P60s) the Transfer Membersmustcomplete a (EFT). Payment ofsalary andsalaryallowances are madeby Electronic Funds Salaries are paidmonthlyinarrears onthelastFriday ofeachmonth. Allowances Salary Commission Members the wayinwhichthiscanbedone are atAppendixB. Payment toChairpersonsofOireachtas Committeesand of SeanadÉireann Select CommitteeonMembers’ Interests British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly Chairperson ofJointCommittee(Senator) Chairperson ofJointCommittee(TD) Oireachtas Committee Commission Members(Senator) Commission Members(TD) One Stop Shop , givingrelevant detailsoftheirbankaccount. http://theplinth.oireachtas.local/

Salary EFT Form Salary EFT € € € € € € Rates ofallowance 5,989 8,740 0 8,740 5,989 8,740 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 . Instructionson available from

Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 7 8 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 2.8 Deductions Madefrom SalariesofMembers Pension, tocontinuetheirexisting cover foraState Contributory pension scheme. However, aMemberwhowishes,inadditiontotheirMembers’ age andonleavingoffice,subject tothetermsandconditionsoftheir and willreceive thebenefitsofthispensionon reaching theapplicable contribution totheirOireachtas Members’ Pension (seebelow fordetails) All Memberscurrently pay6%or13%,asapplicable,ofsalarya systemshouldcontacttheOneStopexemptions Shop. underthePRSI paidonthatincome.Memberswhoqualifyforany to theClassofPRSI in thatcapacityandwillbecovered forthebenefitsandpensions relevant asnormalonincomeearned self-employment, willcontinuetopayPRSI Members whohave other sources ofincomee.g. from employment or ceiling forpaymentofPRSI. exceeds thethreshold amountof ispaidattherate of is applicable.PRSI ClassKifincomeislessthan Under PRSI Class K. There are noState benefitspayableunderaClassKcontribution. Members oftheHousesOireachtas are categorisedunderPRSI Houses oftheOireachtas. special taxarrangements inrespect ofsalariesforMembersthe taxation rates whichare applicabletoprivate individuals. There are no Salaries ofMembersandOfficeHoldersare subjecttothenormal(PAYE) Voluntary Contributions (PayPRSI Related SocialInsurance) Taxation € 100 perweek. 4% onallincomeif € 100 per week, no PRSI charge100 perweek, noPRSI There isnoupper

pension contributionatthefollowing rates (from 1January2016): including notionalpay, afteranyrelief from capitalallowance butbefore The Universal Social Charge is ataxpayableongross (USC) income, Protection at051-356000ore-mail volcons.html can accesstherelevant informationat individual Member. Ifyou have anyqueriesinrelation totheSchemeyou decision tocommencecontributionsissolelyatthediscretion ofeach compulsory insured. This facilityisnotoperated through salaryandthe months aftertheendofcontributionyear ofSocialProtection Members mustapplytotheDepartment Disability Benefitor Treatment Benefits. Contributions doesnotprovide cover termbenefitse.g. forshort previously covered incompulsory insurance. Payment of Voluntary Contributions continuescover forthepensionofapersonwhowas ispaid. have otherincomeonwhichPRSI The paymentof Voluntary systemi.e.onbecoming aMemberand/orceasingto compulsory PRSI Voluntary contributionsallow you toremain insured onceyou leave the conditions. Contributions subjecttocertain and otherlongtermbenefitscanopttopay Voluntary SocialInsurance (i.e. toobtainafullState contributory pensiononretirement atage66) n n n n Universal SocialCharge (USC)

1% onthefirst 8% onthebalance 5.5% onthenext 3% onthenext , orcontactthevoluntary contributions sectioninSocial € € 12,012 6,656 € 51,376 [email protected] inwhichtheywere last Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 . within 12

Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 9 10 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 upon thatmemberreaching 20years ofservice. of theirgross salarytowards their pension,butthisrequirement ceases Members oftheHousesOireachtas are required tocontribute6% deduction ismadeatsource. to actasthemainemployer forall T.D.s andMinisters.Asaresult, this The Revenue CommissionershasinstructedtheHousesofOireachtas n n n n from payasfollows: Emergency Measures inthePublic Interest Act2009)andare deducted deduction were changedon1January2014(Section11oftheFinancial remuneration (pay)ofpensionablepublicservants. The rates of PensionThe Public Related Service Deductionisadeductionfrom the basis, similartoPAYE. The Universal SocialCharge isdeductedfrom salaryonacumulative rate of3%applies toallincomeover medical card whoseaggregate incomefortheyear is For Individuals aged70years andover orindividualswhoholdafull Pension Contributions Pension Related Deduction

10.5% onallincomeexceeding 10% onallincomebetween 2.5% onallincomebetween 0% onallincomeupto € 15,000 € € 20,000 and 15,000 and € 60,000 € 12,012. € € 60,000 20,000 € 60,000 orless,the

Pension Entitlements forMembers subject to certain termsandconditions.Pension paymentsaresubject tocertain payable Trustees totheHouses oftheOireachtas (Members) Pension Scheme, pension lumpsumanduponapplicationapproval by the decides toapplyforapension,theMemberisentitledreceive a When Termination paymentsare completedorpriortothat iftheMember redundancy fortaxationpurposes. as theUniversal Social Charge. The terminationlumpsumistreated as Termination andcurrent paymentsare leviessuch subjecttotaxandPRSI monthly terminationpayments,uptoamaximumof12payments. lump sumequivalent toapproximately twomonths’ salaryandaseriesof Houses oftheOireachtas. Termination paymentscompriseatermination immediatelyoncessationofmembershipthe continuous service, Termination paymentsare payable,uponapplicationandafter3years termsandconditions. subject tocertain Termination andPension payments are payabletoformerMembers Walker inMembers’ Pensions at01-6184672. informationonpensions,Membersmay contactMr.For further Derek salary towards theirpension. 26 weeks oftheir election,are required tocontribute13%oftheirgross the Oireachtas, within whodid notpreviously workinthepublicservice With effectfrom 1January2013,anyfirst-timeMembersofeitherHouse sum is,generally speaking,taxfree. monthly inarrears andare subjecttotaxandtheUSC. The pensionlump Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 11 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 12 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 618 4672inMembers’ Pensions. informationcontactMr.the publicationandfurther Derek Walker Tel: 01 entitlements toMembersoftheHousesOireachtas. For acopyof Houses oftheOireachtas” provides adetailedexplanationofthepension An informationbookletentitled“Pension EntitlementsforMembersofthe Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016

3. Salary and Allowances to Members


3.1 Parliamentary Standard Allowance (PSA)

The Oireachtas (Allowances and Facilities) Regulations, 2010 (SI 84/2010) outlines the provisions of the Parliamentary Standard Allowance (PSA). The rates payable were amended on 1 January 2013 in accordance with SI 149 of 2013.

The allowance has two elements: n Travel and Accommodation Allowance (TAA) n Public Representation Allowance (PRA)

Both allowances are paid in arrears as a single monthly allowance.

3.2 Travel and Accommodation Allowance (TAA)

This allowance, based on distance from the Member’s normal place of residence to Leinster House, covers the costs of travel to and from Leinster House, overnights and, for TDs only, other travel expenses. Senators are, therefore, paid a reduced amount. Oireachtas Office 2016 Guide to Salary and Allowances Holders, excluding the , are paid an allowance ranging from €6,300 per annum for the Dublin based Office Holders to€ 32,535 per annum for those 360km or more from Leinster House. The Ceann Comhairle is paid an annual overnight allowance of €14,715. Since 2011, Dublin based Ceann Comhairle have not been entitled to this allowance. 14 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 January 12013,are asfollows: The rates ofthe TAA allowance forallMembersby band,asandfrom 120 daysattendedattheendofyear orrelevant period. A deductionof1%the TAA allowance ismadeforeachdaylessthan Leinster Houseforatleast120daysannuallytoretain thefullallowance. Leinster House.However, Membersmustregister theirattendancein The allowance iscalculatedonthebasisof150daysattendanceat on anannualbasisforthepaymentofthisallowance. following table.Membersmustdeclare theirNormal PlaceofResidence declaring thisdistance,theMemberisassignedtooneofbandsin the residence toLeinster practicable route. Houseby On theshortest Distance, inthiscase,meansdistancefrom theMember’s normalplaceof allowance. Comhairle are notentitled toclaimthetravel andaccommodation Expenditure andReform. Ministers,MinistersofState andtheCeann alternative travel arrangements withagreement oftheMinisterforPublic may optforpaymentoftheovernight allowance onlyandapplyfor rate applicable toMinisters. The Leas-Cheann Comhairle orCathaoirleach However, expensesrunningthe carmaybeclaimedatthecurrent mileage within twomonthsoftheend theyear oroftherelevant period. the required number, the Membermustrepay the amounttoberefunded Members attheendofyear. Where attendancerecorded islessthan specified inthe regulations. Astatementofattendancewillissueto them wasappliedinrespect ofexpensesincurred forthepurpose At theendofyear, that theamountpaidto eachMembermustcertify 4 3 2 1 Dublin No. Band 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 360km ormore 330km ormore butlessthan360km 300km ormore butlessthan330km 270km ormore butlessthan300km 240km ormore butlessthan270km 210km ormore butlessthan240km 180km ormore butlessthan210km 150km ormore butlessthan180km 120km ormore butlessthan150km 90km ormore butlessthan120km 60km ormore butlessthan90km 25km ormore butlessthan60km Less than25km Distance € € € € € € € € € € € € Annual € 34,065 33,395 32,035 30,685 30,350 29,669 28,665 25,295 32,715 31,365 30,015 27,315 9,000 TDs

Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 Senators € € € € € € € € € € € € Annual € 29,565 28,895 27,534 26,865 25,849 20,795 28,215 26,184 25,515 25,169 24,165 22,815 5,250

€ € € € € € € € € € € € Holders € Annual 32,535 30,098 29,295 28,478 28,076 27,675 27,260 26,055 24,435 30,915 31,731 22,011 Office 6,300

15 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 16 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 3.3 Verification ofAttendanceforthe Travel and n n n n n n prove mostaccessibletoMembers: around Leinster House.However, thoselocatedin theareas below may Attendance (SRA)usingakeyfobatanyoneofthetimeterminals located Members mayrecord theirattendanceontheSystem forRecording Office in Leinster House. will beheldattheReception Desk inLeinster House2000andtheEnquiry Stop Shopduring officehours.Outsideofnormalhoursthe Record Members whosigntheDailyAttendanceRecord maydosointheOne ofthesystemforrecordingsignatures attendance. willthenbecome part option onemonthbefore the commencementofeachyear. These Members whowishtosignthe accommodation allowances. Daily AttendanceRecord personally record theirattendanceatanytimeterminalorby signingthe recording theirattendancefrom thedateofelection day orevening whenLeinster Houseisopen. Members mustregister theirattendanceoncedailyatanytimeduringthe Members are required torecord theirattendanceatLeinster House. Accommodation Allowance

Leinster House– Taoiseach’s glasscorridor Leinster Restaurant/Lift House –SelfService toFive Story Block Leinster House –EditorsOffice Leinster House –EnquiriesOffice LH 2000OneStop Shop LH 2000Reception Desk inorder toreceive theirtravel and Daily AttendanceRecord Members cancommence . Membersmust mustchoosethis 3.4 Public Representation Allowance (PRA) follows: The newmaximumyearly amountswhichMembersmayreceive are as ofthePSAisfullyvouched. The PRAportion Oireachtas OfficeHoldersattheappropriate rates). Standard Allowance ispayabletoallMembers(includingMinistersand This allowance, whichisthesecondelementofParliamentary outlined atAppendixC. ofthe Whipas evidence byParty theMember orby thecertification provides forreconciliation ofattendancefollowing thesubmissionof where aMember hasnotrecorded attendanceontheday. This policy The Oireachtas Commission agreed apolicyforverification ofattendance guidance) (see AppendixCforfurther n n Administrative Reconciliation ofAttendanceaftertheday excluding aMinisteroftheGovernment orMinisterofState) Members ofSeanadÉireann (includinganOfficeHolderbut Ministers oftheGovernment andMinstersofState a MinisteroftheGovernment orMinisterofState) Members ofDáilÉireann (includinganOfficeHolderbutexcluding

Leinster HouseandLH2000endofstairs Leinster House–Members’ Restaurant Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 € € € 20,350 12,225 16,000 17 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 18 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016

c) b) a) must: Expenditure of Form onwhichaMember must completeaCertification One monthaftertheendofrelevant (normally31January),Members declaration form onorbefore the1stofJanuaryeachyear. until theOneStop Shop hasreceived theMember’s fullycompleted As isrequired by theRegulations, thePRAshallnotbepaidtoaMember amount duringacalendaryear onceitisdeclared. specified above. There isnofacilityforMemberstochangethemonthly monthly basis. This amountissubjecttothemaximumyearly total the OneStop Shopof theamountofPRAtheywishtoreceive ona All Membersmust,onemonthbefore the1stofJanuaryeachyear, notify Certification ofthePRA Certification Declaring forthePRA month period. repayments mustbemadeinfullwithintheaforementioned two the amountofallowance received by theMember. unspent amountswhere theamountofexpensesincurred islessthan subject tothemaximumamountsspecifiedabove; apply, iftheMemberwishes,forsuchadditionalamountstobepaid, with requirements specifiedinthe regulations; repay withintwomonthsoftheendrelevant periodany anyadditionalexpenditure more thantheamountpaidand certify theamountspentandthatexpenditure wasinaccordance certify These

4. 3. 2. 1. The purposesforwhichthisallowance maybeusedby TDs are asfollows: categories designedtoassistMembers. use ofthePRA2016 categories ofexpensessetoutinthelegislation. The expenditure theyincurred canbelegitimatelysubmittedunderthe to determine,strictlywithinthecategoriesallowable, whetherthe subsequent legislation.Itislargely amatterofjudgementfortheMember The categoriesofallowableSI 84/2010and expensesare specified in under eachoftheallowable categories. process, Members are alsoadvisedtokeepascheduleofexpensesused all invoices shouldbeintheirown name specified in respect of incidentalexpenditure. PRA foraperiodoffive years withtheexception ofthemonthlyamounts receipts, vouchers, proof ofpaymentetc.,for As theexpensesofanyMemberscanbeaudited, on anannualbasis. may bechosenforaudit.Auditsare conductedby anindependentauditor All Membersare eligible forselectionaudit.Atleast10%ofMembers Categories ofAllowable – Expenses TDs Allowable Expenses Audit ofPRA Signage inrespect oftheconstituency office, Improvements toofficeaccommodation, Utilities ofanofficeoroffices (e.g. electricityandgasbills), Rent, rates andothersuchcharges inrelation toan officeoroffices, provide clarification undereachofthe further . To assistwiththeauditing all Members are advised that expenditure underthe Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 Guidelines onthe must retain 19 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 20 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 addition tothe allowance and Ministers. expenditure withoutevidenceintheformofvouchers orreceipts for TDs An amountofnotmore than 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. Ministerial Offices. Ministerialstaffemployed undertheGuidelinesonStaffing(II) expenses incurred underRegulation 9orthe Regulations of2013,or provider,from apersonorservice otherthan-(I)Persons engagedor internet related) underacontract andtraining forservice services publicrelations, informationtechnology(butnot secretarial support, includinganystatutorydeductions,for thepurchaseExpenses, of duties asaMember(except expensesrelating totravel). Attendance atconferences relating totheperformanceofhisorher Member, relatingAdvertising totheperformanceofhisorherdutiesasa Leaflet andnewsletterdistribution, of hisorherdutiesasaMembertheOireachtas, Hiring rooms for clinicsorothermeetingsrelating totheperformance Web hostingandotherrelated computercosts, duties asaMember, rental andmobile phonecalls,relating totheperformanceofhis/her Telephone calls,otherwisethanfrom Leinster House,includingline Cleaning ofofficeaccommodation, public liabilityinsurance, Insurance including forofficeaccommodationorequipmentand Purchase ofstationery, Purchase ormaintenanceofofficefurniture orequipment, This iswithinthescopeof allowance andnotin . € 100 permonthmaybeusedfor incidental

7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. follows: The purposesforwhichthisallowance maybeusedby Senators are as House, includinglinerental and mobilephonecalls. exception ofitem9 Ministers mayusethisallowance forthesamepurposesas TDs Categories ofAllowable –Senators Expenses Categories ofAllowable –Ministers Expenses Ministerial Offices. Ministerialstaffemployed undertheGuidelines onStaffing(II) expenses incurred underRegulation 9ortheRegulations of2013,or provider,from apersonorservice otherthan-(I)Persons engagedor internet related) underacontract andtraining forservice services publicrelations, informationtechnology(butnot secretarial support, includinganystatutorydeductions,for thepurchaseExpenses, of duties asaMember(except expensesrelating totravel) and Attendance atconferences relating totheperformanceofhisorher duties asaMember(excluding clinics) Hiring rooms formeetingsrelating totheperformanceofhisorher Member, relatingAdvertising totheperformanceofhisorherdutiesasa Leaflet andnewsletterdistribution, Web hostingandotherrelated computercosts, duties asaMember, rental andmobile phonecalls,relating totheperformanceofhis/her Telephone calls,otherwisethanfrom Leinster House,includingline i.e.telephonecalls,otherwisethanfrom Leinster Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 with the 21 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 22 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 3.6 3.5 Waiver Timelines foradministration ofthe the amountspayableunderParliamentary Standard Allowance. There isanadministrative facilitytoallow of Memberstowaive anypart Standard AllowanceParliamentary to theallowance Senators. expenditure withoutevidence intheformofvouchers orReceipts for An amountofnotmore than a periodof5years) receipts and vouchers for new year (Maintain of Residence Form for Complete NormalPlace December This iswithinthescopeofallowance andnotinaddition . PRA ifapplicable additional amountfor repaid orapplicationfor State amounttobe expenditure underPRA and declaration of Expenditure under TAA of Certification End ofJanuary € 75 permonthmaybeusedforincidental repayments a fullyear oranyPRA less than120annuallyin i.e. where attendanceis Repay anyamountsdue End February Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016

4. Voluntary Group Schemes for Members


These are a number of group schemes for Members of the Houses of the Oireachtas. These schemes are: n Health Insurance Scheme (VHI) n The Automobile Association Scheme n Public Liability Scheme n Personal Accident Group Scheme n Group Life Assurance Scheme n Additional Voluntary Scheme (Pension Scheme)

Details of these schemes are contained in Appendix D. Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 2016 Guide to Salary and Allowances Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016

5. Other Allowances


There are a number of other allowances, including a secretarial allowance, payable to Members of the Oireachtas. These include: n Telephone and Postal Facilities n Direct Purchase Scheme (for Mobile Phones) n Constituency Office Grant (applies to TDs only) n Once-off Payments at Elections n Graphic Design Allowance

Details of these schemes can be found in Appendix E. Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 2016 Guide to Salary and Allowances Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016

6. Secretarial Allowance


Purpose of the Scheme

The Scheme for Secretarial Assistance for Members is managed by the HR Unit for Members. Under the Scheme a Member may employ a Secretarial Assistant. Members of the Houses of the Oireachtas may also claim a Secretarial Allowance (SA) under which Members can obtain additional secretarial services.

The Secretarial Allowance for Members is administered by the One Stop Shop. Under this Allowance, Members can opt for an additional staff allocation administered by the HR Unit for Members, or a vouched allowance option for Temporary Vouched Employees or for contracts of service. Where the Member selects the additional staff option, the One Stop Shop liaises with the HR Unit for Members who will contact the Member directly to make arrangements. The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform sets the rates of the Secretarial Allowance. The Secretarial Allowance is governed by SI 84 of 2010 and SI 149 of 2013.

Details of the Scheme Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 2016 Guide to Salary and Allowances The most recent rates and the purpose of the Secretarial Allowance is to assist towards expenses arising from the purchase of certain secretarial assistance, public relations, information technology (but not web related) and training services from a person employed under a contract of service or the purchase of such services under a contract of service including any applicable tax and social insurance costs. The allowance may also be 26 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 Parliamentary Assistant/Personal Assistant. are entitledtoa Secretarial Assistant/Personal Secretary anda If you are a TD whoholdsoffice(e.g.Minister, Minsterof State etc.) you provider.employee/service applicable onbehalfoftheMember. Allpaymentsare madedirectly tothe provider isthepayingagenttoemployee ortheservice Service as Oireachtas. Inrespect ofmoniesdue,theHousesOireachtas the termsandconditionsforschemefundedby theHousesof The not allowable expenses forwhichthePublic Representation Allowance isintended,are Temporary Vouched Employees or TVE used forremuneration ofpersonsproviding (i.e. secretarial services Member istheEmployer ortheContractor undertheSecretarial Allowance scheme. ). Purchase ofequipmentor of the service subjectto oftheservice

employer) The optionsfor TDs, MinistersandSenatorsare asfollows: - scheme. The hours,rate ofpayandtenure ofemployment are determined ( Temporary Vouched Employee The vouched allowance option(above) canbeusedtoemploy a Temporary Vouched Employees (where theMemberis the Employer training. not web related) and assistance, PR,IT (but such assecretarial definedwork undertake to contract forservice by employing a TVE ora for secretarial assistance € An annualallowance of Option Vouched Allowance Secretarial Assistant) Unit forMembersofone allocation through HR in additiontothestaff Parliamentary Assistant (enabling a TD tohave a Parliamentary Assistant Engagement offulltime Staff option TD Options 41,092 fullyvouched ) onaspecifiedpurposecontract ofemployment underthe by employing a TVE orby for secretarial assistance € An annualallowance of Option Vouched Allowance Minister Options training not web related) and assistance, PR,IT (but such assecretarial definedwork undertake to a contract forservice 41,092 fullyvouched ( TVE ). The TVE isemployed by theMember related) andtraining PR, IT (butnotweb secretarial assistance, defined worksuchas toundertake service for a TVE oracontract for for secretarial assistant € An annualallowance of Option Vouched Allowance Secretarial Assistant) Members of50% Unitfor through HR the staffallocation Assistant inadditionto have a50%Secretarial (enabling aSenatorto Secretarial Assistant Additional 50% Staff Option Senator Options 20,546 fullyvouched Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 27 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 28 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 employers canbeaccessedat completion ofalldocumentation.InformationforMembersintheir role as The n n n follows: that Temporary Vouched Employees canbeplacedonthepayroll as Three formsmust becompletedandreturned totheOneStop Shopso completed inorder to placethe TVE onthepayroll. A ClaimForm anda Employees calculating therate ofpayfor theemployee. Temporary Vouched earnings over thisamount. This amountmustbetakenintoaccountwhen rate of8.5%up toweekly earningsof that, asanemployer, theMemberisobligedtopayEmployer’s ata PRSI entitlements, are met from withintheallowance. Itshouldalsobenoted provision foremployer liabilitiesandanyemployee statutory legislation. The salaryallocatedtothe Scheme andstatutoryrequirements includingtheminimumwage by theMember employing thestaffand must bewithinthetermsof Contracting a TVE

New Staff MemberDetailsforPayroll Form The Specified Purpose Contract ofEmployment Instruction formforPayment ofRemuneration TVE willbepaidthrough theHousesofOireachtas payroll on are notentitled topensionentitlements Specified Purpose Contract ofEmployment € TVE 356 and10.75%forweekly (full time or part time), (fulltimeorpart underthisScheme. mustbe required toprovide to theRevenue areport Commissionersatthe endof 891B ofthe PPS numberorcharity to complywiththeprovisions ofSection Stop Shop providersbanks detailsofallnewservice mustbeprovided tothe Member. provider. AMembershouldnever paytheservice The relevant providerservice by Electronic Funds Transfer andnottothe (EFT) Stop Shop The invoices for such services areThe invoices submittedby theMemberto forsuch services 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. that: requirements andmustcertify hasbeenreceivedthat theservice andcomplieswiththestatutory responsibility of theMemberascontractor. The Member mustensure areweb related) Contracting the andtraining services services. secretarial assistance, publicrelations, informationtechnology(butnot inrespect ofexpensesarisingfromservices thepurchase ofcertain The vouched allowance option(above) canbeusedforcontracting Service) Contracts for Service (MemberistheContractorContracts ofthe forService allowance i.e.thecurrent periodis1stJanuaryto31stDecember2015. the expenditure wasincurred duringtheperiodofsecretarial the invoice submitted isanoriginalinvoice; and work; provider the the service was appropriately qualifiedtoundertake money; the workwasdonetoasatisfactorystandard andrepresents value for 84/2010; accordance withSI for thepurposesoffacilitatinghis/herparliamentarydutiesin the claimisinrespect ofexpenditure whollyandexclusively incurred . Invoices mustincludeallrelevant statutoryinformation i.e. Payments are madedirectly withaformofcertification. tothe Taxes Consolidation Act1997 . AllPublic Bodiesare now Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 One One 29 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 30 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 calendar year. ProvidersService whoconductbusinessinexcess of year. Anuptodate Tax willbe required Clearance from Certificate all each year, inrelation toallpaymentstotallingmore than € 10,000 ina € 1,000 inthat Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016

7. Release of Records under the Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2014 is designed to allow public access to records held by Public Bodies that are not routinely available through other sources. The Act asserts 31 the right of members of the public to obtain access to official information to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the public interest and the right to privacy of individuals.

Those who request records under the Act do not have to give any reason for seeking access to a record. The provisions reflect the general principle that each person has an equal right to access records under the Act. The interests or the motives of a requester should not be taken into account under the Act in determining access to a record. Access to records under the Act is subject to certain exemptions and restrictions and involves specific procedures and time limits. The administrative records of Members’ allowances and entitlements are all subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Such records include any supporting documentation including third party invoices. The One Stop Shop notifies Members whose records are due to be released to a requestor, enclosing a copy of the records it is proposed to release. Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 2016 Guide to Salary and Allowances 32 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016

Appendix A Salary Allowances paidtoOfficeHolders Salary and MinistersofState Salary Allowances paidtothe Salary Taoiseach, Tánaiste, Ministers Allowances paidtoOfficeHoldersinSeanadSalary Éireann Allowances paidtoOfficeHoldersinDáilÉireannSalary Minister ofState Minister Tánaiste Taoiseach Allowance witheffectfromAnnual Salary 1July2013 Leader oftheSeanad Leas-Chathaoirleach Cathaoirleach Allowance witheffectfromAnnual Salary 1July2013 Leas-Cheann Comhairle Ceann Comhairle Allowance witheffectfromAnnual Salary 1July2013 € € € € € € € € € 34,381 70,282 84,051 98,092 34,381 70,282 15,255 19,846 38,160

Appendix B Access toPayslips online copy oftheirinformationtoachosendedicatedpostaladdress. unable toaccessthesystemonlineandwillcontinuebesentahard this securitymeasure andfirewall, MembersinMinisterialpositionsare this informationoutsideofanOireachtas approved system.Asaresult of secure Oireachtas network,consequentlyyou willbeunabletoaccess required. Pleasebeaware thataccesstothissiteisonlythrough the which ever optionyou wishanddocumentationcanbeprintedas To accesstheMembers intranet ontheweb typeintheaddress. Choose securely onlineusing theOireachtas Plinth. Members canaccesstheirsalaryinformation(e.g.payslips,P 60s) Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 33 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 34 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016

Appendix C System forRecording Attendanceand Desk inLeinster House 2000andtheEnquiryOfficein Leinster House. Daily AttendanceRecord signing aformattheOneStop Shopduringofficehoursor by signingthe fob ontheirperson,Membersmay record theirattendance In theevent ofloss of akeyfob, orifaMember doesnothave theirkey giving anupdatednumberofattendancesrecorded see amessageonthefaceofterminalsaying“ When thekeyfobispositionedagainsttimeterminalMember will Reconciliation ofAttendance Recording Attendanceintheevent oflosskeyfob How tousethekeyfob will appearonthedisplay. the totalnumberofdaysrecorded saying “Memberaccepted”and record attendance.Amessage on thetimeterminalasshown to positioned within1cmofthepoint The endofthefobmustbe outsideofnormalofficehours atthe Reception Diagram 1:Position keyfobhere to record your attendance Member Accepted on theday ” by

Certification bythe Whip/Assistant Certification Whip forAttendance Verification Evidence oftheMemberforAttendance Verification certification issuedissubjecttotheFreedomcertification ofInformationAct. not beacceptedasproof ofattendanceinanycircumstances.All orofMembers’The evidenceofstaffatanylevel intheService staffwill n or alternatively n accepted: any calendaryear, thefollowing proof ofattendancewillalsobe In exceptional circumstances, andforamaximumof10daysinstancesin n n

Certification by theCertification Whip/Assistant WhipthattheMember was onthe by theCertification Whip/Assistant Whiptostatethathe/she Evidence ofaroom bookingforameetingwhere visitors have also A record oftheMemberspeakingorvoting intheHouseorattending reconciled. pairing listandwasinattendanceLeinster Houseonthedaytobe reconciled; personally sawtheMemberatLeinster Houseonthedaytobe signed inatreception. at aCommitteemeeting; Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 35 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 36 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016

Certification bythe Whip forForeignCertification Travel orattheInvitationof may ariseforethicspurposeseach year.] Members are reminded toexamine,asappropriate, anyobligationswhich Commission. [NOTE: As thetravel ispaidforby anotheragentoragency from aMemberandhasapproved foreign travel thatisnotfundedby the work. thathe/shehasreviewedThe anapplication Whip mustthencertify that thetravel inassociationwithhis/herparliamentary wasundertaken The Memberwillhave tocomplete anapplicationthatwilldemonstrate 3. 2. 1. purposes where there is; work. AMemberwillbe‘credited’ withsuchtravel forattendancerecord attendance credit for travel associatedwiththeMember’s parliamentary or herdutiesasaMember. The Commission,inprinciple,willallow to demonstrate thatthe travel intheperformanceofhis wasundertaken Where thetravel isnotfundedby theCommission,Memberwillhave Minister Commission Foreign Travel Reconciliation – Travel notfundedbythe party politicalpurposesorfortheMember’sparty private business. intheapplicationthattravelThe Membermustcertify wasnotfor invitation from aMinisterandtravel programme. withhis/herapprovalundertaken orevidenceoftravel suchasan by theMembersA letterorcertification Whipthattravel was Member [notasapublicrepresentative]. the travel totheperformanceoftheirparliamentarydutiesasa A writtenapplicationby the Member demonstrating therelevance of

Foreign Travel fundedbytheCommissionorCommitteeDomestic Ill Heath Members whoreceived anaccommodationallowance i.e.excluding those attendance isrecorded inLeinster House. This deductiononlyappliesto deduct Claim Form tostatethedatesforreconciliation. The Travel Unitwill The Membershouldcompletetherelevant sectionofthe Travel Expenses oforonbehalfanOireachtas Committee. as part or asanOfficeHolder, orinthe State, (otherwisethanin Leinster House) Attendance abroad intheperformanceofhisorherdutiesasaMember Travel of Membersfornon-sittingperiods. the application. The daysallowed are subjecttotheaverage attendance not attendedwithanapplicationtospecifythedatesforreconciliation in forthedays In thiscase,theMembermustproduce amedicalcertificate from carryingout theirdutiesasaMember. by amedicalpractitioner aspreventingIll-health certified theMember they canshow thattheycouldnotattendLeinster Housedueto: where aMember canapplytoreconcile theirattendancefordayswhere The Regulations provide forreconciliation ofattendanceunder where theallowance waswaived for theperiod. in theDublinbandwhodonotreceive accommodationallowances or Reconciliation ofAttendanceundertheRegulations € 60 perovernight from membersforeachdaywhere aMembers Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 SI 84/2010 SI 37 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 38 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016

Extraordinary circumstances Extraordinary [email protected] enquiries inregard tothesystem,lossoffobkeysetc.shouldbesent to their records updatedmonthlyonthesystemby theOneStop Shop. Any One Stop Shop. MemberswhosigntheDailyAttendance Record willhave Alternatively, ofattendanceare available reports uponrequest from the site: system forrecording attendanceusingthefollowing linkfrom theintranet Members have accesstotheirattendancerecords ontheweb based or Cathaoirleach. be provided totheOneStop ShopforsubmissiontotheCeannComhairle Comhairle orCathaoirleachasappropriate. Aletterofapplicationshould would beafamilybereavement. AMembermustapplytotheCeann which couldnothave beenforeseen by theMember. Anexampleofthis Cathaoirleach, asmaybeappropriate, tobegoodandsufficient These are circumstances determinedby theCeannComhairleor Records ofAttendance

http://theplinth.oireachtas.local/members/Infopages/SRA.aspx . .

Appendix D Voluntary Group SchemesforMembers n n annual amountformembershipin2015isasfollows: payable isdeductedfrom aMember’s salaryfollowing membership. The wishes tojointheSchememaydosoatanytime. The annual premium Membership isrenewed onthe1stAprileachyear andanyMemberwho on amonthlybasisasadvisedby theHealthInsurer toSalariesSection. Health Insurer. Premium charges are deductedfrom theMember’s salary Any cover by theMemberand onbehalfofaMemberisundertaken the premium depends onthelevel ofcover individualMemberschoose. The Group Schemeprovides healthcover forMembersandtheamount of each year atrenewal. policies. tojointhescheme This alsoaffords allMembersanopportunity to renewal ofeach oftheindividualschemestoinformthemrenewal of from theirsalary. Inallcases,theOne Stop ShopcontactsMembersprior A Membermaychoosetojoinandhave therelevant premiums deducted n n Automobile Association Health Insurance Scheme(VHI)

Roadside Rescue Associate Membership(extends cover tofamilymembers) Rescue Plus Home Start each associatemember. € € 46 69 € 101 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 € 51 for 39 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 40 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016

current MemberoftheHouses oftheOireachtas. Membersmayjoin the this Schemeandcover ceases from thedate Memberceasestobea application formtojointheScheme. Former Membersare noteligiblefor who are undertheageof70andwhohave completedandreturned an The Schemeisopentocurrent MembersoftheHouses Oireachtas € provisions ofinsurance andexceptions. The annualpremium for2016is December. Membersshouldread thepolicyindetailtocheck joins theGroup Schemeandcontinuesupuntilthefollowing 31st during theyear. Indemnityappliesimmediatelyfrom thetimeMember January eachyear; however, MembersmayjointhisSchemeatanytime This isnotaninsurance againstillness.Membershipisrenewed on1st inclusive ofwhentheyare notcarryingouttheirparliamentaryduties. occur intheirdaytolife. This Schemecovers Membersatalltimes The personalaccidentpolicyistocover Membersforaccidentswhich Personal AccidentGroup Scheme n n n Scheme optionsandcostsforthisare asfollows: policy isavailable in2015/2016foracombinedcostof membership. The Schemeisrenewed annuallyin Julyeachyear. The scheme. The annualpremium willbedeductedfrom salaryfollowing Members mayapplyformembershipofanumberoptionsunderthis Public LiabilityScheme Group LifeAssurance Scheme

118.13. Employer’s Liability Public Liability Contents cover onconstituencyoffices € 65.63 € 32.81 € 65.63 € 164.07. The

Stop Shop. detailsonalloftheaboveFurther policiesare available from theOne the mainHousesofOireachtas scheme. Voluntary Schemeisdesignedtoincrease benefitsat retirement under appropriate premium from theirsalaryeachmonth. The Additional Scheme, aMembersignsformauthorisingthedeductionof main HousesoftheOireachtas scheme.UndertheAdditional Voluntary This Schemeisdesignedtoincrease benefitsat retirement underthe ranges from Scheme atanytimeduringtheyear. The monthlydeductionforMembers Additional Voluntary Scheme(Pension Scheme) € 66.69 to € 89.52. Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 41 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 42 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016

Appendix E Other Allowances Oireachtas network. mobile phonehandsetsthatare compatiblewiththeHouses ofthe contact theICT helpdeskat016184444foruptodateinformationon the for refund claimsundertheDirect Purchase Scheme. You are advisedto costs uptothemaximumamountof one mobilephone eligible forthisscheme.Anapplicationmaybemadeevery 18monthsfor all theexpenditure incurred. MinistersandofState are not card receipt, extract from bankstatementorprocessed cheque)for subject toanapplicationwithreceipts andproof ofexpenditure (by credit purchase of The current provision isamaximumof telephone allowances paidquarterly. positions e.g.ChairpersonsofOireachtas committeeshave additional specified from 1January2013. Inaddition,Membersholdingcertain envelopes permonthare 625for TDs and375forSenators,witheffect from Leinster House. The postalfacilities allowances ofpre-paid The Regulations provide forfree telephoneandpostalfacilitiesavailable Mobile PhoneScheme–Direct PurchaseScheme Telephone andPostal Facilities withinLeinster House one mobilephone,carkit,installationcostsandinsurance includingaccessoriessuchasacarkitandinsurance € 750. iPhonesare ‘eligible devices’ € 750 every 18monthsforthe

2. 1. Constituency OfficeEstablishmentAllowance. application formdetailingalltheexpenditure incurred forthe settlement oftheexpensesfollowing submissionofthecompleted The sumof parliamentary duties. elsewhere thaninLeinster HouseforthepurposeofMember’s accommodation forhis/hersecretarial orparliamentaryassistant a grant ifhe/she incursexpensesinestablishingandequipping Under Regulation 11of Once offPayment atElections Constituency OfficeEstablishmentAllowance km) as stipulated by the Department ofFinance. km) asstipulatedby theDepartment actual mileageattheprevailing lower rate (currently 28.46centsper payment oftravelling facilitiesforthesepurposes isbasedonthe to return totheconstituencywithinthree days. The rate ofthe For TDs, ondissolution,aonce-offpaymentinrespect oftravel costs costs incurred intravelling toDublinsigntheRoll ofMembers. Members are entitled toclaimaonce-offpaymentinrespect oftravel € 8,000 isthemaximumamountthatmaybeclaimedinfinal This allowance maynotbeclaimedbySenators SI 84/2010 SI

a MemberofDáilÉireann is eligible for Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016 . 43 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 44 Guide to Salary and Allowances 2016 Guide toSalaryandAllowances 2016

apply andare available from OneStop Shop, LH2000oron01-6184693. September). Guidelinesinrelation totheprintingofappropriate material allocationinanygiventotal party/group year (1Octoberto30 spend basisi.e.,eachmemberdoesnothaveis considered onaparty/group to based on the number of members. Expenditure made to each party/group as agreed by theCommission,is The current annualprovision fortheoutsourcing ofgraphic designwork, Graphic DesignAllowance € 398.23, butrather the overall amount spentmustnotexceed the € 398.23 perMember. Anallocationis

Houses of the Oireachtas Leinster House Kildare Street Dublin 2 D02 XR20 Tel: +353 (0)1 6183000 or 076 1001700 Twitter: @OireachtasNews

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