March 5, 2017 2. Utrich Zwingli and the Reformation in Zurich

I The Back Story: What were the formative influences that shaped Ulrich Zwingli and the reformation he brought to Zurich? A) Switzerland was technically still part of the Holy Roman Empire. BJ Swiss Confederation; thirteen cantons; famous for its soldiers. C) The Protestant Reformation first came through the work of Ulrich Zwingli. D) Born seven weeks after : fanuary I, L483. E) Born in Wildhaus, canton of St. Gallen; northeastern Switzerland; son of a farmer and local magistrate; one of nine children. F) Educated by his uncle, then at Basel; Bern; Vienna, graduating from Basel. G) Significantly influence by Renaissance humanism; visited in Basel; read his Erasmus daily; corresponded with him. H) Ordained a Catholic priest; first parish was in Glarus; then Einsiedeln; then in 1519, pastor of the Great Minster Church in Zurich, where he preached the rest of his life [twelve years). D Zwingli became a popular preacher; remained nominally a Catholic priest for several years; served the time of a devastating plague. D Lutheran Reformation: Posting of the 95 Theses; Swiss Reformation: Affair of the Sausages, March 9, L522. K) Christopher Froschauer; Zwingli's printer, served some sausages during Lent; arrested. L) Zwingli preached a sermon: "Regarding the Choice and Freedom of Foods"; fasting must be voluntary and not mandatory. M) Bishop of Constance became his chief Catholic opponent; Zurich city council sided with Zwingli; reformation began. N) Zwingli wrote "The 67 Declarations," for a series of ; this was the first Reformed confession of faith; Dr. Faber represented Swiss Catholicism; held before an assembly of hundreds; Zurich city council sided with Zwingli; reformation continued. OJ Zwingli spread the Reformation to other Swiss cantons; some became Protestant, others remained Catholic. Zwingli met his death as a result of the Battle of Kappel, 1531.

II. The Front Story: What were some key differences between Ulrich Zwingli and ? A) Martin Luther came up through the monastic system; Zwingli was a priest but not a monk; really no experience with spiritual torment. B) Zwingli's chief spiritual influences were Renaissance humanist teachers, particularly Erasmus, who became his hero. C) Both Zwingli and Luther insisted upon Scripture alone, but Zwingli employed reason magisterially compared to the Luther's ministerial use of reason; rationalism supernaturalism. D) Some of Zwingli's 67 Declarations agreed with Lutheran teaching: E) "Therefore Christ is the only way to salvation to all who were, who are, and who shall be." F) "The Holy Scripture knows nothing of purgatory after this life." G) Zwingli emphasized that the Lord's Supper was a commemoration of the one sacrifice on the cross, denying it as a means of grace and denying the real presence of Christ's body and blood. H) The Colloquy was a meeting between Ulrich Zwingli and Martin Luther and their co-workers, Octob er 1--4, L529. I) Fourteen points of agreement; sharp disagreement over the presence of Christ in the Lord's Supper; Zwingli insisted that fohn 6 applied to the Lord's Supper; Luther denied it did. D Zwingli denied that body of Christ could be present in the Lord's Supper; Luther insisted upon it; no agreement; Luther refused to shake hands with Zwingli at the end of controversy. KJ Zwingli engaged in a bitter controversy in Switzerland with Protestants who died the efficacy of infant baptism and who insisted upon re-baptism; he supported several Anabaptists being drowned to death for their beliefs. L) Zwingli saw idolatry everyone he turned to and did not believe in adiaphora; his reformation in Zurich was from top to bottom. MJA key difference between Luther and Zwingli is their use of images and ecclesiastical art; Luther kept everything that did not contradict the gospel; Zwingli removed everything that was not specifically mentioned in Scripture, include church organs. II. The Front Story: What happened when a Roman Catholic monk/friar [who was also a Doctor of Theology) protested the sale of ? A reformation! A) Martin Luther's formative years: born in Eisleben; educated in Mansfeld; Magdeburg; Eisenach; and Erfurt. B) Thunderstorm and decision to enter into the Augustinian monastery in Erfurt, 1505. C) Celebrates but falters at his first mass as an ordained priest in Erfurt, t507. D) Teaches philosophy at ; visits Rome; becomes a Doctor of Theology; begins a permanent professorship in Wittenberg; his Anfechtung [experiencing spiritual torment), 1508-1512. E) Begins lectures on the Psalms, Romans, Galatians, and Hebrews. F) Posts The 9 5 Theses in protest of the abuse of the sale of indulgences by the Dominican monk fohn Tetzel. GJ Diet of Augsburg, October 1518; Cardinal Cajetan demands Luther take back his attacks on Roman church teaching. HJ 's mission; tentative agreement: Luther would be silent if his opponents would be silent. I) Tower Experience; his rediscovery of the gospel through Romans 1:L7 and the concepts of active and passive righteousness,late 1518 or early L579? A reformation in Luther began a reformation through Luther.

D vs. f ohn Eck, fuly L5t9; Luther denies both the authority of the and church councils;teaches that Christ is the head of the church. K) Luther is excommunicated; authors three writings which sever his connection to the Roman church, t520. Ll , 152L; Luther refuses to recant; "Here I stand"; declared an outlaw. M) Benevolent kidnapping of Luther to the Castle; Knight George. NJ Translation of the New Testament; return to Wittenberg, L522. O) Peasants' War; marriage to Katherine von Bora; Diet of Speyer. P) Saxon Visitations; writing of "A Mighty Fortress." QJ The writing of both the Large and Small Catechisms; with Zwingli and the Swiss theologians,LS29. R) Diet of Augsburg; and the birth of the Lutheran Church. S) Completion of the translation of the Bible into high German, L534. T) Writing of the Schmalkald Articles; Luther nearly dies, 1537. U) Opening of the Council of Trent, Italy, 1545. VJ Martin Luther dies in Eisleben, , February tB, L546.

III God's Story: Salvation is believing in his DONE and not your DOING. A. Luther through the Bible found a gracious God in fesus Christ. B. We through the same Bible see our sins but also our Savior.