Guide to the Five Factions

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Guide to the Five Factions GuideGuide toto thethe FiveFive FactionsFactions Sample file This Dungeons & Dragons® supplement attempts to consolidate and expand on various sources to make it easier to incorporate the core five factions into your adventures. Guide to the Five Factions Faction Perks: The %ungeon Master should his document is the author’s attempt at inte- T feel free to edit perks to fit their own campaign. grating the various fifth edition faction 'n-game access to the rewards is also at %ungeon publications (including a couple popular third Master discretion, from just using the provided party and legacy publications), into one cohesive faction loot satchel, to needing to make contact resource. The writer attempted to do so without with an actual representative, to re(uiring a short taking away any material concepts or benefits. adventure to get certain perks. This entire document is just a suggestion and can Player Interaction Aid: "t the end of the be used in whole, or in part. publication is a list of %)% Beyond links for Adventure League. This document uses some faction insignias, in addition to other magic items. of the legacy "dventure #eague concepts, which These faction insignias are effectively a summary are no longer official rules since version $$ of of the perks for each faction, served as a magic Adventure League Player’s Guide. item. The item can be given to a character, which provides an easy resource for players to refer back to as they play, allowing the factions to stay in the player’s mind as they progress. By: +irbolg +actory Art: Certain faction art by *radley .'Hanrahan. v 1.0 %3456.47 ) %8"5.47, %)%, 9i:ards of the Coast, +orgotten 8ealms, the dragon ampersand, ;layer’s 0andbook, &onster &anual, %ungeon &aster’s 5uide, %)% "dventurers #eague, all other 9i:ards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of 9i:ards of the Coast in the 37" and other countries. "ll characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of 9i:ards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright la s of the United 7tates of "merica. "ny reproduction or unauthori:ed use of the material or art ork contained herein is prohibited ithout the express ritten permission of 9i:ards of the Coast. <=2=$Sample 9i:ards of the Coast ##C, ;. *ox >2>, 8enton, 9" ?@2A>-2>2>, 37". &anufactured by 0asbro 7", 8ue 6mile-*oBchat 1$, =@22 %elBmont,file -0. 8epresented by 0asbro 6urope, C The 7(uare, 7tockley ;ark, Uxbridge, &iddlesex, 3*$$ $6T, 3D. Certain fonts licensed under the 7'# .pen +ont #icense. To vie a copy of this license, visit https, " player tracks renown separately for each orga- Renown nization his or her character has interacted with. +or example, an adventurer might have A renown If a character wishes to join (or already has within one faction and =2 renown within another, joined) a faction, this guide provides optional based on the character/s interaction with each details for advancement and benefits. This docu- organization over the course of the campaign. ment can also be used as a template to building 9hile a character can have renown with multiple other player factions. factions, it can only be an active member of one faction at a time. Section 1, +action descriptions have several "dvancing an organization/s interests sections including, increases a character/s renown within that orga- nization by $. -ompleting a mission specifically +action summary assigned by that organization, or which directly Member traits benefits the organization, increases the char- 5oals acter/s renown by = instead. Beliefs Su"#action Renown. "lthough several 8anks ;erks factions have subfactions, renown is tracked at 6xample 8epresentatives the faction level. 9elcome #etter Section 2: "ppendixes Loosing Reno n Serious offenses committed against the organiza- Faction Missives. "ttached separately is a faction tion or its members can result in a loss of renown missive template, which can be used to create and rank within the organization. The extent of faction-specific letters such as mission assign- the loss depends on the infraction and is left to ments. your discretion. Members of the #ords’ "lliance "lso included is a paper bird template, which who turn down a mission loose one renown, provides instructions and a template to print out members of other factions can turn down a faction letters and fold them into origami owls to mission without conse(uence. " character/s hand to players, providing a bit of flavor for a renown within an organization can never drop table setting. below 2. Joining a +action +action 7uspension +action admission is by invitation only, although " %ungeon Master can suspend faction benefits, this can be easily addressed by the character immediately removing access to renown and choosing the faction agent background (appendix items. "). "fter creation, a player should ork with the S$ort%ter! suspension can occur if a char- %ungeon Master if it would like to become a acter is witnessed committing a crime, found member of a faction. guilty of committing a crime, significant disre- 3pon joining, a character gains $ renown and spect of persons of authority, and other acts that typically receives a welcome letter and a faction go against the goals and beliefs of a faction. insignia. The character’s background feature also Long%ter! suspension can occur for disrup- changes to Safe Haven (the entire background tive acts such as hostile behavior against other does not need to change, just the background faction members, overtly evil acts (for most feature). factions), etc. Level re uire!ents. Minimum character levels are noted by each rank, this optional. Leaving a +action Re arding Reno n " character leaves a faction if its renown is reduced to 2, or by choice at any other time. 'f a 8enown is a numerical value that increases as a character chooses to leave a faction on good character earns favor and reputation within a terms, it retains its renownH however, it stops particularSample organization. Gou can tie benefits to a file receiving benefits. character/s renown, including ranks and titles within the organization and access to resources. Guide to the Five Factions 1 carefully guarded secrets such as ancestral maps, 'arpers buried cities, and mages’ keeps. The bond between Harpers is strong, and their +action 7ummary friendships are nigh unbreakable. 8arely do they operate in the open, but on rare occasions they must, be cause there is no other choice. 9hen The Harpers is a scattered network of spell- that happens, you can be sure that a fello casters and spies who advocate e(uality and Harper is watching closely, ready to emerge from covertly oppose the abuse of power. The organi- the shadows and help a comrade at a moment’s :ation is benevolent, knowledgeable, and notice. secretive. Bards and wizards of good alignments are commonly drawn to the Harpers. &ember Traits Harper agents are trained to act alone and rely on A Harper is first and foremost self-reliant, for their own resources. 9hen they get into scrapes, once you are autonomous then no one can tempt they don’t count on their fello Harpers to rescue you into using power as a crutch. ou are sover- them. 4evertheless, Harpers are dedicated to eign unto yourself. helping one another in times of need, and friend- Therefore, a Harper’s soul must be incorrupt- ships between Harpers are nigh unbreakable. ible. Many believe themselves to be so, but power Masterful spies and infiltrators, they use various comes in many guises, and it will surely find your guises and secret identities to form relationships, wea#ness. $f this you may be certain. $nly a true cultivate their information networks, and manipu- Harper can pass this test and transform wea#- late others into doing what needs to be done. ness into strength. That is why we are the hand "lthough most Harpers prefer to operate in the that stops the tyrant, feeds the oppressed, and shadows, there are exceptions. as#s for nothing in return. %e are the song for those who have no voice. & 'emallia ('emi) Haventree Goals 5ather information throughout +aerJn. This clandestine network of spellcasters and ;romote fairness and e(uality by covert means. spies seeks to tip the scales in favor of the inno- Thwart tyrants and leaders, governments, and cent, the weak, and the poor within the 8ealms. organizations that grow too powerful. Harper agents pride themselves on being incor- "id the weak, poor and oppressed. ruptible defenders of good, and they never hesitate to aid the oppressed. Because they prefer *eliefs to work behind the scenes, they are rarely noticed .ne can never have too much information or as they thwart tyrants, depose rulers, and head off arcane knowledge. any growing force that is rumored to have evil Too much power leads to corruption. The intent. The Harpers has its finger on the pulse of abuse of magic, in particular, must be closely power in the 8ealms and works tirelessly to even monitored. the odds for the downtrodden. 4o one should be powerless. 'ndividual Harper agents operate alone, relying on their wits and extensive information +or more detailed information on the Harpers, the networks to gain an advantage over their %)% second edition publication, !he Code of the enemies. They kno that knowledge is power, so Harpers by 6d Green ood, provides much gathering intelligence beforehand is paramount additional information, a lot of hich is still relevant to their success. They are well-informed and in fifth edition. always have access to aid, magical and otherwise. Ieteran members have access to secret caches of knowledge stashed all over +aerJn, along with Council of 0igh 0arpers trusted sources stationed in every major town and "t the peak of the organization is the council city.
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