Qiang Su Professor

Department: .Department of Management Science & Engineering, School of Economics & Management, Tongji University Email: [email protected] Phone: 021-65984237 (office) EDUCATION BACKGROUND · 2000.5-2001.4: Postdoctoral Researcher, Florida International University · 1998.4-2000.3: Postdoctoral Researcher, · 1987.9-1997.12: Bachelor/Master/Ph.D., Xi'an Jiaotong University

RESEARCH FIELD · Production and service system optimization · Quality management · Computer aided management and decision-making technology

TEACHING INTERESTS · Operations Management · Supply Chain Management · Quality Management


Teaching Positions · 2010.3-Now: Professor, Department of Management Science and Engineering, Tongji University · 2004.7 - 2010.2: Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Engineering, Jiao Tong University

International Experience · Senior Member of IEEE, ASQ, CAQ · 2012.3 Teaching Professor, Kedge Business School, · 2001.5-2004.6: Senior Research Fellow, Florida International University · 1999.10-1999.12: Visiting Scholar, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Sponsored Research Projects · “Life Cycle Oriented Quality & Safety Management and Resource Deployment Optimization for Health Care Services” , NSFC Key Project, 2015-2019, PI · “Research on Service Operation Maintenance and Improvement in the Metwork Environment” , NSFC Major Project, 2011-2014, PI · “Research on Quality Prediction and Control Technology for Complex Mechtronic Product Agile Assembling”, NSFC Project, 2011-2013, PI · “Research on Health Care Service Quality Engineering Methods and Key Technologies Based on the Clinical Pathway”, NSFC Project, 2007-2009, PI · “Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan, Research on Energy Scheduling Optimization System in Enterprise and Region” Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, 2009-2011, Key Project, PI

Selected Publications

Papers · Qiang Su, Qinyi Luo, Samuel H. Huang. Cost-effective analyses for emergency medical services deployment: A case study in Shanghai. International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 163, May 2015, Pages 112–123 (SCI) · Shi J, Alagoz O, Erenay F S, Su Q. A survey of optimization models on cancer chemotherapy treatment planning, Annals of Operations Research, 2014, 221(1):331-356. (SCI) · Qiang Su, Jiajia Huang, Xiande Zhao, An information propagation model considering incomplete reading behavior in microblog, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2014.10.042. (SCI) · Qiang Su, Lu Chen, A method for discovering clusters of e-commerce interest patterns using click-stream data, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, in press. (SCI) · Weizeng Ni, Samuel H. Huang, Qiang Su, Jinghua Shi, Model-independent Evaluation of Tumor Markers and a Logistic-Tree Approach to Diagnostic Decision Support, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, in press. (SCI) · Junxiang Li, Yan Gao, Tao Dai, Chunming Ye, Qiang Su, Jiazhen Huo. Substitution secant/finite difference method to large sparse minimax problems. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2014,10(2), 637-663. (SCI) · Jinghua Shi, Oguzhan Alagoz, Fatih Safa Erenay, Qiang Su. A Survey of Optimization Models on Cancer Chemotherapy Treatment Planning, Annals of Operations Research, DOI 10.1007/s10479-011-0869-4. (SCI) · Qiang Su, Jinghua Shi, Ping Gu, Gang Huang, Yan Zhu. An algorithm designed for improving diagnostic accuracy by setting multi-cutoff values of multiple tumor markers. Expert Systems with Applications, 2012, 39(5), 5784-5791. (SCI) · Jinghua Shi, Qiang Su, etc., An Intelligent Decision Support Algorithm for Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer through Serum Tumor Markers. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 100(2010): 97-107. (SCI) · Qiang Su, Xiaoyun Yao, et al., Hospital Registration Process Reengineering Using Simulation Method, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2010, 1(1): 67-82. (SCI) · Qiang Su, Shengjie Lai. 3D geometric constraint analysis and its application on the spatial assembly sequence planning. International Journal of Production Research, 48(5):1395-1414 MAR 1 2010. (SCI) · Qiang Su, Lei Liu, Daniel E. Whitney. A systematic study on prediction model for operator induced assembly defect based on assembly complexity factors. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems & Humans, 2010, 40(1): 107-120. (SCI) · Qiang Su, Shengjie Lai. Geometric computation based assembly sequencing and evaluating in terms of assembly angle, direction, reorientation, and stability. Computer-Aided Design, 2009, 41(7): 479-489. (SCI) · Qiang Su, Jinghua Shi, Shengjie Lai, Research on the Trade-off Relationship within Quality Costs – A Case Study. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2009, 20(12): 1395-1405. (SCI) · Qiang Su,A Hierarchical Approach on the Assembly Sequence Planning and the Optimal Sequences Analyzing, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2009, 25 (1), 224-234. (SCI) · Qiang Su, Jing-hua Shi and Sheng-jie Lai, Study on supply chain management of Chinese firms from the institutional view, International Journal of Production Economics, Oct. 2008, 115(2): 362-373. (SCI) · Qiang SU , Applying case based reasoning in assembly sequence planning, International Journal of Production Research, 45 (1): 29-47 JAN 1 2007.(SCI) · Qiang SU,Computer Aided Geometric Feasible Assembly Sequence Planning and Optimizing,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 33 (1-2): 48-58 2007. (SCI) · LIU Yao-wu, NIE Feng-hua, SU Qiang, HUO Jia-zhen,Energy saving of elevator group control system with waiting time restriction, Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 2013,33(9): 2339-2346.(EI). · HU Zhang-yong, SU Qiang, HUO Jia-zhen, Reserch on modeling and algorithms for the scheduling problem of pipe tools powder painting production, Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 2013,33(9): 2339-2346.(EI) · RUAN Ying, SU Qiang, ZHANG Guo-tong,Optimal Setting of the Threshold in Mining Process Model from Noised Log, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2010,44 (2): 276-281.(EI) · SU Qiang, LAI Sheng-jie,An Improved Genetic Algorithm Designed for CBR-Based Assembly Sequence Planning, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2007,41 (8): 1233-1237.(EI) · LI Xuan, SU Qiang, ZHU Yan Qiang SU,Improved EDD discipline in out-patient queuing systems, Journal of Tsinghua University(science and technology), 2007,47 (11): 2081-2084.(EI) · SU Qiang, YAO Xiao-yun, LI Xuan, Hospital Customer Relationship Management Model and Its System Design, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2006,40(8): 1422-1426.(EI) · QIN Xinghong, SU Qiang, HONG Zhisheng, Contract Coordination Mechanism Between Online Store and TPL Under Iogistics Service Quality Constraint,Journal of Tongji University(Natural Science), 2014,42(9): 1444-1451(EI) · Su Qiang, Wu Hailong, Qin Xinghong, Study on the Generation Mechanism of the Occupational Negative Evaluator and Its Control Strategies: Based on Taobao C2C Trading Platform, Nankai Business Review, 2014

Books · Qiang Su – Healthcare Service Management Engineering , Science Press, 3.2014; ISBN:978-7-03-039447-7/R·4693 (Supported by The 2011th national science and technology academic books publication funding) · Shubin Jiao, Qiang Su--Juran's Quality Handbook (version 6), Renmin University Press, 2014.2

LANGUAGES · English (excellent)