2018 Crime & Safety Report

According to the current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report’s publication, Tajikistan has been assessed as Level 1: Exercise normal precautions.

Overall Crime and Safety Situation

U.S. Embassy does not assume responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or firms appearing in this report. The American Citizens’ Services unit (ACS) cannot recommend a particular individual or location and assumes no responsibility for the quality of service provided.

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Dushanbe as being a HIGH-threat location for crime directed at or affecting U.S. interests and citizens.

Please review OSAC’s Tajikistan-specific webpage for proprietary analytic reports, Consular Messages, and contact information.

Crime Threats

Crime in Tajikistan and Dushanbe directed toward Western expatriates and foreign entities is relatively low; however, levels of corruption are very high. This corruption occurs at all levels of government and in the private sector. Transparency International’s “Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2016” ranked Tajikistan 151 out of 176 (the 2017 CPI has not yet been released).

Although RSO has seen few indications that criminals target Westerners, outsiders can be quickly and easily identified and will be perceived as being affluent. Petty theft and unarmed robbery are fairly common.

Be careful in establishments that serve alcohol; being “slipped a mickey” can happen easily, especially if you do not have that drink opened in your presence. For more information, please review OSAC’s Report “Shaken: The Don’ts of Alcohol Abroad.” Dushanbe does have nightlife, and some clubs will have prostitutes. Prostitution is illegal and may lead to U.S. prosecution under some circumstances.

Tajikistan faces a number of economic, political, border, and overall security challenges that can affect the crime rate. Exacerbating this is the inability and even unwillingness of local police to detect, deter, and investigate criminal activity.

Tajikistan is overly reliant on migrant labor remittances; thus, when the Russian economy suffers, the Tajik economy suffers. That, in turn, leads to economic hardship, even desperation, and possibly a correlation with increased crime.

Ensure you secure your valuables in any residence – home or hotel. Be careful when renting an apartment. Try to choose an apartment that is well-protected from strangers, and look at lower- rise buildings to minimize vulnerability to earthquakes. Expatriates are vulnerable to home robbery, so the physical security aspects of housing are important: grilles on lower floor windows, well-illuminated streets and entrances, and nicer neighborhoods. A common robbery

1 tactic is to push an apartment resident into the apartment as s/he attempts to enter the apartment. Then, the assailant can easily rob the apartment while possibly injuring the resident.

Cybersecurity Issues

Internet penetration is increasing rapidly as connectivity improves. Instances of cybercrime are comparatively infrequent and unsophisticated, making this a low priority for law enforcement, which has only a minimal cybersecurity capability. Because Tajikistan is within Russia’s “near abroad,” quite a bit of internet traffic routes through Russia, a recognized source of cybercrime. Tajikistan periodically blocks websites (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) at the national level. Virtual private networks (VPNs) generally work with most internet providers but are considered illegal by the government. Some internet providers are able to sometimes block VPN traffic, so results may vary by both internet and VPN providers.

Other Areas of Concern

Territorial disputes along the Uzbek and Kyrgyz borders have the potential to develop into limited armed conflict. A recent warming of Tajik-Uzbek relations may ease concerns on that border. But, there have been several instances of armed skirmishes between Tajik and Kyrgyz border guards over the past three years, particularly in the area of and the enclave. Information about travel restrictions or areas of concern can be found on the Embassy’s website.

Gorno-Badakshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) in the Pamirs is a restricted region for non-Tajik citizens. GBAO, beginning on the west side of the border with Afghanistan’s Badakhshan province, covers most of the eastern portion of Tajikistan. To cross into GBAO, an expatriate must use designated checkpoints and have special permission in the form of a passport stamp that can only be obtained in Dushanbe from the Ministry of Interior’s Department of Visas and Registration. This permission is usually not difficult to obtain but can take up to two weeks to receive. The government will periodically close GBAO to foreigners. This occurred for several weeks in summer 2012, when government forces clashed with local criminal gangs, resulting in a number of deaths. From Dushanbe into GBAO, the initial posts for checking GBAO permission are near Shurobod in and just north of Qalai-Khum in Darvos Region.

Transportation-Safety Situation

For more information, please review OSAC’s Report, “Security in Transit: Airplanes, Public Transport, and Overnights.”

Road Safety and Road Conditions

Transportation infrastructure is gradually improving, though erratic driving and car accidents are common. Drivers should have a thorough knowledge of Tajik traffic regulations and practice defensive driving techniques. In Dushanbe, the police make heavy use of traffic cameras, which are easily triggered. They tend to be calibrated so that a car pulled up to a stop bar will still be photographed and fined. Tajik drivers tend to stop several meters short of crosswalks to avoid fines. American drivers should note in particular that “right on red” is illegal. For more information on self-driving, please review OSAC’s Report “Driving Overseas: Best Practices.”

Pedestrians do not cross streets at dedicated crossing points and often do not look both ways before crossing. Any driver who strikes a pedestrian will be considered at fault, regardless of

2 pedestrian negligence. Drivers of personal vehicles should expect taxis and marshrutkas (shared taxis) to stop unexpectedly or swerve in front of them to pick up/drop off passengers. Tajik drivers often do not check traffic before merging onto a roadway, and they frequently drive the wrong way down one-way streets. Traffic lights often do not work, and the right-of-way in major traffic circles can depend on the circle. Drivers should pay careful attention to marked turn lanes (even if the paint is faded) because these lanes are often covered by traffic cameras that will photograph a turn made outside that turn lane, even if the vehicle is only partially outside the turn lane.

Traffic police regularly pull cars over to check documents or charge fines, both official and unofficial. Occasionally, armed men in camouflage uniforms, usually from the security services, accompany the traffic police. In most cases, this occurs prior to and during major events, VIP movements, and security exercises.

Tajikistan has “zero tolerance” laws regarding drinking and driving. You can be charged if driving after consuming any alcohol.

Provincial travel, especially in winter, can be dangerous, as avalanches, mudslides, rockslides, and flooding often block major routes. As an example, a local driver was killed by a rockslide in western GBAO along the major Pamir Highway in mid-January 2018. The roads from Dushanbe to and from Dushanbe to GBAO can be closed for long periods due to avalanches and snow accumulation. These major routes sometimes consist of a single wide, gravel lane along a mountain road that can barely handle the large cargo trucks that supply the more distant regions. Provincial roads that traverse mountainous terrain along the Afghan border are difficult to navigate year-round. Emergency equipment (satellite phone, shovel, snow chains in the winter, food, water, blankets) should be taken on road trips. Distracted driving can easily result in a fatal accident because of the lack of guard rails on roads along plunging gorges. The scenery along these routes can be truly stunning, but memorial stones to those killed in accidents dot the roads.

Public Transportation Conditions

In Dushanbe, public transportation is often overcrowded and not always safe. RSO generally recommends expatriates avoid the crowded, electric trolley buses, but considers taxis to be generally safe. These taxis are very inexpensive by American standards.

Aviation/Airport Conditions

The addition of a new terminal building has increased the functionality of Dushanbe International Airport. Aviation security generally conforms to international standards. Flights are subject to short notice cancellation due to weather, and domestic flights are often overloaded. Foreigners have reported harassment and requests for bribes at the airport, often over allegedly incorrect documentation or made-up violations at the security checkpoint that follows passport control in the departures area. A list of aviation incidents and accidents can be found on the Aviation Safety Network’s website.

Terrorism Threat

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Tajikistan as being a MEDIUM-threat location for terrorist activity directed at or affecting U.S. interests and citizens.

3 Local, Regional, and International Terrorism Threats/Concerns

Supporters of regional terrorist groups (Islamic Movement of (IMU), the Islamic Jihad Union (IJU), and Jamaat Ansarallah (JA)) as well as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)) aim to overthrow Central Asian governments and create an Islamic state. Militants affiliated with these groups are thought to be responsible for the 2009 and 2010 attacks on government troops and skirmishes in the Rasht Valley. Al-Qa’ida and ISIS are not known to directly operate in Tajikistan, but both have a presence in Afghanistan. Because Afghanistan and Tajikistan share more than 800 miles of common border, these groups are a significant concern. As of 2017, local authorities reported that as many as 1,100 Tajik citizens had joined militant groups outside the country over the past several years. Some specific examples of recent incidents:  March 2017: An IED exploded in near the General Prosecutor’s Office and a Russian Army base (near the January 2017 incident location), killing one. Local authorities charged and convicted one person.  January 2017: An ineffective IED exploded in Qurghonteppa near the General Prosecutor’s Office and a Russian Army base with no injuries.  December 2014: Four Tajik border guards were kidnapped along the Afghan border and held for ransom by a group reportedly affiliated with the Taliban.  January 2013: 18 members of banned organizations (reportedly IMU) were arrested. A police officer and one IMU member were killed, and an IMU member was wounded, during a skirmish in Matcha district of .  January 2013: A traffic police officer was killed and his partner wounded in in the Sughd region. Members of IMU were accused. One of murderers was killed, and another was arrested.  January 2013: A police officer was wounded by an IMU member who set off a hand grenade during a police raid in Khujand in the Sughd region.  September 2010: A vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) detonated outside a police headquarters building in Khujand, killing two police officers and wounding 26 others. JA claimed responsibility.

RSO has also received several reports of varying reliability in the previous two years of unexploded IEDs being found. Because of increased security at official U.S. facilities, terrorists may seek softer civilian targets. The RSO recommends avoiding large public gatherings when possible.

Anti-American/Anti-Western Sentiment

Tajiks primarily receive outside news and television programming from Russia and are exposed to Russia’s increasingly anti-American media. Despite this, Tajiks generally hold positive view toward Westerners, and anti-American behavior is rare.

Political, Economic, Religious, and Ethnic Violence

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Dushanbe as being a HIGH-threat location for political violence directed at or affecting U.S interests and citizens.

In September 2015, a Deputy Defense Minister staged a failed coup in which nine attackers and eight police officers were killed in Dushanbe and a nearby city. The Deputy Minister and surviving supporters fled to the mountains about an hour outside Dushanbe, generating little

4 popular support. He was killed two weeks later in a prolonged gun battle. This was exceptional, as Tajiks generally support President Rahmon, crediting him with ending a devastating civil war and maintaining peace in a country otherwise prone to divisiveness on regional and religious bases. He is recognized as having the strength, skill, and experience to balance all sides.

Civil Unrest

The potential for spontaneous civil unrest exists, but incidents are rare. Local authorities are very effective in containing such activity.

The specter of the civil war more than two decades earlier is never far from Tajik thoughts. Only the most extreme perceived injustices would bring people into the streets. Government cronyism, pervasive corruption, and low standards of living are potential sources of discontent. Much of the working male population is abroad, not only limiting participants in potential unrest but also supplying much needed remittances that make up more than a third of GDP, even during regional economic downturns.

In October 2014, the externally-based opposition movement Group 24 released a video calling for demonstrations in several cities. While public response was muted, the government reacted by blocking internet access and dramatically increasing the visible security presence in Dushanbe.

Post-specific Concerns

Environmental Hazards

Tajikistan is vulnerable to natural disasters, especially earthquakes, avalanches, landslides, and flash floods. Even minor tremors could result in significant damage to infrastructure and poorly constructed houses.

Critical Infrastructure

The majority of the country lacks consistent power, so blackouts and brownouts are frequent. Many expatriate residences and hotels have backup generators that are used at least weekly.

Economic Concerns

Changing U.S. dollars for local currency (somoni) with unofficial money changers is illegal. As of December 2017, the Embassy has heard that hotels can no longer exchange currency and that travelers must go to an official state bank branch for exchange. ATMs are an excellent alternative for obtaining local currency. Dushanbe has many ATMs that accept U.S. ATM cards, but it is safer to use ATMs in hotels, banks, or larger stores rather than those exposed on the street. Many ATMs state they have currency withdrawal limits, but if you select a higher amount, some machines will still allow withdrawals. For more information, please review OSAC’s Report, “The Overseas Traveler’s Guide to ATM Skimmers & Fraud.”

Personal Identity Concerns

Travelers should consider local customs and sensibilities when dressing. Tajikistan is nearly 100% Muslim and is socially conservative– especially in rural areas and provincial towns. Learn the basics of local customs, and show respect for those norms.

5 Western attire is common, especially among men, but women should take care to dress conservatively, especially outside Dushanbe. A specific area of concern involves sexual harassment and assault. Tajik cultural norms, especially outside Dushanbe, differ from those in Europe and the U.S. Since the fall of the , society is becoming progressively more religiously conservative. Western women, particularly those who travel alone in the evening or night, should be sensitive to situations that put them at risk. Women, especially younger women who look Tajik, walking alone in many areas may be verbally accosted, and direct eye contact with male strangers may lead to unwanted attention. This is relatively common in Dushanbe, but less common in some areas of GBAO. Western-looking women are less likely to fall victim to this behavior, but all female visitors should be aware of this behavior.

Tajik culture is generally not tolerant of the LGBTI lifestyle. LGBTI people should exercise caution, especially with public displays of affection; they can easily fall victim to verbal or even physical abuse.

People of African descent rarely visit Tajikistan, and African-Americans are likely to be stared at or attract attention, mainly due to the novelty of their presence. Sometimes this attention can be both rude and quite forthright, but it is generally not physical.

Drug-related Crimes

Tajikistan is a major conduit for illicit drug traffic from Afghanistan. According to the UN Office of Drugs and Crime, approximately 100 tons of heroin pass through Tajikistan every year. The majority of the drugs likely enter Tajikistan by the truckload at official points of entry along the Afghan border. There are killings and skirmishes between Tajik border guards and Afghan drug traffickers. Most of the skirmishes occur in Hamadoni and Shurobad Districts in Khatlon Region (about two hours southeast of Dushanbe). Beyond the drug transit issue, narcotics are in use in Tajikistan. Hashish use is illegal but common, and heroin usage rates rise every year. Local drug enforcement is spotty, selective, and fraught with corruption.

Police Response

Police do not perform the “protect and serve” function that American citizens expect from their police. The primary mission of the police agencies is to guarantee the security of the regime. There are reliable reports of police extortion and bribery, and police are generally unable to respond to crimes in progress. Lack of resources, low salaries, and inadequate training contribute to high corruption and a lack of professionalism among law enforcement agencies.

Carry your passport and visa (or copies). If you encounter a situation involving the police, they will ask for it.

How to Handle Incidents of Police Detention or Harassment

Police may attempt to extort small bribes. Travelers confronted with a demand for a bribe should ask for the official’s name and official identification number and report the incident at the nearest police station. Bribing officials is illegal.

Crime Victim Assistance

If you are a victim of a crime, you should go to the nearest police station to file a report.

6 Ministry of Internal Affairs 29 Tehron Street, Dushanbe Duty Officer: 21-08-30; 227-98-98; 227-22-24 Operators only speak Tajik or Russian

Sughd Region Militia Directorate: Unit on Duty (83422) 606997 or 63038 Hatlon Region Militia Directorate: Unit on Duty (83222) 22515 or 22536 GBAR Region Militia Directorate: Unit on Duty (83522) 29114 or 24203 Rasht Region Militia Directorate: Unit on Duty (83131) 21769 or 22255

Police/Security Agencies

The primary government bodies for policing and security are the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Committee on National Security (GKNB).  The Ministry of Internal Affairs handles routine policing and internal security functions.  The GKNB is responsible for national security, counterterrorism, and border security.  The separate Drug Control Agency is the primary agency for investigating drug possession and trafficking cases.

Medical Emergencies

Tajikistan’s inadequate public healthcare infrastructure has given rise to private medical facilities that offer quality care in some specialties. Ambulance crews do not meet Western standards, are not widely available, are poorly equipped, and are often poorly trained. Expatriates almost exclusively use private clinics.

Contact Information for Available Medical Services

For medical assistance, please refer to the Embassy’s Medical Assistance page.

Country-specific Vaccination and Health Guidance

As of January 2017, smoking in public, including on the street, is illegal, and police selectively enforce this rule. You may still encounter smoking in restaurants, but that will decrease with time.

Significant disease outbreaks are possible due to population shifts, large numbers of migrant workers returning from Russia, and a decline in some immunization coverage among the general population.  A polio outbreak in 2010 accounted for almost a third of the world’s cases that year and killed/paralyzed children in remote villages.  There are periodic outbreaks of typhoid in Dushanbe and in the south.  There is some risk of malaria, cholera, and water-borne illnesses.  Throughout Central Asia, rates of infection of various forms of hepatitis and tuberculosis (including drug-resistant strains) are on the rise.  Drug use has also contributed to increases in HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.

The CDC offers additional information on vaccines and health guidance for Tajikistan.

7 OSAC Country Council Information

There is no OSAC Country Council in Dushanbe. Interested private-sector security managers should contact OSAC’s South and Central Asia team with any questions.

U.S. Embassy Location and Contact Information

Embassy Address and Hours of Operation

109-A Ismoili Somoni Ave Dushanbe, 734019 Tajikistan

Hours of Operation: 0900-1700 Weekdays

Embassy Contact Numbers

Embassy: 992-37-229-2000 After Hours Emergency: 992-98-580-1032 Website: http://dushanbe.usembassy.gov

Embassy Guidance

Americans are encouraged to register with the Embassy through the State Department's travel registration website. Americans without Internet access should register directly with the U.S. Embassy in Dushanbe as soon as possible after arrival. By registering, American citizens make it easier for the Embassy to contact them in case of emergency.

Additional Resources

Tajikistan Country Information Sheet