I am most grateful to former City Archivist John Williams and his ever kind and patient staff at the Bristol Record Office for making the Great Audit volumes available to me for this study, and for permitting a photograph of one of the pages to be reproduced here.


Introduction p 2 - 4 Part I: Calendar of New Burgesses in the Great Audits p 5 - 42 Part II: Alphabetical Index of New Burgesses p 43 - 60 Part III: Alphabetical Index of Patrons p 61 - 76 Part IV: General Index of All Persons p 77 - 86 Part V General Index of Trades & Titles p 87 - 88

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 1 INTRODUCTION

The Burgess Books held at the Bristol Record Office (BRO 04358 & 04359(1-21) list all those individuals who were admitted to the freedom of the city; by which authority they were allowed to practise their respective trades and received certain other privileges such as a vote in elections. The surviving series commences in 1557 and continues thereafter into modern times: although after the mid-19th century the significance of freedom was much diminished and eventually became an honour bestowed for some particular service. All those entries have been calendared and indexed by members of the Bristol & Avon Family History Society (B&AFHS), and are available from them on their CD which was published in 2004: Bristol Burgess Books, Vols. 1 to 21, Index & Transcripts 1557-1995.

Unfortunately, there is a gap in the Burgess Books: the volume covering the period from the beginning of June 1599 to the end of September 1607 was lost many years ago. Fortunately, the Great Audit Books (BRO F/Au/1/1-156), drawn up annually by the City Chamberlain to set out the Corporation’s financial affairs, contain duplicate entries – because burgesses had to pay a fee (called a fine) in order to be made free. All those entries in the audits have been extracted to compile the present work.

Each audit of accounts was drawn up around Michaelmas (near the end of September) to cover the preceding year up to that date. For example, burgess money receipts in the volume for 1599 commenced in October 1598 and ended in September 1599: and so on throughout much of the series. Apart from filling in most of the gap in the Burgess Books, the Great Audits have the advantage of being (for the most part) written neatly and clearly in English, with only a few contractions - and those are usually obvious: so there is less likelihood of misreadings. A comparison of a selection of entries which occur in both series shows that they are overwhelmingly in agreement; although there are a few minor discrepancies in the exact date when the burgess paid his fine to the Corporation, and there are the usual variations in the spellings of many surnames.

The audits of four years’ accounts were later bound together to comprise one separate volume. The surviving Great Audit volume for 1599-1604 (BRO F/Au/1/15) includes the years 1599, 1600, 1601 and 1604. This means that accounts for the years 1602 and 1603 are missing, so it is unlikely that a list of new burgesses who were admitted between October 1601 and September 1603 will ever be recovered in any detail. The volume for the years 1605-9 (BRO F/Au/1/16) is complete. In all, this study has recovered the details of 519 new burgesses from those volumes.

It seems strange that both the Burgess Book and the Great Audits for the years 1602-3 are missing from two otherwise largely complete series. Exactly when they went astray remains unknown - although the audits were presumably lost before the adjacent years were bound together many years ago. They may have been independent losses, but it is could be that more than mere coincidence was involved. For some reason, the Burgess Book which contains freedoms up to 2 June 1599 terminated with only two entries on the final page – and that was not actually the last available blank page in that volume. It is not clear why the clerk did not continue with the freedoms up to at least the end of the following September – especially as there was room for quite a few more entries. Perhaps it was just chance that a new blank volume was taken up at that particular point. No explanation for the disappearance of that volume is known to have any supporting evidence to give it weight. The Burgess Book commencing 1607 starts at the top of the first folio in that book, as would be expected when a fresh volume was opened.

It is also interesting that for the year commencing at the beginning of October 1603 (ie in the 1604 audit) there are no receipts of burgess money until 7 January 1603/4. There is no reason to suppose that any pages of the audit have been lost; which implies that no new burgesses were made free from October to December 1603: ie during the months following directly on after those that may have been found in the ‘lost’ volumes. Why there should have been a gap of at least three full months (and perhaps even longer before that) is not known. Perhaps the omissions were related to the political uncertainties of the early 17th century, following the death of Queen Elizabeth I and the accession of James I. The historian John Latimer recorded in his Annals of Bristol in the seventeenth century that the new king was not particularly welcomed by Bristolians; especially as he lost no time in raising extra revenue from the population. Also, in June 1603 the plague had broken out in London and, despite the best efforts of the Corporation and leading citizens, it almost inevitably appeared in Bristol as well. The Bristol Corporation therefore acted in September 1603 to levy a substantial tax on wealthy burgesses to assist the poor. Perhaps ordinary citizens were reluctant to become burgesses in an attempt to avoid having to pay the tax; for they would have realized that in this context ‘wealthy’ was a relative and dubious term – but that is just speculation. Other explanations might be offered: for example deaths from the plague numbered around

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 2 3000 during the visitation – a substantial reduction in the population; but insufficient data have yet been collected to make any findings of real significance.

In the present calendar, it was thought advisable to present surnames of individuals in the original spelling used in the manuscript; except for setting in full any obvious contractions and transcribing the occasional initial ‘ff’ as ‘F’. Variations are brought together in the General Index of All Persons towards the end of this work. As far as was practical, Christian names and trades are rendered according to modern usage. A bracketed dash (-) or [-] indicates that a piece of information (such as a name or a trade) was omitted in the original manuscript or there was some doubt as to the reading. It would appear that the chamberlain or his clerk made occasional mistakes in the date, especially when using Roman numerals. Any obvious inconsistencies are pointed out by enclosing the information in brackets. Dates between 1 January and 25 March (when the New Year then commenced) are indicated by a form such as 1 Feb 1601/2 - to show both how it was written in the original and how it would correspond to the style which is used today.

There were five means by which the freedom was obtained:

1. The new burgess X had been the apprentice (normally for seven years, but sometimes longer) of an existing burgess Y, whose trade was also usually stated and was nearly always (but not necessarily) the same as that of the new burgess X. That was the most common means by which a citizen became a burgess.

2. The new burgess X had married A, the daughter of an existing or deceased burgess Y. The names of both the daughter and her father were given, usually accompanied by the father’s trade.

3. The new burgess X had married B, the widow of a deceased burgess Y. The name of the widow and her former husband were given, usually accompanied by the trade of the dead husband.

4. The new burgess X was the son of an existing or deceased burgess Y. The name of the father was also given, usually together with his trade.

5. The new burgess X paid a special fine to the Mayor and Aldermen. That was often the case when someone from outside the city, with no other connection, wished to practise his trade in Bristol. The new burgess was often granted a rebate on the fine, presumably taking into account an initial deposit.

The entries in the Great Audit Books for the period considered here generally follow much the same standard formula as used in the Burgess Books, viz:

X (trade stated) ys admitted into the Liberties of this Citty because he (reason stated) and paid iijs iiijd.

Most of that formula is omitted in this work, as it does not add materially to the text; but anything unusual is included. Unless stated otherwise, the new burgess always paid a standard fine of three shillings and four pence; which is not included in the text but may be assumed. Abbreviations of the terms by which the new burgess was made free should be obvious, viz:

app. = had been the apprentice of burgess Y marr. A, d. Y = married A, the daughter of burgess Y marr. B, wid. Y = married B, widow of the deceased burgess Y s. = was the son of burgess Y

Each entry in the calendar of new burgesses in Part I has been assigned a number, shown at the right-hand margin, following the sequences in the originals. That is the reference to be used when consulting the general indexes of persons, trades and titles given in Parts IV and V at the end of this work. The first (unnumbered) entry in the calendar (above the red line in the text) is that for the merchant Thomas Aldeworth on 2 June 1599; which corresponds to the final entry in the surviving Burgess Book 1A. Entry No 1 in the calendar (for the comfit maker Edmond Longe on 8 June 1599) is the first of the freedoms missing from the Burgess Books. The division between those two entries is indicated by the red arrow on the photograph of the page from the 1599 Great Audit enclosed below. Entry No 519 (for the sailor Walter Powell on 28 September 1607) is the last of the new entries; it is followed (after the blue line) by the freedom of the merchant Nicholas Meredithe, which corresponds to the first entry in the surviving Burgess Book Vol 2. Alphabetical indexes of new burgesses and patrons are set out in Parts II and III.

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 3

Courtesy: Bristol Record Office RECEIPTS OF BURGESS MONEY IN GREAT AUDIT BOOK: 1599 (p17)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 4



'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 5 GREAT AUDIT BOOKS: 1599-1604



2 Jne Thomas Aldeworth, merchant app. Mr Thomas Aldeworth, merchant & Alderman, deceased

8 Jne Edmond Longe, comfit maker (1) marr. Charity, d. Nicholas Gaynffoord, (-), deceased

8 Jne Robert Havyland, merchant (2) s. Matthew Haviland, merchant

8 Jne Henry Harrys, shearman (3) app. Randell Purnen, shearman

15 Jne Benjamin Crockhay, draper (4) app. Thomas Watkins, draper, for vj yeres and for that he s.ved not out his full terme he paid iijli – abate for fees xiiijd. Paid £2.18s.10d.

15 Jne William Prior, currier (5) app. George Tyndalle, currier


15 Jne William Williams, mariner (6) s. John Williams, labourer

5 Jly John Kinge, cook (7) marr. Mary, d. Christopher Woodward, vintner

30 Jly John Clementt, sailmaker (8) marr. Joan, d. Robert Lingam, shearman

1 Aug William Pytt (of London), draper (9) s. Edward Pytt (of Bristol), merchant

7 Aug Richard Rycardes, stationer (10) app. Richard Foorde, stationer

8 Aug Thomas Bythesee, tanner (11) marr. Alice, d. John Typton, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 6 1599 (contd)

10 Aug George Gibbes, brewer (12) s. William Gybbes, brewer

10 Aug James Wylkins, smith (13) app. Samuel Clovell, smith

10 Aug Edward Toocker, sailor (14) marr. Katherine, d. Anthony Vaughan, (-)

10 Aug Thomas Todd, smith (15) app. Anthony Vaughan, smith

10 Aug Edmond Gybbons, smith (16) app. Anthony Vaughan, smith

3 Sep Philip Kytt, shoemaker (17) app. Walter Moreman, shoemaker

10 Sep Henry Dyer, (-) (18) s. Robert Dyer, tucker

15 Sep Edmond Welshe, shipwright (19) app. William Fletcher, shipwright

20 Sep James Goare, shoemaker (20) s. Richard Goare, shoemaker, deceased

28 Sep John Wyett, mariner (21) marr. Alice, d. John Buckfoorde, (-), deceased


3 Oct Thomas James, tucker (22) app. John Marven, tucker

3 Oct Roger Hurtte, merchant (23) s. Mr Ralph Hurtt, grocer & Alderman

3 Oct Lewis Weaver, merchant (24) app. John Barrons, merchant

10 Oct Henry Hewes, mariner (25) marr. Joan, wid. David Jones, (-). Paid £2.3s.4d.

12 Oct Thomas Hurle, shearman (26) app. Ellis Northen, shearman

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 7 1599 (contd)

13 Oct Thomas Morrice, tucker (27) s. Robert Morrice, shearman

14 Oct Walter Williams, tanner (28) app. William Yorcke, tanner

14 Oct Robert Newes, feltmaker (29) app. Sampson Burgesse, feltmaker

17 Oct John Pleavye, sailor (30) marr. Katherine, d. Robert Jeffres, bellfounder

17 Oct Humphrey Jones, cook (31) app. Henry Goodwine, cook

18 Oct Robert Awste, soapmaker (32) app. Mr Andrew Yate, soapmaker


18 Oct Abraham Edwardes, apothecary (33) app. William Dale, apothecary

1 Nov Raynold Myllsell, tailor (34) app. Gawenne Bensonne, tailor

2 Nov Nicholas Couffe, draper (35) app. Mr Thomas Pytcher, draper

2 Nov Henry Salter, innholder (36) Fine £5. Paid £4.18s.10d.

7 Nov Thomas Parken, weaver (37) app. Michael Wynsonne, weaver

28 Nov Roger Harte, tailor (38) app. David Jones, tailor

30 Nov Edmond Hoskynns, hooper (39) app. Edward Nayler, hooper, deceased

2 Dec Thomas Butt, brewer (40) app. Richard George, brewer

2 Dec John Owen, weaver (41) app. John Jeyne, weaver

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 8 1599/1600

5 Jan Christopher Edgwine, hooper (42) app. his father Thomas Edgwine, hooper

9 Jan William Baynam, sailor (43) app. Thomas James, merchant

21 Jan Edward Tyzon, plumber (44) app. Edmond Anneley, plumber


21 Jan John Howlett, glover (45) app. his father John Howlett, glover

21 Jan Robert Serrell, yeoman (46) marr. Agnes, d. Michael Deyes, (-), deceased

8 Feb John Good, hooper (47) app. George Hamon, hooper

15 Feb Anthony Prewett, draper (48) app. Thomas Pytcher, draper

18 Mar Thomas Willett, merchant (49) s. Henry Willett, (-), deceased

18 Mar Richard Cox, smith (50) app. Samuel Clovell, smith

24 Mar Robert Butler (als Benoyer), glover (51) app. William Aprice, glover


30 Mar Edmond Hurlestone, (-) (52) s. Humphrey Hurlestone, (-), deceased

30 Mar Thomas Wood, weaver (53) app. John Cooke, (-)

30 Apr Edward Yorcke, soapmaker (54) app. Mr Andrew Yate, soapmaker

30 Apr William Herringe, tailor (55) app. Thomas Wickam, tailor

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 9 1600 (contd)

30 Apr William Warder, haberdasher (56) app. John Comber, haberdasher, deceased


30 Apr Henry Baynam, draper (57) app. Mr John Hortt, (-), Alderman, deceased

30 Apr Giles Penne, draper (58) app. Mr John Horte, (-), Alderman, deceased

28 Apr (sic) Jeffrey Rowe, salter (59) app. John Woodward, fletcher & salter

28 Apr (sic) John Staynerd, barber surgeon (60) s. William Staynerd, (-)

30 May William Kynge, grocer (61) app. Christopher Kedgwine, grocer

12 Jne Thomas Slade, draper (62) Fine £2.4s.6d. Paid £2.3s.4d.

12 Jne Nicholas Booggans, merchant (63) marr. Anne, d. John Draper, merchant, deceased

18 Jne George Rowberoe, grocer (64) app. Thomas Stocke, grocer

19 Jne Francis Doughtye, merchant (65) app. Mr John Barker, merchant

19 Jne Humphrey Austen, butcher (66) marr. Ursula, d. Robert Bragge, butcher

21 Jne Christopher Flower, glover (67) app. Thomas Fawcott, glover


17 Jly Rice Walters, joiner (68) app. Hugh Walters, joiner

23 Jly Barnard Bensonne, grocer (69) app. Mr Ralph Hurtt, grocer & Alderman

24 Jly Nicholas Harvoe, goldsmith (70) marr. Eleanor, d. William Walker, mason

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 10 1600 (contd)

25 Jly Thomas Mannynge, joiner (71) app. Richard Tryppett, joiner

25 Jly Peter Myllard, mercer (72) app. Mr (-) Cole, mercer & Alderman, deceased

25 Jly Richard Dawsonne, haberdasher (73) s. Henry Dawsonne, haberdasher

2 Aug William Toorney, shoemaker (74) app. Roger Stones, shoemaker

6 Aug William Haywood, hooper (75) app. Robert A Deane, hooper

9 Aug William Eastone, merchant (76) app. Mr John Webb, (-), Alderman

13 Aug Christopher Hubbard, merchant (77) marr. Anne, d. Nicholas Butler, (-)

13 Aug John Langton, gentleman (78) s. John Langton, gentleman, deceased


16 Aug Alexander Hopkyns, joiner (79) app. Nicholas Wolffe, joiner

16 Aug Nicholas Witchfylde, joiner (80) app. Nicholas Wolffe, joiner

22 Aug Richard Edsonne, shearman (81) app. Owen Meredithe, shearman

21 Sep Jonas Seldonne, wiredrawer (82) app. Richard Harte, wiredrawer

29 Sep William Powell, merchant (83) app. Mr Rice Jones, merchant & Alderman


30 Sep Richard Jonsonne, smith (84) app. William Slie, smith

2 Oct William Brocke, skinner (85) app. Richard Evans, skinner

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 11 1600 (contd)

7 Oct David Jones, joiner (86) app. David Williams, joiner

13 Oct Francis Herne, yeoman (87) Fine. Paid £2.3s.4d.

15 Oct Francis Nicholas, feltmaker (88) app. William Powford, feltmaker

16 Oct William Hynde, saddler (89) app. Thomas Clementt, saddler

20 Oct Edward Gardner, weaver (90) app. Thomas Eaton, weaver

20 Oct William Jones, grocer (91) app. Mrs (-) Langlie, widow, (-)

21 Nov Walter Childe, mercer (92) app. Francis Knighte, (-), Alderman

22 Nov John Adams, cutler (93) app. Thomas Hartt, cutler


22 Nov Robert Sheppard, salter (94) app. Roger Briers, salter

22 Nov Mark Robertes, surgeon (95) s. John Robertes, tailor, deceased

22 Nov George Souche, mercer (96) app. Ralph Wrighte, mercer

22 Nov William Toovye, ironmonger (97) app. James Heathcott, ironmonger

22 Nov Thomas Jennings, goldsmith (98) app. Robert Channdler, goldsmith

4 Dec Thomas Leamon, yeoman (99) marr. Martha, d. William Dyer, tucker

8 Dec William Claxon, tailor (100) marr. Katherine, d. Nicholas Osborne, saddler

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 12 1600 (contd)

8 Dec Walter Batten, cutler (101) marr. Elizabeth, d. Nicholas Harrys, haberdasher

19 Dec Walter Phillippes (als Phelps), carpenter (102) marr. Lettis, d. George Hudsonne, (-)


8 Jan William Gibbons, linen weaver (103) app. John Andros, weaver

10 Jan John Blynman, labourer (104) Fine. Paid £2.12s.2d.

10 Jan David Longe, brewer (105) app. James Boyer, brewer


10 Jan Richard Baker, weaver (106) s. John Baker, weaver

10 Jan Thomas Armestronge, soapmaker (107) app. John Slye, soapmaker

10 Jan William Lloyde, cardmaker (108) app. his father William Lloyde, cardmaker

10 Jan John Butler, cook (109) app. Henry Goodwyne, cook

14 Jan Thomas Beckett, chapman (110) Fine. Paid £2.12s.2d.

14 Jan Philip Dowtinge, tucker (111) app. Thomas Bees, tucker

14 Jan Henry Dowghtinge, tailor (112) app. Robert Nicholas, tailor

14 Jan Thomas Williams, shoemaker (113) app. John Cox, shoemaker

18 Jan George Knighte, mercer (114) app. Mr (-) Knighte, mercer & Alderman

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 13 1600/1 (contd)

31 Jan Robert Bentley, mercer (115) marr. Maud, d. Thomas Griffithe, merchant

31 Jan Matthew Byrkin, hooper (116) app. George Davys, hooper

31 Jan John Warden, yeoman (117) marr. Eleanor, wid. Thomas Beese, (-). Paid £2.3s.4d.


31 Jan John Lucas, hooper (118) app. John Davys, hooper

31 Jan Charles Berro, hooper (119) app. (-), hooper

1 Feb William Mercer, dyer (120) app. Lawrence Reade, dyer

2 Feb John Stinchecombe, merchant (121) app. John Cullymore, merchant

18 Feb Thomas Chomley, tailor (122) app. John Cole, tailor

19 Feb Jonas Barwell, tucker (123) app. Thomas Barwell, tucker

19 Feb John Smythe, tailor (124) marr. Elizabeth, d. Griffith Robinsonne, (-)

26 Feb William Lewes, smith (125) app. Richard Walle, (-)

28 Feb John Barrett, hooper (126) s. Thomas Barrett, hooper

18 Mar John Willyams, tailor (127) marr. Alice, d. Robert Foord, mercer

23 Mar William Morgan, gentleman (128) marr. Ann, d. John Merrycke, skinner

24 Mar William Good, pewterer (129) app. John Boorowes, pewterer

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 14 1601


27 Mar John Chambers, tailor (130) s. John Chambers, tailor, deceased

28 Mar William Goodman, joiner (131) s. James Goodman, joiner

4 Apr Richard Hayman, turner (132) app. Thomas Settell, turner

4 Apr Andrew Perce, yeoman (133) marr. Joan, wid. William Wiggens, (-)

4 Apr Christopher Webb, merchant (134) app. Mr William Vawer, merchant & Alderman

7 Apr George Bensonne, pewterer (135) app. James Cadell, pewterer

18 Apr William Adams, draper (136) app. Thomas Moore, draper

22 Apr Daniel Adams, merchant (137) s. Thomas Adams, ropemaker

2 May Richard Yaroth, hooper (138) app. Edward Yarothe, hooper

2 May Richard Teagg, grocer (139) app. Mrs (-) Langlie, grocer

7 May John James, hooper (140) app. John James, hooper

7 May Richard Goldsmithe, tucker (141) app. his father Robert Goldsmithe, tucker


10 May Thomas Kaynes, shoemaker (142) s. John Kaynes, mercer

18 May William Stringer, haulier (143) app. Edward Newman, haulier

20 May Henry White, yeoman (144) Fine £4. Paid £3.18s.10d.

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 15 1601 (contd)

22 May Walter Spurwey, merchant (145) app. Mr William Ellys, merchant & Alderman

25 May John Jones, labourer (146) marr. Margaret, d. John Stydman, (-)

30 May John Polen, sailor (147) marr. Cicely, d. Richard Shoare, (-)

3 Jne Richard Hulett, tanner (148) app. William Cooper, tanner

3 Jne Alexander Caroe, (-) (149) s. John Caroe, vintner, deceased

3 Jne William Phillippes, tailor (150) app. John Phillippes, tailor

5 Jne Walter Beaste, barber (151) app. Thomas Hopkins, barber

10 Jne John Shipwaye, shoemaker (152) app. John Powell, shoemaker

13 Jne Francis Llen, tanner (153) marr. Margery, d. William Gybbes, brewer


2 Jly John Warden, tailor (154) app. Thomas Westeley, tailor

10 Jly Isaac Dighton, brewer (155) app. George Harrington, brewer

10 Jly Philip Cause, tanner (156) app. Evan Morgan, tanner

15 Jly John Sanders, smith (157) app. Samuel Clovell, smith

18 Jly John Rowbotom, grocer (158) Fine ‘because he served not his tyme of apprentished’. Paid £3.5s.6d.

23 Jly John Adyson, vintner (159) app. Nicholas Hobbes & John Hope, vintners

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 16 1601 (contd)

4 Aug John Reade, grocer (160) app. Mr (-) Kedgwine, grocer & Alderman

8 Aug Richard Winter, (-) (161) marr. Elizabeth, d. Mr Thomas Rowland, (-), Alderman

8 Aug William Bigg, merchant (162) marr. Joyce, d. Mr John Barker, merchant

8 Aug John Younge, shearman (163) s. John Younge, shearman

12 Aug John Brocke, glover (164) app. William Hassell, glover

17 Aug Michael Pope, soapmaker (165) app. Joyce Dyes & Mr Richard Rogers, (-)


17 Aug Edmond Clymer, (-) (166) app. John Eddye, hooper

19 Aug Thomas Rudge, shearman (167) app. Richard Smythe, shearman

19 Aug John Robertes, turner (168) app. Edward Coocke, turner

20 Aug William Pyttes, shearman (169) app. Owen Meredithe, shearman

4 Sep Thomas Win, shoemaker (170) app. Richard Restall, shoemaker

4 Sep Thomas Warwycke, skinner (171) app. Abraham Wyllett, skinner

28 Sep Henry Longe, smith (172) app. Robert Noorthe, smith

28 Sep Richard Weste, weaver (173) app. Richard Urche, weaver

AUDITS Oct 1601 – Sep 1603 MISSING

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 17 1603/4


7 Jan Robert Shepparde, mercer (174) marr. Elizabeth, d. Nicholas Buttler, (-)

18 Jan William Cullverhowse, haberdasher (175) app. Anthony Elliott, haberdasher

18 Jan Philip Shersell, soapmaker (176) app. Widow Margery Wall, (-)

26 Jan Richard Hollister, fletcher (177) app. John Woddar, fletcher

1 Feb William Okeley, wiredrawer (178) app. (-) Nittingall, (-)


28 Mar Richard Bowden, yeoman (179) marr. Mary, d. Gregory Browninge, shearman

28 Mar Thomas James, cooper (180) app. his father John James, cooper

28 Mar Henry Crompe, glover (181) app. John Nashe, glover

28 Mar Thomas Parrett, mariner (182) marr. Agnes, d. John Eddye, hooper

18 Apr Henry Jefferyes, tailor (183) app. Richard Collins, tailor

26 Apr John Marmaduke, brewer (184) marr. Margaret, wid. John Pynocke, brewer

3 May Patrick Perkins, dyer (185) app. Patrick Younge, dyer


4 May Thomas Butler, sailor (186) app. Mr John Whitson, (-), Mayor

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 18 1604 (contd)

5 May Robert Trippett, sailor (187) s. Richard Trippett, joiner

5 May Anthony Merrett, mason (188) marr. Joan, d. Richard Pytts, tucker

9 May John Daye, glover (189) app. Walter Davis, glover

11 May Philip Watkins, yeoman (190) marr. Joan, wid. William Pryddye, (-)

31 May William Eddye, hooper (191) app. William Miskye, (-)

3 Jne Thomas Tayler, brewer (192) app. Edmond Chewe, brewer

9 Jne Thomas Byfeilde, hooper (193) app. John Lynge, hooper

15 Jne Thomas Flower, glover (194) app. Thomas Fawkett, glover

20 Jne Leonard Lacye, tailor (195) marr. Catherine, d. William Yeomans, glover

23 Jne William Robinson, tailor (196) app. Nicholas Harrys, tailor

27 Jne John Hanbye, girdler (197) marr. (-), d. Thomas Perry, soapmaker

27 Jne Charles Benson, barber surgeon (198) app. William Leachgood, barber

5 Jly William Huggett, yeoman (199) Fine. Paid £3.18s.10d.


6 Jly Robert Smithe, merchant (200) s. Thomas Smythe, merchant

13 Jly Richard Warner, soapmaker & chandler (201) app. (-) Yeate, (-), Alderman

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 19 1604 (contd)

16 Jly William Ashchurche, salter (202) Fine £1.6s.8d. ‘because he opened his shopp before he was free’. Paid £1.5s.6d.

21 Jly John Northoll, (-) (203) s. Rowland Northoll, pewterer

21 Jly Thomas Deane, mercer (204) app. Mr (-) Knighte, (-), Alderman

23 Jly Thomas Moodye, hooper (205) app. Henry Lucas, hooper

26 Jly Humphrey Fitzharberte, merchant (206) app. Philip Bisse, (-)

26 Jly Robert Shewarde, merchant (207) app. (-) Aldworth, (-), Alderman

27 Jly Edmond Belshere, soapmaker (208) app. Thomas Clemente, (-)

8 Aug Henry Boord, soapmaker (209) app. Richard Goshea, soapmaker

8 Aug John Fugram, butcher (210) app. Thomas Terrey, (-)

16 Aug Henry Elkington, grocer (211) app. Hugh Peard, grocer

18 Aug William Cowlter, yeoman (212) marr. Elizabeth, d. Edward Walter, grocer

22 Aug Walter Holmes, draper (213) app. Thomas Watkins, draper

23 Aug William Campe, clothworker (214) app. William Stinton, clothworker


23 Aug John Symons, wiredrawer (215) app. John Nytingall, (-)

25 Aug John Tollson, clothworker (216) app. William Barnes, clothworker

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 20 1604 (contd)

27 Aug John Vaughan, smith (217) s. Anthony Vaughan, (-)

28 Aug John Browne, butcher (218) marr. Margery, d. William Compton, (-)

31 Aug John Bundye, innkeeper (219) s. Thomas Bundye, (-)

1 Sep William Hayman, hooper (220) app. John Freind, hooper

18 Sep Thomas Lewis, clothworker (221) app. Thomas Powell, clothworker

18 Sep Thomas Simkins, clothworker (222) app. Raphael Davis, (-)

18 Sep John Lynge, joiner (223) app. Adrian Barnard, joiner

19 Sep Thomas Maunder, soapmaker (224) app. Mr William Yeate, (-), Alderman

22 Sep Edward Hollweye, draper (225) app. William Gryffiths, draper Fine 10s. ‘because he did nott serve all his tyme’. Paid 13s.4d.

26 Sep John Byfeilde, joiner (226) app. William Attkins, joiner

26 Sep Henry Raynoldes, shoemaker (227) marr. Joan, d. Nicholas Singer, tailor


26 Sep Philip Callowhill, merchant (228) s. Thomas Callowhill, apothecary

28 Sep John Smythe, shipwright (229) app. Thomas Bryan, (-)

29 Sep Thomas Pytt, London merchant (230) s. Thomas Pytt, merchant

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 21 1604 (contd)

29 Sep John Marmaduke, brewer (231) marr. Margaret, wid. John Pynocke, brewer [NB: This entry crossed out. See No 184]

29 Sep Thomas Hewis, joiner (232) marr. Anne, wid. John Bennett, joiner


1604 (contd)


3 Oct Richard Warkman, haberdasher (233) app. John Cumber, (-)

6 Oct Christopher Brooke, sailor (234) marr. Elizabeth, d. Philip Williams, tailor

6 Oct John Richardes, whittawer (235) app. Mr George Richardes, whittawer

6 Oct Robert Willson, musician (236) app. William Johnson, musician

8 Oct Robert Ellis, tanner (237) app. Thomas Corey, tanner

9 Oct Thomas Olliver, merchant (238) s. Mr John Olliver, merchant

16 Oct Richard Younge, tailor (239) Fine. Paid £1.18s.10d.

19 Oct George Goughe, merchant (240) app. Mr John Barker, merchant

20 Oct Samuel Lewis, smith (241) s. Thomas Lewis, (-)

22 Oct William Powell, mariner (242) s. James Powell, mariner

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 22 1604 (contd)

29 Oct Humphrey Ellis, haberdasher (243) marr. Joan, d. Edward Roe, (-)


4 Nov Andrew Jurden, smith (244) app. Gregory Moone, (-)

8 Nov John Griffithe, tailor (245) s. Henry Griffithe, tailor

8 Nov Thomas Elbrey, cutler (246) app. Nicholas Woulfe, (-)

9 Nov William Pitt, merchant (247) s. Thomas Pitt, merchant

12 Nov Thomas Griffithe, goldsmith (248) app. Humphrey Clovell, goldsmith

24 Nov Roger Robinson, grocer (249) app. William Dios, (-)

1 Dec Richard Hall, cooper (250) marr. Anne, wid. George Hamonde, (-). Paid £2.3s.4d.

3 Dec Edward Williams, mariner (251) marr. Ann, d. Mr William Hopkins, (-)

7 Dec Sampson Lorte, merchant (252) marr. Anne, d. Mr Matthew Haviland, (-)

10 Dec Philip Williams, (-) (253) Fine. Paid £4.18s.10d.

11 Dec George White, merchant (254) app. Mr Rice Jones, (-)

13 Dec John Bartlett, baker (255) app. Thomas Holbene, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 23 1604/5


5 Jan Edward Perrye, apothecary (256) app. Richard Boswell, apothecary

11 Jan Thomas Bibbye, whittawer (257) app. William Wyett, whittawer

12 Jan William Twiniloe, mariner (258) marr. Elizabeth, d. Thomas Batten, (-)

12 Jan John Pytt, soapmaker (259) app. Mr John Slye, (-)

12 Jan Hugh Braine, clothier (260) marr. Rachel, wid. John Graye, clothier. Paid £2.3s.4d.

15 Jan William Neale, draper (261) app. Mr Edward Longe, (-)

23 Jan Joseph Swetnam, innholder (262) marr. Frances, d. Richard Swetnam, merchant

23 Jan Thomas Leech, whittawer (263) marr. Anne, wid. William Channce, whittawer

25 Jan John Allforde, soapmaker (264) app. Henry Slie, soapmaker

3 Feb George Newman, haberdasher (265) app. Thomas Hunt, haberdasher

7 Feb Thomas Dodimeade, yeoman (266) app. James Hurknoll, (-)

7 Feb William Longe, tailor (267) app. John Cole, (-)

13 Feb Alexander Brewton, weaver (268) app. Richard Baylie, weaver


13 Feb Thomas Wade, weaver (269) app. Richard Baylie, weaver

15 Feb Henry Willett, tailor (270) app. his father Samuel Willett, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 24 1604/5 (contd)

16 Feb Stephen Wills, feltmaker (271) app. George Griffithe, (-)

20 Feb John Cullimore, saddler (272) app. Anthony Cullymore, saddler

22 Feb Christopher Graye, buttonmaker (273) Fine ‘ijli to be paid in hand and xs att Michis next’ Paid £1.18s.10d.

23 Feb William Duning, hooper (274) app. John Lewellin, (-)

5 Mar Marven Hales, soapmaker (275) app. John Lewellin, (-)

11 Mar Edmund Popley, ironmonger (276) app. his mother Widow (-) Popley, (-)

13 Mar Roger Kellie, grocer (277) app. Giles Goughe, grocer

18 Mar Macklin Morgan, haulier (278) app. Edward Newman, haulier

4 Feb (sic) Edward Younge, tucker (279) app. Raphael Millerd, (-)

4 Feb (sic) Christopher Thrum, hooper (280) app. John Eddye, hooper


11 Apr Thomas Gilberd, saddler (281) app. his father Thomas Gilberd, (-)


17 Apr William Lovell, butcher (282) s. John Lovell, (als Kinge), (-)

18 Apr William Brocke, labourer (283) marr. Elizabeth, d. Griffiths Loryman, tailor

18 Apr William Painter, cook (284) app. Henry Gooddin, cook

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 25 1605 (contd)

19 Apr Anthony Hancocke, shearman (285) app. Thomas Prestwood, (-)

21 Apr Thomas Lloyd, brewer (286) app. Henry Gibbes, (-)

25 Apr Oliver Snell, mercer (287) app. Mr John Eglesfeild, mercer

29 Apr Richard White, tailor (288) app. William Busher, tailor

30 Apr James Prendergeste, dyer (289) app. Patrick Younge, dyer

22 May William Yeomans, scrivener (290) app. Matthew Cable, scrivener

23 May Philip Deconson, merchant (291) app. Mr John Whitson, Alderman & merchant

(24) May Edmund Rumney, feltmaker (292) app. Sampson Burges, (-)

(24) May William Welles, feltmaker (293) app. Sampson Burges, (-)

28 May Richard Pawlett, draper (294) app. Mr William Younge, (-)

30 May Edmund Watte, draper (295) app. Mr Edward Longe, draper


1 Jne Thomas Due, yeoman (296) marr. Alice, wid. John Davis, tucker. Paid £2.3s.4d.

4 Jne William Chamberlaine, grocer (297) app. Arthur Tempest, grocer

6 Jne John Hawkins, grocer (298) app. William Licett, grocer

6 Jne Henry Smalridge, shoemaker (299) app. Henry Edmunds, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 26 1605 (contd)

14 Jne Philip Gwyn, hooper (300) app. Widow Ann Yarot, (-)

15 Jne Enoch Dyttee, weaver (301) app. his father Henry Dyttie, (-)

17 Jne Thomas Holman, merchant (302) marr. Elizabeth, d. Richard Butler, hooper

27 Jne Robert Grey, tucker (303) s. John Grey, tucker

5 Jly George Tise, yeoman (304) Fine. Paid £3.18s.10d.

13 Jly Martin Pryn, mariner (305) marr. Joan, d. Thomas Sharpe, mariner

13 Jly John van Otten, yeoman (306) s. Albert van Otten, surgeon

19 Jly Thomas Use, labourer (307) marr. Jane, d. Richard Broome, pointmaker

8 Aug Jesse Noble, tanner (308) app. Henry Bushe, tanner


8 Aug Thomas Satterford, tailor (309) app. Henry Jones, tailor

16 Aug John Pearce, draper (310) app. Edward Pearce, draper

16 Aug John Chappell, soapmaker (311) app. Mr Richard Rogers, (-)

18 Aug Ansell Hollwey, joiner (312) app. Humphrey Brian, joiner

21 Aug Patrick Jones, dyer (313) app. Widow Elizabeth Coninghame, (-)

23 Aug Henry Sweete, grocer (314) app. Arthur Tempest, grocer

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 27 1605 (contd)

29 Aug John Machen, shoemaker (315) app. Philip Gwin, (-) & marr. Edith, d. John Hurtnoll, (-)

30 Aug John Longe, shearman (316) app. Thomas Prestwood, shearman

7 Sep John Gill, dyer (317) app. William Hunter, (-), & his wife Anne

12 Sep Edward Rice, glover (318) app. John Nashe, (-)

25 Sep John Daniell, wiredrawer (319) s. William Daniell, painter

27 Sep John Newton, carpenter (320) Fine. Paid £2.12s.2d.

28 Sep Andrew Stephens, brewer (321) s. John Stevens, (-)


30 Sep William Neades, joiner (322) marr. Judith, d. Mark Clinche, plumber

5 Oct John Heires, merchant (323) app. Mr Robert Aldworth, merchant

9 Oct Nicholas Burrus, mercer (324) app. John Doughtie, mercer

17 Oct John Head, shipwright (325) marr. Elizabeth, d. Francis Rowland, (-)

20 Oct Thomas Jones, tailor (326) app. William Busher, tailor

20 Oct John Gwyn, hooper (327) app. Matthew Rice, hooper

25 Oct Francis Popham, lighterman (328) Fine. Paid £2.18s.10d.

29 Oct Richard Sweete, butcher (329) marr. Elizabeth, d. Thomas Clement, butcher

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 28 1605 (contd)

20 Nov William Carye, draper (330) app. Mr William Carye, draper

23 Nov Edward Morgan, soapmaker (331) app. Mr Richard Rogers, soapmaker

9 Dec Robert Addams, mercer (332) s. Thomas Addams, tanner


10 Dec Simon Beven, cardmaker (333) app. James Watts, cardmaker

17 Dec Patrick Neason, currier (334) s. Jonas Neason, (-)

18 Dec William Pynner, merchant (335) marr. Mary, d. Mr (-) Ellis, (-), Alderman

23 Dec Thomas Coxe, soapmaker (336) app. Thomas Burrus, soapmaker


12 Jan William Dence, goldsmith (337) marr. Mary, d. Richard Shore, (-)

17 Jan John Roberts, grocer (338) Fine. Paid 18s.10d.

20 Jan Giles Goodwyn, haberdasher (339) app. Thomas Brooke, haberdasher

28 Jan Richard Collier, chapman (340) app. William Jones, chapman

29 Jan Richard Hackridge, tailor (341) app. Isaac Hackridge, tailor

29 Jan Richard Barnes, notary public (342) Fine. Paid £2.3s.4d.

3 Feb Richard Lucas, hooper (343) app. Edmund Dye, hooper

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 29 1605/6 (contd)

3 Feb Edward Graunte, grocer (344) app. Mr (-) Hurte, grocer & Alderman


4 Feb Robert Ewens, butcher (345) marr. Joan Cliffe, wid. & d. (-) Bragg, butcher

7 Feb Morgan Winscombe, tucker (346) app. James Tayler, (-)

7 Feb Christopher Horner, dyer (347) s. Richard Horner, (-)

8 Feb Alexander Channce, pointmaker (348) app. William Chance, pointmaker

10 Feb Humphrey Hooke, merchant (349) marr. Cicely, d. Thomas Young, merchant

10 Feb John Haynes, haulier (350) app. Edmund Newman, haulier

18 Feb Evan Thomas, labourer (351) Fine. Paid £2.18s.10d.

19 Feb John Stone, draper (352) app. Mr Edward Long, draper

26 Feb William Borde, clothworker (353) app. John Grey, (-) ‘& s.ved the rest wth Richd Symons’, (-)

1 Mar Richard Baylie, shipwright (354) marr. Catherine, d. Richard Wodson, (-)

1 Mar Thomas Cawse, glover (355) app. Thomas Strenger, (-)

7 Mar George Rawlins, saddler (356) app. Thomas Thomas, saddler


21 Mar Edmund Shipman, shearman (357) app. Henry Wilcox, shearman

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 30 1606

28 Mar Robert Marke, cutler (358) app. Thomas Archer, cutler

29 Mar Henry Long, mercer (359) app. Ralph Wright, mercer

11 Apr Charles Hearne, barber (360) s. John Hearne, barber

12 Apr Thomas Bird, freemason (361) marr. Mary, d. Mr George Higgens, merchant

12 Apr John Bird, freemason (362) app. John Bird, mason

12 Apr John Wyne, ropemaker (363) s. John Wyne, ropemaker

26 Apr John Heyter, stockingmaker (364) Fine. Paid £1.3s.4d.

30 Apr Joseph Elme, joiner (365) app. James Goodman, joiner

2 May Samuel Norcott, pewterer (366) app. James Cadell, (-)

2 May Richard Carye, draper (367) s. Mr William Carye, draper

2 May James Birkin, soapmaker (368) app. Andrew Yate & Benjamin Evans, (-)


7 May Henry Williams (als Turner), butcher (369) s. John Williams, butcher

9 May John Williams, clothworker (370) app. Francis Baylie, (-)

9 May Richard Hurtnoll, butcher (371) s. John Hurtnoll, butcher

14 May Stephen Ashe, yeoman (372) Fine. Paid £4.3s.4d.

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 31 1606 (contd)

20 May Edward Alderson, clothier (373) marr. Amy, d. John Roberts, tailor

26 May John Brewer, nailer (374) marr. Alice, d. John Baughe, turner

26 May John Cheslen, pewterer (375) marr. Eleanor, d. William Conante, glazier

26 May Abraham Eawen, pewterer (376) app. Miles Hobson, pewterer

29 May David Jones, labourer (377) Fine. Paid £2.12s.2d.

4 Jne William Waterman, clothworker (378) app. James Tayler, clothworker

7 Jne William Machen, weaver (379) app. William Howell, weaver

21 Jne Timothy Jurden, shoemaker (380) app. Robert Flower, shoemaker


26 Jne William Vertewe, joiner (381) app. Thomas Birkin, joiner

27 Jne Moses Gethen, soapmaker (382) app. Richard Martin, soapmaker

9 Jly John Eaton, tailor (383) Fine. Paid £2.18s.10d.

9 Jly Peter Clemente, carpenter (384) s. Richard Clement, carpenter

11 Jly Toby Coningame, baker (385) app. William Higgins, baker

17 Jly Thomas Jones, baker (386) app. Sampson Edwards, (-)

18 Jly Anthony Edmunds, surgeon (387) Fine. Paid £2.13s.4d.

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 32 1606 (contd)

18 Jly Thomas Nashe, pinmaker (388) Fine. Paid 8s.10d.

21 Jly John White, yeoman (389) Fine. Paid £2.8s.10d.

23 Jly John Gill, salter (390) s. John Gill, tanner

24 Jly Richard Hickman, shearman (391) app. Richard Smithe, shearman

28 Jly John Cooper, feltmaker (392) app. Robert Cooper, feltmaker


2 Aug William Ratcliffe, shearman (393) marr. Margaret, d. Robert Morrice, (-)

13 Aug Richard Ewans, joiner (394) app. Thomas Ewan, joiner

18 Aug Edward Phelps, soapmaker (395) app. John Slye, soapmaker

19 Aug Thomas Hurtnoll, feltmaker (396) app. Robert Cooper, (-)

20 Aug John Laffell, turner (397) app. John Berroe, turner

22 Aug John Burde, grocer (398) Fine. Paid 18s.10d.

26 Aug Henry Pickering, yeoman (399) Fine. Paid £1.8s.10d.

26 Aug James Easton, draper (400) app. Mr (-) Webbe, (-), Alderman

3 Sep John Tremayne, weaver (401) Fine £2.4s.6d.; ‘wherof Mr Maior recd xs and I recd xiiijs vjd. He oweth xxs more to be payed xs att Poles tyde, 1607, and thother xs att Poles tyde 1608.’ Paid 13s.4d.

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 33 1606 (contd)

5 Sep Hugh Brooke, merchant (402) Fine. Paid £7.18s.10d.

10 Sep Nicholas Batcocke, yeoman (403) Fine £2; ‘wherof xxs I receaved, and, thother xxs is to be payed the third of September 1607.’ Paid 18s.10d.


13 Sep Thomas Mundaye, brewer (404) app. William Rockwell, brewer

17 Sep Anthony Prince, joiner (405) app. Richard Trippett, joiner

21 Sep Thomas Jaye, labourer (406) marr. Alice, d. Thomas Hilling, mason

21 Sep Giles Collier, instrument maker (407) Fine £2.4s.6d.; ‘wherof he payed xxiiijs vjd, and is to paye the rest att Michis 1607.’ Paid £1.3s.4d.

26 Sep Edward Gibbs, trunkmaker (408) s. Hugh Gibbs, cook


2 Oct Thomas Westley, dyer (409) app. John Coningham, dyer

2 Oct Thomas Shipman, mercer (410) app. Richard Greece, (-)

2 Oct John Cavell, shoemaker (411) app. Richard Tasker, shoemaker

7 Oct John Tustian, joiner (412) app. Hugh Hall, joiner

8 Oct Christopher Lovell, (als King), butcher (413) s. John King, (-)

15 Oct John Tomlens, upholsterer (414) s. Lewis Tomlens, weaver

17 Oct Crispian Sherman, shearman (415) app. Thomas Pheticate, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 34 1606 (contd)

20 Oct John Yevans, carpenter (416) app. Henry Goodman, (-)

20 Oct Thomas Pope, tiler (417) marr. Alice, d. Philip James, tiler

25 Oct William Willson, wiredrawer (418) app. Thomas Harris, (-)

8 Nov John White, tanner (419) app. William Flewellen, (-)

8 Nov Nicholas Marshe, limeburner (420) marr. Alice, d. Richard Aprice, tucker


8 Nov Edmund Elliott, draper (421) app. Mr Thomas Pitcher, draper

21 Nov Humphrey Gouldsmithe, tucker (422) app. Richard Pykes, (-)

21 Nov Philip Flewellen, tiler (423) Fine. Paid 18s.10d.

22 Nov Robert Hencho, merchant (424) s. Robert Hencho, (-)

25 Nov John Dyer, shearman (425) s. Robert Dyer, tucker

25 Nov Thomas Maddocke, hooper (426) app. James Webbe & Thomas Byfeild, hoopers

28 Nov Elias Grigge, smith (427) app. John Ryman, smith

30 Nov Nathaniel Wright, dyer (428) app. Roger Edson, dyer

30 Nov William Apowell, haulier (429) app. Edward Nottingham, haulier

1 Dec James Pallmer, labourer (430) s. Alexander Pallmer, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 35 1606 (contd)

2 Dec John Brimson, sawyer (431) marr. Elizabeth, d. Thomas Fortune, (-)

2 Dec John Tomkins, joiner (432) app. James Goodman, (-)

5 Dec Robert Best, yeoman (433) marr. Margaret, d. John Symons, spurrier


16 Dec John Davis, haulier (434) Fine £1.15s.; £1 already received. Paid 18s.10d.

16 Dec William Wyett, merchant (435) marr. Eleanor, wid. William Hawkins, (-)

18 Dec Richard Hurlstone, shearman (436) s. Humphrey Hurlstone, (-)

30 Sep (sic) Thomas Pirry, feltmaker (437) app. Richard Burges, (-)


3 Jan George Flower, tailor (438) marr. Anne, d. Charles Baugh, (-)

9 Jan John Symons, joiner (439) app. Thomas Sharpe, joiner

9 Jan William Wodder, tailor (440) app. Robert Cooke, tailor

17 Jan Richard Boulton, tanner (441) marr. Elizabeth, d. John Aust, baker

23 Jan Matthew Colfe, saddle-tree maker (442) marr. Mary, d. William Jones, soapmaker

6 Feb William Coningham, shoemaker (443) s. Thomas Coningham, dyer

11 Feb William Jones, shearman (444) app. Richard Smithe, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 36 1606/7 (contd)

24 Feb Richard Becke, tanner (445) app. (-) Morgan, (-)

7 Mar Thomas Dyer, yeoman (446) Fine £2.4s.6d.; ; because he was borne six months before his father was made free, att the fine of ijli iiijs vjd to be payd xxs in hand and ili iiijs vjd twelve months hence.’ Paid 18s.10d.


6 Mar Thomas Eaton, weaver (447) app. his father Thomas Eaton, (-)

14 Mar Thomas Plenty, tanner (448) app. Thomas Bushe & William Yorke, (-)

20 Mar John Gibbons, baker (449) app. Thomas Lannsdon, (-)


1 Apr Lawrence Cade, sailor (450) marr. Elizabeth, d. John Willson, tailor

1 Apr John Frost, cooper (451) marr. Elizabeth, d. John James, hooper

8 Apr Christopher Whitfeild, gunmaker (452) app. Robert Blackwey, gunmaker

9 Apr William Edwards, weaver (453) marr. Margaret, d. John Clement, tucker

22 Apr John Bright, butcher (454) s. John Bright, butcher

24 Apr Richard Stockman, shearman (455) app. David Cecill, (-)

27 Apr John Pattingson, lastmaker (?) (456) Fine £2; £1.10s already received. Paid £1.8s.10d.

2 May Henry Marven, clothworker (457) s. John Marven, tucker

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 37 1607 (contd)

5 May John Tomlinson, merchant (458) app. Mr John Fownes, merchant

7 May Thomas Barwell, roughmason (459) app. William Wood, mason


7 May Arthur Darsye, roughlayer (?) & roughmason (460) Fine £1. Paid 3s.4d.

8 May Thomas Barker, merchant (461) marr. Sarah, d. Richard Hawkins, (-)

8 May Philip Gardner, grocer (462) app. Sarah, d. Mr Christopher Kedgwin, (-), Alderman

9 May John Settle, freemason (463) s. Thomas Settle, turner

23 May John Grenman, cook (464) marr. (-), wid. John Gibson, (-)

23 May Robert Crichley, baker (465) app. Sampson Edwards, (-)

23 May John Oldefeild, tailor (466) s. David Oldfeild, (-)

23 May Richard Lamfore, millwright (467) Fine. Paid £1.8s.10d.

23 May Thomas Prewett, joiner (468) app. William Atkins, (-)

5 Jne William Penn, merchant (469) app. Mr John Aldworth, merchant

6 Jne Morris Poole, carpenter (470) app. Thomas Phelps, carpenter

8 Jne Lawrence Nunney, draper (471) app. Mr Arthur Neades, draper


10 Jne John Jones, smith (472) app. Richard Moone, smith

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 38 1607 (contd)

11 Jne William Gouldsmith, mason (473) Fine. Paid £1.5s.6d.

13 Jne John Eaton, carpenter (474) app. John Batten, carpenter

15 Jne John Streete, tiler (475) Fine £1.6s.8d. Paid £1.5s.6d.

18 Jne Hugh Cole, carpenter (476) marr. Margery, d. William Hill, (-)

19 Jne John Batten, tiler (477) Fine £1.6s.8d. Paid £1.5s.6d.

19 Jne William Peasley, mason (478) Fine £1.6s.8d. Paid £1. 5s.6d.

19 Jne Thomas Buckengame, carpenter (479) marr. Margaret, d. Christopher Williams, (-)

19 Jne William Baylie, wiredrawer (480) app. Thomas Harris, (-)

20 Jne Richard Newman, (-) (481) app. James Harvard, (-); ‘but because he marryed before thexpirac.on of his terme he was fyned att ijs.’ Paid 5s.6d.

20 Jne Miles Pikes, tucker (482) s. Richard Pikes, tucker

20 Jne John Staunton, currier (483) app. John Style, currier

22 Jne Rowland Greene, tiler (484) marr. Alice, d. John Clarcke, pointmaker


22 Jne John Morrice, tiler (485) Fine £1.6s.8d. Paid £1.5s.6d.

23 Jne Simon Pallmer, mason (486) Fine £1.6s.8d. Paid £1.5s.6d.

23 Jne Philip Cecill, mason (487) marr. Susan, d. John Watkins, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 39 1607 (contd)

25 Jne Edward Draper, mercer (488) app. Mr John Doughtie, mercer

27 Jne Edward Hayles, merchant (489) marr. Joyce, d. Mr John Barker, (-), now Mayor

2 Jly Thomas Corye, dyer (490) app. Robert Reade, dyer

3 Jly George Gifforde, grocer (491) app. William Priddy, grocer

13 Jly Leonard Stile, shoemaker (492) marr. Margery, d. John Evered, mariner

17 Jly Edward Cessell, butcher (493) s. John Cessell, butcher

17 Jly Christopher Risbye, shoemaker (494) app. Thomas Nelmes, (-)

18 Jly Edmund Jones, mariner (495) s. John Jones, mariner

28 Jly John Plumley, draper (496) app. Christopher Godman, draper

29 Jly Adrian Adrianson, basketmaker (497) s. Adrian Adrianson, (-)


1 Aug Richard Thomas, plumber (498) app. Edmund Auley, plumber

5 Aug John Shipman, grocer (499) app. Thomas Stocke, grocer

10 Aug Richard Jones, feltmaker (500) app. William Baynham & (-) Hunt, (-)

11 Aug James Watts, shearman (501) app. Thomas Cessill, shearman

19 Aug John Stibbins, soapmaker (502) app. Widow (-) Lymell, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 40 1607 (contd)

20 Aug Robert Perrye, grocer (503) s. Robert Perrye, shoemaker

20 Aug Thomas Vawer, merchant (504) s. Mr William Vawer, (-), Alderman

26 Aug Thomas Tayler, ropemaker (505) app. Thomas Addams, (-)

27 Aug Nicholas Bettye, barber (506) s. Peter Bettye, barber

27 Aug Thomas Kempe, weaver (507) app. Lewis Tomlens, (-)

31 Aug Francis Billing, tailor (508) app. Richard Billing, (-)

1 Sep William Bradshaw, spurrier (509) Fine. Paid £1.18s.10d.

4 Sep Thomas Wilkins, grocer (510) app. Mr Ralph Hurte, (-), Alderman


5 Sep Joseph Strugnell, wiredrawer (511) app. Thomas Cecill, (-)

8 Sep Ezekiel Wallis, mercer (512) app. John Egelsfeilde, (-)

19 Sep Richard Long, merchant (513) app. Mr John Fownes, merchant

26 Sep Edward Creede, yeoman (514) Fine £2. paid £1.19s.10d.

28 Sep Alexander Cooper, weaver (515) marr. Eleanor, d. John Floyde, (-)

28 Sep Thomas Nelmes, tanner (516) app. Walter Yorke, (-)

28 Sep John Harris, cobbler (517) Fine. Paid 8s.10d.

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 41 1607 (contd)

28 Sep Thomas Lovell, gentleman (518) marr. Eleanor, wid. William Rockwell, brewer

28 Sep Walter Powell, sailor (519) s. John Powell, shoemaker


(29 Sep) Nicholas Meredithe, merchant app. Mr (-) Whitson, (-), Alderman

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 42



'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 43 NEW BURGESSES Patrons

22 Apr 1601 Daniel ADAMS, merchant; s. Thomas Adams, ropemaker

22 Nov 1600 John ADAMS, cutler; app. Thomas Hartt, cutler

18 Apr 1601 William ADAMS, draper; app. Thomas Moore, draper

9 Dec 1605 Robert ADDAMS, mercer; s. Thomas Addams, tanner

29 Jly 1607 Adrian ADRIANSON, basketmaker; s. Adrian Adrianson, (-)

23 Jly 1601 John ADYSON, vintner; app. Nicholas Hobbes & John Hope, vintners

20 May 1606 Edward ALDERSON, clothier; marr. Amy, d. John Roberts, tailor

25 Jan 1604/5 John ALLFORDE, soapmaker; app. Henry Slie, soapmaker

30 Nov 1606 William APOWELL, haulier; app. Edward Nottingham, haulier

10 Jan 1600/1 Thomas ARMESTRONGE, soapmaker; app. John Slye, soapmaker

16 Jly 1604 William ASHCHURCHE, salter; Fine

14 May 1606 Stephen ASHE, yeoman; Fine

19 Jne 1600 Humphrey AUSTEN, butcher; marr. Ursula, d. Robert Bragge, butcher

18 Oct 1599 Robert AWSTE, soapmaker; app. Mr Andrew Yate, soapmaker

10 Jan 1600/1 Richard BAKER, weaver; s. John Baker, weaver

8 May 1607 Thomas BARKER, merchant; marr. Sarah, d. Richard Hawkins, (-)

29 Jan 1605/6 Richard BARNES, notary public; Fine

28 Feb 1600/1 John BARRETT, hooper; s. Thomas Barrett, hooper

13 Dec 1604 John BARTLETT, baker; app. Thomas Holbene, (-)

19 Feb 1600/1 Jonas BARWELL, tucker; app. Thomas Barwell, tucker

7 May 1607 Thomas BARWELL, roughmason; app. William Wood, mason

10 Sep 1606 Nicholas BATCOCKE, yeoman; Fine

19 Jne 1607 John BATTEN, tiler; Fine

8 Dec 1600 Walter BATTEN, cutler; marr. Elizabeth, d. Nicholas Harrys, haberdasher

1 Mar 1605/6 Richard BAYLIE, shipwright; marr. Catherine, d. Richard Wodson, (-)

19 Jne 1607 William BAYLIE, wiredrawer; app. Thomas Harris, (-)

30 Apr 1600 Henry BAYNAM, draper; app. Mr John Hortt, (-), Alderman, deceased

9 Jan 1599/1600 William BAYNAM, sailor; app. Thomas James, merchant

5 Jne 1601 Walter BEASTE, barber; app. Thomas Hopkins, barber

24 Feb 1606/7 Richard BECKE, tanner; app. (-) Morgan, (-)

14 Jan 1600/1 Thomas BECKETT, chapman; Fine

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 44 27 Jly 1604 Edmond BELSHERE, soapmaker; app. Thomas Clemente, (-)

24 Mar 1599/1600 Robert Butler (als BENOYER, glover); app. William Aprice, glover

27 Jne 1604 Charles BENSON, barber surgeon; app. William Leachgood, barber

23 Jly 1600 Barnard BENSONNE, grocer; app. Mr Ralph Hurtt, grocer & Alderman

7 Apr 1601 George BENSONNE, pewterer; app. James Cadell, pewterer

31 Jan 1600/1 Robert BENTLEY, mercer; marr. Maud, d. Thomas Griffithe, merchant

31 Jan 1600/1 Charles BERRO, hooper; app. (-), hooper

5 Dec 1606 Robert BEST, yeoman; marr. Margaret, d. John Symons, spurrier

27 Aug 1607 Nicholas BETTYE, barber; s. Peter Bettye, barber

10 Dec 1605 Simon BEVEN, cardmaker; app. James Watts, cardmaker

11 Jan 16-4/5 Thomas BIBBYE, whittawer; app. William Wyett, whittawer

8 Aug 1601 William BIGG, merchant; marr. Joyce, d. Mr John Barker, merchant

31 Aug 1607 Francis BILLING, tailor; app. Richard Billing, (-)

12 Apr 1606 John BIRD, freemason; app. John Bird, mason

12 Apr 1606 Thomas BIRD, freemason; marr. Mary, d. Mr George Higgens, merchant

2 May 1606 James BIRKIN, soapmaker; app. Andrew Yate & Benjamin Evans, (-)

10 Jan 1600/1 John BLYNMAN, labourer; Fine

12 Jne 1600 Nicholas BOOGGANS, merchant; marr. Anne, d. John Draper, merchant, deceased

8 Aug 1604 Henry BOORD, soapmaker; app. Richard Goshea, soapmaker

26 Feb 1605/6 William BORDE, clothworker; app. John Grey, (-) & Richard Symons, (-)

17 Jan 1606/7 Richard BOULTON, tanner; marr. Elizabeth, d. John Aust, baker

28 Mar 1604 Richard BOWDEN, yeoman; marr. Mary, d. Gregory Browninge, shearman

1 Sep 1607 William BRADSHAW, spurrier; Fine

12 Jan 1604/5 Hugh BRAINE, clothier; marr. Rachel, wid. John Graye, clothier

26 May 1606 John BREWER, nailer; marr. Alice, d. John Baughe, turner

13 Feb 1604/5 Alexander BREWTON, weaver; app. Richard Baylie, weaver

22 Apr 1607 John BRIGHT, butcher; s. John Bright, butcher

2 Dec 1606 John BRIMSON, sawyer; marr. Elizabeth, d. Thomas Fortune, (-)

12 Aug 1601 John BROCKE, glover; app. William Hassell, glover

2 Oct 1600 William BROCKE, skinner; app. Richard Evans, skinner

18 Apr 1605 William BROCKE, labourer; marr. Elizabeth, d. Griffiths Loryman, tailor

6 Oct 1604 Christopher BROOKE, sailor; marr. Elizabeth, d. Philip Williams, tailor

5 Sep 1606 Hugh BROOKE, merchant; Fine

28 Aug 1604 John BROWNE, butcher; marr. Margery, d. William Compton, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 45 19 Jne 1607 Thomas BUCKENGAME, carpenter; marr. Margaret, d. Christopher Williams, (-)

31 Aug 1604 John BUNDYE, innkeeper; s. Thomas Bundye, (-)

22 Aug 1606 John BURDE, grocer; Fine

9 Oct 1605 Nicholas BURRUS, mercer; app. John Doughtie, mercer

10 Jan 1600/1 John BUTLER, cook; app. Henry Goodwyne, cook

24 Mar 1599/1600 Robert BUTLER (als Benoyer), glover; app. William Aprice, glover

4 May 1604 Thomas BUTLER, sailor; app. Mr John Whitson, (-), Mayor

2 Dec 1599 Thomas BUTT, brewer; app. Richard George, brewer

26 Sep 1604 John BYFEILDE, joiner; app. William Attkins, joiner

9 Jne 1604 Thomas BYFEILDE, hooper; app. John Lynge, hooper

31 Jan 1600/1 Matthew BYRKIN, hooper; app. George Davys, hooper

8 Aug 1599 Thomas BYTHESEE, tanner; marr. Alice, d. John Typton, (-)

1 Apr 1607 Lawrence CADE, sailor; marr. Elizabeth, d. John Willson, tailor

26 Sep 1604 Philip CALLOWHILL, merchant; s. Thomas Callowhill, apothecary

23 Aug 1604 William CAMPE, clothworker; app. William Stinton, clothworker

3 Jne 1601 Alexander CAROE, (-); s. John Caroe, vintner, deceased

2 May 1606 Richard CARYE, draper; s. Mr William Carye, draper

20 Nov 1605 William CARYE, draper; app. Mr William Carye, draper

10 Jly 1601 Philip CAUSE, tanner; app. Evan Morgan, tanner

2 Oct 1606 John CAVELL, shoemaker; app. Richard Tasker, shoemaker

1 Mar 1605/6 Thomas CAWSE, glover; app. Thomas Strenger, (-)

23 Jne 1607 Philip CECILL, mason; marr. Susan, d. John Watkins, (-)

17 Jly 1607 Edward CESSELL, butcher; s. John Cessell, butcher

4 Jne 1605 William CHAMBERLAINE, grocer app. Arthur Tempest, grocer

27 Mar 1601 John CHAMBERS, tailor; s. John Chambers, tailor, deceased

8 Feb 1605/6 Alexander CHANNCE, pointmaker; app. William Chance, pointmaker

16 Aug 1605 John CHAPPELL, soapmaker; app. Mr Richard Rogers, (-)

26 May 1606 John CHESLEN, pewterer; marr. Eleanor, d. William Conante, glazier

21 Nov 1600 Walter CHILDE, mercer; app. Francis Knighte, (-), Alderman

18 Feb 1600/1 Thomas CHOMLEY, tailor; app. John Cole, tailor

8 Dec 1600 William CLAXON, tailor marr. Katherine, d. Nicholas Osborne, saddler

9 Jly 1606 Peter CLEMENTE, carpenter; s. Richard Clement, carpenter

30 Jly 1599 John CLEMENTT, sailmaker; marr. Joan, d. Robert Lingam, shearman

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 46 17 Aug 1601 Edmond CLYMER, (-); app. John Eddye, hooper

18 Jne 1607 Hugh COLE, carpenter; marr. Margery, d. William Hill, (-)

23 Jan 1606/7 Matthew COLFE, saddle-tree maker; marr. Mary, d. William Jones, soapmaker

21 Sep 1606 Giles COLLIER, instrument maker; Fine

28 Jan 1605/6 Richard COLLIER, chapman; app. William Jones, chapman

11 Jly 1606 Toby CONINGAME, baker; app. William Higgins, baker

6 Feb 1606/7 William CONINGHAM, shoemaker; s. Thomas Coningham, dyer

28 Sep 1607 Alexander COOPER, weaver; marr. Eleanor, d. John Floyde, (-)

28 Jly 1606 John COOPER, feltmaker; app. Robert Cooper, feltmaker

2 Jly 1607 Thomas CORYE, dyer; app. Robert Reade, dyer

2 Nov 1599 Nicholas COUFFE, draper; app. Mr Thomas Pytcher, draper

18 Aug 1604 William COWLTER, yeoman; marr. Elizabeth, d. Edward Walter, grocer

18 Mar 1599/1600 Richard COX, smith; app. Samuel Clovell, smith

23 Dec 1605 Thomas COXE, soapmaker; app. Thomas Burrus, soapmaker

26 Sep 1607 Edward CREEDE, yeoman; Fine

23 May 1607 Robert CRICHLEY, baker; app. Sampson Edwards, (-)

15 Jne 1599 Benjamin CROCKHAY, draper; app. Thomas Watkins, draper

28 Mar 1604 Henry CROMPE, glover; app. John Nashe, glover

20 Feb 1604/5 John CULLIMORE, saddler; app. Anthony Cullymore, saddler

18 Jan 1603/4 William CULLVERHOWSE, haberdasher; app. Anthony Elliott, haberdasher

25 Sep 1605 John DANIELL, wiredrawer; s. William Daniell, painter

7 May 1607 Arthur DARSYE, roughlayer (?) & roughmason; Fine

16 Dec 1606 John DAVIS, haulier; Fine

25 Jly 1600 Richard DAWSONNE, haberdasher; s. Henry Dawsonne, haberdasher

9 May 1604 John DAYE, glover; app. Walter Davis, glover

21 Jly 1604 Thomas DEANE, mercer; app. Mr (-) Knighte, (-), Alderman

23 May 1605 Philip DECONSON, merchant; app. Mr John Whitson, Alderman & merchant

12 Jan 1605/6 William DENCE, goldsmith; marr. Mary, d. Richard Shore, (-)

10 Jly 1601 Isaac DIGHTON, brewer; app. George Harrington, brewer

7 Feb 1604/5 Thomas DODIMEADE, yeoman; app. James Hurknoll, (-)

19 Jne 1600 Francis DOUGHTYE, merchant; app. Mr John Barker, merchant

14 Jan 1600/1 Henry DOWGHTINGE, tailor; app. Robert Nicholas, tailor

14 Jan 1600/1 Philip DOWTINGE, tucker; app. Thomas Bees, tucker

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 47 25 Jne 1607 Edward DRAPER, mercer; app. Mr John Doughtie, mercer

1 Jne 1605 Thomas DUE, yeoman; marr. Alice, wid. John Davis, tucker

23 Feb 1604/5 William DUNING, hooper; app. John Lewellin, (-)

10 Sep 1599 Henry DYER, (-); s. Robert Dyer, tucker

25 Nov 1606 John DYER, shearman; s. Robert Dyer, tucker

7 Mar 1606/7 Thomas DYER, yeoman; Fine

15 Jne 1605 Enoch DYTTEE, weaver; app. his father Henry Dyttie, (-)

26 Aug 1606 James EASTON, draper; app. Mr (-) Webbe, (-), Alderman

9 Aug 1600 William EASTONE, merchant; app. Mr John Webb, (-), Alderman

9 Jly 1606 John EATON, tailor; Fine

13 Jne 1607 John EATON, carpenter; app. John Batten, carpenter

6 Mar 1606/7 Thomas EATON, weaver; app. his father Thomas Eaton, (-)

26 May 1606 Abraham EAWEN, pewterer; app. Miles Hobson, pewterer

31 May 1604 William EDDYE, hooper; app. William Miskye, (-)

5 Jan 1599/1600 Christopher EDGWINE, hooper; app. his father Thomas Edgwine, hooper

18 Jly 1606 Anthony EDMUNDS, surgeon; Fine

22 Aug 1600 Richard EDSONNE, shearman; app. Owen Meredithe, shearman

18 Oct 1599 Abraham EDWARDES, apothecary; app. William Dale, apothecary

9 Apr 1607 William EDWARDS, weaver; marr. Margaret, d. John Clement, tucker

8 Nov 1604 Thomas ELBREY, cutler; app. Nicholas Woulfe, (-)

16 Aug 1604 Henry ELKINGTON, grocer; app. Hugh Peard, grocer

8 Nov 1606 Edmund ELLIOTT, draper; app. Mr Thomas Pitcher, draper

29 Oct 1604 Humphrey ELLIS, haberdasher; marr. Joan, d. Edward Roe, (-)

8 Oct 1604 Robert ELLIS, tanner; app. Thomas Corey, tanner

30 Apr 1606 Joseph ELME, joiner; app. James Goodman, joiner

13 Aug 1606 Richard EWANS, joiner; app. Thomas Ewan, joiner

4 Feb 1605/6 Robert EWENS, butcher; marr. Joan Cliffe, wid. & d. (-) Bragg, butcher

26 Jly 1604 Humphrey FITZHARBERTE, merchant; app. Philip Bisse, (-)

21 Nov 1606 Philip FLEWELLEN, tiler; Fine

21 Jne 1600 Christopher FLOWER, glover; app. Thomas Fawcott, glover

3 Jan 1606/7 George FLOWER, tailor; marr. Anne, d. Charles Baugh, (-)

15 Jne 1604 Thomas FLOWER, glover; app. Thomas Fawkett, glover

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 48 1 Apr 1607 John FROST, cooper; marr. Elizabeth, d. John James, hooper

8 Aug 1604 John FUGRAM, butcher; app. Thomas Terrey, (-)

20 Oct 1600 Edward GARDNER, weaver; app. Thomas Eaton, weaver

8 May 1607 Philip GARDNER, grocer; app. Sarah, d. Mr Christopher Kedgwin, (-), Alderman

27 Jne 1606 Moses GETHEN, soapmaker; app. Richard Martin, soapmaker

10 Aug 1599 George GIBBES, brewer; s. William Gybbes, brewer

20 Mar 1606/7 John GIBBONS, baker; app. Thomas Lannsdon, (-)

8 Jan 1600/1 William GIBBONS, linen weaver; app. John Andros, weaver

26 Sep 1606 Edward GIBBS, trunkmaker; s. Hugh Gibbs, cook

3 Jly 1607 George GIFFORDE, grocer; app. William Priddy, grocer

11 Apr 1605 Thomas GILBERD, saddler; app. his father Thomas Gilberd, (-)

7 Sep 1605 John GILL, dyer; app. William Hunter, (-), & his wife Anne

23 Jly 1606 John GILL, salter; s. John Gill, tanner

20 Sep 1599 James GOARE, shoemaker; s. Richard Goare, shoemaker, deceased

7 May 1601 Richard GOLDSMITHE, tucker; app. his father Robert Goldsmithe, tucker

8 Feb 1599/1600 John GOOD, hooper; app. George Hamon, hooper

24 Mar 1600/1 William GOOD, pewterer; app. John Boorowes, pewterer

28 Mar 1601 William GOODMAN, joiner; s. James Goodman, joiner

20 Jan 1605/6 Giles GOODWYN, haberdasher; app. Thomas Brooke, haberdasher

19 Oct 1604 George GOUGHE, merchant; app. Mr John Barker, merchant

11 Jne 1607 William GOULDSMITH, mason; Fine

21 Nov 1606 Humphrey GOULDSMITHE, tucker; app. Richard Pykes, (-)

3 Feb 1605/6 Edward GRAUNTE, grocer; app. Mr (-) Hurte, grocer & Alderman

22 Feb 1604/5 Christopher GRAYE, buttonmaker; Fine

22 Jne 1607 Rowland GREENE, tiler; marr. Alice, d. John Clarcke, pointmaker

23 May 1607 John GRENMAN, cook; marr. (-), wid. John Gibson, (-)

27 Jne 1605 Robert GREY, tucker; s. John Grey, tucker

8 Nov 1604 John GRIFFITHE, tailor; s. Henry Griffithe, tailor

12 Nov 1604 Thomas GRIFFITHE, goldsmith; app. Humphrey Clovell, goldsmith

28 Nov 1606 Elias GRIGGE, smith; app. John Ryman, smith

20 Oct 1605 John GWYN, hooper; app. Matthew Rice, hooper

14 Jne 1605 Philip GWYN, hooper; app. Widow Ann Yarot, (-)

10 Aug 1599 Edmond GYBBONS, smith; app. Anthony Vaughan, smith

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 49 29 Jan 1605/6 Richard HACKRIDGE, tailor; app. Isaac Hackridge, tailor

5 Mar 1604/5 Marven HALES, soapmaker; app. John Lewellin, (-)

1 Dec 1604 Richard HALL, cooper; marr. Anne, wid. George Hamonde, (-)

27 Jne 1604 John HANBYE, girdler; marr. (-), d. Thomas Perry, soapmaker

19 Apr 1605 Anthony HANCOCKE, shearman; app. Thomas Prestwood, (-)

28 Sep 1607 John HARRIS, cobbler; Fine

8 Jne 1599 Henry HARRYS, shearman; app. Randell Purnen, shearman

28 Nov 1599 Roger HARTE, tailor; app. David Jones, tailor

24 Jly 1600 Nicholas HARVOE, goldsmith; marr. Eleanor, d. William Walker, mason

6 Jne 1605 John HAWKINS, grocer; app. William Licett, grocer

8 Jne 1599 Robert HAVYLAND, merchant; s. Matthew Haviland, merchant

27 Jne 1607 Edward HAYLES, merchant; marr. Joyce, d. Mr John Barker, (-), now Mayor

4 Apr 1601 Richard HAYMAN, turner; app. Thomas Settell, turner

1 Sep 1604 William HAYMAN, hooper; app. John Freind, hooper

10 Feb 1605/6 John HAYNES, haulier; app. Edmund Newman, haulier

6 Aug 1600 William HAYWOOD, hooper; app. Robert A Deane, hooper

17 Oct 1605 John HEAD, shipwright; marr. Elizabeth, d. Francis Rowland, (-)

11 Apr 1606 Charles HEARNE, barber; s. John Hearne, barber

5 Oct 1605 John HEIRES, merchant; app. Mr Robert Aldworth, merchant

22 Nov 1606 Robert HENCHO, merchant; s. Robert Hencho, (-)

13 Oct 1600 Francis HERNE, yeoman; Fine

30 Apr 1600 William HERRINGE, tailor; app. Thomas Wickam, tailor

10 Oct 1599 Henry HEWES, mariner; marr. Joan, wid. David Jones, (-)

29 Sep 1604 Thomas HEWIS, joiner; marr. Anne, wid. John Bennett, joiner

26 Apr 1606 John HEYTER, stockingmaker; Fine

24 Jly 1606 Richard HICKMAN, shearman; app. Richard Smithe, shearman

26 Jan 1603/4 Richard HOLLISTER, fletcher; app. John Woddar, fletcher

18 Aug 1605 Ansell HOLLWEY, joiner; app. Humphrey Brian, joiner

22 Sep 1604 Edward HOLLWEYE, draper; app. William Gryffiths, draper

17 Jne 1605 Thomas HOLMAN, merchant; marr. Elizabeth, d. Richard Butler, hooper

22 Aug 1604 Walter HOLMES, draper; app. Thomas Watkins, draper

10 Feb 1605/6 Humphrey HOOKE, merchant; marr. Cicely, d. Thomas Young, merchant

16 Aug 1600 Alexander HOPKYNS, joiner; app. Nicholas Wolffe, joiner

7 Feb 1605/6 Christopher HORNER, dyer, s. Richard Horner, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 50 30 Nov 1599 Edmond HOSKYNNS, hooper; app. Edward Nayler, hooper, deceased

21 Jan 1599/1600 John HOWLETT, glover; app. his father John Howlett, glover

13 Aug 1600 Christopher HUBBARD, merchant; marr. Anne, d. Nicholas Butler, (-)

5 Jly 1604 William HUGGETT, yeoman; Fine

3 Jne 1601 Richard HULETT, tanner; app. William Cooper, tanner

12 Oct 1599 Thomas HURLE, shearman; app. Ellis Northen, shearman

30 Mar 1600 Edmond HURLESTONE, (-); s. Humphrey Hurlestone, (-), deceased

18 Dec 1606 Richard HURLSTONE, shearman; s. Humphrey Hurlstone, (-)

9 May 1606 Richard HURTNOLL, butcher; s. John Hurtnoll, butcher

19 Aug 1606 Thomas HURTNOLL, feltmaker; app. Robert Cooper, (-)

3 Oct 1599 Roger HURTTE, merchant; s. Mr Ralph Hurtt, grocer & Alderman

16 Oct 1600 William HYNDE, saddler; app. Thomas Clementt, saddler

7 May 1601 John JAMES, hooper; app. John James, hooper

3 Oct 1599 Thomas JAMES, tucker; app. John Marven, tucker

28 Mar 1604 Thomas JAMES, cooper; app. his father John James, cooper

21 Sep 1606 Thomas JAYE, labourer; marr. Alice, d. Thomas Hilling, mason

18 Apr 1604 Henry JEFFERYES, tailor; app. Richard Collins, tailor

22 Nov 1600 Thomas JENNINGS, goldsmith; app. Robert Channdler, goldsmith

7 Oct 1600 David JONES, joiner; app. David Williams, joiner

29 May 1606 David JONES, labourer; Fine

18 Jly 1607 Edmund JONES, mariner; s. John Jones, mariner

17 Oct 1599 Humphrey JONES, cook; app. Henry Goodwine, cook

25 May 1601 John JONES, labourer; marr. Margaret, d. John Stydman, (-)

10 Jne 1607 John JONES, smith; app. Richard Moone, smith

21 Aug 1605 Patrick JONES, dyer; app. Widow Elizabeth Coninghame, (-)

10 Aug 1607 Richard JONES, feltmaker; app. William Baynham & (-) Hunt, (-)

20 Oct 1605 Thomas JONES, tailor; app. William Busher, tailor

17 Jly 1606 Thomas JONES, baker; app. Sampson Edwards, (-)

20 Oct 1600 William JONES, grocer; app. Mrs (-) Langlie, widow, (-)

11 Feb 1606/7 William JONES, shearman; app. Richard Smithe, (-)

30 Sep 1600 Richard JONSONNE, smith; app. William Slie, smith

4 Nov 1604 Andrew JURDEN, smith; app. Gregory Moone, (-)

21 Jne 1606 Timothy JURDEN, shoemaker; app. Robert Flower, shoemaker

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 51 10 May 1601 Thomas KAYNES, shoemaker; s. John Kaynes, mercer

13 Mar 1604/5 Roger KELLIE, grocer; app. Giles Goughe, grocer

27 Aug 1607 Thomas KEMPE, weaver; app. Lewis Tomlens, (-)

8 Oct 1606 Christopher Lovell, (als KING), butcher; s. John King, (-)

5 Jly 1599 John KINGE, cook; marr. Mary, d. Christopher Woodward, vintner

18 Jan 1600/1 George KNIGHTE, mercer; app. Mr (-) Knighte, mercer & Alderman

30 May 1600 William KYNGE, grocer; app. Christopher Kedgwine, grocer

3 Sep 1599 Philip KYTT, shoemaker; app. Walter Moreman, shoemaker

20 Jne 1604 Leonard LACYE, tailor; marr. Catherine, d. William Yeomans, glover

20 Aug 1606 John LAFFELL, turner; app. John Berroe, turner

23 May 1607 Richard LAMFORE, millwright; Fine

13 Aug 1600 John LANGTON, gentleman; s. John Langton, gentleman, deceased

4 Dec 1600 Thomas LEAMON, yeoman; marr. Martha, d. William Dyer, tucker

23 Jan 1604/5 Thomas LEECH, whittawer; marr. Anne, wid. William Channce, whittawer

26 Feb 1600/1 William LEWES, smith; app. Richard Walle, (-)

20 Oct 1604 Samuel LEWIS, smith; s. Thomas Lewis, (-)

18 Sep 1604 Thomas LEWIS, clothworker; app. Thomas Powell, clothworker

13 Jne 1601 Francis LLEN, tanner marr. Margery, d. William Gybbes, brewer

21 Apr 1605 Thomas LLOYD, brewer; app. Henry Gibbes, (-)

10 Jan 1600/1 William LLOYDE, cardmaker; app. his father William Lloyde, cardmaker

29 Mar 1606 Henry LONG, mercer; app. Ralph Wright, mercer

19 Sep 1607 Richard LONG, merchant; app. Mr John Fownes, merchant

10 Jan 1600/1 David LONGE, brewer; app. James Boyer, brewer

8 Jne 1599 Edmond LONGE, comfit maker; marr. Charity, d. Nicholas Gaynffoord, (-), deceased

28 Sep 1601 Henry LONGE, smith; app. Robert Noorthe, smith

30 Aug 1605 John LONGE, shearman; app. Thomas Prestwood, shearman

7 Feb 1604/5 William LONGE, tailor; app. John Cole, (-)

7 Dec 1604 Sampson LORTE, merchant; marr. Anne, d. Mr Matthew Haviland, (-)

8 Oct 1606 Christopher LOVELL, (als King), butcher; s. John King, (-)

28 Sep 1607 Thomas LOVELL, gentleman; marr. Eleanor, wid. William Rockwell, brewer

17 Apr 1605 William LOVELL, butcher; s. John Lovell, (als Kinge), (-)

31 Jan 1600/1 John LUCAS, hooper; app. John Davys, hooper

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 52 3 Feb 1605/6 Richard LUCAS, hooper; app. Edmund Dye, hooper

18 Sep 1604 John LYNGE, joiner; app. Adrian Barnard, joiner

29 Aug 1605 John MACHEN, shoemaker; app. Philip Gwin, (-) & marr. Edith, d. John Hurtnoll, (-)

7 Jne 1606 William MACHEN, weaver; app. William Howell, weaver

25 Nov 1606 Thomas MADDOCKE, hooper; app. James Webbe & Thomas Byfeild, hoopers

25 Jly 1600 Thomas MANNYNGE, joiner; app. Richard Tryppett, joiner

28 Mar 1606 Robert MARKE, cutler; app. Thomas Archer, cutler

26 Apr 1604 John MARMADUKE, brewer; marr. Margaret, wid. John Pynocke, brewer

8 Nov 1606 Nicholas MARSHE, limeburner; marr. Alice, d. Richard Aprice, tucker

2 May 1607 Henry MARVEN, clothworker; s. John Marven, tucker

19 Sep 1604 Thomas MAUNDER, soapmaker; app. Mr William Yeate, (-), Alderman

1 Feb 1600/1 William MERCER, dyer; app. Lawrence Reade, dyer

5 May 1604 Anthony MERRETT, mason; marr. Joan, d. Richard Pytts, tucker

23 Jly 1604 Thomas MOODYE, hooper; app. Henry Lucas, hooper

23 Nov 1605 Edward MORGAN, soapmaker; app. Mr Richard Rogers, soapmaker

18 Mar 1604/5 Macklin MORGAN, haulier; app. Edward Newman, haulier

23 Mar 1600/1 William MORGAN, gentleman; marr. Ann, d. John Merrycke, skinner

22 Jne 1607 John MORRICE, tiler; Fine

13 Oct 1599 Thomas MORRICE, tucker; s. Robert Morrice, shearman

13 Sep 1606 Thomas MUNDAYE, brewer; app. William Rockwell, brewer

25 Jly 1600 Peter MYLLARD, mercer; app. Mr (-) Cole, mercer & Alderman, deceased

1 Nov 1599 Raynold MYLLSELL, tailor; app. Gawenne Bensonne, tailor

18 Jly 1606 Thomas NASHE, pinmaker; Fine

30 Sep 1605 William NEADES, joiner; marr. Judith, d. Mark Clinche, plumber

15 Jan 1604/5 William NEALE, draper; app. Mr Edward Longe, (-)

17 Dec 1605 Patrick NEASON, currier; s. Jonas Neason, (-)

28 Sep 1607 Thomas NELMES, tanner; app. Walter Yorke, (-)

14 Oct 1599 Robert NEWES, feltmaker; app. Sampson Burgesse, feltmaker

3 Feb 1604/5 George NEWMAN, haberdasher; app. Thomas Hunt, haberdasher

20 Jne 1607 Richard NEWMAN, (-); app. James Harvard, (-)

27 Sep 1605 John NEWTON, carpenter; Fine

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 53 15 Oct 1600 Francis NICHOLAS, feltmaker; app. William Powford, feltmaker

8 Aug 1605 Jesse NOBLE, tanner; app. Henry Bushe, tanner

2 May 1606 Samuel NORCOTT, pewterer; app. James Cadell, (-)

21 Jly 1604 John NORTHOLL, (-); s. Rowland Northoll, pewterer

8 Jne 1607 Lawrence NUNNEY, draper; app. Mr Arthur Neades, draper

1 Feb 1603/4 William OKELEY, wiredrawer; app. (-) Nittingall, (-)

23 May 1607 John OLDEFEILD, tailor; s. David Oldfeild, (-)

9 Oct 1604 Thomas OLLIVER, merchant; s. Mr John Olliver, merchant

2 Dec 1599 John OWEN, weaver; app. John Jeyne, weaver

18 Apr 1605 William PAINTER, cook; app. Henry Gooddin, cook

1 Dec 1606 James PALLMER, labourer; s. Alexander Pallmer, (-)

23 Jne 1607 Simon PALLMER, mason; Fine

7 Nov 1599 Thomas PARKEN, weaver; app. Michael Wynsonne, weaver

28 Mar 1604 Thomas PARRETT, mariner; marr. Agnes, d. John Eddye, hooper

27 Apr 1607 John PATTINGSON, lastmaker (?); Fine

28 May 1605 Richard PAWLETT, draper; app. Mr William Younge, (-)

16 Aug 1605 John PEARCE, draper; app. Edward Pearce, draper

19 Jne 1607 William PEASLEY, mason; Fine

5 Jne 1607 William PENN, merchant; app. Mr John Aldworth, merchant

30 Apr 1600 Giles PENNE, draper; app. Mr John Horte, (-), Alderman, deceased

4 Apr 1601 Andrew PERCE, yeoman; marr. Joan, wid. William Wiggens, (-)

3 May 1604 Patrick PERKINS, dyer; app. Patrick Younge, dyer

5 Jan 1604/5 Edward PERRYE, apothecary; app. Richard Boswell, apothecary

20 Aug 1607 Robert PERRYE, grocer; s. Robert Perrye, shoemaker

18 Aug 1606 Edward PHELPS, soapmaker app. John Slye, soapmaker

19 Dec 1600 Walter Phillipes (als PHELPS), carpenter; marr. Lettis, d. George Hudsonne, (-)

19 Dec 1600 Walter PHILLIPES (als Phelps), carpenter; marr. Lettis, d. George Hudsonne, (-)

3 Jne 1601 William PHILLIPPES, tailor; app. John Phillippes, tailor

26 Aug 1606 Henry PICKERING, yeoman; Fine

20 Jne 1607 Miles PIKES, tucker; s. Richard Pikes, tucker

30 Sep 1606 Thomas PIRRY, feltmaker; app. Richard Burges, (-)

9 Nov 1604 William PITT, merchant; s. Thomas Pitt, merchant

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 54 17 Oct 1599 John PLEAVYE, sailor; marr. Katherine, d. Robert Jeffres, bellfounder

14 Mar 1606/7 Thomas PLENTY, tanner; app. Thomas Bushe & William Yorke, (-)

28 Jly 1607 John PLUMLEY, draper; app. Christopher Godman, draper

30 May 1601 John POLEN, sailor; marr. Cicely, d. Richard Shoare, (-)

6 Jne 1607 Morris POOLE, carpenter; app. Thomas Phelps, carpenter

17 Aug 1601 Michael POPE, soapmaker; app. Joyce Dyes & Mr Richard Rogers, (-)

20 Oct 1606 Thomas POPE, tiler; marr. Alice, d. Philip James, tiler

25 Oct 1605 Francis POPHAM, lighterman; Fine

11 Mar 1604/5 Edmund POPLEY, ironmonger; app. his mother Widow (-) Popley, (-)

28 Sep 1607 Walter POWELL, sailor; s. John Powell, shoemaker

29 Sep 1600 William POWELL, merchant; app. Mr Rice Jones, merchant & Alderman

22 Oct 1604 William POWELL, mariner; s. James Powell, mariner

30 Apr 1605 James PRENDERGESTE, dyer; app. Patrick Younge, dyer

15 Feb 1599/1600 Anthony PREWETT, draper; app. Thomas Pytcher, draper

23 May 1607 Thomas PREWETT, joiner; app. William Atkins, (-)

17 Sep 1606 Anthony PRINCE, joiner; app. Richard Trippett, joiner

15 Jne 1599 William PRIOR, currier; app. George Tyndalle, currier

13 Jly 1605 Martin PRYN, mariner; marr. Joan, d. Thomas Sharpe, mariner

18 Dec 1605 William PYNNER, merchant; marr. Mary, d. Mr (-) Ellis, (-), Alderman

12 Jan 1604/5 John PYTT, soapmaker; app. Mr John Slye, (-)

29 Sep 1604 Thomas PYTT, London merchant; s. Thomas Pytt, merchant

1 Aug 1599 William PYTT (of London), draper; s. Edward Pytt (of Bristol), merchant

20 Aug 1601 William PYTTES, shearman; app. Owen Meredithe, shearman

2 Aug 1606 William RATCLIFFE, shearman; marr. Margaret, d. Robert Morrice, (-)

7 Mar 1605/6 George RAWLINS, saddler; app. Thomas Thomas, saddler

26 Sep 1604 Henry RAYNOLDES, shoemaker; marr. Joan, d. Nicholas Singer, tailor

4 Aug 1601 John READE, grocer; app. Mr (-) Kedgwine, grocer & Alderman

12 Sep 1605 Edward RICE, glover; app. John Nashe, (-)

6 Oct 1604 John RICHARDES, whittawer; app. Mr George Richardes, whittawer

17 Jly 1607 Christopher RISBYE, shoemaker; app. Thomas Nelmes, (-)

19 Aug 1601 John ROBERTES, turner; app. Edward Coocke, turner

22 Nov 1600 Mark ROBERTES, surgeon; s. John Robertes, tailor, deceased

17 Jan 1605/6 John ROBERTS, grocer; Fine

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 55 24 Nov 1604 Roger ROBINSON, grocer; app. William Dios, (-)

23 Jne 1604 William ROBINSON, tailor; app. Nicholas Harrys, tailor

18 Jne 1600 George ROWBEROE, grocer; app. Thomas Stocke, grocer

18 Jly 1601 John ROWBOTOM, grocer Fine

28 Apr 1600 Jeffrey ROWE, salter; app. John Woodward, fletcher & salter

19 Aug 1601 Thomas RUDGE, shearman; app. Richard Smythe, shearman

(24) May 1605 Edmund RUMNEY, feltmaker; app. Sampson Burges, (-)

7 Aug 1599 Richard RYCARDES, stationer; app. Richard Foorde, stationer

2 Nov 1599 Henry SALTER, innholder; Fine

15 Jly 1601 John SANDERS, smith; app. Samuel Clovell, smith

8 Aug 1605 Thomas SATTERFORD, tailor; app. Henry Jones, tailor

21 Sep 1600 Jonas SELDONNE, wiredrawer; app. Richard Harte, wiredrawer

21 Jan 1599/1600 Robert SERRELL, yeoman; marr. Agnes, d. Michael Deyes, (-), deceased

9 May 1607 John SETTLE, freemason; s. Thomas Settle, turner

22 Nov 1600 Robert SHEPPARD, salter; app. Roger Briers, salter

7 Jan 1603/4 Robert SHEPPARDE, mercer; marr. Elizabeth, d. Nicholas Buttler, (-)

17 Oct 1606 Crispian SHERMAN, shearman; app. Thomas Pheticate, (-)

18 Jan 1603/4 Philip SHERSELL, soapmaker; app. Widow Margery Wall, (-)

26 Jly 1604 Robert SHEWARDE, merchant; app. (-) Aldworth, (-), Alderman

21 Mar 1605/6 Edmund SHIPMAN, shearman; app. Henry Wilcox, shearman

5 Aug 1607 John SHIPMAN, grocer; app. Thomas Stocke, grocer

2 Oct 1606 Thomas SHIPMAN, mercer; app. Richard Greece, (-)

10 Jne 1601 John SHIPWAYE, shoemaker; app. John Powell, shoemaker

18 Sep 1604 Thomas SIMKINS, clothworker; app. Raphael Davis, (-)

12 Jne 1600 Thomas SLADE, draper; Fine

6 Jne 1605 Henry SMALRIDGE, shoemaker; app. Henry Edmunds, (-)

6 Jly 1604 Robert SMITHE, merchant; s. Thomas Smythe, merchant

19 Feb 1600/1 John SMYTHE, tailor; marr. Elizabeth, d. Griffith Robinsonne, (-)

28 Sep 1604 John SMYTHE, shipwright; app. Thomas Bryan, (-)

25 Apr 1605 Oliver SNELL, mercer; app. Mr John Eglesfeild, mercer

22 Nov 1600 George SOUCHE, mercer; app. Ralph Wrighte, mercer

22 May 1601 Walter SPURWEY, merchant; app. Mr William Ellys, merchant & Alderman

20 Jne 1607 John STAUNTON, currier; app. John Style, currier

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 56 28 Apr 1600 John STAYNERD, barber surgeon; s. William Staynerd, (-)

28 Sep 1605 Andrew STEPHENS, brewer; s. John Stevens, (-)

19 Aug 1607 John STIBBINS, soapmaker; app. Widow (-) Lymell, (-)

13 Jly 1607 Leonard STILE, shoemaker; marr. Margery, d. John Evered, mariner

2 Feb 1600/1 John STINCHECOMBE, merchant; app. John Cullymore, merchant

24 Apr 1607 Richard STOCKMAN, shearman; app. David Cecill, (-)

19 Feb 1605/6 John STONE, draper; app. Mr Edward Long, draper

15 Jne 1607 John STREETE, tiler; Fine

18 May 1601 William STRINGER, haulier; app. Edward Newman, haulier

5 Sep 1607 Joseph STRUGNELL, wiredrawer; app. Thomas Cecill, (-)

23 Aug 1605 Henry SWEETE, grocer; app. Arthur Tempest, grocer

29 Oct 1605 Richard SWEETE, butcher; marr. Elizabeth, d. Thomas Clement, butcher

23 Jan 1604/5 Joseph SWETNAM, innholder; marr. Frances, d. Richard Swetnam, merchant

23 Aug 1604 John SYMONS, wiredrawer; app. John Nytingall, (-)

9 Jan 1606/7 John SYMONS, joiner; app. Thomas Sharpe, joiner

3 Jne 1604 Thomas TAYLER, brewer; app. Edmond Chewe, brewer

26 Aug 1607 Thomas TAYLER, ropemaker; app. Thomas Addams, (-)

2 May 1601 Richard TEAGG, grocer; app. Mrs (-) Langlie, grocer

18 Feb 1605/6 Evan THOMAS, labourer; Fine

1 Aug 1607 Richard THOMAS, plumber; app. Edmund Auley, plumber

4 Feb 1604/5 Christopher THRUM, hooper; app. John Eddye, hooper

5 Jly 1605 George TISE, yeoman; Fine

10 Aug 1599 Thomas TODD, smith; app. Anthony Vaughan, smith

25 Aug 1604 John TOLLSON, clothworker; app. William Barnes, clothworker

2 Dec 1606 John TOMKINS, joiner; app. James Goodman, (-)

15 Oct 1606 John TOMLENS, upholsterer; s. Lewis Tomlens, weaver

5 May 1607 John TOMLINSON, merchant; app. Mr John Fownes, merchant

10 Aug 1599 Edward TOOCKER, sailor; marr. Katherine, d. Anthony Vaughan, (-)

2 Aug 1600 William TOORNEY, shoemaker; app. Roger Stones, shoemaker

22 Nov 1600 William TOOVYE, ironmonger; app. James Heathcott, ironmonger

3 Sep 1606 John TREMAYNE, weaver; Fine

5 May 1604 Robert TRIPPETT, sailor; s. Richard Trippett, joiner

7 May 1606 Henry Williams (als TURNER), butcher; s. John Williams, butcher

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 57 7 Oct 1606 John TUSTIAN, joiner; app. Hugh Hall, joiner

12 Jan 1604/5 William TWINILOE, mariner; marr. Elizabeth, d. Thomas Batten, (-)

21 Jan 1599/1600 Edward TYZON, plumber; app. Edmond Anneley, plumber

19 Jly 1605 Thomas USE, labourer; marr. Jane, d. Richard Broome, pointmaker

13 Jly 1605 John VAN OTTEN, yeoman; s. Albert van Otten, surgeon

27 Aug 1604 John VAUGHAN, smith; s. Anthony Vaughan, (-)

20 Aug 1607 Thomas VAWER, merchant; s. Mr William Vawer, (-), Alderman

26 Jne 1606 William VERTEWE, joiner; app. Thomas Birkin, joiner

13 Feb 1604/5 Thomas WADE, weaver; app. Richard Baylie, weaver

8 Sep 1607 Ezekiel WALLIS, mercer; app. John Egelsfeilde, (-)

17 Jly 1600 Rice WALTERS, joiner; app. Hugh Walters, joiner

31 Jan 1600/1 John WARDEN, yeoman; marr. Eleanor, wid. Thomas Beese, (-)

2 Jly 1601 John WARDEN, tailor; app. Thomas Westeley, tailor

30 Apr 1600 William WARDER, haberdasher; app. John Comber, haberdasher, deceased

3 Oct 1604 Richard WARKMAN, haberdasher; app. John Cumber, (-)

13 Jly 1604 Richard WARNER, soapmaker & chandler;app. (-) Yeate, (-), Alderman

4 Sep 1601 Thomas WARWYCKE, skinner; app. Abraham Wyllett, skinner

4 Jne 1606 William WATERMAN, clothworker; app. James Tayler, clothworker

11 May 1604 Philip WATKINS, yeoman; marr. Joan, wid. William Pryddye, (-)

30 May 1605 Edmund WATTE, draper; app. Mr Edward Longe, draper

11 Aug 1607 James WATTS, shearman; app. Thomas Cessill, shearman

3 Oct 1599 Lewis WEAVER, merchant; app. John Barrons, merchant

4 Apr 1601 Christopher WEBB, merchant; app. Mr William Vawer, merchant & Alderman

(24) May 1605 William WELLES, feltmaker; app. Sampson Burges, (-)

15 Sep 1599 Edmond WELSHE, shipwright; app. William Fletcher, shipwright

28 Sep 1601 Richard WESTE, weaver; app. Richard Urche, weaver

2 Oct 1606 Thomas WESTLEY, dyer; app. John Coningham, dyer

11 Dec 1604 George WHITE, merchant; app. Mr Rice Jones, (-)

20 May 1601 Henry WHITE, yeoman; Fine

21 Jly 1606 John WHITE, yeoman; Fine

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 58 8 Nov 1606 John WHITE, tanner; app. William Flewellen, (-)

29 Apr 1605 Richard WHITE, tailor; app. William Busher, tailor

8 Apr 1607 Christopher WHITFEILD, gunmaker; app. Robert Blackwey, gunmaker

4 Sep 1607 Thomas WILKINS, grocer; app. Mr Ralph Hurte, (-), Alderman

15 Feb 1604/5 Henry WILLETT, tailor; app. his father Samuel Willett, (-)

18 Mar 1599/1600 Thomas WILLETT, merchant; s. Henry Willett, (-), deceased

3 Dec 1604 Edward WILLIAMS, mariner; marr. Ann, d. Mr William Hopkins, (-)

7 May 1606 Henry WILLIAMS (als Turner), butcher; s. John Williams, butcher

9 May 1606 John WILLIAMS, clothworker; app. Francis Baylie, (-)

10 Dec 1604 Philip WILLIAMS, (-); Fine

14 Jan 1600/1 Thomas WILLIAMS, shoemaker; app. John Cox, shoemaker

14 Oct 1599 Walter WILLIAMS, tanner; app. William Yorcke, tanner

15 Jne 1599 William WILLIAMS, mariner; s. John Williams, labourer

16 Feb 1604/5 Stephen WILLS, feltmaker; app. George Griffithe, (-)

6 Oct 1604 Robert WILLSON, musician; app. William Johnson, musician

25 Oct 1606 William WILLSON, wiredrawer; app. Thomas Harris, (-)

18 Mar 1600/1 John WILLYAMS, tailor; marr. Alice, d. Robert Foord, mercer

4 Sep 1601 Thomas WIN, shoemaker; app. Richard Restall, shoemaker

7 Feb 1605/6 Morgan WINSCOMBE, tucker; app. James Tayler, (-)

8 Aug 1601 Richard WINTER, (-); marr. Elizabeth, d. Mr Thomas Rowland, (-), Alderman

16 Aug 1600 Nicholas WITCHFYLDE, joiner; app. Nicholas Wolffe, joiner

9 Jan 1606/7 William WODDER, tailor; app. Robert Cooke, tailor

30 Mar 1600 Thomas WOOD, weaver; app. John Cooke, (-)

30 Nov 1606 Nathaniel WRIGHT, dyer; app. Roger Edson, dyer

28 Sep 1599 John WYETT, mariner; marr. Alice, d. John Buckfoorde, (-), deceased

16 Dec 1606 William WYETT, merchant; marr. Eleanor, wid. William Hawkins, (-)

10 Aug 1599 James WYLKINS, smith; app. Samuel Clovell, smith

12 Apr 1606 John WYNE, ropemaker; s. John Wyne, ropemaker

2 May 1601 Richard YAROTH, hooper; app. Edward Yarothe, hooper

22 May 1605 William YEOMANS, scrivener; app. Matthew Cable, scrivener

20 Oct 1606 John YEVANS, carpenter; app. Henry Goodman, (-)

30 Apr 1600 Edward YORCKE, soapmaker; app. Mr Andrew Yate, soapmaker

4 Feb 1604/5 Edward YOUNGE, tucker; app. Raphael Millerd, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 59 8 Aug 1601 John YOUNGE, shearman; s. John Younge, shearman

16 Oct 1604 Richard YOUNGE, tailor; Fine

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 60



'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 61 New Burgesses PATRONS

22 Apr 1601 Daniel Adams, merchant; s. Thomas ADAMS, ropemaker

9 Dec 1605 Robert Addams, mercer; s. Thomas ADDAMS, tanner

26 Aug 1607 Thomas Tayler, ropemaker; app. Thomas ADDAMS, (-)

6 Aug 1600 William Haywood, hooper; app. Robert A DEANE, hooper

29 Jly 1607 Adrian Adrianson, basketmaker; s. Adrian ADRIANSON, (-)

26 Jly 1604 Robert Shewarde, merchant; app. (-) ALDWORTH, (-), Alderman

5 Jne 1607 William Penn, merchant; app. Mr John ALDWORTH, merchant

5 Oct 1605 John Heires, merchant; app. Mr Robert ALDWORTH, merchant

8 Jan 1600/1 William Gibbons, linen weaver; app. John ANDROS, weaver

21 Jan 1599/1600 Edward Tyzon, plumber; app. Edmond ANNELEY, plumber

8 Nov 1606 Nicholas Marshe, limeburner; marr. Alice, d. Richard APRICE, tucker

24 Mar 1599/1600 Robert Butler (als Benoyer), glover; app. William APRICE, glover

28 Mar 1606 Robert Marke, cutler; app. Thomas ARCHER, cutler

23 May 1607 Thomas Prewett, joiner; app. William ATKINS, (-)

26 Sep 1604 John Byfeilde, joiner; app. William ATTKINS, joiner

1 Aug 1607 Richard Thomas, plumber; app. Edmund AULEY, plumber

17 Jan 1606/7 Richard Boulton, tanner; marr. Elizabeth, d. John AUST, baker

10 Jan 1600/1 Richard Baker, weaver; s. John BAKER, weaver

19 Jne 1600 Francis Doughtye, merchant; app. Mr John BARKER, merchant

8 Aug 1601 William Bigg, merchant; marr. Joyce, d. Mr John BARKER, merchant

19 Oct 1604 George Goughe, merchant; app. Mr John BARKER, merchant

27 Jne 1607 Edward Hayles, merchant; marr. Joyce, d. Mr John BARKER, (-), now Mayor

18 Sep 1604 John Lynge, joiner; app. Adrian BARNARD, joiner

25 Aug 1604 John Tollson, clothworker; app. William BARNES, clothworker

28 Feb 1600/1 John Barrett, hooper; s. Thomas BARRETT, hooper

3 Oct 1599 Lewis Weaver, merchant; app. John BARRONS, merchant

19 Feb 1600/1 Jonas Barwell, tucker; app. Thomas BARWELL, tucker

13 Jne 1607 John Eaton, carpenter; app. John BATTEN, carpenter

12 Jan 1604/5 William Twiniloe, mariner; marr. Elizabeth, d. Thomas BATTEN, (-)

3 Jan 1606/7 George Flower, tailor; marr. Anne, d. Charles BAUGH, (-)

26 May 1606 John Brewer, nailer; marr. Alice, d. John BAUGHE, turner

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 62 9 May 1606 John Williams, clothworker; app. Francis BAYLIE, (-)

13 Feb 1604/5 Alexander Brewton, weaver; app. Richard BAYLIE, weaver

13 Feb 1604/5 Thomas Wade, weaver; app. Richard BAYLIE, weaver

10 Aug 1607 Richard Jones, feltmaker; app. William BAYNHAM & (-) Hunt, (-)

14 Jan 1600/1 Philip Dowtinge, tucker; app. Thomas BEES, tucker

31 Jan 1600/1 John Warden, yeoman; marr. Eleanor, wid. Thomas BEESE, (-)

29 Sep 1604 Thomas Hewis, joiner; marr. Anne, wid. John BENNETT, joiner

1 Nov 1599 Raynold Myllsell, tailor; app. Gawenne BENSONNE, tailor

20 Aug 1606 John Laffell, turner; app. John BERROE, turner

27 Aug 1607 Nicholas Bettye, barber; s. Peter BETTYE, barber

31 Aug 1607 Francis Billing, tailor; app. Richard BILLING, (-)

12 Apr 1606 John Bird, freemason; app. John BIRD, mason

26 Jne 1606 William Vertewe, joiner; app. Thomas BIRKIN, joiner

26 Jly 1604 Humphrey Fitzharberte, merchant; app. Philip BISSE, (-)

8 Apr 1607 Christopher Whitfeild, gunmaker; app. Robert BLACKWEY, gunmaker

24 Mar 1600/1 William Good, pewterer; app. John BOOROWES, pewterer

5 Jan 1604/5 Edward Perrye, apothecary; app. Richard BOSWELL, apothecary

10 Jan 1600/1 David Longe, brewer; app. James BOYER, brewer

4 Feb 1605/6 Robert Ewens, butcher; marr. Joan Cliffe, wid. & d. (-) BRAGG, butcher

19 Jne 1600 Humphrey Austen, butcher; marr. Ursula, d. Robert BRAGGE, butcher

18 Aug 1605 Ansell Hollwey, joiner; app. Humphrey BRIAN, joiner

22 Nov 1600 Robert Sheppard, salter; app. Roger BRIERS, salter

22 Apr 1607 John Bright, butcher; s. John BRIGHT, butcher

20 Jan 1605/6 Giles Goodwyn, haberdasher; app. Thomas BROOKE, haberdasher

19 Jly 1605 Thomas Use, labourer; marr. Jane, d. Richard BROOME, pointmaker

28 Mar 1604 Richard Bowden, yeoman; marr. Mary, d. Gregory BROWNINGE, shearman

28 Sep 1604 John Smythe, shipwright; app. Thomas BRYAN, (-)

28 Sep 1599 John Wyett, mariner; marr. Alice, d. John BUCKFOORDE, (-), deceased

31 Aug 1604 John Bundye, innkeeper; s. Thomas BUNDYE, (-)

30 Sep 1606 Thomas Pirry, feltmaker; app. Richard BURGES, (-)

(24) May 1605 Edmund Rumney, feltmaker; app. Sampson BURGES, (-)

(24) May 1605 William Welles, feltmaker; app. Sampson BURGES, (-)

14 Oct 1599 Robert Newes, feltmaker; app. Sampson BURGESSE, feltmaker

23 Dec 1605 Thomas Coxe, soapmaker; app. Thomas BURRUS, soapmaker

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 63 8 Aug 1605 Jesse Noble, tanner; app. Henry BUSHE, tanner

14 Mar 1606/7 Thomas Plenty, tanner; app. Thomas BUSHE & William Yorke, (-)

29 Apr 1605 Richard White, tailor; app. William BUSHER, tailor

20 Oct 1605 Thomas Jones, tailor; app. William BUSHER, tailor

13 Aug 1600 Christopher Hubbard, merchant; marr. Anne, d. Nicholas BUTLER, (-)

17 Jne 1605 Thomas Holman, merchant; marr. Elizabeth, d. Richard BUTLER, hooper

7 Jan 1603/4 Robert Shepparde, mercer; marr. Elizabeth, d. Nicholas BUTTLER, (-)

25 Nov 1606 Thomas Maddocke, hooper; app. James Webbe & Thomas BYFEILD, hoopers

22 May 1605 William Yeomans, scrivener; app. Matthew CABLE, scrivener

7 Apr 1601 George Bensonne, pewterer; app. James CADELL, pewterer

2 May 1606 Samuel Norcott, pewterer; app. James CADELL, (-)

26 Sep 1604 Philip Callowhill, merchant; s. Thomas CALLOWHILL, apothecary

3 Jne 1601 Alexander Caroe, (-); s. John CAROE, vintner, deceased

20 Nov 1605 William Carye, draper; app. Mr William CARYE, draper

2 May 1606 Richard Carye, draper; s. Mr William CARYE, draper

24 Apr 1607 Richard Stockman, shearman; app. David CECILL, (-)

5 Sep 1607 Joseph Strugnell, wiredrawer; app. Thomas CECILL, (-)

17 Jly 1607 Edward Cessell, butcher; s. John CESSELL, butcher

11 Aug 1607 James Watts, shearman; app. Thomas CESSILL, shearman

27 Mar 1601 John Chambers, tailor; s. John CHAMBERS, tailor, deceased

8 Feb 1605/6 Alexander Channce, pointmaker; app. William CHANCE, pointmaker

23 Jan 1604/5 Thomas Leech, whittawer; marr. Anne, wid. William CHANNCE, whittawer

22 Nov 1600 Thomas Jennings, goldsmith; app. Robert CHANNDLER, goldsmith

3 Jne 1604 Thomas Tayler, brewer app. Edmond CHEWE, brewer

22 Jne 1607 Rowland Greene, tiler; marr. Alice, d. John CLARCKE, pointmaker

9 Apr 1607 William Edwards, weaver; marr. Margaret, d. John CLEMENT, tucker

9 Jly 1606 Peter Clemente, carpenter; s. Richard CLEMENT, carpenter

29 Oct 1605 Richard Sweete, butcher; marr. Elizabeth, d. Thomas CLEMENT, butcher

27 Jly 1604 Edmond Belshere, soapmaker; app. Thomas CLEMENTE, (-)

16 Oct 1600 William Hynde, saddler; app. Thomas CLEMENTT, saddler

30 Sep 1605 William Neades, joiner; marr. Judith, d. Mark CLINCHE, plumber

12 Nov 1604 Thomas Griffithe, goldsmith; app. Humphrey CLOVELL, goldsmith

10 Aug 1599 James Wylkins, smith; app. Samuel CLOVELL, smith

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 64 18 Mar 1599/1600 Richard Cox, smith; app. Samuel CLOVELL, smith

15 Jly 1601 John Sanders, smith; app. Samuel CLOVELL, smith

25 Jly 1600 Peter Myllard, mercer; app. Mr (-) COLE, mercer & Alderman, deceased

18 Feb 1600/1 Thomas Chomley, tailor; app. John COLE, tailor

7 Feb 1604/5 William Longe, tailor; app. John COLE, (-)

18 Apr 1604 Henry Jefferyes, tailor; app. Richard COLLINS, tailor

30 Apr 1600 William Warder, haberdasher ; app. John COMBER, haberdasher, deceased

28 Aug 1604 John Browne, butcher; marr. Margery, d. William COMPTON, (-)

26 May 1606 John Cheslen, pewterer; marr. Eleanor, d. William CONANTE, glazier

2 Oct 1606 Thomas Westley, dyer; app. John CONINGHAM, dyer

6 Feb 1606/7 William Coningham, shoemaker; s. Thomas CONINGHAM, dyer

21 Aug 1605 Patrick Jones, dyer; app. Widow Elizabeth CONINGHAME, (-)

19 Aug 1601 John Robertes, turner; app. Edward COOCKE, turner

30 Mar 1600 Thomas Wood, weaver; app. John COOKE, (-)

9 Jan 1606/7 William Wodder, tailor; app. Robert COOKE, tailor

28 Jly 1606 John Cooper, feltmaker; app. Robert COOPER, feltmaker

19 Aug 1606 Thomas Hurtnoll, feltmaker; app. Robert COOPER, (-)

3 Jne 1601 Richard Hulett, tanner; app. William COOPER, tanner

8 Oct 1604 Robert Ellis, tanner; app. Thomas COREY, tanner

14 Jan 1600/1 Thomas Williams, shoemaker; app. John COX, shoemaker

20 Feb 1604/5 John Cullimore, saddler; app. Anthony CULLYMORE, saddler

2 Feb 1600/1 John Stinchecombe, merchant; app. John CULLYMORE, merchant

3 Oct 1604 Richard Warkman, haberdasher; app. John CUMBER, (-)

18 Oct 1599 Abraham Edwardes, apothecary; app. William DALE, apothecary

25 Sep 1605 John Daniell, wiredrawer; s. William DANIELL, painter

1 Jne 1605 Thomas Due, yeoman; marr. Alice, wid. John DAVIS, tucker

18 Sep 1604 Thomas Simkins, clothworker; app. Raphael DAVIS, (-)

9 May 1604 John Daye, glover; app. Walter DAVIS, glover

31 Jan 1600/1 Matthew Byrkin, hooper; app. George DAVYS, hooper

31 Jan 1600/1 John Lucas, hooper ; app. John DAVYS, hooper

25 Jly 1600 Richard Dawsonne, haberdasher; s. Henry DAWSONNE, haberdasher

21 Jan 1599/1600 Robert Serrell, yeoman; marr. Agnes, d. Michael DEYES, (-), deceased

24 Nov 1604 Roger Robinson, grocer; app. William DIOS, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 65 9 Oct 1605 Nicholas Burrus, mercer; app. John DOUGHTIE, mercer

25 Jne 1607 Edward Draper, mercer; app. Mr John DOUGHTIE, mercer

12 Jne 1600 Nicholas Booggans, merchant; marr. Anne, d. John DRAPER, merchant, deceased

3 Feb 1605/6 Richard Lucas, hooper; app. Edmund DYE, hooper

10 Sep 1599 Henry Dyer, (-); s. Robert DYER, tucker

25 Nov 1606 John Dyer, shearman; s. Robert DYER, tucker

4 Dec 1600 Thomas Leamon, yeoman; marr. Martha, d. William DYER, tucker

17 Aug 1601 Michael Pope, soapmaker; app. Joyce DYES & Mr Richard Rogers, (-)

15 Jne 1605 Enoch Dyttee, weaver; app. his father Henry DYTTIE, (-)

20 Oct 1600 Edward Gardner, weaver; app. Thomas EATON, weaver

6 Mar 1606/7 Thomas Eaton, weaver; app. his father Thomas EATON, (-)

17 Aug 1601 Edmond Clymer, (-); app. John EDDYE, hooper

28 Mar 1604 Thomas Parrett, mariner; marr. Agnes, d. John EDDYE, hooper

4 Feb 1604/5 Christopher Thrum, hooper; app. John EDDYE, hooper

5 Jan 1599/1600 Christopher Edgwine, hooper; app. his father Thomas EDGWINE, hooper

30 Nov 1606 Nathaniel Wright, dyer; app. Roger EDSON, dyer

17 Jly 1606 Thomas Jones, baker; app. Sampson EDWARDS, (-)

23 May 1607 Robert Crichley, baker; app. Sampson EDWARDS, (-)

18 Dec 1605 William Pynner, merchant; marr. Mary, d. Mr (-) ELLIS, (-), Alderman

6 Jne 1605 Henry Smalridge, shoemaker; app. Henry EDMUNDS, (-)

8 Sep 1607 Ezekiel Wallis, mercer; app. John EGELSFEILDE, (-)

25 Apr 1605 Oliver Snell, mercer; app. Mr John EGLESFEILD, mercer

18 Jan 1603/4 William Cullverhowse, haberdasher; app. Anthony ELLIOTT, haberdasher

22 May 1601 Walter Spurwey, merchant; app. Mr William ELLYS, merchant & Alderman

2 May 1606 James Birkin, soapmaker; app. Andrew Yate & Benjamin EVANS, (-)

2 Oct 1600 William Brocke, skinner; app. Richard EVANS, skinner

13 Jly 1607 Leonard Stile, shoemaker; marr. Margery, d. John EVERED, mariner

13 Aug 1606 Richard Ewans, joiner; app. Thomas EWAN, joiner

21 Jne 1600 Christopher Flower, glover; app. Thomas FAWCOTT, glover

15 Jne 1604 Thomas Flower, glover; app. Thomas FAWKETT, glover

15 Sep 1599 Edmond Welshe, shipwright; app. William FLETCHER, shipwright

8 Nov 1606 John White, tanner; app. William FLEWELLEN, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 66 21 Jne 1606 Timothy Jurden, shoemaker; app. Robert FLOWER, shoemaker

28 Sep 1607 Alexander Cooper, weaver; marr. Eleanor, d. John FLOYDE, (-)

18 Mar 1600/1 John Willyams, tailor; marr. Alice, d. Robert FOORD, mercer

7 Aug 1599 Richard Rycardes, stationer; app. Richard FOORDE, stationer

2 Dec 1606 John Brimson, sawyer; marr. Elizabeth, d. Thomas FORTUNE, (-)

5 May 1607 John Tomlinson, merchant; app. Mr John FOWNES, merchant

19 Sep 1607 Richard Long, merchant; app. Mr John FOWNES, merchant

1 Sep 1604 William Hayman, hooper; app. John FREIND, hooper

8 Jne 1599 Edmond Longe, comfit maker; marr. Charity, d. Nicholas GAYNFFOORD, (-), deceased 2 Dec 1599 Thomas Butt, brewer; app. Richard GEORGE, brewer

21 Apr 1605 Thomas Lloyd, brewer; app. Henry GIBBES, (-)

26 Sep 1606 Edward Gibbs, trunkmaker; s. Hugh GIBBS, cook

23 May 1607 John Grenman, cook; marr. (-), wid. John GIBSON, (-)

11 Apr 1605 Thomas Gilberd, saddler; app. his father Thomas GILBERD, (-)

23 Jly 1606 John Gill, salter; s. John GILL, tanner

20 Sep 1599 James Goare, shoemaker; s. Richard GOARE, shoemaker, deceased

28 Jly 1607 John Plumley, draper; app. Christopher GODMAN, draper

7 May 1601 Richard Goldsmithe, tucker; app. his father Robert GOLDSMITHE, tucker

18 Apr 1605 William Painter, cook; app. Henry GOODDIN, cook

20 Oct 1606 John Yevans, carpenter; app. Henry GOODMAN, (-)

28 Mar 1601 William Goodman, joiner; s. James GOODMAN, joiner

30 Apr 1606 Joseph Elme, joiner ; app. James GOODMAN, joiner

2 Dec 1606 John Tomkins, joiner; app. James GOODMAN, (-)

17 Oct 1599 Humphrey Jones, cook; app. Henry GOODWINE, cook

10 Jan 1600/1 John Butler, cook; app. Henry GOODWYNE, cook

8 Aug 1604 Henry Boord, soapmaker; app. Richard GOSHEA, soapmaker

13 Mar 1604/5 Roger Kellie, grocer; app. Giles GOUGHE, grocer

12 Jan 1604/5 Hugh Braine, clothier; marr. Rachel, wid. John GRAYE, clothier

2 Oct 1606 Thomas Shipman, mercer; app. Richard GREECE, (-)

27 Jne 1605 Robert Grey, tucker; s. John GREY, tucker

26 Feb 1605/6 William Borde, clothworker; app. John GREY, (-) & Richard Symons, (-)

16 Feb 1604/5 Stephen Wills, feltmaker; app. George GRIFFITHE, (-)

8 Nov 1604 John Griffithe, tailor; s. Henry GRIFFITHE, tailor

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 67 31 Jan 1600/1 Robert Bentley, mercer; marr. Maud, d. Thomas GRIFFITHE, merchant

22 Sep 1604 Edward Hollweye, draper; app. William GRYFFITHS, draper

29 Aug 1605 John Machen, shoemaker; app. Philip GWIN, (-) & marr. Edith, d. John Hurtnoll, (-)

10 Aug 1599 George Gibbes, brewer; s. William GYBBES, brewer

13 Jne 1601 Francis Llen, tanner marr. Margery, d. William GYBBES, brewer

29 Jan 1605/6 Richard Hackridge, tailor; app. Isaac HACKRIDGE, tailor

7 Oct 1606 John Tustian, joiner ; app. Hugh HALL, joiner

8 Feb 1599/1600 John Good, hooper; app. George HAMON, hooper

1 Dec 1604 Richard Hall, cooper; marr. Anne, wid. George HAMONDE, (-).

10 Jly 1601 Isaac Dighton, brewer; app. George HARRINGTON, brewer

25 Oct 1606 William Willson, wiredrawer; app. Thomas HARRIS, (-)

19 Jne 1607 William Baylie, wiredrawer; app. Thomas HARRIS, (-)

8 Dec 1600 Walter Batten, cutler; marr. Elizabeth, d. Nicholas HARRYS, haberdasher

23 Jne 1604 William Robinson, tailor; app. Nicholas HARRYS, tailor

21 Sep 1600 Jonas Seldonne, wiredrawer; app. Richard HARTE, wiredrawer

22 Nov 1600 John Adams, cutler; app. Thomas HARTT, cutler

20 Jne 1607 Richard Newman, (-); app. James HARVARD, (-)

12 Aug 1601 John Brocke, glover; app. William HASSELL, glover

8 Jne 1599 Robert Havyland, merchant; s. Matthew HAVILAND, merchant

7 Dec 1604 Sampson Lorte, merchant; marr. Anne, d. Mr Matthew HAVILAND, (-)

8 May 1607 Thomas Barker, merchant; marr. Sarah, d. Richard HAWKINS, (-)

16 Dec 1606 William Wyett, merchant; marr. Eleanor, wid. William HAWKINS, (-)

11 Apr 1606 Charles Hearne, barber; s. John HEARNE, barber

22 Nov 1600 William Toovye, ironmonger; app. James HEATHCOTT, ironmonger

22 Nov 1606 Robert Hencho, merchant; s. Robert HENCHO, (-)

12 Apr 1606 Thomas Bird, freemason; marr. Mary, d. Mr George HIGGENS, merchant

11 Jly 1606 Toby Coningame, baker; app. William HIGGINS, baker

18 Jne 1607 Hugh Cole, carpenter; marr. Margery, d. William HILL, (-)

21 Sep 1606 Thomas Jaye, labourer; marr. Alice, d. Thomas HILLING, mason

23 Jly 1601 John Adyson, vintner; app. Nicholas HOBBES & John Hope, vintners

26 May 1606 Abraham Eawen, pewterer; app. Miles HOBSON, pewterer

13 Dec 1604 John Bartlett, baker; app. Thomas HOLBENE, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 68 23 Jly 1601 John Adyson, vintner; app. Nicholas Hobbes & John HOPE, vintners

5 Jne 1601 Walter Beaste, barber; app. Thomas HOPKINS, barber

3 Dec 1604 Edward Williams, mariner; marr. Ann, d. Mr William HOPKINS, (-)

7 Feb 1605/6 Christopher Horner, dyer, s. Richard HORNER, (-)

30 Apr 1600 Giles Penne, draper ; app. Mr John HORTE, (-), Alderman, deceased

30 Apr 1600 Henry Baynam, draper; app. Mr John HORTT, (-), Alderman, deceased

7 Jne 1606 William Machen, weaver; app. William HOWELL, weaver

21 Jan 1599/1600 John Howlett, glover; app. his father John HOWLETT, glover

19 Dec 1600 Walter Phillippes (als Phelps), carpenter; marr. Lettis, d. George HUDSONNE, (-)

10 Aug 1607 Richard Jones, feltmaker; app. William Baynham & (-) HUNT, (-)

3 Feb 1604/5 George Newman, haberdasher; app. Thomas HUNT, haberdasher

7 Sep 1605 John Gill, dyer; app. William HUNTER, (-), & his wife Anne

7 Feb 1604/5 Thomas Dodimeade, yeoman; app. James HURKNOLL, (-)

30 Mar 1600 Edmond Hurlestone, (-); s. Humphrey HURLESTONE, (-), deceased

18 Dec 1606 Richard Hurlstone, shearman; s. Humphrey HURLSTONE, (-)

3 Feb 1605/6 Edward Graunte, grocer; app. Mr (-) HURTE, grocer & Alderman

4 Sep 1607 Thomas Wilkins, grocer; app. Mr Ralph HURTE, (-), Alderman

29 Aug 1605 John Machen, shoemaker; app. Philip Gwin, (-) & marr. Edith, d. John HURTNOLL, (-)

9 May 1606 Richard Hurtnoll, butcher; s. John HURTNOLL, butcher

3 Oct 1599 Roger Hurtte, merchant; s. Mr Ralph HURTT, grocer & Alderman

23 Jly 1600 Barnard Bensonne, grocer; app. Mr Ralph HURTT, grocer & Alderman

7 May 1601 John James, hooper; app. John JAMES, hooper

28 Mar 1604 Thomas James, cooper; app. his father John JAMES, cooper

1 Apr 1607 John Frost, cooper; marr. Elizabeth, d. John JAMES, hooper

20 Oct 1606 Thomas Pope, tiler; marr. Alice, d. Philip JAMES, tiler

9 Jan 1599/1600 William Baynam, sailor; app. Thomas JAMES, merchant

17 Oct 1599 John Pleavye, sailor; marr. Katherine, d. Robert JEFFRES, bellfounder

2 Dec 1599 John Owen, weaver; app. John JEYNE, weaver

6 Oct 1604 Robert Willson, musician; app. William JOHNSON, musician

10 Oct 1599 Henry Hewes, mariner; marr. Joan, wid. David JONES, (-)

28 Nov 1599 Roger Harte, tailor; app. David JONES, tailor

8 Aug 1605 Thomas Satterford, tailor; app. Henry JONES, tailor

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 69 18 Jly 1607 Edmund Jones, mariner; s. John JONES, mariner

29 Sep 1600 William Powell, merchant; app. Mr Rice JONES, merchant & Alderman

11 Dec 1604 George White, merchant; app. Mr Rice JONES, (-)

28 Jan 1605/6 Richard Collier, chapman; app. William JONES, chapman

23 Jan 1606/7 Matthew Colfe, saddle-tree maker; marr. Mary, d. William JONES, soapmaker

10 May 1601 Thomas Kaynes, shoemaker; s. John KAYNES, mercer

8 May 1607 Philip Gardner, grocer; app. Sarah, d. Mr Christopher KEDGWIN, (-), Alderman

4 Aug 1601 John Reade, grocer; app. Mr (-) KEDGWINE, grocer & Alderman

30 May 1600 William Kynge, grocer; app. Christopher KEDGWINE, grocer

8 Oct 1606 Christopher Lovell, (als King), butcher; s. John KING, (-)

17 Apr 1605 William Lovell, butcher; s. John Lovell, (als KINGE), (-)

18 Jan 1600/1 George Knighte, mercer; app. Mr (-) KNIGHTE, mercer & Alderman

21 Jly 1604 Thomas Deane, mercer; app. Mr (-) KNIGHTE, (-), Alderman

21 Nov 1600 Walter Childe, mercer; app. Francis KNIGHTE, (-), Alderman

20 Oct 1600 William Jones, grocer; app. Mrs (-) LANGLIE, widow, (-)

2 May 1601 Richard Teagg, grocer; app. Mrs (-) LANGLIE, grocer

13 Aug 1600 John Langton, gentleman; s. John LANGTON, gentleman, deceased

20 Mar 1606/7 John Gibbons, baker; app. Thomas LANNSDON, (-)

27 Jne 1604 Charles Benson, barber surgeon; app. William LEACHGOOD, barber

23 Feb 1604/5 William Duning, hooper; app. John LEWELLIN, (-)

5 Mar 1604/5 Marven Hales, soapmaker; app. John LEWELLIN, (-)

20 Oct 1604 Samuel Lewis, smith; s. Thomas LEWIS, (-)

6 Jne 1605 John Hawkins, grocer; app. William LICETT, grocer

30 Jly 1599 John Clementt, sailmaker; marr. Joan, d. Robert LINGAM, shearman

10 Jan 1600/1 William Lloyde, cardmaker; app. his father William LLOYDE, cardmaker

19 Feb 1605/6 John Stone, draper; app. Mr Edward LONG, draper

15 Jan 1604/5 William Neale, draper; app. Mr Edward LONGE, (-)

30 May 1605 Edmund Watte, draper; app. Mr Edward LONGE, draper

18 Apr 1605 William Brocke, labourer; marr. Elizabeth, d. Griffiths LORYMAN, tailor

17 Apr 1605 William Lovell, butcher; s. John LOVELL, (als Kinge), (-)

23 Jly 1604 Thomas Moodye, hooper; app. Henry LUCAS, hooper

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 70 19 Aug 1607 John Stibbins, soapmaker; app. Widow (-) LYMELL, (-)

9 Jne 1604 Thomas Byfeilde, hooper; app. John LYNGE, hooper

27 Jne 1606 Moses Gethen, soapmaker; app. Richard MARTIN, soapmaker

3 Oct 1599 Thomas James, tucker; app. John MARVEN, tucker

2 May 1607 Henry Marven, clothworker; s. John MARVEN, tucker

22 Aug 1600 Richard Edsonne, shearman; app. Owen MEREDITHE, shearman

20 Aug 1601 William Pyttes, shearman; app. Owen MEREDITHE, shearman

23 Mar 1600/1 William Morgan, gentleman; marr. Ann, d. John MERRYCKE, skinner

4 Feb 1604/5 Edward Younge, tucker; app. Raphael MILLERD, (-)

31 May 1604 William Eddye, hooper; app. William MISKYE, (-)

4 Nov 1604 Andrew Jurden, smith; app. Gregory MOONE, (-)

10 Jne 1607 John Jones, smith; app. Richard MOONE, smith

18 Apr 1601 William Adams, draper; app. Thomas MOORE, draper

3 Sep 1599 Philip Kytt, shoemaker; app. Walter MOREMAN, shoemaker

24 Feb 1606/7 Richard Becke, tanner; app. (-) MORGAN, (-)

10 Jly 1601 Philip Cause, tanner; app. Evan MORGAN, tanner

13 Oct 1599 Thomas Morrice, tucker; s. Robert MORRICE, shearman

2 Aug 1606 William Ratcliffe, shearman; marr. Margaret, d. Robert MORRICE, (-)

28 Mar 1604 Henry Crompe, glover; app. John NASHE, glover

12 Sep 1605 Edward Rice, glover; app. John NASHE, (-)

30 Nov 1599 Edmond Hoskynns, hooper; app. Edward NAYLER, hooper, deceased

8 Jne 1607 Lawrence Nunney, draper; app. Mr Arthur NEADES, draper

17 Dec 1605 Patrick Neason, currier; s. Jonas NEASON, (-)

17 Jly 1607 Christopher Risbye, shoemaker; app. Thomas NELMES, (-)

18 May 1601 William Stringer, haulier; app. Edward NEWMAN, haulier

18 Mar 1604/5 Macklin Morgan, haulier; app. Edward NEWMAN, haulier

10 Feb 1605/6 John Haynes, haulier; app. Edmund NEWMAN, haulier

14 Jan 1600/1 Henry Dowghtinge, tailor; app. Robert NICHOLAS, tailor

1 Feb 1603/4 William Okeley, wiredrawer; app. (-) NITTINGALL, (-)

28 Sep 1601 Henry Longe, smith; app. Robert NOORTHE, smith

12 Oct 1599 Thomas Hurle, shearman; app. Ellis NORTHEN, shearman

21 Jly 1604 John Northoll, (-); s. Rowland NORTHOLL, pewterer

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 71 30 Nov 1606 William Apowell, haulier; app. Edward NOTTINGHAM, haulier

23 Aug 1604 John Symons, wiredrawer; app. John NYTINGALL, (-)

23 May 1607 John Oldefeild, tailor; s. David OLDFEILD, (-)

9 Oct 1604 Thomas Olliver, merchant; s. Mr John OLLIVER, merchant

8 Dec 1600 William Claxon, tailor marr. Katherine, d. Nicholas OSBORNE, saddler

1 Dec 1606 James Pallmer, labourer; s. Alexander PALLMER, (-)

16 Aug 1605 John Pearce, draper; app. Edward PEARCE, draper

16 Aug 1604 Henry Elkington, grocer; app. Hugh PEARD, grocer

27 Jne 1604 John Hanbye, girdler; marr. (-), d. Thomas PERRY, soapmaker

20 Aug 1607 Robert Perrye, grocer; s. Robert PERRYE, shoemaker

6 Jne 1607 Morris Poole, carpenter; app. Thomas PHELPS, carpenter

17 Oct 1606 Crispian Sherman, shearman; app. Thomas PHETICATE, (-)

3 Jne 1601 William Phillippes, tailor; app. John PHILLIPPES, tailor

20 Jne 1607 Miles Pikes, tucker; s. Richard PIKES, tucker

8 Nov 1606 Edmund Elliott, draper; app. Mr Thomas PITCHER, draper

9 Nov 1604 William Pitt, merchant; s. Thomas PITT, merchant

11 Mar 1604/5 Edmund Popley, ironmonger; app. his mother Widow (-) POPLEY, (-)

22 Oct 1604 William Powell, mariner; s. James POWELL, mariner

10 Jne 1601 John Shipwaye, shoemaker; app. John POWELL, shoemaker

28 Sep 1607 Walter Powell, sailor; s. John POWELL, shoemaker

18 Sep 1604 Thomas Lewis, clothworker; app. Thomas POWELL, clothworker

15 Oct 1600 Francis Nicholas, feltmaker; app. William POWFORD, feltmaker

19 Apr 1605 Anthony Hancocke, shearman; app. Thomas PRESTWOOD, (-)

30 Aug 1605 John Longe, shearman; app. Thomas PRESTWOOD, shearman

8 Jne 1599 Henry Harrys, shearman; app. Randell PURNEN, shearman

3 Jly 1607 George Gifforde, grocer; app. William PRIDDY, grocer

11 May 1604 Philip Watkins, yeoman; marr. Joan, wid. William PRYDDYE, (-)

21 Nov 1606 Humphrey Gouldsmithe, tucker; app. Richard PYKES, (-)

26 Apr 1604 John Marmaduke, brewer; marr. Margaret, wid. John PYNOCKE, brewer

2 Nov 1599 Nicholas Couffe, draper; app. Mr Thomas PYTCHER, draper

15 Feb 1599/1600 Anthony Prewett, draper; app. Thomas PYTCHER, draper

1 Aug 1599 William Pytt (of London), draper; s. Edward PYTT (of Bristol), merchant

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 72 29 Sep 1604 Thomas Pytt, London merchant; s. Thomas PYTT, merchant

5 May 1604 Anthony Merrett, mason; marr. Joan, d. Richard PYTTS, tucker

1 Feb 1600/1 William Mercer, dyer; app. Lawrence READE, dyer

2 Jly 1607 Thomas Corye, dyer; app. Robert READE, dyer

4 Sep 1601 Thomas Win, shoemaker; app. Richard RESTALL, shoemaker

20 Oct 1605 John Gwyn, hooper ; app. Matthew RICE, hooper

6 Oct 1604 John Richardes, whittawer; app. Mr George RICHARDES, whittawer

22 Nov 1600 Mark Robertes, surgeon; s. John ROBERTES, tailor, deceased

20 May 1606 Edward Alderson, clothier; marr. Amy, d. John ROBERTS, tailor

19 Feb 1600/1 John Smythe, tailor; marr. Elizabeth, d. Griffith ROBINSONNE, (-)

13 Sep 1606 Thomas Mundaye, brewer; app. William ROCKWELL, brewer

28 Sep 1607 Thomas Lovell, gentleman; marr. Eleanor, wid. William ROCKWELL, brewer

29 Oct 1604 Humphrey Ellis, haberdasher; marr. Joan, d. Edward ROE, (-)

17 Aug 1601 Michael Pope, soapmaker; app. Joyce Dyes & Mr Richard ROGERS, (-)

16 Aug 1605 John Chappell, soapmaker; app. Mr Richard ROGERS, (-)

23 Nov 1605 Edward Morgan, soapmaker; app. Mr Richard ROGERS, soapmaker

17 Oct 1605 John Head, shipwright; marr. Elizabeth, d. Francis ROWLAND, (-)

8 Aug 1601 Richard Winter, (-); marr. Elizabeth, d. Mr Thomas ROWLAND, (-), Alderman 28 Nov 1606 Elias Grigge, smith; app. John RYMAN, smith

4 Apr 1601 Richard Hayman, turner; app. Thomas SETTELL, turner

9 May 1607 John Settle, freemason; s. Thomas SETTLE, turner

13 Jly 1605 Martin Pryn, mariner; marr. Joan, d. Thomas SHARPE, mariner

9 Jan 1606/7 John Symons, joiner; app. Thomas SHARPE, joiner

30 May 1601 John Polen, sailor; marr. Cicely, d. Richard SHOARE, (-)

12 Jan 1605/6 William Dence, goldsmith; marr. Mary, d. Richard SHORE, (-)

26 Sep 1604 Henry Raynoldes, shoemaker; marr. Joan, d. Nicholas SINGER, tailor

25 Jan 1604/5 John Allforde, soapmaker; app. Henry SLIE, soapmaker

30 Sep 1600 Richard Jonsonne, smith; app. William SLIE, smith

10 Jan 1600/1 Thomas Armestronge, soapmaker; app. John SLYE, soapmaker

12 Jan 1604/5 John Pytt, soapmaker; app. Mr John SLYE, (-)

18 Aug 1606 Edward Phelps, soapmaker app. John SLYE, soapmaker

24 Jly 1606 Richard Hickman, shearman; app. Richard SMITHE, shearman

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 73 11 Feb 1606/7 William Jones, shearman; app. Richard SMITHE, (-)

19 Aug 1601 Thomas Rudge, shearman; app. Richard SMYTHE, shearman

6 Jly 1604 Robert Smithe, merchant; s. Thomas SMYTHE, merchant

28 Apr 1600 John Staynerd, barber surgeon; s. William STAYNERD, (-)

28 Sep 1605 Andrew Stephens, brewer; s. John STEVENS, (-)

23 Aug 1604 William Campe, clothworker; app. William STINTON, clothworker

18 Jne 1600 George Rowberoe, grocer; app. Thomas STOCKE, grocer

5 Aug 1607 John Shipman, grocer; app. Thomas STOCKE, grocer

2 Aug 1600 William Toorney, shoemaker ; app. Roger STONES, shoemaker

1 Mar 1605/6 Thomas Cawse, glover; app. Thomas STRENGER, (-)

25 May 1601 John Jones, labourer; marr. Margaret, d. John STYDMAN, (-)

20 Jne 1607 John Staunton, currier; app. John STYLE, currier

23 Jan 1604/5 Joseph Swetnam, innholder; marr. Frances, d. Richard SWETNAM, merchant

5 Dec 1606 Robert Best, yeoman; marr. Margaret, d. John SYMONS, spurrier

26 Feb 1605/6 William Borde, clothworker; app. John Grey, (-) & Richard SYMONS, (-)

2 Oct 1606 John Cavell, shoemaker; app. Richard TASKER, shoemaker

7 Feb 1605/6 Morgan Winscombe, tucker; app. James TAYLER, (-)

4 Jne 1606 William Waterman, clothworker; app. James TAYLER, clothworker

4 Jne 1605 William Chamberlaine, grocer app. Arthur TEMPEST, grocer

23 Aug 1605 Henry Sweete, grocer; app. Arthur TEMPEST, grocer

8 Aug 1604 John Fugram, butcher; app. Thomas TERREY, (-)

7 Mar 1605/6 George Rawlins, saddler; app. Thomas THOMAS, saddler

15 Oct 1606 John Tomlens, upholsterer; s. Lewis TOMLENS, weaver

27 Aug 1607 Thomas Kempe, weaver; app. Lewis TOMLENS, (-)

5 May 1604 Robert Trippett, sailor; s. Richard TRIPPETT, joiner

17 Sep 1606 Anthony Prince, joiner; app. Richard TRIPPETT, joiner

25 Jly 1600 Thomas Mannynge, joiner; app. Richard TRYPPETT, joiner

15 Jne 1599 William Prior, currier; app. George TYNDALLE, currier

8 Aug 1599 Thomas Bythesee, tanner; marr. Alice, d. John TYPTON, (-)

28 Sep 1601 Richard Weste, weaver; app. Richard URCHE, weaver

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 74 13 Jly 1605 John van Otten, yeoman; s. Albert VAN OTTEN, surgeon

10 Aug 1599 Edmond Gybbons, smith; app. Anthony VAUGHAN, smith

10 Aug 1599 Thomas Todd, smith; app. Anthony VAUGHAN, smith

10 Aug 1599 Edward Toocker, sailor; marr. Katherine, d. Anthony VAUGHAN, (-)

27 Aug 1604 John Vaughan, smith; s. Anthony VAUGHAN, (-)

4 Apr 1601 Christopher Webb, merchant; app. Mr William VAWER, merchant & Alderman

20 Aug 1607 Thomas Vawer, merchant; s. Mr William VAWER, (-), Alderman

24 Jly 1600 Nicholas Harvoe, goldsmith; marr. Eleanor, d. William WALKER, mason

18 Jan 1603/4 Philip Shersell, soapmaker; app. Widow Margery WALL, (-)

26 Feb 1600/1 William Lewes, smith; app. Richard WALLE, (-)

18 Aug 1604 William Cowlter, yeoman; marr. Elizabeth, d. Edward WALTER, grocer

17 Jly 1600 Rice Walters, joiner; app. Hugh WALTERS, joiner

23 Jne 1607 Philip Cecill, mason; marr. Susan, d. John WATKINS, (-)

15 Jne 1599 Benjamin Crockhay, draper; app. Thomas WATKINS, draper

22 Aug 1604 Walter Holmes, draper; app. Thomas WATKINS, draper

10 Dec 1605 Simon Beven, cardmaker; app. James WATTS, cardmaker

9 Aug 1600 William Eastone, merchant; app. Mr John WEBB, (-), Alderman

26 Aug 1606 James Easton, draper; app. Mr (-) WEBBE, (-), Alderman

25 Nov 1606 Thomas Maddocke, hooper; app. James WEBBE & Thomas Byfeild, hoopers

2 Jly 1601 John Warden, tailor; app. Thomas WESTELEY, tailor

4 May 1604 Thomas Butler, sailor; app. Mr John WHITSON, (-), Mayor

23 May 1605 Philip Deconson, merchant; app. Mr John WHITSON, Alderman & merchant

30 Apr 1600 William Herringe, tailor; app. Thomas WICKAM, tailor

4 Apr 1601 Andrew Perce, yeoman; marr. Joan, wid. William WIGGENS, (-)

21 Mar 1605/6 Edmund Shipman, shearman; app. Henry WILCOX, shearman

18 Mar 1599/1600 Thomas Willett, merchant; s. Henry WILLETT, (-), deceased

15 Feb 1604/5 Henry Willett, tailor; app. his father Samuel WILLETT, (-)

19 Jne 1607 Thomas Buckengame, carpenter; marr. Margaret, d. Christopher WILLIAMS, (-)

7 Oct 1600 David Jones, joiner; app. David WILLIAMS, joiner

15 Jne 1599 William Williams, mariner; s. John WILLIAMS, labourer

7 May 1606 Henry Williams (als Turner), butcher; s. John WILLIAMS, butcher

6 Oct 1604 Christopher Brooke, sailor; marr. Elizabeth, d. Philip WILLIAMS, tailor

1 Apr 1607 Lawrence Cade, sailor; marr. Elizabeth, d. John WILLSON, tailor

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 75 26 Jan 1603/4 Richard Hollister, fletcher; app. John WODDAR, fletcher

1 Mar 1605/6 Richard Baylie, shipwright; marr. Catherine, d. Richard WODSON, (-)

16 Aug 1600 Alexander Hopkyns, joiner; app. Nicholas WOLFFE, joiner

16 Aug 1600 Nicholas Witchfylde, joiner; app. Nicholas WOLFFE, joiner

7 May 1607 Thomas Barwell, roughmason; app. William WOOD, mason

5 Jly 1599 John Kinge, cook; marr. Mary, d. Christopher WOODWARD, vintner

28 Apr 1600 Jeffrey Rowe, salter; app. John WOODWARD, fletcher & salter

8 Nov 1604 Thomas Elbrey, cutler; app. Nicholas WOULFE, (-)

29 Mar 1606 Henry Long, mercer; app. Ralph WRIGHT, mercer

22 Nov 1600 George Souche, mercer; app. Ralph WRIGHTE, mercer

11 Jan 16-4/5 Thomas Bibbye, whittawer; app. William WYETT, whittawer

4 Sep 1601 Thomas Warwycke, skinner; app. Abraham WYLLETT, skinner

12 Apr 1606 John Wyne, ropemaker; s. John WYNE, ropemaker

7 Nov 1599 Thomas Parken, weaver; app. Michael WYNSONNE, weaver

14 Jne 1605 Philip Gwyn, hooper; app. Widow Ann YAROT, (-)

2 May 1601 Richard Yaroth, hooper; app. Edward YAROTHE, hooper

18 Oct 1599 Robert Awste, soapmaker; app. Mr Andrew YATE, soapmaker

30 Apr 1600 Edward Yorcke, soapmaker; app. Mr Andrew YATE, soapmaker

2 May 1606 James Birkin, soapmaker; app. Andrew YATE & Benjamin Evans, (-)

13 Jly 1604 Richard Warner, soapmaker & chandler;app. (-) YEATE, (-), Alderman

19 Sep 1604 Thomas Maunder, soapmaker ; app. Mr William YEATE, (-), Alderman

20 Jne 1604 Leonard Lacye, tailor; marr. Catherine, d. William YEOMANS, glover

14 Oct 1599 Walter Williams, tanner; app. William YORCKE, tanner

28 Sep 1607 Thomas Nelmes, tanner; app. Walter YORKE, (-)

14 Mar 1606/7 Thomas Plenty, tanner; app. Thomas Bushe & William YORKE, (-)

10 Feb 1605/6 Humphrey Hooke, merchant; marr. Cicely, d. Thomas YOUNG, merchant

8 Aug 1601 John Younge, shearman; s. John YOUNGE, shearman

3 May 1604 Patrick Perkins, dyer; app. Patrick YOUNGE, dyer

30 Apr 1605 James Prendergeste, dyer; app. Patrick YOUNGE, dyer

28 May 1605 Richard Pawlett, draper; app. Mr William YOUNGE, (-)

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 76



NB: Numbers refer to those assigned in Part I. [-] indicates that either the information was omitted in the audit or it was not fully legible

ADAMS / ADDAMS: AUST / AWSTE: BAYLIE: Daniel, 137 Elizabeth, 441 Francis, 370 John, 93 John, 441 Richard, 268,269,354 Robert, 332 Robert, 32 William, 480 Thomas, 137,332,505 AUSTEN: BAYNAM/ (BAYNHAM: William, 136 Humphrey, 66 Henry, 57 A DEANE: William, 43,500 (see DEANE) BEASTE: ADRIANSON: Walter, 151 Adrian, 497 BAKER: BECKE: ADYSON: John, 106 Richard, 445 John, 159 Richard, 106 BECKETT: ALDERSON: BARKER: Thomas, 110 Edward, 373 John, 65,162,240,489 BEES / BEESE: ALDWORTH Joyce, 162,489 Eleanor, 117 [-], 207 Thomas, 461 Thomas, 111,117 John, 469 BARNARD: BELSHERE: Robert, 323 Adrian, 223 Edmond, 208 ALLFORDE: BARNES / BARRONS: BENNETT: John, 264 John, 24 Anne, 232 ANDROS: Richard, 342 John, 232 John, 103 William, 216 BENOYER: ANNELEY: BARRETT: Robert, 51 Edmond, 44 John, 126 BENSON / BENSONNE: APOWELL Thomas, 126 Barnard, 69 (see POWELL) BARTLETT: Charles, 198 APRICE John, 255 Gawenne, 34 Alice, 420 BARWELL: George, 135 Richard, 420 Jonas, 123 BENTLEY: William, 51 Thomas, 123,459 Robert, 115 ARCHER: BATCOCKE: BERRO / BERROE: Thomas, 358 Nicholas, 403 Charles, 119 ARMESTRONGE: BATTEN: John, 397 Thomas, 107 Elizabeth, 258 BEST: ASHCHURCHE: John, 474,477 Robert, 433 William, 202 Thomas, 258 BETTYE: ASHE: Walter, 101 Nicholas, 506 Stephen, 372 BAUGH / BAUGHE: Peter, 506 ATKINS / ATTKINS: Alice, 374 BEVEN: William, 226,468 Anne, 438 Simon, 333 AULEY: Charles, 438 BIBBYE: Edmund, 498 John, 374 Thomas, 257

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 77 BIGG: BROOKE: CALLOWHILL: William, 162 Christopher, 234 Philip, 228 BILLING: Hugh, 402 Thomas, 228 Francis, 508 Thomas 339 CAMPE: Richard, 508 BROOME: William, 214 BIRD / BURDE: Jane, 307 CAROE: John, 362,398 Richard, 307 Alexander, 149 Thomas, 361 BROWNE: John, 149 BIRKIN / BYRKIN: John, 218 CARYE: James, 368 BROWNINGE: Richard, 367 Matthew, 116 Gregory, 179 William, 330,367 Thomas, 381 Mary, 179 CAUSE / CAWSE: BISSE: BRYAN: Philip, 156 Philip, 206 (see BRIAN) Thomas, 355 BLACKWEY: BUCKFOORDE: CAVELL: Robert, 452 Alice, 21 John, 411 BLYNMAN: John, 21 CECILL / CESSELL / John, 104 BUCKINGAME: CESSILL: BOOGGANS: Thomas, 479 David, 455 Nicholas, 63 BUNDYE: Edward, 493 BOORD / BORDE: John, 219 John, 493 Henry, 209 Thomas, 219 Philip, 487 William, 353 BURDE: Thomas, 501,511 BOOROWES / BURRUS: (see BIRD) CHAMBERLAINE: John, 129 BURGES / BURGESSE: William, 297 Nicholas, 324 Richard, 437 CHAMBERS: Thomas, 336 Sampson, 29,292,293 John, 130 BOSWELL: BURRUS: CHANNCE: (see BOOROWES) Richard, 256 BUSHE: Alexander, 348 BOULTON: Henry, 308 Anne, 263 Richard, 441 Thomas, 448 William, 263,348 BOWDEN: BUSHER: CHANNDLER: Richard, 179 William, 288,326 Robert, 98 BOYER: BUTLER / BUTTLER: CHAPPELL: James, 105 Anne, 77 John, 311 BRADSHAW: Elizabeth, 174,302 CHESLEN: William, 509 John, 109 John, 375 BRAGG / BRAGGE: Nicholas, 77,174 CHEWE: [-], 345 Richard, 302 Edmond, 192 Robert, 66 Robert, 51 CHILDE: Ursula, 66 Thomas, 186 Walter, 92 BRAINE: BUTT: CHOMLEY: Hugh, 260 Thomas, 40 Thomas, 122 BREWER: BYFEILD / BYFEILDE: CLARCKE: John, 374 John, 226 Alice, 484 BREWTON: Thomas, 193, 426 John, 484 Alexander, 268 BYRKIN: CLAXON: BRIAN / BRYAN: (see BIRKIN) William, 100 Humphrey, 312 BYTHESEE: CLEMENT / CLEMENTS / Thomas, 229 Thomas, 11 CLEMENTE / BRIERS: CLEMENTT: Roger, 94 Elizabeth, 329 BRIGHT: John, 8,453 John, 454 CABLE: Margaret, 453 BRIMSON: Matthew, 290 Peter, 384 John, 431 CADE: Richard, 384 BROCKE: Lawrence, 450 Thomas, 89,208,329 John, 164 CADELL: CLIFFE: William, 85,283 James, 135,366 Joan, 345

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 78 CLINCHE: CROMPE: DUNING: Judith, 322 Henry, 181 William, 274 Mark, 322 CULLIMORE / DYE: CLOVELL: CULLYMORE: Edmund, 343 Humphrey, 248 Anthony, 272 DYER: Samuel, 13,50,157 John, 121,272 Henry, 18 CLYMER: CULLVERHOWSE: John, 425 Edmond, 166 William, 175 Martha, 99 COLE: CUMBER: Robert, 18,425 [-], 72 (see COMBER) Thomas, 446 Hugh, 476 William, 99 John, 122,267 DYES: COLFE: (see DEYES) Matthew, 442 DALE: DYTTIE / DYTTEE: COLLIER: William, 33 Enoch, 301 Giles, 407 DANIELL: Henry, 301 Richard, 340 John, 319 COLLINS: William, 319 Richard, 183 DARSYE: COMBER / CUMBER: Arthur, 460 EASTON / EASTONE: John, 56,233 DAVIS / DAVYS: James, 400 COMPTON: Alice, 296 William, 76 Margery, 218 George, 116 EATON: William, 218 John, 118,296,434 John, 383,474 CONANTE: Raphael, 222 Thomas, 90,447 Eleanor, 375 Walter, 189 EAWEN: William, 375 DAWSONNE: Abraham, 376 CONINGHAM / Henry, 73 EDDYE: CONINGAME / Richard, 73 Agnes, 182 CONINGHAME: DAYE: John, 166,182,280 Elizabeth, 313 John, 189 William, 191 John, 409 DEANE / A DEANE: EGWINE: Thomas, 443 Robert, 75 Christopher, 42 Toby, 385 Thomas, 204 Thomas, 42 William, 443 DECONSON: EDMUNDS: COOKE / COOCKE: Philip, 291 Anthony, 387 Edward, 168 DENCE: Henry, 299 John, 53 William, 337 EDSON / EDSONNE: Robert, 440 DEYES / DIOS / DYES: Richard, 81 COOPER: Agnes, 46 Roger, 428 Alexander, 515 Joyce, 165 EDWARDS / EDWARDES: John, 392 Michael, 46 Abraham, 33 Robert, 392,396 William, 249 Sampson, 386,465 William, 148 DIGHTON: William, 453 COREY / CORYE: Isaac, 155 EGLESFEILD / Thomas, 237,490 DODIMEADE: EGELSFEILDE: COUFFE: Thomas, 266 John, 287,512 Nicholas, 35 DOUGHTIE / DOUGHTYE: ELBREY: COWLTER: Francis, 65 Thomas, 246 William, 212 John, 324,488 ELKINGTON: COX / COXE: DOWGHTINGE / Henry, 211 John, 113 DOWTINGE: ELLIOTT: Richard, 50 Henry, 112 Anthony, 175 Thomas, 336 Philip, 111 Edmund, 421 CREEDE: DRAPER: ELLIS / ELLYS: Edward, 514 Anne, 63 [-], 335 CRICHLEY: Edward, 488 Humphrey, 243 Robert, 465 John, 63 Mary, 335 CROCKHAY: DUE: Robert, 237 Benjamin, 4 Thomas, 296 William, 145

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 79 ELME: GETHEN GREECE: Joseph, 365 Moses, 382 Richard, 410 EVANS / YEVANS: GIBBS / GIBBES / GYBBES: GREENE: Benjamin, 368 Edward, 408 Rowland, 484 John, 416 George, 12 GRENMAN: Richard, 85 Henry, 286 John, 464 EVERED: Hugh, 408 GRIFFITHS / GRYFFITHE: John, 492 Margery, 153 George, 271 Margery, 492 William, 12, 153 Henry, 245 EWANS / EWENS: GIBBONS / GYBBONS: John, 245 Richard, 394 Edmond, 16 Maud, 115 Robert, 345 John, 449 Thomas, 115,248 Thomas, 394 William, 103 William, 225 GIBSON: GRIGGE: [-], 464 Elias, 427 John, 464 GWYN / GWIN: FAWCOTT / FAWKETT: GIFFORDE: John, 327 Thomas, 67,194 George, 491 Philip, 300,315 FEDICATE: GILBERD: GYBBES: (see PHETICATE) Thomas, 281 (see GIBBS) FITZHARBERTE: GILL: GYBBONS: Humphrey, 206 John, 317,390 (see GIBBONS) FLETCHER: GOARE: William, 19 James, 20 FLEWELLEN: Richard, 20 (see LEWELLIN) GODMAN: HACKRIDGE: FLOWER: (see GOODMAN) Isaac, 341 Christopher, 67 GOLDSMITHE / Richard, 341 George, 438 GOULDSMITH / HALES / HAYLES: Robert, 380 GOULDSMITHE: Edward, 489 Thomas, 194 Humphrey, 422 Marven, 275 FLOYDE: Richard, 141 HALL: (see LLOYD) Robert, 141 Hugh, 412 FOORD / FOORDE: William, 473 Richard, 250 Alice, 127 GOOD: HAMON: Richard, 10 John, 47 (see HAYMAN) Robert, 127 William, 129 HAMONDE: FORTUNE: GOODMAN / GODMAN: Anne, 250 Elizabeth, 431 Christopher, 496 George, 250 Thomas, 431 Henry, 416 HANBYE: FOWNES: James, 131,365,432 John, 197 John, 458,513 William, 131 HANCOCKE: FREIND: GOODWINE / GOODWYN / Anthony, 285 John, 220 GOODWYNE / HARRINGTON: FROST: GOODDIN: George, 155 John, 451 Giles, 339 HARRIS / HARRYS: FUGRUM: Henry, 31,109,284 Elizabeth, 101 John, 210 GOSHEA: Henry, 3 Richard, 209 John, 517 GOUGHE: Nicholas, 101,196 George, 240 Thomas, 418,480 GARDNER: Giles, 277 HARTE / HARTT: Edward, 90 GRAUNTE: Richard, 82 Philip, 462 Edward, 344 Roger, 38 GAYNFFOORD: GRAYE / GREY: Thomas, 93 Charity, 1 Christopher, 273 HARVARD: Nicholas, 1 John, 260,303,353 James, 481 GEORGE: Rachel, 260 HARVOE: Richard, 40 Robert, 303 Nicholas, 70 HASSELL: William, 164

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 80 HAVILAND / HAVYLAND: HOLLWEY /HOLLWEYE: HYNDE: Anne, 252 Ansell, 312 William, 89 Matthew, 2,252 Edward, 225 Robert, 2 HOLMAN: HAWKINS: Thomas, 302 Eleanor, 435 HOLMES: JAMES: John, 298 Walter, 213 Alice, 417 Richard, 461 HOOKE: Elizabeth, 451 Sarah, 461 Humphrey, 349 John, 140,180,451 William, 435 HOPE: Philip, 417 HAYLES: John, 159 Thomas, 22,43,180 (see HALES) HOPKINS / HOPKYNS: JAYE: HAYMAN / HAMON: Alexander, 79 Thomas, 406 George, 47 Ann, 251 JEFFERYES / JEFFRES: Richard, 132 Thomas, 151 Henry, 183 William, 220 William, 251 Katherine, 30 HAYNES: HORNER: Robert, 30 John, 350 Christopher, 347 JENNINGS: HAYWOOD: Richard, 347 Thomas, 98 William, 75 HORTE / HORTT: JEYNE: HEAD: John, 57,58 John, 41 John, 325 HOSKYNNS: JOHNSON / JONSONNE: HEARNE / HERNE: Edmond, 39 Richard, 84 Charles, 360 HOWELL: William, 236 Francis, 87 William, 379 JONES: John, 360 HOWLETT: David, 25,38,86,377 HEATHCOTT: John, 45 Edmund, 495 James, 97 HUBBARD: Henry, 309 HEIRES: Christopher, 77 Humphrey, 31 John, 323 HUDSONNE: Joan, 25 HENCHO: George, 102 John, 146,472,495 Robert, 424 Lettis, 102 Mary, 442 HERRINGE: HUGGETT: Patrick, 313 William, 55 William, 199 Rice, 83,254 HEWES / HEWIS / USE: HULETT: Richard, 500 Henry, 25 Richard, 148 Thomas, 326,386 Thomas, 232,307 HUNT: William, 91,340,442, HEYTER: [-], 500 444 John, 364 Thomas, 265 JURDEN: HICKMAN: HUNTER: Andrew, 244 Richard, 391 Anne, 317 Timothy, 380 HIGGENS / HIGGINS: William, 317 George, 361 HURLE: Mary, 361 Thomas, 26 William, 385 HURLESTONE / KAYNES: HILL: HURLSTONE: John, 142 Margery, 476 Edmond, 52 Thomas, 142 William, 476 Humphrey, 52,436 KEDGWIN / KEDGWINE: HILLING: Richard, 436 [-], 160 Alice, 406 HURTE / HURTT / HURTTE: Christopher, 61,462 Thomas, 406 [-], 344 KELLIE: HOBBES: Ralph, 23,69,510 Roger, 277 Nicholas, 159 Roger, 23 KEMPE: HOBSON: HURTNOLL / HURKNOLL: Thomas, 507 Miles, 376 Edith, 315 KING / KINGE / KYNGE: HOLBENE: James, 266 Christopher, 413 Thomas, 255 John, 315,371 John, 7,282,413 HOLLISTER: Richard, 371 William, 61 Richard, 177 Thomas, 396

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 81 KNIGHTE: LORYMAN: MOREMAN: [-], 114,204 Elizabeth, 283 Walter, 17 Francis, 92 Griffiths, 283 MORGAN: George, 114 LOVELL / LAFFELL: [-], 445 KYTT: Christopher, 413 Edward, 331 Philip, 17 John, 282,397 Evan 156 Thomas, 518 Macklin, 278 William, 282 William, 128 LUCAS: MORRICE: LACYE: Henry, 205 John, 485 Leonard, 195 John, 118 Margaret, 393 LAFELL Richard, 343 Robert, 27,393 (see LOVELL) LYMELL: Thomas, 27 LAMFORE: [-], 502 MUNDAYE: Richard, 467 LYNGE: Thomas, 404 LANGLIE: John, 193,223 MYLLARD: rs M [-], 91,139 (see MILLERD) LANGTON: MYLLSELL: John, 78 Raynold, 34 LANNSDON: MACHEN: Thomas, 449 John, 315 LEACHGOOD: William, 379 William, 198 MADDOCKE: NASHE: LEAMON: Thomas, 426 John, 181,318 Thomas, 99 MANNYNGE: Thomas, 388 LEECH: Thomas, 71 NAYLER: Thomas, 263 MARKE: Edward, 39 LEWES / LEWIS: Robert, 358 NEADES: Samuel, 241 MARMADUKE: Arthur, 471 Thomas, 221,241 John, 184,231 William, 322 William, 125 MARSHE: NEALE: LICETT: Nicholas, 420 William, 261 William, 298 MARTIN: NEASON LINGAM: Richard, 382 Jonas, 334 Joan, 8 MARVEN: Patrick, 334 Robert, 8 Henry, 457 NELMES: LLEN: John, 22,457 Thomas, 494,516 Francis, 153 MAUNDER: NEWES: LEWELLIN / FLEWELLEN: Thomas, 224 Robert, 29 John, 274,275 MERCER: NEWMAN: Philip, 423 William, 120 Edmund, 350 William, 419 MEREDITHE: Edward, 143,278 LLOYD / FLOYDE / Owen, 81,169 George, 265 LLOYDE: MERRETT: Richard, 481 Eleanor, 515 Anthony, 188 NEWTON: John, 515 MERRYCKE: John, 320 Thomas, 286 Ann, 128 NICHOLAS: William, 108 John, 128 Francis, 88 LONG / LONGE: MILLERD / MYLLARD: Robert, 112 David, 105 Peter, 72 NITTINGALL / Edmond, 1 Raphael, 279 NYTTINGALL: Edward, 261,295,352 MISKYE: [-], 178 Henry, 172,359 William, 191 John, 215 John, 316 MOODYE: NOBLE: Richard, 513 Thomas, 205 Jesse, 308 William, 267 MOONE: NOORTHE: LORTE: Gregory, 244 Robert, 172 Sampson, 252 Richard, 472 NORCOTT: MOORE: Samuel, 366 Thomas, 136

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 82 NORTHEN: PERRY / PERRYE / PIRRY: PRICE: Ellis, 26 [-], 197 (see APRICE) NORTHOLL: Edward, 256 PRIDDY / PRYDDYE: John, 203 Robert, 503 Joan, 190 Rowland, 203 Thomas, 197,437 William, 190,491 NOTTINGHAM: PHETICATE: PRINCE: Edward, 429 Thomas, 415 Anthony, 405 NUNNEY: PHILLIPPES / PHELPS: PRIOR: Lawrence, 471 Edward, 395 William, 5 NYTINGALL: John, 150 PRYN: (see NITTINGALL) Thomas, 470 Martin, 305 Walter, 102 PURNEN: William, 150 Randell, 3 PICKERING: PYKES: OKELEY: Henry, 399 (see PIKES) William, 178 PIKES / PYKES: PYNNER: OLDFEILD / OLDEFEILD: Miles, 482 William, 335 David, 466 Richard, 422,482 PYNOCKE: John, 466 PITCHER / PYTCHER: John, 184,231 OLLIVER: Thomas, 35.48,421 Margaret, 184,231 John, 238 PITT / PYTT / PYTTS: PYTCHER: (see PITCHER) Thomas, 238 Edward, 9 OSBORNE: PYTT / PYTTS Joan, 188 (see PITT) Katherine, 100 John, 259 Nicholas, 100 Richard, 188 OWEN: Thomas, 230,247 John, 41 William, 9,169,247 RATCLIFFE: PLEAVYE: William, 393 John, 30 RAWLINS: PLENTY: George, 356 PAINTER: Thomas, 448 RAYNOLDES: William, 284 PLUMLEY: Henry, 227 PALLMER: John, 496 READE: Alexander, 430 POLEN: John, 160 James, 430 John, 147 Lawrence, 120 Simon, 486 POOLE: Robert, 490 PARKEN: Morris, 470 RESTALL: Thomas, 37 POPE: Richard, 170 PARRETT: Michael, 165 RICHARDES: Thomas, 182 Thomas, 417 George, 235 PATTINGSON: POPHAM: John, 235 John, 456 Francis, 328 RICE: PAWLETT: POPLEY: Edward, 318 Richard, 294 [-], 276 Matthew, 327 PEARCE / PERCE: Edmund, 276 RISBYE: Andrew, 133 POWELL / APOWELL: Christopher, 494 Edward, 310 James, 242 ROBERTS / ROBERTES: John, 310 John, 152,519 Amy, 373 PEARD: Thomas, 221 John, 95,168,338,373 Hugh, 211 Walter, 519 Mark,95 PEASLEY: William, 83,242,429 ROBINSON / ROBINSONNE William, 478 POWFORD: Elizabeth, 124 PENN / PENNE: William, 88 Griffith, 124 Giles, 58 PRENDERGESTE: Roger, 249 William, 469 James, 289 William, 196 PERKINS: PRESTWOOD: ROCKWELL: Patrick, 285 Thomas, 285,316 Eleanor, 518 PREWETT: William, 404,518 Anthony, 48 ROGERS: Thomas, 468 Richard, 165,311,331

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 83 ROWBEROE: SINGER: SWETNAM: George, 64 Joan, 227 Frances, 262 ROWBOTOM: Nicholas, 227 Joseph, 262 John, 158 SLADE: Richard, 262 ROWE / ROE: Thomas, 62 SYMONS: Edward, 243 SLYE / SLIE: John, 215,433.439 Jeffrey, 59 Henry, 264 Margaret, 433 Joan, 243 John, 107,259,395 Richard, 353 ROWLAND: William, 84 Elizabeth, 161,325 SMALRIDGE: Francis, 325 Henry, 299 Thomas, 161 SMITHE /SMYTHE: TASKER: RUDGE: John, 124,229 Richard, 411 Thomas, 167 Richard, 167,391,444 TAYLER: RUMNEY: Robert, 200 James, 346,378 Edmund, 292 Thomas, 200 Thomas, 192,505 RYCARDES: SNELL: TEAGG: Richard, 10 Oliver, 287 Richard, 139 RYMAN: SOUCHE: TEMPEST: John, 427 George, 96 Arthur, 297,314 SPURWEY: TERREY: Walter, 145 Thomas, 210 STAUNTON: THOMAS: SALTER: John, 483 Evan, 351 Henry, 36 STAYNERD: Richard, 498 SANDERS: John, 60 Thomas, 356 John, 157 William, 60 THRUM: SATTERFORD: STEPHENS / STEVENS: Christopher, 280 Thomas, 309 Andrew, 321 TISE: SELDONNE: John, 321 George, 304 Jonas, 82 STIBBINS: TODD: SERRELL: John, 502 Thomas, 15 Robert, 46 STILE / STYLE: TOLLSON: SETTELL / SETTLE: John, 483 John, 216 John, 463 Leonard, 492 TOMKINS: Thomas, 132,463 STINCHECOMBE: John, 432 SHARPE: John, 121 TOMLENS: Joan, 305 STINTON: John, 414 Thomas, 305,439 William, 214 Lewis, 414,507 SHEPPARD / SHEPPARDE: STOCKE: TOMLINSON: Robert, 94,174 Thomas, 64,499 John, 458 SHERMAN: STOCKMAN: TOOCKER: Crispian, 415 Richard, 455 Edward, 14 SHERSELL: STONE: TOORNEY: Philip, 176 John, 352 William, 74 SHEWARDE: STONES: TOOVYE: Robert, 207 Roger, 74 William, 97 SHIPMAN: STREETE: TREMAYNE: Edmund, 357 John, 475 John, 401 John, 499 STRINGER / STRENGER: TRIPPETT / TRYPPETT: Thomas, 410 Thomas, 355 Richard, 71,187,405 SHIPWAYE: William, 143 Robert, 187 John, 152 STRUGNELL: TUCKER: SHORE / SHOARE: Joseph, 511 (see TOOCKER) Cicely, 147 STYDMAN: TURNER: Mary, 337 John, 146 Henry, 369 Richard, 147,337 Margaret, 146 TUSTIAN: SIMKINS: SWEETE: John, 412 Thomas, 222 Henry, 314 TWINILOE: Richard, 329 William, 258

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 84 TYNDALLE: WATERMAN: WILLIAMS / WILLYAMS George, 5 William, 378 {contd): TYPTON: WATKINS: Walter, 28 Alice, 11 John, 487 William, 6 John, 11 Philip, 190 WILLS: TYZON: Susan, 487 Stephen, 271 Edward, 44 Thomas, 4,213 WILLSON: WATTS / WATTE: Elizabeth, 450 Edmund, 295 John, 450 James, 333,501 Robert, 236 URCHE: WEAVER: William, 418 Richard, 173 Lewis, 24 WIN: USE: WEBB / WEBBE: (see WYNE) (see HEWES) [-], 400 WINSCOMBE: Christopher, 134 Morgan, 346 James, 426 WINTER: John, 76 Richard, 161 VAN OTTEN: WELLES: WITCHFYLDE: Albert, 306 William, 293 Nicholas, 80 John, 306 WELSHE: WODDER / WODDAR: VAUGHAN: Edmond, 19 John, 177 Anthony, 14,15,16, WESTE: William, 440 217 Richard, 173 WODSON: John, 217 WESTLEY / WESTELEY: Catherine, 354 Katherine, 14 Thomas, 154,409 Richard, 354 VAWER: WHITE: WOLFFE / WOULFE: Thomas, 504 George, 254 Nicholas, 79,80,246 William, 134,504 Henry, 144 WOOD: VERTEWE: John, 389,419 Thomas, 53 William, 381 Richard, 288 William, 459 WHITFEILD: WOODWARD: Christopher, 452 Christopher, 7 WHITSON: John, 59 WADE: John, 186,291 Mary, 7 Thomas, 269 WICKAM: WRIGHT / WRIGHTE: WALKER: Thomas, 55 Nathaniel, 428 Eleanor, 70 WIGGENS: Ralph, 96,359 William, 70 Joan, 133 WYETT: WALL / WALLE: William, 133 John, 21 Margery, 176 WILCOX: William, 257,435 Richard, 125 Henry, 357 WYLKINS: WALLIS: WILKINS / WYLKINS: (see WILKINS) Ezekiel, 512 James, 13 WYLLETT: WALTER: (see WILLETT) Thomas, 510 WYNE / WIN: Edward, 212 WILLETT / WYLLETT: Elizabeth, 212 John, 363 Abraham, 171 Thomas, 170 WALTERS: Henry, 49,270 Hugh, 68 WYNSONNE: Samuel, 270 Michael, 37 Rice, 68 Thomas, 49 WARDEN: WILLIAMS / WILLYAMS: John, 117,154 Christopher, 479 WARDER: David, 86 YAROT / YAROTH / William, 56 Edward, 251 WARKMAN: YAROTHE: Elizabeth, 234 Ann, 300 Richard, 233 Henry, 369 WARNER: Edward, 138 John, 6,127,369,370 Richard, 138 Richard, 201 Margaret, 479 WARWYCKE: YATE / YEATE: Philip, 234,253 [-], 201 Thomas, 171 Thomas, 113 Andrew, 32,54,368 William, 224

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 85 YEOMANS: Catherine, 195 William, 195, 290 YEVANS: (see EVANS) YORKE / YORCKE: Edward, 54 Walter, 516 William, 28,448 YOUNG / YOUNGE: Cicely, 349 Edward, 279 John, 163 Patrick, 185,289 Richard, 239 Thomas, 349 William, 294

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 86



NB: Numbers refer to those assigned in Part I

ALDERMAN / MAYOR: CLOTHWORKER: GOLDSMITH: 23,57,58,69,72,76,83, 214,216,221,222,353, 70,98,248,337 92,114,134,145,160, 370,378,457 GROCER: 161,186,201,204,207, COBBLER: 23,61,64,69,91,139, 224,291,335,344,400, 517 158,160,211,212,249, 462,489,504,510 COMFIT MAKER: 277,297,298,314,338, APOTHECARY: 1 344,398,462,491,499, 33,228,256 COOK: 503,510 BAKER: 7,31,109,284,408,464, GUNMAKER: 255,385,386,441,449, COOPER: 452 465 180,250,451 HABERDASHER: BARBER / CORDWAINER: 56,73,101,175,233, BARBER SURGEON / (see SHOEMAKER) 243,265,339 SURGEON: CURRIER: HAULIER: 60,95,151,198,306, 5,334,483 143,278,350,429,434 360,387,506 CUTLER: HOOPER: BASKETMAKER: 93,101,246,358 39,42,47,75,116,118, 497 DRAPER: 119,126,138,140,166, BELLFOUNDER: 4,9,35,48,57,58,62, 182,191,193,205,220, 30 136,213,225,261,294, 274,280,300,302,327, BREWER: 295,310,330,352,367, 343,426,451 12,40,105,153,155, 400,421,471,496 INNHOLDER / INNKEEPER: 184,192,286,321,404, DYER: 36,219,262 518 120,185,289,313,317, INSTRUMENT MAKER: BUTCHER: 347,409,428,443,490 407 66,210,218,282,329, FELTMAKER: IROMONGER: 345,369,371,413,454, 29,88,271,292,293, 97,276 493 392,396,437,500 JOINER: BUTTONMAKER: FLETCHER: 68,71,79,80,86,131, 273 59,177 187,223,226,232,312, CARDMAKER: FREEMASON: 322,365,381,394,,405, 108,333 361,362,463 412,432,439,468 CARPENTER: GENTLEMAN: LABOURER: 102,320,384,416,470 78,128,518 6,104,146,283,307, 474,476,479 GIRDLER: 351,377,406,430 CHANDLER: 197 LASTMAKER (?): 201 GLAZIER: 456 CHAPMAN: 375 LIMEBURNER: 110,340 GLOVER: 420 CLOTHIER: 45,51,67,164,181,189, LIGHTERMAN: 260,373 194,195,318,355 328

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 87 LINEN WEAVER: SHEARMAN: WEAVER: 103 3,8,26,27,81,163,167, 37,41,53,90,103,106, MARINER: 169,179,285,316,357, 173,268,269,301,379, 6,21,25,182,242, 391,393,415,425,436, 401,414,447,453,507, 251,258,305,492,495 444,455,501 515 MASON: SHIPWRIGHT: WHITTAWER: 70,188,362,406,459, 19,229,325,354 235,257,263 473,478,486,487 SHOEMAKER: WIREDRAWER: MERCER: 17,20,74,113,142,152, 82,178,215,319,418, 72,92,96,114,115,127, 170,227,299,315,380, 480,511 142,174,204,287,324, 411,443,492,494,503, YEOMAN: 332,359,410,488,512 519 46,87,99,117,133,144, MERCHANT: SKINNER: 179,190,199,212,266, 2,9,23,24,43,49,63,65, 85,128,171 296,304,306,372,389, 76,77,83,115,121,134, SMITH: 399,403,433,446,514 137,145,162,200,206, 13,15,16,50,84,125, 207,228,230,238,240, 157,172,217,241,244, 247,252,254,262,291, 427,472 302,323,335,349,361, SOAPMAKER: 402,424,435,458,461, 32,54,107,165,176, 469,489,504,513 197,201,208,209,224, MILLWRIGHT: 259,264,275,311,331, 467 336,368,382,395,442, MUSICIAN: 502 236 SPURRIER: NAILER: 433,509 374 STATIONER: NOTARY PUBLIC: 10 342 STOCKINGMAKER: PAINTER: 364 319 SURGEON PEWTERER: (see BARBER SURGEON): 129,135,203,366,375, TAILOR: 376 34,38,55,95,100,112, PINMAKER: 122,124,127,130,150, 388 154,183,195,196,227, PLUMBER: 234,239,245,267,270, 44,322,498 283,288,309,326,341, POINTMAKER: 373,383,438,440,450, 307,348,484 466,508 ROPEMAKER: TANNER: 137,363,505 11,28,148,153,156, ROUGHMASON: 237,308,332,390,419, 459,460 441,445,448,516 SADDLER: TILER: 89,100,272,281,356 417,423,475,477,484, SADDLE-TREE MAKER: 485 442 TRUNKMAKER: SAILMAKER: 408 8 TUCKER: SAILOR: 18,22,27,99,111,123, 14,30,43,147,186,187, 141,188,279,296,303, 234,450,519 346,420,422,425,453, SALTER: 457,482 59,94,202,390 TURNER: SAWYER: 132,168,374,397,463 431 UPHOLSTERER: SCRIVENER: 414 290 VINTNER: 7,149,159

'Missing' Bristol Burgesses 1599-1607 Page 88