J. W. TILDEN 125 Cedar Lane, San Jose, California 95127

Increased collecting in southern Texas in recent years has resulted in a number of additions to our butterfly fauna. In addition, certain species formerly thought to be stragglers are now known to be of regular though perhaps infrequent or local occurrence. Others seem to be more or less cyclical, present in numbers in some years, scarce or absent in others. The activities of many workers are adding steadily to our formerly meager store of information about Texas butterflies. I have reported on some species elsewhere (Tilden 1964; 1965a, b; 1971). Some of these notes were recorded on trips with my good friends Roy and Connie Kendall, to whom I am indebted for many favors. Collecting in the Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge (here shortened to Santa Ana WLR) was under permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. All specimens leg. J. W. Tilden unless otherwise stated.

HESPERIIDAE Nyctelius nyctelius (Latreille). CAMERON COUNTY; Brownsville, 3 J J, 20 ; 3 'i? 'i?, 29 October 1972; 1 J, 1 November 1972. Males worn. A powerful !lier; perches on tips of shrubs in the open. Panoquina sylvicola (Herrich-Schaffer). HIDALGO COUNTY; Santa Ana WLR, 1 J, 5 November 1972; 1 J, 7 November 1972; 1 'i?, 9 November 1972. CAl\IERON COUNTY: Brownsville, 1 'i?, 1 November 1972. Panoquina hecebolus (Scudder). CAMERON COUNTY; Route 4,6 miles west of Boca Chic a, 1 'i?, 12 . Panoquina evansi (Freeman). CAMERON COUNTY; Brownsville, 1 'i?, 20 October 1972. HIDALGO COUNTY; Santa Ana WLR, 1 J, 9 November 1972. The three I have taken have all been at flowers of Eupatorium odoratum, in partial shade. Calpodes ethlius (Stoll). Usually frequents yards, feeding on Canna, but is found far afield occasionally. HIDALGO COUNTY; Santa Ana WLR, 2 J J, 15-17 , in yard, at Papaya flowers; 1 'i?, 6 , on forest trail near Rio Grande. SAN PATRICIO COUNTY; Rob & Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation Refuge, 1 J, on Canna in yard. Yvretta carns (Edwards). JEFF DAVIS COUNTY; Wild Rose Pass, 1 'i?, 21 June 1963; 12 miles west of Alpine, 2 J J, 1 'i?, 24 June 1963. Ancyloxypha arene (Edwards). MAVERICK COUNTY; Quemado, 7 J J, 3 'i? 'i?, all slightly worn. Associated with a wet grassy roadside hollow. Kendall (1966b) has shown that the related A. numitor feeds on a grass (Zizaniopsis milacea) which grows only in wet places. The habitat of A. arene suggests that it may have similar habits. Cymaenes odilia trebius (Mabille). HIDALGO COUNTY: Fairly common in Santa Ana WLR, October-November 1970-72, on shady trails and at flowers of Plumbago scandens L. VOLUME 28, NUMBER 1 23

Vidius perigenes (Godman). CAMERON COUNTY: 5 miles west of Boca Chica, 2 ~ ~ , 1 'i', 30 ; Brownsville, 1 'i', 19 October 1972. In nature, closely associated with a coarse bunch grass. Has been reared by Kendall (1966a) on the introduced St. Augustine Grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum). Monca telata tyrtaeus (Plotz). HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, common Octoher­ November 1970, less so in 1972, on trails and in forest openings, usually in deep shade. Synapte malitiosa pecta Evans. HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, common shady trails and openings, October-November 1970, much less so in 1972. Sits quietly on ground for long periods of time if not disturbed. Pholisora alpheus (Edwards). CAMERON COUNTY: 4-6 miles west of Boca Chica on Route 4, 4 ~ ~, 1 'i', 20 October 1963; 1 ~, 1 'i', 12 November 1963; 6 ~ ~ , 2 'i' 'i', 20 October 1970; 2 ~ ~, 1 'i', 30 October 1970. The 1963 records seem to be the first for south coastal Texas. In 1972 the area was found to have been bulldozed and the colony destroyed. Gesta gesta invisus (Butler & Druce). MAVERICK COUNTY: Quemado, 1 ~, 8 October 1963, new county record. This species is more common on parts of the eastern coastal plain of Texas. Chiomara asychis georgina (Reakirt). SAN PATRICIO COUNTY: Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation Refuge, 1 ~, 13 October 1963, new Refuge and county record. Fairly common in lower Rio Grande Valley, less common westerly but extends to Alizona. Timochares ruptifasciatus (Pliitz). CAMERON COUNTY: Brownsville, 1 ~, 19 October 1972, on lower flowers of Verbesina. Xenophanes trixus (Stoll). CAMERON COUNTY: Brownsville, a fair series, 20-31 October 1972. Very inconspicuous, sitting with wings spread, on lower leaves of Verbesina and Eupatorium. Pellicia angra Evans. HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 1 ~, 6 July 1972; 4 ~ ~ , 6 'i' 'i', 16 October-18 November 1972. May be confused with the much more common Achlyodes thraso tamenund. CelaenolThinus stallingsi Freeman. HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 1 ~, 10 November 1972, taken among undergrowth in deep shade. Cabares potillo (Lucas). CAMERON COUNTY: Brownsville, 1 'i', 30 October 1963; Santa Maria, 1 ~, 18 October 1972. HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 1 'i', 21 October 1970; 1 'i', 22 October 1970; 1 ~, 27 October 1970; 1 ~, 29 October 1970; 1 'i', 4 November 1970; 1 'i', 13 November 1970. Occasional but widely scattered; visits flowers of Verbesina, Eupatorium, and Plumbago. Astraptes fulgerator azul (Reakirt). HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 1 ~, 5 November 1970; 1 ~, 16 October 1972; 1 'i', 7 November 1972. Frequents shady, overgrown places. Astraptes anaphus annetta Evans. CAMERON COUNTY: Brownsville, 1 ~, 18 October 1972, at flowers of Eupatorium odoratllm L. Chioides zilpa (Butler). HIDALGO COUNTY: Sullivan City, 1 'i', badly worn, at flowers of Cordia boissieri DC. (Anacahuite). Phocides pygmalion lilea (Reakirt). CAMERON COUNTY: Brownsville, 4 ~ ~, 20 October 1972; 1 ~, 1 'i', 31 October 1972; others seen, too worn to take. HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 1 ~, 17 October 1970.

PAPILIONIDAE Papilio anchisiades idaells Fabricius. HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 2 t; ~, 19 October 1970, several worn individuals seen on other days. CAMERON COUNTY: Brownsville, 1 t, worn, 19 October 1972. Papilio astyalus pallas Gray. HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 3 ~ t, 17 October 1972; 1 ~, 5 November 1972; 1 'i' seen close-up, 7 July 1972. CAMERON COUNTY: Brownsville, several ~ ~, circa 9 October 1972, leg. Peny Glick, in his yard. 24 JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS' SOCIETY

PIERIDAE Eurema daira lydia (Felder & Felder). HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 1 3, 16 October 1972. Eurema boisduvaliana (Felder & Felder). HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 1 3, 17 October 1970. Eurema nise nelphe (R. Felder). Fairly common in the lower Rio Grande Valley along forest trails. Unlike Eurema lisa, seldom found in the open.

RIODINIDAE Lasaia sula peninsularis Clench. Common in the lower Rio Grande Valley in October. Three specimens, 2 3 3, 1 ~,20-22 October 1963, are aberrant, having a complete row of marginal light spots on both upper and lower surfaces. Apodemia mormo meiicanus (Behr). HUDSPETH COUNTY: near Sierra Blanca, 1 3, 2 ~ ~, 20 June 1963. PRESIDIO COUNTY: Shafter, 2 ~ ~, 7 October 1963. Apodemia palmerii (Edwards). CULBERSON COUNTY: Van Horn, 1 ~,23 . JEFF DAVIS COUNTY: 12 miles west of Alpine, 1 ~, 24 June 1963. PRESIDIO COUNTY: Shafter, 1 3, 7 October 1963. Apodemia walkeri Godman & Salvin. CAMERON COUNTY: Brownsville, short series, both sexes, at flowers of Serjania brachycarpa Gray, 17-30 October 1963; South­ most, 1 ~,worn, 29 October 1963. Apodemia multiplaga Schaus. CAMERON COUNTY: Brownsville, 1 3, at flowers of Serjania brachycarpa Gray, 30 October 1963; 1 ~, at flowers of Verbesina, 19 October 1972. Calephelis rawsoni McAlpine. BEXAR COUNTY: FM 1604 at Babcock, 16 miles south­ west of San Antonio, 1 3, 1 ~, 11 October 1963. COMAL COUNTY: New Braunfels, 4 ~ ~, 27 October 1972. BREWSTER COUNTY: Boquillas Canyon, Big Bend National Park, 1 3, 1 ~,23 June 1963.

LYCAENIDAE Tmolus azia (Hewitson). CAMERON COUNTY: 1 ~, 29 October 1972, at flowers of Serjania brachycarpa Gray. Callophrys xami (Reakirt). CAMERON COUNTY: 5 miles west of Boca Chica on Route 4, fairly common in October 1970. This area has been bulldozed and the colony destroyed or greatly reduced. HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 1 ~, on a woodland trail! Callophrys goodsoni (Clench). HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, common in October 1970. Very scarce in October 1972, perhaps due to dry conditions; a single 3, 5 November 1972. Strymon yoioa (Reakirt). CA~1ERON COUNTY: Brownsville, 1 3, slightly worn, at flowers of Eupatorium odoratum L. Strymon albata sedacia (Hewitson). HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 2 3 3, 7 November 1972, sitting on shrubbe'y, making short flights. See Kendall (1972). Strymon alea (Hewitson). COMAL COUNTY: New Braunfels, 2 3 3, 27 October 1972. HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 1 ~, 19 October 1972.

N YMPHALIDAE Apatura laure (Drury). HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 1 3,16 October 1972, sitting on Celtis pallida Torr. See Rickard (1969). Biblis hyperia aganisa Boisduval. BEXAR COUNTY: San Antonio, 1 3, 7 , leg. William Tyson. CAMERON COUNTY: 3 miles east of Brownsville, 1 t, 30 October 1970. Dynamine dyonis Geyer. CAMERON COUNTY: Brownsville, 1 ~, 13 October 1963. Myscelia ethusa Boisduval. HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, fairly common along VOLUME 28, NUMBER 1 25

shaded trails under forest canopy; sits head down on tree trunks. CAMERON COUNTY: Brownsville, 1 rs, 2 November 1972. Marpesia petreus (Cramer). CAMERON COUNTY: Brownsville, 1 'i', 1 November 1972, at flowers of Eupatorium odoratum L.; two others seen same day. Broken weather, with short showers. Limenitis archippus watsoni (dos Passos). LIVE OAK COUNTY: North end of Lake Corpus Christi, 2 rs rs, 1 'i', 12 October 1963; 3 rs rs , 2 'i' 'i', 7 November 1963. Very similar to specimens from Louisiana. Metamorpha stelenes hiplagiata (Fruhstorfer). HIDALGO COUNTY: Occasional in Santa Ana WLR, usually badly worn; 2 nearly perfect rs rs , 27 October 1970. CAMERON COUNTY: Santa Maria, 1 worn 'i', 18 October 1972; Brownsville, seen on three occasions in October 1972, all too worn to collect. Anartia fatima (Fabricius). CAMERON COUNTY: Santa Maria, 2 rs rs , 1 'i' , 18 October 1972; taken also by the Kendalls at the same time and place. HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 3 rs rs, 4 July 1972; Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, 1 'i', 5 July 1972. j unonia evarete (Cramer). HIDALGO COUNTY: Santa Ana WLR, 1 rs, 15 October 1970, leg. Wayne Shifflett. CAMERON COUNTY: Brownsville, 1 rs, 21 October 1963. These may represent subspecies zonalis Felder & Felder. I have seen other specimens. Sympatric with junonia coenia in the lower Rio Grande Valley. junonia nigrosuffusa Barnes & McDunnough. NUECES COUNTY: Mustang Island, 1 rs, 15 October 1963; others seen. I have seen a number of specimens from coastal Texas, taken by others.

LITERATURE CITED KENDALL, R. O. 1966a. Larval foodplants for five Texas Hesperiidae. J. Lepid. Soc. 20: 35-42. 1966b. Larval foodplants and distribution for three Texas Hesperiidae. J. Lepid. Soc. 20: 229-232. 1972. Three butterfly species (Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, and Heliconi­ idae) new to Texas and the United States. J. Lepid. Soc. 26: 49-56. RICKARD, M. A. 1969. In, News Lepid. Soc. No.3, Annual Summary, p. 12, line 30. TILDEN, J. W. 1964. Two species of Hesperiidae previously unrecorded from the United States. J. Lepid. Soc. 18: 214-216. 1965a. Urhanus procne and Urbanus simplicius (Hesperiidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 19: 53-55. 1965b. The genus Panoquina occurring in Texas. J. Res. Lepid. 4: 37-40. 1971. Aguna claxon (Hesperiidae) new to the United States. J. Lepid. Soc. 25: 293.