REPORT a M Erican ']Icara^B'' "M Ission
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REPORT OF THE A m erican ']iCara^b'' "M ission 1901 EDITED BY M i s s e s M o u l t o n a n d G o r d o n MADRAS PRINTED AT THE M. E. PUBLISHING HOUSE, MOUNT HOAD “ Thou crownest the year with thy goodness ; And thy paths drop fatness.” “ Say ye not, There are yet four months, and then cometh the harvest ? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, that they are white already unto harvest. He that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal; that he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.” The American Marathi Mission with the Deputation. CONTENTS. I.—BY TOPICS. Page Ill L i s t o f M issionaries 1— 2 Village Schools. G e n e r a l S u r v e y , 2—10 Hindu Schools. C h u r c h e s . 10—15 Special Schools. Self-support. I n d u s t r ia l W o r k 30- Sunday Schools. W o m a n ’ s W o r k 34- Christian Endeavor. M e d i c a l W o r k 39- P ublications 43- E d u c a t io n 15—30 A cknowledgments 45- Higher Schools. S t a t i s t i c s 48- Station Schools. A p p e n d i x 56- II.-B Y MISSIONARIES. Miss Abbott, 25, 32, 33, 37, 38, 44. Mrs. Harding, 4, 34, 41, 42. Rev. J. E. Abbott, 4, 31, 33,41, 42, 43, 44. Dr. and Mrs. Harding, 4, 41. Eev. W. O. Ballantine, 13, 22, 34, 39, Miss Harding, 27, 28, 29. 41, 42. Miss Hartt, 4. Miss Bissell, 14,19, 31. Rev. W. Hazen, 20, 21. Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Bissell, 7, 8, 11, 13, Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Hume, 3,17, 18, 23, 35, 36, 44, 45. Rev. and Mrs. R. A Hume, 3, 5, 9, 15, Dr. Julia Bissell, 8, 35, 39, 40. 26, 27, 31, 38, 39, 43, 45. Mrs. Bissell, 5,10, 24, 35. Rev. and Dr. Karmarkar, 10, 26, 39, Rev. H. J. Bruce, 4, 6, 8, 9, 21, 22, 42, 43, 44. 43, 44. Mr. J. B. Knight, 32. Miss Bruce, 3. Miss Millard, 15, 25, 26, 30. Mr. D. C. Churchill, 4, 32. Miss Moulton, 27, 28. Mrs. Dean, 4. Miss Nugent, 31, 36, 37. Rev. and Mrs. Edward Fairbank, 8. Mrs. Sibley, 3. Rev. H. Fairbank, 11,12, 13, 24, 31, 34. Rev. and Mrs. J. Smith, 4,14, 16,17, Miss Fowler, 14, 19, 20, 27, 31. 34, 42. Rev. and Mrs. L. S. Gates, 3,11, 15, 42. Rev. and Mrs. R. Winsor, 11, 14, 15, Miss Gordon, 22, 24, 25, 36. 23, 28, 30, 34, 35, 39. Table Showing Principal Work of lissionaries. M i s s i o n a r y . W obk. Address. Miss A. Abbott Widows’ Home andlndustrial Mazagon, Bombay. Class; Work among Women; two Schools for Hindu chil dren. Mission Secretary; Editor, ^ “ Dnyanodaya” ; charge of Rev. J. E .Abbott, d .d . Evangelistic work in Bom Mazagon, Bombay. Mrs. J. E. Abbott bay, and in charge of Roha field. , Rev. W. 0. Ballantine, m .a „ Charge of Rahuri field and Rahuri. m .d . Dispensary. Mrs. J. L. Ballantine On furlough. Miss Emily Bisseil Principal, Girls’ Boarding and Ahmednagar. Day School, 1901. Charge of Kolgaw District; j Rev. H. G. Bissell, b .a ., b .d . Instructor in Theological L Ahmednagar. Mrs. Theo. K. Bissell, b .l . Seminary. j Miss Julia Bissell, b .a ., m .d . Dispensary, Medical Work Ahmednagar. among Women and Chil dren, 1901. Mrs, L. Bissell Bible Women’s work in Ahmednagar. Ahmednagar, and in charge of Jeur field. Rev. Henry J. Bruce, b .a . Charge of Satara field; | ga^ara Mrs. H. R. Bruce Manager, Columbian Press. I Miss Hattie L. Bruce On furlough. Mrs. S. C. Dean Work among Women- Mazagon, Bombay. Rev. Edward Fairbank, On furlough. M.A., b .d . Mrs. M. C. Fairbank Rev. Henry Fairbank, b .a ., Charge of Vadala field. Vadala, via Vambori. B.d. Mrs. R. E. Fairbank On furlough. Miss Esther B. Fowler .. Principal, Woronoco Girls’ Sholapur. School, and in charge of three Hindu Schools, 2 TABLE SHOWING PRINCIPAL WORK OF MISSIONARIES. M i s s i o n a r y . Wobk. A d d b e s s . Charge of Sholapur and the Rev, L. S. Gates, b .a . Mogalai fields; Editor, • Sholapur. Mrs. F. H. Gates “ Balbodhmewa.” Miss Jean P. Gordon Charge of Wai field. Wai, Satara District. Miss Louise H. R. Grieve, Studying language. Mahableshwar. M.D. Mrs. C. Harding Charge of Bible Women and Sholapur. two Hindu Schools. Geo. W. Harding, b .a ., m .d . (Temporary charge of Medical Ahmednagar. Mrs.EmilyW. Harding, b .a . 1 Work, Ahmednagar. Miss Mary B. Harding Charge of Kindergarten and Sholapur. two Hindu Schools. Miss Flora E. Hartt Principal, Girls’ Boarding and Ahmednagar. Day School. Rev. William Hazen, m.a. Principal, Boys’ Anglo-Verna Sholapur. cular and Boarding School. ( Principal, Anglo-Vernacular ^ Rev. E. S. Hume, m .a . Boarding School for Boys .Byculla, Bombay. Mrs. C. E. Hume and Girls, and in charge of three Hindu Schools. (■Principal, Theological Semi-\ Rev. R. A. Hume, d .d . nary, and in charge of [• Ahmednagar. Mrs. K. F. Hume Parner field. Mrs. Anna L. Millard Charge of three Hindu Girls’ Mazagon, Bombay. Schools and of the Blind School. Miss Mary E . Moulton, b . l . Charge of three Hindu Girls’ Wai, Satara District. Schools; Mission Treasurer. Miss Belle Nugent Supt., Bible Training School. Ahmednagar. Mrs. J. W. Sibley On furlough. Rev. James Smith, b .a . Principal, Mission High School Ahmednagar. and.Sir D. M. Pettit School of Industrial Arts. Mrs. James Smith Supt., Zenana Work and three Ahmednagar. Hindu Schools. /Charge of Sirur field; Prin-} Rev. R. Winsor, m .a . J cipal, Sir D. M. Pettit In- J Sirur, Poona District. Mrs. R. Winsor | dustrial School. I All of the missionaries have much general work in the line of correspondence, Sunday School, Christian Endeavor and Evangelistic work; many work in connection with the churches, and the care and training of orphans. The charge of a district includes the superintendence of pastors, preachers, Bible-women, schools, and the Christian community. »argaoxi Áiiraiij^ibad Sindar Vàia oKhokar JJojiaiP.. D ara d la o^Nänchirc 3 cidi- of Mile« Bliivrndi YVsrmbcri /p L’s CMur|>ád ^ s u n e ta Jaon Gnsnei • Javla ¿ Alalthari*- Chinchoii o ° Jiomioabad ÜÄ Dhainári oB Loitávia «”» L. °Kapaiidi^-^ it - h> .• 7=^ Dhoti-«. Qikeaï kbliirol Dasoaon M aiiáii ^ ’haJlau Poläfcfcpur/MnháJ; í.ánen gañí } ÄisPaiichva<i i aSí PtìiidJjirrpiir lahiniMtpui' ¡aon, Kándalga« ',/imjéLS ‘iia n ( ¡a V iia i WmmkL. \ W ? im á- ' ’ KATNAGÍI Gm e T hotozw to OfÏLce'.Fborujs, MOI. REPORT OF THE AMERICAN MARATHI MISSION -FOEt TH E YEA E 1901. The following pages contain a brief account of some of the work that the American Marathi Mission has been doing this last year. The Mission began work in Bombay in 1813, and every year since has witnessed much faithful seed sown. It has been sown in hope and in faith, in times prosperous and troublous, among high and low, knowing that in God’s good time the harvest was sure. And now it seems as if the new century were ushering in this harvest time. The past year has been full of cheer and encouragement. The increased opportunities and responsibilities have been gladly under taken by a band of missionaries whose hands were already full. The year has been lived at high pressure, but the New India must bear the impress of much that this year records. We offer the praise of our hearts for the many encouragements, and “ pray the Lord- of the harvest, that he would send fprth laborers into his harvest.” Personnel.—At the close of the year we have 41 missionaries, of whom 37 were engaged in work in India for a part or all of the year. It is with deep gratitude that we record that our Mission circle has been so free from serious illness during the year. The only exception is in the case of one who had labored early and late in relieving others, and who at last was prostrated by relapsing fever. For many days in December, Dr. Bissell lay in a very critical con dition, but we rejoice that she was spared to us and to the work she so much loves. Furloughs.—On January 12th, Mrs. J. W . Sibley left Bombay for a well-earned furlough. She was accompanied by Miss Katherine Hume, who had been on a year’s visit with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Hume. Rev. and Mrs. Edward Fairbank, with their two children and Wilson Hume, son of Dr. and Mrs. Hume, Ahmednagar, left on furlough, February 23rd. Beryl Gates, youngest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. L. S. Gates, sailed for America, April 15th. Miss Hattie L. Bruce left Colombo on May 17th, on her way home by the 4 EEfORT OP THE Pacific route. On December 7th, Rev. J. E. Abbott, D .D ., left for Italy on three months’ leave. Reinforcements.—Miss F. E. Hartt from New Brunswick coming to join the Mission, arrived in Bombay, January 5th. Bev. and Mrs. J. Smith reached Bombay, August 30th, on their way back to take. up their work in Ahmednagar. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Harding, who were in the Miraj Hospital for a year after reaching India, entered upon work with us on October 22nd.