June 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1095 provided covering fire for the ones still on the forces on to . Nothing like it had ever H.R. 1098, H.R. 1281, H.R. 4080, H.R. beach. been done before in history. Over 150,000 Al- 3548, AND H.R. 4631 As soon as the Rangers pulled themselves lied soldiers hit the beaches during the assault over the cliff, snipers immediately fired. Fortu- landings on the 6th of June. By the 4th of HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN nately, the heaving bombing the Americans July, over 1 million joined in the invasion force OF CALIFORNIA had done to the island in the days beforehand through Normandy. It was a miraculous feat IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES had created large craters in earth. This al- for 1944. Monday, June 30, 2014 lowed the Rangers to hide themselves from Colonel Rudder received many military hon- the enemy fire. ors including the second highest award, the Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I want to ex- Within half an hour, the remaining task Distinguished Service Cross. He was a full press my support for five public health bills be- forces had made it up the tall cliffs. Rudder, Colonel by the end of the war and was pro- fore the House today. bleeding from two gunshot wounds, never let moted to Brigadier General of the U.S. Army H.R. 1098, the Traumatic Brain Injury Reau- his focus waver or his determination grow Reserves in 1954 and Major General in 1957. thorization Act of 2014, extends surveillance weary. He discovered quickly that the Ger- and research activities for traumatic brain inju- After the war, Rudder returned to Texas. He mans had left wooden decoys in the gun ries (or TBI), as well as other programs for remained a highly successful and distin- casements. Exhausted, wounded and bewil- TBI services and supports overseen by the guished Texan until his death. dered, Rudder kept pushing the Rangers in- Department of Health and Human Services. I land. They had to find the big guns. Around He served as Mayor of Brady for 6 years, represent the nation’s largest Veterans Affairs 8:00 a.m. small patrols were sent south to lo- visited the White House frequently—advising health facility—the West Los Angeles VA Med- cate the missing guns. By 9:00 a.m., their sec- Lyndon Baines Johnson on many military ical Center. TBI is one of many complex ond goal completed. Now, they had to take issues and was hired to clean up the corrup- health problems affecting the veteran commu- them out. tion going on in the General Land Office. nity served by this facility. I am pleased that The Rangers had located the missing guns Col. Rudder became president of Texas we were able to include a provision in the bill 600 yards south of the Pointe. The Nazis had A&M University in 1959 and president of the that calls on HHS and the Departments of De- hidden the guns back from the beach to pro- entire A&M system in 1965, holding both posi- fense and Veterans Affairs to report on their tect them from Allied air strikes and naval tions until his death in 1970. progress in coordinating TBI efforts for current bombardment. The boys of D-Day came; they liberated; and former members of the military. I also Rudders’ Rangers took out the emplace- and some went home. Over 9,000 other GIs want to commend the sponsors of the legisla- ments using thermite grenades and eliminated are buried at the top of the cliffs of Normandy, tion, Congressman PASCRELL and Congress- the enemy protecting them. France. As we reflect on those Rangers on D- man ROONEY, for their work on this issue. The mission though completed in spite of Day, 70 years ago, and the Texan who led H.R. 1281, the Newborn Screening Saves the horrific obstacles was not without cost. them into battle, Lt. Col. James Earl Rudder, Lives Reauthorization Act of 2014, extends Rudder’s Rangers had over 50 percent cas- we once again marvel at the lives of those we newborn screening services and related activi- ualties. Some Rangers gave their lives that call the Greatest Generation of Americans. ties for many conditions that are not otherwise summer morning conquering the cliffs. apparent at birth and, if left untreated, can And that’s just the way it is. As American blood was shed on the French cause severe disability or even death. I want beaches and cliffs, General Rudder had se- to thank the sponsors of this legislation, Con- f cured the beachhead for later Allied Forces gresswoman ROYBAL-ALLARD and Congress- coming ashore. This paved the way to even- HONORING KISHAN PATEL AND AJ man SIMPSON, as well as the sponsors of the tual victory. KOLONDRA FOR WINNING FIRST Senate companion bill, Senators HAGAN and In the months leading up to the Normandy PLACE WITH THEIR WEBSITE AT HATCH. The bill before the House today is the Invasion, Rudder’s elite group of Army Rang- THE 2014 NATIONAL HISTORY product of bipartisan and bicameral negotia- ers underwent rigorous training in preparation DAY COMPETITION tions to assure House and Senate passage of for the part that they would play for the inva- this measure. I would also like to thank Sen- sion named Overlord at Normandy. ators HARKIN and ALEXANDER for their leader- Colonel Rudder put his 2nd Ranger Bat- HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS ship on this measure in the Senate Health, talion through hell in order to prepare them for OF FLORIDA Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. their mission at . He made them H.R. 4080, the Trauma Systems and Re- march in full gear for over 20 miles. He had IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gionalization of Emergency Care Reauthoriza- them train in hand to hand combat, climb rope Monday, June 30, 2014 tion Act, reauthorizes four grant programs that ladders without safety harnesses and endure seek to improve access to trauma care serv- difficult amphibious training. Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I ices within states and in rural areas. Energy The success that the Rangers had on D- rise today to honor Kishan Patel and AJ and Commerce Members, Congressmen BUR- Day was a direct result of Rudder’s intense Kolondra for winning first place with their GESS and GREEN, are to be commended for personal involvement with their training. The website entitled ‘‘Freedom Beach: A History of their sponsorship of this legislation and leader- amount of effort and dedication he put forth the Fort Lauderdale Beach Wade-Ins’’ in the ship on trauma care issues. into the training is why the troops were able to 2014 National History Day Competition. We are also considering another bill today manage the chaos and complete their mission. Kishan and AJ have exemplified a strong related to trauma care: H.R. 3548, the Improv- Rudder made sure that every man was pre- commitment to the important history of South ing Trauma Care Act. This legislation expands pared to do the impossible. Florida. This was clearly displayed through the the current definition of trauma for the pur- James Earl Rudder was born in the small remarkable website they created. poses of trauma care grants to include burns Texas town of Eden, about 45 miles southeast I lived through the years of segregation and and other injuries resulting from electrical, of San Angelo, in 1910. After graduating from experienced the wade-ins first hand. It is great chemical, or other exposures. Congressman high school, he played football for two years at to see how far we have come through the JOHNSON should be commended for his work Tarleton State. He then transferred to Texas work that Kishan and AJ have put on display. on this issue. A&M in 1930. He graduated in 1932 with a de- Finally, H.R. 4631, the Autism Collaboration, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by gree in education. After graduation he joined Accountability, Research, Education, and Sup- Kishan and AJ for their project, and am de- the U.S. Army Reserves as a second lieuten- port Act of 2014, would extend autism spec- lighted to hear of their success in the competi- ant. trum disorder activities at the Department of tion. They were both able to come to Wash- In 1937, he married Margaret Williamson Health and Human Services and ensure these ington, D.C. as finalists, where they toured the (who graduated from the University of Texas), efforts are better coordinated with activities White House and U.S. Capitol. and together they had five children. In 1941, across the federal government. The legislation he was doing what he loved, coaching foot- Mr. Speaker, I am so pleased to recognize before us reflects bipartisan and bicameral ef- ball, when duty called. Kishan and AJ for what they have accom- forts to advance a bill that can pass both These brave men who cracked the Nazi grip plished. Their hard work and dedication has chambers well in advance of the September on Europe began with the liberation of France paid off. 30 sunset provisions that are in current law. I 70 years ago. From there, the Rangers went I wish them both much success in their fu- want to thank Congressmen SMITH and on to fight in the and U.S. ture endeavors. DOYLE, as well as Senators MENENDEZ and

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