215832 Pa.e 1 of 8 Michelle Nauer, Clerk ~ Recorder Ouray County, CO RP $0.00 RESOLUTION # 2016-009 03-16-2016 08:~3 AM Recordin. Fee $0.00


WHEREAS, the SneHels range of the in Ouray County is an area of extraordinary scenic, environmental, economic, and recreational value; and

WHEREAS, the existing Mount SneHels Wilderness boundaries do not protect in perpetuity adjacent public lands in the which are capable and deserving of permanent Wilderness designation; and

WHEREAS, a proposal to expand the existing Wilderness boundaries to include these public lands has been presented to the Ouray County Board of Commissioners as represented in a map entitled "Whitehouse Expansion Of The Mount Sneffels Wilderness" and referenced in Ouray County Resolutions 2007-075 and 2011-007; and

WHEREAS, visitors and residents of Ouray County today enjoy these public lands lor hiking, camping, photography, mountain climbing, hunting, skiing, scenic enjoyment and other wilderness uses; and

WHEREAS, recreation and other uses of the public lands of Ouray County are a vital part of the local economy; and

WHEREAS, these public lands provide important mid-elevation habitat for game and non-game wildfife and help connect wildlife habitat in the existing Mount Sneffels Wifderness Area to the west with habitat in the Big Blue Wilderness Area to the east; and

WHEREAS, these public lands within the proposed wilderness expansion legislation include important watershed areas for domestic and agricultural water sources including Beaver Creek, the Town of Ridgway's only source of potable water; and

WHEREAS, preservation of these public lands as designated Wilderness would better protect their scenic, environmental, economic, and recreational values in perpetuity from the adverse effects of future development; and

WHEREAS, the proposed wilderness expansion would protect l!!! of Mount Sneffels, elevation 14,158'; and

WHEREAS, the currently unprotected north side of Mount Sneffels is one of 's most iconic and most recognizable natural features and thus is the new background image on the newly redesigned Colorado Driver's Licenses; and

WHEREAS, the proposed Whitehouse Expansion of the Sneffels Wilderness Area does not include the Dallas Trail System so that mountain bikers can continue to enjoy this beautiful and challenging trail; and

WHEREAS, the proposed Whitehouse Expansion of the Sneffels Wildemess Area likewise does not include any roads currently open to motorized use; and

WHEREAS, ranching is an important part of the history and economy of Ouray County and portions of the proposed Whitehouse Expansion of the Sneffels Wilderness Area are currently used for livestock grazing; and

WHEREAS, the proposed Whitehouse Expansion of the Sneffels Wilderness Area is already managed by the US Forest Service in substantial measure as wilderness; and Resolut;on 20 J6-009 • Page J of6 WHEREAS, the designation as wilderness of the Whitehouse Expansion of the Snellels Wilderness Area will make this special place part of a system of places wild and free for the permanent good of all; and

WHEREAS, Ouray County continues to support the specifics of the wilderness expansion:

• 8,375 acres will be added to the existing Mt. Snellels Wilderness Area by the Liberty Bell and Last Dollar areas,

• 13,231 acres will be added to the existing Mt. Snellels Wilderness Area by the Whitehouse area; and

WHEREAS, the proposed expansion has received approval from all of the local governments in Ouray, San Miguel, and San Juan Counties: • Ouray County Board of County Commissioners • Town of Ridgway • City of Ouray • San Miguel County Board of County Commissioners • Town Council of Telluride • Town of Ophir • Town of Mountain Village • San Juan County Board of County Commissioners; and;

WHEREAS, in November of 2009 the proposed wilderness expansion legislation was introduced to the 111th Congress as H.R. 3914: The San Juan Wilderness Act in June of 2010 was unanimously approved by the bipartisan U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources; and

WHEREAS, in February of 2013 the proposed wilderness expansion legislation was introduced to the 113th Congress as S. 341: The San Juan Wilderness Act and in September of 2013 was passed with bipartisan support by the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee; and

WHEREAS, the process of the proposed wilderness expansion has been a model process led by local citizens and local governments, which has included early contact of all grazing allotment holders, mining claim owners, water rights owners, and other stakeholders; and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has previously supported the San Juan Wilderness Act with Resolution 2011-007 attached hereto as Exhibit A; and

WHEREAS, a map of the proposed wilderness expansion legislation supported by Ouray County by Resolution 2011-007 and this Resolution is attached hereto as Exhibit B; and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has previously supported the San Juan Wilderness Act with Resolution 2007-075 and this Resolution is attached hereto as Exhibit C; and

WHEREAS, we wish to see this model process and the San Juan WHdemess Expansion be successful.


• That Congress enact legislation to designate the Whitehouse Expansion of the Snellels Wilderness Area as permanent wilderness,

• That the legislation includes appropriate language to protect existing water rights including those of the Town of Ridgway, as well as reasonable motorized access to maintain such rights, and

Resa/Illiall 20/6·009 • Page 2 of 3 • That the legislation includes appropriate language to permit livestock grazing to continue in the Whitehouse Expansion 01 the Snellels Wilderness Area as provided under current law, including reasonable motorized access to lacilitate use 01 livestock grazing; and

• That the Secretary retain statutory authority to take such measures as necessary to control lire, insects, and disease in the wilderness areas designated by the wilderness expansion legislation.

APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS I~AY OF March, 2016. • ." .,..- L ~. I 1 ~ a.T (. ttl L.Q..t.1V Voting lor: c.O\NVV>A",s51rtJecz..:, t'D>..l:



Don£~ Batchelder, Commissioner

Reso/lllion 2016·009 • Page 3 of ], RECEPTION#: 204908, 02/09/2011 at 10 15:24 AM, 1 OF 2 PAGES, MICHELLE NAUER, OURAY COUNTY, CO, CLERK & RECORDER RESOLUTION # 2011·007


WHEREAS, the Sneffels range of the San Juan Mountains in Ouray County Is an area of extraordinary scenic, environmental, economic, and recreational value; and

WHEREAS, the existing Mount Sneffels Wilderness boundaries do not protect In perpetuity adjacent public lands in the Sneffels range which are capable and deserving of permanent Wilderness designation; and

WHEREAS, a proposal to expand the existing Mount Sneffels Wilderness boundaries to Indude these public lands has been presented to the Ouray County Board of Commissioners as represented In a map enliUed "Whitehouse Expansion Of The Mount Sneffels Widemess" and referenced in Ouray County Resolution 2007·075; and

WHEREAS, visitors and residents of Ouray County today enjoy these public lands for hiking, camping, photography, mountain dim bing, hunting, skiing, scenic enjoyment and other wilderness uses; and

WHEREAS, recreation and other uses of the public lands of Ouray County are a vital part of the local economy; and

WHEREAS, these public lands provide Important mid-elevation habitat for game and non-game wildlife and help connect wildlife habitat In the existing Mount Sneffels Wilderness Area to the west with habitat In the Big Blue Wilderness Area to the east; and

WHEREAS, these public lands Include Important watershed areas for domestic and agricultural water sources Including Beaver Creek, the To'Ml of Ridgway's only source of potable water; and

WHEREAS, preservation of these public lands as designated Widerness would better protect their scenic, enviroMlental, economic, and recreational values In perpetuity from the adverse effects of future development; and

WHEREAS, the proposed Whitehouse Expansion of the Sneffels Wilderness Area does not Include the Dallas Trail System so that mountain bikers can continue to enjoy this beautiful and challenging trail; and

, WHEREAS, the proposed Whitehouse Expansion of the Sneffels Wilderness Area likewise does not indude any roads currently open to motorized use; and

WHEREAS, ranching Is an important part of the history and economy of Ouray County and portions of the proposed Whitehouse expansion of the Sneffels Wilderness Area are currently used for livestock grazing; and

WHEREAS, the proposed Whitehouse Expansion of the Sneffels Wilderness Area Is already managed by the US Forest Service In substantial measure as wilderness; and

WHEREAS, the designation as wilderness of the Wh~ehouse Expansion of the 5neffels Wilderness Area will make this special place part of a system of places wild and free for the permanent good of all; and

Resolutioll 2011-007 • Page I of2 WHEREAS, Ouray County continues to support the specifics of the wilderness expansion:

• 8,375 acres will be added to the existing Mt. Sneffels WDderness Area by the Liberty Bell and Last Dollar areas,

• 13,231 acres will be added to the existing Mt. Sneffels Wilderness Area by the Whitehouse area; and

WHEREAS, the proposed expansion has received approval from all of the local governments In Ouray, San Miguel, and San Juan Counties: and

WHEREAS, In June of 2010 the proposed wilderness expansion legislation was unanimously approved by the bipartisan U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources; and

WHEREAS, the process of the proposed wilderness expansion has been a model process led by local citizens and local governments, which has Induded early contact of all grazing allotment holders, mining claim owners, water rights owners, and other stakeholders by former Congressman Salazar and his staff; and

WHEREAS, we wish to see this model process and the San Juan Wilderness Expansion be successful.


• That Congress enact legislation to designate the Whitehouse Expansion of the Sneffels Widerness Area as permanent wilderness,

• That the legislation Indudes appropriate language to protect existing water rights Including those of the Town of Ridgway, as well as reasonable motorized access to maintain such rights, and

• That the legislation Indudes appropriate language to permit livestock grazing to continue in the Whitehouse Expansion of the Sneffels Widerness Area as provided under current law, including reasonable motorized access to facilitate use of livestock grazing.

APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 1" DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2011. Voting for: Commissioners Albritton and Padgett Voting against: Commissioner Fedel

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~.FRAY COUNTY, COLORADO ,• •,.I ,lIU',U,;:"" . ,'.,. AtlB&t;.°l/;···. · r, . .... '1. •... ' '- " .' ' •• 1"~'.• " -, 'l)Ja- " .;,'-$ '.. " . Heidi M, Albrittcin, Chair [-~;' ~ \g ~ ', ,': .".. :c;; : :...... ,... ~ :~.. ~ : · C~·". t"" .... "E · . '. ,...... 'I"! LynnctM~~ M. Padge ~'Chalr ... '.ft .... •• - ...... *TAD .....\' ~ " " ': ... , ,\\ , F, Mike Fedel, Commissioner

Reso/UI/01l201l·007 • Pog.2 0/2 RECEPTION~ : 196465. 11/0612007 at 11:55:47 AM. 1 OF 2 PAGES. MICHEllE NAUER. OURAY COUNTY. CO. CLERK & RECORDER

RESOLUTION /I 2007-075


WHEREAS, the Snellets range of the San Juan Mountains in Ouray County is an area of extraordinary scenic, environmental, economic, and recreational value; and

WHEREAS, the existing Mount Snellels Wilderness boundaries do not protect In perpetuity adjacent public lands In the Snellels range which are capable and deserving 01 penn anent Wilderness designation; and

WHEREAS, a proposal to expand the existing Mount Snellels Wilderness boundaries to include these public lands has been presented to the Ouray County Board of Commissioners as represented in a map entitled 'Wh~ehouse Expansion 01 The Mount Snellels Wilderness"; and

WHEREAS, visitors and residents of Ouray County today enjoy these public lands for hiking, camping, photography, mountain climbing, hunting, skiing, scenic enjoyment and other wilderness uses; and

WHEREAS, recreation and other uses of the public lands of Ouray County are a vital part of the local economy; and

WHEREAS, these public lands provide Important mid-elevation habitat for game and non-game o wildlife and help connect wildlife habitat in the existing Mount Snellels Wilderness Area to the west with habitat In the Big Blue Wilderness Area to the east and

WHEREAS, these public lands Include Important watershed areas for domestic and agricultural water sources Including Beaver Creek, the Town of Ridgway's only source of potable water; and

WHEREAS, preservation of these public lands as designated Wilderness would better protect their scenic, environmental, economic, and recreational values In perpetuity from the adverse effects of future development; and

WHEREAS, the proposed Whitehouse Expansion of the Snellels Wilderness Area does not Include the Dallas Trail System so that mountain bikers can continue to enjoy this beautiful and challenging trail; and

WHEREAS, the proposed Whitehouse Expansion of the Snellels Wilderness Area likewise does not include any roads currently open to motorized use; and

WHEREAS, ranching is an Important part 01 the history and economy of Ouray County and portions of the proposed Whitehouse Expansion of the Snellels Wilderness Area are currently used for livestock grazing; and

WHEREAS, the proposed Whitehouse Expansion of the Sneffels Wilderness Area Is already managed by the US Forest Service In substantial measure as wilderness; and

WHEREAS, the designation as wilderness of the Whitehouse Expansion of the Snellels Wilderness Area will make this special place part of a system 01 places wild and free for the permanent good of all. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL.VED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OURAY COUNTY, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS:

• That Congress enact legislalion to designate the Whitehouse Expansion of the Sneffels Wilderness Area as permanent wilderness,

• That the legislation includes appropriate language to protect existing water rights Including those of the Town of Ridgway, as well as reasonable motorized access to maintain such rights,

• That the legislation includes appropriate language to permit livestock grazing to continue in the Whitehouse Expansion of the Sneffels Wilderness Area as provided under current law, Including reasonable motorized access to facilitate use of livestock grazing.